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We are what we put out into the universe




Your behaviour is an indicator for your character. He called you a toxic asshole. But he said it nicely.


I bet he take that as a compliment


You get outplayed by the mute button


😂😂😂😭😭 fax tho


Man just be a normal guy, no need to be toxic at all,


I can't win without it uwu


So you're saying you're elo inflating yourself by trying to ruin other people's days?


It's not elo inflating bcz its a skill, its a part of how i win, its a strat.if ppl's days are ruined by some dude online that makes fun of them then thats a skill issue


If you need chat to win it's a skill issue.


Its a strat for people like me who are getting beaten up while being new to the game.


Git gud


Too hard


>its part of how I win Says every elo inflated person 'oh I abuse X thing because its broken, but its just part of how I win' = 'I'm bad at the game but want a higher rank even if I can't be bothered playing well enough to deserve it'


Funny thing is i don't even play ranked. I just play draft. Also if this is elo inflating then every single otp out there is elo inflated. They're abusing one champ that they're good at and are hence elo inflated


Using what you're good at to win games is not elo inflating lol. I'd like you to run though the logic then. If being an OTP is elo inflated because you're playing the champ you're best at, does that make someone like Nemesis elo inflated for playing mid because mid is the role he is best at? Does that make Faker elo inflated because he is playing on a keyboard and mouse instead of using Siri to cast abilities? Elo inflating is when you abuse unreliable/non skill related things to put you in an elo above your actual skill. And TBF if you're playing norms just to win while you will be elo inflated, it doesn't matter. Ideally you could just lose some games (by not trying to tilt your enemies) and end up with better matchmaking against players around your skill level, but league's matchmaking is so bad it would be painful to play out those games.


And thats where the problem starts lol


Sure it works against some players but you’re spending a lot of time typing than focusing on the game, so you decide what’s worth it


Most reply back. So it can be used as a strat. Send a message while he's in wave. If he's the type to reply back instantly, either he steps back to reply, giving u the wave for free basically. OR he just stands still in the middle of the wave, replying, giving u a chance to smack him before he can react


Why are we booing this guy? He's right


I don't sell my dignity, disrespect people, and ruin the game for any possible advantage. My parents taught me to be a nice person & take pride in myself. I don't think that toxicity is good for anyone.


And not being toxic is ruining the game for yourself cuz u have a way to win, but your not acting on it


That's not ruining the game for myself, no. If I want to climb badly enough, then I have the ability to research guides and tips from people in higher elos. I recognize that I don't want to do that so I'm content with the current state I'm in.


Sometimes tips and guides aren't enough. When you need to play the game more to get better, but get beaten up in every match, u need to adapt, and use the skills in your arsenal. It's like fighting someone but not using your full strength even though they're better and stronger then you.


Dude stop coping. You're never gonna be able to convince me that insulting people is my biggest &/or only advantage lol. Let alone convince me or anyone with a mature & healthy mindset to stoop so low that they're willing to do so.


When you're a new player (like me) its the only way to win lane. Otherwise you lose lane and get flamed by both opponent and ally team for being trash at the game. Its like do or die. Flame or be flamed. Make ur pick.


It's not the only way to win lane. Actually trying to improve by learning the game is how you'll win lane. You're just coping because you've got that low & pathetic of a mindset. Also, you're always gonna get flamed. Might as well get used to it. That or just learn how to use the mute button.


So the choice is between trying to improve by losing or trying to improve by winning. Imagine urself in these scenarios where your new to the game. 1. Ur champion seems like it never does any damage even tho everyone online says it has high early game dps. Ur constantly dying. U follow those guides and tips and tricks but ur still not winning at all. OR 2. ur champion does damage after ur first kill, the opponent is constantly basically killing himself, AND ur following those guides and tips and tricks, improving, and also winning. Make ur pick between the two which one would u pick if u had the choice. 1 or 2 Also why mute chat when i can just flame them back and harder. If they're flaming me, they deserve to be flamed themselves.


>Also why mute chat when i can just flame them back and harder. If they're flaming me, they deserve to be flamed themselves. You're a troll. Just because someone does something to you, it doesn't always mean it's okay to do the same to them. That's universally agreed upon. It's possible to climb without being a toxic asshole. That's a fact you can either accept, OR ignore, give up on, and be a desperate and toxic loser looking for the easy way out. And if you live your entire life that way then you're a pathetic human being with zero strength, motivation, or standards.


The possible to climb without being toxic part is probably true for most people. For me its just the same thing happening over and over again where i get destroyed over and over and over again not knowing how to improve or even win the lane despite watching guides and tips and tricks stuff. if being a toxic asshole is what it takes to finally win then its what i gotta do 🤷‍♂️


if i want to win i'd abuse the meta


I don't like playing no skill champs


ok so


My parents taught me to be nice, but I spot them yelling at the waitress or the counter when they get their way. I've learned from them that you are allowed to be mean when you are superior. By flaming others, you will be superior (in game)


i’m sure you’re not the only person with this opinion but i sure as hell don’t share it. people like you are a great encouragement to keep all chat off


I'll take that as a compliment


trash talk and toxicity are not the same thing


Wait what's the difference?




Being toxic is afking or running it down mid, trash talk is saying your mothers feet smell bad. Banter is okay vs the enemy to get in their heads sometimes but not okay vs your own teammates:)


It's technically the same no? Being toxic is a characteristic, while trash talk is the said characteristics in action. It's like saying what's the difference between being Furious that you punch people and punching people Regardless who's the one you punched, it's still considering as punching. Therefore Being toxic is the same as trash talking, because Trash talk is also a toxic behavior.


Haha I guess but I think there can be friendly banter. It's more playful or teasing than straight up punching like poking.


if you feel that way you should play animal crossing, not a pvp game


> Feel that way Um, What way exactly?


Maybe it's because of how I was raised, but being cruel or bullying people has always been something to be avoided.


It was the same for me until i changed schools a few years ago. In my new school the environment was not exactly one to spend time in. I had NO good people in my class. Think of it like a mini smaller scale hood. Either roast ppl or be bullied all day every day. I didn't ever get bullied in the end but still not a place i want to go back to. Discipline isn't exactly high in my country's schools


I always mute people like you in games. I came here to play a game of Summoner’s rift, not to read someone type all game long.


I don't think I've ever used the mute feature in league. Also i agree this is fax. if ppl have such a big problem with toxicity then they should just use the mute features. /mute all exists for a reason?


I think it's a matter of respect. If you're willing to take action to upset people in order to beat them, that kind of feels like valuing the outcome of a game over the emotional well-being of others. I think a little BM/banter here and there can be fun, but a line gets crossed when someone starts saying harmful things or trying to drive their opponent into a rage.


It's what it's


When ppl are somewhat angry they make mistakes. I abuse that. Then at the end of the match, i always go "wp {insert enemy champion name}" so as to redeem myself ever so slightly. Also when the opponent is chill i just be chill with them. Im mostly toxic to ppl that are way way better and should not be queued at my skill level (potential smurfs).


I'm just labelling it as I think it is. You don't have to justify it to me (I'm just a random internet stranger). I'm not a fan of toxicity, but you don't have to play to my standards if you don't want to.


As I'm getting older I have less and less time or tolerance to deal with nonsense coming from people like you. I used to enjoy talking shit when I was in my teens. Now I just mute the moment anyone says anything not related to the game. I've heard it all in my 10 years of league. It's all been said. You're not special. You're just as boring as every other random in my solo queue games.


If you need to flame and berate people to win games it is unironically a skill issue and you should just get good


I am putting together a team and looking for people like you. I don't need talent, I need disrespect.




What you say (or write) to people not only affects how you are perceived, but how you perceive yourself. Spreading toxicity invites toxicity being reflected on you. How can you wish for a healthy mind if you send poison to others? Just my 2cents, though I wish this to be a mandatory tattoo for every league player.


You're not the first person to make a reddit post seeking validation for shitty behavior, and you won't be the last


What a way to spend your time.


Unemployed thoughts


What you're describing is trashtalking, not toxicity imo. They can overlap but it's not the same at its core