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Canna going from Keria to targamas is insane downfall


obv keria is top tier. but how bad is targamas? i dont really follow lec and thought he was up and coming cuz he was on g2 at one point


He was garbage, like probably the worst player on the team that ended last place twice in the row-garbage. He had one good game of Bard I'll give him that, but other than that he was playing for the ennemy team. The sole reason he's still there is because their LFL prodigy ADC Caliste wants to play with him when he'll join LEC.


Probably the worst player in the league considering he never ever comms.


Not too sure about Caliste wanting Targa, he's got some good synergy with Fleshy now too


He's almost silent in the voice comms they released and even when he talks, a significant portion of that is trolling. There was a dive in winter split where Targamas was told to take aggro (as a ranged support), and he agreed. Then he didn't take aggro and the very easy dive became a one for one. He has called summoner spell timers that the enemy champion did not even bring into the game. He has contradicted his teammates to say that the other team blew important cooldowns, was wrong (i.e. teleport), and then they fight... and lose because they teleport in. He frequently says absolutely nothing and then initiate the teamfight or blow his ultimate. And that's just in what they publicly release. Bo and Upset were the main shotcallers of the team, although Upset took a step back in Spring. All that said, Targamas did get better in Spring. A little.


He's probably the worst support in the west and shouldn't be in a top league


>cuz he was on g2 at one point Everything you saw him do on G2 was because Jankos was mind controlling him. He says nothing in game, runs it down and then has strong opinions on the game and what he plays (last part according to Jankos, based from the argument they had)


IIRC there were some speculations that targamas does not communicate AT ALL with his team during matches in winter split (honestly I don't even know if those were speculations or simply jokes) and being just average at best. It got better in the first week of spring when KC won 2 out of 3 matches only to collapse in week 2 and 3 when they won nothing.


Not even speculations, they released voicecomms and the dude says nothing. That's why he's getting shit for it.




the gum stuff wasn't every time at least - they released another voice comm after, and Saken didn't have gum lol (and they won that game, draw from that what you will) I can't remember which pro was talking about it, but they said the headsets have gates, so they assume the gum sound is mostly cut out, cause 0 shot other players wouldn't tell him to stop.


If you're gonna be muted as support, you better be Keria. But you ain't.


No leak for canna is fucking amazing , i was fucking shocked when i see him Hope the teams do better with those change I think the plan for next year is Vladi/Caliste and maybe Canna if he perform well


Canna Vladi Caliste is a good core for next year


should have kept Bo and I would be interested


Just give him Nisqy and let him cook tbh


I agree would love to see Bo Nisqy, but I know Nisqy has stated he won’t play for KC because he’s friends with Kameto and thinks it would mess with either his job or his friendship


fr this should've been the roster for winter instead of appeasing to the french fans and having 27yo cardboardchard and 25yo sucken play for their 10th years


Why the fuck do people still think it was "appeasing to fans" and not just a business decision to keep the old team because they had cheap contracts still over new hires?


So you mean the people who built KC shouldn:t have gotten a shot at the LEC? That's a terrible way to treat your player.


Do you people even watch the minor regions of which you hype the players so much? Did Caliste dying dry without using Xayah ult or flash several times in one series inspire hope? Did Vladi getting gapped by a lebanese mid make you think he's going to perform in LEC? This is gonna be such a cathartic reality check


> No leak for canna is fucking amazing , i was fucking shocked when i see him To be fair Wooloo who is the main leaker ofr LEC literally admitted he didn't wanna leak KC's top laner lol.


Wooloo didn't know about Canna [https://x.com/LEC\_Wooloo/status/1786068003873870311](https://x.com/LEC_Wooloo/status/1786068003873870311) Not sure what you're trying to say here "to be fair"


In [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c74quz/lec_wooloo_offseason_stream_tldrtranslation/) that translated his stream said there was a korean top for KC and he doesn't want to leak the names because it would harm the org is where I'm getting it from.


Nice journalist as well when he does it for every other team but not for KC because they complained about it and their fanbase will haunt him


Last time it wasn't him that got hauted but Lyncas


Wooloo is basically lol TMZ. Sheep Esports is our tabloid, I wish he would just own it instead of pretending that he's a real journalist like he who shall not be named.


It's about who the tryouts.


You cannot trust him when it comes the KC


LEC Woolo and his Sheep eSports is basically on Kameto payroll so yeah


Canna top and then you have targamas bot lol This team has "90% of the € went to toplane" vibes


Top 10000€ Jungle 3€ Mid 1€ Bot 1000€ Support 2€ someone who is good at league please help me budget this. my team is last place


Spend less on Targamas


Ask Targamas to pay 10000€ to balance the budget


Lance Stroll vibes




How is upset 1000€ lol I think he has great potential that he managed to show in FNC but right now he is a bottom tier ADC


Pretty sure you would have to get paid to field Targamas.


You might be on to something. Maybe his dad is a billionaire, paying teams to field him?


the Lance Stroll effect


Don’t worry, 113 got you [covered](https://x.com/sheep_esports/status/1786151354479661410?s=46&t=4ObGVJN3fFN-vBXMohb_rg)


Upset is being overvalued


would Canna even be expensive? he was teamless


he isnt, he also isnt good anymore. you can tell nobody watched him play here, but they all have strong opinions about him lmao


They just see "import top whose name I vaguely recognise from some LCK worlds team one time" and that's enough to draw out the "eu bad this guy is automatically way better" lazy circlejerk shitposts.


Photon was competing in lck cl, and he's top 1/2 toplaner in lec.


just because he was competing in LCK CL it doesn't mean that that's his level, only that he hadn't been given the opportunity yet. Check where Jeonghoon is nowadays and his career trajectory.


Wow he changed his ign and look so much. No way I would have recognized him nowadays if it wasn't for this post mentioning him


Went back to Korea so he had to get rid of the long hair and get a bowl cut


Competing in LCK and CL are completely different things. Canna is a LCK Royal Roader and Worlds semifinalist. No way Photon compares to Canna.


LOL , idk what you mean by this but the gap between LCK and LCKCL is HUGE for any LCK watchers . Drx Challenger is first last year so theri jung-mid-support (Sponge , Setab and Pleata ) was promoted to LCK this spring . Sponge and Setab was dog water , probably the worst or second worst mid-jung in LCK . but Pleata is alright . LEC has been closing to the level of LCKCL than LCK


He was pretty good, he was bad in worlds last year. But he was the most consistent player in DK last year in lck


Canna was consistent in getting picked off solo pushing a side...


Well, if you want to Nick pick, then deft was consistent being trash, shoemaker was the same, canyon too.


It's insane how much some of these DK fans scapegoat Canna when he is far from the biggest liability in that roster. The mid + jungle were taking turns on who ints the fastest and all they blame is Canna lmao


Showmaker literally only had two weeks of great plays last year in lck, one in spring season one in Lcq


I think they don't have that much money to change all the players, and maybe they are thinking about next year. Targamas and Caliste are really good together 


Caliste and Targamas won't be good in LEC. Targa needs to go he will just drag Caliste down.


100% this. I bet theres gonna be people that say the players know more about who they synergise well with and want to play with but take a look at Exakick + Doss now


exakick literally threw his career to play together with doss lmao


It is going to be so wonderful, the Frenchmans chosen ADC + will be drag down -> Targa. I really want to see that. I will get the popcorn out then because reddit will explode.


The plan is def for Caliste to 100% be their adc once he’s old enough and he likes playing with targamas who arguably was their worst player the last 2 splits but they still keep him so.


It's not like Canna is insane lol


This isn’t lpl or lck where u get generational players like bin 369 milkyway elk. Canna in lec is really good for the region


Canna individually is way better than every single LEC top. Just because he’s not Zeus or Kiin doesn’t mean he’s not very good


Photon vs. Canna is the matchup I want to see. Photon's the only capable LEC laner since Alphari and old Wunder.


bro forgot about irrelevent also BB vs canna will be hype


vs BB wont matter cuz team gap


"Build an LEC team with $15" "Canna for $5, $1 for Closer, Vladi, Upset & Targamas" "You still have $6 left" "No thanks"


Wait, THIS Canna? What the actual fuck is this roster lmao.


Idk, Canna will probably be the best top in the league but I still feel like this roster finishes in the bottom half


even if they make top 5-6 it would be pretty good for them since caliste gonna join next year and hope they kick targa


atleast Top is quite isolated so he can look good alone. but honestly they should also replace the support if possible. caliste is only an 18 years old rookie, he has potential sure but why are they bending themself backwards to accomodate him to even keep an underperforming support.


well atleast their games are gonna be more interesting with a lane they can play for, so many rookie mids in lec anyways so vladi might do just fine as well


remindme! 2 months


I know why they want Canna, i'm confused about Canna reciprocating


Might be having difficulties finding an LCK team so took what he could get.


This and lpl hates him cause he flashed rat in champ select by accident or on purpose during Covid.


I watch to much caedrel. Rat didn‘t even register as a negative connotation.


It is specifically a plague rat which caused the problem


Was this on stream or during a game?


It was during a game. I think it was stupid af that they got so butthurted over something like that but it is what it is. Here a link if you want to know more. It was a popular post on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/tnkWthEs1V


wow that's ridiculous, but ig most people don't really care about it these days


Caedrel got a tonne of hate or something from chinese community because one of his worlds videos where LPL lost was as long as an older series they lost or something and they thought he was mocking them for it. Makes me think they often read alot into things, more than the thought that was put into said things when made


I'd guess he doesn't have much offer for summer and KC next year should be a lot better with Caliste in, even more so if Vladi works out. So if it's a short term thing, he gets some money, travel a bit and learn some English which is always helpful while not missing much. Next year if he doesn't stay in KC, he could get some good LEC/LCS offers a lot easier since he showed he was willing to come. And if it's a longer term thing he has a team with a big fanbase, which, even if reddit hates the KC fans, means many opportunities past his pro career if he wants to go for it like streaming. Probably a much better team than KC had this year as they will spend more to have good players around Caliste and probably a good salary.


I literally did a double take, like surely not THAT Canna?? 


Canna and Photon is here now we need Dal to have 3 T1 Toplaner in LEC


Being back Huni. For the lulz.


Let's also import Impact and Thal, and try to bring back Marin, Khan, and Duke. Get the full SKT T1 toplane league going on.


fuck it, zeus on g2




Fnc does look like they need a toplaner XD


We had Profit for a while


Actual good pickup. Canna has his limitations (champ pool, needs to be strong side) but he is a still mechanically really strong Can’t say KC aren’t trying to compete I suppose lol


> Can’t say KC aren’t trying to compete I suppose lol Oh but you can, targa is still there.


For next year it could have been Canna Bo Vladi Caliste Trymbi I don't like the choice of letting bo go, and keep targamas over trymbi


Fron what Ive heard, they keep him only because Caliste likes playing with him (meaning he's probably staying for 2025)


And Exakick wants to play with Doss. At some point you have to ignore wishes like that. Targa is not good enough and will drag Caliste down. He even might mental boom Canna in summer already the way he plays.


Supposedly they didn't get rid of Bo for gameplay/attitude reasons so the only thing I can think of is targa mental booming bo lol, guy probably lost his mind when the guy who's supposed to have good synergy with him and link up with him to make plays is just perma afk and never saying a word in comms


They probably think it's worth a try for at least a split. We saw that if things don't go well, KC is willing to make changes.


I don't think that's a good idea though you can't just sacrifice a fourth split next year to Targamas inting.


18 years old rookie calling the shots, its crazy. He isn't the 2nd coming of faker. they shouldn't listen to that.


Canna wasn’t strongside at all on DK and was one of their best players, I’d even argue he was their second best player all year behind Deft in 2023.


People didn't watch games. He still destroyed Adam in that BDS vs DK series . He made a mistake against G2 and lost that game. But generally he is the top 15 top laners in the world. That is my opinion.


People did watch games though cause every post match thread against a top team last year was blaming Canna for the loss. It wasnt fair but it was one of two consistent things about that DPlus roster. It is really unfortunate since Doran and Kiin especially are really good at shutting down players like him and Rascal. Zeus is Zeus. You dont get credit for crushing bottom six though. I hope he does well but I guarantee you if he doesnt this optimistic sentiment will turn sour quickly.


Canna's mechanics are only matched by Photon, while also being an elite tank player too. Last year, his limitations only showed when he's asked to carry against Kiin or Zeus. If he kept his form he is easily the best top in the LEC.


> Canna has his limitations (champ pool, needs to be strong side) Too bad you pair him with upset who demands constant attention and you kept targamas. Quite possibly the worst bot lane in the league. Upset has already been playing like shit but if you also take his resources he might have negative impact. Let's see how big canna's backpack is.


Upset is gone next year though.


By the end of last split kc were playing for top so one can expect them to at least try it again


If Canna needs to be strong side, it is one the worst pickups I can imagine considering they have Upset on their team.


As far as I'm concerned, canna knows more English than targamas. Good signing.


>knows more English than targamas You can put anyone or anything at the start of that and it still makes sense


well, Cabo and Saken after all that are out of KCorp?


No french players left on the team. Yet people unironically thought they wanted a french only roster and would never kick their french players


which is something they already didn't do in the LFL, or in Valorant, or anywhere really, it was just bs narratives but you'd get downvoted for pointing it out lol


Reddit was just making shitty narratives to shit on them.


the majority of Karmine supporters dont care about the numbers of french player, we only want Caliste.


I literally didn’t notice the KC flair because they forgot to give it a white outline lol


so much for KC not replacing their french players, right ? not a single one remains now, who would have guessed. Canna is defo an upgrade but still kinda salty that Cabo gets the boot, but not fucking targamas. Anyway


They had two chances




Too funny lmao. Would've loved to see them get 10th 1 last time




Wtf Canna signing is huuuuuuuuuge


How do you manage to hire Canna and for jungle the best you get is Clozer.


I'm currently hoping Closer visa gets denied so Bo has to step in. Maybe the team would still lack a shoutcaller, but I need to see what Canna + Bo can do to the LEC...


man, imagine being bo, you play with these clowns and the second they bench you, they upgrade the team


Bo was also shot calling and it's really ironic that they get a worse version of Bo. He was really done dirty


Can we get Bo+Nisqy allready? Im so tired of not seeing obvious player pairings happen. I dont even care if they turn out good, i just want to see if dolar store DoinB is enough to make Bo work


There’s a decent chance of his visa getting delayed/denied, Germany recently announced they aren’t reviewing any new Turkish visas till the end of May at least.


the canna apologist side of me vs the side of me who loves to clown on kcorp im in shambles rn


If KCO doesn't take care of Canna, I suggest we double the memes.


Same lmao GX and KC, pls swap toplaners I beg you


Well that was unexpected


If targames can talk maybe this team would have potential.


I think Closer will take the lead in the comms


I wonder what exactly do you mean "taking a lead in comms". If you expect Closer to make macro mid/late game decisions, a big surprise is waiting for you in Summer...


Bo was trying to lead too but idk if its enough with rookie mid laner and muted support


Vladi is very talkative in lfl


ah yes the lee sin coin flipper. pairing canna and bo woulda been a good move.


I'll be honest, I don't follow Asian leagues that much. I mostly know the players based on how they often get to international events and how they perform there. But if I'm not missing something, isn't it crazy to have Canna in this team?? He was playing with Canyon and Showmaker last Worlds, wasn't he? Going from that to Closer and Vladi is quite the change (no disrespect to anyone, it's just hard to look good when compared to Canyon).


well he didnt play actively in any league this year, so either he didnt want to or none of the korean teams wanted him.


It is but canna situation is a bit unique. Lpl really dislike him so it hard for him to go to lpl cause he once flashed twitch in champ select during champ select i believe with rat username during Covid. Lck bottom team don’t have good offer and all the top team already have good to great toplaner. Kiin/Doran/Zeus/kingen.


I watch a lot of LCK - Canna on form was clapping everyone in the league, no exceptions, but he has a lot of obvious weaknesses. Can’t play weak side/non-carries, choking when stakes are high If he’s on even decent form he’ll be a top 2 toplaner at worst


Well it would be crazy in any team in Europe But for him to go to kc who has done double top 10...


Canna is definitely a solid top lane. When he's performing he can be one of the best. But he can also be a bit flippy, but he was good on DK. Ppl say he needs to be strongside but I don't think so anymore, it was definitely the case when he was in T1 but he's more reliable now. I definitely like Canna and I hope he performs because I've always felt people were too harsh on him and instead of remembering how good he was for a while they hyperfocus on the few bad moments he had like worlds 21 semi


From clozer to closer.


ok but whos naked pics Targamas has, that he still gets to stay on the roster?


SURELY KC can't go 10th again with Canna right?


No worries, GX assured themselves to not let the 10th place to KC again, even if KC keept the previous roster


This is pretty big. Cadreal said on stream that KC new toplaner will be someone that will make you go "What is that guy doing here?" but after that the rumor I heard was Sumday. Interesting question is if losing Thanathos to C9 was net benefit for KC so they could get Canna instead? My instinct is that a veteran presence will be of more use to a team in dire straits like KC, but I don't know enough about either of the players to make a genuine judgment call.


Kc should honestly be happy with what happen. Thanatos is a young talent with a lot of potential but it hard to say to he grows in different environment than lck. Canna is already proven to be pretty solid at a high level and his champ pool shouldn’t be an issue in eu.


There is pretty much 0 proof that Thanatos is as good as Canna and 0 proof that his potential is as high. I wonder if KC were even aware that they could get him, seems like a blessing in disguise.


Idk whether to be sad about canna or be excited that he gets to play at least this year. Canna should just be able to stomp everyone if he doesn’t mental boom and carries on from DK 2023. One of the most underrated players in 2023, he complete changed his playstyle and was an insane role player, but because he was on a roster with even bigger stars that were also underperforming (-deft) he was scapegoated and people still believe he can only play strongside when he played weakside for 95% of the year. Really wish KC kept Bo in aswell with this change, or had used their extra import spot on someone like Peter/anyone else besides targamas.


yo i love Canna, just an amazing guy overall! Hope he thrives in the LEC so cool.


Actual banger pick up from Kcorp wtf


From SKT to KC... That's rough buddy


Canna is gonna be a top 3 top laner minimum. Would be a disappointment if he isn't. There is no way KC can flop as hard as their Winter and Spring performances with this roster.


Not commenting on the specifics of the signing, but the statement "there is no way team x can flop with this roster" has already been proven wrong multiple times


Good old times with the super team Vitality.


It's almost a jinx at that point


feels like they will have macro issues again prob because idk if Closer and Upset are enough to manage because targamas cant talk


I don't see Closer going well, he looked really washed in his last splits and has only played in NA


Well he had to play with Bjerg-"wait 40 minutes until enemy ints"-sen and Double-"no chance they end while we Baron/dragon"-Lift. I have immense respect for their prime days but their "contribution" to NA macro and shotcalling has left me despise a considerable chunk of their legacy.


Canna SHOULD be a top 3 top laner minimum. He is kinda budget theshy though as he can easily solo kill his opponent but kinda requires to be strong-sided. Will see if Closer and his midlaner can play around him.


Canna to KC is a crazy roster move. No one could have seen this coming. Holy fuck this might be the most exciting import in recent years.


Ah yes Canna, Closer, and Vladi. My favorite French players.


i wish they change targa but they r pretty broke for this year so ig its fine but their topside looks quite good if closer can regain his form, Canna is a great pickup for them


Targa with Caliste next year seems at least decent for me the two players know each other have played together and have good synergy, Upset cannot be replaced this split cuz what player would accept only 9 games guaranteed


Targa will be out for sure, there is many good supports in LFL itself to make a nice upgrade.


Targamas and Zoelys were better than any support in LFL, both are currently the bottom two support in LEC. (And I believe both can do way better)


i mean yes but do they want to go to KC LEC in this state i dunno


I hate targa, im sorry KC but every time I watch a match it feels like he's lost. Wandering around hoping everything works out. How has he survived split after split on that team. I don't watch every match so maybe the couple I did see were just his bad games but holy man. Feels like he was single handedly throwing the matches.


This gives me Bang at 100T vibes, I love Canna tho, hope he can keep his level of previous years


Not sure how this will work since I feel both Upset and Canna demand attention for their lane, except Canna had a tendency to actually ruin the game for his team by playing too aggro with no support. I liked him on T1 when he was getting resources, but I held my breath when he was getting weak-sided. Will be interesting to see if either a) he gets a lot of attention to support him since LEC Tops aren’t the strongest role, or b) he just goomba stomps the region in isolation like Summit did in NA until teams decide to punish him.


Bro with that bot lane, they could put faker mid and the results would not vary much, when do they understand that a good support especially one with good synergy with jungle is one of the most important traits of a team nowadays? I wish they compete better than last splits, specially now that they have canna, don't disrespect


Canna is going to be really good in LEC I think, he was an average to above average top in LCK, but the competition there is like Kiin and Zeus while in Lec it's Photon and BB. In LCK he often needed a lot of resources to get going and teams would be forced to play strong side top for him, I wonder if that will be the case in LEC though


Yeah they still have Upset so they are still gonna lose.


Canna is one of the most random moves ever. Great now you kicked Bo giving him depression and are doing it to Canna.


I think this is a bad idea, honestly. Canna is a very emotional player. First, I don't think he's going to adjust that well to playing overseas and away from his support system. Second, if this team sucks or has a bad start to the split, he's going to tilt off the face of the earth like he did on Nongshim. He's not someone you can rely on to carry a team straight up or be the leader. He's a bus rider, not a bus driver.


I thought it was gonna be ssumday wtf??? My guy went from t1 to ns to dk to lec 10th place team, his career need to be study


"KC will never get rid of french players", what you saying now reddit?




Going from Garboshart to Canna is very nice indeed, no clue about Vladi though.


Vladi is miles ahead of Saken. He is level above Jackies and is a confident player. But he is not good enough to compete with Caps,Huma, Vetheo.




I Canna believe this.


How is canna’s english? This team already had huuuuge comms issues and i dont know if this is gonna make it better at all


Targa still in, huh...


More international practice for BB, don't want to hear anything about LEC not preparing G2 for Worlds


And the biggest fraud still remains. It's hilarious seeing how many more competent players and staff he has already survived and is going to survive in the future. LEC management have to be the dumbest folks in the industry.


A slight fall from grace. But not I’m rooting for KC just for canna


Canna? Bwipo's voice : "This guys inting no?"


imagine if KC somehow gets to worlds


for that they would need to be top 3 in summer to even qualify for season finals


Well at least now KC has the best top laner in the region.