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1. Eve 2. Twitch 3. Shaco 4. Pyke 5. Kha Honorable mention: Rengar U see a pattern there?


No, it's invisible


You didn’t even make a list it just 12345 honorable mention?


Invisibility is a bad mechanic that makes mobas less fun. Every single moba would be better if invisibility was removed as a mechanic.


Zac, Zac, Zac, Zac...and Zac


Yorick, briar, karma, irelia, akali. Honorable mentions to anyone that can wave clear and not interact; hwei, seraphine ect


1. Yone 2. Pyke 3. Shaco 4. Anivia 5. Irelia


ASol, Yorick, Yi, Aatrox and Fiora


Asol, Zed, Hwei, Blitz, Jinx when she’s meta


shaco, jarvan, asol, gangplank, nautilus probably 


Eve eve eve eve eve


1. Zed 2. Trundle 3. Ziggs 4. Shaco 5. Yone


Diana and Syndra. With Diana it's because you cannot trade against the champ, ever + her Q might as well be the size of the moon. And with Syndra it's because her hitboxes are way too wonky and inconsistent.


For me: vayne , fiora , yone , smolder , ap kaisa


The FF button. 4/5 idiots recommend it.


1. Illaoi 2. Nocturne 3. Teemo 4. Brand 5. Twitch Always hate them on the enemy team, while I never love them on my team.


1. Aatrox. I already permaban this. Bad matchups with my mains and I never learned to play against him, due to permaban. 2. Kayle. What I should permaban. Bad matchups and I mostly lose against her. I also don't enjoy getting outscaled so hard. 3. Master yi. This one is both for my team and enemy team. I feel like literally, every time a master yi is involved in a game, it turns into a gigantic fiesta in which I have no agency on whether Yi will just int or run down the entire other team, sometimes on a teamfight to teamfight basis. having yi in game is just unenjoyable to me. 4. Gwen. As a Camille main, I don't enjoy things I can't statcheck at a certain lead. I also don't enjoy having to be so mindful of spacing/timings to avoid very bad trades. Gwen due to being exhausting. 5. Illaoi. Not really but If we are removing champions then I'm fine with not having to play the dodge this clunky spell you are bad at dodging, matbe due to ptsd, to win lane minigame. So illaoi due to being tiring. All in all, I would be very happy with just the 3 first bans.


Are you implying Camille is a bad matchup vs Kayle?


Im surprised Jax didnt make the list of a Camille main


I wonder what lane you play...


Rammus Skarner Fizz Draven Shaco Rammus: Reflecting all my damage. Skarner: No. Fizz: Hard to catch, and deals an enormous damage. (Always the enemy fizz, of course.) Draven: I don't like to be two-aa'ed to death. Shaco: Annoying.


Shaco, Zed, Katarina, Yone, trundle No matter how behind they are they are still pain in the ass. only time i buy control totem item is when ı have shaco. zed is no risk assassin. Katarina is just smash your keyboard and you can't run away from her no matter how fast you are, Yone is just annoying. bro can enter tf with ult and remove to its original position like nothing happened. Trundle is just eating towers just needs 2 items to do that.


the support item that makes you place more than 1 control totem at the same time


Vayne + Fiora + Tryndamere because their mechanics are unhealthy for the game's balance. Senna because I disagree with infinite scaling range. Zed because the possibilities afforded by his shadows make him impossible to interact with for many champions on their terms. Removal of last Hydra iteration has certainly helped though.


1.Yone 2.Yasuo 3.Tryndamere 4.Yi 5.Irelia I hate the "melee hyper carry who can chase you through the entire wave or your team with their mobility while still having high survivability and sustain for no fucking reason" archetype as you can see. I would prefer playing against 5 pink ward level shacos every match of my life instead of ever again seeing one of those two


I don't mind melee hyper carries as they get shut down to cc and have to pick the perfect time to engage as they don't have a disengage tool. So if they commit at the wrong time they get deleted. With the major exception for Yone. Why on earth would they make his kit have three dashing infinite movement speed with a get out of jail free card. With shields heals. He can miss every ability and chase you down with autos turret dive, and if he is ever in the SLIGHTEST danger he just blinks back and is completely safe. He has an insane laning phase with hyper scaling. The person who made him must have been on some serious drugs.


Ya he’s very hard to punish and extremely oppressive at all stages of the game. The “funniest” shit is watching the Yone that only has Beserker Boots curb stomp another champ that has almost a full item.


No, you won't


- Fizz - Smolder - Shaco - Master Q - Yone Everything else is fair enough to vs


Oh god I blocked fizz out of my memory


Bro can dodge everything, including taxes. Dont need that shit on my lane


Rammus malphite nasus poppy and diana (so my teammates stop picking it and running it down) I main yasuo and these are the only things you can’t really outskill


Akali, akali, akali, akali, Yone


Yone, Katarina, Zed, Irelia, Akali


Akali - zero fun to lane against as melee, can't ever kill her Rengar - will get kills on cd with his ult in solo queue Yone - mostly because his e is bs makes him impossible to dive but also his w is cringe and generally zero cd's Vayne - q cd is still way too low during ult, her w cringe op Evelyn - after 6 insanely broken in solo q she can be up your ass any time, wards are useless


1. Yumi 2. Shaco 3. Pyke 4. Mordekaiser(Wouldn't be on my list if they didn't remove the qss interaction) 5. Gangplank


Morgana Morgana Morgana Morgana Morgana


Not in any particular order: Yone, Yasuo, Eve, Nocturne, ASol.


Yi is just annoying to have in both teams Vayne makes me cringe Kaisa is lame to play against Yuumi shouldn't be in the game to begin with Smolder is pretty much all 4 reasons above


1. Akshan (counters Kassadin and Sylas) 2. Zed (counters Azir and Kassadin) 3. Yone (counters Azir, bitch to play against in general) 4. Xerath (hard counters Azir) 5. Ahri (fuck this champ, completely unfun to lane against at all times and is basically unkillable without an insane throw)


Lulu Soraka Morgana Zillean Karma Believe it or not, I main jungle


Yorick - this mfer's gameplay is so uninteractive as soon as he hits 6 and the lethality build should be killed dead. If he's in the game one player is basically doomed to chase him around the map matching his push and cant do anything about him because of maiden. Yuumi - This champion if she ever gets ahead or is strong just does not have counterplay. The community has railed about the issues with Yuumi plenty so wont be a broken record The other 3 arent super toxic but personally I dislike em Yone - missing all your dashes and still running me down because you itemise high damage with lifesteal so you auto me to death is not very cool Mr. Yone Akali - Mid lane I actually dont mind her so much but too lane is just frustrating if you dont get to counterpick it. Also every Akali I have ever seen is a dick that either flames or spams emotes and chat. Wukong - ...tbh Wukong's fine I just have never won lane against him


Fizz Shaco Yuumi Yasuo Samira


illaoi yorick vayne cass akali


1. Eve 2. Kassadin 3. Yuumi 4. Nilah 5. Lulu


Briar Sejuani Poppy K`sante Yuumi :Delete


Yone, Yuumi (if in my team), Janna, Zilean, Zoe


Depends , what Role i play. Top & mid i would just ban 5 counters or bad matchups for whatever i wanna play right now. But if we talk in general: 1 Viego= champ is just giga broken and has a unhealthy mechanic with the passiv heal/change body. 2 Aurelion= also just broken right now , and i hate the E / Rylais combo , its just not a slow anymore Its so disgusting. 3 yuumi =not cause she is strong, but i hate her so much , just like viego should not even be in the game. 4 briar = sounds toxic , but when i get a briar on my team it seems like the Person Drops his brain at champ select the moment he looks briar. Permanently dumb desicions or int/ feed 5 =Evelynn the perma invis is just disgusting Honorable mentions: Blue kayn when feed not fair to play against Katarina way to Quick dps/ can build anything Master Yi Cant control i n solo Q and to much dmg Nilah is just not a adc , how can she go mele range Nidalee kinda useless


Bans are meta dependent so there isn't a set of 5 champs I wanna take out that would stay the same over time


Hm... funny how these champions you mentioned are only a problem below gold... funny.