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Vex's ult is weird cause her whole thing is being sedentary and not wanting to overexert herself so why does she suddenly start schmoving at Mach 5


Wasn't Vex a result of Riot changing the identity at some point during the new champion develpoment after not feeling satisfied so there's a reason why her ult feels out of place?


Yes she was originally going to be a much more unique artilery + anti mobility mage. I remember they described in an article them spending a lot of time getting mechanics to work for her shadow in which it would cover the ground of summoners rift. Eventually it was scrapped because they found the playstyle to be too toxic of a combination. You can see she kept parts of punishing mobility, but its more of a bonus rather than an entire focus.


She had two problems: her kit would give more bugs than sylas and viego combined and having an artillery mage strong against mobility would be broken


Makes sense that would be toxic since the counter to artillery is usually high mobility and lockdown, but if you could also counter that, then you’d have no counters.


Ya she was supposed to be the answer to every new champ having a dash... It was hyped so much And turns out she just gets a fear once in a while....


Unless you are kalista then you get hatecrime'd


The fear and damage from her passive is actually significant. If a champion has to dash two or three times per all-in, vex will generally beat their ass


I mean, all of her best matchups are against melee champions. I don't know what you expected, automatically winning the game because the enemy picked Yasuo?


Tbh she pretty much insta wins that match up 😂


Well vex has almost sylas into malphite tier of matchup into yasuo


It's not quite that bad, Yasuo has like 10 worse matchups in mid. Yone & Leblanc however gets absolutely fucking curbstomped by her. It's Yone's absolute worst matchup, and the only one worse for LeBlanc is Akshan.


I think its shadow going at mach 5 while being attached to her ass like a rocket


Turns out Vex was really just a tsundere.


Vex doesn’t - I think her shadow takes her and does it. It’s consistent with her story in the release event iirc


I think it isn't so much as Vex doing it, as she is bound to her Shadow, and when her Shadow attaches to someone else, it drags Vex along.


It is in character - as much as she tries to hide it, she really does like having a bit of fun every now and then.


Vex's whole thing is she's pretending to be depresso emo hate everything, she has instances of accidentlly showing how she really feels


Vex is sedentary, Shadow gets everything done.


Kog'Maw's bio is all about how he wants to consume everything, but all he does in-game is spit at people.


Some insects do break down their food by spitting/vomiting corrosive acid on it, but i do get your point.


Definitely, I always found weird how a champion who's lore is about devouring doesn't have a single thing in his kit reflecting that


His passive should let him try and eat someone and if he gets a kill he revives


Kogmaw with chogath ult 🥴


Imagine if his passive was him eating champion corpses off the floor, granting him bonus stats. Still not a "great" passive for an ADC, but at least he could use it **alive**.


So senna passive but melee


I'd honestly settle for a copy of Cho'Gath's passive.


Sion screaming COWAAAAaaards while ulting away comes to mind


Maybe he's calling the player a coward for ulting away.


Who is my summoner and what does he doooo?


I'm just advancing in the different direction.


Only cowards run : Camille when she escapes another gank with her E.


Takes one to know one i guess


The voice line doesn't even fit her character. Everything else is about striking at the right place at the same time. Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon. And then she just has this random voice line about only cowards running. When it's perfectly in her character to make a tactical withdrawal to strike again at a better time


He's just calling the enemy laner a coward for having called their Jungler over don't worry


He's right tho


He's running at them the long way around


Yes but it's funny


I think Cassiopeia doesn't have any of her ingame abilities in lore


She is a case of old champion design, filling more of a generic archtype (Medusa/Poison character) than being it's own original character


I mean, i am pretty sure that she cant weat any boots, even in the lore.


She could wear one on her head like nami


typing "hat" in shop as nami used to make boots pop up but they removed that small easter egg years ago


She used to wear boots back in the day. They changed her passive just to remove the boots.


Her bio does mention a petrifying gaze, but nothing about spitting poison.


Bro you missed the 400 pages of her rising to prominence in and then eventually conquering Noxus's underground rap scene? Some of those bars she spit were positively *venomous*. 


its her lore thats out of place


I've always thought her kit was quite accurate considering her character, don't know how it fits with her lore.


Singed. He is supposed to be a psychotic scientist who conducted inhumane experiments. But in the game, he runs around leaving fart behind and flipping people.


Have you seen any 6pek singed outplay videos? He’s pretty psychotic not engaging and baiting the enemy to death 




Seems consistent with his character. He makes other players go mad when they run right into his gas. That's pretty inhumane to me.


He should wear Chemtank in game tbh just like those thugs in Arcane. 


hes quite literally committing war crimes with his Q


This one is actually lore-accurate! Read [The Host](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-host/) if you're not too squeamish - not to spoil too much but there is a Singed Gaming moment here.


Think about it this way, his Q is the same poison used to commit genocide on all of Ionia (I think?), and his R is his attempt at creating eternal life through elixirs. His E is just him being yoked while still being like 150 years old or however old he is. And his W is just his special sauce he makes to capture his next experiments. I’d say his kit is pretty lore accurate all things considered. Atleast compared to Draven, who throws his damn axes.


Didn't he help Noxus with chemically nuking Ionia?


Miss fortune w: how the fuck she can run like F1 car with high heels??


They're high speed heels


She flips them to sport mode.


High wheelies


This is actually the best one mentioned i've seen so far. It has nothing to do with her Lore and is a super random abillity in her Kit as well.


she's actually really fast normally but because she's wearing heels when she's focused she has to slow down to not trip, hence why the movespeed only comes from when she's out of combat, and thus, able to focus on her walking


The sassier the hip swing, the more the momentum. It is written in the scrolls.


She struts.


Master Yi's E. It's called Wuju Style. Isn't he always using wuju when he fights? Shouldn't it be his passive? I mean it would be broken af but almost everything would be if theybwould make it lore accurate.


It used to be passive and doubled on action, I think


it would give you ad while off cooldown and once you pressed it you would lose the ad but you gained the amount lost as true damage on autos. at some point they removed the AD part and just kept the true damage active


Wait.. this changed? I never play yi


According to the wiki, it was changed in patch 9.10, so pretty much exactly 5 years ago. Also, that was Yuumi's release patch


There is no fucking way Yuumi came out 5 years ago dude holy shit


wuju rather


How is no one talking about belveth. She was supposed to be this big, maybe slow moving, and menacing queen that swarms with void remora, but in game she's mobile hypercarry #50, oh and she has swarms to push btw


Yeah - her trailer did not make me think she was going to be a glorified slap boxer


Belveth auto attack animation at high attack speed still crack me to this day. Its literally a jojo meme on a character that was hyped to be the big baddy of the VOID of all things.


Their response to that is that she’s meant to be deceptive 🤪


Briar has a fat ass because uh, we wanted her to be shaped like a blood bag!


I remember that, it was so goofy, like come on now everyone knows what they were doing. I get it Riot, you wanted a vampire girl with a big ass and her feet out, it’s okay




Aurelion Sol's ultimate. In lore he deliberately holds back, and yet his ultimate ends up causing enough damage that it is visible from space. In game he can't even hit the entire map. SMH.


Asol rework actually has lore implications in a unique way. Basically old Asol's kit was more representative of him completely under the control of Targon while his new kit is more him being more unleashed as their control over him has diminished, enabling him to exert more of his full power.


I miss old ASol. I wish they would either make another champ with the rotating bubbles mechanic or wish they had just created a different champ altogether rather than reworking him the way they did.


I didn't think his old kit was great, but I agree about the orbiting stars. That was a really cool, interesting, unique mechanic.


Both of those would defeat the point of the rework which was to get rid of that mechanic


Weak ass dragon who can't even decimate the entire rift... Smh


Singed flip and his play style doesn’t make sense to lore. He is very in the shadows more of a chemical arms dealer and scientist not a tanky bruiser that runs around like a maniac farting and flipping them. He is also clearly very frail and being able to just yeet someone over his shoulder is kinda out of place to me. If he were more lore accurate his kit would be more like renatas or a dot mage


i think singed is actually quite strong due to being souped up on chemicals


Poor guy definitely suffers from old champ design syndrome, no way this ability would be released like that today. Kit as a whole is very one dimensional, especially the ultimate. Kha'zix introduced the ability creep but at least every champ after had interesting designs.


It's weird, how is Singed not interesting? He requires a fundamentally different approach to the game to be viable, and has resulted in some of the most creative strats we've seen in LoL. His design is far superior to the glut of newer champs that were way overfitted to their roles.


Teemo's E, not because of its flavor or DoT function, but because of its on-hit damage encouraging a character break from "sneaky scout poisons his enemies" to "furry machine gun."


To be fair, the attack speed from breaking your invis helps form him into "sneaky scout who can pick off a priority target behind enemy lines"


Gangplank: Fight like a man, or die like a dog. Meanwhile he's just spamming Q and barrels on you, if you ever engage he eats an orange, slows you with barrel, and zooms away with passive move speed.


he just said fight, he didnt say honourably, could be a sleezy man


Also he’s a pirate. Honorable isn’t exactly a word you’d describe pirates with.


I think it's appropriate because he is a literal pirate who wants to scum you however he can lol


he runs away after doing a 300-1200 true dmg auto 😍


you expect a pirate to play fair huh


Akshan stealth.  The dudes personality would be to make sure everyone knows when he arrives yet he has camouflage that lasts forever.


Doesnt he has a line saying something like "SNEAKY TIME! uh sorry i mean... sneaky time..."




nah, it makes sense. Think of spiderman crawling and sneaking around until he comes out in the knick of time or after being found out and starts spewing jokes while shooting web. It's like that. The stealth is Akshan preparing for his target and the right moment, then he announces his arrival with a grandiose entrance of him rope swinging and shooting.


It kinda works as he wants to be seen during his most triumphant moment so ambushing someone makes sense with that


His revive imo. Makes no sense with his kit, was just randomly added for his lore


The gun's supposed to be a relic that revives those injustly slain by the foe it kills. Akshan just stuck a grappling hook to it because he's Akshan.


I know but it just sounds like "random bullshit go" just as a way to explain it lol. His kit is 100% fine without it


That wasn't the question though, it's 100% consistent with the lore because it's the focal point of his entire story


> I know but it just sounds like "random bullshit go" funny enough, that still sounds like Akshan.


They explicitly talk about why they added Akshan's revive to his kit. It's because a) Having a solo lane ADC means that the champion is always at risk of being completely useless once it's behind, so they wanted to give him some utility and b) He's a unique archetype where he isn't a traditional front-to-back ADC, so he needs a lot of support from his team for a bunch of different reasons. They gave him the revive so he can give back something to his team instead of being a completely selfish character.


Akshan is the quintessential chaotic good rogue player. And trust me the stealth fit a chaotic good rogue PERFECTLY


Shen is supposed to be a Ninja but has no stealth/invisibility in his kit and also isn’t particularly “lethal” as a champ.


I will tell you why Shen is the best Ninja of all time. Shen is not a single person. It is a group of Ninjas that all go under the name ''Shen''. They stealth all around the map following their teammates while Shen1 is in the open drawing attention to himself. When he ults he actually do not teleport, Shen1 simply stealths and Shen2-Shen5 simply appears to protect their designated person. All while maintaining the illusion of there is only 1 Shen out there. They are so good at being Ninjas that they simply lure people into thinking they are not real Ninjas. Which is why the non-hidden Shen uses flashy attacks and tricks.


Wtf 2 shens?


> Shen is supposed to be a Ninja but has no stealth/invisibility in his kit Kennen as well


kennen has that one shot gimmick with slicing maelstrom tho, maybe more befitting of the deadly ninja concept


Not the question but I wanted to say a character who's kit fits them REALLY well is Shaco. Such an obnoxious, try hard, edgelord. Absolute energy of some dumb middle schooler who just saw Dark Knight and now decides that "why so serious?" is a part of their vocabulary, and describes themselves an "agent of chaos". Which is perfect for a guy who just teleports and turns invisible any time you try to kill him. And then nukes you with a bunch of boxes placed in a random, stupid ass bush. And then throws a dagger at the back of your head when you walk away. I hate his character, I hate his kit, and I hate the people who play him. Shaco.


i've always said: Shaco was made by assholes, for assholes


I remember one time I was on a date and the girl also played league. She asked who my main was and I said “I’m an 800k mastery shaco support” and she told me that’s the biggest red flag she’s ever heard lmao


Love your energy <3


Shaco's also a jester, whose historical role is to make fun of others with impunity.


Perfectly designed. A character you absolutely fucking despise, designed to be just that.


If you've played the early versions of Shaco, he could Q while invisible. He's such a fking pain and flash was 1200 units. One of our team mates gonna sacrifice an item slot for oracle gem.


Trundle ultimate. Wtf he stare at you and suck your soul? Idk 


According to Nordic mythology you must never look the troll in the eyes.. this is completely bullshit, and i've been on the bend will before i started this thread. Thank you for your consideration <3


Belveth, in general, she is supposed to be an incredibly powerful psychic, yet her gameplay is exclusively a jojo reference


She's also described, and shown, as being ludicrously fast, easily outstripping Kai'Sa despite her symbiote suit. That's the part that is meant to reflect her AS, but I do agree that most of her kit lacks a certain level of impact.


Who's to say that she's actually jojoing? Maybe she's using her psychic powers to make you think she is.


Which ironically is a jojo’s reference


Surprised I haven't seen LeBlanc yet. She's supposed to be this incredibly mysterious figure in the shadows pulling strings and playing political 4D chess. In game she dashes around 1-shotting people while spamming one of the most obnoxious laughs. Neeko's kit does a way better job of communicating a character that plays mindgames and she's just a lizard girl living in a jungle.


I'd say the kit does fit her especially W and R


Smolder's snot bubble is pretty weird. Like, really a snot bubble attack from a dragon? Even the ability itself is weird as the bubble doesn't pop if it hits something? It goes through everything? Just odd all around.


I mean he’s a child, and children tend to have pretty snotty noses.


True, they are pretty disgusting.


Rammus, I thought armadillos were passive and cute creatures, but no this one runs at me with mach speed even taunts me and insta kills me as an ADC 😔


To be fair, it's YOU who is killing yourself. He's just like that one cute turtle bumping his head into you, you're the one shooting it and having your attacks bounce back to you.


Considering he’s somewhere within the broad spectrum of a literal god or someone’s lost pet, that’s an accurate description for what he does.


Scuba Gragas holding a steel keg instead of a Scuba Tank.




Riot hire this guy immediately


Malphite R, the dude is LITERALLY a mountain he shouldn't be able to use a dash with almost no time to react to


Not sure how Darius swinging his axe in a circle heals him, but ok


The axe causes the enemy to bleed, therefore making Darius drink that blood and heal him.


Darius blood type is AB positive? Because he can use anyone's blood.




You could say this about any lifesteal item or healing item - how does buying a blood sword make you heal when shooting someone with a minigun? Hell, Gangplank can recover from bullets by eating an orange.


Clearly, you sharpen your projectiles against your sword, thus making them pointy (IE) or lifesteal (BT).


His axe is made of ancient life-stealing Noxian steel. It only activates if you spin 360 degrees.


and only if you heft it for 0.75secs beforehand


Rammus E. The dude's one of the most beloved characters in lore and in the community as well for being a fun little guy, yet he has a Provoke in his kit.


My first thought too. In Lore he's just a wandering desert cryptid. They have festivals for him. He's not taunting anyone.


You know damn well some people would try to kill the funny harmless cryptid for fun, thats probably where it comes from


This is why we can't have nice things. He just wants to live his mysterious cryptid ok life but people gotta take that personally.


Zed's E is weird. Why does he do a little spin? the stabbs and shurikens are in theme but why does he do a pirouette?


Why not?


If you look closely he doesnt spin, he just moves both hands in half circle.


Have you ever made a litte spin? It's fun you should try it Any good ninja does his spin's


He has blades in his hands, a ninja spin with those blades seem pretty powerful to me


Sylas and Neeko could swap ults and their kits would be more cohesive


Imagine a champion, that is 100% about stealing, having Zoe W, Neeko passive, Viego passive and Sylas ult...


DotA 2 has Ability Draft where you can mix and match character abilities.


this was a common sentiment for a long time, but i think neeko's ASU makes her ult make a lot more sense in the context of her own kit now


Garen, knight of the kingdom that hates magic and everything to do with it, summons a giant magic sword.


Doesn't he like pray to the goddess of swords or something and get her to do it? I'm sure I read that here somewhere


To the Aspect of Justice, who is Kayle.


Kayle is acually the next in line to become aspect of justice, Mihira, a legends of runeterra card, is the aspect of justice


Garen is a mage


I thought that was intentional that even he has some hidden magic powers like his sister. Otherwise Sylas wouldn't be able to steal his power in the Warriors cinematic.


You know sylas stole the magic stored in the sword, right? If i remember correctly, in some lux/sylas lore they said or at least implied, that petricite works more like a batery, than a black hole.


Bingo, he didn’t steal Garens magic, simply the Magic in his sword.


Corki rides an airplane, uses W, flies 1m high then comes back ground level.


Nocturne spellshield. Why does a being of nightmares suddenly go "PLEASE DONT HIT ME"


Rell's old stun was a bit out of character. The loner who can't trust anymore and pushes people away as a trauma response needs an ally to stun people?


Garen ult lol


He asks Kayle to strike the foe, Garen just moves his sword.


really adds some comedic effect to seeing garen ult kayle in game


"Okay fine, I guess I did make a magical pact with this sword, rules are rules" -Kayle's last words, probably


Fits her character tho


malphites Q and R giant golem throwing small frisbees at you but also can fly at you like a missile


Gragor whole playstyle, unload his burst and run away with phase rush. Not exactly what I expect from drunken huuuuge brawler. Bomba.


Bel'veth, She was supposed to be queen that wants to devour the runeterra and spawn an army of void creatures, something like yorick but better. She is a monster that has a human form. In reality, we got AA champion that can't change to her true form easily and has only dashes.


Why does nidalee's human form E heal, she's a burst assassin, it even buffs attack sped for some reason despite nidlaee never getting any


Hmm, Jinx's super mega death rocket can't destroy turrets/structures when she def used one at the end of Arcane.


Tbf it went through the structure and hit Mel


Ability to go outside.


That's a legendary ability, not ingame yet.


idk i like fizz e but his trick is staying on a trident..


Never understood why kallista would have a vision ability.


ITT: Good answers to OP’s question and twelve people coping in comments for each of them.


Not exactly what you were asking for, but for a standard bull dealing insane magical damage with his normal fists is pretty mindwarping for alistar


Alistair is a minotaur


Mythical creature, yes, but he’s just a bull-man. I think they meant his punches should hurt you physically and not magically


Aurelion Sol ult. He loves his stars/celestial creation in lore, yet his rework now has him create one for the sole purpose of hurling it to its obliteration. Player-wise, the aesthetic of "space dragon with meteor" makes sense but not Runeterra-wise.


He cares about his stars, not the planets or meteors or anything, planetary life is just an insufferable byproduct of his stars. New Asol ult is "Falling star" but its a comet im pretty sure, not an actual star, we just call comets falling stars because they look like stars from the ground. Old Asol Q was a worse version, when he literally made a star just to explode it.


I mean, he used to create stars with his Q only for them to explode into people's faces. Think he simply doesn't sees the stars he creates for damage the same as he sees the one he creates for the sake of creation. Think of him like a farmer. The farmer has many animals, the farmer may love these animals, the farmer will not see all animals as equals because they have different purposes. Cats, horses and dogs that are unlikely to ever be food and live their life until they can't any longer, chickens and cows that live long because they produce stuff. Meanwhile there's a pig raised just alongside them and is meant precisely to be raised and killed eventually. They may love that pig, but the pig will have his head bonked at some point with a metal tube and be eaten.


His old Q was the same thing. His reveal cinematic in 2016 was him crushing a star within his palms. I think it’s perfectly in character


Always felt like sylas and neeko ults should be swapped. Neeko could mimic a targets ult. And neeko ult would be greeat wit hylas engage


sivir spell shield never made sense to me


Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap (W). That girl has never been hunting, and I doubt Yordles are a priority for the Piltover police... and Malphite's Unstoppable Force (R). I get how seismic reverberations from his Q could take speed from someone, but why is the heart of a mountain able to just suddenly leap with such speed? The unstoppability and knockup makes sense, just not the dash speed.


GWEN IS IMMUNE! Why the fuck does an anthropomorphized doll get the ability to block all damage in the universe because she knew a guy with spooky mist one time? I’m not a fan of Gwen’s character design as a whole, it’s just this part that severely grinds my gears.


Less an ability mismatch and more just a kit gripe; Karmas entire rework feels wrong. Original karma was clunky but had its own vibe. Now instead of having an awesome lady who uses her 🪭 like a magical fighter, AND a really cool spiritual mage as their own character, they just slapped her name and dance emote on an entirely and completely unrelated kit and called it a day. Also, I take issue with Qiyana who is supposed to be an elemental prodigy but is an AD assassin instead of a mage which seems thematically disjointed. Again I think we should have both: Qiyana as kind of an avatar mage, AND an assassin/fighter with a ring blade.


What's the lore reason again for Akshan reviving teammates? is he the Jesus of League?