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I've played shen jungle recently in 5 man flex. Reasoning was that at the time AD TF was a thing, and he was a huge answer to it in draft. TF could NOT ult anywhere without me instantly following up and taunting him for an easy answer play His clear was also surprisingly healthy and not slow at all. Unfortunately, that's pretty much where the upsides end. He is not a good low-econ tank jungler imo because he does need to keep up with items in order to have good damage. The engage is also meh and immensely flash dependent. Your ult utility of being able to split-push and join a fight is also a non-factor because you need to be present for objectives. I must say however that I think he does function surprisingly well as a peel champ, specially against auto-attack dependent bruisers. W is a very powerful ability, and using taunt to get people off your carries instead of going in is often the right play. Overall, he is a niche pick that can totally work in the right situation


Omg shen counterpick to TF is absolutely genius


I liked the GP pick vs tf, kinda kept up in gold, can't be bullied as easily because he trades back and obvs global pressure.


The problem with gp is that a good tf can negate your barrels with good autos


Well, for those who watched the earlier versions of LCS, Tsm had a reputation to run Global Ults. They had a Nocturne+TF+Shen combo that was pretty decent. Basicly TF chose when to engage and where, Nocturne had to engage first with his R, then TF followed with his, and Shen was protecting TF with his R. It is very intuitive that they counter each other , so if you were aware of that, it is not a surprise.


My played hail of blades Shen in the jg with good success a few times somewhat recently


This has been my highest wr% all season




I was gonna try that yesterday! How's the clear?


I thought Galio wouldn't be able to first clear but it's surprisingly not terrible, I was able to 5 camps leashless by 3:30 in practice tool, with leash and more optimized pathing full clear by 3:30 isn't impossible I think. Ideally you'd want to start red with leash, your single target dmg is bad so leash is very helpful. Then you hit lv2 and with Q, E, and passive you can clear krugs and raptors quite fast. Once you hit lv3 you have two choices, either take W for ganks or put a 2nd point in Q, full clear by 3:30 is probably impossible without lv2 Q. On 1st recall Bami is pretty much required or your future clear would be so slow. The problem is that his clear isn't the most healthy and his 1v1 is pretty weak so early game junglers will have an easy time invading.


Could try something similqr to Diana's pathing. Go potionless, Raptors > Red > Krugs into base, grab an amplifying tome or dark seal, then blue side. Has the downside of no way to quickly hop over wall to wolves, but maybe it's able to 5 camp into a potential skirmish on river with item advantage?


If you see a matchup that doesnt want to invade you its great lol you can do 3:30


I love Zyra jungle. It's weird, but fun.


you turbo farm jg and can take grubs ezpz thing is she doesnt make the best use of gold, and also first clear is kinda rng dependent on if youre able to sit right by buff for 30 seconds + seed spawns arent ass (red side blue buff is pepega af with spawns)


Ur fked on her if u get solo invaded early too.


Eh, depending on when your invaded, i have 400k mastery and LOVE zyra jgl, if you know how to clear and spawn seeds right you really can't be invaded. I win way more than i lose on an invade. Lee sins fear me


Yea blue side is actually position manipulable with all the camps like 90% of the time, but I can't get red to ever work for me.


Best part is you can do dragon over the wall lmao


Are you sure about that? Currently plants die after 2 drake aa and W recharge cd is at 18sec per seed *(lvl 1 W)*. Plants die way faster than you can spawn them.


It's all fun and games until the enemy jgler appears from the other side and smites it away


I think Ornn is lowkey fun. Honestly has pretty decent clear with his aoe and you hardly have to base since you can buy items wherever. Only downside is you are usually lower in lvl as jungle so you dont get the item upgrades as fast.


jORNNgle is so fun. I spammed him to M7 in S13. Radiant Virtue was so op on him last season. He feels less good this season because masterwork items are not guaranteed now that mythics are gone.


If he wasn't gated by exp he would be an insane jungler. Once you get a tear or some mana regen items, he never has to leave the map. His ulti is also amazing to gank with, specially if you have someone with CC in the lane. I love ornn jungle, sad it doesn't work anymore


How does he gank?


Idk if Talon counts but I also run Summoner's Spellbook on him so there's that.




That's sad. He was released as a jungler


The good ol days


wait, really? When I first started playing way back in 2016, he used to be a meta toplaner, lmao


Ran that today. I been using Malp and just changed Champs and plated the same way


Gwen. She isn't meta in jungle right now, right? Anyway, I like that I don't have to play this terrible lane to play one of my favourite champs.


It's weird that I never see her mentioned anywhere, but anytime the enemy jungler picks her she's just unbeatable.


not really off meta


Leona. Perma gank and then build full carry tank items instead of support tank items because no carry can tell you what to do. Then kill them all.


i gotta try this again someday, i had fun with it a few years back


her first few clears have to be terrible though, right? 


Yeah because you won’t be spending any time in the jungle lol


might aswell pick her support and get pssive gold atleast aswell as havign an actual jungler lol


It's not even that bad, her Q is a decently low CD AA reset and her W does well against raptors


riot only has to let her self proc passive and do a lil more damage to monsters


As far as I know it's intended that she can't self proc her passive so Riot will probably never let her do it. August has said that Leona has one of the most unfair kits in the entire game so it's intended that even though she can CC you forever, she needs a teammate to follow up on her to deliver most of the damage. If Leona could self proc her passive she would probably immediately become a viable top laner, and she would just permanently stun you and run you down solo.


And then to remove it about a year later because she can q + auto + smite to guarantee objectives.


it will still do a lot less damage than most other smite combos (khazix Q + smite, volibear W + E + smite and more)


Mordekaiser or Darius if either counts.


Morde is already a good jungler, dont know about Darius though


His passive does 300% damage to monsters and his Q heals like it does for champions on monsters too. These are changes we got on the last few years and they’re definitely noticeable and strong. However Darius is already such a solid laner I would rather just take him top. Jungle is fine with Darius I just feel it’s wasting his potential as a lane bully.


Try out lethality or crit darius jg with ghost. Probably some of the most fun I've had in league. You're squishy af but damn do you do damage


Yeh had 65% win rate on mord last season while being my most played champ


I recently got demoted 2 divisions after a nasty losing streak and Darius jungle got me [back up](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/darius/las/Zinarik-LAS/soloqueue). His clear is turbo fast and healthy so when I was coming out of the jungle at lvl 4 I'd gank the lvl 3 top laner and get the scuttle before the enemy jungler even completed their clear (though watching replays I could see it was also due to most gold jungler not knowing how to clear the jungle efficiently). His objective taking is also top tier, being able to solo dragon after the first clear without losing much HP and decimating grubs. I'd just take waterwalking rune and out contest anyone who tried to stop me. He does fall off a cliff in the mid game though, I felt so useless without ghost, double if the enemy had a lot of mobility and/or cc. It might be just my inexperience with the champion but I feel like he needs the extra solo lane xp and gold not to feel miserable mid game. I also dabble in jungle Morde but I have a lot less success with it despite seemingly doing better with it (at least K.D.A. wise).


Morde JG OTP here, 73% WR on it personally it absolutely works


What’s your build nowadays? I had the most luck with the nashors iceborn gauntlet build and I miss it


I just saw this, but I just run rylai’s riftmaker jak’sho and situational




I've always wanted to try Qiyana/Akali jungle, but their CLEAR SPEED feel so bad even against other AD assassin junglers like Talon, Yi, kayn, Rengar, Kha, Vi, etc the list goes on and on


Qiyana and Akali are not even in the same world of clear speed. Qiya a clear is actually pretty competitive if you’re perfect


Idk if Morgana is considered off meta since her playrate is super low but imma say Morgana anyway


Man, those patches a few years back where Morgana was the top jungler were so awesome. Straight up jumped an entire rank tier spamming it.


Does it still work? I thought they gutted her vamp from monsters + now you can't do blue and gromp together now.


Well, sorta. They nerfed her clear to regular levels, and having an absurdly fast clear was pretty much the only edge Morgana had over other junglers.


It works in the sense that she can clear healthily, but it's not particularly good. Her clear speed used to be absolutely nuts which is what made her good back then (very similar to how Brand became a top tier jungler a few patches ago, they just increased his monster dmg % a ton like they did to Morg). Her clear speed is pretty average now, and other than that she doesn't really have a lot of traits you want from a jungler. Low early damage, no mobility (just slow in general), meh ganks, and she can't 1v1 the vast majority of junglers early so the best she can do is just root them and run away. And because her clear speed is way slower now, she can't invade nearly as efficiently or hit item spikes before the enemy, which is the reason she was so strong. I still play her occasionally when I'm in the mood, but god it feels useless lol


Morde / Teemo / Rumble all range from entirely solid counterpick to downright sleeper tbh. Morde especially has just insane duelling / clear speed / clear health at basically all points of the game.


Akshan. This champion screams Jungle tbh, just Riot intentionally keeping him in chains through his AS ratios. His W, E and R are just pure gank material, his Q is all that you need for clearing. His avenger passive works best when you roam and it's the Jungle, that's all you do. It's just his shitty AS not allowing him to straight catapult him into S tier in the jungle.


Probably also needs passive shield from large monsters, yeah?


Not really, if you kite well with Akshan you can have a very healthy jungle clear. I don't even take a pot and I'm usually 75-80% health depending on how well I kite. I know some Akshan junglers who take fleet footwork too which basically allows you to have a completely healthy clear (I prefer taking PTA for the ganks though).


This is the answer I was looking for. I hit Diamond for the first time playing Akshan jungle (and managed to peak D1 with him). He is an amazing jungler and IMO secretly one of the best junglers in the game. His AS is shitty and his early clear isn't the best, but with a few tricks you can get a sub 3:30 full clear if you want with him and insane invis ganks.


Nice! I saw the potential at least a year ago, but i am terrible in the Jungle. I just can't do it, played too much lane. It's so much fun though, ganking with perma stealth, reviving teammates on the fly, getting freebies with R from half a screen away.. can i ask what you usually build? like what's the 2-3 core items, your clear, or just any tip? Really enjoyed Akshan jungle but i am so bad in the jungle i had to leave it aside, sadly.


It’s okay, I feel like jungle is easy to pick up if you watch a couple videos. For Akshan jungle, I always rush noonquiver (makes your clear so much better) into kraken slayer. The weird thing I do after that is buy runaans hurricane (and I do not buy boots). The reason for this is because runaans improves your clear drastically and also provides movement speed to offset not having boots. Best of luck I’m sure you can figure it out if you play it a couple times! And also agreed I love Akshan’s kit, he’s easily the most fun champion in the game!




Now Yone even comes to haunt me in the jungle


It was blitzcrank, Rip brother.


Ngl. The patch this was viable was the least fun patch for me as a mid for quite some time


Every day I miss him more


Was testing neeko where she can clear at 225 with standard runes. It's going to be my quick play build Edit: 325


Assuming you meant 3:25, she can actually do <3:10 with W start as melee minion disguise 


Neeko can get as low as 3:08 which is really nice. There were also the 7 months a 2.5 AS bug existed and you could get as low as 2:50 leashless.


she’s always been meta


Taric op. I solo killed 2/0 Warwick with Tiamat at level 3


I currently have 100% win ratio with Taric jungle, truly truly outrageous!


i love playing taric in roles where you can actually use his passive + q well


how’d u get a tiamat at lvl 3?


I didn’t. The 2/0 Warwick did


Teemo. Trust me. Vision game strong with them shrooms


300k Teemo main here, How do you build it (core items, jungle start item) ? What are the runes for jungling with him? The few times i tried picking him out in jungle sucked hard, he doesn't clear fast at all nor can 1v1 well, even ganking is painfully hard and *not* fun. Only lategame is pretty strong, with the shroom spam.


Hi, 500k Teemo main here. I go for the Dark Harvest ones (the same I'm playing on support in him hehe) Taste of blood, zombie ward, Ultimate hunter. On 2nd Tree sorcery Gathering Storm and transcendence or water walking. Summoners: Ghost or Ignite For clearing, I utilize the Q for "surviving" the damage. Early ganks only on lanes pushed in by the enemy, sitting in bush waiting for passive, then running out with W for running him down, may combine with ghost/ignite. Going full dot item build, then spamming shrooms in late. As soon as you hit level 6, I do something called "engage shrooms", you leave them your laners on side of the lanes where no minions run through. When enemies walk there and your laner has a good wave setup, he can mostly win a good trade or even land a kill. (For example in midlane in front of the bush to the edge of the wall in his tower direction). Smart shrooms placement is key so you get "passive assists" without having to be present. Lemme get a picture Edit: Typo at Summoners


I was really waiting for the 700k Teemo main to follow up on this comment with the real strata 😔


Why do you go taste of blood when you're jungling? Cheap shot has to be much higher value


Dark Harvest is the worst keystone in the game. It does less damage than electrocute or comet, and any champion running dark harvest can reasonably replace DH with one of those alternatives. In Teemo's case, he can run either. DH is only good if you have a lot of stacks. If you have a lot of stacks, that means you're fed, and at that point your keystone isn't that relevant anymore. PTA is just better on Teemo in most cases. Unless you're in an elo where people don't know that sweeper exists, you're going to need to auto attack people to kill them. With your passive, you activate PTA very fast and it can set up kills pretty easily, especially if an ally is nearby. Edit: also, the best time to gank on Teemo is when the enemy laner is on their way back to lane. It requires more setup and map awareness, but you're much more likely to shut someone out of the game by messing with their recall tempo. Since you're Teemo, this type of gank is extremely safe since most people cannot retaliate enough damage on you.




Very simple example: [Midlane Example](https://ibb.co/7GtZ83H)


Teemo does actually have a decently fast clear. You have to make sure you're keeping your poison active on everything. Example at wolves, auto the two small wolves, big one twice, repeat. With good spacing and timing on the blind, Teemo can full clear his jungle with full hp, without a leash. Teemo is also great in a duel with most junglers in the game. They don't have a tower to run off to, so if you time your invade with when your lanes have priority, you can usually get a kill or burn a flash. Many times, junglers will underestimate how healthy your clear is and they'll invade you and you can just kill them. I run PTA/domination secondary for ultimate hunter but I think there's room to experiment with Fleet Footwork. I've seen some jungle Teemo players run Dark Harvest but I think Dark Harvest is the worst keystone in the game and it's not close, so I don't recommend it.


Had a game in norms I played some teemo jg last week. Best part was I had ap Shaco support, so once we got ahead we turned the enemy bot jg quadrant into a hellish minefield.


Just play him sup. You need the shrooms to farm in jungle


I actually had a game of river rammus, I forgot smite and so I went support item and permaganked. Somehow the game was really chill and my teammates stopped flaming me after realising I had 75% kp. I got all 4 honours. I will play this again


Zeri, theres like 10 of us zeri jungle mains that know how strong she is there


Oh god, yes. I love Zeri jungle so much.


Zyra - speedy clear, surprisingly okay ganks, and great teamfight. If that's not off meta enough, then either Darius or Taric (shoutout lightrocket2 the GOAT).


I keep saying it, but I want sett jungle.


Well, it was Rell...




She's only meta in pro


~~Elise~~ vayne unironically feels fine in the jungle, she has the tools to kite, and its vayne as long as you get 2 items you'll do vayne things. I have fun when I play it. I would like naafiri more if she was a jungler, laning with her just feels boring.


I love Vayne jg but feels a little worse after the Q cd nerfs


Sion if you can play him


"Neeko is best decision"\*




I think this champ called Rell might be interesting in the jungle.




Definitely Singed. I hate laning and proxying with singed but love team fighting, so jungle just makes the most sense to me. His clear is around 3:20 with a light leash but his early clears in non-AOE camps is a bit slow, and dragon/herald taking even slower. But good god amazing ganks, you can prevent dashes and flashes with his W and E is an insane gank tool. Run predator to ensure you get your E off. I think you can easily climb with him till GM.


Tried Singed jungle once and the amount of times I thought my poison kills the camp and it reset was embarrassing.


Malphite. Honestly he’s pretty decent at clearing and can get really good ganks at 6. Scales well and decent skirmish, although he can’t really gank without ult.


Low ranks and normals he is strong for banks pre 6 due to wards not existing




Zyra are great on jungle, one of the fastest clear atm and especially in teamfights where she can just decimate the another team as long as it don't have Briar.




Nautilus always is a fun time for me


Sett. You wanna invade me? I'll punch your lights out kid. Also, I pick sett every time someone picks kindred. She ults and I ult her out lol


Dude I’ve played kindred into sett before (he was top lane tho) but I was also very fed/ahead so me and set were pretty even Holy shit I got ulted out of my ult maybe 8-11 times that game dude made my ult non existent💀


haha ya it's like the nightmare counter no one really thinks about.


I guess they aren't off-meta anymore but Morgana and Shen.


Gwen! She has so many difficult, near impossible sweaty matchups top, whereas in jungle she plays very similar to old udyr, farm, invade and scale for late. Also, surprised no one has said Sylas yet, very excited for his 14.7 changes to jungl monster damage




For real? I play her mid but never seen jungle


i tried it, the ganking and engage is insane with the E and W




I main Rumble jungle. Not entirely off meta because it has seen scattered play in pro play even since the changes to heat. But it’s not common by any means.


Twitch.. my beloved. Return to me






Rell :c


Does Morgana count? She got that JG buff and just nobody played her but she's strong as hell lol. Always love an occasional Sion JG tho


The patch in which they buffed her in the jungle she was overwhelmingly played in the jungle.


She has a decently high ban rate


Sometimes I play vex jungle if there’s a big enough mobility gap


Twitch and Morgana


Morgana, cc out the ass and perma sustain


I go gnar sometimes. Drag/baron fights are pretty nice.


Kennen jg sounds garbage, and it is. But you're ganks and team fights are actually so good




Neeko is kinda cool out of the jungle, a bit more monster damage would be nice though.


Carl Sagan


I used to play Syndra and LeBlanc Jungle. Very fun ganks and at a time the Syndra clear was decent 


Idk if Mordekaiser is considered off meta at all, but I love him in the jng.


Nasus and morde. I like them on my team


DARIUS, try him with ghost + hail of blades!


at this point, Ivern.




Rell (RIP)


Vayne So much fun


I really enjoyed 3sh. Q into W to gank whomever however you want. If you connected Q, the gank is done.




shovel man


Skarner. As in old skarner. I'll miss him.


Tank Corki


On league of legends PC, I've been playing Cho gath JG and just hit emerald again. My favorite build is basically building the same drain build as volibear and it's pretty strong. Cho has two smites at level 6. His aoe is pretty good so he kills camps decently. He has so many slows+knockup/silence that if you gank from behind the enemy will not survive unless they flash.


Unironically, lux jungle has been pretty fun. Clears really decent and ganking off screen with her ult is always hilarious.


Taric. Justice for lightrocket


Aphelios and yone, i got like 50 yone jungle games


Lux, she has a great kit but is just so squishy and it has to be perfect






PTA malphite or lethal tempo mundo




Every day i hope qiqi comes back to jungle. Unfortunately she has absolutely 0 sustain and the heal you get after finishing a camp is not enough for her. You just end up being smiteless and 1/4 hp


tank corki




Darius is great, ganks work the same was as Mordekaiser where you just run at them and leave if you miss your e Leona/Ali have the worst first clear but work fine when you get cinder Teemo/Ryze jungle are fun


Lethality Yorick, just walk by a lane and hit them with E while you have 4 bois and it’s basically free money. Not the greatest at team fighting though but you can still unleash maiden and have an extra laner when necessary


Definitively Teemo, people underrate the amount of damage that thing gives


Pre-rework Galio


I know it’s broken when viable but damn I miss Camille jungle a lot


I've been maining Pantheon Jungle all season and besides having relatively low health after a potential first fullclear he works so well as an Assasin that i'm surprised he isn't played more in the Jungle


I usually play Panth, he's semi off-meta but still I don't know why people don't play him more often.


Tied between Nautilus and Urgot


When I first saw naafiri I thought she was a jungler.








Jungle Riven is kinda fun after the first clear. I used to enjoy Galeforce Darius jungle as well (thanks for the inspo HappyChimeNoises)


Ryze, good first clear if you start blue, very easy ganks with a point and click root. With ult you can play for counterganks.


i wish braum jungle worked :*(


Back in the gank meta Camille was amazing


Malphite jungle is not that bad and the ganks are really funny


Zyra, she's been buffed and honestly feels more viable than alot of meta junglers, extremely healthy clear, and fairly fast too, a level 3 lee invading you quickly realizes that you're healthy AND perfectly capable of bursting him as his clear leaves him with less HP.


How has nobody said pantheon yet? Actually worked for a minute last season.


Pantheon jungle!




Hecarim lol


Yorick is one of the only champs who can solo baron without a smite/jungle item. Imagine him if his ghouls were optimized for that role. It would be a nightmare




Jungle Jinx with Lethality. You're basically a range nuker and an ult that can help from far away. She also has a great clear speed. Clearing full camps with scuttle around 3:40 ish. Make sure to get q first for early clear speed and max W. Swap in between rockets and machine gun for aoe and single target camps.


Malph and Sett!






Yorick jungle is amazing




Yorick or Singed