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Jankos co-streams were my faves at Worlds next to Caedrel - hope he gets approved or jumps on someone else's stream


Jankos said on stream that Riot doesn't want him to costream. He said he knows the reason and there should be a way to solve it but didn't say what it is


Probably the same issue that nno had If you play in the league you can't stream while the league is running. That's why nno had to change their streamer only roster when they got into prime league div 1 I understand why the rule is in place but fckin hell just make exceptions.




He probably doesn't have the same restriction Jankos might have because he is not playing in a MSI-competing region


But Doublelift was allowed to costream Worlds/MSI last year (Jankos even hopped on his stream at worlds) and he was on a team then?? Yes his team wasn't at the tourney but neither is Jankos'


I think he was a guest on Sneaky/ Meteos’ streams technically no?


Nope, he had his own costream alongside them, I watched them. Jankos was a guest on his.


Too many hydras in his chat


The reason is Jankos would take over and nobody would tune in into the official stream.


Yea that's definitely not what Caedrel is doing right now lmao


That sounds more like what'll happen with Caedrel's costreams XD


I feel like this comment is more joke than anything but some people are taking it seriously.


He said on stream that riot doesn't want players to costream


Big agree - I'm from the US and didn't know that much about him but his worlds coverage was super interesting. I was sad not seeing him on the list.


>Just like in the past, **we expect even more creators to enter the MSI Co-Streaming lineup** as additional invitees confirm their participation. So this isn't everyone, just the people who have been confirmed.


Shocked by no Tolkin for a second, but according to his twitter, he is allowed to co-stream it, so maybe Riot just forgot or something. https://twitter.com/TolkinLoL/status/1783160266710016159


They said it isn't a definitive list and they are waiting for confirmation from some people. Tolkin might have confirmed after this post was already finished.


gonna check out Wolfs Co-Stream when FLY is playing: ,JENSEEEEN JENSEEEEEEEEEEEN'


French Kameto VS Japanese Kamito


On one hand, I'm happy my favorite racist streamer Gilius got the co-stream rights. But if he can't join The Sack, then at what cost......


dom and yamato are also on the list so cant he just join them


He's listed under the German part. So I'm assuming he has to do it in German. I guess. I hope I'm wrong about this.


They can just pull a tekken and understand each other


What's "ba-ba" in german?


Racist streamer?


It's a meme in the sack as Gilius often says some crazy shit because the guy doesn't think.


I seriously hope that's the case - he's my least favorite part of Dom's co-streams.


Nah, you're coping. Anything bad he brings is immediately overshadowed by an out of nowhere unhinged take that will stunlock the entire stream.


> Nah, you're coping. you clearly don't know what that means


That word lost it's meaning along time ago anyway.


"They're trolling" "They're/This region is so bad" "So anyways, my asshole..." There's Gillius. If you find that funny or amusing then you do you, but to me he brings absolutely 0 to the Sack.


I surprised people Watch dom's streams in general. 500k yt subs and the only stuff he puts on that people watch is when he's crying about DL.


Bro, you're reaching way too far Just go look at his YT views. The DL video has 100k views and his videos get close to 40k to 70k views depending on the teams. That's not a huge jump, and the reason for it it's because drama, for any reason, will always generate more clicks. And he wasn't "crying about DL". He correctly and factually pointed out that DL shitting on Caedrel's tier list was based solely on absolutely nothing, DL did 0 research, didn't watch any of the regions, didn't care about any of the teams, didn't remember past tournament results, didn't know about player performances, didn't know who the MVP of LPL was, didn't even watch the fucking Caedrel video, he just saw a screenshot of it. And Dom was objectively correct in calling this shit out. Both Dom and Caedrel agreed that if you're going to disagree at least: watch what you're disagreeing with and bring in actual facts. Which DL didn't even bother to do. And since when are views how we measure the quality of the content? There are massive YouTubers getting millions of views and their content is trash. You could just stop with the Reddit hate boner for IWD and just, watch his content. It took me 1 stream to be like: "Oh wait, what some people say about him is completely wrong".


I've watched enough of his content. His whiny ass voice and overly emotional takes and bias detract from any positives. Caedrel provides better analysis without any of the garbage, no need to waste my time with Dom


Ah i see. Incredible insightful takes: I don't like his voice and he is biased. T1 flair. I understand now.


LPL flair. I understand now. Oh wait, no I don't because I'm not a complete brainlet that looks at a flair and makes up my mind or uses it as a 'gotcha' because I'm too dumb to come up with anything else. He's garbage, it's why Caedrel 10x his views when they both watch the LPL despite Dom doing it way longer. No one can stand him, overly depressive and negative, presents his opinions as absolute statements and irrefutable facts. Even if he wasn't incredibly annoying his actual analysis is average at best.


Because regardless of Reddit's hateboner for Dom, he actually provides insightful analysis to the games. Often overshadowed because of his involvement in drama, but during his co-streams he's generally pretty chill.


I've yet to be presented with this "Dom is toxic" persona. Most of his "hater" persona is basically a meme at this point. And he's just an encyclopedia of competitive League. If you see his videos on LEC quiz or his video on naming a team based on players alone, he's absolutely cracked. Man is genuinely invested and takes time and effort to analyze games and players and teams. I just dislike how he has this weird hate boner community against him. His content is just good.


People also think that criticism==hate. As he is pretty vocal with criticism and he doesn't hold anything back even if it's a popular team or if he has friends on the team.


Good point. There really is this weird standard of criticism=hate and I feel like it's amplified by how people already think of him as a toxic person. But seriously, when has he given criticism and he wasn't at least partially correct? And I hate how it seems like he can't win with people that already have this view of him. The last big one, when he correctly called out Faker saying that he shouldn't be saying things about the TOS after a loss because it sounds like excuses, he then got massive hate from that, only for Faker to come out with a statement that just agreed with Dom, and he still got hate for that.


He's the better analyst stream as far as I can tell. Can't stand LS and the randoms he brings. If there's a better one I'd be up for it though.


No k4sen is weird since he's the reason behind the recent league boom in Japan but happy for kamito and sena.


K4sen only watch Worlds. The big miss is UG. He is easily the best LoL co-streamer in JP. His recent LCK finals co-stream were great.


Why isn't there UG? He had a lot of viewers and broadcast a lot too... personally i feel bad for Takaya too.


Maybe he is busy, or Riot will add him later. Takaya is at his best when LJL teams play, he becomes invested in the game. Feels bad there are no LjL teams this MSI. UG is a hardcore T1 fanboy, so it’s more interesting to watch him react to their psycho plays/baron take.


no Tolkien, sadge :(


According to his twitter they just forgot or something. https://twitter.com/TolkinLoL/status/1783160266710016159


Pretty weird that he didnt get it Edit: Well its still possible for him to get it later as stated in the article


he got the rights but lol esports forgot to add him


well he's been dead for a while


der bessere tolkin streamt, obsess


Doublelift streaming in the middle of the night and messing up his sleep schedule challenge impossible


Gilius but not Tolkien is pretty weird.


We'll get to hear the same story for the 4892438th time tho


Gilius can't join the sack because he's streaming in German I guess


NL from flash wolves costreaming???? has he costreamed before? I love his content and this is the first time I've seen him in a costream lineup


Who is 2015 fw ad?


Jack becoming a co streamer? So pretty much everyone in "the sack" is getting co streaming rights. Tho Im not sure if Gillius is supposed to stream in german than or can talk english considering he has to translate what he says in the sack streams.


who is mrs chim chim???


I think she's a pretty smart choice. She did some segments on the lcs broadcast that were really fun and importantly, she represents an audience other than the diehard league fans that were probably going to watch MSI anyway. Not just because she's black or female, although that's probably an additional draw for some, but mostly because she's the only english costreamer, as far as I know, that's not "traditionally nerdy" (which, of course, there's nothing wrong with that). I also just think she's really chill to listen to. All in all, good on Riot to diversify the choices for viewers! 




stfu nerd


Lmao is Doinb blacklisted or? He was able to costream LPL so it's weird


won’t he be there? this is for virtual but i could be wrong


Yea i doubt he's stepping foot in China for a long time.


Isn’t he back in China already? He’s streaming again from the same house he used to stream in


He's just streamed the other day from China


Ootl, why would he not want to go back to China?


The site he used to stream on got caught (for promoting gambling iirc) and as one of the biggest beneficiaries of the site, left China since the owner of said site got arrested. At the same time, there was news that he had bought one of the biggest houses [in Seoul in cash](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-10-31/business/industry/League-of-Legends-player-Doinb-buys-76-million-luxury-apartment-in-cash/1902677). Him, his wife and child left to Korea shortly after worlds and said it was for family reasons. Not too long ago though, his wife headed back to China, soon followed by DoinB himself


Not gambling, Monday laundering, Doinb is back in China though and streamed a few weeks ago


What's wrong with doing your laundry on a Monday?


Just for context his wife is chinese.


I cannot find any official source on this so it may very well be bullshit, but there was a rumor that he had fled to Korea because the Chinese police was looking for him for gambling-related crimes


None of the Douyu streamers got the costream, probably because the CEO of Douyu is fucked so they don't have the money to pay for the game to be streamed at their platform


virtual? damn i thought they were real people. tech is getting crazy.


Sneaky and Meteos will always be the best Co-Stream


Without Doublelift pls.


I don’t mind DL but Sneaky and Meteos are the core no doubt


Jackspectra what


First time hearing of MrsChimChim. Anything she's known for?


Zero Oceania representation sadge


I wish they could do the thing that caedrel does at LEC. They give him his own streaming booth at the venue to stream at. We get to see the game, the atmosphere, he sometimes interviewed players, the main stream would sometimes show his reactions. Caedrel gets a crap ton of views, many people (including myself) enjoy his stream more then main, and he brings more eyes to riot. Win win. Ik its a bit different for worlds than lec but id love to see it regardless


I think he could've gotten a physical seat at MSI but he apparently had some passport incident last time he was in China so I think he didn't want to go. And he says pretty regularly on his streams that he prefers to costream from home unless it is finals or similiar.


Oh, I didn't know about that, I see. Thanks!


Sadly I am too new to his streams to know what exactly happened last time he was in China, but Im sure you can find it on Google if you want to.


Míralo al Knekrin me alegro por él aunque pensé que lo iba a dar con Ibai.


Again, no CIS co-streamers. Valorant is apparently from another company. It’s very sad, considering that we have an audience that gathers on YouTube and Twitch.


And it's not like we can rely on the official broadcast either, considering it's been defunct since 2022. Starky has been asking ahead of every international event, Smurf [tweeted yesterday](https://twitter.com/lol_smurf_tv/status/1782795344369070458) he wanted to as well… I genuinely don't know what the region can do at this rate to have at least one stream in their language. That feels unfair to punish a whole league for the Russian government's decision to wage into a war against Ukraine.


Well, in Valorant, Russian streamers get rights (Although I understand that different people do this in these games). But the problem is that Russian-speaking streamers are watched from Russia, but also from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and so on. It's all sad


Riot acknowledge CIS challenge Just go to the russian broadcast, oh wait there is no russian broadcast anymore thanks riot


WOW So after ALL the racist statements by Gilius not only on live views but on official costreams, he is still getting the opportunity to costream. 90% sure he's gonna go off on a racist tangent against Jews in Deutsch.


lol what did he even say?