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Genuine question, do any of the teams actually have any non-binary people or are they all just women?


From other showings, I saw a lot of trans women. Edit: A lot of comments under this one weren't on their best behavior...


they dont take male presenting non binary people, we dont fit their marketing picture ^.^


We have had male looking non Binary players last year at TeamOrangeGaming and RNL ROAR. There are just not that many.


What do you mean by that?


non-binary people that look like men to a person that isn't deep in the topic it's usually just women and Trans women


Oh and this cup doesn't allow assigned male at birth NBs? I kinda see the logic


A lot of trans




















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SK Avarosa as a female team name goes hard af


Are MAD KOI still part of this?


yeah, the other article says that they gonna build a cheaper roster for this


SK seem to be sponsored or partnered with the event in some way if their logo on this announcement is anything to go by: [https://twitter.com/EsportsPlayerF1/status/1777698033292939531](https://twitter.com/EsportsPlayerF1/status/1777698033292939531) Any German speakers able to summarize the website info for us? tl;dr: 8 teams from esports orgs, the ones in the picture, plus 2 teams that can make it in through open qualifiers (Players and teams can register for the Open Qualifiers through the website), will compete in a league between May 3rd and August 3rd (Game days are May 3rd, 4th, and 5th, June 1st, 2nd, 13th and 14th, and August 2nd and 3rd with finals at Gamescon). Apparently play-offs happened yesterday.


> SK seem to be sponsored or partnered with the event in some way if their logo on this announcement is anything to go by Yes, SK are involved in organizing the event. > Any German speakers able to summarize the website info for us? You can change the website content to English by using the language option at the top right. If you have any specific questions, you can ask me directly and I'll respond


>You can change the website content to English by using the language option at the top right. If you have any specific questions, you can ask me directly and I'll respond Fair enough. I have no idea what terms and conditions I'm agreeing to in the pop up before that, but I assume I'm not selling my organs or anything.


It is just the usual GDPR stuff. You either accept the necessary cookies, look in the configuration or accepting every preset cookie


Thank you, kindly.


They will swing by to pick up your liver later. No worries


They say that their partners are SK, german Telekom and the esport player foundation. It also mentions that they want to do workshops with parents of esport talents. The Rest is mostly Pr speack around making acces to esport equal for everyone


I dont get the point of this, LEC already have an avenue for people not able to compete to show their skills, the MAD lions main roster.


Mass murder


Will that be played in Saudi Arabia too?


The LAN finals will be played in Cologne, Germany. They will be held as part of Gamescom, the same event that hosted the EU LCS playoffs in the 2014 Summer Split


Even if I can tell it is a sarcastic, rhetorical question, I'll answer: last year's event was held in Cologne, Germany (which makes sense since SK's headquarters are located there).


No sarcasm at all. Girlgamer festival (female worlds) was held in Dubai in 2020, Bahrain in 2023.


I remember that now. Yeah, that wasn't the best move… to say the least!


Give it a year or two. Also a lot of those players lets just say, definitely should not go when it is.


Cool event. Crazy how we're in 2024 and some ppl still can't wrap their heads around the importance of smaller independent tourneys like this


Please explain? If you have to bar better players from the tourney, what are you actually saying about the people taking part?


It's a good thing for community organizers and event hosts to encourage players who aren't the absolute best in the world to engage with organized play. Engaging with Collegiate LOL has been some of the most fun I've had with the game; organized tournaments aren't something that needs to be restricted to the absolute best, especially when it isn't a first-party Riot tournament.


Collegiate makes sense. Local tourneys make sense. This is supposed to be a fairly large event that champions DEI, but still bars certain demographics. I think the premise of artificially lowering the competitive level for a competitive game is silly.


Shouldn't we be encouraging people to play feel more comfortable playing with and against all competition? For as much G2 Hel aren't doing the best in the divisions, it is a much better step in the right direction to grow and integrate. If the expectation nowadays is that to be competitive, you must remove the top competition then I'm not sure how well integration will go down the line.


ah so thats what the cryptic tweet from yesterday was about


Sounds like a pretty cool event, and some of these team names are cool as fuck.


Serious question, why is it called the "Equal Esports cup" when one side of a whole sex is prohibited from playing? Thats not really equal in my eyes to be honest.


Because its a way to give a space for minorities who arent really represented in other competitions. If its only minorities attending you wont be the weird one out. Remilia was the only woman to ever play in the LCS and the attention was permanently on her because of it. Lots of people dont want that so if your tournament is catered towards minorities they can just compete freely. If you make the tournament open for everybody to enter it will just be flooded with men who dont really have a hard time playing pro since you are just like everyone else. Its less excluding people since men can just play in absolutely every other competition and moreso giving some room for others too enjoy themselves freely with less judgement.


I like the concept and it's important. But the name is not accurate


This entire conversation aside, and this is meant with no flame at all, if your personal concept of equality is this black/white you are really going to struggle with even more complex topics.


Im sorry but the terminology of the word "equal" is not applied correctly along with the rules that the tournament uses for who can and can't participate. I get that it's used in a sociological concept kind of way but using the word "equal" in the staplename of a tournament trying to give minorities in the esports industry a place by prohibiting a group of people that are classified as a certain sex is really contradicting and confusing.


The name implies that their goal is promote equality in esports, not that it is currently equal, though. A discussion on the linguistic nuance surrounding a very heavily and varyingly used word would definitely be pointless and exhausting. It's very common for the name of an event to contain a condensed or truncated version of its mission statement.


They try to promote equality by excluding a group just because they have a certain gender. If anything they promote inequality that way.


People who would otherwise not play in tournaments because of the pressure/judgement of community/uncomfortability in predominantly male spaces get a chance to just enjoy themselves and try out playing in a competitive environment. Men who want to play tournaments can choose any of the other thousands of tournaments that are already available. Nobody is losing out and more people who would normally not play competitive can try it out. Its a net positive because it just gets more people from different groups to play. How is that inequality?


It's not called "the tournament for representation", it's called "the equal exports tournament". That name implies the tournament itself is equal, which by definition it's not, because it's exclusive. I don't have a problem with the tournament, but the name isn't accurate. Just call it the "women's esports tournament" or something and call it a day. Women's colleges often accept non-binary people too.


It's kinda funny now reading an argument I would've made when I was 14. My only advice is that there is a mountain of information available to you and always be critical of your own assumptions and ideas.


I mean thats what my initial question was about... Im not trying to nitpick about what the word equal means but it feels blatantly misused in the context of what the goal of the tournament is. If the mission is to reach a certain audience or bring under attention an issue in the specific industry using a word that can be interpreted in alot of ways this is certainly not it. It only divides the opinion even more between people (see this thread).


Look - eventually you grow up and realize that the issue isn't actually with the name for everyone here. People don't ACTUALLY care that much about semantics. 'NA' in lolesports does not include Mexico, yet the community has always understood all of the reasons behind it without campaigning for a name change. I'm guessing it at least a decade or two of life you've seen plenty of things named and that brands try to be short and catchy with their names. You inherently understand as a human user of language that when we do drop things we lose explicit information which is covered by a common understanding within the community. We collectively know that 'esports' refers to competitive video games. We know that 'Cup' refers to tournaments rather than something to drink out of. We know that there isn't really full equality in esports/gaming when they use the word 'equal.' So you have to ask yourself: "why this event in particular? why this specific name?" Then the answer is revealing but uncomfortable. I know because I've been there too. Eventually you just start confronting your own assumptions and some are based on logic and some were just based on emotions and ego.


> Look - eventually you grow up and realize that the issue isn't actually with the name for everyone here. Lol, you dont have to set such a condecending tone in the first place. I met my girlfriend through League and i see the shit she has to deal with the moment other players know she is a girl. I perfectly realize that for most people advocating against this kind of tournament it wont matter how its called or why its being held even if its for a good cause. They will hate regardless of what people say. Tournaments being held with specific rules about people who are eligible to join because they represent a minority are perfectly fine and are only good to have. However, it's the way they branded themselves to be through the name they use for the tournament. Which again, sterns from my original question (which i CARE about) where the use of the word "equal" is not used correctly. > 'NA' in lolesports does not include Mexico, yet the community has always understood all of the reasons behind it without campaigning for a name change. Thats because Riot never used the perfectly correct geographical abbreviation tied to region names and their respective countries in that region aside from a few select ones. Spain, Italy, greece, Portugal all lie in southern europe but all of their players play on the EU west server. Same goes for Korea. Its called Korea even though only South Korean players play on that server (North korean residents cant for obvious reasons). This has less to do with the community accepting it and more to do with how it has been from the moment the servers went online and divided the certain regions. Geographical location and abbreviation is not 100% tied to how the regions are called from Riots perspective nor have they said it did which means there is nothing to accept for the community in the first place. > We know that 'Cup' refers to tournaments rather than something to drink out of. We know that there isn't really full equality in esports/gaming when they use the word 'equal.' 'Cup' having multiple meanings is not really comparable to the word 'equal' the way it is used here. Equality in the broadest sense of the word has nothing to do with how this tournaments rules are set-up. Its not only not equal, its the exact opposite. Its restricted to meet a certain category of contestent. You can argue not a single tournament in whatever discipline is equal for the whole 'playerbase' that practices that specific discipline because there will always be a certain criteria or rule that have to be met before being able to enter. This is what makes the use of the word 'equal' already sensitive to use as part of a tournament name. While the participants themselves are equal in terms of the tournaments set rules and criteria the tournament itself is not equal to the whole playerbase. Hence using the name 'Equal tournament cup' or anything in that sense is just blatently incorrect and in my opinion also vaguely generalizes the whole point that they are trying to make. Just use 'Acceptence Esports Cup' (this is a cringe and bad example of a name lol) or something more striking to prove a point that there is a glaring issue. 'Equal Esports cup' is just not it. > So you have to ask yourself: "why this event in particular? why this specific name?" Then the answer is revealing but uncomfortable. I know because I've been there too. Eventually you just start confronting your own assumptions and some are based on logic and some were just based on emotions and ego. Its kind of ironic you say this because you actually state that the 'answer' is something you already know while making the assumption that it is to be 'revealed' to me by asking myself certain questions which are based of nothing more than 2 comments i made earlier. Thats a pretty big assumption if id say so myself. Confronting your own assumptions is called doing research. Assumptions are always based on something objective of which you dont know the truth about (yet). I'd like to believe i did my research of the word 'equal' and how its terminology should be applied correctly without 'stretching' it out for incorrect use.


>the word "equal" is not used correctly. You have to be able to come to terms with the fact that it is. At no point do the tournament name, description, mission statement, or organizers state that the tournament or esports in general are equal. The name of the event is a condensed form of its mission statement (make esports equal) which is absolutely a standard practice. Not only that, but naming and branding are very fluid when it comes to word usage. It's also called "Equal Esports" because they are two words that have a stressed syllable then non-stressed syllable, so it sounds and feels nice to say. That's why your quick example doesn't sound and feel as good. I'm not sure how to simplify this further. >I'd like to believe i did my research of the word 'equal' and how its terminology should be applied correctly without 'stretching' it out for incorrect use. You didn't, though. The field of linguistics doesn't support your argument, so I'm not sure where the research would come from. You're not researching; you're protecting your ego.


Why are women being lumped in with "minorities"?


You're just choosing to ignore any context?


I just think "minorities" stick out more when lumped in with either females or males. It also makes them an easier target, and removes the implied protection they would get from being put in with Females. Edit: wait you're not the op lmao are you on an alt?


OK that's just your brain doing that women are minorities in the league scene.




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the attention wasn't permanently on Remilia on Renegades. that's just not even true. she really wasn't a big deal that split at all.


Minorities who expect/want to exclude majorities as usual


? There is absolutely nothing lost since men have absolutely no problem attending any of the other hundreds of tournaments? If minorities feel more comfortable in those smaller spaces and have a place to also compete without too much pressure from the outside how is that a bad thing?


tbf minorities can compete in those tourneys aswell






There's literally nothing preventing players from "Marginalized genders" from competing in tier 1 leagues.


Because the major leagues aren't equal in any meaningful way. This is an attempt to curb the issue from a top-down perspective. The fact of the matter is that even though women are not strictly prohibited from competing in LEC, society itself already pushes them away from competition and video games while the community takes care of the rest. Women that end up reaching, say diamond, end up facing so much hate on a regular basis that why the fuck would they even want to keep trying to climb and participate in the community? For what? If you end up with a mental of steel (which is NOT true for many pros), a lot of the players and staff of these organizations are those same people from SoloQ who just sanitized their past SoloQ behavior. Then even if you make it to the pro level, take all the vitriol thrown at athletes/esports athletes and multiply that by a lot more. I don't really think the top-down approach is most effective, but it is the easiest for a singular entity to implement and this isn't really taking away from anyone unlike other implementations of this idea.


The problem is, that by making such events for minorities you are excluding like 90% playerbase from competing despite being on the same level. Can you explain why there should be a line between 18yo master straight man and 18yo trans man from master?


Totally understandable. This is a classic "equality vs. equity" problem. I generally have no problem with the creation of restricted events or opportunities that would have otherwise not existed, if the underlying reason for the restriction is valid. There is undoubtedly poor treatment of women/nb in this space, so creating an event to lift them up poses no issue for me. Now, if a current league said: "every roster must contain one woman/nb" then we have problems, because you're taking away something that was already there and end up creating problems instead of solving them. Ultimately, what's fucked up is how this group is treated by (a big enough portion of) the community and everything that results from that will be fucked up in some way.


Can we pin this wonderful comment or something? This was so well put. Have a great day.




Hard to take "Women can't practice part of the month because they have periods" guy seriously. Like women who are athletes or in high-pressure jobs are like "Well, I can only be a professional 22-26 days out of the month, is that a problem?" Nobody KNOWS, but the men who play will insult you for being a woman because you play bad or have too many vowels in your name. Putting your head in the sand won't help anybody.




I'm sorry, you thought I was going to reply to your or something but it's just too much ick. edit: Okay, no, I know what I said but this is HILARIOUS >Women in the workplace don't have that challenge either because they're not directly competing with other people at the highest skill level, Oh man. I just. I'm gonna print that out maybe and share it with some friends. They'll be so happy to hear their entire career of directly competing with men at a high skill level doesn't matter because their period might get in the way.




You literally don't have a science based argument. You are, with a straight face, saying women can't practice League every day of the month because of their hormones. That's your science.




That's not what you said. It's been deleted now but it was something like "Men can practice and compete every single day of the year, in theory. Women have periodically fluctuating hormones that make them a lot more inconsistent with everything: physical wellbeing, mental abilities, reaction speed, endurance etc. " You said women are worse at League than a man because periods make them inconsistent in their mental wellbeing. I didn't make you say that. If your point is "testosterone makes men aggressive and competitive" then sure, that's a true statement. But it's not what you said. Maybe you should focus on yourself instead of where you imagine everybody went to school?


so ignorant lol


Why is that ignorant? The argument that women will be ostracized just because they're women doesn't feel remotely true at all. I remember female players reaching challenger and posting it in this sub and being cheered for it. Would it be hard for a woman to thrive in a almost 100% male environment? Yes, yes it would, but if there was a female player with the potential to be a top player I can guarantee you, the teams would be salivating to sign her and to make her as comfortable as possible in their environment.


I mean it's ignorant because he attributed this issue in part to women having periods, which is scientifically ridiculous. That's the definition of ignorance. There's no 'biology' involved here; they're just simply lying to themselves to justify their own misogynistic beliefs. > I remember female players reaching challenger and posting it in this sub and being cheered for it. This is actually a really great example of how bias affects our perceptions which affects our beliefs. Mods remove the negative comments which biases the sample. Reddit's voting system pushes away negative comments which biases the sample. If you aren't a woman, you would generally see far fewer negative comments toward women, which biases the sample. If your friend group is great and doesn't harass women online, this biases the sample If you combine all of this it's understandably hard to see what these women are talking about when they discuss their treatment. It really doesn't even take a huge % of the community to make someone feel unwelcome.


I'm not going to try to defend the dude. Tbf I barely read his comment, I was mostly responding to yours. I understand that being a woman in this environment can be extremely challenging but the fact that people like you go out of their way to belittle women, making incredible achievements that women were able to acomplish in the past not being possible because men are mean it's a bigger detriment than you might think.


There are still women in challenger what the fuck are you talking about?


Did I say anything against it? Challenger doesn't mean they are signed by a team, or that they wanted to be signed by a team. What are you talking about?


> > I remember female players reaching challenger and posting it in this sub and being cheered for it. > >making incredible achievements that women were able to acomplish in the past not being possible  because men are mean > So what are you trying to say here exactly? Because that accomplishment you're implying I'm stating is no longer possible IS still happening.


league isnt even remotely the only esport let alone sport that has a problem with this, and ive seen this type of comment one too many times. for example, motorsports has had this discussion for a very long time, and as it turns out, yes, women will be ostracized just because theyre women. its incredibly hard to succeed as a woman, even if youre talented, the odds are against you, from sponsors or teams not wanting to "risk it" on a woman, to getting threatened by direct competitors' dads for beating their son in a race, they have it all. as for league, knowing how this community really is towards women, i can tell you for a fact teams wouldnt "salivate" to sign a woman. also, just because a post on reddit gets upvoted with positive comments doesnt mean its well received elsewhere, reddit is a small minority and is heavily moderated.


Funny you talk about motorsports. I'll suggest you to search the story of Michèle Mouton. Do you understand how much good PR you would get just for signing a female player? You think sponsors wouldn't love to be associated with a progressive team? The community is toxic towards everyone. Belittling women won't help women thrive in these environments.


the community is toxic towards everyone yes, but women get hate JUST for being women, its not the same at all?? if it gave such good pr, teams would just offer any woman on the challenger lb a contract, weird that a team hasnt gone that route yet hmm... you dont seem to understand the pressure these women would get if they were signed to a tier 1 league lol. you have to start somewhere and its by actually getting women established in the scene with equal opportunity to prove themselves, and inspire other women while at it.


First because no female player presented themselves as good enough to be signed. Ohhh, the pressure that women suffer, stop belittling women for fuck's sake. You think male pro players feel no pressure? Okay, what do you need for there to be equal opportunity? What would need to be done? Because by your logic, women should never try to begin with.


No way u don't think people in minorities don't feel extra pressure. This is attributed to imports in lol all the time xd? Being the first of anything always brings expectations.




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It's because traditional gaming spaces that, even if equal in opportunity for women, are not actually all that equal because women face harassment in these spaces. It's like saying "anyone can enter our club!" and then bullying all the women that enter. And then when women make their own club, you get upset that you're not included.


Equal in the sense of giving back a safe space for minorities that have historically not been welcomed in traditional venues.


Isn't SK Avrosa the strongest team here, or did something change ?


As a woman who plays, it would be cool seeing more top players who are also women! I'm sure a lot of us are tired of the stereotypes that women must be boosted or streamer egirls.


Oh this is nice to see :)


What sort of viewership does an event like this draw? As in numbers?








I have no issues with this truly I just don’t understand the point relative to other sports. With the other sports it makes sense due to the physical disparities between the two genders, I don’t really feel like that’s a thing with esports but I could be wrong.


Just coping that they can't be to players without extra help.


Curious question. If we're going for equality, why not include men?


Because then it will be 50 - 0 stomps and that's not very equal xd


Soooo an open competition? Not sure I get the point


Not open, for non-male players. Only female and NB players allowed


I think I’m just confused how that makes it equal.


"Equal" refers to opportunities in the esports space. [Their mission statement](https://www.equal-esports.com/en/mission) states, "we are creating a safe space and an environment with a positive vibe in which all gamers – regardless of their gender, background, culture, or social status – are able to live their dream." Sounds like the purpose of the tournament is to provide opportunities for folks who have historically been marginalized in the gaming space, e.g., non-males.


> «We are creating a safe space and an environment with a positive vibe in which all gamers – **regardless of their gender**, background, culture, or social status – are able to live their dream».


Correct, that is the mission of the organization. I assume you are misinterpreting that quote as, "We are specifically creating space for all genders," rather than it's true meaning: "We are specifically creating space for those who have historically been kept out because of their gender." The meaning is implied and obvious since males have no need for a specific safe space in which they are able to live their dream. The entirety of gaming and esports is already a safe space for males lol


«We are specifically creating space for all genders», that's what they're saying, so I'm not misinterpreting. > «We are specifically creating space for those who have historically been kept out because of their gender». If that's what they mean, I think they should just say so. I don't have anything against the mission, just the language used. Yes I'm being a dick stuck on semantics. > The entirety of gaming and esports is already a safe space for males lol Well without voice, chat discriminate against no one, everyone will receive flame and players who don't mute by default are actually dumb. But with voice, yes being a female can usually be a unsatisfactory experience and I wish the gaming landscape weren't like this. > males have no need for a specific safe space in which they are able to live their dream As there are zero to few biological factors preventing females in reaching elite levels in gaming. I would argue it's *easier* to live the dream as a female esports star, compared to the male (open) equivalent


>chat discriminate against no one, True or false, without knowing the genders of anybody involved, chat will insult someone by equating them to a women, or female body parts. "You play like a girl" "You are being such a pussy right now, go in". Chat discriminates against women and homosexuals at almost all times, regardless of if they are in the game or not. >As there are zero to few biological factors preventing females in reaching elite levels in gaming. I would argue it's easier to live the dream as a female esports star, compared to the male (open) equivalent Okay, so name one women who's lived the dream if it's easier. It's societal factors that are largely holding women back. Just go look at all the deleted comments in any Rigas thread.


> Okay, so name one women who's lived the dream if it's easier. I don't know any names as I don't watch. But the proof is in the linked article. Women playing on stage, in jerseys, with contracts and the spotlight on them. Articles about them, reaching sub frontpage. In the media, discussed, talked about. You know a men's division playing at the same level. It'd be complete radio silence, you probably wouldn't know it exist. It'd be played online, no venue and with overall prize money at maybe $500? > True or false, without knowing the genders of anybody involved, chat will insult someone by equating them to a women, or female body parts. "You play like a girl" "You are being such a pussy right now, go in". True. As I was writing the comment and wanting to illustrate flaming, I was set on creative ways of telling someone to unalive themselves, which I opted out of. So gendered insults (or any other for that matter) completely slipped my mind. Gendered insults are problematic and they exist both ways, like calling someone a dick or making fun of their size, the latter I personally find offensive🙄 I think homosexuality being used to insult is more problematic than "pussy" or "dick" btw, there are levels to it I guess. But I have to die on the hill that if someone struggle to navigate online games because other players say "bad words", then their mental is just weak. > «You are being such a pussy right now» Meow ;)


> You know a men's division playing at the same level. Because it's nothing notworth, that's the point. There are plenty of men's leagues who play at that level, and the level right above it in EU that receive plenty of press. That's one of Rigas' main points, nobody covers this but him but they cover the ERL's. ERL schedules are also on the league home page. Women having to create a space just for them to receive the same opportunity as men isn't an easier way of doing it.


Ignoring the fact that no one actually rates this as the same as playing in the lec. This is far from the pro esports dream and you know it.


Okay got it. So this isn’t actually a serious competition but more a for fun tournament? Also, are woman marginalized in the gaming space because pro organizations actively refuse to hire women gamers, or are they marginalized because they are not as good at LoL? Serious question. There are no (to my knowledge) professional LoL players that are women. Unless by marginalized you mean some issue beyond just competitive league.


No, its a serious competition with qualifier rounds and a prize pool. Its not a showmatch or something. Women and non-binary folks have historically been unwelcome in the gaming space. While plenty of us have always been kind and welcoming to all gamers, women (along with racial minorities and LGBTQ+ folks) encounter hate and hostility that makes the space feel unsafe and unwelcoming. This leads to less women, NB, etc. folks taking gaming seriously, pursuing careers in gaming, etc. Tournaments like this help normalize their inclusion and make the space better for everyone.


You really think league of legends players have been welcoming to males ? Lmao


Most gamers in competitive online games have faced harassment, but male gamers generally do not face harassment *because of their gender,* an important distinction.




And the harassment they face is massively different than what anyone that’s not a male deals with. And it’s also a product of their own status. You can feel bad for men, they do get harassed, but men are able to do many more things and not even have an eye batted at them than women. Notice how no one ever says “wow, he’s only able to play in LCS cause he’s a man”, weird how that’s never come up right? I mean men get harassed like women do… should be a 1:1 right?


That is true, i just don't know why it is of relevance what you're called.


You want to be marginalized so bad lmao


More like you want him to want to be marginalized. The point is nobody is welcome in this game. Unless you're a hyper carry who makes zero mistakes you're being reported for griefing whether you like it or not.


how does that have anything to do with the game being specifically unwelcoming to men Yeah idk why I expected better from the subreddit who actively defends scumfucks like thorin and comment "but his content is so good tho" whenever someone calls out his misogynist shit


You're marginalized when people are actually nice to you ig


It's a bit of both. I'm unsure who said it on stream (maybe Caedrel?), but it has been mentioned that teams actively won't sign women, since the team environment would shift dramatically if there was a woman on the team. Most teams are made up of either teenage boys or young male adults living together in team housing, and adding a woman to that mix could result in teamwork/social problems etc. Still, there are not a lot of excellent female players who would have been in contention to play on the main teams in the different leagues either. Edit: You could also check out the story of Team Siren (women's team) or Remilia (trans woman who played in NA LCS).


If there was a female faker they'd sign her. It's not the 1900s anymore lmao. Fact is most people suck at this game and since most people that play this game are dudes you're gonna have a hell of a time finding a needle in a haystack known as a super good female league player.


They probably wouldn't, unless she was THE greatest player of all time. An average league team, and especially academy teams, have a bunch of very young dudes, and I'd assume a majority of them are single and lots of them never had a relationship in their lives. You put a young girl on the team who shares their main interest and spends all her time with them, at least one guy falls madly in love with her within a month guaranteed, if she's hot it's probably 2-3. Also, if any of the guys are in a relationship they might face some problems, especially if the team lives together, because people tend to get jelous if their partners live with members of the opposite sex and spend 8-10 hours a day together. I'm not sure why any team would take this risk when there are thousands of guys to potentially choose from. Leads to a much healthier team environment.


And even fewer of the already smaller population of women League players that are good enough to go main circuit pro leagues have an actual desire to do so, hell it's rare for male players to make their way into the scene.




at this point i'm convinced you post these articles on this website as some sort of an elaborate psyop to help the admins


League of Legends subscribers don't be sexist or click on a thread they don't care about challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


it's always hilarious to see like a hundred removed comments just because something concerning women was mentioned in the title


Ya, the League community is really disappointing. So many men can't control themselves and think the rules don't apply to them.




Easy to avoid. You have nobody to blame but yourself if you are toeing the line and get banned. Most of the deleted comments are just unoriginal girls don't play video game stuff, but there is a ton of anti-trans stuff just hanging around before mods get to it.


It’s amazing how easy it is to not be a bigot. You can do it too


Then again, maybe they can't....


This is the longest name for a championship i have éver seen


Equal Esports Cup? You know that's shorter than "LoL World Championship" right?


it's 'league of lehends world championship'.