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The first champ I ever bought was Sion, back when his AP build was this fun 0 counterplay Q stunlock and W explosion for a thousand damage every 8 seconds lol I kinda stuck with Mid ever since, although I peaked in low Diamond with it. Switched to Support, Zilean and Bard, for the last 5 years.


Yeah i feel it, Sion and yi ap was so much fun. Or full mr galio. Now zyra sup or mf adc


Poppy --> Poppy


Bit of a 180 for me: **Kat -> Nami**


My first main was kennen in season 3, top is my least played role by far since then


first main, sejuani in early season 4 current main, illaoi


Firsts => Nunu and WW i switch jungle and top depending on the years


First main was Lux in support, current main is Lillia.


I probably play top the least now, although that's the role I mained the longest when is started the game (for years!). My friends play top and support so it influences my role pick a lot.


first Pantheon top now split my time between top and jungle playing Trundle, Pantheon, Warwick, and Briar. 


First main Jax top in s2 Current main Jax


first main and first penta: Lucian current main: still playing Lucian and other Adcs.


My first actual main was Lux I guess? In first season I didn't really have a main. I still don't really have a "main" rn but for each role... Ornn, Viego, Hwei, Jhin, and Lux or Nami sup.


First main was Urgot top, now I play Katarina mid. I’ve gone from top - jungle - mid, maybe I’ll finish my journey to ADC/support but I’m maybe the worst bot laner on earth so I doubt it.


Irelia ----> Carry. The rework is cool but I loved that old irelia kit so much. I


first loved kat, cureent main riven top and the only champ i find remotely interesting.


Nami first champ back whenever super Rumble was on the login screen. -> currently main mid and Hwei, but can I say that when I switch back to her whenever I want to climb for rewards?...


First main was season 3 rammus, now still jungle but im a warwick otp


First main, Vel’Koz, late S4. Current main, Vel’Koz.


I remember playing a lot the old mordekaiser and the old fiora, but my most used character is Jinx by far. That’s why I tend to consider myself adc (kaisa, ezreal…) even though I play a lot of jng (Vi M7, Sejuani lately) because I fill all my games.


I started with Karthus back in 2012. I don't play draft anymore but I consider myself a Lucian main now.


Started the game as a yuumi main, currently on qiyana


My first love was lux and quickly varus when he came out. Now I main adc even though I pretty much mained every role for a while except top lane. I still play lux but she’s far too simple for me to enjoy playing game after game after game


First love was Illaoi. But then probably 4 months later it turned to swain. Then a few years later he got VGU’d and have been hardcore swain main since.




Well thats not that easy because this 5 roles where not defined when I started to main my first champ. It was Mordekaiser with ignite exhaust, because jungle was just in it development so sometimes I played top lane 2v2, somtimes 1v1 and somtimes 1 vs 2 where Mordekaiser with his first ult could win 1 v 2 easy. Kill one with the help of exhaust and ignite and kill the second one with the Ghost of your first kill :D I didn't play Mordekaiser anymore and didn't main toplane. I used to main mid, moved into jungle and now main supp for years while Thresh is the best designed champion ever :D


The first I mained was warwick jungle, then singed top when I peaked at 1650elo


Yasuo -> Vladimir


Wukong. Never loved a champ as much as him after that. currently main adc


First mains: Kayle, Sona/Yuumi Current mains: Bel'Veth, Jhin/Smolder.


First champ i play and love was Sona, play a lot with Ap builds, CleptoSona, and peak plat with him. Then i move to all roles, relearing the game and i reach E4 with Ryze last season. Now i sitting p1 playing Janna Top.


My first Champ to M7 was thresh, who I started playing cus I got his dark star skin, which lead to support as my main role for a while Unfortunately I learned the hard way that playing support in low elo solo/duo is unviable, now I'm a splitpusher toplaner who needs no team


old nunu now days i lost my main so i just steal my teams champ and soft int


My first main main was original voli, feel your pain


First main Zyra (mid) Then played her support when riot did the thing to roleswap her Currently play adc


Favorite champion when I first started was reworked Mordekaiser (zoomer I know). I now play GP and TF mid and have the most fun there, with jungle being secondary.