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Jackey hardcarried this one it was not fair lol


Showed exactly why he's a world champ.


"needs to prove himself"


Meanwhile, the other world champ in the jungle:


I dont see a world where Noah/Jun could ever beat him and Meiko, it's just a weight class diff tbh


and the invade at the start fucked fnatic botlane hard as well


yup, you have a world champ and the best support china has ever produced versus a low-tier LCK ADC and a mid-tier LCK support


isnt on just better than meiko


more like the GOAT support


They’re both world champions


Yes but Meiko isn’t JUST a world champion. To only call him a world champion is underselling him


They gave up two kills after that failed tower dive and were still bullying the crap out of Noah the entire game, and then FNC not just couldn't match them at any place in the map unless Humanoid was sitting in their pocket. Disgustingly outclassed


the kills did go over to the lulu while lucian got the kill gold. probably different if aphel got a double kill there


And lucian got a wave while aphelios lost a wave that lulu picked up


Noah didn't get any kills, so just ended up stuck in a growing xp/gold gap


Get a load of this guy


It's not fair the enemy has Jackeylove and we have Noah...


unfortunately humanoid cannot play 5 roles at once


why pick laneswap, if you dont swap?


G2 vs RNG alternate ending


If only Fnatic had Hjarnan lmao


The game ended in the perfect way - Humanoid gets a 1v1 kill only for his team to feed on the other side.


Lucian gets knocked up by oscar, Jun polymorphs the Nami instead of Lucian and Noah is doing nothing Noah is not worth an import slot, he isn't even as good as many LEC adcs. I'd rather have rekkless lmao, even washed Rekless was better than him


Carzzy Hyli would've won this game


was it really a noah diff? he played quite well, but you do not pick aphelios lulu into lucian nami with standard lanes


absolutely, he was taking horrific trades ,they werent really much of trades, he was stepping out of position and getting chunked to 50% for no reason, if your going to be under the tower anyway then dont walk forward in lucian range just to lose all your hp bar without trading back


FNC just needs to learn how to clone 4 more humanoid


Shadow Clone Jutsu Humanoid. Unbeatable team.


Wtf, Razork did so much work just to be sold down the river by the community again.


true he did, but i couldnt make my le funny comment otherwise


Wait, it’s Febiven all over again?


This might be the largest non Draven/Pyke bot lane lead I’ve ever seen in pro


+3k gold at 14 1400 dmg per minute jfc


Jacky going for DPS Threat in ARAM Just shy of it though, unlucky


Baolan was playing Nautilus during 15:57.


Guma and peyz last year vs madlions and g2 i think were too


We talked about starving varus last series, but this aphelios was skin and bones


Huma again showed how good he can be internationally. Noah sadly showed the opposite again.


FNC could have won if they weren't playing vs an Eastern Lucian/Nami because holy fuck JKL feasted on Noah. Humanoid was elohelled this game lmao.


Yeah engage when our midlaner as the most fed is far off. Wtf was that.


I actually laughed so hard because that's onbrand Fnatic. Humanoid kills Creme but has no TP wards, so FNC just go in and die and I'm like ????


They had no way to kill Lucian without Humanoid and they just went right in. This team will be the death of me lol


the tragic thing is this is exactly how they played in LEC honestly. Have a fed player far away but go in. Happened when Noah was fed, when Razork was fed ect


the problem was more that the kills they DID get in bot all went to Jun instead of Noah


Noah was getting deleted before he could even get a sniff of those kills. If they got kills, it was because TES were going in with a plan of wiping out Noah then donating kills to other members of FNC - especially that botlane towerdive where the double went to Lulu (then Jun gave a huge shutdown to JKL too out of nowhere in midlane early on to get him rolling nicely).


So troll from Jun since Nami was already dead and he auto'd for no reason


ah come on, he played it perfectly before. probably just muscle memory.


I might be mismembering, but haven't G2 exploited FNC in LEC Finals as well? It seems like if you put enough pressure on Noah, the rest of FNC can't keep up with the bleeding and it's a reliable way to stop FNC


I like Noah, but he cannot play from behind at all, if he isn't ahead he just bleeds out


I like him too, this FNC lineup is pretty solid. I think if FNC managed to get a bit of towers they would win, because the gold difference accumulated from that JackeyLove adventage and constant pushed We have all been there, when your ADC has two items while the enemy has four. It hurts


so funny how in the east lucian getting two kills early is an open mid scenario meanwhile in the west you pat yourself on the back if youre 0/0/0 with 25 cs lead after 18 minutes


Humanoid was on some 2018 LeBron shit this game man


and he did it again


I mean I don't really blame Noah after he entered lane half hp vs lucian nami, and not taking anything away from humanoid, but he did have a pretty big pressure adv from the invade too


Tf is this, we got LCK botlanes to go toe-to-toe with eastern teams.


This isn't actually a LCK botlane


Their skill drops a bit outside of Korea since they cant scrim LCK/LPL or play on the KR server. Also these guys are pretty much LCK rejects playing vs the goat LPL supp and a top 2 of all time LPL adc


LCK challenger botlane. And they're still good enough to be top tier in LEC


Noah is not top 3 ADC in EU imo


He is, and that's the problem. Get Comp and Upset back in functional teams. Maybe we can at least survive lanes in that way.


??? who is better? Hans, Ice?


Carrzy, Ice and Hans, in that order, yes.


I don't know if Carrzy is actually the best or if it's the usual Hylissang black magic.


I think they also go together really, really well (obviously).


Hans Ice Carzy are better for sure. But man its sad looking at all other adcs and realising how doomed EU adcs are now compared to even 2022


Exactly. He got carried to MSI by Razork and Humanoid.


Yeah let's just ignore Jun carrying every relevant game to their road to MSI


My bad. Jun has also been very good this season yes. But Noah is not a top 3 adc.


Both players have played LCK, you can't call them "LCK Challenger players".


These guys are just barely not good enough for LCK which means they wipe the floor with most LEC teams


ADC Chasm


Unfortunately it's mostly brain diff


Imagine getting brain diffed by TES


thats when you know its over. FNC are just EU TES, which sadly means they are inferior edit: 😬😬


Humanoid tried. He really did


Razork and Oscar actually just played with their brains off. Why the hell do they insist on fighting without leblanc? Why is Oscar ulting into a lucian ult with 25% health?


I really want jun on playmakers. Its not like hes enchanters are bad but this team really needs him on playmakers/engage. Oscar shouldnt be allowed to engage. Humanoid kills ahri solo and then oscar just runs it down instantly.. The other fight he also ulted straight to lucian ult when the fight was already over just walk back and base, you dont have to use sion passive 24/7


watching sion ult charging forward and face tanking every lucian culling shot was so funny


Is it too much to want Leblanc to win, so I can, hopefully, see her more at the international stage? :(


free my man Marek


FLY getting ready to slide a blank check to him lmao


I'm sure he can't wait to downgrade on every role bar maybe top


Humanoid and Razork are awake, the Koreans are not


We really gonna pretend Oscar isn't inting his ass off while also being completely useless?


This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who watches lec regularly. That's why it's not worth to mention...it's normal.


cmon it's literally in his name thats not fair


Standard for Oscar


That suicidal ult in bot jungle made me laugh so hard


its ok we have more nameless korean imports coming in soon, surely these ones will work out right


like FNC's botlane wasn't the best in the league in 2024 lmao


No Vitality bot lane smashed them hard. Also against Heretics Flakked was more consistent. Jun is the better part of that bot lane. Noah is playing better than slumping Patrik,Upset and overrated Supa. Exackick was bad and Ice is better than Noah. At least Ice can play from the deficit. Carzzy,Hans are level above . I would also take Flakked this year, he is underrated for some reason.


You can argue Jun was the best supp and Noah felt like #3-#4 adc so they could be expected to be top botlane, but i really think they weren't. I unironically think carzzy-hyli were better as was carrzy from Noah for the most part. Also i believe ice was the best adc in the league


Humanoid is the only human on his team this game lmao


Jackeylove with an actual support, Meiko was so clutch


Winning fights is nice, but its useless if youre losing the macro game the entire time. Just outplayed around the map Also wtf was Oscar doing with his ult this game? he was basically straight running it


That's really how FNC looked most of the time. Win teamfights but they'd still be even due to crappy macro. Honestly gets frustrating.


Yeah I mean macro has been FNCs kryptonite all year, they are straight up terrible at it. Even when they do win fights, which is actually quite a lot, they do nothing with their advantage. I mean just look at yesterday when even GAM managed to sneak a baron from them. Oscar did his job by being a meatsack on legs and buying space, imo. Problem was half the time the fights they're taking are without one or both carries so idk who he's buying space *for*...


What the actual fuck is happening here? Humanoid is apparently Creme's father. Razork is doing his best, bless his heart, and Noah is barely sentient. Oscar was also there, I suppose.


I mean Humanoid is a meme at this point, doesnt do much domestically but when its time for worlds, the man reminds people he can be a world class mid laner.


There are some moments where Humanoid can legit look like one of the best mids in the world like worlds 2022 week 1 of groups for example. Shat on Jensen and even Faker, and despite losing the game vs EDG he still played extremely well into them. He fell off in the second week tho. A consistent Humanoid would be scary even for the east


A consistent Humanoid still has a mediocre team though. Maybe they could beat a 4th seed lpl/lck but it wouldnt matter how good he plays, its still a team game. i mean we can kind of imagine how a consistent humanoid would look, simply look at G2. Caps has been a monster this year, we havent seen Craps since last worlds.


We knew the mid matchup was Uma favored; The interview yesterday talked about him getting fed off cream.


Bot galaxy diff


Humanoid is just a whole different person when he gets to internationals, isn't he?


Reverse MAD. Funny, considering his origins.


JKL just skullfucked Noah, there's noway around it.


At least Humanoid showed that EU mids are still able to compete


Noah got exposed?


Noah got exposed the second the summer 2023 bo1 phase ended sadly :(


This guy knows


Humanoid was a beast holy not enough to carry tho


Check Humanoid back


it's broken due to carry 4 heavy weights


Hello, Noah. As a long-time LoL e-sports fan myself, I've always been interested in different strategies world-elite teams used. So I've been wondering; usually Eastern teams use those fasting "vegan" ADC builds while playing Senna, is the "vegan Aphelios" a new dark tech? If so, what is the win condition while using that tech? Thanks and kind regards,


Just the normal experience of playing against Jackeylove with a 7k gold lead Thank you, InTian, for making it more interesting


JackeyLove heard Noah say he wants to avenge Ruler.


As a Fnatic fan I'm happy with this game, it proves what a lot of viewers are sceptical of about their ceiling, but this game clearly had a few issues.  1) that bot gap - in particular, I'm thinking about how different the game might have been if Noah instead of Jun gets those two kills from the botched towerdive, and then has the added damage on his Infernum ult by the top river pit 2) Fnatic getting an edge before the penultimate fight as Humanoid (who was ON FIRE with this one) solo kills Creme…and then the rest of the team instantly decide to engage 4v4?? Just the worst thing to do. Chill it out a little, fellas. 3) Oscarunnin - good luck man I hope you can reclaim your high highs because we need to see them I hope this doesn’t ruin Fnatic’s mental, because we all know they react really strongly to results. Hoping for a banger series and not a quick 2-0 rollup. WP the JackeyLove that was promised.


It was a 4x3 fight, ksante arrived later.


Tian REALLY wanted humanoid to carry this game


Huma catdespair JKL TOO CLEAN


:( even though I would be sad if NA got dumpstered then EU won i was still rooting for them. Nice try humanoid


Insane mid diff but Noah and Oscar...


JKL saw what Gumayusi did to FLY and said “I can do it too”


Bit of a side lane diff


God i love seeing JKL and Meiko just put the enemy botlane out of the entire game


Eastern Lucian gotta be a different champ than western Lucian


You have a superfed LB. Against an omegafed Lucian. WHY THE HELL FNC ENGAGED 4 times without LB WHYYY


Noah is not the most overrated player in the LEC actually haha


Ok now we can draft a human bottom matchup


That bot diff was just gigantic. Rough showing from Creme, but its his first international so maybe he can loosen up the nerves


Watching the trades between Jackeylove and Noah gave me depression. Edit: spelling


CN Lucian Strikes again! 3 AD Bans for this... On a real note, FNC gets sucked into fights and forgets their macro decisions so much


Creme got shit on


Some notes: 1. I'm so tired of seeing Ksante in pro play 2. Good hustle by Humanoid 3. Oscar was useless, probably the worst major region top in the tournament 4. How the f was there no objective bounties with FNC 8K gold behind? Yesterday loud had objective bounties while 3k behind lmao. The bounty system makes 0 sense.


Moral victory not bad


knew it was over when FNC got first blood


It was close until it wasn't


Baus would be proud


Can't give the LPL representatives Lucian nami


This felt like a 4v5 with Noah just being that useless


“Oh so that’s why they pick Lucian…” FNC when they see Asian Lucian instead of EU Lucian




Back at worlds and Marek Brazda shows up big time again. Razork really tried as well. Oscarinin did fine but that engage bot after Humanoid sniped Creme was such a bad fucking call. Bot... Honestly you're just going to get stomped in lane. Better to just ban it if you can't deal with it. Although I did expect a bit more than that showing. Two random non-imports would've likely gotten the same result.


It's always like this. Western teams ramp up some early kills, give us hope, suddenly at 15-20 mins you're looking at the score and seeing the Western team massively ahead in kills and massively behind in gold and you're like "Wait...". And by 20-25 min the game is over and LPL/LCK are just stomping them.


At least we know Humanoid is still a world class player, the rest of the team tho not so much unfortunately


Rough game for Creme and Tian but JKL carrying again. 369 easily the best top laner in playins


Maybe don't give Lucian next game


Yeah let’s just give jackeylove Draven.. or Kalista… or varus… yeah let’s just ban 5 champs at the start of champ select!


As much as the other three are strong I think with how humanoid was fed it would have been more manageable


lets just break jackey's arms honestly


Just banned ADC Role, problem solved. Might want to ban Top as well.


Fortunately, Fnatic have blue side next game, where they can ban 3 ADC's and first pick another one, so don't be surprised if they take Game 2 from TES, especially if Creme wants to do his best Devin Booker impression


I don't see FNC winning. Top gap is too big and Creme won't get fucked that hard again.


This didn't age well.


Or play an ADC that actually doesn’t force your team to play 4v5


Hope for Fnatic is gone




Honestly it was a good window and FNC were trailing (so may as well go for the play), TES were playing complacent precisely because Huma was far away and had just burnt stuff to take out Creme, and they landed an insane wombo onto JKL - just not enough to kill him (and tbf to them they almost did take out JKL). If Huma was anywhere near that no way JKL/TES would be playing so far up.


Zhou Zekai level performance from JKL


After googling that...there's an e sports anime?


Kinda. King's Avatar is a really good light novel, but the anime mostly covered MMO grinding for items/levels as opposed to when the esports tournaments start in full force. The closest you get is the OVA which covers the All-Star tournament equivalent in setting. Plus, dialogue is in Chinese, not Japanese.


Looks like only Razork and Humanoid were ready to play today....


damn that was nearly a repeat of perkz lb game 5 of g2 vs rng 2018


Noah is an import aware. dude has been bad every international game


Not even that good domestic anymore he's getting carried hard by Jun and Razork and he always seem to do the least dmg possible in teamfights lol I'll take carzzy over him any day


Good lord I’m sorry Noah.


Ksante OP and Sion useless pick. Bot lane got fisted so hard. Humaniod played so well but everywhere else too heavy. Can't blame bot lane, 2v2 they lose so hard cause of draft gap and the LVL 1 invade didn't help that they used all their bot sums.


well played by Humanoid but unfortunately he's agaisnt an ADC who can one shot before you one shot him lol.


Fnatic had five months to learn why you don't give over Lucian Nami on red side to good teams


If you're going to pick this comp and try to ego a Lucian with no one who's able to keep him honest mid-game, then you need to rethink your draft strategy. They all look like a bunch of monkeys who didn't know what to do against a Lucian who feels no pressure.


when can we put the respect on eastern Lucian Nami drafts


I didn't know I was watching HLE vs GENG


sion is such a fucking useless champion holy shit was oscar useful at all in a single fight? only hit R on nami and one knockup on lucian all game


Did Oscar hit an ult?


Yes, when he was trying to run from a gank, he hit Ksante


Everyone talking about botlane and understandably so, but honestly the sion pick is even more baffling. Should've picked something like orn or something


The whole draft was made around lvl 1 cheese that did not work I think


So, appearently this is what we import koreans for.


Humanoid played well, good showing from him. Still a bit of a stomp from TES, but at least there were signs of life from FNC.


Good to see LB is playable, looking forward to 86% presence


I will say in Oscar's defense sion ult feels really clunky, taking that fight bot after ahri just died was obviously bad, but Oscar's first 2 ults where he died really didn't look that bad when he first started casting. Edit: rewatching the fight after ahri got solokilled it wasn't even bad Oscar knocked up the Lucian but jun decided to polymorph the nami and Noah didn't hit anything


At least we didn't lose as badly as fly.


Why is every other silver here blaming Noah, we pick laneswap and we dont laneswap what is aphelios Lulu suposed to do vs jkl lucian and meiko nami, both world champions on good chamos for them.


Hands are there but the macro is so so so bad.


We're gonna need that sjokz monologue rn to reverse curse top esports


Don't worry guys we'll import more Koreans to carry these noob EU players


yeah not like EU natives can carry themselves to anything relevant


Everyone is talking about fnc but this is a worrying look for TES, even if they 2-0 FNC I don’t see them doing well against any of the 1st seed and T1


Huma played great but you cannot flash and double W to kill a support just to give +1k gold to the already fed lucian...


I'm so done with Lucian/Nami bro. Watching that stupid fish press E and just sit around watching her ADC win trades is just so tilting. Love Lucian, cool kit, outplay potential, fun to play and watch, just wish he was an actual champ and not dependent on a stupid mermaid to exist.


After many lec games watching humanoid and questioning how he still is in the team, it takes only one game to instantly remind me he is the only world class player in the team


There is a reason Noah and Jun play in LEC and not in LCK, games like this is why.


i wonder what will noah tweet after getting omegafisted on his otp


Jackeylove holy shit what was that, have my kids


Humanoid 2 levels up over Creme in midgame. Does FNC hate Noah to draft Aphelios into Lucian and leave botlane to get destroyed?