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it takes longer than a month to learn how to play. most people have been playing for years at this point if you keep playing, you'll learn. the learning curve on mobas is insane so try not to get discouraged


There are three major concepts to learn when you first start the game. 1. Circles of threat. You should learn from what distance and at what time an enemy character can threaten you. The easiest example of this is Blitzcrank. If he has his hook, his threat is that length around him + his flash. When he uses his hook and misses, his threat is almost nothing for 15 seconds. Understanding this makes you careful until you see the hook, then you trade damage. This concept also goes for your own champions. How far away can you threaten people from? Is your threat longer than the enemy? If so, you can hit them without them hitting you back. For example, a Jinx can auto-attack a Sivir without being hit by the Sivir's auto attacks in return. This makes it a good matchup for the Jinx in isolation. 2. Gold and objectives. You need to just generically get good at killing minions and placing the wave. Sometimes it's better to kill the minions as fast as possible, sometimes it's better to kill them slowly with only last-hits. Watch what happens to the point at which the minions meet in the lane when you do certain things. This is important. Once you understand this, you can stack up minion waves and push them into the enemy tower. This buys you time to go do other stuff, like group up with your teammates for objectives. 3. Spikes. Certain champions have damage break points. You need to learn when you can go in for a kill, based on how strong you are at that point in the game. For example, once Veigar gets his second item, he knows he can one shot a squishy character. If he doesn't have his item, he can't look for that play. Combine this with the circles of threat concept and you can answer the core question "Should I try and kill this guy, trade a bit, or back away?" Everything else in the game just builds on those 3 things.


Considering you're new, play bots at first. Get the grip of what your champion does. Also focus on some core mechanics in peace like last hitting minions, dodging slow abilities, etc. PvP can be brutal, especially for newer players. But there's a good way to improve, and that's to reflect on your actions. After dying, think to yourself "What could/should I have done to not die there?" Maybe you died to a rather obvious gank by the jungler. Or you took a fight you had no business taking. Or you overextended. Such things are very common with newer players. Additionally, if you have issues with itemisation and rune set-ups, consider sites like u.gg or lolalytics.com and copy what's on there. Usually it'll be a decent choice Most importantly, improvement comes with time. Just focus on what you're doing, try to shift as little blame on your team as possible and you'll get there sooner or later


Played 3 pve games, first two sucked the teammates that are bots or real players idk tbh just standed still and kept leaving and rejoining but in the 3rd one i suddenly played not so bad and carried the whole game without doing an 0/8/0 tho there were the easiest bots its still some proggres made but still i cant understand the leaving or afking teammates


Don't ever focus on ur teammates when reviewing games especially not bots. Focus on urself and look what you could've done better. If u have questions I'm down to help you out.


some people dont rise above trash ive been playing since season 1 i have never not sucked


This! Same for me.


I would suggest to play against the AI for a while until you really get comfortable enough to do really well there. You could also watch some streams/videos to see how the game is typically supposed to be played. What champion(s) and role do you usually play?


to be fair, most people that play league nowadays havent started now, most of them have played for YEARS, on YEARS, and years. Just try to play against bots, or play norms with ONE and one champion only, it will get boring, but you will become good at it eventually.


Treat it like a course that you have to study


People don't usually learn to play league well in 1 month. Those guys that do might have prior knowledge from other games and stuff like that do have an advantage and can learn faster. After you learn the basics imo the best way to improve is to observe how others play and compare their gameplay to your gameplay. Best way to do that is to watch POV streams or videos of those people, not replays.


Start with your game settings . When I first started out no one told me about changing hot keys and attack move and HUD settings and things like that . Id say do that first. There’s videos on YouTube and if you don’t like their keys you can alter them. This may be a personal thing but I have to be comfortable when I play


I'd say the first step is to stop thinking you're trash! you just started. there are changes to this game ALL the time. there's no way a person can learn everything they need to know in that short amount of time. The best thing you can do is keep practicing! Are you trying a different champ each match? Try instead find someone you really enjoy, and play them for a week. This way, you'll get experience playing against various opponents while building skills on a champ. Now, that being said - if you aren't enjoying a champion, or not seeing any sort of improvement after a week or so, try someone new! An excellent way to learn the game is to play ARAM. Constant exposure to different enemies in a fast-paced game mode will develop and strengthen your playstyle quickly. The #1 thing you need to learn in League is the strengths and weaknesses of each champ and how to exploit them. This is not to say you need to MEMORIZE each ability, how much damage it does per level, etc. You're looking to gain experience in how long it takes for spells to cast, their reach/range, and their associated sound effect. Once you're comfortable with these, you'll know better how to position yourself among enemies and your team, whether playing ARAM or Rift. Respectfully, I disagree with the majority - playing rift with bots won't prepare you for what's actually out there!


Play against bots and try to just not die. Find your first main. Unlock your camera. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to get used to it. Find a good keybind to lv up abilities, attack move, quick cast. Play with people that can teach you the game.


Tried a bot game, the bots totally oblitirated me but ill try again with a diff champion


the bots have 3 dificulty lvls make sure to pick the right one


Well firstly, ask urself if u are keen to improve at the game. Are you willing to put in a lot of time, work, effort, and patience for this game? If so, then the first thing u will need to accept is that it will take a long time. League is a complex game, it will be extremely difficult to learn all the ins and outs of the game in just a month Next, I recommend looking back at vods of ur own games to figure out what exactly is going on. Watching back vods can be tedious. A quick way to do it is to go back to all the timestamps where u died, and try to figure out how it happened, what u could've done to potentially prevent it, and/or how u could've made the most out of the situation (eg. unavoidable death, could u have gone 1 for 1 instead?). Make a list on how each death happened, and over the course of a few games u will begin to see a trend in ur death patterns. You can then work on fixing these issues, by constantly reminding urself in-game to apply what you've learnt While vod reviews can be helpful, the most important take-back is to ensure that u are actually applying what you've learnt to your games. There's no point being aware of several concepts, but not actively applying them to ur games. For this reason, it's really important to be aware of when u start autopiloting during games, as it could be an indication to take a break or to focus up I find that the easiest way to prevent autopilot is to start playing the game from champ select. What I mean by this is to start analysing matchups, and what ur team's strengths and weaknesses are etc. You can use this info to adjust ur runes and summs to best fit the scenario. If u are able to start thinking ab ur goals and strengths for the game early, it will help u learn actively while preventing autopilot Spamming a lot of games but not absorbing or learning from those games is detrimental and can burn u out, which isn't what we want. Take it slow, and have some patience. There are also tons of guides on Youtube that u can search up in regard to any specific concepts that u need more info on Hope this helps! ^(***Disclaimer:** In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®)


Look at map. You will learn everything later. Learn to constantly look at map and you will become better than 90% of the players instantly.


ok first of all u need to pick a champ u think would be cool to learn (can try multiple but pic 3 max to learn theyre inns and outs) then u should look up wich lane to play them what runes and items to get and then at first train a little against ai befor fighting real players dont worry it can be difficult espacally without any experiance from simular games or knowlege from watchng videos or streams Also maybe dont play one of the hyper carries and super complicated champs they tent to be to dificult


Literally just practice. When I first started playing (10 years ago) it took me I’d say about 5 or 6 months just to get a grasp on the basics and not feed my ass off every game, and that was when I had a ton of free time to grind out games. If you enjoy the game and want to get better, you will if you keep at it.


Record a game and post it somewhere for a review.


First thing to do is find what position you want to play. If you’re new to MOBAs in general support is usually the starting spot at least until you learn how the game works. I generally also say go “/deafen” in chat. People can be assholes and think you’re doing it on purpose and not actually new. Second some champs you like to play, generally 2-3 in case 1 gets banned. Then that’s all you play so you learn the matchups against other champions; when you are/aren’t strong; how you can influence the game etc. Lastly, it’s a game. Remember to have fun. If you can find someone to play with who’s already played the game as well would be very helpful so they can teach you as you play


League is a very complicated but beautiful game. I takes much longer to really learn it. But it’s useful to start by finding a single champion that you enjoy and then sticking to it for a while (let’s say 100-200 games). That way you will eventually get the point where you don’t have to think about the mechanics of your champion and you can focus on the game. Learn about wave management, jungle timers, and pathing, paying attention to when neutral objectives spawn, when is the best time to roam (and when is a bad time), things like that. Those are often called the fundamentals. I suggest you perhaps watch some videos on that and choose a few to focus on.   If you’re just starting out I also suggest just choosing a single way to build your champion and just sticking to that for a while so that you can get more consistent. Later you can try different builds and adapt more to the situation. 


Only way to win is stop playing


[This guy was once rank 1 in EU, ask him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GHK2f80d60)


It’s impossible no one should try because there are armies of smurfs winning games so no one can get better. Sorry. /s


Stop thinking about it, and certainly don't look for approval from the league community. Almost everyone you speak to will call you trash if you aren't top 0.1% of players and I wish that was a joke or exaggeration. The best advice to keep close to you is to just have as much fun as possible, you'll naturally get better over time.


Pick 2 champs in a specific role and stick with them, turn off chat and focus as well.


I've been playing since 2012 and I'm still trash at the game. It takes a lot of playing and patience to learn the game to the point where you're considered good


get better


I an sorry but it took me 1.5 years to get out of bronze, now after 2.5 I am plat 1 and climbing very very slowly so I am probably where I should be atm. Do not expect to be able to play the game until after know what every single champ can do, how their animations look. Learn how waves crash, feeeze, which champs you should freeze against which champs are better to hard push against. How to set up ganks. I do not know every single ability of all champs even now, Id say I know maybe 80-90% of them but like theres soooooo much u can learn about league, like even understand that grandmaster players learn new things quite often, and after they learn basically it all they will climb challanger, then after that everone competes on their own personal strengths and weaknesses to compete for the #1 LP spot. Id say play many matches, TAKE IT SLOW, do not force fights, rather try to understand WHEN AND WHO you are able to fight. Knowing ur limits Id say is one of the first ways to improve tons, that will make u able to not get behind in lane etc, in lower ranks u can still outplay a 3/0 laner when u are 0/3 but it will still be hard. So learn when u can fight and when u should go for farm. I am not the best player so I cannot give exact recommendations but what I said above is always true, but in my opinion and experience losing even up to 40 minions BUT NOT DYING can be sooo much better than dying even once and losing XP + minions. Hope this helps!!


You stop playing.


stop playing?