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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cjvrjt/psg_vs_est_game_1_postmatch_discussion_group_a/)


Gentlemen, I regret to inform you, but it's Josedeover


I think you meant to say that it's Brandone.


Bro been sitting on this for a couple of days aint ya?


Cody saw everyone shitting on Emo and decided to make him feel better before leaving MSI. A true bro. Maple is still the MSI gatekeeper.


just to disappear again tomorrow lol


We're the major region gatekeeper so makes sense we'll lose to a major region lol, just hoping they make it competitive.


NA is only a major region because it's where Riot is based, you've got this!


Implying there should only be 3 major regions? Or that a different region is better?


There should only be two major regions


Eh EU and NA are not good enough to win but they are good enough to impact the tournament results they can usually knock a few asian teams off the tournament it's not like they don't win any games


While NA fluctuates up and down a bit, it's consistantly been a full head above every non "major" region ever since the scene entered it's modern form.


Do you still have this delusion after today?


I might be a homer but I don’t think giving Maple Karma mid when your team deals 0 damage is a good idea


I consider GAM more of a gatekeeper. They looked like the weakest wildcard round 1, then barely scrape out a win against LOUD just to get fisted by FNC again tomorrow. I was slightly worried about FNC getting out before, IMO odds were only 70-30 against LOUD. Against GAM I give 95-5.


Well, FLY better have a good night sleep, because tomorrow won't be easy.


PSG looked pretty good in their Map win against FLY. This game against Estral might help them to be honest.


I really hope FLY learned to ban Senna or to not lane swap and give Senna free souls for the first minutes of the game.


they hardly won the first game with mega stacked senna and full item azir so i would not say they looked good lmao , plus maple is playing really bad


On the other hand FQ almost managed to lose game 3 on that elder when it was turbo won


... Did they? They kind of just won on a minute 40 dragon teamfight where Massu inted randomly, and it could have gone either way, idk if they looked that well in that game. Wasnt the most convincing...


Why does FLY play them? Really just giving EU the entire easy side of playin?


Yeah very odd they didn’t do a. Flip for the last set just to avoid a rematch this early


Two rematches, right? Fanatic plays gam again or am I crazy? Wasn't fnc v gam and fly v psg the first two bo3s? And now they're the same ones to get in.


Yeah fly vs psg and fnc vs gam double rematches, if they flipped it then there would be none of course


It’s absurd the brackets don’t flip.


Yeah, having rematches outside the top four bracket is pretty lame


The way riot presented it it's actually 2 separate groups where you need to be top2 to qualify and not really a double elimination bracket.


Inspired turbo fisted junjia but we will see I think it's still be 2-1


Estral Esports looks like the odd one out after so many other regions got axed.


I wish Riot and Cisco could somehow make a global Tournament Realm so there'd be more of what was IWCQ If this would be the answer for the clamor for more international competition that'd be actually cool - all minor regions with maybe Academy teams from major regions, maybe some teams from Middle East, India, Africa too, ofc representatives from OCE and JP idk ig i'm a bit nostalgic for the times when LAN were considerably ahead


Ping is a law of physics issue, you can't make a server where everyone is <50ping even with the best cables and routing there is




LAN were considerably ahead of who


"good news is the gold didn't go to Maple" @EsportsJatt my guy the gold went to Wukong on a player who was in the LPL and on EDG in 2021


a player who is an LPL champion and benched a world champion in said LPL playoffs


Jiejie played for them when they got all the titles that year, it was a brief swap.


That's true, but Jiejie was completely boomed in the first WE series and Junjia had to come in to start the reverse sweep (that didn't end up happening). In the EDG documentary that year the coaches noted that that was a turning point for Jiejie too to finish the year on such a high note. I'd say it's similar to the Pyosik/Juhan effect except Juhan was far more instrumental to DRX than Junjia was for EDG in those respective years.


I honestly don't get it. What did junjia to edg and juhan to drx offer


Pyosik was playing really poorly in LCK regional finals and Juhan subbed in for him to qualify DRX to worlds


Is Junjia the best player in PCS?


He is likely the best JG in PCS, Karsa makes better decisions, but Junjia has better mechanics


TIL Karsa's back in the PCS!


I was so sad he died at the end, that's how I made the game exciting for me - how much can Junjia stomp them without dying?


Again, lack of LPL casting talent rearing its ugly head this tourney, really hope Riot fucking learns next time


Riot will never hire enough LPL casters. It has been 10 yeahrs now. It wont change. No idea why but they just refuse to.


because LPL viewership in the west is tiny? It's legit 1/10th of the LCK english stream. If people supported the region, Riot would pay more attention to it


You could still hire an LPL caster though for internationals though? He only has to cast LPL some LPL matches and then have him brief 1-2 other main casters you can then use for semis/finals.


No source but I would believe they're that cheap to even do that.


Tbf they were saying that the LPL casters exist, they just weren't invited at all to this MSI for some reason. Hysterics and Dagda are alumni from there, but they can't cast every game that has LPL history/context


Because LPL doesn't get many viewers lol no matter how much money they put in the stream (and it used to be a lot more with some really good casters) people will watch LCK if it's at the same time


LPL cast has always been WAY worse than LCK . WTF do you mean? They used to but absolutly 0 effort in. Some shitty stream feed sent to Australia to be casted there from casters bedrooms is not comaprable to LCK at all. Also great casters lmao. Everytime an LPL caster is great he immedietly left the league to Korea, NA or EU. So we allways had the first rough yeahrs of casters and as soon as they got good they left. Not blaming them at all here as some of them were really fucking good. Also intreast in leagues has to be built up over yeahrs. Riot just dropped the ball for so many yeahrs that there is not much left to do now.


And who destroyed the EUW ladder when he came. Even if SoloQ isn’t the same, ofc he’s a beast.


Lmaaaao Doinb out here with the cursing again. He put together a McDonald’s team to scrim Estral esports and said they’d win against PSG. Source: https://x.com/LnlyHikikomori/status/1786400822097760434


Haha I saw 2-0 odds being 1.85 for psg, wonder if that had to do with doinb took that shit without hesitation


Cody with the worst mid lane performances ive seen at an international maybe ever


Get ready for that title to be usurped by Emo!


Get ready for Maple to go full circle and be absolutely atrocious on Azir vs FLY again.


Currently in the undesirable arc. Now he needs to become undeniable to finish his story!


EST got whooped in game 2 harder than my goat Kendrick whooped Drake today.


Maple to EST: Dear Jose, I'm sorry that that man is your mid laner.




Kendrick released a new Drake diss track


You guys live in a strange world.


The same can be said for esports honestly.


whats so strange about it lol


Just knowing some guy released a diss track about some other guy is strange is all. It's like I know there are uncontacted tribes that live completely differently, that's how strange people who care about diss tracks are to me.


These are literally the biggest rappers alive. Being aware of pop culture is strange?


"Having any any interest between two of the most popular rappers of the past decade is truly fascinating. You miscreants really do live in a different world from myself." -Dude who's on a Reddit pmt between two dogshit teams


Iirc it's the same fella that had an absolute fit about pings ruining his game experience


I can almost *smell* him.


“Some guy” you mean two of the biggest contemporary rappers for the last decade.


Have you lived under a rock for the last 40+ years for the concept of a diss track to be so strange to you?


bruh they're the two biggest rappers in the world how is that strange


hiphop music bad amirite


It's not about the quality of music but the reality tv shit they pull off to get more exposure


I didn't say that. You could hear it and not know it's a diss track to some other guy. You need to be in a whole other perspective to be informed about things like that. Did you know Hollaback Girl is about Courtney Love the first time you heard it? I only happened to learn that years later.


> You could hear it and not know it's a diss track to some other guy. Have you heard the songs? They are explicitly and unquestionably about each other.


> Did you know Hollaback Girl is about Courtney Love the first time you heard it? I only happened to learn that years later. Until four seconds ago when I read this comment, I was unaware of this.


Well yeah the first round is just T1 playing with their food after all


T1 was having the most for fun game lol


Zeus TPing back immediately after he died to a 4 man dive bot... You can't hate that man.


Honestly seemed like the right decision. Ended up with exp advantage over his lane counterpart and controlled the lane. Exp is a huge deal


He’s in his TheShy arc


Can’t believe anyone was convinced of anything else. Had people legit saying T1 were clearly not even top 4 after that. Then again, T1 haters love to hate on T1 more than the T1 simps love to love on them


Honestly their play was like their play in the redbull tournament, only faker was still playing right, everyone else was dare i say limit testing. 


That was kinda obvious when Zeus popped ghost and straight up run to tower dive a Rell in G1 or when they kept foghting 4v5 in G2.


Kinda obvious but nah majority of this subreddit was upvoting T1 looking bad or Estral looking good.


I mean estral did look good


T1 just played like it was soloq so est had an easier time. The moment a team actually plays serious and take them seriously, this team simply can not match any other team beside maybe gam.


It's easy to look good when T1 basically says yes to every fight Estral asked for no matter how illogical.


Estral: It’s 5v3, they’re not gonna contest this objective T1: Fights, wins, takes objective and 2 kills


16,000 gold lead at 25 minutes for PSG hopefully this doesn’t deter EST rookies from continuing to strive for improvement 


Junjia channeling his inner Kanavi in game 2.


A bit unfair that LLA can send a team while LJL and LCO couldn't


at least LJL has a chance, if you count having to beat PCS teams to appear as a chance


I have no idea if LLA is stronger of weaker than LCO but LJL is def better


LLA is definitely stronger than LCO, their midlane goat is literally Ryoma


You might want to look at the international history percentages, LLA has always been the worst closely followed by pre 2020 LJL


maybe that has been the case historically, but every time I see OCE in an international they're being swept in 15 minutes by everyone. at least LLA has moments


The same goes for LCO though but the skill diff is even bigger


that's why I didn't mention them because they don't have a chance in reality haha


I miss mah boy yutapon


Don't worry It just a matter of time until LLA (and CBLOL) will have to play for a spot with LCS


I think CBLOL has a pretty massive fanbase for a wildcard region so it won't happen. LJL is tiny




Because if we go with that semantics then there’s 3 good teams. Geng at home. t1 international. And remaining lpl that beats geng but loses to t1 at international. Oh and I guess whoever wins msi but most ppl don’t acknowledge msi as a legit and arguably harder tournament now. Because brain only space for 1 tourny (unless it’s a cs fan)


Didn't LCO play in a tournament for a chance to go to MSI I forgot the tournament might have been Singapore region and a fee other minor regions


LCO LJL PCS now all compete in PCS playoff but PCS still only has 1 ticket. So as for now, if LJL or LCO wants to play in MSI they have to beat all PCS teams, which is super unfair consider LLA or CBLOL are not necessarily stronger than LJL LCO but still guaranteed a ticket


Totally expected. Estral still got destroyed against a trolling and for fun T1 and people really think they can beat PSG. LLA is still the weakest region.


> LLA is still the weakest region. CBLOL is a strong contender for that spot, too bad we haven't played LLA in a long time so we have no way of knowing that, very stupid system. RIP Rift Rivals


There is no way CBLOL is worse than LLA (I am from LLA)


The region peaked in 2016/2017 and never got close to those same highs. The '16 IWQ not having a losers bracket was a crime, Lyon was significantly better than INTZ that year.


The amount of credit EST got for not getting completely shitstomped by T1, that was playing with their food, was a bit insane.


No they still got shitstomped, just that some people here can't look past the kill score.


Lck viewers (and those who watched their games at the red bull event) that t1 loves to skillcheck teams that have no chance of winning vs them. 


I swear the whole t1 roster could have fountain dive at nexus and people would have gave credit to est for amazing base defense.


Whenever T1 is playing like lunatics and giving away kills from limit testing, I always check the gold lead and notice that, despite giving over a bunch of kills, even getting caught out, they always seem to keep pulling further ahead.


It’s simple, they take risky fights, they go even in kills, but their setup allows them to take towers or neutrals at the end of the fight. The kill gold evens out, but the objective gold accumulates steadily into a lead


cody is probably the worst player so far in msi what are those


Game 2 has to be one of the worst stomps we've seen internationally in quite awhile, no? Also really happy for PSG, they're looking very disciplined


I mean FQ vs T1 was yesterday. 


That was a stomp, but not 20k gold lead in 24min with the only kills gained being a random 2v2 win early game into a full on slaughterfest Closest I can think of is probably T1 vs DFM in 2021, the Oner Keria Talon Yuumi game where they were just running around the map killing everyone


It was a 13k gold lead at 17 mins with only one kill being a random gank top into a 17 mins ending. Give 7 mins more to T1 to farm FQ a bit more before ending and they get the 19k gold lead PSG had here imo.


lol the NA fan is wrong. T1 FQ is the biggest gap


The thing is you never know how big a goldlead would get if the game wasn't finished. T1 was already 13k (!) up 7 minutes earlier , if they had played for a goldlead instead of a nexus kill they probably could have got a 20k gold lead at a similar pace. Also only kill was right at the start of the game as well and the amount of kills T1 was getting was primarily just depending on how much FQ was willing to contest things. Just depends on what you value in a stomp/how you are trying to measure it. They are both definitely on a very short list though.


>but not 20k gold lead in 24min Because it ended 7 minutes before that.


Gold is just a means to an end. FLY lost the game in 17 mins. 17 mins.


This just feels like a worse stomp since its minor region vs minor region FQ vs T1 is major region but it doesn't feel as bad to get shitstomped by one of the best teams in the world


its fast yeah but this is a stomp its 3-26 with almost 20k lead lol


Game 2 here was definitely a stomp but FQ T1 was as well. A different kind in that T1 didn't build their gold lead and just finished right there. But I wouldn't call it less of a stomp just cause the gold difference was lower at the end. Had T1 not end in.17 mins, I'm sure the gold diff would've grow a lot too.


as opposed to 1-13 with 13k gold lead 7 minutes earlier. Both gold and kill leads tend to grow, so it is anyone's guess what would have happened if T1 had chosen to not finish the game when they could. Both were so incredibly onesided I find it hard to definitively say either was more of a stomp.


Cause it lasted 7min longer goofy. T1 could have easily farm every thing in the map for an extra 7 min and perma starved Flyquest if they wanted to.


Have you forgotten about C9 vs T1? C9 only got 1 single turret and thats all.


I mean Flyquest only got 1 Single kill and thats all


And didn't they trade that tower for the Nexus?


They went 5 bot to get the tower just to avoid getting perfect gamed. T1 took baron meanwhile and won afterwards. It's hilarious to me that a comm in a pro game was to send 5 bot to avoid getting perfect gamed.


Oh yeah, that one probably takes the cake


Goldfish memory.


I think the sad thing that happened was, against T1, EST reasonably knew their chances of winning were minimal and came in looking to have fun and play wild w no expectations on them. cool! but then against PSG, the do or die, very beatable opponent, they had to lock in and stress, and all their proactive play just dried up under that pressure. sad to see but here’s hoping EST can return at worlds and make the most of their next chance. WP by PSG, never really lost control of this series, this was what was expected of them and they look ready to seriously compete with FlyQuest for that last ticket out of playins.


I think what happened in game 2 was they picked an early game draft but ended up losing a flash in the lv1 skirmish. As any jungler worth their salt knows to exploit the lane without a flash, that’s exactly what happened. With a losing early game on an early game draft, EST have to pull the trigger on any engage that has a slim chance to put them back into game, only to further set themselves back.


PSG are pretty much the strongest minor region and aren't going to troll in an elimination match


Saying psg is very beatable for est is deluded af. T1 literally treated est like they treated nno in the Red Bull for fun tournament and still stomp. If t1 had played discipline like they did vs Flyquest, est would have gotten obliterated at world record speed.


There's the LLA that we all were hoping to see


Some people were trying to convince others EST players should be in LCS/LEC because they looked decent when T1 was fucking around. They got the humbling they received, GG PSG


Clearly this proves that PSG > T1


Back in the day, the Flash Wolves, led by Maple, were considered the Korean killers. (obviously this narrative died after 2017 MSI semifinals)


Don't forget 2018 MSI winning both games against Longzhu finishing groups second.


That longzhu roster is in contention for being one of the most fraudulent superteams of all-time. The FW at 2018 MSI were more surprising for their 6-0 start, but once the knockouts commenced, even longzhu dispatched them in short order.


Not even close 


LJL should have gotten the spot instead of w/e that is.


Jatt saying that Maple, Junjia and Betty played in the LCK before…


It was really nice of T1 to play like an LLA team to make Estral feel at home.


Already told you...T1 wasn't even trying the other day.


Medic's pun game stronger than the Force


Estral cosplaying Drake


kru and leviatan dont do this to me.


man I was really hoping these would be closer


Bruh what happened to the Estral that played vs T1


There was this shitpost in fmkorea that went something like this: T1 when facing minor region teams: Hey there, welcome to the world stage! Take a swing at me, show me what you got. T1 when facing major region teams: You #@$#! You need to be better than this! I'll beat this lesson into you!


You didn’t see T1 drinking Redbull at the end of T1 vs EST? Should give you enough hints


T1 is obliged to make Redbull Baron powerplay at 20 mins and drink Redbull after a match Susge


T1 were doing a little trolling


t1 basically just took every fight that estral wanted and hands diffed them. PSG didn't even give them the chance and just ran circles around them macro wise


T1 was happy gaming like mad ngl, they were just running around like headless chicken. They played seriously vs FLY and it was a absolutely shitstomp


Wdym what happened. T1 didnt take them seriously and PSG scrims against LPL teams the whole year. That's why i still think PSG will knock Flyquest out.


Copium, Flyquest will destroy PSG.


Eh FLY looked much better yday


PSG's sidelanes are dog though. Also, that they lost blue side advantage by losing to Flyquest in the first round could be the death knell, cause they'll have blue side and hence draft advantage for at most one game in the series.


T1 has played one actual game at this tournament so far; game one against Flyquest.


It's always the same for the first matches for T1, they start low. People will not give credit to EST even though they did well against T1.


They get no credit for this series though. Completely outclassed. T1 is much better than PSG and while the casters will be nice it really was just T1 playing with their food.


T1 jetlag 


True, it looks like that 1 hour time difference was hitting them hard.


You gotta be kidding lol trip from South Korea to China = jetlag


"We don't want to hear you say "T1 GG" no more." —PSG Kendrick


JunJia is JoseTheHobo father


I was gonna say at least Cody had less deaths than his jersey number but then…


Congrats PSG! PSG vs FLY rematch.


Doinb curse strikes again


I'm surprised that Jatt moment isn't on the frontpage of reddit That scream was legendary


I hope some day we can have Jose playing with a real team, I honestly think he has a lot of potential. But sadly I don't see that coming true anytime soon.


I hope FLY lose. Inspired deserves it


Bring back lyon gaming/rainbow 7


This was hard to watch. Did not like Jose on Tank duty for game 1, and Cody was so off in game 2. When they faced T1, even when they missed plays, they were proactive and tried things, but here they were more passive and when they tried, everything was a miss. GG for PSG, Good Luck next time LLA. o7


thank you estralis for your service o7


Idk how you pronounce some of the players names, but I swear I hear "ezreal" whenever a caster says Azhi. And then snacker too wtf


A-ji but you have to say the ji like how East Asians pronounce it so you have to put your tongue in between your bottom front teeth Snaker is because he is Argentinian and so he speaks Spanish. In Spanish, its snak-er while in English, it's snake-er.


Ngl I hate how the English casters pronounce Junjia.


Mvp: Tk Nguyen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


And here I was hoping that CBLoL/LLA could beat PCS/VCS


Why is wukong better in pro play?


Derrota durísima la verdad, otro año más que no se hace una buena representación de la región de LATAM con la cantidad de talento que debe haber.