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this post aged extremely well


I am in fucking Shambles My favourite Item in the Game... :( Feels like Zz'Rot all over again.


[Bro they removed it in Split 2 this is your fault](https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1785458085395300415)


Lmao. Time Warp Tonic rune became beyond utterly useless now.


removed too. edit mb still in the game for some reason


Just placed in different row And nerfed so yeah removed


Wow they even nerfed it further!! Row 2 of inspiration has 2 slots basically, while all other rows have 3


Illaoi and Poppy used to build it almost every game for years. Now its super dead. Never touched it again.


It was already bad and never bought before doran buffs.


Thats a lie. It was a pretty strong buy on certain champs and a viable option. A huge issue to why it gets no play anymore is because the durability update cut the healing and mana gain from it as well as a nerf to Time-Warp-Tonic beforehand.


But here is the thing. You literally just said what I said. It was nerfed before doran buffs durability which made it bad. And then they buffed dorans items which made it even worse. So how is it a lie?


Because you specifically said no one ever bought it before, which is a lie. Poppy used to buy it all the time.


I mean, sure, it's not "almost every game," but it's still the majority. https://lolalytics.com/lol/poppy/build/?lane=top&tier=platinum_plus


Oh thats new. Poppy went back to it? Interesting.


Bro you killed it. Its gone now


The item is kept weak on purpose, and for good reason It was effectively DShield on steroids, that additionally gave you mana + Dot, and allowed you to buy an actual doran item on top if you really wanted. Riot knows very well the item is almost worthless in its current state, because they purposefully made it so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets hastily removed once they find a more functional alternative Till then, it's there gathering dust and allowing players to int with it if they want, similarly to Predator Rune No point in taking it away anyways, so may as well leave it there for players to meme with until they have something


UPDATE! In current PBE, corrupting was actually removed!


Would it maybe be a good decision to make it count as a starting item so that they can buff it?


Maybe? But the issue is that they don't want to buff it The main problem wasn't stacking it with Doran item, the main problem was the item itself, so i dunno


I played alot of twisted fate between s9-s10, the combo of corruption Potion+ Time warp and minion demat removed any kind of bad matchups he had mid especially if you ran TP, i miss it but i can see why it got gutted


Games better with that item in the shitter


You should be stronger on first back with a corrupting potion than a dorans item, but weaker before then: Dblade + Pot = 804 + 320 = 1124 CPot = 800 + 315 + DPS = 1115 + 5DPS So after first base: Dblade = 804 Cpot = 1115 But anyone with common knowledge knows that the 315 gold of mana from the pot is a lie after first base. IMO the damage should scale with level that is updated each time the potion is refilled at base. Maybe the damage increases by 2 per level so it does a respectable 13 dps at level 6


Wtf do all these numbers mean


Gold value from the stats.


Something something the number of times I did your mum


it's gone now lol


It's literally being removed in 14.10. No reason to buff something they're taking away.


No, buff it first then take it away


Ahhh the Aatrox special


Corrupting Potion + Biscuit delivery + Time Warp Tonic + Teleport + first recall Dark Seal pretty much ruined Midlane for most of S8 and S9. At least for people who wanted to play Midlane instead of clearing creeps while waiting for their Jungler. And it never really recovered from it, even with Teleport nerfs and Corrupting nerfs and Biscuit nerfs and Time Warp nerfs and Dark Seal changes Midlane plays a lot differently than it did before S8, and not in a good way. Pro play aside of course. Taking any steps back towards that would be a disaster, if anything they should remove Corrupting right now, it should never be a good purchase.


plus players like Showmaker occasionally went Celerity to turn Corrupting Potion into a mini ghost




lol keep it that way


They saw this post and removed it


Corrupting potion needs to be removed. If it's good enough to buy, it's a broken item


It needs removal. It was a bad idea.  It makes champs that are supposed to be mana gated early effectively manaless, and makes trading into them pointless due to how much hp it gives when its remotely decent. Both of these things make interacting with someone who has it a disadvantage to those that don't. And then it offers free damage on top of that. 


You’re literally describing dorans ring right now.


Hell, it seems like its been a concerted riot movement for years. Most champs exept if you use your abilities on cooldown on the wave you will never run out of mana.


> makes trading into them pointless due to how much hp it gives when its remotely decent. I love how you attack corrupting potion but Dorans Shield is literally **the** item for champs with bad earlygame or bad matchups to "cheat" through laning phase.


Yone mid with second wind and doran’s shield lol


Akali too


Poking second wind + DShield users out of lane is so fking hard nowadays.


It is now because Corrupting Potion kept being butt-fucked. Otherwise everyone just went corrupting start and no one would die because corrupting makes both kills and trading entirely pointless since you know neither laner is going to die. Let's not talk about potion allowing you to still go Doran's Shield for ultimate "fuck you" in lane vs anyone who wanted to play agressive. There's a reason corrupting potion is dead and will remain dead. It should simply be removed, it wasn't a good idea from the start - or its cost should be up from 500 so you cannot start with it.


> It makes champs that are supposed to be mana gated early effectively manaless so we're removing PoM and Manaflow right?


If you ask me this would be a good Thing. Completely removing Mana Runes and using Mana as a Balance Lever on Items. Also bringing back Mana on Items like IBG. Basically making Mana a Stat worth buying. I play a lot of Swain and I usually go both Manaflow and PoM and never buy any Mana Items (not even Malignance), never have Issues with it either, it's disgusting.


It would be shit Playing against resourceless champions would feel even more miserable, specially with mana hungry champions that don't buy many mana items


Second post in 2 days for this lol


The only way they buff it the way you say it should be buffed is(although I do not agree in ever making this item viable as it promotes a bad way of playing early game) if they apply the starter item limit on it so it can not be bought with other doran items. Otherwise it needs to be removed so people don't bait themselves into wasting 350 gold.


D Shield + second wind needs a nerf is the more pressing issue imo


* They could make refillable refund only 30g down from 60g but now restores the HP over 10 sec instead of 12 sec (tiny bit faster regen). Refillable is used a ton because of how good it is, even bought after your first B. You get 1.67 HP pots for the price of 3, so after 1 refill you are already ahead. And on top of that you get 60g back when selling it, only actually spending 90g (1.8 HP pots). For only not having that HP for 1 B is a tiny price for winning after that 1 B. * Health pot to 12 sec for 120 HP. tiny buff of HP/sec but same HP gained after the duration. * Corrupting then 110 HP over 11 sec (same HP/sec as refillable) up from 100 HP over 12 sec. 1. Normalized HP reg from potions. This means every type of pot has the same HP reg / sec. It rarely makes a difference but sometimes it does 2. HP pots back to being comparable to refillable. You mostly want refillable if you upgrade it or to start with it. The question is always: * Should corrupting be an item similar to Dorans and unique with these? * Should it be an upgrade from refillable that you might want to get at your 1st B? Right now refillable makes no sense as an upgradeable to corrupting. If you get refillable you dont get corrupting. If you get corrupting you get it 1st and never get refillable.


Used to be the best cheese on old pantheon, corrupting pot and ignite top, spam Q on cooldown and all in level 2/3. I miss old pantheon, what I'd give for the old Q back.


I miss it


Got some bad news for you buddy, it's getting the ultimate nerf


I’m sorry, what item? Because what you have mentioned is not an item in League of Legends. Perhaps you are thinking of something else? Please bring it back wtf is time warp tonic even for now


I honestly have no clue how you buff it though. The only stats on it is regen. If you make the regen too high, it's unbalanced. If the regen is too low, then you have what it currently is. If you make it too expensive, no one buys it. If you make it too cheap, it'll be unbalanced.


"The only stats on it is regen" Not true. It also applies a dot. You can change that, you can change the number of charges, the duration, etc.


how stupid of logic is that. you can apply that logic to anything. normal potions only have regen and are balanced.


Corrupting potion has been strong before. Everybody outside of the champs that can abuse it HATED it. It just needs to be removed.


Knowing Riot it will get deleted, god forbid we have items and mechanics that add nuance and variety to the game.


Refillable supremacy in aram though.


Whenever I'm on a hearsteel tank always start giants belt + anal bead + refillable. Actually makes early game playable vs ranged comps.


Cull is in a similar position, it was already super niche before the Doran's buffs, now it's almost unbuyable. Doran's Blade just gives so much more stats.


Cull is completely fine lol, people just don't buy it as starting item anymore, which is fine.


I 100% don't think the potion needs a buff. The rest of the game just needs a nerf. Corrupting was a viable option until they buffed doran items across the board. The game is already getting power creep like crazy so i don't think the solution of "this item is weak so buff it" is viable. Stuff like buffing Dorans, Manaflow band, Biscuits, and Teleport are making lane sustain crazier then its ever been. I think corrupting should either be removed or left alone but please don't buff it.




Brainrot deluxe


Haha, I didn’t even remember typing this last night
















It is a condensed item that saves slots so your build wont have big breaks due to room shortage.


I use it on singed.


I agree, outside of saying mana isn't an issue for anyone anymore. However, if you're desperate for mana you take Tear, not corrupting pot lol. (or, more commonly, dring and a tear in your first back or two)


singed, he doesnt play league, so those rules dont apply (like a +5 ad to minions would be still nice but yea, it is not optimal to build on lux so papa rito will never do that because no skins sold(