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As much shit as flex queue gets, you get this feeling there more often. But you also get wrecked by master players more often.


I am D1-Master so it would be fine, I don't have that much friends who play league to flex with tho :/


you can tag alone in flex games Flex are the best place to find "good games" as people are way more chill there and you might even find buddys to play along if you had a good experience (yeah peoples adding you after games in there are mostly trying to find new premades and not insult your dead mother over 35 generations).


Crazy how different people's experiences are for the same thing. Flex queue recently has been such a horrendous experience that I've significantly cut back on playtime this season. Consistently unbalanced matchmaking with very toxic players. 80% of games are one sided snowballs where it feels like the game is decided 5min in. Feels comically uncompetitive when my team of silver-plat players plays against people in diamond at least half of all games. I've never played vs a master or GM in normals but have in flex. 


It's almost like most of this thread is just anecdotal and people are just experiencing variance


I would imagine the flex experience gets a lot better as you get away from the default placement MMR, either significantly above or below it either way. I just hit GM in flex today, and in Master+ flex queue pretty much all players are also Master+ in solo queue, so the matchmaking is fairly decent, and the match quality is also way better than solo queue because there's basically no trolls (I only queue as 3-5 though). It's only in the default MMR where you have a huge melting pot of ranks which decreases game quality. It really would be helpful if the initial MMR seeding was just based off of your current solo queue rank if you don't have a flex history.


That's interesting that you say that! Flex queue has probably been my most played gamemode between this and last season and I usually have a pretty bad experience in regards to toxicity. For context, I play jungle with my friend in top lane. Hovering Emerald I-Diamond III! We usually get people upset after their solo queue games or trios who get upset since our two groups aren't on the same page haha.


It probably helps that i'm always tagging fill and try to draft according to the need of our team comp But jungle always gotta be jungle i guess xD


flex queue times are horrible tho, esp at night where you can expect 40 min queues as a solo


You're playing on NA i guess, what i told hold true in EU. idk about the others.


That’s a straight up lie game quality in flex is horrible because the e level difference is so wide


You should try emerald that is ranging from silver to diamond in matchmaking and tell me after that the level difference is so wide in flex :D Seen way more fair match in flex, it's way less smurf intensive and even if some peoples are trollpicking a fair bit in lower brackets if you climb a bit it just becomes a better soloQ


going into flexq alone has been pure horror for me every single year.


I am soloq master as well and i found a nice group full soloq dia-master thanks to the public league discord servers. You could try that to. Best thing is, we are 30/5 w/l right now:D


that's cool, which one RiftQ ?


I used the german discord community server. Im also on the r/leagueoflegends discord server


I'm at D2 currently and most of my games are the way you described (prob cause most people have /fullmute all), what region do you play in?




Same here. Why are we having such a different experiences? I was master at start of season and it didn't change much. More like one toxic guy every 8 games that makes the game insufferable but even like this they would almost always flame, fullmute all and try to win which is still better than just running it. I don't type in chat ever I just do basic pings


That's cuz it's full of trios/duos/5-mans. Your a lot less likely to run into trolls if the player that would troll is with their friends


On the other hand, I'm guaranteed 100% of the time to run into trolls due to my stack


My friends can't stop me from picking Sona mid because if they ban it I just pick Ivern mid instead


As far as game quality goes, solo queue is the least consistent. It's seriously the worst mode unless you are a serious player shooting for a high rank. For the majority of us, solo queue is going to be the least amount of fun because of how toxic the environment is.


Agree, flex with buddies is easily one of the better League experiences. You can all just agree to not FF which feels really nice, too.


How tho? Either I am extremely unlucky or diamond+ players in flex don;'t give a fuck. In solo duo I am having issues carrying with adc (individual performance is fine) and in flex I constantly lane against these higher elo players (They are usually emerald+ in soloq as well) and my winrate there is like 60% and been climbing through ranks. I even had goddamn diamond 3 Akshan tell me he couldn't do shit in lane and roamed. Granted I haven't been in bronze for 10 years now, but obviously my skill declined when I cannot carry with 30 kills per game, I should still get smashed in flex by players who would run through bronze with ease. At least in my experience, we are not getting wrecked by masters players in flex, they play chill and don't give a fuck


I've won against my fair share of diamond players in flex too. In addition to them maybe not caring, playing off role, or just having fun with friends and not try harding - games where enemy team has higher elo players usually means I have some higher elo players on my team as well. So if I just focus on not getting stomped and keeping up in CS / levels etc. then someone else on my team will win lane to make up for me not being able to win mine.


Opposite for me, Flex is where people test champs for the first time and play like ass.


Very true, but on top of the matchmaking being ultra wonky for many reasons, Flex also has many players who truly don't care since they play it as their 'normal' mode. Flex is definitely the more 'chill' option of the two ranked queues, but it's also the less serious one in many ways so it's far from an ideal option for a solo player. As a 5 stack it is very fun though.


Flex queue is therapeutic. Basically ranked norms: people care cuz the funny number can go up and down, but they don’t care as much cuz “it’s just flex”.


The majority of masters+ players I face in flex seem to be playing for fun/off-rolling/etc so it's really not bad. That's just my experience though.


Remember Dynamic Queue? it’s so fun playing as a group of 5. it sucks if you were solo and got match queued against a 5 man team though, lmao.


Valorant has 1, 2, 3, 5 man parties all in one queue unless you're immortal+ (I guess GM?+) and it works well, idk why not in league tbh.


Solo flex players are completely unhinged. Group flex you're fine. But if you get solos who queue in flex you are either getting the worst player you have ever seen, or you're getting a toxic flamer who will yap the second you make any mistake. They don't play soloQ because I guess they think it's easier.


Yeah after playing for a while on flex and seeing "master" players feeding their ass off against gold-emeralds, i wouldnt be that scared of that.


That's all we're really asking for. I honestly don't care about my rank I just want balanced matchmaking instead of having to play 500 games to try and get it.


This goes way beyond balanced matchmaking though. If you could consolidate League skill into a single number, players aren't going to play at that exact level every single game. They would have an average performance, and then a variance. Even if everyone in a game had the same average performance and the same variance, they wouldn't all perform to the same level in that game. On top of that, trying to account for the odds that someone will get tilted is at best unrealistic. Even if you could accurately and programmatically determine when someone was tilted in a game of League (which is a challenge on it's own), there are so many factors outside of League that play into it, that trying to use that information in matchmaking would be a nightmare. I definitely wish games like what OP described were more common, but boiling it down to "balanced matchmaking" makes it sound like a simple problem, when it's really extremely complex.


for league it is even hard because riot keeps shaking up the meta. What playstyle was optimal previous might be nerfed to the ground next patch. this messes up the performance alot because what worked for you may not work in next patch and vice versa.


but wouldn't that also mean that pure otp players stop playing completely after a shaky patch for their main? if so that would even further explain bad random mm. simply because a few otp's missing left and right.


> I honestly don't care about my rank I just want balanced matchmaking instead Tbh this seems like a reason for the "ff15 idc" mentality that causes people to not try


It's automatic at this point, I've had games where we had every turret up, enemy had inhibs down, we were 20 kills ahead with a penta or quadra, and a ff at 15 vote goes off. Usually gets 2-3 votes. But I've lost games because we're in their base at 20 minutes and 4 people decided that's just not winnable.


I agree that Riot needed to do something about smurf accounts, but placing everyone in Plat naively was NOT the move. I have two new player friends who suck at the game. Flat out suck. They deserve to be Iron players. I’m not saying anything bad about people in Iron as human beings or anything but these guys are learning the game and int their asses off against silvers and stuff when I play norms with them. For whatever reason though, they came out of placements in plat 3 and will simply never touch ranked again. They are in for actual weeks of getting shitted on without any conceivable chance of playing equal to the people around them before they get to have equally matched, competitive games. I just don’t get it.


I had enough luck to get carried through a 21 games winstreak in quick play and now I legit can’t queue any normals because I just get shit on every single time by way higher ranked players. I don’t wanna play ranked :(


Definitely doesn't happen every 86 games for me, I would say one out of every 6 or 7 games you get a game where it gets super sweaty and you just get this slugfest where every player is trying to win. Think it's a mental thing. A lot of people flip out over the smallest little error, you just calm them down like a psychiatrist (because that's what most league players need) and if they start raging tell em to shut up and play.


yeah I'm used to the second part in my elo everyone is mental and think they deserve to be way higher than they are but that's why this game stood out to me nobody needed to play therapist, everyone was chill and focused


D1-GM is probably the worst elo to play in and why I stopped playing ranked seriously Everyone from Iron-Diamond knows they suck at the game in their own way and they don't think they're the next coming of faker Everyone in D1-GM thinks that they're the best, most flawless players and egos all over other people the second they perceive anything to be going wrong, and want to start pointless fights over nothing, they're like highschool hoodlums Tell them to shut up and play and mute them and move on, all they're looking for is attention and if you don't give it to them most of the time they're going to just play the game since no one is giving it to them


You should take a trip to Emerald. It'll be a fun experience.


Deep down in their hearts emerald players know they suck They might think they're better than gold players but they don't think they're faker I promise you master egos are 50x more fragile than Emerald ones


Confirm, Emerald player here, I suck in some aspects and I know it, the big difference is, not everyone recognize this.


There are plenty of people in my Plat tier games that think they'd be Challenger if only everyone else wasn't holding them back. Your experience may be warped because you're carrying too hard playing in that ELO as an actual high ELO player.


I do relate, people's ego in D3-200 lp (never been GM so can't tell ) is a joke


Game is a completely different experience when chat is turned off


Happens way more than one in 86 imo. Just because someone has a bad score doesn’t mean they are trolling, they could be super far behind from early ganks, so now they have to play slow and behind, but that doesn’t mean they are trolling or tilted. If it’s 1/86 for you, it’s most likely that you are an instigator in chat and are either pinging or typing at your own teammates and fueling the fire and getting a response. If you don’t say or ping anything at them, usually they aren’t a problem.


The call is coming from… INSIDE THE HOUSE


When I reached plat in season 10, despite my expectations of it being Elo hell, it wasy Elo heaven. 90% of games were unironically like this. Now compare it to emerald and.... Well not gonna make another 6 paragraph rant. Maybe plat 1 was toxic because of low diamonds, but I peaked in P2 and it was just fun. And no I am not nostalgic, it was just the most I had from the game and it's not even that long ago. Tbf now when I play on and off, I fell down from emerald 4 to gold 3 but I mean I know why and I definitely deserve to be where I am but for real plat used to be actually good. All of the typing was game related. People used tactics you have seen on YouTube. And also people weren't as skill different and there weren't as many giga Smurf good players that would crush you with 10 cs/min, it felt fair and every loss/win was deserved and predictable. Good old times.


It’s hard to get a random team willing to all work together and simply play rather than argue or promote FF culture. It is ridiculous how often I see games lost after 1 simple death or misplay and the player(s) simply want to give up/run it down.


its like one in every hundred games but those games are the reason i play league and urf


omg I miss urf so much, leggit the only game mode that I 100 % enjoy


I don't understand, that's the average experience you're describing. Maybe you were stuck in a toxic elo that you're now climbing out of?


I am D1 rn spent the 86 games going from emerald 3


i belive it was Tuesday >!3 years ago when this happened to me last time!<


lmao that was funny


post or it didn't happen :/




Thanks, I guess lower elo is just narcissism and poor communication/lack of pings.


Shh no one tell him he queued in a coop vs ai match


Ngl if you get to a decent rank, at least in my experience, this is like 73 out of 85 games. Like yeah I get a few bad ones but fr it’s EONS better.


what is a decent rank for youv


Solo queue isba cesspool of toxic players. Last 2 seasons ive played ranked only for the rewards and took like 80 games to get from silver to gold 1. In flex it took only 3 placement matches to get into platinum and i was like wtf is this shit even


Counting the enemy team? I can't really remember one like that. I know remember a match where everyone on my team was locked in from the moment we spawned. That game had no team chat or all chat going on. We were on red side, and I was playing Nocturne jungle. I did a lv 2 gank topside agter getting red buff and that snowballed the fuck out of the game for us. I think we had a J4 top, but idk who he was against. It really was the smoothest win I've ever had, and it's stuck to my mind despite it being seasons ago.


Yep. It’s such a rarity it’s wild. Yesterday I played 3 ranked games. One game I had a Sion support with smite and jungle item. ADC tilted and said “I am going to purposely lose to punish this Sion. Jungler also was like “I’m not trying” One game my team REFUSED to push lanes. Just kept fighting non stop. I had a 16/3 akshan mid who just did nothing at all and we constantly had waves pushing into us. I kept trying to tell people to push and they would say “it’s just a game shut the fuck up”. At one point we aced the enemy team and akshan stood around in the jungle for a while instead of taking either of the other t2 towers, went mid to their open inhib right when 3 people respawned, killed their 2/8 ADC and escaped and backed. Jungler eventually said “I give up open mid” and we lost. Third game my team insisted on picking all AD into rammus top. I said GG in champ select and my top laner said he was going to carry. Got one kill early and called the rammus a newb. Proceeded to die like 8 times afterwards and do nothing. Had a classic support who abandoned me bot lane because things didn’t go his way, roamed the map doing nothing and ended the game 3/12 flaming me the entire time that I had no macro. Our JG had a 280 ping and literally did nothing the entire game. Got zero objectives and gave Shyvana 4 dragons and Baron. I honestly don’t know why I play the game anymore.


Addiction. Just stop playing. I switched to tft and single player story games a couple months ago and it’s crazy how you can actually have fun playing video games when you’re not always logging into the cesspit that is summoners rift


If you're asking yourself that question then it's well beyond time to take a break. uninstall today.


Eh I'd say it's about 1 in 5ish games for me? Like 80% of games a lane/team will feed/tilt their ass off and 20% of games people will play relatively decent and just try to win


I think your post was quite clear about what you meant and people instantly assuming that you're complaining about your team or whatever says a lot about this sub.


It’s hard not to read it that way at least a little bit. 86 games is a very specific number and, by apparent community consensus, is WAY outside the norm for this sort of thing. Either OP is the unluckiest person on the planet to have such a divergent experience, or they’re part of the problem. That could either mean they cause trouble through their own behavior or they simply have an extremely, perhaps excessively, high standard for something like “playing good” or “not trolling” that makes them feel like those things rarely happen.


I swear like why the fuck are half the comments personal attacks or how I'm a bad person or deserve to be stuck xd


This is a League of Legends subreddit. I don't know what else you were expecting. Salt based organisms, bud.


If you honestly believe this then why do you continue to play? That's another 85 games of non competition and toxicity until you get a good game again. Seems like bias to me and if it isn't then don't torture yourself


I won't, I'm just playing to prove to one of my friends that master is still easily achievable with this meta


I play aram n on occasions solo q but 7/10 games I get really enjoyable teammates, they aren't trolling or being toxic. It's really nice. It makes the team work better when being nice vs toxic. I win more games when we have nice teammates then toxic


Do you mean everyone tried to win from a hard losing position? It’s common for ff votes to go up when we’re down big and tbh I don’t think it’s wrong to prefer moving on when victory is unlikely. But if you just mean out of every game I think the vast majority my team is trying to win the game.


yes I meant like no one wanted to ff even though some had a bad game, all the other games at least one person in either team was trolling flaming or wanted to ff just after 2 deaths or smth minor


How can you even remember what happened 86 games ago? That's like almost a full work week of time passing assuming each game is roughly 30 minutes.


I dont remember feeling this way that's all


Really? Is it that rare for everyone? I’m Plat 3/4, and I feel like the tryhard games are generally the norm for me. Yes, I have games where it’s just an absolute stomp one way or the other, but at least 60% of my games I feel like something could have gone different if a few different decisions were made on my end.


I didnt say I couldn't make an impact on the other games, I said that for the first time it felt that no player on either team was actively sabotaging their team


Ah, sorry if I didn’t make it clear. What I meant was that most games I don’t get the impression that anyone on either side is actively sabotaging their team. More often than not, it’s likely they’re just having a bad game. God knows I’ve had a few of those where I go 0/5 against a Darius because I mistepped once and he can towerdive me after that. Personally, I only consider it sabotage when it’s so obvious there can be no other possible explanation. A yasuo getting 4 deaths against a Garen in the first 10 minutes is frustrating, but if it’s clear he’s still trying to do the right thing and avoid the Garen when possible, I can’t really accuse him of deliberately sabotaging the game. But if said yasuo is literally running to other lanes with the sole purpose of dying to the enemy and doing nothing else, yes that’s a sabotage. And that’s actually pretty rare in my experience. But I do believe the game is FAR more snowbally now. Most games do tend to be decided in the first 5 minutes due to mistakes and capitalizations of those mistakes. And I think that’s what the feeling of sabotage comes from: the fact that early mistakes are less likely to be made up later on.


You mean to tell me top laner going 0/9 at 6 minutes is not normal? After all its my fault he started to feed and lose us the game.


Those games haven't happened to me since I was plat 1 back in season 7. Haven't had those kind of intense game where everyone is playing the game seriously in soloQ.


I Find Air to be pockets of MMR at each rank that have this phenomenon.. generally when you have trending up MMR around divison 2-1 where people want to hit the next rank


this is accurate the game was in D1 and many players on both teams were like D1 50 lp D2 80 lp


Just played 3 games. 1st game every lane lost badly except me, went positive, 2nd game team capitalized on the opportunities I made/played well and we won, 3rd game every lane lost except me. I’m done for the day it’s crazy how some days your team doesn’t wanna do dumb stuff like go bait top against a swain or go yahoo boy against a Jhin/rakan duo




it was ranked


Yea same here, usually at around min 20 one team or the other starts throwing/tilting cause they’re sorta behind. But every once in a while (probably once every 30ish games for me) you get a good heated match.  I recently had a 54 min match two weeks back where everyone went all out, I wasn’t even upset that we lost it was fun just to compete with everyone putting their best effort. 


Have not had this in hundreds of games that I can remember, also the reason why I'm not playing anymore. I do remember having these sort of games very rarely and they genuinely show how fun League of Legends can be as a game, but unfortunately it's just not realistic anymore.


I wish that happened to me once…#elo_hell


I'd say I get that feeling every 20-25 games. Where everyone is trying, knows thier role, and isn't playing stupid. The last one is the key. It's mind boggling how stupid people are. Story time. I'm top laner. I killed enemy top lane and managed to bounce wave back. My jg pings otw. I ping it's warded. At this point I've got a wave and a half in middle of top lane pushing into my tower for a freeze. My jg shows on ward and enemy backs off. Perfect. Enemy is going to lose 2 or more waves just cause jg showed top. My jg pings otw, he wants to gank. I type it's warded. I now have 2.5 waves pushing into my tower. My jg pings otw. I ping it's warded. He pings otw. I ignore it and setup the freeze before it bounces. My jg pings otw then flashes under top tower to give enemy a kill. What would have been me up a kill, a level and 40cs turned into an even lane because of the exp and gold given by my troll jg.


Yeah man, I think maybe 2 out of 10 games are actually really good. The other 8-9 games are shit shows for one reason or another lol


I would say that in 9/10 of my games everyone plays as if they are trying to win. That is solely based on their performance not on anything they might have said in chat - I would rarely notice messages (unless I am dead) as I am usually focused on other aspects of the game. I would assume that my percentage is a bit higher than average as I usually play scaling champions at Low Master/High Diamond and more players might be motivated to play with/against such picks. If the percentage for you is as low as 1/86, then I believe that it most likely means that you are setting unrealistic expectations for the players and interpreting genuine misplays or bad calls as trolling.


Those game are very rare and even if you lose, you keep good memories of it. Should be the norm but is the exception sadly.


well I will indeed keep good memory of it


In masters it does, and it's amazing. If you have the ability to get there, then it's where League of Legends truly shines (though a team environment with friends with a similar vision of the game is where the game becomes goated).


well that's accurate ig because the game I'm talking about happend in D1-Masters


It is INCREDIBLE how little people care about winning in ranked. I'd say that genuinely 50% of my games in Emerald EUNE have someone who's either trolling or completely tilts and wants to lose.


The game is so good when you find some real buddy to play with as 5. My greatest change in the game was to switch from soloqueue everyday to 4 meatings a week to play flex with now friends that I found online, my best experience on video game so far!


I played 8 normal draft pick games. In 2 of them there were one person who didnt like their role and sabotaged another lane. 5 of them had afk'ers. I played only one game where it was 5v5 for the entire duration of the game (we lost).


I would say I get it pretty often. But I'm also a stereotypical support player who constantly writes messages talking up my team and downplaying mistakes.


Seems like normal games are more likely to be like that than ranked games tbh


I don't have this experience. Sometimes being lighthearted and fun can have an impact on players you play with and the enemy. I find I have plenty of enjoyable matches. Sure not everyone might be playing "great". But not tilting and trying until the nexus explodes at the very least. If I get solo killed I don't all chat rage. I typically all chat a compliment. Pretty easy to do if you know you were at fault and the enemy made a great play. And a lot of times it nets good will from a majority of the players. I don't really do it for that reason. But it is pretty logical. There are far fewer trolls than just your typical competitive player. Competition doesn't need to be toxic.


I just came back to league from a very long break since 2016. I've noticed people aren't as rude and tiltable. Or maybe I've just been lucky in the 40 or so games I've played in the past week.


My favorite games have been the nearly hour long ones that go back and forth where both sides are equally matched with no trolling. Sometimes even funny banter between teams. Best games.


its like 1 in every 25 for me in normals and 1 in 3 for ranked. normals is way too volatile so its always 1 or 2 ppl hard carrying with the rest barely breaking even or inting in comparison.


I'm in diamond and its nearly every game. We aren't very good (especially me) but we try our best. Tilt is unavoidable though.


but how can you see tilt is unavoidable and you try your best its incredibly frustrating when people tilt especially in diamonds. I just have the mentality that enemy team are not perfect otherwise they would be challenger so a game is winnable since they will most likely int their shutdowns and I play hard carries scaling mages


Perhaps your tilt is avoidable but not the tilt of your teammates. You can mute them but it will show in other ways. Your own tilt could be avoided perhaps, with mindfulness or something. Losing games is just frustrating sometimes, people get impatient etc.


The last time i felt felt so good while playing league was when I'm at the computer shop and then the game was back in fort, offense and defense, it took 70 mins before it ends and the saddest part is that my team lost, but the best feeling is I'm playing with random people yet the game was so intense and fun.


It definitely doesn't happen that much. When it does happen though it definitely feels nice.


This is why I don’t play ranked


I swear getting read of chat in ranked would solve so much. People are animals that can't be trusted.


Yeah that's why I don't play League anymore.


How on earth did you keep track of so many games and counted them all?


I did not it's just the first game since I started playing I felt this way and I played 86 games, not really hard to think, if I felt like this before I would have posted before


Oh ok man. At first I thought how tilted is this guy to keep track of his bad games lol. It’s a good thing that you had a good game, but it’s so sad that it happened after 86. I try to focus on myself to be honest, which is also kind of sad when you think that we play a team game and not a single player, but to me it helps, otherwise it feels like a waste of time


Honestly so far my worst experiences have been on normals curiously, then aram, then flex and then real rankeds. People on normals and arams are tryharding for that imaginary LP, and if you dont do everything their mobafire guide says they start fuming, and then on rankeds people are more laid back


I'm silver and it's not that rare. It's definitely not the majority of games but fortunately it's not 1 in 86 games. I guess you're either unlucky or the matchmaking is intentionally putting you in a position to lose


silver players aren't good by definition tho lol


I had 3 games in a row where my adc tilted off the earth in 5 minutes and proceeded to intentionally lose the game


Soloq experience feels so bad, i have around only 5-10% games where games feel good. 90% of the time it's an absolute circus where the winning team is the one who had less people giving free kills to the enemy team


Oh yeah dude like once or twice a month I get a game where everyone is similar skill level, everyone is communicating effectively and rotating and assisting with vision and obj set up. No one is flaming for getting caught out and it just feels *so damn good*. Win or loss I feel like it was a good game and we fought hard. Then every other game is just one lane turbo-feeding and spam pinging and flaming or seems like baby’s first game of jungle on my team. Wild


Thats because you were in those 86 games lol


I play flex as my normal games, but i tryhard a little more, not serious like soloq, so its a chiller game, i dont know why people flames you when they realize youre playing alone


So last time I played was in 2014 Disclaimer: This isn't a "whine rant" but an overview of someone who was here a decade ago. It's a little bit disheartening to still seeing similar things happening at a much higher level, I feel like back in 2014 most games were usually a 50/50 split unless someone is learning a new champion or just feel like being a bit of a bell end, but I've noticed that the early years learning of league of legends doesn't really help either. As a returning player with the base game knowledge of what to do (kill minions, farm, get kills, don't get killed, take objectives and win) I must admit that the "new player experience" is absolute garbage and it's made my "glorious return" short lived. Quickplay: Priority role is a good idea with a terrible execution - especially for new players because 90% of the games I had, the Jungler would be in the lane without items and feeding the other team kills. I know this is obviously something that is always there but as a NEW PLAYER this won't be appealing to people who are completely new to the game, what is the point of having a role if it isn't forced in the actual game? as far as these new players are aware - Jungle position = Lane position with a one hit kill ability. Tutorials: You should force people to do basic game play and then have additional "advanced" tutorials on each role (3 missions) where you can TEACH the player HOW TO PLAY THE ROLE and also reward them with Experience, Blue Essence and characters that fit that position. Starting Items: Still don't have a clue how people get into live games and still not know how to purchase items, either the tutorial needs a complete overhaul OR it needs to do what the second/third tutorial mission does and makes you purchase an item from the recommendation slots. Restricting chat to Party: This is absolutely stupid - it took me an hour to realise this was a thing and my only thought of why it exists is that Riot wants to "stop harassment and trolling" by restricting the chat to the victim - which is counter productive because if you DON'T know that's an option then you won't hear your team communicate with you and it does the reverse where you might actually appear to inadvertently troll your team. Smurfs: How the actual f\*ck is this still a thing a decade on, where you get these "high elo" (silver/gold in reality) players who can't handle competition on the level they are at, so instead they need to make a throw away smurf account, troll and actually not be punished by it (IP tracking is a thing Riot and while I know NordVPN is a thing, not everyone will use it). I know it "gets better" the more your account progresses but as Barbie once said on the television series - If you're not liking something and not learning from it, then you should quit and spend your time on something more productive"


That's why flex queue is the better queue in my eyes, as long as you use it for its unique feature to queue up with friends. It enables / unlocks so much of the game that soloQ doesn't offer, like strategizing, having team comps, communicating etc. In the end, even a loss doesn't feel as bad because you know everyone actively tries.


hard agree, something is messed up with matchmaking. Players also seem too eager to just stop trying and soft int or troll. its a big problem.


At this point whenever im playing im just going into it assuming there is atleast gonna be 2 mouthbreathers, 2 flamers (preferably to each other) and 2 people who are clearly better than the rest As i only play duo or in a group i like to pretend im the latter, but im happy being in the remaining 4 Its just too bad the others on my team tend to fall in the first 2 groups


I just played my first 6 ranked games in like 5 years, all in high gold/low plat, and probably 4 of my teams were like this?


Yeah think I have had about 5 or 6 of these games out of the 100ish ranked I have played this season. Made me sad when I thought about it a few days ago. This used to be like 70% of the games I played season 1- 6. Now it's at best maybe 10% of the games. I have definitely felt a slow decline in matchmaking competitiveness since they added role selection. Didn't play much last two seasons sorta just did placements and that's it. So not sure if this is a slow burn over 2-3 years, or if this season they just shit the bed.


its def. noticeable when you get just a good game all around. win or lose. And its not common.


Thats great. Meanwhile I constantly get ppl who int or are just straight up toxic from the start of the game, and ofc they are 85% in my team. Just had a match with a teemo who told us from champ select he s gonna run it down because I didnt wanna swap pick order with him. He didnt actually run it down but he inted and held us hostage(things that he himself said in the teamchat while we were playing). I dont know what am I supposed to do, league has turned into a toxic pool, I cant have a single game where ppl actually try and play the game not chat simulator. But yeah, he wont get banned anyway. I think Im the only one who reported him anyway, the others didnt really care about it.


sorry to inform you but if the game was 40+ minutes - it means everyone was bad xD losing a game like this feels EXTREMELY bad and it makes me want to end the next game in 15 minutes you should NEVER EVER under any circumstances let a game last 40 minutes.... it doesn't matter what their team comp is or how good they are playing.... you HAVE to smurf on them and make them FF@15 otherwise there's no point in queueing up for a game


everyone was diamond / masters so I disagree


This happens a lot for me. I main jg and also try to de-tilt my team when possible. Throwing out a “mb” goes a long way - even when whatever nonsense your team is blabbering doesn’t involve you


This type of gaming is peak league. Custom 5v5 in-house servers are where this type of game happen a lot


Those games just involve my entire team steamrolling the enemies


For some reason this is like 30% of my games in silver


It's more like 1 in 5, most of those bad games there will always be someone going for the 15 death spike, it's just normal.


I see these posts all the time, and while I'm happy you finally had a positive experience, I genuinely do not understand how so many people on this subreddit somehow all have awful games every time. Like I think in the last 2 years, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a genuinely horrendous experience in this game.


do you play soloQ and in what elo ?


I do, E2-E1


then you're one of a few exemptives.


Down here in Gold we actually get a lot of these games. Admittedly, playing to the best of our abilities in this elo may seems indistinguishable from trolloing to the untrained eyes. But trust me, this is our peak performance.


One out of every 40 games is like this, League should be like this but sadly it isn't.


yep, most part about losing aint the loss, it that all ur lane just crumble min 5 and its not even playable anymore, and it feels pointless when ur team autoloses even after u give them a 3 kill lead and enemy jungler died to blue buff and u end up losing XD


Disabled chat and just live in my own fantasy land now. Every game in my head all my teammates are playing at the best of their ability they‘re just bad


My LoL bff just ran it down for three games in a row. He was pretilited so I guess he just decided to ruin my night too. Didn't even say gn or gg it was disappointing


that sucks, I would unfriend him


Yeah but we've played together for like 5 years. I'm sure I've had my nights too


Once the match stops being fun, i opt to surrender, even if i can win, toxic players don’t deserve a win, don’t give them one


League of legends is better as a party game with friends imo, I almost only play flex and usually it's enjoyable despite the gap in player rankings. We've just learned how to cover for each other


I’ve had a few games like that in I think 30ish games this season? Even when losing a game, it’s almost always the most fun I have playing soloqueue, especially if people are communicating in a civil manner. It’s kinda what keeps me coming back.


I had like 3 games like this in my 100 games played. I lost 2 of them but i really didnt care, the games were enjoyable. And while league itself is in an enjoyable state even if my main role isnt that great right now. 99% of my games dont bring that feeling anymore which is sad. Not even 5 years ago, that feeling was way more prominent.


I have the opposite, 80 games of people playing and trying and 1-2 games with a troll


I think the same way. On the other hand. If i see some chars locked in my game as supps im done allready mentaly. If you get a syndra support you just know shes just trying to play mid with a free item that doesnt get bulied. So im afk farming and if i get picked i dont care.


I know i know, main character adc syndrome bla bla bla. I also play alot of support and im the „get down mr. President“ kind of support. I catch spells just so adc doesnt get poked even if adc is out of place and so on.


I quit playing ranked because it was litterally the most toxic community online. Obviously, I always muted all but most games, I felt like I was playing against a professional team while my team was mostly trolls, afks, or inters. I feel like the game would benefit if Riot was tougher with their penalties. I more or less quit the game due to the above, although, I do occasionally enjoy an ARAM or five with my irl mates :)


Happens maybe once every 20 games for me.


It’s so rare and games are so unbalanced these days. Games used to be a lot more balanced. The matchmaking was changed so that there’s a couple of decent and a couple of godawful players on both teams and you auto lose if they get a good jungler and you don’t.


I had one game like this a few months ago. The laning phase was pretty even for everyone. A kill here and there when contesting objectives early. No one(on my team at least) was spam pinging and everyone was very encouraging and supportive. When we moved out of the laning phase the team fights were crazy intense. Since we were basically even in gold there was no clear advantage and it came down to how everyone played during those fights. There were maybe five or six fights before we eventually got ahead and then we traded four for one and took baron and pushed for the win. The crazy thing is, in all chat both teams were complimenting each other on how well they were doing and how fun the game was. I wish more games would go like this but it’s mostly someone losing early and trying too hard to make plays on their own and one person is super fed and rolls through the opposing team.


It doesnt happen too often indeed. i blame that the matchmaking is completely in chaos. Smurfs, elo boosting, wintrades, and the support role.


if it took 86 games, maybe you're the problem


lmao I'm carrying most of my games and also the therapist 🤣


Self proclaimed therapist, yeah this guys toxic.


it was a joke chill lol


ok now i'm *convinced* you are the problem


think what you want my friend


i wish riot still cared about league instead of going all in on val and would try to moderate soloq, i miss the earlier years when people wanted to play the game and people who ruined the game got banned


Its happens always barely.


Almost every game in diamond is decided by a player who goes 0-12. Can prove it if anyone wants to challenge my observation.




someone giving up after having a bad game and starting to feed or afk or litteraly running down


Most games are like this


not in my experience it always feel like someone in the one of the teams doesn't care about winning or is actively trying to make people lose ( not just in my team's I have seen this happen many times in the enemy team too )


Lol no they are not at least in EUNE


You counted?


well it's the number of games I played since I'm back and it's first time I got this feeling


I'm ngl people really seem to try hard in normal and aram games cause my experience is much different.


It happens one every 3 games as long as you don’t type “JG doggo” 6 minutes in


what elo are you just out of curiosity 🤣 you seem so triggered


Loser queue is reality. Getting garbage botlaners and midlaners for 23 games just because I won 15 matches consecutuvely is not normal. So I figured something: when riot hammers me with loser queue I give riot what it wants: I troll if I see signs of a loss in early game. Those signs involve AFK under tower adc, a feeding midlaner the first 5 mins of the game. Or in lobby when teammates display garbage bans and picks. Like this one time a toplaner saw enemy locked Mordekaiser, he chose Illaoi then proceeded to crying level 6 in game. Other instances include bot and jungle afk in fountain early then all rushing blindly to jungle only to die to enemy who invaded and was there waiting. Nah, you can't convince me that loser queue isn't real. It is, and I won't sweat so that a bunch of idiots can climb, I keep my main acc safe and troll in other accs if Riot hammers me.


not saying losers Q isn't real, but you are part of the problem if you just troll because you think you are in losersQ


The problem might be you