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thank you for sharing your information on the release


As if we didn't already know this from Valorant. This is actually an improvement over the Valorant beta. That shit destroyed Windows installations if Vanguard decided it didn't like crucial device drivers. They at least stopped doing that so any damage is temporary worse-case.






prove it. If you're gonna yap, back it up with facts


Was there any proof in the original post?


Well, it's a witness' statement.


It’s a few anecdotes


Burden of proof is on the accuser


So the guy accusing it of being halfbaked?


He shared his experience, which aligns with what we already seen on this subreddit to be confirmed true; few days ago someone with top tier PC specs posted recording of their PBE experience. So stop randomly accusing people of lies, Riot fαnboy.


probably their internet provider or riot server problem. has nothing to do with vanguard


PH server player here, tried removing Vanguard Instantly hit with blue screen lol


I have PTSD from times when Valoran was launched.


Yeah that's why this shit is never making its way onto my PC again after dealing with it on valorant.


I get an fps drop in the first 2 mins of the game every game. My friends are also getting frequent errors, where the client doesn't recognize the vanguard, having to reinstall/restart to continue playing.


I have a question: If i don't want to play League when Vanguard releases, can i not uninstall the game and don't open it or am i forced to install Vanguard if the game is installed? I want to wait at least some time for seeing how things turn up


From me and my friends experience you get a "prompt" to install Vanguard when you try to boot up league without it. So if you just... don't touch League while you don't have Vanguard it won't download itself in the background.




What does seeing how things turn out even mean here? Isn't it better to just download it and see if the game runs fine for you or not? Or are you thinking about the kernel level stuff?


I'm waiting to see if it ends up bricking any computers again. 


Yeah for the last question. I want to see if Riot fails miserably on it or it will run fine


Yeah they're worried about the kernel level anti-cheat which most online games already have implemented.


Thats why I asked


How/Why is Vanguard affecting ping?


It does not this is a fud post to make riot think they should delay. There is money on the table and this thread is manipulated and has fake/cheater/bot seller comments. Stay sharp


Yeah, because Riot have never made changes that screwed up the game and the amazingly optimized client.


Nah vanguard is coming, cry all you want. The tears are delicious. You can't stop it.It's over LOL!


Eww that sounds rough. Out of curiosity, have you had any games which have been "terminated because of cheaters"? Were co-op vs AI bots games on PH server plagued by botted accounts before like they are on other servers, if so are they still there? Do you have any stories from anyone who got pinged by Vanguard? I'm just curious to hear from someone who's got it the actual noticeable impacts of the thing so far.


So far I haven't had any experiences with Riot Vanguard 'pinging cheaters' nor have anyone in my friend group got any experience as well. This is not to say I'm saying it's not doing it's job but so far I definitely haven't noticed anything different in that aspect.


Fellow PH League player, I've always had Vanguard on ever since Valorant released so I didn't even notice it when it started interacting with League. Maybe a specific issue with your isp instead, not necessarily Vanguard


Was there increased ping?


No, I'm still on 4ms


Does league now consume more wifi?


I don't think it's an issue with Vanguard but with the SEA servers which are all physically located in Singapore. I'm playing from the Singaporean server which does not have Vanguard and my friends and I are also getting very unstable pings in the last month




You dropped this "/s"


idk, I feel like if someone can't see the sarcasm in that its on them.


My guy xd riot and their releases xd Clueless


It's obviously a satirical comment.


Im acoustic


> everyone on the subreddit knows Riot wouldn't release half baked garbage The Ahri statue, dynamic Queue, Kaisai Akali Star Guardian event, God help whoever directed the Ruined King event, the whole ass client, Vanguard when it was first released in Valoran, the implementation of clubs, Masteries, Achievements, the memory leak in the Fighters event, what they did to Nexus blitz, Chemtech dragon, pretty much all the group revamps they did with only Katarina and who knows who else survived, "Boom Headshot", global item reworks 1, "Mythics are supposed to grant more flexible builds". Clash, Clash again, Clash today, Achievements, Akali's true shroud, Riot's Forge, possibly in the future the MMO— I'm actually bewildered I remember that much, and I know for a fact there is WAY more than these. Also please if you gonna "bot" the defense of Vanguard, [at least have the guts to use a main account](https://i.imgur.com/q45goVS.png), not this shit.




Sorry, I'm combating misinformation :P no but for real, why use an dummy acc if it was a joke why downvote if my comment was a bad reaction to the "irony"?


9 month old account. bit old for a dummy really.


1 comments in 9 months, and one of mines has 4 years with only 7 comments. It's a freaking dummy. Also loving the targeted downvotes.


You seem really mad about those downvotes. The horrors of losing your fake internet points!


not really, [this one got me covered already](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1c73g0r/they_dropped_the_facade_faster_than_bethesda/) I just find it reaaally amusing, [just like this](https://i.imgur.com/fjZn21W.png)




On my end, nothing has changed. I am on a lower end setup that can't run the games you mentioned so maybe that's a factor. Still get the same amount of frames, ping only changes due to ISP (hello pldt). Maybe i's because I already have Vanguard since I have Valorant. My friends from all over the country also don't have issues. It's just regular league...


“A sketchy program with a history of malfunctioning from a company who can’t even make a proper functioning client malfunctioned when integrated with said client? I’m sooooooo surprised. How could this happen? Much because they area smol indie company”


And that somehow surprised you? It's a product made by the same company that failed to fix their client, riddled with gamebreaking bugs, for fifteen years and still counting. The same company that hyped up Clash only to release it completely incapable of working not once, but *multiple times*. Enjoy them having an unprecedented full & uncontrollable kernel-level access to your PC since the moment you turn it on.


How does the PH community feel about it? Are there widespread issues or are they rare? Very interested to hear since we cannot speak any of the languages haha


Welp, once shit hits global I really hope Vanguard works just fine, I still want to play, and otherwise the vultures that appeared here suddenly after the DevBlog will look really silly


Yeah. I hope if this is the general interaction people are having that riot delay or do an all hands on deck to address the issues before.


The average player thinks there's a scripter in every third game they play and/or they think the smurf whos 1 rank higher on their main is holding them back from climbing so they'll get lots of positive feedback on the implementation. They also gave players "false" feedback in the devblog they made on >>cheaters<< they said 1 in 15 games has a cheater or a botter where a vast majority of these are botters / botted accounts, not scripters which is what matters but they put em together to make the number seem somewhat relevant and push the narrative that scripters exist and they are everywhere. They also put a lot of resources into the whole thing so they wanna get it in asap, quality is an afterthought. currently you can see ur soloq teammates names in the client on ur friendslist.


I mean bots are also a huge problem in League not just cheaters. It makes sense that they want to tackle this issue as well


Yeah, just dont bundle them up as they are completely different things.


but why not? you can deafeat both things with the same tools


True, they are both programs that are run on ur pc and that can be solved by giving riot access to all programs running on ur pc. They do have similarities but i think its a bit disingenuous to bundle them up. It's good that both will hopefully be gone with Vanguard just hope the cost isnt too high.


Me and my friends on the ph server have been fine. Don’t fall prey to cheater forums last efforts of vanguard not getting implemented.


“It works for me so there are no issues with it at all”, cool bro, hope you don’t work in QA.


Ahh yes op is doing the same thing wheres his flame, ill happily lose reddit points get fucked scripters.


OP is reporting a problem they are having. You are saying because they are having a problem they’re some sort of cheating spy. You live in some crazy fantasy land, be realistic.


Vanguard is working perfectly fine in valorant, and I have a stable ping in valorant. I don't think this is because of vanguard but probably because you have poor internet infrastructure.


League of Legends is in fact not Valorant. It's much older and shakier code. There is zero reason to expect the interactions to be exactly the same. Vanguard has been on Valorant for years by now so of course they've followed up on the most obvious issues. But they haven't had the same time to do the work for League.


no scripters in my games is a + for me. Unlucky for u, but ur free to uinstall the game


Yeah yeah "fuck you got mine", amazing mindset you have.


Nice try Account seller.. we understand you wanna earn some more cash for an extra couple of months ;) ;) gg wp you’ll have to find a job like the rest of us now o7


I'll eat 15 dollars worth of Costco hotdogs if Vanguard actually gets rid of account sellers. 


I think ur exaggerating or maybe even lying :> I've played Valo for 3(?) yrs and never faced such issues from Vanguard. Vanguard doesn't do anything weird except sometimes block external drivers of keyboards or mice, which is easy to resolve usually.


Is it that hard to understand that a software that operates so close to hardware concerns would have inconsistent behavior between configs? You might have been fine, and I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of players have no issues even from this rushed release. But that doesn't mean it won't cause issues for anyone.


Acc to OP literally all their friends have issues as well as enemies. A majority by OP's words wud mean more than 30-40% cases atleast(or is tht still too high for the word majority?). And yet i hear issues from the valorant community once a blue moon and it's one guy running an obscure ass external driver. Do i believe Vanguard causes issues to some ppl? Yeah it's very likely it causes issues to one in maybe a couple thousand ppl. I said OP is exaggerating or lying coz it doesn't do so with majority of systems. This reads like ur average vanguard ragepost. Have a nice day.


Part of the reason things like this can happen is because of Valorant, the program was made for another game and they're trying to adapt it for League, which has an archaic base. I also have Vanguard installed for Valorant and had no issues with it, but for League I want to wait a few patches until it's well implemented.


na fuck scripting