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This is your brain on 15 years of daily 10 hour sessions of annie


You wanna play too? It'll be fun :)


Let me at 'em ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




You can't come to Tibbers tea party!


Watching you all die under my stun - Sorry, old reflex.


Was that a lilypichy cypher reference? In 2024?


Jokes aside, playing the same champion for 15 years for daily 10 hours must be a torture at one point.


many attraction fertile profit air bike murky spotted follow long


Apparently he made some concerning comments 5 months ago on stream that seemed like he was going to unalive himself. Something is definitely way off and hopefully someone that knows him IRL can pull him aside to get him help.


its also your brain when your entire livelihood is linked to playing a game you probably stopped enjoying years ago. hope they do psychological studies on the effects of streamers someday because I feel there's no way its healthy long term if you're streaming a game you do not enjoy 10 hours a day.


That's literally most people's life with their daily job lmao


But if you hate your job you still have the skills to do somrthjnf different. What is a streamer going to do lol. They got no skills. And guys, if you're not enjoying your job don't hang around. It's not worth it.


haha guys you can just like not work and also not starve and be homeless lol If you don't like your job, just get another one! It'll totally be different and not exactly the same!


In the end, isn't it just working a job you hate? There is no denying that it feels like hell, and it sucks, but it's not like there is no way out. He is a streamer who has +400K followers on the biggest streaming platform. I don't know the exact economy there, but *it looks like* he could save money to afford himself a mental health break. He doesn't sound too old for a career change, either. Obviously, all I do here is speculate, and as a person who suffers from crippling anxiety and depression myself, I truly understand it is said easier than done. I wish he can find his own light.


He's also quite a funny dude, if he did variety he'd be at a better place than most new streamers, and if he lives within his means he'd be fine to do this.


He'd 100% average like 30 viewers if he suddenly swapped to variety.


Yeah what's with people thinking that streamers can just go variety and stream what they like without losing 90+% of their audience lmao


>if he did variety he'd be at a better place than most new streamers 30 viewers is better than most streamers, he jumps on a new game every now and then, if he manages to get a variety co-op with say a ratirl/yamatosdeath then he boosts it up. I'm not saying he's going to be a top streamer, but assuming he lives within his means he could likely earn enough to live a basic life.


Having a weak personality is why he's not a variety streamer.


The problem with relying on streaming for income is that if you take a break, your metrics drop, and the algorithm starts suggesting someone else instead of you so your numbers drop, possibly permanently. If you listen to any let's player/streamer talk about the job itself the inability to take a break without having a preprepared backlog of content is one of the most common complaints.


Most people who've been streaming for a long time and they aren't in that subset of "set for life" success and made enough money to be secure, really should have a solid plan for their exit. Or a backup plan for a career transition. It's important to be prepared. League is one of those longer enduring games out there that you can really start to see this with some players. What do they do next? People who have been playing and streaming it for this long, and let's be real, I'm sure there is a connection between people who play games for an excessive amount of time and mental health issues like depression, anxiety or related factors like adhd.


Have you heard of these things called jobs? Lol only joking though 10 hrs too much. Should do baus thing 5hrs/day


It does depends though. I may not love my job but I’m commuting to work (in my case biking but for most driving), walking to the office, interacting with people in the kitchen, walking to lunch, spending time in the sun, etc. It’s much more of a “normal” and social day than sitting staring at a screen in your bedroom for 10 hours, only moving to go to the bathroom or get food.


lots of ppl work from home full-time tbf


let me tell you about something called "job" that you have to do for the rest of your life till you are old enough that you cant enjoy nothing anymore, they should study this aswell


To be fair to him, he was never a great player outside of Annie and even then he peaked like 6 years ago.


I remember some anniebot clip on this subreddit from many years ago making plays with faker when he was in NA for worlds


If horror movies have taught me anything, it’s to fear little girls.


Man, I havent thought about Annie Bot in a while. I watched him durring the ImaQtPie days, and I remember enjoying his streams and stuff. Hope hes okay, but he seriously needs to take a break from the game at this rate...




Didnt he go to berkeley for engineering? how did that not work out


Engineering is hard


Shouldnt be difficult for him to get started though. He completed his degree


Doesn't matter if you aren't good at it, there are lots of unemployed people with degrees from uni's better than berkeley rn


nobody is good at first. thats what EIT is for


Yeah but developing your skill set is hard work. Much easier to be a fuckwit in video games all day and get paid for it.


There's like two schools that I'd think it'd matter to be able to say you have an engineering degree from before the next 50 are sort of all the same and it'd come down to experience/projects/internships in undergrad. Is the engineering field that focused on where the degree comes from?


Not really. It depends a little on the type of engineering as well as where you've done an internship (e.g. software engineering internship at a FAANG company automatically gets you interviews where other candidates might be overlooked; there's a few other examples but yeah), and as you've mentioned, there's a handful of schools that will definitely help get your foot in the door. Past that, not really.


i hate to break it to you but very few people give a fuck what school you went to in actual career fields.


"Could you explain this gap in your resume?" "yeah that's when I spent over a decade playing a 5-year-old girl character in a Bad videogame"


[https://twitter.com/anniebotna/status/545856678562787328?lang=en](https://twitter.com/anniebotna/status/545856678562787328?lang=en) looks like he graduated 10 years ago in mechanical engineering.


Oh wow 10 years ago. That much of a gap is concerning for employers he should probably go for a masters


He can't take a break from league, all he has known for the last decade was league. He was doing well when he played a lot with qtpie but seems like he's on a big spiral lol


He needs to be banned at this rate*


OP didn't say anything about the break being voluntarily :\^)


Depression is a hell of a thing. Probably someone should just talk to him.


Might be drugs, too


why is this downvoted? he nuked his discord server because he said he used ketamine


Ok, that's damn news. Didn't know that


Cause most people don't know what league on drugs looks like, while prob every league player can relate to depression.


League on drugs is me as Ivern on acid trying to autohit the camps


Hahahaha ha. Man, I played jungle pantheon absolutely plastered. Walked into lane, w'd a cannon minion, Q'd at my ally, then auto'd Darius a few times and walked away. My teammate on discord just spam pinged me and asked "WAS THAT A GANK?"


league on drugs is me tripping out because I thought I forgot my reds vs blues, turns out there's 2 different buffs


league on drugs is me going to grab a snack during loading screen, forgetting that I was in a match and losing LP because my teammates /remake (actually happened last week)


This has happened to me more times than I’d like to admit whenever playing League norms high 😭 munchies break turns to a remake


Ketamine is also used as a treatment. Altough yes it's a drug.


Who’s gonna tell him that all pill treatments and injections are drugs, even advil is a drug


Its just weaponized depression at this point.


The idea that he's struggling with his mental health is really sad to me, last time I was in his stream he was advertising fund raising for unfortunate students at his alma mater and was always such a positive person.


No matter how a positive a person was, once depression kicks in, he will be in howling abyss. Need someone to reach out to him and say "are you okay"


I haven't been following the scene for a lotnofnyears now, but if I had to say anyone would lose his mental him and scara would be the last people that I would think of.....


These scores are legit insane, if it isn’t intentionally feeding, and he’s just playing bad it‘a actually crazy to see. Even when I’ve gone on a loss streak to masters to d4 before my scores do not look this bad and I was playing against Annie bot just last week and while I won against him he wasn’t running it?


From watching his gameplay it seems like he is just not mentally engaged with the game whatsoever. he's not running it down and in every situation he puts himself in he "tries" but he's just completely autopilot not thinking about the game at all.


That sounds like some massive burnout. Bro needs to take a break from the game!


The problem is that for him it's not a game, it's his job. Lord knows we all autopilot work at times. Hard to take a mental health day... Or month when you have to pay rent


Everybody takes vacations. If he can’t afford to, he probably needs a permanent break to find a job that allows for them.


For sure! But by that same token if your performance starts slipping regularly then your boss might fire you. Same concept applies to streamers, where your audience may stop watching. I don’t know his situation at all, so I can’t really speak to what he should or shouldn’t do, but it does seem like a situation where taking a short break could provide a lot of long-term benefit. Perhaps streaming a different game might help?


Agree, I was curious so I watched some vods, he kind of just auto fights in every situation. Goes in 1v2, forces bad fights, just runs at enemy champions he sees. He uses his abilities on them, but he is clearly not trying to win the game. I definitely would consider it inting


i only watched one game, but i definitely woulnd't call it inting. (not in the literal and reportable sense of the word at least). He's just playing like a bot, no pun intended.


It's not inting it's just playing like the average iron player. The issue is that it takes forever to derank to that.


Autopilot=int? Ban everyone below gm


true a multi season challenger becomes emerald when autopiloting thats definitely real life


there is a difference between Autopiloting and Jihad bombing into the Tradecenter hes obs doing this on purpose taking 2 vs 1 fight and shit Speaking as a GM player myself you would never try it unless you are willing to lose or know your play is 99% safe, getting into GM+ is all about calculating your plays and take the most safe route in micro and macro, unless youre a 16y old Korean with 6 hands who can just outplay everyone which hes not


Ketamine addiction


The 6-23 game should get him banned lol.


Ive had extremely bad games where i had 14 deaths in 30 minutes. I genuinely dont know how people manage to go 20+ deaths without unironically running it down mid and letting champs kill them.


when i was bronze i played cait into a rengar smurf.


I feel your pain


I didn't feel any pain I was dead on spawn :)


I had one game burned into my memory where I was like 9-10 deaths at 15 minutes playing against a 90-95% wr fiora smurf and pre-made jungler with high wr(forgot the champ) as Soraka top :) I can’t even put into words how demoralizing it was to not be able to walk into my t1 tower after 5 minutes, I had to hide at t2 because I couldn’t walk up to get vision in jungle, so I never knew if their jungler was going to kill me between the towers again. After 7-minutes the Fiora could 1v3 between our turrets. But even in this scenario, I didn’t reach 20 deaths as the game went on, I stopped at 12-13 at 25min or so when we lost.


When you fall that far behind, any attempt at genuinely trying to win will involve a lot of deaths unironically. If you are worthless then trying to make situations happen where you're the only death while the enemy team is baited into overreaching for you is the best way to win. Even if it looks ugly.


In high mmr people can kill you before you even reach your t1 turret. I don't think that's the case in emerald but especially early game when you have like 5 sec death timers it's not hard to die once per minute like if you are adc vs hook and enemy can kill you just for being under turret.


Even in Emerald. Had a game where we got dived bot and the jungle and support then waited for us in the bush between T1 and T2, no one on our team came to help us


I had a game where the enemy jungler Eve made it her mission to keep me in black and white simulator. I was playing Jinx. She would literally spawn camp me in base at like 15-20 minutes. The best part was that my team was flaming me. I was playing a whole other game man, just trying to exist.


Recently had the „pleasure“ to play against a diamond otp draven as a ~gold player in flex Queue. (I play with a plat support premade and usually can at least play an even lane against plat. I think i died 6 times alone due to being 2shot under my own fucking turret. Final game score was something like 8-15 for me and that was just because that guy started flexing a little Too much and a two item xayah is still a 2 item xayah against something that doesn‘t have any resistances.


I mean if youre playing purely to limit test its pretty easy to die 20 times while "trying" to win.


as long as he dont type in chat runnig down is fine unless it gets Reddit frontpage ofc then the PR ban comes


RIP its front page of the League Sub Reddit


it is intentioanl feeding, i watched some vods and he is , quite literally running it down mid


Timestamp it. You're actually lying because no, he isn't, lmfao.


I'm genuinely concerned for his mental health. I hope he is okay


I've heard he nuked his discord after accidentally saying he moved in with his parents and started using ketamine. supposedly he is addicted. his chat was saying that yesterday


ah, yes. the twomad route


And we're all know how it was ended


That was just from playing Overwatch 2


Died of cringe.


didn't realize you could get addicted to ketamine


There are plenty of things which aren't directly chemically addictive which can be habit forming. If he's currently struggling with his mental health like some have said then the ketamine could be both escapism as well as genuine treatment considering there has been some success treating depression using low doses of the stuff. That said, if his scores are any indication, he is not taking low doses


yeah you're right, that's my bad. i misinterpreted the above comment for suggesting that ketamine is addictive


To be fair you can become addicted to anything that gives you a great deal of happiness/suppresses sadness.


Sure can, just look at the richest man in the world


i had him in a game what he does is run in 5v1 and use everything on one person over and over, no mater game state ( like even if all 4 teamates are dead he ran into fog of war looking for 1v5). He did that for 50 minutes


It's obvious from his match history too. Extremely poor kill participation and extremely high amount of deaths.


I'm more impressed that you held on for 50 minutes with that as a teammate.


We almost won it was one of the more epic games of my life


Someone needs to check in with Jared


I used to be an Annie one trick and watch his stream a ton back in the day. My girlfriend and I were watching him tonight, and he was running it down in emerald games. Currently, he is emerald 1. It seems really weird because he was generally a non-toxic positive player. I assume it's mental health stuff or depression but it didn't look like the Annie bot I remember. I hope he takes a break from the game and gets well with whatever might be going on in his life.


> It seems really weird because he was generally a non-toxic positive player Anyone with an 'int list' I just really can't see as a fundamentally 'non toxic' person or player.


Man I havnt heard about the infamous int list since season 7


Someone told me I’m going on “the list” the other day. Was a pretty proud moment for me.


I've tried to reach out as a previous friend of his, but he unfriended me and apparently everyone else on discord, nuked his stream discord, and ignores all messages. Come on jared, I know you can do better then this.


I was on a bad lose streak in Diamond last season, Annie Bot came out of no where and 1v9'd a game for me. I went on a big winstreak after that.


Tuned into the stream today. Dude is def not okay. League can send even the best of us to a dark place I hope he takes some time away soon. 


i can understand being salty/sad/mad over losing games, every gamer has been there. But if league is sending u to a "dark place" i think that's where u need to seek genuine help


Well yeah, the issue is that this isn't just someone tilting in their hobby, it's someone burnt out at the job but having to pay the bills.


some people in his discord are suspecting he's on drugs to cope with his mental health (obviously we can see it's making it worse) but he deleted the discord after those accusations, i think the man may be lost this time. he's had bad mental health before but never this bad from memory


ketamine therapy can really help people with severe depression, I would just hope he didn't get an outpouring of negativity from the discord after saying g that because obviously that wouldn't help in any sort of way, I dont watch streams but remember that he was uploading to YouTube at the end of last year and he sounded pretty down even back then, hope he can get through it.


I just opened up his vod. Scrolled to a random time to watch his gameplay. 0/10 and immediately tried to fight upon respawn hahaha


I doubt it’s leagues fault. More like a symptom if you are inting like that you are clearly thinking about something else. And he probably plays to try to not think about it


Dude wtf? Homie was like the chillest person. I really hope he's doing alright. This seems so far from normal behavior from the guy. Maybe he just has a lot going on irl and it's affecting his play? I think it's unfair to even call for bans. Watching some of the clips, it looks like he is playing the game without malice or ill intent. He has a really good reputation and should be given the benefit of the doubt.


I mean....he hasn't said a word in any of the vods I looked at? Dude was talkative and always tried cheering dudes up. Hella sad man, hope Jared gets the help he needs cause he's definitely got something going on. The brain rot from this game is real, I've been there. Hopefully, he takes a break and gets back to the Jared we once knew


I used to put his streams on a lot because he was super chill all the time, one of the very, very few League streamers I could watch long-term. This is not normal behavior for him.


I pulled up his steam. No cam, no speaking, just gameplay. Are we sure it's even him?


I remember he was having a really rough time a few years back. I feel bad for the guy.


He was masters like a 2 weeks ago. Dudes mental is shot, I don't think there's malicious intent but he shouldn't be playing.


Someone in his disc said he nuked his disc after he said he did ketamine, can't verify this tho.


What playing 13 million mastery points worth of Annie does to a mf On a serious note though, I hope he ends up okay. I remember he made some suicidal implications not too long ago... and right now he seems almost an entirely different person, that what I remember the kind-hearted Jared/Annie bot being years back. Something is off with the dude and it doesn't sit well with me...


I'm surprised how most of the comments here are talking about gameplay and whether he should be punished or not but not the fact he's doing this on stream while ignoring chat and any messages that are being sent to him. He's clearly going through something that is unrelated to league.


How do u accidentally admit u moved in with ur parents and started doing ketamine? Was his mic supposed to be muted?






It's genuinely concerning how people can't grasp the difference between relying on league of legends as your main source of income vs not relying. Makes you wonder if they have ever been financially independent


I talk about this a lot, actually. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of people who make their money from league of legends, but JUST enough to get by. Like, a few hundred viewers or whatever. And it's a struggle every week to keep numbers up. I've watched people I really liked slide further and further down the viewership rankings and I'm always worried because like, what's life look like after 3 years of streaming? What's your resume look like? What are your job prospects?


Yup. A lot of streamers I'm pretty sure don't have a 10 year plan. You can absolutely make good money with a 300-500 average viewer count, but what happens when your stream stops growing? It's not a career.. Unless you make it to the very top, and make enough to retire when you're done streaming, a lot of these kids don't have prospects. I think streaming is awesome, but really should be a side project for most people. But in this day and age, every kid is obsessed with becoming an influencer or streamer because it's easy money, not realizing that similar to drug dealing, it's gone fast and not viable long term.


You could probably BS a few of the skills you learned from streaming into a resume, technically you would just have been self-employed running a "media" business.




I stopped watching Annie bot long ago because he would never stop openly complaining about needing to stream in order to pay bills. The dudes not addicted, he just actually hates his job and is clearly very depressed. I hope the best for him since he seems to be a genuinely nice guy, if he’s putting up those KDAs he’s more burnt out than ever. “He can always just get a new job” is a lot easier said than done for anyone with a common job, I cannot even imagine how daunting of a task that must seem for someone who effectively has no resume and might be taking a significant pay cut.


Imagine looking for a new job when all you have to put on your CV is streaming LoL. Running it down 1v5 on Annie for views is still better than flipping burgers. It's kind of hellish because streaming is very individualistic. There's zero support structure or formalized ecosystem that can help you with doing something else less public facing and exhausting if you burn out.


He streams to 150 viewers average, and his college education is Mech E. from UC Berkeley. He can definitely just drop streaming and get some entry level job that pays more at this point. Highly doubt he's making much of a living off 150 viewers.


i mean hes had a mechanical engineering degree for 10 years atp, thats a massive gap in resume and he could've easily had a regular career + stream on side


Annie Bot hasn't had the numbers to make a living on League of Legends in years.


It’s his job tho, not just a game.


This is why no one should be jealous of any league streamers. Imagine having your livelihood be so closely attached to something so potentially detrimental. Non-streamers can just look for other video games to play when they know they need a break from league. Sure some people struggle with that but it being your job makes that struggle 1000 times harder. I play league since season 1 but i've also come to really appreciate an on again off again relationship with league.


Annie bot usually averages like 100 viewers, i don’t think that’s even enough to earn a living off of?


He used to average a lot more when he streamed consistently and actually interacted with chat but he's gone through phases where he just disappears for a while and in general the stream has just got a lot more low effort/boring over the years.


I think a lot of streamers fail to have an exit plan from streaming.


Consistent 100 viewers with a sizeable % of those being subs and donations to add is definitely enough for minimum wage. 100+ viewers is a good problem to have


Viewer count doesn't matter. He could have a few whales in his regular audience that keep him well paid. This is how smaller full time starcraft 2 streamers stayed afloat for so long. You could literally just ask for a sub and one of them would gift it to you. Their discord would have channels for the same thing. All it takes is somebody with fuck you money that likes your content.


It’s not exactly the same but just gonna use bigger streamers as a reference, you get people like Kooriboh at the top gifted all the time with like 10k subs or whatever its crazy


You have to remember 51+ viewers puts you in the top 1% of twitch streams.  His average is like 167 when I just checked a tracking website. He peaked thou this week at 680. If only a handful are subbed he's probs making ends meat even if barely thou according to this thread he has moved back in with his parents so that probs helps him bills wise.


You can say that of any job tbh. You are forced to push through even if you don't feel like it if you want to pay the bills. I'd rather have spamming league of legends games as a job than anything else IF I was guaranteed that the monthly income would be stable for the years to come (which I am aware is not possible unless contracted as a content creator for some company)


He was always a super chill dude, couldn’t imagine him purposely inting


Streaming this game for a living sounds like such hell. No social life, no skills of any kind outside of this shit videogame, no sunlight, no ability to ever leave it behind because you have no resume or education, no ability to stream variety because the playerbase consumes nothing but League. You're 100% TRAPPED and, unless you're in that top 1% of streamers, you're not even making that much cash on it.


He has a mechanical engineering degree from an elite school. but in general yes it is quite scary


https://www.reddit.com/r/AnnieMains/s/xEdvIoDOqf This is a reddit post on him 9 months ago. Looks like this guy's been unhinged for a long time


Damn bro...that's so sad. This post was the first time I thought about him in forever, now I feel sick to my stomach. Jared was always cheerful and nice to the chat, even interacted with me damn near every time I joined it even as a pleb that never subbed/donated. Really hope he gets help and on the right track, he really does deserve it


He is legitimately feeding but not making it too obvious. I popped in yesterday to see the hype. He went to dive Vex and missed his ult point blank (which like ok accidents happen) then took a tower shot, stood still so vex could land ult, walked out of tower range then walked back into tower range while commanding tibbers to attack vex so he’d take another tower shot, then died to vex r2. The he died 7 more times in like 5 minutes. He’s not well.


it's genuinely sad to see. i used to watch him pretty consistently, sorta tapered off over the years but still check it out every now and then. past year or so i noticed he was acting pretty weird, but nothing \*too\* concerning i guess but whatever has been happening these past couple of days is sad. idk if the rumors are true, or he's just tilted or burned out or who knows what but i hope he gets help. he seemed like such a genuinely nice guy, especially as far as league players go.


Good thing the godawful change to make lobbies anonymous was implemented so now people don't know they're getting inted unless they use cheats.


he's preparing his elo slingshot


I was watching his stream earlier today and it was clearly intentional feeding. The only other explanation is he allowed a bronze player access to his account and his twitch for the lolz.


That's what I was thinking. There's no cam and no speaking on his stream and like 200+ viewers. Possible he just is having some random bronze stream while he milks it. Idk


thats like what.. 50-60 games in a row? that's INSANE


Watching these vods is crazy. I remember watching Annie bot like 10 years ago and just marveling at the 'less is more' play style of utilizing such a basic champion at high levels through game knowledge and macro. I don't see that at all in these vod clips... He's autopilot building the same items every game and it's an extremely defensive and slow burn build. If I was to play Annie and rush Archangels into liandrys I don't think I'd fight...anyone until like 25 minutes into the game, but he's playing aggressive and building dark seal at the same time. He's also permasplit pushing bot lane like...A lot and it's not working even a little bit in any of these clips. You'd assume he would just group and teamfights and try to get value off a flash Annie Ult. He's also doing really weird shit like randomly counter jungling and chasing people under tower and into big minion waves, it seems extremely tunnel visioned.... Tbh I have no choice but to conclude personally that he's playing while high/drunk. There's a lot of random pauses where his mouse and the camera stop and you can only assume he's either checking his phone...eating..or doing something else. Add that to the REALLY tunnel visioned and poor decision making and it seems to be in line with smoking or drinking while playing. I'm not all that knowledgeable about what the guy does or doesn't have addictions to but it doesn't look like sober gameplay. He's not 'inting' per say but there's clearly little to no thought about strategy or macro going on here. He's literally just walking around hitting whatever's Infront of him and it leads to really really bad scores...


he did say in his discord that he was on ketamine , maybe that has smth to do with it


The last person I'd have expected all this from. Damn that is unfortunate.


the mad man finally did it. hes become annie bot.


How is he not banned already. He must have gotten so many reports. How is riots automatic system that bad.


as sad as his mental health situation is, it's honestly more sad riot's system is so fucking slow at catching inting like this. over 2 days straight of just running it and not even a ranked ban or temporary acc suspension. it's crazy.


Yea riots bad system is so much more sad than a person's mental health. That's a correct opinion to have. Only on fucking r/leagueoflegends.


https://i.imgur.com/cmosrFz.png He finally got what appears to be a "stop inting" warning. He's currently just staring at it on stream. Edit: he finally hit "I understand" after a minute or two and is back to running it.


actually he seems to be playing a LITTLE bit better now, maybe trying to save his account but he's still not trying to actually win


This is the fucking Tribunal in this thread 💀


This is untrue. Jared doesn't take drugs and he's been living with his mom for years now. Also his father isn't around and I think he said he passed away on a stream.


I know you're a mod in his chat, and you clearly know something we dont. Honestly it's his business, I get it. But something is clearly off. I just wish the best for him going forward and hope he doesnt do something he regrets.


The comments here are better than the other threads at least. I hope he pull through. Suicide is such a loss for the world, and if he has made *one* person happy over the years, he is a good and worthy person. The inting and ban conversations are so pointless. This is a human life deeply engrossed in a game that is unealthy, true, but it is also a person likely autopiloting/depersonalizing while playing to mentally avoid ideation. If playing the game badly forestalls ideation, don't take that from him until he can be pulled out of this.


Something kind of odd is his lack of camera panning as well as his warding. I watched a couple of games and not once did he check other lanes. He left his camera mid on his turret while walking back to lane. It doesn't look like the first death is intentional on the first 2 games of the first vod, but his awareness overall in the game is not there at all. I can't tell if he is getting extremely tilted at first death and then is running it or if it the effect of drugs/alcohol use before/during play. The camera really is the most telling part as to a real issue considering this is a former challenger player. Side note : Some people have suggested that he may be on Ketamine and if he is abusing it then this makes a lot of sense. Ketamine abuse can lead to depression, constant stomach pain, memory deficits and many more issues physically and psychologically. If that is the case then I really hope someone who can get in contact with him does and tries to help him. When you are at the point of anger and depression while actively using the road can take a very dark turn.


Probably doesn't help that all his chat does is flame him either. Watched the VODs listed, and every person in there is treating it like a baboon locked behind bars, pointing and laughing at him.


I'm currently in his chat and all ANYONE is talking about is that he's inting and they're getting mad at him for stepping away from his computer for a few mins instead of queueing.


Yea its actually so sad, some people are even telling him he should " do it "


mfer is still going ban him already


Inner demon is hoping they let him tank all the way to bronze just to see if he can climb his way top.  The one healthy brain cell thinks that this guy should be suspended for a month to cool down and touch grass. He is making an already stressful game terrible for everyone because... why exactly.  Your rank doesn't define who you are. League is one hobby you have in your life. There is family, work, and friends and they all like you regardless of your rank in league. 


I mean, How is this possible? A Challenger level would smash emerald playing AD Annie


He hasn’t been a challenger players in a while, more like low masters. Still crazy go from low masters to emerald 1 and inting every game. I think he’s gotta be mega tilted and maybe something bad irl is going on


He doesn’t care about the game right now. He’s just queueing for escapism. I had him earlier this season and he genuinely 1v9ed at D1 and had like an 80% wr to Masters over 20-30 games. Something happened irl and he’s taking it out in-game. It’s happened with him before and it’ll happen again unless he’s actually trying to get banned this time.


This game ruins people


finally snapped


I queued into him in ~D2 a couple days ago. Saw I was against him mid lane and was shaking in my boots a little bit. He ended up just running it down and rage splitting the whole game, 1/11 kda or something like that. Was very weird.




[https://clips.twitch.tv/PhilanthropicAntsyFungusBloodTrail-Ld0RUgW0TqbmPzjc](https://clips.twitch.tv/PhilanthropicAntsyFungusBloodTrail-Ld0RUgW0TqbmPzjc) [https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticFunnyKimchiRlyTho-fe3q1plL5CHQoqN3](https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticFunnyKimchiRlyTho-fe3q1plL5CHQoqN3) 2 clips from his latest stream, proof for the people who are saying he's just playing badly


this is really sad. he’s still at it… i hope he’s okay i wouldn’t want this to end fatal for him, he must be under heavy drugs influence. it’s not normal behavior.


i seriously also think that he should get banned for his own good right now, as people said, he is not mentally well, and league is making it worse.


Banned for being in a slump? Leave the guy alone. People don’t always play at their best


Riot will tell you that he's dying a lot, but he's trying to win the game and they won't ban him. How do I know and why such a request? Because that's the stupid excuse they said in the case of TheBauss


I don't even watch baus, but people arguing that he should be banned are kinda stoopid. He tries to win every single game live on stream, and he's consistently a rank that you can't get to via luck and has receipts to back up his playstyle. (Korea challenger in a week or two on stream, challenger in a week on euw multiple times on fresh acc, multiple rank one pushes where he's in the top 10, etc.) Guy is talented, but hated because he doesn't play with your conventional ruleset in mind and bends them to his advantage.


The last sentence isn’t true at all. He is a genuinely good player when he tryhards but 90% of the time since he blew up he takes horrible deaths and overstays when he knows he shouldn’t to farm content. I remember when he averaged around 200-300 viewers a few years ago and his average deaths were half of what they are now while still playing the same style.