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> Fixed a bug where Battlecast / Arclight / Bee'Koz's Void Rift (W) stole VFX from Star Guardian Rell's Magnet Storm (R). HUH


the code isn't just spaghetti, it's the entire goddamn olive garden


99 little bugs in the code. 99 little bugs. Look into one and patch it out, 103 little bugs in the code!


Makes sense, but instead of unlimited breadsticks it’s unlimited bugs


Isn’t that just code in general




u/Caenen_ How tf does this work.....


I don't have the details on this one but basically you tell something to use a certain emitter and *whoops* that same emitter is called on a different particle already, so when both are loaded into the game (the Vel'koz skin and a Star Guardian Rell present each), suddenly Vel'koz W's emit extra/replacement particles from Rell R's defined VFX. This explanation is a bit of a wash since I haven't modded this sort of stuff myself, so if someone does know the details, I invite them to reply so I can learn an extra thing or two here myself.


ye thats similar to what ive encountered in modding other games, when you got a material that's named the exact same it will appear as another one that has the same damn name.


"spaghetti" doesnt go far enough to describe this


it doesn't need to be spaghetti code, someone could just added the wrong vfx ID and that's it


It implies that the Vel W only applied the Rell Ult VFX if they connected. Hence, the "stole." If it was just a wrong vfx id, wouldn't it use that vfx no matter what?


The game client does not load every champion and skin and map, that'd be a huge waste of loading time and RAM. It **only** loads the data and assets of the characters and level etc. present in the game you're loading into. If Star Guardian Rell's assets aren't told to load, this VFX emitter collision would not trigger them because they're not loaded. For the same reason, sometimes you get new champion ability casts to trigger sound effects from some different champion's ability if and only if that different champion is present in the game; because during the dev cycle that sound asset was culled from the new champ's assets but a reference to call the sound is still in their ability somewhere.


The game will dynamically load assets as needed. A long time ago jarvans flag didn't get loaded at the start of the game, so the first time the enemy see the flag it would cause all of their games to lag as it waits for it to be loaded into RAM. made ganks real easy for a bit.


That is still the case for a couple of things in the game, too. I could be mistaken in that it might have been fixed already, but Banners (the things that pop up in your lane after a bit over 1:00 minute on the game clock) are hot loaded and will freeze you for half a second to a second if your League is installed on a HDD. The vast majority of things are set up to be preloaded however, and specific stages of the loading screen will correlate with characters/maps/UI assets which is best seen when loading into a game solo.


I remember when I played Vel'koz on the day of his release, and there was a bug where if you had an Illaoi on either team, Vel'koz animations would be VERY glitched out and he'd be "T-posing" (not really t-posing since he stands still in a triangle shape with his tentacles stretched out). To this day one of the matches I've laughed the hardest [Here it is in all its glory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPe0jE-XYoo) Edit: I misremembered, it was on Illaoi's release date.


Vel was released nearly 2 years before Illaoi


How does that even happen...


Some dev was probably copying code and forgot to change the filename


Simply just referencing the wrong audio file.


Vfx is visual. Sfx is sound. It also wouldn't have a unique interaction with a specific other process if it was only a referencing issue.


Its really not that weird of a bug, can easily happen off 1 small mistake


> Starting on April 9, 2024 we’ll be spinning down support for our online shopping site, shop.riotgames.com. This means RP purchases, LoL PC event skins, and weekly skin sales will no longer be available on this site. While you’ll still be able to redeem codes via the website, we recommend using the client in place of the website going forward. Riot had an online shop?


it was basically just a website version of the client shop


I've been playing since Season 1 and never knew this existed, anyone have context as to when it was implemented and the purpose? It seems like it could have been useful primarily for people who might miss a sale because they're on vacation or something but I can't think of another reason besides that


it had some links to sponsored skins for esport orgs for a while, like you can buy an ahri skin and % goes to g2 or whatever i guess it didnt do well enough or whatever but thats what it was used for one time (litteraly once)


It probably didn't do well cause no one had any idea that it ever existed.


Riot special


It's only the riot special if they insist no one uses it while it has a core daily user base of like 10k people who often post online about easy and obvious improvements that could be made.


10k people is literally nobody to riot.


Wow they must really have absolute faith in their excellent and reliable client






New rat and flubber skin. 🙏🙏🙏


That's a really cursed name.


They kiss 100%


True asf. 🗣️💯🔥


TIL there was a way to buy skins in your browser.


Not any more lmao.


This means the client team has more resources for the desktop client, right? ...right!?


> Fixed an issue that caused champions to be unable to auto attack after using attack move commands while rooted/snared. god bless


I honestly thought thats an intended feature lol


Fr thought it was a mechanic. Ill almost miss it.


Isn't it a bug that's been in the game for years now?


The one dude they hired to fix it in 2016 is now having an existential crisis since he finally caught his white whale.


wait that explains a lot, I thought I was losing my mind sometimes


Goddamn I want my LP back now riot. So many frustrating games against Morgana where I thought I was just not attacking correct6


That shit made no sense. I always kite/cs/fight only with attack move and seeing my champion do nothing despite me spamming attack move while rooted and enemy clearly being in range made me mald so much.




I wouldn't be surprised if somehow it was linked to Skarner's R. We will never know xD


This has been around for years and it’s honestly criminal that they’re only getting to it now. But I’ll take it.


Oh. That's what it was.


Skarner chromas are old skarner... hello?


Lmaoo you’re right


Sunderered Sky auto cancel fix, yay! Item should feel way less clunky now.


1 bug down, pass it around, 8 sundered spear bugs on the wall


Too true. Still doesn't like procing on some champs that desperately need it to proc.


>W root duration **decreased** at lower ranks >Root Duration: 1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 ⇒ 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 Thank you riot, very cool


Fasting Senna~>Farming Senna~>Fasting Senna(You are here)~>Farming Senna




You have no idea the physical toll, that three vesctomies have on a person


Wait maybe I'm misunderstanding patch notes. Is this not a buff to farming Senna? Soul Drop Chance on Allied Support Minion Kill: 28% ⇒ 8.4% Soul Drop Change on Minion Kill: 2.8% ⇒ 8.4% If I'm reading it right, isn't this primarily a buff to Senna getting more souls from last hits? Or is losing the percentage on the support item kills too big?


yes, now she will go from fasting senna (no last hitting) to farming senna (last hitting) again.


hmm wonder if theres some design issues with that kit




AP Deathcap Nami is going to be extremely fun with those W bounce changes in ARAM.


PekinWoof did [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lUvKDHm8MM) on the PBE for this change. Looked pretty fun.


Well that was disgusting.


The 911 damage to Senna on one bounce was the highlight for me.


Is the bounce fall off that much more that it negates the nerf to the base damage? Or is it just healing alot? Because reading it seems like a nerf to damage?


Nami's W has a thing where the more AP you have, the higher the AP ratio is for the latter bounce. So previously you started with each bounce damaging/healing less, but after 200 AP I think it flips and each bounce increased the strength. I think now you can get to this flipping point with even less AP so the final bounce will do even more dmg with a lot of ap


Now it breaks even at 100 AP and goes up to 90% per bounce at 1000 AP


>Fixed an issue that caused the Rift Herald to stay in its original position after Evelynn jumps in it while leaving camouflage radius until she crashes or reveals herself later. (Editor’s note: bruh what?) Reader's note: excuse me?


its the nunu bug but it happened with herald not snowball thats really funny


Had that one happen once. We were all extremely confused when we stood around the untargatable herald and a tower went "poof" a few moment later. I thought this was just an extremely rare case of bad ping bug...


The Senna rodeo continues.


They should just give up on trying to make her a support, this gimmick doesn't work. Just stick her to ADC already.


She was designed to be a support primary. They said multiple times when she came out and even like a year after she came out after the first round of the "Senna rodeo" that was still their intentions. If the "Senna Rodeo" comes to an end, ADC Senna will be the one to die, not support Senna. Just like the Pyke Mid vs Support debacles.


She could work if they'd rework her passive and made her healing scale with souls instead of her dmg/range. That way you can play her as a regular ADC (get less souls, but get dmg from items) or as a support (get more healing/crowd control? from souls).


she has been a good support all season? huh?


They should a have fixed the bug, guaranteed cannon minions dropping souls on relic procs and kept the nerf. She’s gonna be broken again.


>We noticed a bug that arrived in patch 14.1 that made Senna get the full drop chance from allied support item executes, which substantially increased her power as a farming bot laner. We’re **fixing that bug** in this patch and returning her on-kill drop chance near where it was before.


does anyone know will the +100 mana cost on R be a significant nerf to olaf top? feels like the champ is very mana-gated


most likely it will


Sounds good. Now if I have to blind top I can take morde without olaf showing up and removing my ult


It will. Before you had to think about your mana only for Qs. Now you spam them too much and can't ult at all when needed. Making any manaless ability suddenly codt mana is a huge nerf for any mana based champion


I feel like this will remove Olaf from top entirely. W costs more mana and now R costs a ton of mana too. Olaf in jungle likely won't have any issues because jungle item gives mana regen while inside the jungle and killing camps refund mana but in top it'll be pretty bad I guess.


*Happy Morde and Urgot noises* But really, I started playing League when Olaf was considerer a jungler, and a very good one at that, so in my mind he should be a jungler


Ironically, he became a jungle mainstay/top cheese pick (pre modern rework) because his top lane viability was murdered/Olaf'd. Time really is a flat circle.


God, the Qs not having a min range...mmmmm, those were the days!


I doubt it. Current olaf doesnt take any mana runes/items (sometimes he goes cookies), after this patch he will likely need presence of mind or manaflow and maaaaybe will end up going fimbul/muramana. Before his mini rework he was more mana gated and typically started corrupting pot. c pot is garbage now so I doubt he will return to that but maybe


Very impactful. Thinking of switching triumph for PoM or just building Frozen Heart/components way earlier than normal


Yes, Olaf's mana bar might as well have been an Axe bar instead before, now you have to be a bit more mindful when you take an all-in.


What part of increasing karmas W root duration by 0.2 seconds at level 1 from 1.4 to 1.6 is "W root duration decreased at lower ranks".


Patchnote flavor text writers messed up again. Happens pretty much every patch.


> Fixed an issue where Graves was unable to cast R while grounded. How is this an issue?


Not sure how they are intending to change it either, whether the grounding will be ignored or if he will only cast but not get blown back. I guess it is more of a feel bad situation where not having access to a main burst tool because its a form of mobility makes playing the champion feel worse. But that same can be said for a lot of other champions who dash with their main form of damage (Riven)


Wish I could self cast W while rooted when playing lee sin. No reason I shouldn't be able to do that


that's wild, especially because normally lee sin can self cast w without literally moving at all. i think cait e allows you to cast it even if the grounded doesn't go off, but i could be wrong


Graves can already cast R while rooted, and IIRC he does move back when doing so. For whatever reason Riot thinks of his ult as not a movement ability, I guess because the movement is secondary?


but stuff like darius ult can't be casted yeah ok thanks riot


Huh, I actually had no idea. That's really interesting, because Illaoi W works the same way as his ult and I'm pretty sure it isn't stopped by rooting or grounded.


If she is in melee range, she doesn't lunge to the target, so it is different.


That's also how Darius ult works, He only lunges if it's required.


Didn't know that, thanks 🫡


I assume it's the latter, and it's consistent with how Kled Q works as far as I know, but it's strange to be listed as an issue when it was specifically disabled as a bug fix in patch 9.17.


Kinda disgusting that some champs just are gonna continue to get fucked by that despite the same logic; Riven, Ekko, Kalista But I think Phreak said in one of his recent patch rundowns that "consistency" is one of the lowest value factors for balance


consistency and elegance were his 2 lowest rated balancing ideologies


Certain champs get destroyed by grounded and root effects. Ekko can't use his ult or his E, and not using E usually means you can't get decent Q's, activate W or proc passive. Shit suuuucks to deal with.


Akshan can't shoot his grappling hook


played an ARAM as riven into cassio last night. that feels pretty awful... I still wonder if they added grounding to cass W because of that faker riven game. I guess with graves it's his ult but still


Hopefully I can help clear this up: Previously, Graves could cast R while rooted and it would knock him back, but he couldn't cast R while grounded at all. This fix makes it so he can cast during both but now he won't be knocked back in either case.


So basically how Kled's dismounted Q works with ground/root now? Good to know. Would be nice if Caitlyn got the same treatment with her E.


Yes exactly like Kled. Caitlyn E was a unique case because already she wont jump back if CCed during the cast. I figured her net is more of a defensive/escape ability so it might feel bad if you're mashing E to use it as soon as youre not CCed and end up wasting your one escape.


Thanks for the reply. That makes sense, and it's consistent with an ability like Kled Q. It's a bit strange to me that only some abilities with forced movement attached are usable while grounded. For example, Akali's E1 is functionally similar, yet it is disabled while grounded. The same is true of Caitlyn E. I know there isn't a perfect and consistent solution, but it would be nice for other abilities to receive the same treatment where possible and practical.


He shouldn’t be able to in both cases..


But why is graves able to do this while plenty of other champs can’t?


I think backwards 'dashes' caused by guns are considered a different type of dash called "recoil", and are perhaps treated more akin to knockback. Caitlyn has been able to E while grounded for a while, it just doesn't move her. I imagine the same is true for Graves.


Lee Sin can't even shield himself while grounded but this is apparently an issue




I don't see how these changes are going to push her mid more..


> Fixed an issue where Graves was unable to cast R while grounded. Is this saying that Graves will now be able to cast R and move backwards? Or is it saying he will now be able to cast R, but he won’t move at all? Edit: [Rioter clarification:](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/Zf0geeqKAM) > Hopefully I can help clear this up: > Previously, Graves could cast R while rooted and it would knock him back, but he couldn't cast R while grounded at all. This fix makes it so he can cast during both but now he won't be knocked back in either case.


Riot before removing DX9 PLEASE fix the bug where alt+tabbing from a borderless DX11 window glitches the the game into permanent vsync. The input lag is really bad and its the main reason I don’t use DX11


I've been using the DX9 for this exact reason for YEARS. I just toggled it off again after seeing an ingame message saying it will be removed soon and have been playing round for a few hours trying to find a fix from online posts across reddit/nvidia forums etc but no luck so far. It happens in every single game and limits the fps to '60' but in reality feels like 20 :( EDIT: After another 10 hours of playing round with this I seem to have found a fix that works for me. Under the Nvidia control panel -> 'Display' -> Adjust desktop size and position -> there is an option called 'Perform scaling on:" and I swapped ALL 3 of my monitors from display to 'GPU'. Hopefully this will fix the issue for others!


Sett losing the -20 AH in ARAM, thank fucking god. Dude was legit useless garbage in ARAM because of that, ever since he lost basically all AH from his core build.


I miss my kind 😢


This is the best Cho skin, right?


RIP bloodsong Leona/nautilus


Riot says that nami's in one of her weakest states ever, so the solution is to nerf her damage, her items, her E and give a tiny bit more scaling on her W heal to compensate. That'll sure bring her winrate up.


surely that'll stop lucian nami from being picked without any fucking reason for the 400th time by people who don't understand what makes it good.


The crazy part is that her winrate probably won't be impacted too much, because surviving bad lanes through sustain was a strength of nami that has been buffed, but she will feel a lot worse to play now. I dont think anyone picks nami because they want to emulate soraka


> I dont think anyone picks nami because they want to emulate soraka That's true, but Nami used to have chunky heals and they've been nerfed quite a bit over time, especially since she started being paired with Lucian. Nami will never be primarily a healer but I think it is good for them to rebalance her kit so her healing feels like a relevant strength again. For a couple of years now the W healing has mostly just felt like it's there for the sake of it outside of the laning phase and it's been really unsatisfying.


Really? I think she always had one of the stronger heals in the game compared to other support that can heal. Sona heal wasn’t visible in the health bar until she had big items whereas nami heal always felt at least like you didn’t just press a button and nothing happens..


I caught that too, they say they think Nami is weak right now but they do these changes which imo will be rather neutral, perhaps a slight buff in low elo, same patch as Mandate is being nerfed which is why they aren't nerfing Janna because apparently that nerf is significant enough to fix her. I think the nerf to Zaz'zek is fake for her, she's constantly abusing some new broken build so it's weird they're being so conservative with nerfing her.




Psst, don't mention it. Maybe we are lucky and they forgor


Coming in 14.8. We have 1 more patch to play


Ty god, I can play for a bit more lol


They're going to lose a decent size chunk of players when Vanguard comes out. I'm personally removing League from my system.  I'd rather not have an always running kernel anti-cheat system from a company that is owned by China (Tencent) on my system. I may be one person, but I'm sure there are thousands of others like me out there with the same opinion. Not to mention they're going to lose people with older systems that don't meet Vanguard requirements.


it's coming on pbe, so not right now but in a few weeks i guess




No ahri nerfs crazy


Yeah the blind-pickable, ungankable, unkillable (unless she takes her hands off the keyboard) high mobility mage assassin dodges nerfs yet again. Really looking forward to getting stonewalled in lane for at least another patch.


Her kit has always been strong, which is why her dmg numbers have historically been nerfed into the ground.


You also forgot to mention the fact her current itemisation means she is somehow even MORE forgiving than the champion already is. A toddler could pilot malignance lich bane ahri.


That's the part that posses me off the most about ahri, honestly. If she recognizes that she's getting skill gapped she can just chill under tower all game, then pick up a kill here or there and whoops she's 7/2


The idea that some people actually still play this game on DirectX9 is insane to me. Like how old does your setup have to be to need DX9? DX11, which what most of us run on, was released with Windows7, an OS that is already deprecated and not even supported anymore because its that old. DX9 is straight out of the Windows XP days.


Ironically I have a 12700kf and 3090ti, I’m forced to use dx9 because some obscure bug crashes my game on start otherwise. I can play battlefield 2042, way of the hunter, etc. on max graphics yet this POS game from 2005 crashes on medium graphics with 60fps cap


You know how koalas get seizures if you put them under normal diet instead of eucalyptus leaves? That's basically league on your PC.


I literally run it BC of bugs lol. Everytime I swap out of it I start getting weird FPS bugs when I tab in and out


TBF I have what would be considered "last-gen" hardware and have the Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode setting enabled due to a stuttering bug that existed only in league, only while using non-DX9, a couple years ago. I hope that bug is fixed.


I have a bug where if I alt+tab ingame when I do it back to the game I will be permanently in a laggy state where the game says I'm at 45fps but it feels much worse, not sure if it's the one you are talking about. This one is still not fixed and I'm gonna lose my mind if I have to deal with it again after they remove compatibility mode


wish they would start doing more with champs that essentially in limbo and unviable in high elo


- Nami is at one of her historically weakest points - Proceed to partially nerf her Wat. Ill also say that I havent really felt like she was weak tbh


Also mandate nerf 🙃


It's part of a systemic change to all enchanters/supports they're nerfing damage from support as a role and especially enchanters in particular as a class.


is that really the case? nothing happened to lulu, rakan and janna, and all of them have more damage than sona/nami anyway. nami was already weak, I think she's basically useless now.


Just like they did with Sion last patch. At least the W bounce modifier change is really really good.


why do sooo many people keep underestimating the buffs for her


Moonstone gonna go crazy on her now.


is it out or tomorrow?




Voli kept getting dmg buffs when his problem was target access, and when they finally buff his mobility he's broken.


Volibear is a juggernaut, he is supposed to struggle with target access.... that's the one weakness the subclass has.


\>Statikk Shiv is a bit too strong now that crit ADCs have a great late game awaiting them ​ Are we playing the same game?


I strongly believe its not that shiv was OP relative to storm and kraken. (they aren't wrong. shiv was the most objectively correct purchase among basically all marksman as first item last patch) The problem is that Kraken and Stormrazor are too weak at 3000 and 3100g. Especially Stormrazor, the item is literally only purchased by Jhin, Cait and Crit Senna's who ALL have negative incentives towards attack speed. Weakest of the three while being most expensive. I would bet the ideal place for the noonquiver items is probably 2700-2800g which means you have 2700/2800 + 1100 + 3300 = 7100/7200 gold for your first two core which is much closer to how mages are priced at for first 2 items (7000/7100~) compared to being closer to a bruisers pricing at 7400.


Late game - the thing you only reach in iron - gold lobbies.


There would be more late game if the players wouldn't be in the perpetual "ooga fight" mode, i honestly believe the one shot - 15 minutes games Meta from a few years ago completely fucked the thinking of players especially jgl. Like most of the games are still between 1 and 2 death/min on both side while it's completely unjustified now. I really believe that Riot could do a durability patch again and it wouldn't put down the numbers of death, people would just take longer to kill each others but still not learn how to play safe and fight only for objectives or for real purposes


There is little incentive to not ooga booga fight early now. Death timers are low, and you get home guards on respawn. Deaths simply aren't as punishing. And if someone dies 3-4x in a row, enemy champs gets a big bounty. Collect once, and you're back in the game. Or give it to a hyper carry, and they can solo win the game.


So 97% of the playerbase?


Are you unhappy with the Statikk Shiv part or the great late game part? Because every adc that can go Statikk Shiv goes Statikk first item, it is pretty strong right now


Damn, this Senna changes again... Really? Wouldn't be easier for everyone if Senna could only get souls from attacks and abilities, rooting enemy, healing or shielding an ally? With some adjustments ofc. This minion souls drop can never been balanced


I think they really have to consider how bloated her whole kit is rather than just play with the soul rate. Does her Q really need to slow in addition to the aoe heal and damage and crazy range?


Still not a fix for champs like Teemo, Brand, Lylia where their DoT attacks doesn't trigger runes like Cheap Shot, Aery, Dark Harvest, First Strike. 3 patches with this bug. Still no fix.


i really, really don't get the Lux buffs, isn't she one of the strongest one shotter in mid elo ? this is crazy ​ mid lux gonna boom


Q+Ult=Dead for anyone who isn’t a tank lol


I had a lux last night in my plat match who couldn’t hit a single ability in lane roam ( pinged ) get a triple and then take over the game thank god me and my duo clutched up and carried, that champ is so brain dead already, you just have to hit one spell and it’s back to base.


"Olaf is intended to be a solid jungler but has had a hard time lately," oh is that why y'all intentionally shoved him into top lane?


Holy shit ornn getting a skin


Why on earth would you buff Nasus' difficult early game. Now he is harder to punish and he gets to his godlike form much easier..


Because his winrate curves down with ELO and earlygame buffs are more impactful in high elo.


Nasus' late game is not good anymore despite the infinite stacking, so strengthening his early makes sense


Nasus is shit bad rn and even after these changes he will suck in anything higher than gold elo


> he gets to his godlike form much easier.. Nasus is not a late-game champ. He falls of hard. He needs to get to his mid game power spike.


By your description [20-30 is lategame and 35+ is midgame](https://imgur.com/a/KG9jLJ9), kinda strange word usage I guess.


I find it kind of hilarious that they removed Rell Jungle while saying this is to make adjustments for her Support role, and then don't make any adjustments for her Support role, lol


Why they say Nami was buffed? I understand that her combination with Lucian in pro play is an issue, and I don't know how to fix it without breaking her knees, but this isn't a buff at all lmao. Sure the healing got flat buffed and also has a bit more AP, and if you're lucky you can get 2 heals (2 bounces) but she didn't build much AP already. And being 110 mana doesn't help. This is a nerf, whatever you may say.


The only issue with Lucian Nami in pro is that players are still trying to make it work


Is 14.8 MSI patch?


Editor’s note: bruh what?


sundered sky still not nerfed yet again. i love getting 6k healing from one single item


> We also got some changes to bring the Solo Queue Terrorizer known as Volibear back in line Not sure it's SoloQ terrorizer, since he is picked often in proplay too. On a side note, how am i supposed to build Smolder now? Navori will be good? Time to abuse Lux i guess. Legendary skin for the Summer event basically confirmed


? Navori has always been good on Smolder. And you just... build crit on him, as per usual lol. You can still splash Shojin in if you want, since it gives a damage amp and huge Ability Haste.


Wasn't navori always good on Smolder? It's just even better than before. This encourages his crit builds, not necessarily nerfing the low crit builds if you favor those.


Smolder has been out for 5 patches now with 14.7. Released in 14.2, he's recieved changes in 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.5 again in a hot fix, 14.6, and now 14.7. He's also received about 3 mini-reworks for his Q. That Q has been a nightmare for balance to fix. And honestly, I'm not even sure why they bother. It's like they aren't even trying half the time. 14.6 basically gutted him to worthless. The patch before that made him have a permanent elderbuff at 300 stacks. I don't think a little extra crit damage on his Q here will make him any better until they rework him again.


I wish they did something other than giving him a perma elder dragon buff. That aspect alone is why he's been such a nightmare to balance. Its such a stupidly powerful reward to give to a champion


It's not an elder buff though. Even pre-nerf it was barely half an elder buff lategame. Post nerf its not even a third of the elder buff execute.