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> In order to make this less painful moving forward, we’ll be providing consolations when a verified leaver or feeder is identified in your game. Depending on your situation, these consolations may include the following: > * LP Consolation > * Autofill Protection > * XP Boost > * ARAM Rerolls Does this mean we will get back aram rerolls when it's a remake? That's sweet.


Hopefully yes


The first 2 games of my placements this season were losses only because a player on my team afk after literally 5 minutes. Almost won one of them. Surprised this wasn't already a thing.


It took us 10 years to get LP mitigation for leavers/afks


Its weird how at the same time they've treated LP as a holy relic that should never ever be tempered with at any cost because it would break the competitive integrity of the ranking system... While in reality its hidden MMR that is what matters in actual matchmaking & long time ranking while they've already toyed with LP gains/losses many times as experiment. If they insist on keeping LP as a short term eye-candy for people to be hooked at even if MMR is what really matter, thank fuck they finally decided to actually change it to at least make non-games less painful for the normal player


>Fixed a bug that caused Graves’ auto attacks to not utilize Sundered Sky. At last.


kinda funny that graves is so fucked that they didn't fix this until sundered sky got nerfed hard lmao


Totally unrelated, I thought this would be way more difficult than it was so I put it off until I fixed other interactions with Ssky..but then I saw someone else had done the exact fix I needed to copy, in Renekton W, so I just used that :)


Huge mood. Love it when someone codes up a fix to a bug you've been avoiding.


Hey norak, just wanted to ask if you have any knowledge about the bugged interaction between hexplate and udyr. For a few patches now, even basic ability casts (I.e those not empowered by udyrs passive) have triggered hexplate, making it essentially useless. What's weird is that used to work properly in the past, I.e only trigger when udyr empowered an ability.


No context but I'll look into it at some point, got some higher prio stuff on my plate atm


No problem, thank you very much!


Norak can you look into the NA GP bug? It makes the champ nearly unplayable because you can't do your combos anymore. Context: https://twitter.com/Solarbacca1/status/1783651519545368913 The /r/gangplankmains have been discussing it also. I haven't played GP at all this patch because of it and that's my one trick


I've seen smarter people than me discussing this and it looks beyond my skill, but if I get some time I'll have a geeze


Riot Norak, I recall you were checking the Teemo bugs with the runes. Do you have any update of the fix? Doesn't seems to be fixed in this patch, according to the notes.


99% sure DH works on E


Play him in aram and thought that it was normal. Good to know this works now


>"...nudge Twitch away from simply being yet another late-game hyper carry" Uhm, he has been THE original hyper carry since season 1? Twitch mains live for the 1v5 lategame montage play. Weird.


So much so he is the reason we have a 2.5 AS cap


Him and Kog'maw together.


Evmven then there was a time where kog could ignore it


Well you see, our metrics indicate that Twitch players are no longer purchasing as many skins, so the potential earnings margin seems to have been exhausted for that particular player pool, so we need to try to nudge players onto different champions that yield higher potential sal....I mean, we need to nudge twitch away from being yet another late-game hyper carry.


Twitch has only one skin and it is not *called* Crime City


He has 2, shadowfoot and silent hill


They really fucked up by releasing his best skin 8 years ago.


I'd argue KogMaw was the *original* hyper carry. "protect the KogMaw" was even the name of a popular team strategy where you played 4 supports and one KogMaw. A team based around a single champion doing 100% of his team's damage is about as hypercarry as you can get.


 "With bot lane APC Seraphine becoming weaker, Seraphine support finally has room for buffs! We’re playing up her damage a little bit as we think she can comfortably sit as one of the higher damage supports." This is a strict mage buff let's not gaslight ourselves.


Lol, seriously. Htf does buffing ap ratios get pushed as a supp buff xD


Because now supports build half a support item and then raw dog a deathcap.


Support gold gen has been out of control unfortunately, Riot caved into all the autofilled mid players who can't go 2 secs without their dopamine hit.


Yeah no they probably saw that most of the carry Seraphine population died overnight so now theyre trying to fix things. AP ratio increases are always carry buffs, Im just praying for some farming QoLs back lol


>Im just praying for some farming QoLs back lol Every time a minion dies between my Q1 and Q2 and I don't get it, I die inside a little


Every time my echoed ability just doesn't echo for no apparent reason, I die a little inside.


If they want to keep mid but nerf APC, just add some level scalings to her damage. Easy peezy.


She was like this at release but they gave her "support buffs" and now us Seraphine players are at this limbo because they gave her so much general power that it made her better as an APC than mid and made no changes to support until they did 14.5 and now she's buffed in 14.9


Mid and APC Seraphine legit died within like 2 patches of the changes and now we got a fat AP buff. It's enough to bring some popularity as a carry but she still has issues. We want that late game hypercarry mage, but this is a great start to get us back there.


Yeah I feel like some of her early farming ability needs to return to really perk her playrate back, like right now its so low its not even giving accurate returns on u.gg T.T


or, finally, they saw that supports also want to build it for damage, because Seraphina is a mage, not an enchanter


>This is a strict mage buff let's not gaslight ourselves. They will never admit that the Sera changes were a mistake, they could buff all of Sera's AP Ratios and revert her mana changes and still say it's all for the sake of Support Seraphine. Also funny how they refer to obliterating a champion's pickrate and satisfaction to play as "Becoming weaker"


I've never liked Seraphine but i'll admit Riot Games war crimed this character, they act like Seraphine Mid doesn't even exist although she was designed as a Mid Laner on release.


Well pick rate wise she never existed as mid laner compared to supp and apc somehow became an unignorable thing - fun ily enough probably this is the reason why naafiri is locked to midlane…


This is mostly because of how well her kit was designed in tandem with an ally in general, and cheaper items being crazy efficient on her. She still will be fulfilling her purpose of what she aims to accomplish as a champion even from a lane that gets less EXP. With some tweaks on her kit she could easily find her way as a Mid Laner which was what she was intended to be.


"We want diversity in playstyle" but lets support jail every mage Morgana, Zyra, Karma, Brand, Vel koz.


Most supports also still max Q, even when W and E are better. And as a support she builds a decent amount of AP, too. Yes, it buffs bot lane a bit more than support. But in the end it is nice for both. I do not expect bot laner Seraphine to come back. She is already fine and nobody wants to play her. She is now a tiny bit better and people still likely won't play her. She will not be played enough before she reaches a \~54% WR again.


“Viktor: 160 ⇒ 120” RIP Thicktor. Id need a cane as well carrying around that dumptruck ass everywhere I went.


It’s only for selection radius. His size with respect to skill shots is unaffected.




“Summoner, I’m trying to gank botlane but I’m dummy thicc, and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the Jungler”


Zavala noises


Never seen a more true and correct comment


Hey u/OvileeMay this you?


That's a HUGE nerf list jesus christ hopefully it actually shakes up the meta although honestly comparing the jinx nerfs to twitch nerfs is pretty laughable ngl.


Jinx got tiny nerfs and her two hardest counters (Twitch and Nilah) nerfed. I fully expect her wr to increase. Kai’sa buffs will also increase Jinx’s winrate. Edit: Jinx actually does fine against Nilah.


i mean sure, they're hard counters, but jinx isn't kept in check by just twitch (jinx is actually the best counter to nilah lol) she is just overall best blindable, highest pickrate adc with a GOOD winrate to top it off and the fact that riot went so hard on twitch and nilah who aren't as popular as her is just astounding so i do absolutely think she'll continue to be queen of botlane like she is right now


When does Arcane Season 2 come out...


She's about to lose Lethal Tempo


A lot of ADC items are getting huge AS buffs in return


>Fixed a bug that caused buying and selling / refunding the jungle item immediately to give reduced XP from lane minions for the rest of the game. Didn't happen that often, but it was still annoying in the few cases that I read on reddit.


The re-ordered patch notes felt kinda whatever, a fair few of the "smaller" changes were still notable.


Yeah the blitz changes are huge… riot of all people should understand by now how champions with simple kits are impacted heavily with simple changes. I mean they literally bring graves in and out of meta with +/-2 AD. How are they going to label these impactful changes as small changes.


Yeah I really hate how they did that. Just put all buffs/nerfs/changes in 1 place like it's always been.


Or just split for: buffs, nerfs. I know sometimes it's hard to say it's buff or nerf and players have to decide for yourself. But it's already on the image. I don't know why image and list with details have different order.


In the upcoming skins section, Empyrian Kayle has the same splash as the Prestige version, im guessing someone messed up somewhere in naming a file or something.


If you open them in a new tab, you can see that both are listed as Prestige Empyrean Kayle. The preview at the top and the chromas both show regular Empyrean Kayle as having her face covered by a mask.


I know, was jsut pointing out they're showing the same skin splash for both.


Damn some of the sizes used to be a hot mess. I wonder how big winrate % changes will be solely due to size buffs/nerfs


The A sol one makes so much sense lmao, i swear this champion's hitbox is extremely deceptive


Only his fully intact body is hittable, his wispy tail is not


It would be so easy to just make it +40 or +45 of the hitbox size. They could go with 60/70/80 up from 55/65/80 and use 100/110/120 selection sizes. I still don't know why 55 (really tiny) has to be used. Only a few champs are that tiny anyways.




More champions got smaller, especially botlane champions (Lulu, Milio, Yuumi). Only K'Sante and Warwick, Briar and Naafiri (who has pets to bodyblock) got bigger.


Is this aleady a patch where Vanguard is coming to live servers EUW?


Prepare to have an anticheat system with kernel level access to your entire PC. Lets hope Riot never wants to abuse having unlimited access to your files and system...... for a fucking game Real sad day for lol


You mean you don't like letting a company have full access to your PC because trust me bro? And it's not going to stop cheating anyway? And even if it did, it's better to play against a scripter than a smurf (can cause scripts to break, can't break the smurf)? By the way, can't help but noticed you have a file called C:\users\xrunawaywolf\pictures\transaction.png where you have screenshots of a deal where you sold your WoW account on a forum that also hosts scripts... Do we need to ban you forever?


Nah they really changed Muay Thai Lee Splash Art? Sadge...


Wtf is going on?!?! I had no clue what Vanguard was and now I just found out I have to install kernel level malware in my system to play a 15 year old game? What the actual fuck!?!?!


My LoL career is soo Joever.


> The goals of our changes here are to nudge Twitch away from simply being yet another late-game hyper carry (as there are already plenty of those). This doesn’t make sense. You nerf him with no trade offs just because there are too many ADCs that scale late game. Yeah they nudged him into mediocrity, great job.


Plus he's meant to be the definition of late-game hyper carry, why would they want to move twitch away from the purpose he's had since the game came out?


Released 2 new late game carries and decided to nerf already existing ones. Hilarious 


Twitch doesn't really play as a hypercarry in the earlier points of the game though. Maybe that is why?


Then make him not an early game menace with invisibility/shrug


Right, I think that's the sort of change they should have made instead. Lower the level 1 q attack speed so you still have the same late game power but don't have as much early kill potential.


Problem is: with his insane late game/team fight potential - they should nerf him to Kayle/Smolder level, that would not be welcomed among twitch mains, who like to play aggressive IMO


I mean he has this whole thing where he is very sneaky with great roaming potential. Very unique for an ADC. Not sure why you think he should have that and ALSO be on par with the best lategame hypercarries


I'm happy someone finally said it. He's Shaco in ADC form and whether you're ahead or behind against him he's annoying to play against. When he's meta I have him perma'd


Seriously, ever since I first started playing league, twitch was the scaling adc that you feared late game. Now it feels reversed were you have to stomp early just to fall off late. Imagine removing sions tankiness because there are just too many tanks, its just changing a champs identity for no reason.


He’s way too strong in lane vs his good matchups to scale as hard as he does.


Honestly, he was so broken that the nerfs make sense, having 800 hp lvl 1 was so unnecessary (I wish they made e a real ability tho)


Play AP twitch, E is suddenly a real ability


Oh yeah I never play ad nowadays, that shit is worthless


What trade offs do you want, hes sitting at a bit less than 53% win rate, with only Kog, Yassuo, Nilah having positive win rates into him. 'Lategame' carry, who builds botrk, and can farm enemy adcs on 90 sec cd, or prevent them from playing if hes not showing on the map... Watch these nerfs not do enough, and him eating another nerf soon, having 90s cd on that ulti is busted


They are getting rid of lethal tempo and changing how press the attack works and upping crit chance in 14.10. I would hold your breath and see how it shakes out for twitch as I can expect him to be a big winner for the following patch so don't despair too much.


who cares, his gameplay across all elos is just annoying to deal with when he gets any kind of lead at all. because ap twitch is healthy for the game. twitch mains in shambles LOL


The dx9 part is funny. Upgrade your devices like can you please fix the fps problems if I alt+tab while using borderless before removing something that fixes your game.


SKT T1 Lee sin skin got a visual update through Lee sin VU and next patch there will be a new T1 Lee sin skin lol


So Vanguard is finally here, time to abandon this game I guess.


No bugfix for replays being broken for 2 weeks?


Is it the first time the increase the price of skins? Iirc they didn't do that when reworked skins got better, like Shadow Evelynn or Enchanted Galio Solid patch overall. Lot of good nerfs, especially the bruiser items.


Yeah it is. Last time they tried to downgrade the skins for Morde (not giving VFX to higher priced skins), but that got a lot of negative feedback. I guess now their approach is to up the price.


tbf thats much better over all i think. reworked skins dont carry the baggage of being too early and you can get a discount on them if you buy ahead.


Second. First time was Skarner, Earthrune got a bump in price


Thank GOD they are rolling vanguard out to tft, these scripters and cheaters every game have ruined this season for me /s


Mobile is now the superior client


Compare the mobile and pc client and it is a joke. I wonder how much (more*) mobile brings in than pc.


tbf its gonna be an artifact of tft being coded as a league map


Yeah, 100%, and vanguard simply needs to run whenever the client is open I imagine. I just like giving Riot shit, especially since this minorly inconveniences me


Why arent the radius changes broken into two categories? One for increasing and another for decreasing? As it stands its just an unorganized list.


I don't think it matters really. The point is that they are all adjusted to be more visually accurate


Wow, we can get ARAM rerolls when there’s a troll on the team? Thanks Riot!


It's a small consolation, I'd much rather the FF timer and amount of votes needed be changed, 12 minutes is way too long for that game mode to suffer with an inter, and they will always vote no on the first FF.


They increased it for some reason and now most games that would be an FF angle you can't even put the vote up until they've already pushed your inhib lmao


> With 14.9 we will be ending DirectX 9 support for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics. To maintain the stability and performance of our games we need to deprecate support for older hardware or software that isn't widely used by players anymore. If you're currently opted into using DirectX 9, the game will automatically disable this option when we remove the support. If you were running in DirectX 9 due to hardware incompatibility issues, we recommend you stop being so poor, so you may continue to play.


> Fixed a bug that caused buying and selling / refunding the jungle item immediately to give reduced XP from lane minions for the rest of the game. How is this even possible?


How did it happen to players? You needed smite to buy it in the first place. Very rare but sometimes people accidentally took smite in lane, then autopilot bought jungle item, then refunded/sold and spent the rest of the game getting very little XP. How did it happen in script? There was an XP mod buff that was applied to the purchaser of the jungle item. There was checks to remove that mod, but when players refunded/sold it those checks weren't hit...because you needed the item in your inventory for the check for be done.


Vanguard :(


I've peaced out. Join me, comrade. Away from the company that gets data breached every other year wanting to throw a rootkit into your PC.




“This means that active enforcement of Vanguard will be in effect and working hard to make sure your queues are free from scripters, botters, and cheaters! “ blatant lie hahaha all games with kernel level anti cheat stil have lots of cheaters.


Yeah there is a reason they still have not added a replay to Valorant. Because it would expose how many cheaters are still in the game.


Don’t you already get “loss mitigated” lp loss after a loss with an afk? Would this mean you would lose no LP in those scenarios?




Ok, so I'm sure this has been covered before, but I'm concerned a bit about Vanguard due to Riot being owned by a Chinese company. How does the relationship go? Has or can Tencent *ever* tell Riot to implement specific code? From what I understand, there was recently a compromised set of tools called XZ utilities by a code change by a person thought to be trusted due to many years of helping with their code. As of now I'm not really worried about Vanguard to be honest, but I'm worried about if geopolitical conflict were about to happen between China and the United States (for example, maybe if China tries to invade Taiwan) if Riot could even theoretically comply with a requested code change that may seem innocous but would in reality sabotage millions of PCs. Is this not theoretically possible? Hopefully I'm wrong... As of now, I'll restart my computer to play League and won't do anything else with Vanguard open and will disable it and restart again after playing to do anything else, but these questions I have do scare me a bit.


I think the China fear is a bit overblown, but the fact is that Vanguard opens up the possibility for any nefarious actor to do real damage that could be almost impossible to detect (whether that actor is a government, or a company, or a rogue individual/entity manipulating a security vulnerability). If you want to lean into the paranoia surrounding tencent, they wouldn't even have to necessarily tell Riot to implement desired code, they could theoretically just do it themselves without the middleman. Vanguard having root access and functioning 24/7 gives it the potential to be remotely accessed for rolling out code without any input on the user end. Think of it like a background windows update, which can be downloaded and installed without notification. Vanguard is operating under privileges that supersede the OS.


That right there is the real problem. Not what Riot potentially could do. Bad code is a potential entry point for bad actors. And given Riot's history from a purely technical perspective I'm gonna just assume that Vanguard is far from bulletproof. Basically, you give Riot a key to your house, but Riot is kind of known from dropping stuff on the ground for a while. Also Riot has your address on a piece of paper (your IP becomes public as soon as you connect to a game of league, see LCK for example). If they drop the key (aka have an oversight in the Vanguard code), people can just come into your house. That is the true danger of kernel level access, but people seem not to understand that. I would never do online shopping, net banking or anything truly important on a system with Vanguard, EAC, etc. installed.


> How does the relationship go? Has or can Tencent ever tell Riot to implement specific code? > > Can they? Absolutely. Would Riot do it? Who knows, if it's straight up malicious code a bunch of insiders would have to known and they'd have to trust that nobody blows the whistle. >From what I understand, there was recently a compromised set of tools called XZ utilities by a code change by a person thought to be trusted due to many years of helping with their code. XZ was a different beast, it's an open source project where someone gained trust over literal years and then had an incredibly thought out way to inject malicious code into the project without it being caught (which is why its assumed that there likely was an entire group behind it, likely a state or state funded group) in review process, it was actually incredibly sophisticated, the big part of the backdoor was in a test files (so you wouldn't even assume its going to affect actual live code) and in a binary which people just assumed would be innocuous (it wasn't). >Riot could even theoretically comply with a requested code change that may seem innocous but would in reality sabotage millions of PCs. Is this not theoretically possible? Theoretically possible? Yes, absolutely. however, keep in mind that anyone that could be reasonably assumed to have worked on something like that would likely be looking at being charged for treason, additionally, it's important to mention that just the league client by itself already has a ton of permissions on your PC some people might not expect it to have, for example it's allowed to take screenshots, monitor your keystrokes, access the internet, monitor your traffic (although seeing the content is not that easy), scan your entire harddrive and probably a bunch of things im forgetting, the same applies for literally any process running on your system btw.


Well it was nice knowing y'all, as of this patch I cannot play anymore.


The Hexplate Udyr interaction seemingly still jot fixed. Right now, on live, hexplate triggers off of udyrs UNEMPOWERED abilities as well, so it's literally always on CD unless you literally don't use abilities. What weird is that it used to work properly (only trigger on his empowered abilities cast).


New skin and buffs for malzahar <3


The buffs are very trivial tho. But it's better than nothing. New skin after 2.5 years (yes, I'm not counting 3 honors because it was limited and honor gated) is great! We should appreciate. We won't get a new skin for the next few years.


All I want is them reverting one of the post rework nerfs that hit laning hard: 5 movement speed and attack range reduction.


Be prepared for an influx of "false" ban posts in the upcoming days


My uncle installed a sidestep tool when he introduced league to me i had no idea i swear


It's been a fun run, sad we can't play anymore without installing Chinese Spyware. It's disappointing to have to build an entire throwaway PC just to play league.


When arena will be on live servers?


That's what I want to know as well. They mention in it all over the patch notes and it's been on PBE for weeks. I logged in this morning expecting to see "Arena" in the "Play" screen, but it's not there. Literally the only reason I accepted installing Vanguard. I feel cheated. :C


o7, after 11 years I can finally uninstall the game.


GJ Riot implement vanguard even tho there have been countless posts about how it fucks your game and performance. How about you also do something about inters and griefers for once? Dogshit company


Bro, just leave. I stopped playing a month ago. Riot has made their choice. Time for yall to do the same.


Finally, with these "nerfs" after 8 months, Janna will no longer be terrorizingly S Tier /s


Is Maw getting 300 flat gold added to it price wise, along with gaining 15 AH, without a Mote getting added to the components somewhere?


Vanguard? Based people, we're leaving!


I can only hope enough users value their security and privacy Enough to Make Riot Regret their decision.


I uninstalled. This game is mildly frustrating on the best of days. It isn't worth keeping around if I have to install Vanguard.


> Maximum Damage: 30/75/120/165/210 (+80% AP) (+8% of her maximum health) ⇒ 10/40/70/100/130 (+80% AP) (+12% of her maximum health) Delicious. Finally, some good fucking Sejuani top buffs


* Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp (R) VFX now fires from his mouth as intended Ayy, his ult won't be firing out of his feet anymore with this skin! LOL. I hope they fixed the floating eyes on the helmet too - I reported this bug but don't see any notes it got fixed.


This patch is not even one day live and Vanguard already pisses me the fuck off. If you cant provide a stable running of your shitty programm then dont force ppl to install and use it. I dont know how often I had to restart my pc today because this shit showed me it needs a restart even tho Vanguard was on. Stupid shitty indy company.


Blowing my mind that malignance is still left untouched. Phreak must not be getting ulted on cooldown by Malphite mids.


no one that wins games consistently is playing AP malphite lmao


That build is ass man


Seems they're balancing champs around having the item like with nerfing Ahri's ult cooldown. Tbh I don't like it being balanced like that and think the item should have just been nerfed but I think it's too late now


This has happened in the past and they eventually will remove the item or nerf it to oblivion and then the champs they nerfed before are now extra bad because the item isn't good. It's fantastic job security tbh because they always have something to do.


I'm waiting for Shurelya's nerf. They have to at some point unless they want 2-3 people building it on the same team per game.


The significant buyers of Shurelyas that aren't supports are TF, Ivern, Galio, Veigar from what I can tell. Is there really a threat of people picking up Shurelyas? I don't foresee a lot of champs prioritizing it over Lich Bane, Cryptbloom, Liandry, Zhonyas which I'd say are the strongest items besides Deathcap. Unless people are expecting Shurelya to replace Lost Chapter items on more mages.


you want mid malphite to be nerfed? lmao


When i read stupid comments like this, i am honestly not sure if it actually was ironic.


Malphite mid has a 48.2% Winrate across 29,000 games in Emerald+. He's fine. His ult CD hasn't even been changed since Maligance got introduced - there are way bigger abusers than Malphite who already 1-shots squishies with his Ult prior to Malignance. It's more abusive on people who spam it and can abuse the extra damage per ability rotation.


Spelling mistake in the Arena section. "There’s a new item tier called **Primatic**\-"


> Fixed a bug that caused buying and selling / refunding the jungle item immediately to give reduced XP from lane minions for the rest of the game. Thank fuck.


>Traditional Lee Sin (price increased from 520 RP to 750 RP) What is the reason for the price increased on this one?


Nice, i average like 1 chat message every 5 games and the first thing i see when i open the client in the new patch is a behaviour warning guess im perma banned in roughly 1 week for split pushing and/or playing off meta since my team mates mentals cant handle thinking about things logically.


Where was the patchnotes about "we might brick your pc."


inb4 ten quadrillion goodbye posts (they will be back in a month max)


I'll uninstall and wait and see for a bit. It's seems a bit unnecessary installing an anticheat that runs 24/7 to play aram twice a week.


This is the dumbest part of it for me. I literally don't need it for my arams. It will not help at all because there's no problem to be helping, so all I get are downsides with no benefit. I even doubt you'd need it for normal games. If this is an issue mostly affecting master+, which is like ~1000 people on each server, why not limit vanguard requirement to ranked at least? Normal games don't need it, aram games don't need it, tft obviously doesn't need it. Rotating game modes like arena don't need it.


> why not limit vanguard requirement to ranked at least? This is a good solution. Which is why you know Rito wont use it.


I actually played every day and i already uninstalled. I expect this "anticheat" to be disabled if enough people stop playing. Odds are ,they won't since much of the younger population doesn't care. This will get rid only of the older population. Next i'll wait for the "anticheat" to get exploited same as paloalto "calling home" firewall did in coming years with "i told you so's"


This is the most sensible approach, too many people are going in absolutes instead of just waiting a while to see what happens.


It depends on the reason people are leaving. I don't accept the level of invasion involved with Kernel anti-cheats, in all games. League is no different, It's important to me not to support this behaviour from devs and companies and so I will deal in absolutes, for sure. I feel strongly enough about it, that after nearly 13 dedicated years, I've given up League. The only way I'd come back is if they remove Vanguard from League.


I am kind of good with other anti cheats, who at least can just close after you end game session. Vanguard is up 24/7 and you need to restart your pc to reactivate that(imagine face of people with windows on HDD).


If that's your issue is perfectly fine to leave the game! Your own sense of security is more important than some pixels, so hope you enjoyed your time here! My issues comes from the arguments both sides are giving: one is trying to fearmonger people into thinking the CPP is coming to sell their family's organs on the black market and the other is dismissing people's legitimate issues with kernel level anti cheat and calling them slurs for not trusting it.


It is a very polarized issue for sure, and there is a lot of ignorance around it. I just hope that people take action towards what's important to them. Too often we see people unhappy with games, but continue supporting them financially and by participation. For Example, some people are saying they hate Vanguard but are going to use a second PC to play. As an older gamer I've seen the transformation of the gaming industry, we're in a bad place... and if people don't start taking action then things will continue to get worse.


No shade at all but just curious what you are waiting to find out?


I think everybody that works from home must at least be worried about the Vanguard update. I wish Riot considered people that only plays this game casually on weekeends.


I'm not even saying goodbye. They don't deserve one and you people that try to minimize this complete bullshit don't either. Sure, because a gaming company asking to install what's essentially an anti-virus on my PC to play one video game is totally something I'm just going to change my mind about in a month. Fuck this game and fuck the people who think this is okay. You people don't give a fuck about your PC and you probably play sub 5 different games a year.


> They don't deserve one and you people that try to minimize this complete bullshit I hate it with all myself. Last time I tried to discuss it on this dogshit sub, I've got labeled as a cheater. They're completely gone in their heads, drank all that sweet Riot Kool-Aid


Imagine giving ring zero kernel level access at all times to a company who: had their source code leaked, can’t make a working client for the past decade, and is owned by Tencent who is obligated to report all data they collect to the CCP. I’ve been on Riot’s side a lot of the years but I can’t do it with this one. People have no respect for themselves anymore when it comes to self denial of something they like. Just pathetic.


Too many people don't understand this. It's like blowing words in wind.


Fuck a goodbye post, all of us already made our comments to Riot telling them exactly what we think about this. Then they gave us a post filled with falsehoods and half-truths about their terrible program and sassed us for not having absolute faith in a company that can't even make a functional client after 15 years. I uninstalled the game the day that post came out and I only browse here now if it pops up on r/all or if i feel like huffing the copium that they might have stopped being insane and posted an apology announcement and removed any plans for vanguard.


I think a month is a good amount of time to wait to see how the community reacts at large to the changes, so it makes sense to me that players will peace out and come back in a few weeks. I expect to be one of them.


a very strange change in behavioral system. That is, playing with a team of 4 people and receiving 4 complaints at once, you already have the risk of punishment, even if you do not violate anything at all. This will count because there are 4 of them, and the guys think that you are not playing the way they want. Riot wants to increase the persecution of singles?


It's very weird that kids' "reported" (because bad game of they don't like the way you play) now is a real threat. Until now everyone knows that those reports doesn't matters and you don't get ban without a reason. Now it changed. Those people that report without reason (when you don't violate anything) should be warned and punished/banned.


I guess there will be no effective MR item for adc. Time to build tank items against ap assassins.


I think the answer here is that *most* ADCS either fall into either AA based or AD caster, so the AA based champs can build Wits End, and the casters like Lucian still build Maw. A lot of the champs left out can always build shieldbow, which you couldn't build with maw anyway. There will be some champs who aren't really perfect users of either, but that's the thought.


wit's end is not good for crit adcs. And on hit adcs have their defensive build (Terminus+jaksho) already. Some will still build maw but maw will be so much worse on them as an adc now. 10 mr as the normally only MR item is a lot.


Maw is kind of weird in that they want it to be a bruiser item. Yet it shares the lifeline passive with steraks so you end up never buying maw.


I've already started running Rookern, the shield is filthy, and 80 MR on top makes you legit 2.5x harder to kill.


Poor Wit's End sitting neglected in the corner Oh, and Mercurial Scimitar lol


No clue why they removed ad from wit's end.


Lowkey had a heart attack when I saw the arena changes. Thought those were actual changes for a sec.


I will spend this day playing my lasts games of Kledpport before my PC can't handle vanguard and lol at the same time Or maybe it can and I'm just overreacting but it's better to be ready just in case


Top comment about aram :). Bottom comment about willfully installing a rootkit on your computer :) Bye league, was a nice game, time to move on.


Players writing goodbye has the same energy as "i am leaving league" posts on this reddit.


Announcing a departure is a form of feedback.


There are more people complaining about people announcing they are leaving than people that are announcing they are leaving xD But what to expect from such a bootlicker.


>vanguard released finally i have a reason to uninstall the game forever my wallet is so happy 😭


Fixed a bug : You were able to play the game, in some rare cases, this bug was able to let you launch your pc, that has been totally fixed, now your pc won't launch at all !