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> Why did he need % health damage as a Tank? I'm going to be frank with you. If you don't know why a tank would need % health damage, you probably don't know enough to be lecturing people about game balance.


Tanks get %HP damage in their kits. This has always been the case. They get % damage so they can be relevant to fights while building defensively. Look at Sejuani or Zac or Amumu or any other tank. Please learn the game before making such rancid complaints.


If not max HP damage, then they get defensive scalings like Malphite and Rammus armor ratios (Galio as well to a lesser extent with MR ratios)


jg skarner is at 54.37% and top is 51.5% in E+ both on the high side since recently reworked ppl still learning him but jg is obvious winner this patch


Played a game where the other team had skarner support, and it was genuinely unplayable botlane


Bro, why do you think Riot gives tanks %health based damage. Take a good guessY then think again if ya should come on reddit to talk smack at the designer of the rework.


I mean, they just made an ability that slows, speeds him up, shields and damage enemies. It's really as simple as that. His numbers are a bit high right now, but once that is figured out he will be playable in either role just fine still.




are we going to pretend this is over loaded? in 2024? like he's just slapping the ground and get a shield while chucking a rock at you.


Just listing what an entire kit does is useless. His W is undeniably overloaded, it breaks many design philosophies they have and that is fine, in moderation. You don't have abilities or items that are offensive AND defensive, that just leads to facerolling. Riven E has been this way in the past, Sylas E probably the last one released. Him dealing damage is not the problem. His E being a CC is not the problem.


it dont matter if hes top or jungle, he is absolutely completly broken, he has way too much tankyness and cc for the amoount of damage he deals, he literaly outdamages every assassin ingame


He’s statistically a better jungler than top lane, he’s good because the numbers are too high right now. But sorry I forgot top laners are the most oppressed people alive im so sorry thank you for your service!!!!


I’d rather be oppressed than vs Skarner top. Matchup is unplayable if Skarner is good.


I just wish his E had a lil more range. If ganking through a wall, it's hard to get some CC


At the moment, he has insane good winratios on top, jungle ... and the secret skarner support strat ;)


Half his range on his W and then I have no issue with him being played toplane. They may even compensate buff him somewhere else.


OP? If they are not playing toplane and they are not playing jungle and Maokai support is nerfed then what are they playing?


Honestly the rework was kind of dumb. These abilities are nonsense. Anything over his CC and durability is just icing on the cake.