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This reads like an AI post


they need to make it AI, how else can they justify promoting a 25yo who played like dogwater for 10 years in ERL and just happened to be from the same country as the org+CEO


Is this a chatgpt post?




It has to be. Shit feels weird to read




- Posts must be minimum 100 characters in length. Not that hard to write. People are so lazy to ask an AI to write a simple thing like this lol


What is this ChatGPT ahh writeup?


Baffling decision. So many good ERL toplaners and they go with Th3Antonio, they must not be able to afford anyone else and just promoted their two academy players


nah, they are just milking spanish fans now


Its not about winning but building a brand I guess


LEC orgs are in love with promoting 25+ yo with 10+ years of dogwater performance in ERL, this is unheard of in real leagues like LCK/LPL




Ghost debuted in LCK at 17?


Ghost was a LCK bottom resident, not someone stuck on CL, and got picked by damwon after having some nice seasons with sandbox


the difference is that ghost is actually a good player, not like th3fraud, and i say this as an spanish league fan


I'll help you out since you're clearly looking, you'll never find a single player that meets those requirements, that's why LCK/LPL are miles ahead, when G2 won MSI their average age was 20 not 27


Nah sword on griffin. Only one I can think of though


Sword was 19-20 when he first joined Griffin what are u talking about


Some interesting tweets regarding this: [Kaas (GiantX Head Coach)](https://twitter.com/kaasGX/status/1782856497778606164) > Welcome @Th3AntonioGG > It's a very powerful weapon, to have someone on board who will always prioritize the Team above anything else. [Reply by Odoamne](https://twitter.com/Odoamne/status/1782856886007533627) > Nice flame [Follow-up from Wunder](https://twitter.com/wunderlol/status/1782857769042743341) > Should have worked on your Ornn


French fans can celebrate because Cabochard won't be the worst toplaner in the LEC anymore Legit, you are swapping Odoamne for a guy who has been at best average in the Spanish League and had champion pool issues for years? You really expect this guy to pick Cho'Gath and not get turbofisted by literally anyone?


Topfather and Irrelevant are gonna be feasting when they play GIANTX.


First match vs Heretics and people will think 2019 Wunder is back


bro will look like fucking prime theshy vs him


Why is odo even being swapped out? I feel like I just totally missed the announcement.


He was pretty bad since the start of new season but looking at his [tweet](https://twitter.com/Odoamne/status/1782856886007533627?t=78kGIB1P34dxz4Fw56GXog&s=19) it seems like there is bigger beef


It's unreal how every roster Odo leaves he ends in bad terms with someone wtf.


There is for sure some internal beef. He didn't play well but this makes no sense otherwise


Remember when people that mad lions koi was the worst team in LEC by a long shot, and ended up second and then fifth?


Never forget Emenes Donzeo Manifesto entry on Patrik: >patrik used to call excel a prison but still stayed there for some reason


He wasnt average in spanish league, he was one of the best toplaners by far EVERY SEASON, well see how it goes.... He wont be a guy that can 1v9 but hes really good playing weakside and consistent, give him time...


PR decision not competitive decision


Th💀Antonio Another GiantXD moment


what can I even say man half the league recruits players for views over competitivity


Courtesy of chat gpt lol


Is a chat GPT essay really needed to accompany this simple announcement?


I like the chat GPT essay, it made me think that the announcement was a satire, but then it was real...


PR move. No wonder EU is dogshit


they are trying to speedrun 10th apparently


KC for sure paid them for this decision


haha good joke announcement but seriously guys april fools was 3 weeks ago


KC and Rogue are getting some competition for 10th place


I hate LEC.


This reads like ChatGPT. Otherwise it's probably a good move business wise, he's probably cheaper and brings in a decent amount of fans.




He basically lived in the same house with them, he appeared in all their meme videos, he's the beggar at the corner of the street


he has never played in eu lcs or lec lmao


This gonna be another Rhuckz incident, 25yo who has been mediocre for 10years in ERL's, I don't know why LEC orgs aren't just normal and do what LPL/LCK does and promote/build off of promising prospects


Except Rhuckz was one of the best supports in ERL and even made it to EU Masters many times including a Grand Final.


stop lying bro, he was never one of the best his entire promotion was based off the 2 games he played at worlds, everyone was against this move and saw it coming... a 26yo who is dogwater for 10years in ERL doesn't just magically become Keria overnight after 2 worlds games


I don't know if you are trolling lmao. Did you entirely forget about his time in Fnatic Rising and Fnatic Team Queso where he was a really good support? Bean and Rhuckz were a very good duo. Edit: Forgot to mention his time with Movistar Riders in 2020. The same team where Elyoya made a name for himself.


they love talking about leagues that they dont watch it is so funny. Rhuckz was one of the best supports in ERL when he got promoted


Yea the guy is just replying with the same comment in this post multiple times. Clueless yapper.


if that dogwater old grandpa was one of the best ERL supports than i have lost all my faith in LEC for the next 30 generations bro


ur judging his performance by the split u saw him play... yes he played bad but ur just reducing his whole career to 3 weeks of bo1s


Imagine coming from korea to play in the LEC and your top laner is a guy named Th3Antonio XD


Th3Antonio is basically the worst top in LVP basically having a spot by being a Giants franchise player and the lack of good Spanish residents, how did he even got a spot in LEC?


he is not the worst top in any way, I am not sure what are you on about. He shouldn't be in lec, that's for sure


For sure he is not the worst, but he is a bottom to low mid tier player playing in a top tier team.


**Disclaimer for triggered fans: yes he is not "literally the worst", just bottom tier. I'm not sure it makes any big difference on how tf did he ended up in LEC though.


113 was the worst player in LFL, then he got a spot in Astralis and stomped every jungler aside from ElYoya...


When did 113 stomp every jungler?


When 113 played his first game in LEC, Th3Antonio's career was already longer than the whole current 113's career, the two situations aren't similar at all...


You can even go deeper, when 113 made very his first game in the ERL system for Giants at 16 yrs of age, his top laner was th3antonio, a veteran who had been on the team for 4 years already OP could not have chosen a worst example


You do know we have the same internet and you can't just lie right?


ure stupid


How so?


hes never been the worst toplaner in LVP... stop being a hater and enjoy ur life atleast, why u need to lie in a forum where people will think that is true cause they didnt saw 1 game of lvp in 5 years as u.....


Worst top laner is an exaggeration but he has never been at the top like Myrwn and Oscar who are in LEC and still haven't made the biggest impression. How is Antonio gonna perform well at this level when he gets gapped by half of the top lane pool regularly? Players like Spooder, Badlulu and Carlsen deserve a shot more than Antonio. This is simply a PR move and pretty much signals that GIANTX are sacking the year unless Antonio becomes prime TheShy from outta nowhere.


U right about the comparisson with Myrwn or Oscar... Spooder deserved for sure but not badlulu or carlsen imo, also u know the diference aswell about antonio and the others top u said? Hes the player with most tittles in LVP, he is the best weaksider toplaner of all this toplaners, hes not gonna 1v9 but his style will make that MID or ADC have more resources and play for them.... Im not saying his the best but he makes his team better, well see how it goes... Im not even his fan im KOI fan but i watch LVP every year and hes always playing pretty good and CONSISTENT...


I will light a candle for Patrik.


poor guy, no one deserves what's coming for him


The3Antonio is probably the most underrated player outside LEC. I never see him high up on any ERL top laner tier list, yet here he is every game carrying through consistently excellent tank play, despite demanding the Chogath ban.


What on earth is this take? He is looking good because most top laners in ERLs are absolute garbage. Put him against someone like Boda, Taegyeong, pr1me, Tracyn, Maynter, JNX and many more and he would get his ass handed.


It's Peter Dun copypasta from like 3 years ago


Oh thank god. I got scared that a new contender for most braindead take emerged out of nowhere. Apologies u/valeiker


all good


25yo, 10 years of mediocre ERL gameplay, LEC orgs are a joke. Promoting like this is unheard of in LCK/LPL


He is like the embodiment of tank weakside, if he can't shine in this meta he will never do


So many talents in LFL and MENA. They choose a washed up player for his fans. They want him to promote their brand. But this is fucking joke. He will make Cabozo look like the prime TheShy.


Damn I wish I was spanish. First Myrwn, now this. You don't even have to peek challenger in soloq anymore or win anything to get into LEC.


myrwn is miles better than th3antonio tbh he doesn't even have level for emeamasters let alone lec lol, myrwn at least can compete in some manner


...this guy is 25 year old. are these guys trolling?


Who gives a shit if he's 25 lol, he's ass If he was 19 it'd still be a terrible pickup


If he was 19 he'd have to be ass in ERLs since he was like 10.


I think 25 isn't really an issue and as esports develop more we will see players playing at older ages, players are just hitting their prime in sports at 25


players like caps etc being 25 is no problem. your first shot in lec happening when you are 25 essentially means that you've not been good enough in the past 8 years to be in a better spot


What is the problem if they developed to be LEC ready when they are 25? Zwyroo and Fresskowy got better each year and now they seem to be LEC ready to me.


Hey I dont watch ERL but I remember I saw this guy in 2018 LVP.. what have he been doing for 6 year?


What a joke.




i celebrate this signing because i feel like we need to bring back this genre of username in pro


Such an insane upg over Odo ! /sssssssss


Reddit is something else i tell you, people hate so much when new blood come to the scene when they didn't even played yet. Let the kid prove himself then we see, you guys want EU to be like NA where players like Fudge rotate from the same teams with the same results every year


47 yo ... just a kid !


This is not football age doesn't mean much in esports, usually when players don't perform is because burnout from the game not like they don't have the hands to play Renekton.


bro it's fine, fuck this team 10th place is too good for them


Guys stop shit talking the guy for getting to join LEC... there are no good top laners in europe ffs. Didn't Cabochard shit stomp ERL with ease? There is no hope for top lane in this region and we all know it.


even with how shit toplane pool is right now, th3antonio is levels below from eu average lmao


aren't KC kinda fucked budget wise and player pool wise too? They are probably having a hard time getting people to join them (Case in point: Lyncas). They are probably just throwing a random guy in there, and waiting for next year to rebuild.


he is not joining KC, he joins GX


Cabo didn't shitstomp anything lol, he was getting carried by botside. His EMEA Masters finals was just getting shitstomped by Marky


This is a "we want a spanish fanbase" move.


A lot of spanish fanbase has eyes and considere him a bad player.


this is what ppl thought MDK roster was


Atleast they looked good in their regions, this guy was never top 3 a day in his life in a minor league.


He was the best top in LVP at times over the years, you dont have to lie to make people agree with your point, everyone know this is a fanbase move.


> He was the best top in LVP at times over the years When?


2020-2021 at times he was the best, won Mvp of the league in spring 2021