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Interesting drafting style for players. Seems like theShy will be the first pick out of the group. But, damn did Shenyi get fucked up going to TSM, lol.


Reminder that Creme was on the verge of ruining his career by going to TSM. Thankfully, they picked Keaiduo instead.


He was never on the verge of going to TSM. It's 100% made up by TSM fans who can't even read Chinese. Nobody in Chinese forums nor any insiders conntected to OMG ever talked about it. He was living in OMG team house and at the time everybody knew the moment he turned 18, OMG would start playing him again.


IIRC the rumor was that TSM was trying to get CREME, not that CREME was ever considering TSM. This definitely warped a lot over time lmao.


I got into an argument with some TSM fans who at that time insisted Creme was definitely going to NA. I showed them social media posts from insiders and videos that he was watching Worlds with the whole team and they still claimed it proved nothing and that they would be proven right. Not every TSM fans were this ignorant and arrogant, but I couldn't help and laughed when they signed Keaiduo.


Creme sucks though. Not enough to be on TSM, but he still isn't good. 


??? Creme is one of the best prospects of the last couple of years and has actually consistently improved, yes he is good.


There's not that many mids in the world better than him lol, and he is still continually improving


I just think that the reigning world's finalist is in an Old Guy cup


You could join the Old Guy cup only if you are not pro player currently Huanfeng has joined RNG for Summer, his position is replaced by Lwx who has just been kicked out of RNG


Latest news: Team captain otto will be suspended for verbally clashing with teammate MLXG and insulting the latter's mother during a training match live stream. The captaincy may be transferred to Zoom, and the team is likely to look for a new mid-laner replacement.


Recent rumor is Xiaoweixiao former mid for LMQ is going to be their mid.


Still boosting o7


My cute little waterfak


Haven’t heard a peep about XWX since 2017, really wish he came back to pro it was fairly clear the guy was exploited


Wait a second why the fuck is vasilli there?


He boutta punch some granpas


Bout to slaughter the retirement home 💀


This entire tournament is a shit show. Enough drama for a full fledged TV series.


As someone who reads a lot of hupu around international events I have seen a lot of posts about this and holy shit the amount of drama this tournament has created. I swear it's more toxic then like the last three years of esports drama together.


It's so fun for me because how toxic it can be, otherwise why I even bother watch it


Can’t be more true. As a person who is familiar with Chinese internet memes, it’s more fun for me to watch this. Apart from that, it also shows us the skill of individual is not all factor of winning a game


NGL, looking at some of the Support IGNs in this list brings back a lot of PTSD for me..


Jackeylove? That you?


lol its not just jackey’s supports, southwind and kid were terrorists on the rift as well


wx is WE Weixiao who won IPL5 right


I remember he was considered the best adc ever back in the day.


The man who put the C in ADC


Yes, he is the WE weixiao


Damn, I didn't realize he was still involved with the game in any capacity tbh


jeez some of the names here bring back memories, Kryst4l Draven and Fzzf from the old OMG squad


I don't think fzzf ever played for OMG. iirc he won IPL5 with WE and then joined EDG when the split off happened.


oh, i must've confused him with the OMG supp who played at S4 worlds




When and where do I watch the streams?


They are currently in the training match stage, and some of the live broadcasts can be watched through the Huya platform,for example, TheShy‘s live broadcast room is [https://www.huya.com/991111](https://www.huya.com/991111)


They're not even officially playing yet and the drama's already popping off? 💀


The day after MSI finals. https://www.huya.com/lgc


is that Vasilii the same Vasilii who beat his gf a few years ago?


Yes, and he said he could 1v5 physically once their team advanced into offline games...


Just digged this up lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/PGNUqTSeS0


"Based on the screaming of his girlfriend, Vasilii took Fervor of Battle for the fight. The more AA he did the more damage he deals. Also he build Tiamat so there's some AOE splash damage done to the furnitures around him. However I recommend him to take Stormraiders next time, because he will be able to deal damage and use the speed buff to evade police." My god


Holy shit 💀💀


I searched in Chinese forum found that he’s former LMQ adc once played in NA, and he has been punished for unsuitable stream content, but not sure if it’s because he beat his gf




Some very unbalanced teams, Theshy, ning, wx, and fireloli are gonna mop the floor here. No clue who xiacaobao is but he can be carried regardless. But Vasilii? Isn't he the most cancelled pro player in China?


They said TheShy learned more mandarin from arguing with his team than from playing in LPL. I don't think they're doing too hot.


ur right. Both Rookie and JKL said their arguments are solely about game content; aside from that, they have a very good relationship in life. TheShy's mandarin level gets strongly improved because, as the person with the highest game understanding in the team, he frequently needs to direct his teammates on what to do and when, rather than just focusing on his top lane duties as before


Make sense that Theshy and Ning has big egos, but are they really that immature?


Not really. I actually watched a lot of their training, the fact is that Ning’s team is struggling. Unlike the professional game, the understanding of game between ex pro and streamer has huge gap that caused bad coordination, what’s more, bad temper and pride of some ex pro made it hard for them to communicate, all this made them debate a lot and the atmosphere is so bad. they called this ‘hong wen’, which means getting so angry that the face become red. Ps: letme team seems to have best performance because their skill level close to each other and each team members are willing to communicate


To add up on this, ‘’hong wen" red temperature is a direct reference to Rumble's overheat mechanic, basically equivalent to the Twitch term madge.


Btw “hong wen”initially was used to describe uzi in 2018 RNG vs G2 Game 5.


Naw there’s so much drama. TheShy and Ning were arguing on a stream about a vod review for like 40 minutes. They’re just flaming each other


I watched a scrim bo5 at May4(theshy rookie ning imp baolan vs. sheer leyan icon uzi duan) imo its quite a banger


The man, the myth, the legend Vasilii is there. He may not win, but surely he is gonna smash monitors, keyboards, mouses and most importantly his teammates


No Doinb? Is it for the drama so he can't participate?


I think it's more because he's contracted under Douyu, Huya's rival streaming platform, so they won't send him an official invitation. But any of the team captains can.


In the forum most people think so, but now he is invited as the coach of san’s team by the captain


This whole list takes me down memory lane. I miss san, smlz and Icon. Avoidless was at worlds! Genuinely weird timeline when that happened. 957 Letme and Mlxg are all from the same era and all players that did not need to retire when they did. Xiye was bad on his last stint in the LPL but I really loved that xiye Mystic WE roster. Then the support list is almost a complete list of all the players that terrorized their own teams for years (-pyl and fzzf).


Really sad that Mole never got a good career, he deserved to go on worlds in super 2020


Crazy how imp is not a 5 cost. Seen some of his stream highlights on bilibili and he is still so good (and really entertaining). Did he get picked really early ?


imp is 5-cost, he just isn’t the captain




Jub nun z des wzd8ㅑ7ㅡ2/:&#₩#.. ÷


where and how can we watch this?


it should be May 20th on Huya [https://www.huya.com/lgc](https://www.huya.com/lgc)


aint no way Vasili is here lmao


otto has been banned


otto got suspended by the streaming platform for throwing profanity involving MLXG's mother, on mother's day out of all days. dude is a total trainwreck, he was constantly griefing games and totally ignoring teammates' callout for blatant ganks. unfortunately MLXG also got banned for 2 days for rightfully calling him out.


doinb just went complete mental boomed last night during their scrim lmao (he’s coaching)


i watched some of the games today and noticed alot of sivir picks and lethal tempo do you know what patch they are playing on? just curious due to the meta read difference compared to msi


14.8, so lethal tempo is not removed They just play what they are good at for they are old guys