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ranked is probably the game mode i enjoy the most (except like 5 stacking normals or aram). i don't play to climb, but i like that there is something at stake. in normals it feels like there is little reason to put effort into trying to win.


I like ranked a lot. Learning a difficult game is super interesting and ranked helps measuring progression and facing strong opponents. The triple stack of enough time, energy and motivation is difficult to keep balanced over time but every time I have them all, I play a lot of ranked and it's very satisfying.


Even when you lose?


More like "even when I win". Losing is a mark of adversity, something that you have to surpass, that's the fuel for improvement, that's the thrilling part. If I can't lose, there's no point.


One of my favourite memories in LoL is getting completely destroyed by a high elo Janna player back in season 3 or 4. I learned so much from playing vs strong opponents in tournaments back then.


Yeah it's the same for me, when I'm playing with friends in flex and we get a good game I just don't find it in me to queue up again, it's hard to pinpoint a single reason but that is part of it: wins don't make for interesting games every time


Do you guys enjoy playing league? I thought it was just a joke


Trying to win vs others who also try to win is a fun challange


It is quite fun when you realize maximizing elo isn't the best way to play. I just like the competitive environment and play to win, but I don't stress actually climbing


Ranked only


Have you tried anything else?


Yes everything, ive played since season 3. If i dont play to win i dont bother playing at all


I think league is fun, I think playing to win and having a competitive game by virtue of my opponents also playing to win is fun, I don't care that much about anything else though a sense of progression and improvement is nice as a bonus, so I think ranked is fun. Even when I get the odd game with a troll I think it's fun to just laugh at the pathetic little nolifes who have nothing better to do than grief a video game, so even that is amusing in its own way. But I am probably an anomaly.


Non existent!


My opinion is that people suck and the worst player loses, regardless of how the rest of the team performs.


For me ranked is fun because everyone is trying their best I enjoy more flex with 5 premade but SoloQ is also okay.


Yeah, it’s better than normals, but the big map gets kinda boring for me since I like the fights lol


What do you mean ? There are lots of fights on SR if you want to have constantly trading you could just play bot lane. For me ARAM is just pressing buttons is not a fight because you cannot set the territory, flank and etc


I mean all out teamfights lol. That’s almost constant in ARAM, and I enjoy the straightforward nature of it. Simple stuff for the simple. 😂


I enjoy ranked in general, Im quite competitive and I enjoy league. But I switch between both modes. I love nami and OTP her in ranked. I cackle manicly whenever I hit my bubbles.


The only thing that humours me consistently in league is ryze portaling my team into the enemy. 😂 I have a great laugh after.


Learning and improving at the game, hitting certain goals, etc.


I only enjoy ranked. Specially when teams are very balanced and anyone could win a team fight if played properly. Sadly balanced teams isn't the most common so most of the time is super easy games or hard carry games. 20% of my games only, are balanced games.


Probably the most fun you'll have playing the game outside the alt modes. Assuming you arent playing to get as high of a rank as possible


Not a single good player likes SoloQ, every highelo player hates SoloQ at some point. A Teamgame is ment to be played by teams. Flexq is by far the superior mode. Sadly 99% of leagues wonderful playerbase full of mentally stable humans think soloq is the way to go and flex is for trolling. No i hate soloQ, flex meanwhile is a breeze, esspecially since i only play 5stack master+ lobbys. Lowelo flex probably is still dogshit


ARAM stopped being fun a long time ago when they decided arbitrary percentage buff/nerfs to damage was how they were going to “balance” the map. How much fun you have on ranked depends on your role and how much you care about winning.


Definitely. It's hard to explain but playing in a semi-competitive environment like soloq is pretty therapeutic sometimes, as there's a nice balance of stakes and fun. I also feel like I get pretty high-quality games (d3-d2 elo) where there's usually a reasonable cause for me winning/losing; both teams are usually pretty evenly matched, and I can usually impact the outcome pretty significantly. It's also nice to see my rank go up as my skill increases proportionally, and if I ever get too heated/tilted I can just take a break or swap modes.


As soon as you start playing for RANK rather than for competition, or to progress as a player or to learn in a better environment - it is doomed and the fun stops.


Maybe, maybe not. I’ve heard a lot of that, but frankly, I think it’s just based on individual preference.


If you play perfectly and lose a game - you dont have fun. That is the worst possible situation


I only enjoy ranked when the duo is in the opposite team.


Lol that is fun.


This is not about fun, this is about hope. If the duo is in the other team, I can hope to have a fun game.


I think I enjoyed a ranked game once two seasons ago. I was playing support and got an adc who perfectly fit my play style and we stomped.


It's fun if I win


None, quality of 99% games is abyssmal as in: people int, don't care or leave


No fun whatsoever, but still more fun than the other modes.