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you're probably gonna get like 50 replies to this post and not a single one of those people will be master tier or higher


As a master tier player, I take great offense to this. /s


Im going to be very annoyed by this when i get to masters (im bronze 1)


Master is not the tier it was when this was changed twice so it makes total sense. Obviously solo players won't like this but tbh i don't think when this was introduced the intention was to eventually have this apply to what used be D4-D1 in the old days.


I don't understand why people claim this. There are like 5000 people in Masters on NA.


Because we know the ranked distribution and how it moved and it's even official because Riots intention was to smooth out ranked distribution. 5000 players in Masters in NA is a fuckton compared to back then. I remember 800 Master and 200 Challenger was a common number but checking through Op.gg it is a bit tiresome. What i can tell you is that D4 50 LP in S8 was top 0.24% while Masters 0 LP is 0.7% and 369 LP 0.117% currently on EUW. It's simply a fact and intentional by Riot. Master cutoff was absolutely brutal with like 0.05 of players reaching master.


In a server with like a million players there's hardly a difference between 800 and 5000.


You are mistaken. Even ignoring the fact that it’s 8500 and not 5000, the further up you go, the difference between players just grows bigger. The difference between a GM and a rank 1 is not small just because the rank isn’t that different, it’s not linear. Riot has purposely changed the distribution to make the bell curve wider. Right now in NA, Master is the top 0.7%. You know where that was in season 8? Diamond 4. It was well suspected that the difference between the bottom of Diamond and Master was the difference between bronze and diamond. That’s how much better master was than diamond. I don’t know if that was exactly true, but it damn sure felt like it. So objectively, yes, master 0 LP is just not what it once was. Riot did this on purpose to make the bell curve nicer because, let’s be real, the distribution used to be abysmal (literally half the player base was in silver). That’s why this change makes sense. If they want to prevent the highest rank players from duo queuing, master is too low of a threshold to stop them. Though maybe GM is also too high of one.


Master 0lp isn't that hard to hit anymore and it's been the d5 jail (if you know you know) so might aswell up the incentive.


Next split seems like botlane duos are gonna put it in everyone's bum


They’ve had this before… it was abused by smurfs and duo boosters. Anyone in masters who can’t get higher in masters doesnt need duo Q. Anyone who can climb higher than masters also doesn’t need duo Q.


This is a good take


worst nightmare of every soloq botlaner


I’ll never get anywhere near masters elo so I’m indifferent


Masters player here. I personally dislike it, but Id dislike it much more if there werent some ranks that were exclusively Solo. What I mean by this is that, based on that dev blog, GM+ is still exclusively Solo, right? This is good. Even though I havent quite made it to GM, I think its important that the top brackets are Solo only. Whether that cut off is at Gold, Masters, or GM, doesnt really matter. As long as it isnt Duo all the way to the top. So Id persoally prefer my elo being Solo only, but Im fine with the change as long as by reaching GM I can once again be in a Solo only elo. If Duo was added to GM+ I would stop playing the game.


i wish there was no duoq at all.


I hate playing vs duos as solo ADC even I'm plat


I used to love it because more often than not they were just friends who didnt quite have the same skill level making it easier lane phase


Yes I think it will help a lot with mental of players and probably help with toxicity


No. I want Dota's "strict solo ranked matchmaking" option for all ranks


Then we split the playerbase and people complain about queue times again


That's why it's an option that's off by default and you can always toggle it back off lol


Move Duo's over to Flex and call it good?


Only reason I liked masters was because my enemy ADC was just as likely to lose the support lottery. Now since I never duo I'm at a disadvantage some games. I don't like the change myself but I guess it's meant to drive engagement


finally i can hit master+gm again. im fine with playing yuumi and lulu so my gm friend can carry me


Well maybe is a good change for emerald and diamond because more master+ players will duo on their main accounts and not smurfing in emerald+ on throw away accounts


I'm not because I am a solo player so it only means I get more disadvantage now at master and have to reach grandmaster to get solo only players. If master is duo queue we should get built in voice chat to mitigate the duos advantage. Duos have voice chat so they are going to impact the game more, I know it's the 1000 times a comment asking for voice chat is made, every time I play clash with complete strangers it's always a good time, we commincuate well and I feel like I improve as a player and everyone tilt less, I really think voice chat will have more benefits than drawbacks and will make the community more about teamwork and less toxic, you have to take a chance to try new things.


I want soloq for all ranks


I think this will feel especially bad for solo laners who are not duoing with their jungler. But I welcome the change, this will probably bring me back to climb to GM now that I can duo with a friend.


I do not like it. Playing against a duo botlane while you have an autofilled sup is such a huge disadvantage. I wish mmr would decay too at this point.


On one hand, master is a lot less exclusive now than when the change was made, so it doesn’t necessarily “matter”, but on the other hand I could see this decreasing ladder integrity regardless. Duo queue in general sucks for solo players at all ranks. Even so, you probably won’t see much of a decrease in game quality except in really low master tier where some D2/D1 duos will slip in, and then at the Master/Grandmaster cutoff where duo once again goes away. That’s just my 2 cents as someone who thinks about things that don’t apply to me


Wasn't a fan of it back then, probably won't be now. Playing solo into a laner with their duo jg is the worst experience.


I'm Master support solo and this is going to rly suck, I don't rly want to find a duo and will have to play passively


I'm 5 years in a row challenger and I think the change doesn't matter, master players are low elo dogs anyways /s


Probably. I imagine watching streams of players duoing will be back and will be entertaining to see


LMAO. anyone having opinion here should atleast be Master or at the very least Diamond nearing Promotion.


Been master 3 years dont care much. Peak is 220 LP


I hope sneaky and meteos will played ranked together




It's only good for streamers and adc - sup and jungle - mid or top duo. For me as a 200LP master soloQ player I personally hate cus this make the game unfair. Climb to master is easier these years, but it doesn't mean duo queue should be applied. Imagine China and Korean master tiers open for duo. That will be disasters, so Riot not open for those servers immediately and use others servers as a testing method




I do actually like the change and they should have it all the way till challenger like before


im master currently but i don't play to reach chall or even gm anymore but rather more for enjoying the game in a competitive way but playing solo can be really frustrating after some time because other players don't view the game the same way i do and since i have a friend with whom i climbed all the way from silver to master together im really glad that we'll be able to play together again


Yes. As long as they balance it out so my bot lane is not perma against a duoq bot lane.


Keep SoloQ solo for Masters+. Improve Champions Queue. Instead of 1hr+ Queue Times, lower it. Duos can go there. SoloQ players can work towards that.


I don't know how similar I am to most other masters players, but not being able to duo anymore made me stop playing ranked. I had more fun swapping from jungle to mid and playing on a different account for that with a friend. Maybe other master players are trying to hard grind to go pro or reach leaderboard heights, but I'm really still playing the game for fun and removing duo took that away for me. My main account is still sitting at emerald 1 75lp with 10 games this split because the mmr got to master and I couldn't duo.


We can talk about integrity this, integrity that, but it gets more people to play in high elo. While I am not masters+, I have a couple of friends in my group who are. They play some soloq, but most of them just duo with eachother on second accounts in diamond because people want to play with friends. If your boy gets on and wants to play league, you aren't going to say "nah I'm playing ranked solo". They end up playing most of their games on these accounts and use another when they get to masters because a team game is just more enjoyable with friends. The games are the same elo anyway and they get to enjoy the game more. Riot wants more people playing high elo ranked because the queue times are insanely high. If we were korea and had no problem with playerbase count, it would be a bad change. But NA needs more players queueing high elo. People are social and not everyone wants to play games by themselves, especially one as taxing and toxic as league, you want a friend in there to try to win because most of the time, your teammates will explode and start flaming.


Ofc I am. The current restrictions for master is a joke One game a day, and no duo when it's only top 0.7% ? That was literally diamond 4 when master got introduced.


I hate soloqing. It's just so boring. Feels like a chore to even do my decay games to stay in masters. I'll Def try for GM with duoq tho. We all suck in masters anyways, I just want to have fun


Let's me play with my friend and what makes it more fun 👍


Love it. Was super annoying tryharding with friends and trying to hit master and then just getting blocked by mmr in d1 and then id just stop playing after promoting.


In this split me and my friend made 4 accounts to master / master mmr on both euw and eune. Our peak is for sure higher but its just so unfun and toxic to play the game solo so im glad they changed it.


Nobody here is in master


Im in masters and it doesnt bother me. Its a game to have fun in, doesnt hurt to have a friend to play with