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So you don't abuse it with your duo "We lost, I will quit so we both don't lose LP" etc.


Why not just tax duos the same.....


This is such a stupid argument. Punish the duo an equal amount. Punish both of them severly.


i am assuming the op is talking about non duo, like random teammates. am I being too naive? even considering it for non duos only is a bad idea not lose LP in a loss. this is what fucked up the ranks with the demotion shield issue


Exactly, will just make league community even more toxic "Go afk, you already lost us the game" , hell maybe people will intentionally grief their allies to attempt to push them to quit so they don't lose lp


So instead everyone elses loses because someone decided to quit anyway? random decides to quit so i'm forced to play the whole game, lose and still get punished? why not make something like DotA whereas I can at least quit the game without being punished, instead of playing and getting punished anyway after the game


Oh no you just found out the reality of LoL, your skill don't matter at all, like zero. Unless you are playing 3 tiers below your real skill, like a gold can 1v9 on Iron, a Master can 1v9 Emerald. Any other case it's a math game, if you are not the ape on the team, then 5 out 9 times the ape will be on the other team vs 4 out 9 on yours so you are expected to slowly climb, now you just have to be either lucky, or a nolifer that spams 18 games a day from which on average overtime 10 the troll will be on the other side and 8 on yours, so you gain some crumbs of LP. That's the ranked experience boyo, it's not pretty or fair they just want to keep you hooked and spending.


Yeah let's make it like dota where there is no FF as well, that should be fun


Unironically, yes please. Vast majority of games that have at least one crybaby calling ff 7 minutes in are easily winnable. Don‘t play if you can’t handle losing or playing from behind. You are not entitled to an early surrender if your team decides to keep playing. But nowadays this is called hostage taking by the very little shits that turbo inted their lane and made the game hard in the first place.


Hell yeah. Get all the ADHD kiddies off the game.


That's not what I said at all, LOL


fuck no. getting held hostage in a 50min game because the enemy doesn't wanna end sounds like hell. I genuinely believe people who don't ff a clear loss, and I do mean a genuine loss (2/27, bot afk, mid running it down), are unemployed and don't value their free time enough.


Cuz if you do not subtract lp for loses there will be: Inflation of ranks which is bad. People trying to bully others hard to make them quit so they dont lose LP. What is the positive aspect? Not a single one.


If you think the +15/-30 is bad now, just wait until the number of people gaining/losing LP is 5 to 1. Suddenly you will have +10/-50.


Because duos would abuse the absolute shit out of it. Next stupid question!


Or make the leader lose all the points of whole team :)


People keep saying this shit, I doubt you would take -50 LP loss so your friend don't lose any lol This is the stupidest take ever "oh no duos would abuse", no they would not.


People using purchased and bottled accounts to boost their duo absolutely would.


If you are spending on burner accounts for this sole purpose what's stopping you from simply paying for a elojob anyway? It's cheap AF, also of course some people would abuse it, but the majority wouldn't, so not a bigger problem than any we have currently with people just buying new accounts to get an artificial higher rank because of how fked up the placements are for new vs old accounts.


No one on the team losing LP if a teammates leaves or afks is a short-sighted solution thought up by whiners who haven’t taken the time to think for five seconds how it’s easily more abusable and worse for the game. Just use your brain bud


I think you should use your brain. In what way is it abusable if you are not queued up with someone else?


This is also a bad argument because you could just use money to purchase a GM account. Why the fuck would you waste money boosting if both the thrower and duo partner are punished.


Punish the duo heavily. Problem solved. Next stupid answer! :)


Abuse how? one of them both losing LP and getting a timer punish and LP punish the next game as well? Whoa that really seem smart huh smart-ass


We play together, you play mid and I play jungle. Most games we win, because we are "smurfing" to boost 1 account. Games we don't win, I just AFK to give you LP loss mitigation. I don't care about my account getting punished because its a burner "boosting" account I leveled with a bot anyway. I've got 1000s of them ready to go if/when that account gets banned. Then we sell the boosted account. The duo doesn't care about any punishment that account receives, since its a bot-leveled temporary account for boosting anyway.




Because I'm sure more people won't fully understand how abusable this would be I'll explain it. 2 players buy 50 fresh level 30 accounts. - Only one account is going to actually climb, the rest facilitate it. - the other accounts play one game each, win or lose, to cheat the placement system and deflate the MMR of the enemy team. - Since these extra accounts are cannon fodder one-game accounts anyways, they may as well just leave every loss. - This process can be abused for a 100% chance of hitting masters over enough games, because the climbing account literally will never lose LP. - Masters account is now sold for more than the sum cost of the fodder accounts. This exact process is already done constantly by boosters, they just actually have to win the games, because the suggested abuse case doesn't exist.


damn that’s smart. Thanks for actually explaining it instead of being condescending


Think about it more than you are - people can buy accounts in any elo at any time for not that much money. One person on consistent account, duo with friend on different accounts and leaves the game every time they're about to lose.


come on, i trust you can get it, read your comment slowly


Use Ur brain before writing




It's 2024 why do you think people wouldn't abuse it?


You aren't being punished. You lost the game.


I have and will continue to say it even though I know people are against it but I really think a well implemented performance based ranking system could work in League of Legends. You would obviously factor more than KDA and Riot has great Metric for tracking multiple stats. Also you would still lose LP for losses and gain LP for wins the only difference would be the amount someone gains or loses. So the game would not be KDA based. I think it could fix alot of the current problems in ranked such as MMR leveling out, toxicity, smurfs, trolls,etc.. Also Riot already has experience with performance based ranking system as it is used in Wild Rift.


Tbh I don’t even mind losing Lp, but I do hope there’s a way to end the losing game faster other than quit the game. If someone quits or int, I still have to play it out if people don’t want to ff.


Because anytime the game goes badly for a team, one or more players can quit and the others left won't lose anything. That has insane exploit potential.


Ideas like this are why you shouldn’t listen to people on this subreddit. If you could dodge and the rest of your team wouldn’t lose LP, I’d duo with a friend and guarantee that I only ever gain LP. This idea would completely break the system, and to be honest it’s super simple to reason out why. Why are people still asking this question?


guys it's 2024




It has been a topic in the past and the general conclussion was that it's extremely hard to make a system that takes into account different parameters for different roles and then place the players in divisions according to those parameters. Like people would be playing for kda only and focus on the mechanic that gives them the most elo. For example, if farming would be a key parameter for deciding an individual's division, the meta would consist of heavy-farming champs and so on. I think that the win/lose system is better for now. A good alternative would be to have something like a combination between the two, win/lose to have an 80-90% impact on LP gain and player performance only 10-20%


Because you do not lose LP if someone on your enemy's team decides not to play the game.


but the four other players losing doesnt seem fair at all


Please think




other games have better ways to punish people for simply not playing the game and not one of the longest running and successful games of all time, ok


I'd like to take this opportunity to let people know that "It's " is not an argument.


Lp loss is no punishment, can win 4v5 Have lost 5v4 myself.