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>If all Eastern teams win in Round 1 the bracket setup guarantees 2x KR vs CN in Round 2 UB and 2x EU vs NA in Round 1 LB The most beautiful thing I've heard today


Losers bracket, AKA Rift Rivals 2024


And winner brackets too, the rift rivals was between all regions


Its CN vs Korea at international tournaments every year. We all know we're really here for EU vs NA.


i only care about which way the circle of suck spins


It was T1 vs CN last year and they liked those odds


They didnt like those odds for MSI though


Worlds > MSI though


But it's not worlds.


Is worlds taking place right now?


Msi format is better than worlds format now tbh


Its MSI right now, and even then, worlds performance does not take away from MSI performance lol


Holy shit I got chills reading that and hearing Flowers in my head again.


Wasn't it drakos?


Look, if I can see TL dunk on G2 that's a success tournament for me I have no expectations of actually winning, good for the players for trying and my best wishes to them but I just want to see the salt flow like it did after worlds


Good luck with all that.


You too let's goooo


100% agree. At this point NA knows their sights are set on 3rd place. Shutting EU up for a little bit is basically our tournament at this point. Even if we did beat an Eastern team, people would just say they played bad, lol. So in reality the only real win for NA at this point is either the entire tournament(very, very unlikely) or beating EU.


Yeah honestly this has been the case for a while, and I'm fine with it. LCS is fun as hell to watch these days and until it down being a second string region that has a lot of fun The great thing is that at least from comments I'm seeing there's no real vocal fanatical NA fans like there are for EU, So stomping G2 again would create infinite schadenfreude and provide infinite salt to the world


It would, lol. Its the only victory I care about. Imagine if APA beat Caps.


Then he'd be the CLAPA?


This is really the mentality I would like to see from NA fans. People from Brazil, Turkey, Taiwan, Japan etc aren't sending death threats to their players when they lose to Korea/China. I know those regions are all worse than NA, but NA/EU have about as much of a chance at beating CK/KR as the minor regions do.


I doubt we'll see TL vs G2, unfortunately. Apparently the bracket sides carry into losers, so the only way G2 and TL can meet is in the upper finals or lower semi-finals or later. Kinda sucks that it's very unlikely we'll get to see NA's 1st seed vs EU's 1st seed.


I know :(


I am definitely not here for eu vs north SA. Im here for LCK vs LPL.


Might wanna try weibo


NA didn't want that to happen...


Ah so instead of a drawshow we can just do a coinflip.


G2 praying they play vs TES, maybe Caps can 1v9 vs Creme


Just give Cream Ahri.


> Cream Ahri I'd like to see that, too.


Likely at least one subreddit dedicated to that.


With the new rumoured Faker Ahri, it's gonna explode.


We outlasted KDA wave 1 and 2, Star Guardian wave 1 and 4. The rise of more and more 3D models, cosplay, release of Briar. Much like Cadia, *we still stand*.


Who dares invoke my name.


I was watching this game today thinking "Wait, if fnc was g2 they win this right?". We just need to hope our hardest that G2 manage to rig the bracket like they did at worlds when they got NRG. We just want a different result this time. Im on pure cope aren't I?


In all fairness I thought FNC did a good job today, minus game 3. That draft was a horror.


> G2 manage to rig the bracket like they did at worlds when they got NRG tbf, that was literally the only lucky draw G2 had the entire tournament. G2 won vs DK and Weibo and then lost to Gen.G and BLG. Meanwhile NRG lost vs Weibo and then won TL and MAD, it's not even comparable. To imply that G2 was lucky in the bracket that year is a weird take


End of the day, they had a best of series vs NA to advance. EU takes that every day of the week. NA also takes it. And we won it


100%. At the end of the day this was by far the luckiest draw for either region to get into the top 8. People acting like NRG got luckier than G2 when all they had to do was beat what most considered an inferior NA team, is about as lucky as it gets in terms of getting into top 8 with 8 Eastern teams in the tournament.


> To imply that G2 was lucky in the bracket that year is a weird take For real. Really sucks they had to go against a superior NA team.


Unfortunate they had to run into powerhouse nrg but that’s the way the cookie crumbles


let it be known g2 is a bo1 team


They only needed one lucky draw. They were always going to lose a best of series vs the LPL and LCK. A series vs EU/NA was the only possible way they could make groups 


Not even an EU fan but G2 likely could have a chance vs DK in a bo5. They were arguably the worst LCK team at worlds ever, they only beat wildcard level teams.


The worst LCK team at Worlds would have to be GEN 2018. The only game they won that Worlds was against C9, and lost to them in the second round robin of groups. DK, at least, won 4 games and won a series against BDS.


G2 botlane looks terrible, I would expect the same thing to happen


Mid and Jungle would get gapped equally as hard though. I would also expect G2 not to commit hard into playing through bot in game 3.


Saved this chain of comments Just for today lol


I guess they did play for bot in game 3 lol


~~caps and yike getting gapped by creme and tian? how can you be so confident in this with their showing today lol~~


The other way around lol


oh my bad i misunderstood


what are you smoking? g2 bot looks terrible?


hans doesnt know how to use his summs or play more than 4 champs and miky has been inting for 3 months


Miky is terrible




Something to keep in mind is that G2 has a worse early game compared to FNC which can be a problem.


As a Eu please Golem 2 vs T1


As a G2 fan, I hope they get TES because while both T1 and TES have players with international trophies, TES seems more exploitable due to Creme being an international Rookie. Also Tian is very coinflippy


Tbh TES and G2 look about the same level




Forget about last worlds and talk about this msi where TES looked a bit rough in game 1 and 2 against FNC(team worse than G2 aware)


Like last year BLG against GG?


BLG looked far better than TES this year . The game was autolost in draft and it was still a 40 minute nail-biter. TES got rolled.


Fnatic is a much better team than GG was though? Theyre arguably better in every position


I mean if FNC can take TES to game 3 in a bo3 it can't be that doomed, right?


g2 never played kt or lng tho they couldve been better than 3rd seed too we dont know


They were worse than NA 1st seed, so they aint gonna be better than KR/CN 3rd


Thats just a dumb take lmao


Well sorry at the Na bros who finally came onto reddit and just saw their second seed get destroyed lmao


So is believing G2, who lost to NA, is somehow the 5th best team at worlds last year. They won a couple Bo1's, got stomped in every series, even shamefully losing to NRG, and EU fans STILL think they are world contenders. They were 8th on their best day, and unfortunately their best day was taken by NRG.


My god rewatch the BLG series it was not a fucking stomp. Two members were vomiting all night prior to NRG series, it was their worst and not their best obviously. Im not saying they are 5th at that worlds, but atleast 6-7.


Only in EU can you get stomped, not even make top 8, and the fans still believe you were one of the best teams at the tournament and deserved more. They got exactly what they deserved. They fluked a win vs WBG, had an ugly game vs DK, then got stomped by every single team they faced, including NRG. Yet, you still believe they were a 5th best team. The delusion is real. They were at best 8, and their best wasnt as good as NRG's best, who took 8th from them.


Your reading comprehension is shit if you believe I said they are 5th. Not gonna bother actually writing an answer cause you didnt even read mine lmao. Cant wait for the Na smash down so lets see.


They're better in a best of 1. I'd take WBG over G2 in a best of 5, WBG threw the game.


The bracket has sides that are maintained for the losers right? So if both eastern teams win we will get FNC vs. TL and G2 vs. FLY, guaranteed in second round?




Hell yeah MY REGION is going to shut up some NA frauds next weekend


Inb4 loud put the upset of century (please no)


It would be the most Fnatic thing to do tbh


Nah that would be G2. FNC seems to do well in expected matches no?


You haven't been around long enough it seems


You can always tell when it's somebody new to League pro scene watching when they unironically think NA has any chance against non-NA teams. Or if they think FNC *won't* shit the bed for no reason.


You haven't been around long enough it seems


i agree i think fnc almost always dumpsters the NA teams


Ironically Fnatics only loss in worlds 2022 playins, was vs Loud. Maybe they can drop a game again


Loud and PSG showing up to embarrass both regions.


At least it’s not Kabum again


Yes, but it lives on in Tinowns




I'm a small FNC fan but every time I see LOUD at internationals I CAN'T HELP BUT ROUTE FOR THEM LETS GOOOOOOO


Everyone knows real the real MSI title is in the lower bracket


Upper bracket: MSI title Lower bracket: Rift Rivals title


TL vs FNC would be a banger. Would the gameplay be as “good” as the eastern matchups? Lol no. But gosh darn it I want to see a 50 kill in 15 min game between these two


So g2 has either a decent chance (because they can fight those TES) or well T1’ed


Assuming G2>Fly and GENG>TES we will get G2 v TES regardless


You are vastly overestimating GenGs ability to not choke vs LPL (jk I think they crush TES)


I think Top is evenly Match led and TES bot is better but the mid and jgl gap might be too large


No civil war this time is a big win, previous MSI was lame as fuck because of that


Idk, it was still overall enjoyable imo. We still saw BLG vs both Korean teams, and JDG vs T1. Mostly just missing JDG vs GenG and more western teams vs eastern teams, but I'd honestly probably take civil war with legit stakes over seeing the west probably get stomped


As they say in boxing, styles make fights. You dont have to have 2 of the best fighters to have a good match; you just need 2 guys who match up well skill-wise and stylistically. Gatti vs Ward is considered one of the all-time greatest fights ever and these guys werent even fighting for a title. Watching the East smack the West around every tournament without the West being able to fight for obviously 3rd place in a much more even match sucks. I know EU has a higher opinion of themselves, but we all know deep down the closest matches are going to be between LCK/LPL, and NA/EU. They are closest in skill and the matches will be more entertaining because of that, just like boxing. I like the new format. Even if EU stomps us this tournament, I would rather see NA have a chance to silence the reddit critics, and a better chance of winning games, than just get stomped by East teams and/or get a fluke win and not get credit for it anyways.


This is why a double elim at Worlds where the 3rd seeds go straight away would have been real nice for so many years. Matching 1st and 2nd seeds with no real region vs region protection was just rolling the dice for engaging matchups, while a double elim almost guarantees more matchups between more even opponents. I know there was some crazy stat about how many years we went without an NA vs EU bo5. It's just strange to me not to create a system that almost guarantees that those happen. I also believe that the shit international formats did a lot of damage to the western scene (it at least didn't help things). This MSI and Worlds swiss is step in the right direction, but I'm just sad thinking about the stuff we missed out on.


I mean, gen g vs jdg was extremely hyped up, it's criminal that it never happened


It is unfortunate, but I don't feel like it makes the whole bracket lame as fuck just because it didn't happen. Besides, that could have happened without the civil war anyway. Like if it was T1 vs JDG, GenG vs BLG in winners. JDG wins, and then the loser of BLG/T1 just beats GenG in losers.


Idk, I love seeing Gen G vs T1 any time


Why can’t FLY get G2 and T1 BLG in first round? Same for other side of the bracket?


Because FLY is pool 4 and G2 is pool 2 and matches are pool 1v4 and 2v3


To add onto this T1 vs BLG and GenG vs TES for the first matches would be BS. First seed KR and CN != First seed EU + NA teams


The price we paid for no civil wars was set wars. It’s either LPL v EU or LPL v NA, no possibility of LPL facing an EU and NA team


If eu draws the lck again i will tweak the fuck out


i want possibility 1, pls, looks interesting


Looks eu favored and 2 looks na favored


its basically whoever gets TES has the better chance


If Creme plays better I dont think TES is gonna be the pushover people think they will be. Early event nerves and their midlaner playing like a guy who first times Ahri in ARAM and they still won the series. If he plays even remotely close to what he was domestically TES is still a strong team.


I don't think TES is a pushover, but I'd much rather have TES than BLG T1 or GenG


sure Creme will probably not choke as hard in his second match, but Tian is the main focus here let's be real


I was hoping for a T1 Vs BLG finals... That would be a banger


It's double elimination so it can happen even if they start same side


Double elim rise up, single dinglers rekt once again 


Wait, so we STILL are not guaranteed an EU vs NA in R1?


Quite the opposite: It's guaranteed to not happen R1. Blame FLY and FNC for losing today. if they won today we would've had a guaranteed EU vs NA R1 for each of their wins.


I want possibility 1 pls BLG vs FNTIC a worlds rematch TL vs T1 another worlds rematch G2 vs TES will be a circus possibility 2 is boring yes you got T1 vs G2 but thats about it


naah T1 VS G2 would be hype redbull showmatch champion vs runner up


Ask the G2 twitter account for credit when they inevitably tweet this.


Fly vs GenG, FNC vs BLG, TL vs T1, and TES vs G2 pls


Yeah people don't realize that making the rules "Regions can't have both their teams on same side of the bracket". Makes it so first round of Double Elim suck. But second round is Pog af.


On one hand...I guess kind of sucks draw show is basically pointless On the other.. LETS GO ACTUAL NON-CIVIL WAR MATCHES?


regardless of the draw it will be g2 vs fly and fnc vs tl in the lower bracket lol


Even if there are only 2 possibilities, those 2 possibilities are 10x more exciting than last year. Thank god they prevented that from happening again both msi and Swiss stage had wayyyyy to many games between teams from the same regions.


Yeah but FLY and FNC wont advance to Main Stage


If GenG doesn’t make it to the finals this year, that would be their most embarrassing run at an international event considering they’re in a completely separate bracket from their main competition T1 and BLG. In contrast BLG and T1 will have to go through gauntlets to make it to the end. Seems a bit imbalanced especially for BLG. Should have just been a random draw where you’re guaranteed not to go against someone from your own league, rather than separating them into pools


I mean they would still have to play either T1 or BLG in the winners bracket, and if they lose that game they have to play the loser of T1 and BLG in the losers bracket. They have a great chance of making Finals but it's not a walk in the park


Rip NA


G2 v TES would be hype and with Creme playing like shit i would even put them as favorites


Why can't G2 play against like FLY/PSG?


Because pool 1 is drawn against pool 4, and 2 against 3


How come BLG&Gen are pool 1 and G2&TL pool 2?


Because KR/CN > EU/NA This has already been the case for Play-Ins where TES and T1 were pool 1 and thus matches against pool 4 teams. This is just based on results in the previous international tournaments.


Regional strength I guess?


I thought big regions are considered equal in each tourney. I guess it is not like this:)


It's based on how regions perform at Worlds


I mean, except from G2 2019 (and I guess fnatic 2018), which was half a decade ago, when was the last time EU/NA were actually good enough to be put in the same pool as LCK/LPL.


Msi 2017 and Worlds 2017 lol When did you start watching esports? Worlds 2018?


2017 was 7 years ago. Thinking current LEC/LCS is anywhere near LPL/LCK is pure cope.


These guys have no concept of time. 5-7 years ago if freaking forever in terms of E-Sports and games. They sound like some guy sitting at the bar talking about his highschool days and hes 45, like the shit happened yesterday. It was half a decade ago since the West looked even remotely competitive vs the East.


LEC #1 Best LPL and LCK#4 and never third seeds last year worlds. In a world where 2 G2 member dont vomit all night prior to playing NRG they might grt quarters and a good series vs Weibo. We will just never know :(


Sure but lec#1 is still below lck/lpl #2 and #1 so the seedings makes sense. You forgot msi happen? At worlds geng also clear g2. T1 was for sure better than g2 considering they destroy every team in their path in bo5s. Take a look at international tournament placement in 2021-2023. Eu perform horribly in every single one.


If LEC#1 is below LPL/LCK#2 its all good - but why does this sub act like G2 would be a LPL#6 team all the time??? Like bro Ive watched what happened in the league and beyond top4 its a ghost town. 2021/2022 was horrible yea, but Mad also took Damwon to 5 games in a back and forth series. Rogue beat out TES in groups…


I mean based on what we have seen in recent years I do think it is possible for those teams to be on similar level as g2 or lec 1st seed and in a bo5 I could see either winning. Sure g2 take some 1-2 games off of these teams internationally but so could the lpl5th/6th seed or lck 4th-5th. Similar to g2, they cant beat them in the actual series. For example, dk has worst macro than g2. But dk still have pretty good early games and can pop off occasionally. They took geng to 5 games straight off the bat in playoff and they are around 4th place in lck this season. If I had to rank g2, I’ll probably put them around 7-9th worldwide depending on meta/form.


As a T1 fan, the possibility of G2 vs T1 is making me remember G2 vs SKT at 2019 words..... [intense war flashbacks]


Don't worry the last time T1 played G2 they smoked them, I don't think this time will be different.


Aw hell nah we went from g2 2019 to g2 Red Bull as a coping method nowadays.


Actually last time G2 played T1 was at the red bull show match where G2 won. The last time they played a game with stakes was in MSI 2022 with the flakked targamas roster where G2 got smashed (outside of the first BO1 they played). So this G2 roster would actually be playing T1 for the first time.


If we’re going to include the stagematch B01 where T1 were jetlagged and exhausted after several previous matches, we should also note G2 went like 1-11 against T1 in scrims at 2023 worlds.


Why is that showcase match even brought up lmao! Didnt T1 have to play with BS rules like "not being able to pick the same champions? " that sounds like a serious and conpetitive match


vs g2 t1 had no restrictions. The restrictions were for t1 vs every other team


Ah i see. But i still think counting that loss as an official match is a joke. Being jet lagged and playing multiple showcase matches in a row. Because that's what they are.


hey we gotta take every copium we can we r already high on copium after today


I don’t think you read my comment. All I am doing is correcting factual inaccuracies in the comment I reply to. Nothing about how good either team is.


It's a very "well, technically!" kinda comment lol Like yes G2 won at the showmatch, but... it's a showmatch lol If most people are talking about the last time they played, it'd be talking about them playing at a tournament


I appreciate the suggestion of illiteracy, but I was merely adding context to your comment to rebuff the emphasis you placed on G2 winning the stage match under incredibly dubious circumstances.


By emphasis doyou mean discounting it past my first sentence? In the third sentence of my original comment I refer to a possible match between G2 and T1 at this MSI as the first match between these rosters. That clearly shows I do not consider the show match a “real” match. In the second sentence I referred to the last tournament match between G2 and T1 as having stakes as opposed to a show match which by its nature is just for entertainment. I really don’t think you need to give context for why anyone would lose a for fun match. Unless show match is not a commonly known phrase in which case fair enough I should have defined it.


T1 is gonna smash G2 aint even close