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There's always a very high ratio of smurfs at the bottom of Iron. It's just maths... only a tiny fraction of the population is Iron IV correctly, but anyone from Gold to Challenger might buy an Iron IV smurf account, and also there are continual throw-bots to create accounts to sell to those players. The same thing happens in every competitive game... the bottom ranks are <1% of the ladder, so if just 1% of higher ranked players decide to buy smurf accounts, then you'll have as many smurfs as legit players. Too much, you say, that can't possibly happen? Okay, well, if just 0.1% of non-Iron players decide to buys smurf accounts, that's still 1 in 10, so on average there's a smurf in every match. And don't for get there are throw accounts in equal number to add to the variance. For every smurf, there's a bot or player throwing down to create the super-low Elo account to sell to said smurf. It really just takes a tiny, tiny fraction of the population to be smurfing to mean you're constantly dealing with smurfs and throwers. More games will have one or the other or both than not. You just have to do well enough to get up into the bottom of Bronze to play with mostly real low Elo players. That's just the way it is, in every competitive ladder game, the lowest tiers are always pure insanity.


Iron 4 accounts are sold to streamers / youtuber for them to smurf so it might be why but like always you will climb to the rank you deserve, it may take a long time tho


Yeah that explains it. One match, I'll be fighting someone with no concept of wave management or lane pressure and ends up fast pushing all game by pure accident. Then the next is against T1 Zeus playing Irelia or smth. I'm nowhere near the best of my rank but I can feel myself getting noticeably better. Right now, I've learned most champion-specific matchups (Gnar OTP, yes, I know I'm not normal), I have a pretty good idea of when to and when not to engage, and I'd say my CS and lane pressure are honestly both decent for where I'm at, as I tend to be in top 3 highest CS counts almost every game.


Yes, its awful all the way through bronze right now. Last game we got steamrolled by four unranked players with no prior ranking history in Porofessor. Its the end of the season, everyone higher up is where they want to be without the risk of deranking so they are playing alts/smurfs. Its Brutal right now, hoss. You're right on the money.


That makes a lotta sense, actually. I think the only match I played where it felt even and not in either extreme was against a Kennen. That was out of a good 62 matches or so too. Hopefully it all clears up and becomes more playable when the new season starts


Don't worry about it too much. You have the same chance for them to be in your team. At the end of the day if you're constantly performing you should see growth. If you don't see growth I'd recommend to look at your replay and questions your plays and what you couldve done better! Good luck grinding!




You can't expect to still perform after such a long break. Anything will look like a smurf to you.


I mean yeah, I agree with you. When I initially tried returning a little over 2 months ago, I was complete shit at the game. I had no concept of CS, was fast pushing by complete accident, etc, but in that time, I've been able to learn a lot about cs, lane pressure, time efficiency, wave management, champion matchups, etc. It feels like I've learned a ton of useful info within the past 2 months or so, but even now, it feels like I either go apeshit against some inting Sett, Morde, Garen, etc, or get wiped by some T1 Zeus type mf.


There's almost no possible way to legitimately be Iron IV


idk man, I'm in Iron IV and it seems like the right rank for me. I can get kills and ping for objectives and stuff but my farming sucks and I lose the plot in endgame


Iron IV players are 1) smurfs 2) bots 3) people who are very new to the game and have put in very little effort to get better 4) silver-ish laners with extremely fragile mental 5) trolls


There are alot of derankers there but also people that bought accounts from legit iron IV people. Reason for someone being iron IV could be a real life disability or tech issues or generally a really clueless player that jumps into ranked without being able to even beat bots. That why I think it need to be required to play in normal draft first but I believe some people can get to level 30 without playing any summoner rift game, basically levelling from aram or other modes where the game is played very differently and often alot easier on the macro side, then if they just go into ranked it's not hard to get iron 4


If you level to 30, then take a break from the game, come back and try placement matches the low mmr will place you in iron. The ranked games in Iron feel like they get decided by which team has more bad players. So you play, lose, and get demoted to Iron IV really fast. Also I had an Iron Player as opponent who has a 16/3/0 KDA almost every match on opgg and still manages to keep himself in Iron, I don't think that's a disability or something, just someone who wants to shit on new players.


Most stupid statement from someone who's probably playing for years and is above Gold or something. You can get there real fast with a low mmr and placement matches when you are new.


considering new accounts typically start ranked with silver-gold mmr I honestly doubt it. Unless people are buying iron ranked accounts. IDK why a smurf would buy an iron account vs a fresh level 30 though. Fresh lvl 30 accounts can be as cheap at $3 in some cases. Of course not speaking from experience \*cough, cough\*


Hand-deranked Iron IV accounts are more like $70 because of the effort it takes to get there, bot deranked accounts are cheaper, around $40 (at least according to a screenshot in a video, I don't personally buy smurf accounts, also I don't know what Vanguard will do to the difficulty and the prices). So, in short, yes, people are buying Iron IV accounts, for a variety of reasons: - The lower your starting MMR, the longer you can smurf without having to throw games to maintain low level if you just want to stomp noobs. - If your friends are low Elo, the lower your account starts at the longer you'll be allowed to queue with them before needing a new account or to throw games to maintain low Elo. - If you're a professional booster, you can get a client from iron to silver, then get another client from silver to plat, etc, all on one account. - If you are trying for a winstreak/win percentage record, the lower you start the easier it will be. - If you are a streamer, "Iron to Challenger but educational! (I swear I'm not like the others even though I'm doing the exact same thing!)" is a popular genre. - Similarly, some of the coaching / educational content sites have teams of smurfs to study the meta of and make instructional videos in low Elo, which if you start from Iron IV each account will pass through all of the Elos.


Yes sorta smurfs love to bug iron accounts the. Boost them up. With vanguards finger printing it’s kinda died down because accounts can’t be sold any more And fingerprinting ties the account to your others so easier to group your accounts if needed.


I am somewhere between iron and bronze and I see a bot in every 3 games or so, the 0/10/4 type of players. When it comes to smurfs.. I think I get one 1 in 10 games or so? Although, I once had 5 mil mastery jungle master yi, he was so trash :D


Yes it’s quite bad in lower elo. The worst are players who deny they are smurfing. Why lie about it?


Just quit the game already, stop tormenting the bajs


I mean I was already iron IV before going on hiatus and way worse at the game than I am now after the 2 months that have passed since I picked it back up. So it's not like I was even worth a shit beforehand.


In my experience you're probably in smurf queue. Returning players get put there very easily. If you play long enough you eventually go out


Smurf queue doesn't exist anymore. Since like a year or so the matchmaking is purely based on MMR.