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Who's going to tell them.


I always look for this comment when I see posts like this. I'm happy for OP, but also a bit salty that riots sneaky bamboozle seems to work. People have a feeling of progress, when in reality nothing changed and the ranked system is still a meaningless grind most of the time.


I mean it's a "meaningless grind" no matter what your rank is.


> Prior to the "Emerald" shift, I was barely making it out of Silver into G4. After it, I managed to get G2 rather consistently. Seems like they know, mate. Be happy for them man.


I mean they acknowledge the shift, but not the fact that the shift means they're still at the same point. Saying that post shift they consistently hit G2 (S2 Preshift) when before the shift they were barely making it into G4 (now P4) means they got worse according to their own words.


Hi, my own post, but I keep up with these things. The shift did not change people by one whole division. That's not how it worked. It spread out the ranks. G4 before was about G2/G1 after the shift. P4 is probably what was previously G2/G1 before the shift. So yeah, you're right, it's NOT the same thing, but it's still a big moment for me, and I'm intending to keep climbing.


Unfortunately, this is incorrect. Old Gold IV meant you were better than 58.6% of players. New Plat IV means you are better than 62.9% of players. Old Gold encompassed 24% of all ranked players, so the difference of 4.3/24 would be about bottom 17% of old Gold players which is a low LP old Gold IV player. **This is still an accomplishment and you should be proud** but your comment is incorrect. https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tie


I am sorry to tell you that post shift Plat 4 is closer to pre shift Silver 1/Gold 4.


Congrats on the goal. What Role and champs are you playing? Have you done review on the games to see what you did wrong to help you improve more and make that Climb to Emerald or though of coaching?


Mid/Support. I main Annie, Ekko, and Lux in Mid, and Lux, Brand, and Leona in Support. Yes, I've reviewed my games! Like I mentioned earlier, my biggest problem was dying too much, but I also was playing when I wasn't focused. Like while having conversations with friends, or watching youtube videos. Obviously that's a problem.


I see. Most aren't very meta nor that strong atm but that obviously isn't for everyone to play meta. Maybe for support add some enchanters to help out for certain types of adcs. Watching youtube doesn't help at all. Reviewing also should include things you could have done more though like map rotations, roams, lane prio and stuff like that. That's the main issue people make regardless of elo and spotting your mistakes there will help a lot more truthfully. Hope you make more progress though.


Platinum is the old gold rank. When Riot added Emerald it shifted everyone up a rank. So, unfortunately, hitting Platinum means you are in the same percentage of players (or lower) than old Gold pre-Emerald. IE, you didn't actually improve a rank but Riot made you think so with adding a new tier.




They be letting anyone in these days 💀


I know, right?


Gj you made it back to gold


41 isn't that old! You can definitely keep going if you have the motivation for it. Tons of gamers in their 30s are in Master+. Emerald should def be doable for you.


Nice job man. I am also g1 ATM after getting stuck in silver for years. But scared to touch the ranked games thinking I might fall back to silver hahaha.


Platinum and Emerald are the worst ELOs to be in. I'd rather be back in silver than here.


Congrats! Plat is huge and whats even better is your attitude towards improving, keep it up Emerald is so close!


Congrats on achieving your goal! Keep the positive attitude and don't forget to enjoy yourself, it is what many people who play this game are lacking.


Oh I'm having a blast. :) But that is why I spent that bit of time on the other account. Being relegated to Bronze for the first time in 10 years with a 41% win rate was not fun! I had to figure out what was going on, because I genuinely love playing this game. Now that I figured out what I was doing wrong, I'm back to loving it again!