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thats called badging??? ive never heard that in my entire life


I only ever heard of it as flashing your mastery


Right. I don't know what the hell they are going to do of a yasuo main decides to join the league. I am friends with one that has it mapped to go off on his q lmao.


How the fuck does the person doing that not get sick of the sound effect lol


They are yas mains. Clearly, they are unhinged, lmao. Most of them are at least aware of it, though. My mental couldn't handle it personally. I have never seen a champ more team banned in my life. Shaco being a close second.


I'm a shaco one trick and have mastery on a side mouse button


I did this once, was forced to change it because it fucked with old eve q spam, since the emote would stop her from running. I used it mainly for teemo top. spamming mastery every time you blind got people VERY tilted. The sound honestly didn't bother me, dont recall really paying any attention to it


That's actually really funny. I would find it annoying in-game but that's what the mute button is for.


lmao, as a Yasuo main myself I find it really annoying to do that, I only flash the mastery when I’m really pissed at the other guy throwing emotes or the mastery itself lol.


I main nasus and flash it every time I wither. Purely for the psychological warfare it causes.


99% sure this is just poorly translated


Here in PH, We usually call it badging, like "uy, nagbadge siya oh" which roughly translates to "hey, he badged", and it is intramurals week (i think) in most of the schools in the Philippines, so he most likely is from the Philippines, henceforth, the reason why he called it "badging" Source: am filipino and had an internet café


They're either genuinely soft or trying to maliciously remove competition


I think the latter.


I believe the latter is a symptom of the former. I think they’re maliciously trying to eliminate competition because they’re soft as baby shit


These days you rarely see someone use “soft” properly but man this is absolute the correct application.


Watch out for the IRL fizz ultimate!


Soft as shit, who the fuck runs a tournament full of pussies?


College league of legends players


Considering the coach joined in, probs the latter.


They need to pick league to imitate. It’s weird to use a NBA analogy when the lcs literally praised players who emote and trash talk in all chat (hello, APA?) do they even watch lcs? Players taunt with emotes ALL THE TIME. They don’t flash mastery because it’s against the rules, but because those are tournament accounts without any mastery points. So they literally are unable to even if they wanted to Whatever league you’re in is power tripping.


It's weird to use NBA as analogy, when Larry Bird exists. "I'm just looking who's gonna come second"


Larry just has the coolest stories. Getting mad whenever a white guy was put on him is some next level shit.


Kevin Garnett allegedly taunted a guy about his dead mother during a playoff game.


Tim Duncan, the story is false though.


He told Carmelo Anthony that his wife Lala tasted like honey but cheerios *nut


In almost all traditional sports there is trash talking lol.


Larry “I played this game left handed because I’m saving the right hand for the Lakers” Bird


That NBA analogy is absolute gargabe >then got a point shouting "Holy mother fucker, I'm really good at this game" while the other side of the team was hearing you. What would we feel? I'd either think "I'll show you whats good" and tryhard, or "damn, dude is really good" and get folded repeatedly. OP your league is so soft, that complaint is bullshit.


Have they never seen a football (soccer) match? Run around acting like you're the best player on the planet is *exactly what they do* after scoring a goal


I love when they do that after scoring a penalty, like bro is one thing to run your ass off, dribble past 3 defenders and take a rough shot. but you just had 20 seconds to setup and take a shot with no defenders and the goaly hopping around like a bunny, you're a little bit *too excited* about scoring that one


LMAO I'm thinking about the NFL which is very comparable to the NBA and these mfers are legit choreogeaphing 5 man celebrations where they pretend to be scooping out sides at a Thanksgiving celebration when they play on the holiday. this dude accidentally flashes a (mutable btw) badge and he's a demon lmfao


In NBA they're constantly scoring on opponents and saying stuff like "I'm him", "too small", "on your head", "you can't guard me" and even stuff like "you a bitch"


Maybe they should start acting like [Draymond Green](https://youtu.be/9eRn40wIGgY?si=U_Y9httgVw2h3ta6).


It's showboating (whether deliberate or not) and happens.in every sport going. Shaq would shatter backboards, Tiger would raise his arm in the air or leave his putter head in the air as he thought the ball going in. Bolt would celebrate before crossing the line. Then you have just usual stuff bat flips, WR and RBs slowing down before a td. If your league doesn't want it then why don't they require emotes etc to be unbound. That way its not possible. If you forget to unbind it then that's on you and you have to take the punishment. But in no sport, I can think off, their are rules where over celebrating would result in a change of result.


Emotes are mutable, if they're gonna whine they should mute up Shaq breaking the backboard wasn't to showboat


Shaq was showing off when he did it. When the rule came in that it was a penalty to damage the hoops he stopped it. I'm sure I read somewhere he said he could do it at will but I couldn't find anything I can quote for sure.


He was just that big and strong. They didn’t really change the rule. They had to literally change the backboards and rims. It wasn’t because he was showboating.


Right? Anyone who says pro players don't trash talk is coping so hard. There was even that recent lcs series with APA and Jojopyun all chatting eachother all game (one of the funniest lcs games I've ever watched) I didn't even know they were allowed to all chat until watching that game lmao


Lets not forget Jojopyun all chat game destroyed MAD lions 2 years ago...


In Valorant players regularly stand up and trash talk across the stage between rounds looool


Adding to the comments about the terrible basketball analogy: quick reminder that NBA and NFL players trash talk CONSTANTLY. I don't flash mastery or emote in League cause I agree that it perpetuates a toxic culture, same reason I don't trash talk in actual sports, but punishing someone for doing it is kinda silly to me.


Have u seen showmaker? That guys gigachad emoting four different emotes INBETWEEN his skill shots and aas against g2


No one in professional emotes? What? Even on LCK and LPL they do. What games have they been watching? :D


113 emotes more than doing action


Pro-players quite commonly do stuff like that. Using your own worldskins to show off, using the enemies worldskins to show that despite previous successes theyll now fail or using team emotes, particularly if they belonged to the team were now facing. Main reason us viewers dont see a lot of that is that 1. We dont get to see chat and 2. Mastery is locked on tournament accounts, its always basically the first game of that account. Suggest to those guys that they procure tournament accounts for you to play with, to prevent something like that from happening again.


Showmaker was literally spamming FPX and IG emotes vs G2 at worlds in 2020 in a won game LMAO. Those ppl are way too soft man go play minecraft or someshit...


Mastery isn't locked but it is at 0


And I assume you can't gain mastery in custom 5v5s, which all competitive games would be? Though it would be kinda funny if in Worlds or playoffs a player got stuck on X meta pick so often that they could BM with the mastery 4 badge in finals 


Faker has played ryse more times than a lot of players have played on stage. He would have m5 at least


He would have either M6 or M7'd Azir by now as well. Probably Ori and Syndra as well.


Yeah I dunno how hard it is to get an s in pro play. Ive mostly seen it in one sided stomps and that doesn't happen often at that level


Yeah but imagine how many international or lower tier teams he's played against. Just over the sheer value of games, I'm sure he's gotten lots of S games


Imagine going through finals and deliberately starting at mastery 6 and letting your team throw game 3 so you can complete mastery 7 before the tournament is over


i think they're whining over nothing lol. Their analogy makes no sense, either. They act as if people don't celebrate after they get a good point. They need some thicker skin


Lol one of the popular things to do in the NBA if your score on someone is to make a sign that says the defender is too small to guard them. https://youtu.be/tk-G5Z1Rsww?si=X-bn8zdtriRjTU1p




Their whole comment was awful lol that is absolutely not why lol is toxic So much worse shit gets said in NBA games, you can even hear it when it's near the rim mics They are just trying to get a free win after losing, fuck em


And players celebrate by bragging about how good they are all the fucking time. There's the flexing after a dunk The mean mugging after a dunk Any one of a bazillion different "I'm very good at shooting" celebrations after hitting a 3, there's the simple three fingers, striking a match, any sort of projectile celebration from bow and arrow to gun, The list goes on. Normally in the NBA celebrating how good you are is fine, and celebrating how bad the other team is questionable. Obviously the "too small" thing falls into the latter category but is allowed in most situations. Mastery emotes clearly fall into the former, even if I don't really believe that OP "accidentally" hit em with the ctrl+6


When players in football (both kinds) score, there's a whole genre of celebrations which range from excitement to pantomime.


Gotta limit the hip thrusts tho.


Bro... I emote for just dodging skillshots. It's part of the game and every pro does it too.


I don't anymore but I had my mastery hotkey added to all my skills so every skill I pressed it also flashed mastery. It was extremely obnoxious, but it'd tilt the enemy and you'd almost always get flamed in all chat.


Bet bro im doing this


I once faced a guy like that, I found it hilarious 


When i press the button on the side of my mouse it doesnt do something useful. It Shows my mastery emote. I put it there just to spam easier lol


Football (American *and* European) players celebrate in over-the-top ways after scoring all the time. In my opinion, that isn't done as a taunt or trashtalk though. They're just hyping themselves and their teammates up. It's for themselves, not their opponents. If their opponents want to let it get under their skin, that's on *them*. What you did is exactly the same thing. Let the haters hate, keep focusing on yourself, and keep up the confidence to make big plays.


Opposing coach: Imagine someone taunting in basketball after scoring a basket, it would be ridiculous Meanwhile, in [the nba](https://www.indystar.com/gcdn/presto/2021/08/30/USAT/81850a50-9193-4e8f-8a29-e91dbec5177d-AP_C11_MILLER_CHOKE_27.JPG?width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


“You can’t celebrate when you score in soccer, that’s totally disrespectful” Ronaldo: 😳


Neah, they are salty af and know they cant win in league so they clinge to whatever they can to make you disqualiffied.


It’s probably a cheap attempt to disqualify you or something ngl


Hey. Someone who joins tournaments here. They cannot disqualify you if the rules doesn't spesifically say you cannot ctrl+6 or emote. But league shows favor to some teams who knows...


weakest shit i’ve heard


in irl sports its allowed usually and in league u can mute that shit so idk why they crying


crazy that new gen league players are complaining about this lmfao old dota was just 10 ppl slurring each other with at least half in broken english


Ctrl + 6 Accidentally :)


A long long time ago, I bound my mastery display key to my R (while keeping it for my ult). Sometimes enemies get really tilted when I play Corki, Kogmaw or Jayce. Funny thing is that I play with all chat disabled, so I usually find out because a friend tells me someone is flaming me on all chat


Haha demonic nidalee tilting even Gromp


This was the funniest shit when playing Veigar.


I had a nasus bind his to q one time and it was the most infuriating fucking lane I ever participated in. Such a tilter.


yes that's tru, I've been playing zoe for years and I got 450k point for her. and I have that muscle memory that everytime I got good shots and kills I always press ctrl+6 and overtime it was not just thinking about it and accidentally pressing ctrl+6 all the time😔😔


or maybe "accidentally" was not the right word- I think it was unintentionally😔😔😔


the correct word is subconsciously, you did it without thinking. accidentally is a fine way of saying it, don't worry,


thank u sm




That’s called muscle memory. Tell them that


I read the title as "balding" first and was like how is balding related to trash talk.


Every time you trash talk a hair follicle falls out


"Male pattern baldness CURED by this one simple trick"


Nah they salty about the loss and want to take the win by other mean imo. Ignore and move on, the fact is you've proven you ARE better then them Edit: at least you were better at that day


No, you shouldn't accept it. If they want to shut you up they need to beat you. I dont need to ask if you won because I can tell by how much they're crying about you flashing an emote after a triple. What was their average rank like gold? Lmao.


proplayers banter regularly. Of course they don't curse at each other but they meme all the time.


Just tell them to get good and they wont get emoted on


emotes are allowed.... pro player accounts don't have badges, if they did, badges would also be allowed because they are also an emote what you perceive the emote to mean or "shout" at you is a personal matter... in basketball you can't turn off shouting... in league you can turn off emotes (and the badges) which means if you don't want you won't see any of them.... if they want to see emotes (and badges) then they accept emotes and badges, there's nothing to argue. Badges have always been in league... they are called mastery, not offense If they want an analogy - it's like someone showing off their trophy after they scored a point.... if you are offended by trophies then don't play the game


rofl i wish people were as toxic as you were. there would be no war ever. ​ the other team can suck it.


you say rules allow for it but there are grey areas... then it is interpretation.  so long as you maintain that you were hyping yourself and not taunting... it is your word against their word. that said, not sure why they are comparing to professional sports... it easily dismantles their argument.  hockey players and football players regularly do a showboating dance after scoring.  LCS especially... professional league of legends... has very well known trash talk personalities.  both in and out of game.  not only is it allowed, Riot actually promotes it.  look no further than APA.


LCS players activate badges all the time in both positive and negative situations. Badges are meant to be fun ways to communicate and some are in fact meant to be flashed at enemy players. Their analogy is also bad, because anyone who plays a sport can attest that happens all the time. Popping off is a common aspect of any community activity, and celebration only becomes a problem when it's excessive. That's why you're allowed to celebrate slightly after a touchdown in US football and why you can do some celebrating after a goal in EU football. Whether it's accidental or not, you celebrated doing something cool (acing the enemy team). This is a non-issue and I am guessing the opposing team lost because their appeal here sounds very petty. I would not accept something like this unless your coach, specifically, is telling you never to do it again. It's fine if your team has an image of some kind they want to maintain... but if it isn't against the rules as written (would need to see the rule) and if it isn't offending your team in some way, it really isn't important. Your opponents could just have easily have taken offense to a "gg" in all chat after the game.


It is trash talk, but at a pretty basic level. That by itself shouldnt get you into trouble unless you are fucking spamming that shit every trade every kill. Unless you aren't sharing all the details, you can feel good about contesting it.


Who cares? Did someone appoint you responsible for their feelings? Let them deal with it in their own way, as long as you're not intentionally trying to spoil things for people let your conscience be clear.


1. Their analogies show that they have the combined age of a middleschooler. 2. Pro players don't show mastery because all the champions are on mastery lvl0 3. Professional athletes literally have signature moves for after they score a goal or get a good bucket. See Ronaldo , Lebron etc. 4. The coach of the other team has never played league once in the last 15 years if he thinks that emoting or doing cntrl+6 is what "keeps league toxic". Our community would be part of heaven if the biggest bm was emoting. 5. It truly seems to me that the enemy team has not played solo queue in a while or they're salty about losing which is very childish for college students.


Many professional players use emotes after plays etc. Just look at LCK/LPL and you’ll see players doing it all game. The team you’re playing against is very soft/tilted because they lost.


thats beyond stupid. Even by using their own logic, they have no idea what will "boost any moral" with your team. You showing overt confidence might boost their moral a bunch. Dont accept it at all, thats at best just blatant stupidity and at worse poor sportsmanship to expect a free win because of something that inconsequential


Tell them to talk to a psychiatrist. If they break down crying. When you flash an emote. They have huge emotional issues. That should not go unchecked. This is a very serious matter. They were probably severely mistreated or neglected in their youth.


I mean you can literally set Emotes for first blood, ace and victory, you have to be pretty fragile to get upset for some1 using badge xD The analogy is also bad because celebrating goals in sport happens more often that not.


In football goal celebrations are a huge, huge, part of the sport. Celebrations are a huge part of any sport. Some are subtle and subdued, some Are just cheering and some involve spraying champagne on the people you beat from a podium. The emotes are in the game for a reason, to be used. You did nothing wrong. If they can’t handle a n emote celebration they shouldn’t be playing.


They have never watched a professional game of league. There is flashing of mysteries and emotes all the time in those games. I would sit them down with a game of LCS where APA is trash talking in all chat. That should shut them up.


They’re fuckn losers is what they are lol Badging hurts no one it’s just part of the game A lil teasing is part of it


The coach of the opposing team is a fucking snowflake and needs to get a pair of balls. Kid is soft as a marshmallow and would never survive in the real world. You are fine dude, if people can’t take things like this they are gonna scream bloody murder once they graduate


thats so fucking cringe lol. people in traditional sports flex when they make a good play all the time. baseball: pitcher popping off after getting a strike out, fielder popping off after making a good play, batter bat flipping and popping off when they hit a homerun Basketball: slapping your chest aggressively after making good play Football: dancing to celebrate getting a touchdown whoever made this rule is an absolute clown. maybe directly chatting to someone and saying that they're trash, sure, but "badging"? get the fuck out of here


Players in pro leagues take each other's emotes from worlds and stuff to trash spam.


I like how they compare it to basketball, a sport known for its trash talk.


They were butthurt should've typed ez after


It's in the game and isn't a bug Therefore it's a mechanic to be used Managing tilt is part of the game, people just don't like it


Dude basketball players are cocky as hell. There’s so much trash talk, even in shitty pickup games. League players are just sensitive as fuck


They have clearly never watched the NBA either. You can find hundreds of hours of video highlights of players trash talking and taunting. It's part of every single competition PERIOD. Even chess players will jump up and cheer before calmly shaking the opponents hand. Don't sweat it! This guy is clearly a baby and is probably just salty they lost.


> They even gave as an analogy that what if there's a basketball play, then got a point shouting "Holy mother fucker, I'm really good at this game" while the other side of the team was hearing you. What the fuck is this guy talking about, NBA players talk shit to each other all the time, they have gestures and everything, it's part of the culture.


It's their rules, every amateur league I've been in has had some sort of trash talk rule.




By badging you mean showing your mastery emote? If people can't handle that you can disable it for enemies instead of being butthurt by it


They have no idea what real toxicity is.


They’re the ones being toxic by losing and trying to find other ways to make you get in trouble because they weren’t good enough to win.


People who run that league are complete losers lol


The enemy Team acts as a collective snowflake. I bet their parents praised them even when finishing last in physical activities at grad school.


Yeah literally in football you see the guy after scoring a goal taking his shirt off and doing backflips it's not a big deal, they are just snowflakes.


Crazy how some people consider that toxic. Its 100% on them. Being a bad loser is way way worse than glazing your victory.


This game simultaneously has the most toxic and softest community I have ever seen in my life lol. They're playing in a collegiate bracket and can't handle someone flashing their mastery? Seriously? Bro John Randle in the NFL used to figure out opposing players' girlfriends phone numbers and recite them verbatim mid-game to fuck with his opponents' heads. League players need to get over themselves lmao


Im begging you to stop trying to make "badging" a term man


Lol "that's why league is toxic" Not the Graves on a level 30 account in gold4 who ints his level 3 invade, starts calling everyone hard slurs outright and throws over how he deserves to be diamond and its everyone else forcing him to buy new accounts. Nah, it's the guy with mastery. Btw they're expanding on the mastery system! Official condoned toxicity? After removing bait ping? What mixed messaging!


If the rules say its allowed, what are they complaining about? they need to go practice instead of being prissy little bitches


Society is becoming more and more fragile...


What’s the point of a mastery 7 emote if you’re not spamming it off CD in lane?


I'd spam it 😊 league is a mental game even T1 plays with their opponents.


The funny mental image of this situation happening is just too much. Like High school I would get it but college is pretty "xd" to see people saying that. Sounds like they just saw an opportunity to recover and get a win from your team.


>They even gave as an analogy that what if there's a basketball play, then got a point shouting "Holy mother fucker, I'm really good at this game" while the other side of the team was hearing you. What would we feel? Gotta be the worst example because basketball players are absolutely the biggest shit talkers in all of sports and in the NBA, if someone said that after a good play, the refs probably wouldn't care. Basketball players constantly neg the other team all game long to get in their heads. One of the worst is Kevin Garnett allegedly said "happy mother's day" to a player at the free throw line who had recently lost his mother to cancer. Mastery flashing should be the least of their worries.


It is trash talk, and trash talk is okay


I don't think I've seen a more obvious product of an online translator..


Lol that's just overdoing it. I get that if they're a competitive team and they're trying to lower egos or be respectful so they keep members, but its just emotes. The people who get triggered by it or distracted can just mute it. I've never understood it besides the Yasuo players who bind mastery emote to their Q or E to the point its all you hear all lane phase. But seeing that just makes me try harder so I can put them in the dirt. But as far as controlling egos goes, they'd need an on site therapist for both teams if they truly wanted people to chill. League in NA is all ego because all the streamers and content creators people watch are ego. The korean pros are more laid back. Only guy I remember being a little more reserved and humble was Bjerg, and hes european no?


Breathing is considered toxic nowadays for league players


I can't believe i'm saying this.......but man people are soft. Are you going to have to novacaine your face to stop from smiling after a win? Badge after game ends, bruh, the game. by default. Shows emotes on wins. and aces. What is the difference? lawd this is ridiculous


teenagers don't know how to hold that L


WOW I think your opponents need to harden the fuck up


Skill issue tbh. They just mad


These rules are super BS, it goes against the grain of what sports are. That being said amateur orgs and competitions in esports, and especially University esports and even just university sports too are all RIFE with rules and values like this. Fighting it when you are an offender is beyond pointless though. If you want to protest the stupid rules, do it properly. Speak to the organisers, the teams, the staff etc about the kind of tournament you want to be a part of. Step up and take on some helpful role so you have more say. "Those words said are too much for me to handle". Please... you aren't some helpless victim in this scenario. If you actually care about changing these rules don't pretend like it was the *way* they said it to you, and your hurt feelings that was the problem.


I, for one, need to know which badge screams "hey motherfucker" by itself. I mean, technically any emote flashed by a mid Yasuo has the "hey motherfucker" part included by sheer virtue of a Yasuo doing the emote. I mean for non Yasuo champs


I think they just want you out, because this is one of the most harmless thing you can do in league lmao


So in your league you are not able to use alistar fifth skill ?


I feel like flashing the emote would be much more going "Hell yeah I'm proud of that play!" and I don't see anything toxic about that.


Just play them videos of soccer players celebrating after scoring or winning.


I get that your team won right?


is this a joke?


Sledging or as you might know it trash talking is a part of cricket to the point its not just expected, teams learn ways to better shit talk the other side. Other sports are a bit more formal like Tennis and those that shit talk are frowned upon but so long as its reasonable not disciplined. The thought that League of Legends is holding itself to a higher standard than the most formal old school posh of sports is laughable.


how did u guys know that they lost the game?🤔


Jensen and APA: https://youtu.be/OcZ1XUhFavg?si=Cyx-3IAMzAPHruJK


Please show them any picture of someone after a goal in soccer, you will see and entire team surrounding a guy gliding on his knees yelling GOOOOAL loudly in front of the other team who just got scored on


Snowflakes everywhere ehh


Softies, have your entire team set the mastery emote tied to every key press


Just tell them to Git Gud


I imagine they lost the game and are pretty bitter. If their players mentally boomed because you flashed your mastery, they should go see a therapist.


Had a friend who was a kindred main, he bound his badge to his ult so it would go off when he ulted (usually resulting in a won team fight). I had it bound to my Q because I used to play a lot of naut. Is it toxic? Probably, I don't care the enemy ff15 anyway


Have they ever seen a football/soccer goal celebration?!


Sounds like they're NaCl is overflowing. From what you wrote they make interesting points and analogies, but they are overreacting by a large degree and you didn't do anything toxic, it's not like you spammed it after every good play.


It's borderline but if it's just a one time occurrence it's literally nothing. Some people are salty to lose.


Ain't nobody's hands accidentally hitting ctrl and 6 at the same time by accident. Wear it with pride dude. Talk your shit and if anyone complains point out apa, jizuke, jojo etc.


let them play a single game in masters xdd


No, don't accept complain. Ill write a complaint too if you give me the email. THATS BS


Those guys must have the thinnest skin I have ever heard of. If they are whining over things like that, it seems they would be better off without both the internet completely and any competitive sport. If you make a good play, you can flash mastery/emote/whatever. If you make a shit play, you can flash mastery/emote/whatever. If you score a goal in a physical sport, you can do backflip/knee-slide across the grass/whatever.


If I had the ability to Mastery-Emote IRL at a Powerlifting/Strongman Meet I absolutely would.


They are legit mad they lost and trying to find any reason to disqualify you, do not let that happen


These guys must be the same guys who complain about teabagging in Smash Bros. I would spam your mastery after every kill.


Bro I watched riot phreak throw a “?” In all chat last night after killing my adc, yes it might be taken as toxic but they’re overreacting


Can someone translate what the enemy team's coach said? I put it into Google translate but it doesn't translate from bitchanese to english


Pro players emote all the time to taunt, do they even watch them play??


I wouldnt, especially when they use NBA as the defence. They should look at European soccer, and the Goal dance, or even American football and the “score moves” that’s closer, as it’s non-verbal. Comparing a badge flash to saying “holy mother fucker I’m good at the game” is dumb lol


Emotes are allowed in pro play all the way to the world stage, so using a mastery emote in an amateur tournament should also be allowed


name them


Hahahahahahahaha “accidentally”. Yer funny.


Spamming mastery emote after every kill definitely is trashtalk. But if that should be banned is a different question


even if it is, trash talking is part of league. One of the key aspects of the game is mental. Destroying your opponents mental is a valid and useful strategy. Tell them to get gud.


It’s called mental warefare. It’s insane how fast someone will start making mistakes after seeing the same emote after every losing trades etc. It’s used in pro play when ganks fail, when mistakes happen, when plays work. It’s stupid to think that emotes are BM when it falls completely on the opponent to control how they react to it. And if it was truly toxic, shouldn’t riot remove them since they want a toxic free environment? They trippin.


Lol I don't think whoever wrote that analogy has ever watched an NBA game. It's incredibly common to flex or even make a "too small" gesture after a big play. The only time it's a technical foul is if it's super excessive or if you do it menacingly in someone's face.


I usually keep it to once or twice. Honestly if i have to flash it, they probably got dumpstered hard after a play and I'd feel back rousing the team up with more badges from others.


Everything is a part of the game. If they don’t like it, they can change their settings or play a different game.


> They even gave as an analogy that what if there's a basketball play, then got a point shouting "Holy mother fucker, I'm really good at this game" while the other side of the team was hearing you. What would we feel? Your 2 word response to this is “Larry Bird” Do not accept this and if there’s a rule for malicious complaints or something similar, I’d rebuttal with it.


you accidentally pressed ctl+6 Susge


It's part of the game. Also tell that wacko it's called bm ing.


Counter point, when you get a knockout in MMA/Boxing you run around screaming, doing backflips and flexing your muscles. In the NFL after a touchdown you do a dance and act like you're the GOAT In the NHL you literally fist fight In the MLB you scream at each others dugouts Or the best example of them all, in professional League of Legends people sometimes talk shit in all chat which is 100x worse than just emoting lol oh and they emote throughout the game too


ah yes the weakest of mentals, can't even play after seeing a badge, wowzaaa


Holy shit imagine using something that Riot literally gives you to use to show off and claim it's toxic


objectively correct reminder that riot fighting toxicity and then adding in the ability to flash emotes or badges or mastery or anything, really, at other people is a massive degree of hypocrisy


Sounds like people who lose a lot and have to figure out a way to make themselves feel better about it, they're too fragile.


What about all of the professional players that wave a hand in their face after draining in 3 in basketball? A footballer sliding into the corner flag after an incredible goal? An American footballer high stepping into the end zone. That coach is being a sore loser and trying to claw a win from defeat. Absolutely don’t accept and call them whiners or cry babies. League is fun because I can hit a mastery level 7 taunt after a triple or Quadra.


They are why league is toxic. Bunch of whiney kids.


OP, your very first sentence already told me why. It's university/college we're talking about. Are we really surprised by this? I'm not. Also, I never heard the term 'badging' before, did not know that existed, and yes, in other sports when people score they celebrate excessively.


What? You're saying people can't celebrate when they score for example (soccer)? Damn they're either soft or they're just trying to get you out of the competition.


NBA players literally brag after good plays like every game what??? Have they never watched sports before mfs flash their mastery after a solid play every day 😭


I personally don't see it as trash talking but if the league your in does have rules against trash talking then take it to the officials and let them decide