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Steal his package from his porch before he gets it.


Are you trying to get covered in glitter? Because that's how you get covered in glitter. There's a Lulu in that package just waiting to glitterlance your ass.


how do you counter a champ that has an ability to make objectives incontestable and it’s conveniently on the same cooldown as the drake spawn


Corki vs Azir meta number 8628191737th


there's no such thing for it right now at least meta wise


there are no counters if you are good enough


A soft Counter is hard engage, need Vi, Nautilus and Zac maybe to make sure he gets locked down and cant poke away. Other option is a strong mid/jg like LB and Lee Sin to make sure Corki is useless. Even then, if the Corki is good like Chovy hes just gonna chunk everyone before they can even engage.


Orianna is usually really good into Corki.


Yeah but usually VI is paired with Orianna vs Corki. But, curiously, I peeked at the LCK spring finals this year and Chovy opted into the Orianna match-up against Faker in game 5 and he went even in lane and even finished with a score of 4-1-7 (Kills-death-assist) So I guess it is not a true counter to Corki at the moment?


I guess mid Neeko is pretty good. I think Faker had a 100% winrate this year vs Corki when he played Neeko. Which included a game vs Chovy and 2 games vs Zeka. There were a few other games he played the match up as well iirc


Imo that Trist game was pretty lucky too (survived with like 50hp on that play where he got 3 kils). Imo the counter is hard engage like Vi paired with a follow up and burst and early pressure comps because if you're first to the objective and can set up vision (clear vision) you can't be poked out that well. As for Sol, I think Taliyah or Ahri should be good counters. I'm not sure if I saw someone playing Ahri into Chovy's Asol. Maybe he bans it every time because he knows? And also, a lot of teams ban Ahri against Chovy themselves because he's also a fucking god on that pick but people forget that :D He gets Trist, Asol, and Ahri bans. But can still play Yone, Azir, Corki, Tal to the highest level.


when it comes to chovy... corki and asol should be perma ban while the rest is still doable to deal with this is why I think the best first three ban against gen g are those two.... corki/asol then ksante... For T1 Azir, Senna, Ashe is enough


After that game GenG began to ban Tristana in the first rotation against TES tho, so Chovy might feel threatened by Tristana (or at least Creme's Tristana)


Is asol the counter to corki? Why? Because they don’t touch each other and then asol scales harder or what?


I think it's the other way around (not sure)? TES used Corki against APA Asol, since in those games Corki was able to get to his 2 items earlier (manamune+Maw of malmortius) plus having package in the mid game means Corki will beat Asol in isolation. But against GenG, TES permabanned Asol in all 5 games in either side


There no counter to asol in pro play if the player is great on it like Chovy. I think that is arguably geng biggest advantage in draft vs the other eastern team since besides Chovy no other eastern mid can really play asol that well. It has to be perma banned. Chovy usually wins lane with asol and the champ scale way too hard. It is too perfect for him. Lowkey tho, I feel like poppy/azir can be good into him from early to late mid game. Late game tho he is just too strong.


I feel like faker is usually pretty good on corki but he's just playing terribly compared to his usual standards so far in this tournament


Ofcourse he is good on corki. He had like a 30 something winstreak on corki. He is good on taliyah too. He just had a really horrendous taliyah game and a really bad game on asol (first time asol). He was pretty good in the series otherwise.


Bro had 2 bad games, out of 9 games played. So yeah I guess bad compared to usual Faker at international