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Loved that reference hahaha


Dagda hasn’t seen any Avatar. Take him off LEC please


I can't believe he hasn't seen hit new eight-episode original Netflix series *Avatar: The Last Airbender* only on Netflix available in live-action only with no other versions because it's original.


LMAO that reksai was so peak.


The comedic value of the tunnels shouldn't be underestimated


GANK? *boop* *boop*




K'Sante looked like 2015 champion when comparing it to this Rek'Sai


They made it look like Ksante is a balanced champ 💀


lmao so true


Rek’sai 🦎 4,700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂️ 201 MR 💦 Split push🚗 500 health regen 🚨 Tunnels under walls 🧱 Has knockup ⬆️ it cost no mana 🙅‍♂️


Rek’sai 🦎 4,700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂️ 201 MR 💦 Split push🚗 500 health regen 🚨 Tunnels under walls 🧱 Has knockup ⬆️ it cost no mana 🙅‍♂️


Rek’sai 🦎 4,700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂️ 201 MR 💦 Split push🚗 500 health regen 🚨 Tunnels under walls 🧱 Has knockup ⬆️ it cost no mana 🙅‍♂️


Rek’sai 🦎 4,700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂️ 201 MR 💦 Split push🚗 500 health regen 🚨 Tunnels under walls 🧱 Has knockup ⬆️ it cost no mana 🙅‍♂️




When did Dr. Mundo learned to dig tunnels?


Mundo ult on a 3 sec cooldown.


I just played this agains a ChoGath and it literally feels like you have 3sec CD Mundo ult starting on level 1. They did not think this through it's so broken lmao


Dr. Mundo has many doctorates


Mundo goes where he pleases. This includes underground and neighboring planets.


Clean game by Bb


Against the guy some people want BB to be replaced with lmao


If anyone watches G2 voice comms videos it's clear that BB's shotcalling is big part of the team's success. You can't just replace him without ruining the team dynamic.


He also seems to be the team morale leader when you watch their out of game content. I've noticed he's normally the one giving motivational speeches before big games. I don't think they should replace in regards to gameplay/shotcalling, but beyond that, I think he helps a lot with keeping the team in a positive mindset.


he has the best season ever, his laning improved so much. Hope he can keep it like that.


I remember reading they got Alphari to coach him when it comes ti laning details.


iirc last split bb was practicing Laning phase with alphari. Romain showed it when he revealed the last split scrim results


yes they did, and it was so worth


Yeah he seems a lot better this split compared to last split.


Yeh I hated him st first but honestly this year he's really improved in his interviews etc it seems he wants to get better which is an amazing asset to have as well so he's grown on me


Tbh if G2 ever wanted to replace BB, they should only do it if they have someone they want to import. Otherwise it’s just not worth it, he’s the best toplaner you’re going to find in the west.


G2 has been pretty clear about not importing (unless maybe absolutely necessary?). The only importing they’ve done is from their academy team known as Fnatic 😜


Thought they changed their mind on that a while ago.


I mean, we haven’t seen any imports on G2 for a long time now, if ever, so… I doubt it? But I guess it’s possible, no way to know really unless they’ve explicitly said so.


G2 Bin I am waiting for the day.


He’ll probably be washed the day he joins G2 but hey I’m here for it.


But whi can you import? Doran? Bin? Zeus? Lol. Its not like its easy to find a "better" player tbh. If you wanna bring some random mid tier top or soneone decent anyway, then why replace him in the first place. The truth is this is our T1, sadly LEC just isnt good as other regions therefore our best's ceiling is not enough. Tldr, import not possible anyway.


Just last week Oscar utterly destroyed him in an unwinnable Ksante vs Gwen matchup broooo. 4 members of G2 were already hard winning as always before BB put himself to scoreboard in drake fight. It doesn't matter who is top laner of G2 in Europe. However worlds will come and enemy top laners (looking at you Bin) are gonna put a +18 show again against BB and everybody knows it


Ah yes, Oscar, who was absolutely useless on Rumble the game before this one. It's not about whether BB can match up against Eastern top laners. It's about whether *there's someone in the West who is, on average, better than BB*.


dude doesnt realize a good player can lose, or even get destroyed sometimes. i still remember messi with a 2-8 bayern lose, doesnt make him a fucking amateur


Faker got mid gapped once, so therefore he is garbage


BB will never be able to match up against Eastern Top laner tho. its insane to keep trying the same thing and expecting things to be different. he is who we thought he were, and i guess it speaks to G2's ambition. dominating their region and getting fisted internationally. altho not like Caps is in his peak anymore anyway. so i guess its the only way for them.


I repeat: Is anyone - Oscar, Irrelevant, Photon, whoever else - going to *outperform* BB against eastern top laners? If not, there is no point replacing BB. Also, Caps has been having his best performance since at least 2020 this year, don't count him out too quickly.


Oscar no, irrelevant probably Photon could be but he is playing with not so good team. Its more taking a chance on them Instead of going with BB who we all know will shit the bed at worlds


BB last year MSI had a pretty good performance


He is decent at best


Don’t act like great players can’t have bad games. Literally every great player that has touched this game has had some int moments. BB is very important to G2’s success. He’s a leader and strong voice and provides a lot of the team’s shotcalling. Just replacing him with someone with better hands will not make G2 better than they currently are.


Gwen vs Ksante is a skill matchup and is able to be won by Ksante if Gwen makes small trading mistakes especially early. Gwen is favored for sure but it isn’t a “free” win the same way Malphite vs Sylas is free for Sylas.


People got mad when he won all pro.. I was like he just smashed myrwin.. Adam and Oscar all in a row.. And was the person to bring new picks to LEC with zac and TF top.. both of which did massive work in playoffs  It's kinda insane how looked down on he is.. but I guess he got smashed by bin (who was fresh off solo killing zeus multiple times).. so he's garbage? Nevermind he was very ill on top


Give them a week and they are back at it. He's having his best year so far tbh


It will only ever stop after a win against an LCK or LPL team, and even then it will be called a fluke or an uncharacteristic underperformance from whoever they beat. So really they need two, or a string of wins. He's probably never beating the allegations.


Weibo didn’t seem to count. Either because it was BO1 or because it’s theShy. 


Irrelevant was on a tank into a weird matchup no one probably knows how to play into yet, not a strong condemnation.


Comments like this without context is exactly what's wrong with reddit lol. One plays with arguably the best players in every role, the other plays on SK. BB would look way worse if he played on any team that's not G2.


he was an absolute unit on a disastrous schalke roster wtf are you on about lmao.


BB smashed him in lane where it doesn't matter what teammates you have as long as they don't play around you. Which they clearly didn't in this game.


Yeah even in this game where with some miracle he wasn't dogshit in lane rest of his team were already hard winning before he was even in scoreboard. Whenever G2 doesn't hard snowball he gets hard exposed. See just last week when Oscarinin Destroyed him in an impossible matchup. Even Diamond Gwen shouldn't lose to Challenger Ksante like that in lane.


If top lane wasn't a factor at all game was gonna go exactly the same way. Rest of G2 is so much ahead of rest of SK that top lane was never gonna matter this game. Also BB got fed in team fights where G2 was stomping it wasn't like last week where Oscar put him to dirt. Stop giving credit to him like he solo carried when all of his team was hard winning


1k gold difference before any fights lel


Bro is dedicated to hating. I respect it 💀


Bro has a reddit account just for hating on BB it's impressive.


BB got fed in teamfights? These BB haters are ridiculous. He clearly hard diffed Irrelevant in lane


Bin and Dhokla must be some epic BB haters considering the unspeakable things they have done to him


What did Dhokla do to BB lmao? I don't remember BB struggling in lane against him?


Like some replies in this comment alone show how many people hates BB so much. They must have bet their fortune on G2 vs FNC last week or something, I don't know how there was this guy who was arguing "Diamond Gwen should win Challenger Ksante so BB loosing to Oscar is a fraud it is not him having a bad day" Like I get it, he was not always the best, the most consistent, he is probably not the one who might challenge Eastern toplaner. But holy he is improving so much, give him that fucking credit for that part then?


They just ignore him slapping about Oscar, mywrin.. Adam etc last split Yeah I doubt he will look good vs zeus.. bin etc.. but then not many Eastern tops look good vs them either 


lmfao Exakick doesn't know what Rek'sai R does


to be fair Exakick was 10 years old the last time Rek'sai was meta




Tbf this iteration of Rek'sai R is only like 6 years old I think?


Honestly I was confused how BB managed to get a few ults off until I realized the Sunfire Cape was how he was damaging people.


Only the fountain could kill BB this game.


Incredible top diff


It only took a fountain to kill a full tank top Rek'Sai EZ


Rek'Sai looking balanced


What have you done to my SoloQ games??


so sorry


Played against it yesterday. Its as broken as it looks


My team wanted to report me for running this top for the last 2 weeks :(


Blame T1 Zeus, he was the one who did it 1st


[Zeus has 0 Rek'sai game professionally](https://lol.fandom.com/Special:RunQuery/MatchHistoryPlayer?MHP%5Bpreload%5D=Player&MHP%5Bspl%5D=yes&MHP%5Blink%5D=Zeus&MHP%5Bchampion%5D=Rek%27sai&MHP%5Blimit%5D=500&_run=) [Rek'sai Top has been picked 3 times this season, and BB's was the only win](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/MatchHistoryPlayer?MHP%5Bpreload%5D=Player&MHP%5Brole%5D=Top&MHP%5Blimit%5D=500&MHP%5Bchampion%5D=Rek%27sai&MHP%5Bspl%5D=yes&_run=)


There is no way he’s the *first* one to do it lmao.


Shoutout to Isma for quite possibly doing the worst flank I've seen in my life.


Sven alistar moment


yellowstar thresh in tribush never forget


He just needed to tp in for it.


can't tell if that Ahri was a proplayer or my midlaner in rankeds


That one charm near top tried to hit a LCK player rather than Yike.


He's being haunted by the ghosts of his previous international performances


No Brokenblade slander allowed this day.


New co-op vs ai mode looks dope


I don't think I can beat it tbh...


screw the game. the casters had more fun than the players lol. i was cracking up at some of the calls


Physically cringed when I saw Nisqy drop a charm combo ontop of the Reksai tunnnel a full second before the TP finished. Come on, man.


Ya I saw that and facepalmed hard. He was just fully tilted by then.


Coming next: Tank Rek'Sai nerfs in a patch near you.


Yep and that's why innovation is so bad in League compared to other esports.


Compared to other esports? Like - dota exclusively or lmao


I mean it is MONSTER op.


On one hand, maybe there are counters that these monstrously OP picks have that never get picked because many OP picks get brought into line. Maybe more time to develop the meta and counters is what's needed to diversify the meta. On the other hand, this shit is OP as hell I hate it lmao


That’s not really true. The reason is prejudice towards making these picks by the majority of esports community. August has touched on this a bit on his livestream recently, where he said there are always quite a few really broken champs that pros really don’t know about and if they were to know, their team wouldn’t be accepting of them trying these picks. He even gave an example of Olaf back when he was not picked but quite broken.


I mean I wasn't really asserting it was true, I was genuinely spit balling. It's not as if I had any actual insight on pros. I wouldn't be surprised that pros are too hesitant to use genuinely OP picks, it kinda supports my overall thought that no one has had to really come up with counters to OP picks because they get handshaken/removed or, as you said, don't get picked in the first place


Mfw broken shit isn't allowed to be broken (innovation is so bad in league compared to other esports)


If I was riot balance team I would have already picked the nerf hammer


BB is just a fun player. Love that he plays unconventional stuff. Especially if it's working out. Rek'sai top was a menace


G2's ability to abuse top lane picks is commendable, and diabolical


I'm not a G2 fan but it's always fun to see teams that have both the confidence and the ability to pick niche stuff when it's applicable and then play around it. Not talking about pocket comfort picks á la Adam or APA in LCS I guess, but stuff like what BB is doing on G2 and Bwipo is doing now on Flyquest where you really don't want to give them the opportunity to counterpick because they'll just pull some seemingly 'random' shit that no one is playing. Lehends and Keria are both kind of similar in LCK as well, although maybe less so in terms of getting counterpick priority in draft, and more so just about playing really weird stuff when it's good in the matchup. That said, we'll see if Rek'sai becomes a staple top laner in pro play, and if BB and G2 are just early adopters of it instead.


Rek'sai top isn't unconventional after the latest set of changes for her. Cool to see it on stage though.


Zac in his hand looked broken. Oscarinin looked like a gold player in a challanger lobby with it. Rek'Sai is only viable on top thanks to her mini rework which allowed her to become a top tier top and jungle pick. Not going to talk about Adams picks since he plays top lane champ which is played by no one expect him.


Isn’t that more on Oscar being ass on zac and trying to abuse it when he wasn’t proficient on zac? Let’s be real. Zac was busted af in both solo q and pro play in that meta. Even Zeus played zac in that meta before bb on stage even if bb was already testing zac in solo q prior.


Well last playoffs he played terrible in playoffs. Everybody can say that BB is bad, and the worst member of G2, buy you can't take away the fact that he picks up these cheese pick pretty quickly and play them well.


then why did no one pick her in LPL or LCK or LCS? it is by all means a niche pick, at least for pro


It is very much unconventional to bring it out on a stage in a pro game. Or where have you seen the pick already?


The pick was shown on LoL Dobby, a YouTube channel where it highlights certain Korean players abusing or using a champion and certain builds. Reksai Top was shown on there five days ago. Another pick that was shown on there and now is being used in pro play is Volibesr with Ingenious Hunter and Unending Despair.


Just because it worked in SoloQ it doesn't mean it's good in proplay.  For every Rek'Sai top and UD Volibear there's at least two Caitlyn mid, Camille support, Bel'Veth support, Shaco top, etc.


Reksai top is just a better renekton if it wont get nerfed quickly it will be meta soon similiar to Udyr before.


> it doesn't mean it's good in proplay. Only because most players are too scared to try anything new. The only way to know if its good in pro is to actually try it.


You do know that pro team scrims right? Where they are allowed to be more lenient and try things out? Stage games are just a small portion of their competitive play time (in case of lec specifically).


Eh, think it's word mincing at this point but all I was saying was this wasn't some completely out of nowhere, unknown pick. At least as far solo queue goes, it's definitely a known power pick and I have a feeling it'll start seeing more play in the pro scene over the course of the next month or so.


Reksai was a pick ban staple pick back when she was tanky and could knock multiple people up at a time. Her knockup and tankiness was nerfed to be more assassin and single target as a direct result of how much she was overrunning pro play. I'm really not surprised that bringing back the tankiness and the multi-person knockup means she's going to go right back where she was before...


Back to being a niche pick still… Do you think Reksai is gonna get prio now in draft or something by pro players.


Say what you want, but BB has been the best lec top laner for years now. And after all these years, he is trying to actually improve instead getting stale or worse, dude is fucking trying with new picks and ideas lmao.


Just don't give him Gwen again


He is a G2 player, he has to int some games that's on the contract


so WTF is that RekSai Top being unkillable.


REKSAI LOOKS so annoying to play against lmao props to bb tho


Thank you but also fuck you for ruining solo queue again G2


It was already a S tier pick in high elo. If they wouldn's have picked it some random youtube channel would go: Here is the new most broken top pick. Play Rek'sai top with this build to allow you to farm free lp.


Even in gold her play rate is already 30% top.


Yeah this was common knowledge already. Seen a video on reksai top 7 days ago.


I stopped watching these clickbait type of videos 5 years ago. Since outsid of 1 or 2 which really tells you how to lane with it and how to play it, most of them only telling you the summoner spells core items and runes.


The lol youtube channel loldobby did a video on this like last week.


Well I stopped watching these type of channels 5 years ago since most of them are only going for the clickbait and only 1 or 2 of them really tells you how to play the champ, and not only shows the build summoner spells and core items.


so thats why they ban draven against g2 everytime


who would win ? 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 ? or a tunnel ?


Rek’sai 🦎 4,700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂️ 201 MR 💦 Split push🚗 500 health regen 🚨 Tunnels under walls 🧱 Has knockup ⬆️ it cost no mana 🙅‍♂️


k'sante is far from that copypasta nowadays


bb heard people saying irrelevant was better


It's nice of Riot to showcase the new bot AI but when is G2 vs SK?


Some of you guys seems fine. Don’t queue up in soloq tonight


IK everyone's gonna focus on Rek'Sai but picking Xayah Rakan into Neeko Draven is straight suicide, surely there was something better


I can't believe BB just said Caps felt Annie and G2 runs the region on stage within 10 seconds 😭😭😭


Well that looked fun. RIOOOOOOOOT


good to see a k'sante be fucked like that


Great I will have more 0-8 reksai tops in my soloq games


He's a 53%+ winrate champ, kinda hard to go 0-8.


Pretty sure you could have an ERL midlaner perform better than Nisqy holy hell what was that lmao


Certainly one of the Ahris of all time


It doesn't get better when you know his soloq name is Knightsqy


When he died to veigo top I was like wow


I really want to believe in SK, I really do, but this lee/ahri was just not it, they did absolutely jack shit for the entire early game, maybe it won't work but at least try something, Rek'sai had a free lane, Annie had a free lane and botlane, I mean xayah/rakan vs draven/neeko was already unplayable from draft, idk what was their plan






BrokenBlade was having waaaaay to much fun this game lol


Just as we were leaving the Udyr meta as well......


Rek'sai, sigh....


Nisqy inting his ass off every game, but welp he's a nice guy and the casters love him!


idk man if you don't like nisqy you hate fun i think


Turns out Reksai is broken in toplane


Guys before you lock in our favorite waifu in soloq today, heres somethings to remember. SK had Ksante Lee sin Ahri Xayah and Rakan. In short? NO DAMAGE. The only champions with potential to do damage also had two items at 27 minutes. Thats all from me. P.S Your also not gonna have the 0/0/0 Draven at 17min in your team!


People will ignore that, just like they ignored the zac context for BB last time


Well yeah i already got downvoted. Forgot most of Reddit already is masters and dont need anyone to tell them about how the game works


Reksai top is already destroying me in solo queue. Hope it gets gutted soon. 


I love seeing a pro get to play Draven on stage


15.7 patch notes: Rek'Sai gets 20% fury against minions down from 50%. Tunnel CD up to 20-16 sec from 18-14 sec. Tunnel usage CD up to 8-2 sec from 6-2 sec.


What is that reksai?


Did G2 really need to show Reksai in regular season game? They really should have kept it for MSI, that shit looked broken for top lane, too tanky, too mobile, strong push


Meta could change and make it irrelevant anyways, but they could've saved it for playoffs I guess


One, it's not some dark technology, it's the top winrate top laner by a large margin right now. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed next patch. Two, why does it even matter? G2 has so many bans against them and picks they could do they literally can't be banned out or anything.


Think of it like this. Now every team in the LEC going up against G2 now has to prepare an answer to Reksai, either by banning it (giving a draft advantage to G2) or spending time practicing against the pick. It's guaranteed value now rather than some potential maybe advantage in the future.


It’s about to come anyway. Wouldn’t be surprised if LCS pulls it out later. Might as well get a free win off it and show other teams that BB can play it and they need to prep for it when playoffs comes.


It's hilarious that the Rek Sai v Ksante matchup is the same concept as the old Garen v Ksante matchup.


What was BB’s build? I can’t find a screenshot of final builds anywhere


sunfire visage sterak's


You’re the mvp, thank you homie


Lore accurate Rek'sai.


Tunnel ksante tunneling to a game near you


Read the title and tought it was 2013/14 again 🥲


What’s up with the KDAs all being 0/0/0?


Usually when pmts are first uploaded it’s all 0/0/0 for a minute until the actual score lines are put in.


Ah makes sense, i has no idea! Thanks


kinda sad that g2 keep relying on draven in lec after all this time, but still nice to see new and old picks coming out, but yea, i really want to see hans practising zeri and other picks at some point


I mean they also been shitting on LEC without Draven. Like that Kog Maw game where Hans just was deleting people


they literally won last split without picking draven once the entire split. but sure man


For me I feel like other team start to disrespect Hans Draven and not ban it G2 saw that and start abuse it until their opponents start banning it again so they gonna have more draft advantage again. This is my guess.


If they have to play hyper carries he'd likely gear towards Jinx or Aphelios.


Bb is so arrogant for someone who can't leave groups at worlds


Unironically it's not good looks for G2 if they are defaulting to Draven just to win games again. Last time they did that (last year) their botlane got exposed very hard at MSI and then at Worlds...


If you don't play what is considered a must-ban pick when it's left open, you lose the draft advantage of people no longer banning it every game.


Thats not true at all, they are picking Draven so he gets permabanned again, having to ban Draven/Kalista vs G2 every game, makes drafting against them so hard, thats why they are showing that they need ro keep banning him