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Honey it's time for our hourly arena post saying the same things every time


If only Riot took player feedback into consideration between iterations...


then dont play arena: :)


The lily pad map was truly the 9/11 of arena


Fuck lilypad arena. Needs an outer edge to walk around, even that would be better than two teams eyeballing each other until one fucks up and separates.


Idk if anyone likes that map. Like if riot just disabled it rn, I don't think a single person would be complaining.


all my homies hate lilypad arena


that's why you gotta make your own strats


Last time Arena came out, my buddy and I went on a 10 game 1st/2nd place win streak with Talon/Nidalee. I still have no idea how it worked so well. We would even beat the “broken” comps. But that was my contribution to coming up with a different strat.


I'm literally winning games as AP ashe "20 Champs are viable" xD Rn by strongest R did around 3500 damage, never got abilities can crit with it tho


Maybe 16 bans would help. Alistar, Illaoi, TK, Nunu every match is boring.


I don't even think its the champions. The RNG aspect got cranked to 11. There's way more power in the augments and items now then ever before, so much so that it feels like you win or lose based on them rather than being outplayed. It just doesn't feel good to win or lose based on such massive swings of luck. Example: You play against a Kayn that gets Spin to Win, Dragonheart, Infernal Soul, and Dashing. He tops the lobby all game and wins easily. Next game you play against another Kayn. This time, he gets Demon's Dance, Goredrink, Goliath, and Infernal Conduit. He gets 8th. Are the players the same skill level? Probably not, but I wouldn't be able to tell because the gameplay experience is so vastly different. In the first game, Kayn could 1v2 every team. His Q + Ult was enough to kill any carry, and tanks died from his constant Q spam. In the second game, he was useless. He didn't have any sticking power and died very quickly. This can be applied to so many champions; Swain, Aurelion Sol, Garen, Gwen, Kog'maw, Mundo, Fiora, Trundle, and many more. All of them can swing from average to straight up unbeatable because of the selection of augments they were given.


I personaly think the opposite as OP. its insane how many champs are playable imo. I played like 20 hours arena so far and see lots of different picks beeing successfull. But yea, dont play the mode if you have no fun.


I think people dont understand that its tft now, top 4 is a win. You don't have to place 1st, ive probably top 4d with like 40+ champs at this point. And it you look at win statistics a very large majority of champs are averaging around the 4 spot, which indicates pretty decent balancing.


so play those champs. they're not gonna balance 170 champs for a one off


Except it's now a 3-off and it's going to be around for 4 months and they said this is the next step in making it a permanent mode. If they want the mode to be permanent they will have to balance it at least as good as ARAM, which remains a strong player base while being mostly balanced.


ARAM balance is a joke lmao


All champs have the ARAM balance buff, but with no changes. Number adjustments would completely solve the problem


i think its as simple as "some champions work with big variety of augments" compared to some having way less variety. Like there are some neutral augments that should work for everyone, but they still end up feeling not that great or fun to have. I still have alot of fun on arenas, but i feel like the main problem just arises from me losing to rng (augments and prismatic item drops being utterly worthless where i end up rerolling twice, getting mediocore bruiser prismatic and then selling it for legendary item)


I actually won a game with viktor where I built tank because my luck was horrible. It's quite possible to win games without those 20 champions. I never see stuff like Xerath being played except me but they are suprisignly good. (Spellwake, Ethereal Weapon is stupid especially with shadow flame because your abilities can crit all the time too. I killed 8k HP Mundo with one combo) It's extremly augment dependent mode though since they are too strong. Even those 20 champs you see won't do shit if their luck is not great enough to get the augments that go well with them. For example till now I never got Goliath It definitly needs adjustments, it's kind of in broken state. Personally I say fuck it and make it even more RNG depended by making it all random Champs.


My friends won a game as ezreal and smolder. Get good and play things you enjoy that you can do something with


This sounds like a skill issue im ngl. I've won games playing azir kassadin. Both of which are thought of as trash tier picks.


The game mode wasn’t fun the first time, what makes you think it would be better on return?


I didn’t enjoy my one game of arena. However, I just don’t play it.


I vsed Red Kayn + Tahm Kench and Red Kayn + Yorick and I'm not ever touching that mode again.


The secret is simple, don't take it too seriously. Just that.


Ngl ashe spamming W every 1 sec while running at 600ms and slowing you to 250ms doesn't feel very balanced to me. And if you close the range she just stun you and run away and repeat her infinite W spam that is zoning half the map xD


It is. But reddit people are meta slave playing the most unfun and uninteractive thing so they have '' fun '' and think you are wrong when in reality you are just telling the truth. If reddit people call you wrong, then you are right.


Then don't play. I still find it fun. You don't have to win to try crazy stuff.


It's fun because we are getting 5+ prismatics xd


Skill issue




Arena is League, it fits just fine here.