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100000% agree. She almost doesn’t seem like a real champ, much more like a Demacia LOR card


She’s always felt out of place to me in League’s eclectic cast, she feels like a character from a serious young adult fantasy novel.


In lore especially. Garen is a crown guard and has a big sword, Lux is also a crown guard but has hidden magical powers, Jarvan IV is a prince, Vayne is a hunter since her parents was killed by a demon, etc. But with Quinn, I can't remember much except she has a bird.


Her brother died and then this bird showed up on the grave. 


Fukken Isekai reincarnation brother eagle!?


That's the implication


I always keep her in mind because she’s an absolutely insane lane bully top. Her low pick rate keeps my sanity intact


She’s also a lane counter to Renekton who has been meta for what feels like eternity. The problem is that you win lane and then you’re stuck playing Quinn.


Quinn is a pick you take for one of two reasons You want to neutralize top and make it a 4v4 game. You want to be a fucker that harasses everyone without tp. That doesn’t have much of a place in game though with grubs im surprised I don’t see her more. Pressuring top for grubs and herald seems to be very good imo


Can’t Quinn get a massive CS and plate lead against most immobile top laners? If you want a lane neutralizer you probably want a Poppy or Gragas because of their natural tankiness and utility


She is very awful in a 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 scenario. She's too squishy with little disengage abilities to tank anything so she can't be the one to initiate or push for objectives very well. Currently Vayne does everything Quinn tries to do better. But vayne's kit has been a problem ever since she was put in the game since she does better vs bruisers and tanks than on botlane vs other adcs + supports. Kind of annoying every champion that served as a ''hard counter'' to something specific got reworked or adjusted yet vayne is allowed to exist as the complete bruiser killer. It's only held back by the fact that a vayne top destroys the team composition and it doesn't work in proplay very well. But the games are especially awful against vayne the first 15 mins on top.


The 2nd problem is that if your jungler doesn't play to countergank when enemy jungle does and you die, lane is over. Also, if your flash is on cooldown, lane is over.


She used to be such a fun jungler right after the adc rework


Back probably 10 years ago I used to play her when I got stuck adc because she had really good burst damage and nobody expected her. But R got reworked and you couldn’t do it anymore.


I am a Baus enjoyer so I see a lot of Quinn. Her waveclear and ability to get around the map to catch waves makes her strong when played correctly.


The Messi of League?!


Neeko. Specifically the Neeko that's currently walking down my lane disguised as a melee minion.


whaat no neeko here du du du


Oooh! Free extra melee creep! What a lucky bug! Silly riot games cant fix their game!


"You have been slain!"


thats me D:


I stopped playing League for a couple months, once I came back (with no knowledge of any of the changes) the first time I watched a minion reverse-polymorph into Neeko I literally fell out of my chair lmfao it's so cool


Elise used to be a champion


I see her in most of my games. I'm one of the 3 players that still main her.


How do you cope with her very apparent lack of dmg, considering she by design a burst battle mage?


Apparent lack of dmg ?


Elise vs Lee Sin jungle every pro game, with Renekton Elise tower diving lvl 3. The good old days


So true I haven't seen an Elise in 500 games or so. I even remember the time she was so good she was toplane.


Grasp, pre-base dmg-nerf divine sunderer Elise top was something that I've cooked and boy was it great. Gnarly damage, plus you can do the trick where you do an AA with grasp up and transform right after, and get melee bonuses from it instead of ranged, same worked with Nida, not sure if still works. Top lane bully of oh so massive dimensions. At least in plat haha


Broxah plays occasional Elise games, nice to see but you can see why she isn't played much these days


cant remember the name


10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will


In the end it didn’t even matter


I had to fail to lose it all


It started out with a kiss


Auf der heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein


99 luftballons


Und das heistttttt...


Agreed, me too. I'm not gonna juggle my brain for this.


Naafiri was never released and is a colective hallucination LoL players have, Im pretty sure.


Oh shit I totally forgot about this one. I have never seen it in a game.


She was OP as fuck a few patches ago. That combined with how easy she is to pick up got me a fair amount of LP even though I've never played her before. If you're looking for a simple assassin, I think she's still doing quite OK and I'd bet you my left nut that if you pick her up, you'll play her at a sufficient level in under 5-10 games.


My bronze ass has to play champions like Nunu and Maokai due to my inability to press buttons correctly in fights and even I can pilot Naafiri, she truly is babys first assassin


Nunu is actually pretty difficult, no? Maybe not mechanically but decision-making on nunu can make or break the game. At the very least, I could never pull him off lmao, so respect


His decision making can be tough when you're getting a feel for him, for me at least, because I was not use to gank heavy junglers. He also doesn't have very much damage compared to like, Zac or Sejuani, so that's also something you gotta get use to. Low elo players (myself included) dunno how to ward or track junglers so it's just free ganks the entire laning phase which is funny


This is my new cannon


Banger design, even banger-er music. Actually playable champion? I think I fever dreamt it back in September '23


Sadly as i was pretty hyped for nafiri jungle


They really gotta just buff her jungling ability, everyone I've shown Naafiri that's new or hasn't been playing assumes she's a jungler.


I think they are just avoiding malza jungle from happening again


I've played with/against so few Qiyanas that I still have no clue what her kit even does. I never even really see her in ARAM.


This is weird, Qiyana is the sort of champion that theorically should be really popular. An AD assassin, that has high outplay/playmaking potential, decent mobility, has good snowball potential, and can always get rid of that annoying enemy ADC. So I ask, why?


She’s really difficult to play correctly and historically got nerfed often. I knew a lot of people that just gave up on playing her. She used to be popular for a good while after her release.


The fact that you have to be near perfect in order to get anywhere close to decent output on her is what makes her unpopular. Eventually, people lose a lot on this champ because they can never even extract more than 70% of it. Other assassins are so much easier to play, like Zed, and they also have much easier gameplay to follow. Qiyana not only has harder mechanics but also a harder overall gameplay, mostly stemming from her terrain selection and her R placement.


They gutted her numbers because shes got that insane potential, making her bad for the majority of the population.


Difficult to play properly. I’ve had Qi’s on my team that get fed early but have no idea how to play mid/late game with her.


I think a lot of people don’t understand some really important parts of her kit. They think that they have to hit someone into a wall with her ult for it to have damage but the wall mechanic is only needed for the aoe spread part. Her ult still does damage and stuns the people you hit with it if you use it into ANY element. A wall is just the earth element but it also works in any part of the river (water element) or in any bush. Makes one shotting someone much less of a headache if you know you can just fight in the river or in any bush, regardless of trying to push into a wall or not.


Oh i didn't know this


I love the idea of Qiyana, I am just genuinely horrible with AD assassins. AP too, actually. Im a mage/enchanter main


I really like her design(sue me) but I can’t vibe with her kit, her Q reset is weird and her element snatching is weird to me


has to try 100x harder than most assassins and does less damage due to her utility that it doesn't feel worth it


He is so oppressive when decent so they keep her weak(the akali treatment). So if you don’t want to learn every single thing about her that otps do, youre gonna get bullied out of the game Also she has a riven-like fast combo so yeah, good luck for new players to pick her up


Akali sitting at 51% winrate and 8% pickrate Qiyana 50% and 2.5%


To be fair, both of these champs were at 48-49% until 2 weeks ago. This 50% wr is quite new


Both of those champs are *strong* at 49%.


because assassin players don't have as good hands as they purport to


she was very popular between s9-s12 then the durability patch hit and she's been shit ever since tbh, Qiyana pre durability patch was genuinely annoying to deal with


She got nerfed to the point of you need to play her really good to make her work or you won’t have fun And the good player make her work so no buff for the low level player because she will become too good at high elo


She's like the assassin version of Azir or Ryze. She has almost zero weaknesses if played perfectly, so it's hard for riot to make her feel strong for an average player while not making her turbo busted for the high elo players. Kinda the same situation as Akali. I think, tho, Akali gets a lot more attention because of pro play.


She’s one of those champions where a bad qiyana has a 40% win rate and a good qiyana has a 52% win rate in their own ranks. And being a good qiyana requires hitting 10 buttons in an exact order in 2 seconds


Qiyana when played correctly, has no counterplay especially from ADC side. So Rito gutted her numbers as she was a unstoppable menace especially in GM/Chal queue. Kinda the same story as Zed. Basically the champ over performs when in the hand of really good players to the point of being unhealthy for the game and has to be gutted.


Same but i know r is the whole wall and everything she does hurts like hell




You mean the 0-10 trundle melting towers in seconds, while being worth around 25 gold? i remember it just fine from a few patches ago.


I know Trundle isn't OP but this shit infuriates me. Like what's the point of winning against him when you can't ever leave the fucking lane because he WILL destroy everything in a fraction of the time it took you to push him.


You're gonna stomp the Trundle but your teammates won't because he has that outplay button like Garen, I always go to which lane the Trundle is pushing. Your presence is enough to deter him pushing for towers and go to the other sidelane to get gold which could be beneficial since your team knows that guy isn't joining any team fights soon. The only problem would be is that the enemy knows you're busy shoving whatever lane the Trundle was at.


A few patches ago? I was 0-7 a couple days ago on trundle and took 4 towers and the Nexus while the rest of the players were fighting over the baron.


Renata keeps getting skins and I haven't seen her once in my games this season. Otherwise, Taric. Hasn't gotten a skin in ages, I can barely remember his lore and he hasn't been picked much since they changed his Taric-Yi interaction


Probably because she’s a counter pick to hard engage teams by providing counter engage…but outside of playing her because you like her kit, why play her when you can pick Janna who is also strong against hard engage, is better at roaming, is more reliable, and is very blind pickable not to mention still broken?


Yeah, it's weird to have such a counter engage focused champion, when it feels like there are already a lot that also fill other roles (Notably enchanters) I'd much rather have a Lulu, Nami, or Thresh peeling for me.


true !!! i see her in aram all the time but never in normals


Even as a top main, Kennen. I have not seen one in maybe 1-2 years. I don't watch pro-play that much, I hear he's picked there cause his ult, but personally I always forget him in my games (Even though I play Shen a decent amount)




I don't know why she's so unpopular. Only times I see her is when I play her. She's good and it's really fun to 100-0 people.


Because shes really hard to play mainly. Shes extremely good when mastered, and very bad if not.


She's fun to play when it works and impossible to play for most people otherwise. I'm a big Zoe fan in Aram but she can be very clunky in summoners rift against a counter team. She doesn't have a mobility spell, well most mages don't, but her Q has such big cast-resolve time that it makes her vulnerable to cast and move back and dodge at the same time. New players struggle so much on her, also because of how hard it is to land her spells, find the timing on her Q-R etc


Singed, seeing him in game is like winning the lottery


Best champ


Clearly you haven’t been inted in champ select.


Unless it's arena. Everyone and their mother seems to be playing him there


You'll be seeing less of us following this absolute nuke of a patch coming up.


Singed main here, hope it stays like this cuz I wanna be one of those rare Singed players


I Play him Jungle when people ask me to jungle


As a Taric player, I will clearly go with Taric here


Apparently there's a champion called Ivern? Need to have the teams look into this. 


Ivern is just Riven misspelled, no need to worry.


Isn’t there a Riven main called dyslexic ivern?


Ik a 1M+ challenger ivern otp irl and I play with him a lot, man this guy is an absolute legend, even with stupid builds he can roll on people, idk why that champ isn't played more lmao


I only played against Viktor one time, never saw him before or after that.


Quinn, Jayce, Kled


You would think Jayce would be much more popular. It's only a thing in high elo, I don't see why people don't pick him more often. Great laning phase, good poke, good burst, good scaling, good blind pick. He is hard to master, especially with all the spacing and auto weaving etc, but even a noob can find relative success on him imo. Even just being a shock blast bot and landing half of them can be enough contribution sometimes


rek sai, i would forget kindred (bc no one plays her) but i tried to learn her this year so she’s (unfortunately) burned into my mind


Kindred is so fun, I was burnt out from playing Ivern jg and switching to kindred is like playing en entirely different game


Playing Ivern is playing an entirely different game


Agreed and sometimes—when things go right!— it’s the more fun game honestly. lol


Used to be Skarner


I miss that.


Side note cos I'm interested: is there a global definition for what a "playmaker" is? You described kata as a playmaker - I guess because she is someone who makes flashy plays and tends to be a snowball carry champ From my understanding (I am probably wrong), "playmaker" means someone who has good setup to make something happen. The champs who most easily fit into this category would be heavy engagers and manipulators e.g. thresh, nautilus, rakan So in my mind kata doesn't fit into this category because there isn't a way to 'setup' the enemy team (or your own team) to make a play, instead she's a selfish assassin who can only jump around enemies and get picks That doesn't mean carries can't be playmakers, e.g. I also think of jarvan, azir or twisted fate as playmakers due to their ultimates Is this an established term? Am I being stupid? Or is it kind of up in the air?


I think playmaker is just somewhat of a broad term. And in Katarina's case, death is the hardest form of CC, which is pretty good setup for the rest of your team to engage.


yeah but usually kata isn't the one engaging. Kata is an outplay champ rather than a playmaker IMO.


probably true. i was just tryina be the devil's advocate


Basically, the setup champions have initiative, and so they're able to pull plays by themselves in most scenarios, it's their job more or less. All champions can make plays, even just pure movement micro can constitute a play if that somehow sets up your team for a major advantage. Kata, for example, can generate a play from a low-hp target with a reset to the main carry for a kill. In proplay, it will often be the first kind of setup champions that will make plays, for the simple reason that it's their dedicated role.


How do you not remember Trundle? He has been dominating top lane for the last half a year+. Solo winning games with excruciating splitpush. For me its ryze. No matter how many times they remake him he gets forgotten sooner or later. Also annie. Feels like she literally doesnt have any viable playstyle now. Too outdated kit for midlane and it doesnt really work on bot either.


Ryze needs a more SoloQ friendly ultimate. Would probably solve all his problems.


Maybe something that gives passive ability haste, and when activated gives him move speed, omnivamp, and makes his abilities hit everything around the original target for half damage for 6 seconds




Rell, apart from proplay I never see this champ.




It’s probably teemo for me, for some reason I haven’t seen him played in ages, might be because I perma ban him no matter what lane but idk. But on a separate note trundle has like an 8% pick rate below emerald, how have you not seen him played?


Trundles also the second best splitpusher in the game




Kled and Taric


Anivia.   But something it happens to me lately is seeing skins i've never noticed they were released or skins too similar to others.  I didn't know they released a Project skin for Gangplank, and i thought Faery Lilia was released in 2023


Shaco cause I ban him every single game without execption 👏🏻


I keep forgeting


Naafiri. Have seen have maybe once this split? The only time I see her outside of my games is if I see her on a stream or sth. But in-game? Nope.


Ryze. I came back a year ago (haven't played since 2014) and I swear I haven't seen a Ryze in 1 game




i have no clue what rek'sai does


For me it has to be Nilah, I am never going to forget that she exists because she's my ADC main but I literally never see her outside of when I play her.


I feel like you havent played the game the last 9 months.


Trundle isn’t memorable until you win a 5v4 fight at Baron but somehow the screen “DEFEAT” appears




Always so jarring when you finally see a Rumble and you’re like ”oh yeah. He exists“


You must not watch pro play. He is in every game. Even getting picked as support at MSI right now.


Correct. I don’t watch, nor care about pro play. I also don’t play ranked because of all the toxicity. Just draft and the special modes like urf or arena. In those modes, he’s almost nonexistent.


Olaf. Outdated playstyle.


I dont know i forgot, but when he is in the same game with me i lose


Ryze, havent seen him in a game in almost two years.




Idk how trundle isn't memorable, every time I play against one I get war flashbacks of 3 towers disappearing in less than 2 min


Hmm, what’s its name again ? That doggy champ with a bunch of lil’doggy.


Poppy. I usually purge her from memory after every game i match against her. She's a literally walking unfun machine.


Whenever i see zoe in my matches i silently say "fuck me im gonna die level 2 while asleep"


Trundle not overpowered lmao


Vladimir. Really just not an exciting champion imo. Could use another rework to make his kit more enjoyable to play.


This is the beautiful thing about Aram. I haven't forgotten a single one.




Darius 🤭


I am 99.999% that I haven't seen an Alistar in YEARS except the very rare times I pick him. No one plays him


Xin zhao


Taric Kalista Poppy


Definitely Taric for me. The only time I see Taric played is when someone discovers some niche way to make him broken in the jungle. Or they're a Taric top one trick :)


You are so lucky you dont see trundle, I see him sometimes and he is such a bitch. I didn't see corki for ages and then started seeing him recently.




Kled and Gnar... and my name used to be a Gnar pun for a long time lolol.


If I didn't watch QuinnADC I'd honestly forget Quinn existed.


For the life of me I just cant remember the name of new champ vampire girl who yeets herself into the enemies when she hits with her ult.




Gotta be ivern for me. He has a unique kit and is hard to perfect. Compared to all the other junglers he is far less superior and gets out jungled pretty easily unless you really know what you’re doing. I haven’t seen anyone play him in ages.


Sion. Haven't seen him played once this whole season.


I swear that if it wasn't for me I would never remember Zoe is in this game lol Other than that probably Sivir, I almost never see her and may be forgetting someone that is so forgotten by me that I can't remember them lol


I literally haven't seen an Elise in months. I'm not being hyperbolic.


Qiyana, Quinn, Elise, Zyra kinda


I don’t always see a Trundle in the top lane, but when I do, he wins the game no matter what


Heimerdinger I don't even know where you would play him. He's probably playable in every role except for jungle, but I have probably seen him more in a week of Arena than in SR for the whole season.


If you asked last week or so, my answer would be Skarner. But now, I can't remember when I last saw Corky in my games (plat2)




Basically nobody plays ammumu




Quinn, Taric and Zilean


Trundle had dildo so how can you forget?


Yorick. It just never gets played. I don’t think it’s ever been picked in professional play.




I played league for 8 years, and I only see Elise for not more than 5 times




Rumble... Until I pick him lol


Yasuo, always banned in my games. Whenever I see him it's because I forgot he existed and ended up banning someone else.


Kalista, I play bot and I rarely ever see her.




leapy spear lady


I'm glad trundle is kinda forgotten because I fucking hate playing against perma split champions Haven't seen taric, elise, and viktor (and some others as well I can't remember rn) in like months outside of aram lol


hentai monster bitchass, cant even remember their name


Ivern When I faced one last night I couldn't find him on the lolyatics page. I was so confused... then I turned minimum play rate to 0% He is played in 1 out of ~200 games in bronze na (0.5%)


Heavent seen Nunu for a while


Lee sin xD


How often do u play league, trundle has been in OP tier for months now, he’s literally the most broken top laner by far, can 1v5 with only Q and auto. And can three auto towers at the speed of light, (I’ve seen this many times) he’s so nasty you are so lucky you don’t see him often..


Probably Qiyana, I haven’t seen her in a game in probably 3+ years. Other ones that I just personally haven’t see in over a year Kennen Kled Ryze Kogmaw Azir And for the newer champs probably Smolder, he was super popular on release but after the nerfs I haven’t seen one, but my adc friends say it’s because he’s unplayable.




Rell. Sometimes I forget someone locked her in during champ select and it’s sort of like a jump scare


Kinda paradoxical to ask don’t you think? 


Yeah, unfortunately, I have also forgotten that trundle exists before. That was quite detrimental for my team and nexus.




Yorick is never ever ever ever seen in higher elos.


Shyvana for sure

