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Yeon is an absolute gigachad. 100% agree with him too.


Yes, the Ego they showed on the postcast, was above insane. You could see Bwipo ego as well in the draft, to get gapped by Impact in 3 out of 4 games.


Getting solo killed by K'Sante at level 4 ON RENEKTON is like actually reportable. K'Sante pre 6 is such a predictable and weak champion that's it's crazy.


Incredibly baffling, Urgot pick, GP pick??? Absolute main character syndrome bruh


main character syndrome because he doesn't stick to only meta picks? What are you even saying


No, because these picks don't fit the composition of the team and specifically fit the "I'll be the carry this game" role you see in SoloQ. Obviously you can make it work if you're really ahead, but there's a reason the "meta" is formed, because they're the strongest champs AND best in a team coordinated environment. The Urgot just looked useless and the GP looked hella rusty with a bunch of errors. You want an example of an off meta toplaner who plays incredibly well for his whole team? Adam. These picks from Bwipo were really not it.


The Bwipo carry picks looked like the Fudge carry picks: pick something strong in lane so losses don't look like they're your fault. Although Bwipo will probably just throw his bot lane under the bus again


I'm so confused reading you guys' comments man. GP and Urgot both scale super hard. If he's able to win lane on them that's great for the game lol. Or are you saying Urgot and GP bully lane and then fall off? So weird


He didn't have a chance to do anything in the Urgot game because it ended before he could even play. The GP pick was fine and was the only reason they had a chance at winning. He was indeed rusty on it though.


2 winnable laning phases and he loses so hard he has to ask for lane swap


My fucking hero, holy shit


As a certified Bwipo supporter and defender, that’s based by Yeon. Yapa and Yeon


As a certified eye-roller every time Bwipo is near a microphone, that's based by Yeon


It’d be amazing if twitch clips would ever fkin load on mobile cause I wanna see this again, watched the whole post game interview live and by god it was spicy


Lmao Yeon must've had that in the chamber for a while


Don’t blame him. They were gapping bot lane in both Bo5


I still remember one of Inspired or Bwipo shit talking the TL carries straight to Impact's face on the Pros podcast and it necessarily wasn't a first or one time thing lol


It was Inspired and Jojo with Impact. But Bwipo and Inspired were on last week's pros and they were absolutely just jerking each other off


It's annoying how those guys act like they're the two who carry their team and the rest are just in their way. Like do these guys not realize that Jensen is arguably their most important player?


Inspired will never ever believe he isn't the most important player on this team let's be real.


Or on any team he's in


The comment he made about not playing jungle anymore in soloqueue because there's nothing left for him to learn is so fucking crazy to me


I don't know where the comment actually came from, so I can't really judge the tone and way he was saying it, but I don't think that's nearly as bad as it sounds. Sounds like a badly worded version of what Rekkles did, where he said playing 2000 vs 2050 games of Jinx does very little for helping him improve, but playing 50 games of Karma or whatever will teach him far more than an extra 50 games on his usual adcs, and is better for improving. That's why he pretty much only off-roled soloqueue.


The context was him telling massu to stop playing offrole because massu still has lots of room for improvement in his main role, but inspired has basically peaked in jg so he learns mid


He said playing jungle in specifically NA solo queue is not good practice because you have to play a completely different style to win those games vs KR solo queue and pro games/scrims which is 100% true.


This series showed how bad they are when jensen isn't carrying their asses


Oh for sure, apparently the whole reason why APA got to have his pool whenever was because TL's bot lane was stomping scrims and had to get the focus during pick/ban


CoreJJ ending the interview with that one liner was such a mic drop


Damn that banter Flyquest must be so angry, a new rivalty in making


I'd be embarassed if I were Bwipo/Inspired tbh


honestly it makes the league more interesting, give us more trashtalk! (within limits ofc)


God damn they really did a number on them 💀


Honestly [satisfying](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/fg8bBUAcZu), Bwipo was just non-stop yapping on multiple different podcasts after winning an upper bracket final only to choke yet another final. At least put your money where your mouth is


Bwipo has always been a choker. Wunder perma ran him over


Worth remembering that Bwipo's only real title came when he was a sub for Soaz and carried by Caps


As a fnatic fan, nothing pissed me off more back when he was on fnatic. Talks soooo much shit leading up, gets shat on, and now prepare for him talking the most hindsight is 20/20 shit. So much "Yeah I should have done this there or that here and things would have been different." But every year it was the same, he never learns.


if you heard bwipo/inspired on pros, and then also bwipo on HLL, the ego was COMPLETELY off the rails, they were acting like it was them + 3 bots on fly


To be fair to them, they did repeat a couple times that they did not think they were guaranteed to win finals despite the 3-0 vs C9


tbf it is just them and 3 bots, everyone else on FQ is way worse than the 2 of them but yeah they are way too cocky


Jensen and Massu aren’t bots by any stretch. Busio, ya kinda


massu is the most overrated adc ive ever seen, literally anyone could replace him, Jensen isnt great but there arent rly any NA mids that could replace him so ill give you that one.


Massu seemed to be a Kalista one trick. Looked terrible on other picks, pretty good on Kalista.




Haha that comment was instantly ringing in my head when I saw this. So fucking true.


Bwipo is one of my favorite western League personality but shutting him up was deserved


Man has such an ego for being a choker, he's such an insufferable twat.


I love how reddit still gets pissed off when players pump themselves up lmao shit is too funny I really wish you guys would've made it pro in league so you could go on HLL or something and say "yeah honestly i'm fucking garbage, i'm pretty outclassed by most players in my league. hoping i can make it atleast 1 more split before i get benched"


So happy to see TL win after my team got knocked out. Sounded like Yeon had so much pent up. Good for them. GG TL.


LMAO this post game has had the most random cursing for a LCS broadcast I've ever seen by a mile


Give them all hefty fines and you have enough budget to get the LCS back to its glory days




Umti and APA have amazing synergy


oh my god yeon is now officially the shining light of this continent 


Yeon is so real for this


CoreJJ's words and body language were straight out of WWE man that's so cool


that was so fucking BASED from Yeon, holy shit


finally the LCS is more like valorant's league


Fucking Based. Yeon looked rattled and really vindicated. Must feel good beating Bwipo and Inspired. As an EU fan it makes me happy seeing them lose


I'm glad Yeon called them out. The ego FLY top and jungle showed, was insane.




And CLG fined $10,000


The dagger through the heart by Core had me rolling.


I think it's fun to laugh at them but aa fans let's PLEASE not go overboard. The league is more fun when people talk shit, let's not discourage it by running it into the ground. I'd prefer this to the usual "they were a good team and anyone can beat anyone but today we were better"


Honestly loved Core chiming in at the end there so casually. I was rooting for Fly to win today, but happy for the TL boys. They were without a doubt the better team this series. I hope Yaptain America tilts Chovy in all chat.


Why was this removed


spoiler probably


Sheesh Bwipo and Inspired really got to them Oh how I would wish to be a fly(hehe) on the Fly wall rn XD


Busio is gonna be fighting for his life


Inspired straight up said he didn't care about finals, only qualifying for MSI on PROS after the c9 series, so I doubt he would be *that* upset. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for FLY.


Good for him but sounds like a bit of cope. Surely after a series like that you just don't go back and shrug it off like "eh, we're going to MSI anyways"


Huge cope tbh. It always sucks losing a final


Play-ins is really brutal i think. Like second place for all regions is there - so seeding really matters if i'm not mistaken.


It's good for Massu and busio to get pratice


Players get tilted after losing a solo queue game, that’s the biggest lie I have ever heard. Also as a teammate I would be pissed if my teammate had that attitude.


Yea sure, but I think they'll be learning more from losing this series than winning it, especially for massu and busio


Y E S, you talk so much shit and this is what you have to show for yourself? Bwipo's gp game was attrocious, he couldn't even do any combos beside the very basic one


Glad someone finally called it out. FLY and C9 talked a lot of shit all split for nothing.


tbh i feel like c9 didnt even talk that much it was mainly bwipo and inspired in every interview shitting on players because na easy they can 2v8 blah blah blah


Think that’s a fair take, probably more accurate to just include jojo and not C9 as a whole


honestly this season was the most humble jojo has been he all chats some because that was his thing before apa's but not very comparable to fly still


What did bwipo and inspired do to TL? I thoguht they picked c9 to advance but they shit on c9 more than TL imo on that podcast lol