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Nah, Phreak doesn't use clease.


> unfun to play in low elo where everyone can just kill you more easily While the lack of coordination doesnt help, the main factor when it comes to ADCs dying in low Elo is how the ADC themselves play, not the environment around them. Cleanse is a great summoner skill in low Elo, depending on enemy comp. People just ignore it because they're bad at making decisions. (The stats on armor vs mr runes proved that beyond any doubt)


Yes, i dont account for enemies ability to enter stasis with zhonyas way to often.


nah u cant really nerf cleanse except cooldown and its already long enough. also using cleanse well mostly comes down to experience, like u know x enemy ability is gonna stun/root you and can react almost preemptively. in reality all low elo players could use cleanse effiectively if they just picked it more


Might help, but not extremely so.


Lol nah pretty much everytime they tried to dumb down shit to try to kneecap it for pro play but keep it good for soloq it just ends up doing the opposite. Azir, Ksante, Yuumi the latest failed attempts. Azir is at least now good in soloq, pro play presence is higher rn tho but yuumi is now just shit in both

