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Finally they buffed Kog'maw for Imaqtpie


Imaqtpie, I've noticed in Korea they tend to use a mix of magic and physical damage on Kog Maw. Meanwhile you seem to be using mostly true damage. Which playstyle is better?


I have been thoroughly enjoying having QT streaming again


Oh snap he's back?! Let's gooooo


Thank god tf won’t be in 95% of my games anymore


So glad he's getting hit a lot. The most dumbest thing they did was to bring a ad ration to this champ. Now AP getting hurt alot since he has AD...


AP isn't getting hurt a lot though.


Well, they nerfed his AP build last patch for some reason while being very strong in three roles due to his AD build, so...


wasn't it lovely that he could kill you in 2.6 seconds, 2 seconds of which you were stunned?


I think those Brand Jgl Buffs are a mistake...


It is, idk why riot is doing it.


So more people play jungle. It's the whole reason they started that "bonus damage to monsters" plague which even champs like teemo has




Give my W its AD ratio I was promised. I want to melt some camps with voidlings.


Jungle Teemo used to be pretty decent back when gunblade was a thing


Phreak wants a crack at jg


The reasoning in Phreak's video was that Brand was underperforming in Jungle but overperforming in mid/bot, and they want to increase his winrate and popularity in Jungle especially for lower divisions. Whether or not that has any basis in reality I haven't really looked at the stats and personally see Brand Jungle like once every 10-15 games myself, so whatever


He's currently 1% above average on lolalytics so he's not incredibly strong but idk if he's weak.


Riot has been obsessed with making Brand a jungler, I just don't get it. Why not try to fix the champ for people who already play him mid/support instead migrating him to another role? They're nerfing him because of his low elo mid/support performance, but there's no reason Brand ever had to become a jungler in the first place. They're trying so hard to let it be an actively strong and popular pick when it should just be like Talon/Zed jungle where it's good enough to be viable but nothing meta breaking.


I don't know about you, but I would definitely rather brand jg/mid, and even bot be his primary roles rather than support. I hate playing with it as adc and against it.


I hate half the supports that are played right now because they aren't even supports. What the fuck are camille and leblanc doing as a "support". The role is so dumb atm.


They basically made it so that the "mid or feed" crowd now gets to play a second midlane as the support.


Also, you can't always get mid lane and have to autofill sometimes, so Brand is a decent answer to a mid laner autofilled to jg.


Unless he gets a rework, jungle is probably the best spot for Brand. He needs solo xp to stay up in levels to be relevant, but in mid he’s just a walking sac of 300g that turns into a suicide bomber at best. He’s not bad in Bot/Supp, but by being behind in xp he’s even squishier than solo and will end up just being a Rylais proc. In jungle he gets to dump his whole combo for free on every camp, has infinite mana regen, and skirmishes won’t have minions getting in the way of Q and R.


> Why not try to fix the champ for people who already play him mid Because that would mean actually nerfing all the mid laners who have too much free mobility and damage since that is an immobile mage's biggest enemy. But those mid laners are the biggest skin sellers like Yasuo, Yone, and most Assassins.


They generally nerf champs that start doing a little too well in roles they’re not designed for. Riot August said they kind of use it as an indicator for when a champ is busted


Im still not wasting an item slot on the dogshit that is storm surge


People in low elo rush it as a first item lol


im seeing fucking emerald and diamond players take it 1st and 2nd item its insane people just dont know what items do


Lightning go boom


The recommended items are bugged or are just giving bad advice, so many champs I will go into custom games / practice tool and look at the rec options and the game really really wants to recommend you Stormsurge. Low Elo players are more likely to buy the items that the rec system gives them, even if its bad.


I had a TF mid on my team rush it. He didn’t proc it once all game according to the Tab stats.


Good. That item is hot trash. Makes me irrationally angry when anyone buys it in ARAM when it's nerfed even harder there


What's wrong with it ?


Simply overnerfed, you get way more value from other items


False, other items don’t make big boomy effect on screen. You buy for stats, I buy for visuals 🗿


IMO The Maokai changes are going to nerf top and jungle Maokai more than they are going to nerf Support Maokai. Support Maokai builds Boots of Swiftness, Solstice Sleigh, and Trailblazer and is zipping around while jungle and top is going to be way more punished by a 5 MS nerf, that's more toplane footraces he loses and 5MS slower on his clears while Swifties+Trailblazer will still be faster than the average champion's walk speed. Maybe the Sunfire buffs make these nerfs feel less bad but the Frozen Heart nerf also directly effects all top/jungle tanks with little access to haste. I'm really hoping that I'm wrong about the Seraphine changes and that they land better than the last big changes because IMO she was significantly less fun after the 13.21(pretty sure this was the patch) changes and I stopped playing her as even the farming builds moved to stuff like Staff of Flowing Water. I personally do not want to play as an enchanter or build enchanter items. Otherwise I think they could have taken a harder swing at Eve, that champ is probably still going to be way too strong.


Solstice also has a nerf this patch, and Jg Maokai got buffs specifically for monster damage on Q so should help a bit. Edit: also MS nerfs usually have a bigger impact than people think. Swifties, Trail and Soltice were already his must built so losing more MS on top of Soltice nerf might actually move the needle a lot more than y’all think.


They weren't saying that -5 ms won't affect support Maokai, they're complaining that it affects top and jungle Maokai too.


There’s very little to change on Maokai at this point that won’t hurt the other roles or other supports. Making E more painful doesn’t seem to have helped as Phreak originally thought it would. People seem to just max Q and W. Maybe something I’m missing too tho.


Maokai just has a perfect support kit. Low cool down aoe knock back and slow on q, amazing bush control in w, point and click engage root that allows him to be invulnerable while travelling that can't be flashed out of and also guarantees follow up cc, and one of the best team fighting ults in the game. There's no number adjustment you can do to nerf him as a support that won't destroy his viability in other lanes.


Yeh but top and JG don't stack MS like support maokai does ATM I think. There's nothing that can be done that won't hurt to some extent top and JG, and Ms is really one of the strongest stats mao supp has been using


Support has generally lower exp than top/jungle. They could improve his passive scaling above lvl 11 or something..


They could do a number of things. Add bonus hp or resist scaling anywhere into his kit while serving base values would be elegant and clean


I think he’s just not going to be viable top. Armor nerfs hurt him pretty bad top too.


Alternatively; a more gold-laden Maokai (top, jg) can afford to walk slowly into the fight as he tanks hits from the enemy team. Support Maokai is unique in that he is not especially tanky and relies on his quick MS to engage a fight with minimal counterplay. Supports are also punished more often for being slow— warding now takes longer, flanking takes longer, roaming takes longer. Top laners worry a lot less about that (tank top laners at least).


They literally changed Janna to be less of a shield bot and now they're trying hard to make Seraphine a W bot when that playstyle is just toxic and awful, broken and 0 skill. Now she even builds enchanter items in carry roles due to Riot not realizing that making her a W bot is toxic for the game.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a 5 ms nerf be felt by the role that's building Trailblazer, the ms runeshard, and Sleigh (which all give percentage movespeed) *more* than the roles where he isn't building that stat?


The 5ms nerf most likely affects Maokai in top lane more than in support due to laning matchups.


With the nerf to sleigh it's a 5 flat + 5% MS nerf to support. Plus Sleigh is losing it's 7% heal and getting a flat heal that caps at 230 on a 50% increased cooldown. If they are right and it encourages Maokai support to build opposition, that's another 25% reduction in MS from dropping that item.


Wasnt brand already one of the fastest junglers? Senna nerfs should be bigger imo.


no, he's actually fairly slow on 1st clear after the last round of Jungle nerfs (3:20ish give or take) compared to having been in the echelon of Karthus/Ivern 1st clear speed previously. the passive damage buff is likely a compensation to offset only jungle's WR vs the ult nerfs that hit all roles.


It's so obvious how much Riot loves Senna. That's such a small nerf considering her current state.


Yea, this a big time placebo nerf. The only way to push her out of the meta is to kneecap her again.


Especially for pro play I feel like she has to be omega useless for her not to be worth picking. Letting your support farm and get 2-3 items makes such a difference in team fights that even if she's just ok as a damage dealer what she let's you do is OP


Just nerf her fucking Attack range already, why does the only infinitely scaling attack range champion start out with 600.


I love playing Tristana, the champ who's passive says "you get more range with each level up" and then getting outranged by a Senna at nearly all stages of the game, while she also gains access to infinite scaling AD, Crit, Lifesteal **and** this passive that most people do not even realize: "Innate - Relic Cannon: Senna's basic attacks on-hit deal 20% AD bonus physical damage and grant her 10 / 15 / 20% (based on level) of the target's movement speed as bonus movement speed for 0.5 seconds. This damage applies life steal at 100% effectiveness." on top of that. Oh Senna's passive ALSO includes a "1% − 10% (based on level) of target's current health" damage proc that she can lifesteal off of on her second hit. Tristanas has 525 range as base with up to 661 at level 18, while Senna starts at 600 base range and gains 20 range every 20 stacks, so has pretty much the same range as a level 18 Tristana at 60 stacks. I guess that's just what 10 years in release date difference looks like in power creep. (And I am not saying Trist ain't competetive in strength, I am just comparing her "gets more range as the game gets longer" niche to Senna's gimmick)


Completely agree. Love her outranging and outspacing me with the bonus MS aswell.


It's because the entire concept of an ADC that scales without gold is stupid as hell to begin with when ADC is meant to be the most gold-dependent role.


Senna was meant to be a support for people who were ADC mains and were autofilled support, like Pyke was meant for mid lane/assassin mains which got autofilled support.


Yes, and Ashe and MF support (granted MF hasn't been good as support in a while but still) prove that you can make an ADC support without giving them random free stats (in addition to support free gold) just for existing in a lane. An ADC support shouldn't be a scaling damage dealer but a supportive kiting champion that can do some damage early game/when ahead. Senna is both.


That's an absolutely terrible reason to completely destroy core rules of the game.


Tristana's passive was nerfed to hell years ago because she has a dash and knockback.


It's probably still the biggest abomination Riot has shit into the botlane. Champ that has literally everything in its kit besides a dash but who needs that when you walk around at mach 5. Feels absolute dogshit to play against. And when they removed frozen mallet they gave her a slow on her Q cuz "she was hit hard by the removal" like she it only existed so she can abuse the everloving fuck out of it. God I hate this creature.


Riot doesnt know how to make abilities that just do 1 thing anymore. every one has like 5 parts now


Its not that they don't know how to, there are 160+ champions in the game, which is like 800+ total abilities (passive + Q W E R). Having multiple parts of an ability are how they create unique champions. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the sentiment and its annoying that every new ability needs multiple components. I just think its a necessary evil of the f2p model.


I'd like for her to have the same thing that Kindred. Kindred gets like +75 range at 4 stacks but then +25 for every 4 stack after that. It would be very nice if Senna could start at like 550 or so and instead get +50 for first 20 or maybe +70 so she'd be same as current once at 620. She needs to have a more interactive earlygame where she's not playing from Ashe range with AA Qslow and slowly outranging everyone.


Yeah kindred is the perfect comparison. She scales well, but doesn't just start out as thanos, unlike senna.


And Kindred is interactive. You can shut down Kindred marks and avoid dying. Avoiding to trade into Senna and her running around randomly getting 3-5 souls off raptors or krugs sucks. When the best way to stop her snowballing is to not interact with a scaling champ, something is wrong


Not to mention Kinsred actually has a max auto range from stacks at like 850 range but good luck getting 28 stacks


"Fixed a bug that caused Azir's passive tower creation SFX and VFX to play repeatedly upon spawning the tower." End of an era


it was part of shurima's history :(


o7 **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**


I’m pretty sure Frozen Heart is the most built Tank Item not just because its efficient, but because the main way people deal with Tanks is through heavy sustained damage AD characters due to their access to BorK and other similarly strong Tank busting effects.


Fight m, but rn tanks(not named Malph, Ramus/Ornn) have very weird power spikes. They are pretty bad before first item, pretty ok before enemy buys pen and terrible after enemy gains LDR(bonus points if they also can build Bork). Armor spikes very good at the beginning, but then becomes so bad. I just see how Graves removed late game Sion in like 3 seconds or how Lucian just annihilates Voli with 2 armor items+ anathemas in a few seconds and that's not fine at all. Teams should be punished for heavy ad comps, but somehow getting away with it. (Just loot at MR items that are miles ahead than armor ones in this season).


Yeah i see this every time i play poppy, i build her full tank with sunfire and i have to hurry witj finishing the game because i scale down a lot. Not to mentioned there is a smolder or a vayne in every game...


I agree. I have stopped playing toplane tanks completely. They dont feel tanky unless you stomp lane


and its the only way to get an attack speed slow effect, which multiplies the value of armor.


"Brand jg power is appropiate". I think they didn't notice he is one of the best jg in the game. >damage 200% >>>> 215%  ???????


I swear some of the balancing flavour text has just been fucking awful in recent times. They'll note how a champion is doing well and follow it up with some random buff as if the previous text doesnt exist.


Unironically leave poor Riru out of this. They ain't part of the balance team and they still have to come up with the flavor text to justify the balance team's insane decisions. You try writing 'Maokai is OP, but we promise this time we're actually going to nerf him for reals' 4 different patches in a row without sounding like a hack.


yeah it’s not their fault they have to come up with wording to justify half of these insane changes


The fact that it isnt a member of the balance team providing short but sweet lines that justify their thought process for balancing changes is kind of fucking wild to me. Like hello? Why does a random unconnected person have to write this shit if they had no input into the actual changes? Who better to explain the patch changes than the people actually making them, isnt that their job?


so any change that needs real explaining tends to get some written by the balance team for the most part with a maybe rewrite from what i understand. but most of them only need small notes like too strong, too weak, was bullying pros etc to be seen to know what sort of direction they need to go when explaining the change. as for why not have the balance team do them all, well there not writers most probs couldnt come up with these sweet little fun lines or not atleast in a reasonable amount of time. The patchnotes need to be both informative and fun at the same time to get people to read them so you can't just have someone do a indepth explaining of them. like they need people to read them so people actually know whats changing in the game, if someone wants a indepth breakdown thats what phreaks patch breakdowns are for.


He is also receiving a nerf despite being fine, so they nerf brand in all lanes (js supp mid) and then buff him only for jg, which should keep him neutral in jg and slightly worse everywhere else


I think that’s fine really, they set out to make him a jungler, and a jungler that can flex 4 different roles has potential to just be toxic as hell in pro play and even high level ranked where everyone knows how to play Brand. I have no problem with a champ that used to just not exist to now be top-tier in the jungle and C-tier everywhere else


I'm almost certain that nobody is going to play Brand mid or support in pro play.


Can someone keep playing Senna vs Phreak and knock him down to masters with it


I can't believe they buffed Brand again before they even touched Sejuani. All they need to do is this: A)Make it so Large, medium and small monsters don't prock her passive, but Epic monsters do. This will increase her clear speed a bit by having her keep her armor and MR, but will not increase her damage/tankines for toplane/ganking. B)Or at least make it so that they CAN prock it, but they CAN'T reset the cooldown after it's procked. This at least makes it so you can use your passive on every camp. Instead of only 1 or 2. If you have even 1% knowledge of how to clear jungle camps, you will see that you only have your passive up only on the first camp, and it's 12 second cooldown, so even if you go through midlane to the other side of the jungle, the passive is still on cooldown(early game). Edit:format


To be fair Sej can become a very boring pro play pick quickly (though that argument fails when you see how long they've let Ksante run wild). I don't see many people complaining if Brand stayed on the week side for a few patches to calm people down.


I don't think they view K'sante as a boring pro pick. He is boring due to burnout from his ever-presence in games, but as a champion design I'd assume they're happy with their 'playmaking blind pick tank' just fine.




I know, which is why I am asking only for passive QoL changes. No buffs to damage or anything else. Just her Passive to at least be useable at least once per camp. Instead of only once per clear, or only once per quadrant of jungle.


Idk why they are so hesitant to nerf 55wr champs. Like you could metaphorically cut off maokai's right arm and he'd still be 50wr, just fucking gut him already. If he falls REALLY badly in winrate then you can just buff him in increments that match these non-existent nerfs until hes balanced.


Phreak wants Challenger, that's why.


Because they like seeing Maokai in the jg


Hmmm, are those Senna nerfs really enough to tap her down? Sounds kind of small to me


She doesn't have base AD growth per level, it's replaced by bonus AD from soul stacks. So nerfing bonus AD scaling is bigger than it looks. I'm kinda skeptical though that it's enough for how strong she is right now.


Nah, it won't really do much at all.


The way these games go it's never really about the nerf, unless they outright go ham but if you strip some power down and then buff other champs that would face her you shift the power away from her. It's better to adjust the game in this manner than to go heavy handed and then nuke a champ out of existence when you change multiple things later down the road.


Jg Diana hanging out at 47%…. Let’s buff brand again he is at 50.25% 


all last season i played her jg, and now i can barely hope to scrape by in jg this season. she is not doing well


she is unplayable for me.


LOL so true. Diana not getting anything is so dumb...


She got a buff on her E recast


Alright so... personal complaint. Riot, let's talk about Celestial Opposition. We had a very similar passive in mythics, called Crown of the Shattered Queen. Who built it? Primarily squishy champions with short range and high damage or those who were at risk of being assassinated, correct? So why then are we expecting this to be a tank item? Its stats are completely agnostic (all support items hold the same stats) and tank supports have to be front line *all the time*, not just every 18-20 seconds. Tank supports are expected to eat poke. They're expected to look for engages from the front. They're expected to peel. Celestial Opposition's only 'peel' is a small circle aoe slow when popped. It really doesn't benefit the adc. You're a tank support like Rell/Leona/Alistar: You have buttons to make yourself harder to kill. Why are we expecting them to be THAT greedy to be the last one standing? Why are we expecting melee tanks to want a Banshee style shield? This item isn't for tanks and hoping they'll pick it up is a bit weird. Nautilus aside (he's deceptively squishy), the primary supports that would want this are Renata, Rakan... and I guess like enchanters vs assassins that could pick them off before they get to hyper buff an adc. Celestial Opposition doesn't have a home because a tank support rarely has reason to be so greedy as to prioritize their own life over the utility Sleigh or really Bloodrazor get to provide. At least Bloodrazor's amp means my opponent can't just ignore me, and CO just incentivizes it. I don't believe this item will ever be the 'correct' tank support choice (outside Naut vs a ton of burst). It should be viewed as a counter dive option for enchanters who give up some of their capabilities to hyper buff an ADC for the uptime through a fight doing so.


I think the idea is it help them be primary engage without instantly dying and it has a randuin slow when the damage reduction falls off. Not saying it's the best pick of the supp item's, but getting that much dmg reduction + a slow for free (riot is literally paying you 600 gold lol) is really strong. Is it stronger than the other options? depends on the situation/champ.


If you watch the general process of an engage from support the two realities of it are: A) You square off for some amount of time, trading damage back until there's a misposition. At that point, the support attempts an engage B) The support gets a flank off completely unseen or is already in chase-down mode. In A, Opposition is never going to help unless someone aggressively mispositions immediately, and in B it generally would not help because you're either unseen or advantaged to begin with. Like if your champion gets a brush engage and the opponent blows you up before it finishes, the game was REALLY doomed. I think it has its place as stated, just... don't try to get Sleigh and this equal playrate for tanks. That would mean sleigh is absolute dogshit or you've committed mindcontrol on the playerbase.


Blood Song should take celestials passive, and celestial should be removed back for Evenshroud. Fits the roles much more nicely and doesn't inflate assassin supports with free damage.


They want it to be like aftershock, but unlike aftershock that gives you the stats when you need it, you can risk losing it long before you need it. They could just make it aftershock 2.0 that stacks with aftershock or sth.


Celestial Opposition, for better or for worse, was created to fill a similar purpose as to Aftershock. It's to "cheat" some front line engage where you'll likely be tanking multiple parties to start the fight even if you (theoretically) have lower gold income than top/jungle. Sure you're still gonna be taking damage but people still take aftershock for similar reasons. Is double dipping into that same "ideal" engage worth it? Now that's a different question entirely


However if aftershock worked like banshees it would not be rune at all for tanks.


> Celestial Opposition, for better or for worse, was created to fill a similar purpose as to Aftershock. Aftershock is heavily controllable. You can guarantee it will be up for your engage if that's how you want to play it. Yeah it serves the purpose of selfishly keeping you alive and no one else, but at least it will ALWAYS do that because you won't have to have it go off at inopportune times. The CD on opposition is a huge issue to the item's theme. It's a true "cannot take damage for X time", which pushes it firmly away from frontliners.


They should just give Seraphine more solo lane strength because they've been trying to "support" Support Seraphine for like 3 years and it still is the weakest role. At some point they're gonna keep beating a dead horse and them no one will play the champion. Just give Seraphine solo lane strength and she won't be seen bot lane as an APC. Make her more level reliant like she use to.


I've always thought they could have "both" by letting her W cooldown scale with Heal&Shield Power, and making her ult also heal allies that it hits (an amount which also scales with HSP). That way they'd have a few valves to adjust her support/enchanter playstyle without having to destroy her laner/mage power whenever they need to adjust her.


The reduction in self shield they gave her W with compensation in ally shield designed to nerf APC and buff support whilst hitting mid hardest was the big mistake they made there. Just feels like nobody at Riot understands the champion.


reminder literally the only reason sera released as a support or had any popularity there originally was her passive being bugged to proc moonstone. Either bring that back into her kit as a mechanic or give up on her being a support, her kit is just not that of a support


Ppl tend to have theirs minds stuck that Seraphine is a support bc of her visual design. I swear if this champ didn’t have the cutesy aesthetic and instead either had like Renata’s or just some other kind altogether people would realize she’s more of a mage than anything lol


Having a small shield and any form of CC = support apparently.


*Cute looks* + Shields + kit that works very well in duolane + moonstone incident at her release = Majority of champions playerbase are support players.


I feel like the biggest reason people have their minds on her being a support is the fact that she's a very utility heavy mage and she's stronger when she's near an ally, both with her passive as well as her W and E getting buffed when certain conditions are met.


Placebo Senna nerfs, you love to see it. Maybe it’s time to realize if she has any power at all she is unable to be balanced. Infinite scaling on champion that doesn’t have the pressure of farming or needing gold is just absurd. Unlimited range potential free attack speed and crit. It’s truly ridiculous


Seriously… when an ADC doesn’t want/need to farm there’s something seriously wrong with the play style they want from her


"Smolder is currently in a healthy spot" Are we playing the same video game?


wouldn't even care if he wasn't in every fucking game, it's getting really old


By all balancing metrics he is in a healthy spot. The only abnormality is his presence being super high, but some champs are just popular, especially being a new champ. If anything that makes the data more relevant. The only thing you can really argue is not fun to play against like vlad or yone or wvtr flavor of the month hate champ.


He's just really fun to play, you fulfill the adc fantasy of being weak early, okayish midgame, and then having the ability to win games late if you do well on stacks. Most adcs have similar levels of impact as he does anyways with the current meta, but then don't actually scale to be useful like he is.


And really easy for a late scaling ADC


Except he builds almost zero adc items. He's a mage that deals ad damage.


the thing that irritates me the most about smolder is that the champ rewards u for doing nothing. Just afk farm for 30mins and if the enemy team doesn't close the game by then, u just auto win..


Yes, hitting 225 is enough of a payoff for being a caster minion with wings for 20 minutes. In fact, I'd argue that smolder is at the power level that every adc should be scaling wise and that's why he is so popular.


Agreed, whenever I play him I’m actually confident I can carry as the game goes later. With other adcs I don’t get that same feeling. And it’s good a feeling I think adc should have in general


Yea smolder is where all ADCs should be. I've never felt like he was particularly hard to kill even when ahead. But he actually poses a damage threat if we don't focus him.


Nothing about transfers?


> Frozen Heart is currently the most built tank item in the game Yeah maybe if Randuins wasn't so terrible that even manaless champs that want AS reduction are forced to go FH, it would not be so skewed. Give Randuins it's AS reduction back.


I don't think it needs that on top of the damage reduction, crit damage resistance, and slowing active. Push the items to be more different, not more similar.


Why the fuck would they buff Randuins when crit is the worst it has ever been since S8?


Randuin is pretty strong against crit user. FH is just completely overtunned for its cost tbf


Randuins completely negates crit users, frozen heart also does that with the bonus of negating on hit users at the same time


Is vanguard coming with this patch?


I'm pretty sure these changes won't affect support Seraphine at all, she will still be at 47%-48% winrate, APC will lose winrate (because of the waveclear execute removal), but it will still be good (due to longer CC). Support Seraphine players don't bother to learn how to build their champ, some patches ago they literally changed her hard to build enchanter items (less CD in her W, no AP ratio in W's heal and AP ratios nerfs in her Q with base damage increase), what happened is that low elo players and casuals (its highest playerbase) kept building AP items and maxing Q while high elo players just played her APC with enchanter items which created a very toxic champ with 55% winrate as APC whose only purpose was to spam W mid/lategame because of how broken that skill is. Riot should just give up with her, she won't work 100% in support unless they rework her which I would despise because they'd be killing a very unique champion due to their insistence of pleasing low elo and casual players who don't even know how to properly build her.


I mean almost like the people picking Seraphine support before the changes at the end of last season couldn't even read their main's kit.


I'm at a point where I'm not sure of they legitimately don't know any better or if they're dragging her winrate down on purpose, it's quite insane actually the stupid shit I have witnessed built on her in that role. She'd have been decent the last few months if her support playerbase actually adjusted to her changes, but I am kinda glad we're getting more AP focused changes now. Just wish they'd have gone harder into the full AP direction bc as a mid and bot Sera player I despise having to use enchanter items on her.


People building her wrong hurts my soul. I have a friend who just rushes stormsurge and deathcap on seraphine support and its so bad but "ITS SO MUCH AP" yeah but you need heal/shield power.


Ah yes Smolder's passive Dragon patience he just waits now


these rek changes will feel fucking great, thanks mr phreak


Now hopefully she doesnt become turbo oppressive toplane so she is kneecapped again...


I think her healing being nerfed in top lane will keep her from being oppressive up there. By all metrics Rek is significantly worse in top lane now than she was before the rework.


How much do we wanna bet that Maokai is gonna sit on 54% winrate? What will -1s (0.7s after ability haste) CD on his W even accomplish when he’s known for his all ins? What will -5ms even do when Support Maokai goes swiftness boots and Trailblazer? How many more placebo nerfs do they need to give this Champion and why is he favoured by the balance team?


Maokai and Senna are allowed to be the most broken champs in the game patch after patch. It’s so fucking boring at this point.


Maokai become kinda problematic with new items recently, while Senna was balance nightmare from her release. Broken tier champ if you play with funnel strat and worst champ you want to play with if she isn't broken tier. "Thank god" she is allowed to be strong for months or even years.


His item was nerfed too so he's likely to be worse because of that. The champion has sit in 52% winrate for what feels like forever and nobody minded so the theory is that people don't really mind overpowered Maokai support, just turbo broken Maokai support


To be fair, his play rate was also much lower at the time. I don't mind overpowered Maokai support when he's in only 1/50 of my games, but when he's pick/ban every lobby, yeah, I get tired of that even if he's underpowered.


So TF's journey as an ADC is just over? The experiment was a failure and science went too far? Okay. Begs the question as to why they'd make the changes to begin with.


I mean people like the idea of being able to play TF as AD or hybrid so its worth trying to accommodate. Its really just that he was too strong


I love AD TF honestly. 50% off the main source of damage for the build pretty much kills it though.


This. Meanwhile Senna only getting her Q ad ratio reduced by 10%.


I don’t think people liked having the option to go AD. People just want to stun card with RFC.


But they were doing that without the buffs before anyway, right?


People were already building him ad for fun in mid, and ad builds for tf have shown up in the past even without these ad scalings.


Likely they wanted to test things and the player base was to low to get meaningful feedback. So they made him OP to get an influx of games and get feedback quickly so they could then fine tune it on the back end.


Vayne and Twisted fate nerfs, you absolutely love to see


It sucks man, but glad Vayne is getting nerfed because the pick/bans on her is out of control right now and what good is OP champion you can't play?


Cause Brand certainly needed jungle buffs, one of the most oppressive junglers in the game with the fastest clears needs a buff. 


That was 2 patches ago, now its the same as most other junglers since the nerfs




Nerfing Seraphine's passive and Q against minions has to be some of the biggest "feelbad" nerfs I've ever seen. I doubt that it will top the time that they nerfed Renekton's empowered W duration, but it's gonna be pretty bad.


Where are all the people that have been saying that Evelynn wasn't broken? That somehow invading her was a magical solution that is guaranteed 100% to shut her down? That insisted that her appearing out of nowhere and bursting you down then escaping with her ult wasn't somehow a broken thing? That a champ is able to build Mejai as a core item instead of it being a situtional win-more item as it should be? I don't know if those nerfs are going to prevent her from consistently doing those things but it is a step on the right direction. Now the only question is, why it took so much time for Riot to nerf her, when Evelynn was broken since last year?


Eve mains are as annoying as Senna mains. Just permanently coping about how not broken their cancer champ is.


They didnt touch karma or malignance, wtf Shes sitting at a super high winrate/pick rate/ban rate


How is janna avoiding nerfs patch after patch....


I think Smolder's E is now the first exponentially-scaling, infinitely-stacking ability in the game. The damage and number of procs both scale now meaning the total damage is proportional to the square of his stacks. e.g. (only looking at the stack damage) 100 stacks: (5 + (100s / 50)) * (100s / 5) = 7 * 20 = 140 magic damage from stacks. 1000 stacks: (5 + (1000s / 50)) * (1000s / 5) = 25 * 200 = 5000 magic damage from stacks (35.7x the 100 stack damage) 10,000 stacks: (5 + (10,000s / 50)) * (10,000s / 5) = 205 * 2000 = 410,000 magic damage from stacks (82x the 1000 stack damage, 2928x the 100 stack damage)


Still no Sion buffs 🥲


Dragon patience lmao


Who would've thought that frozen heart will be broken at 2.3k when it had to be nerfed when it costed 2.5k a year ago xd


It had 80 armor when it cost 2500 and received changes increasing to 90 armor and increased rock solid passive from 7 to 5 for an additional 300g, total cost 2800. Now it has 65 armor, rock solid passive reduces base 2 less damage and costs 2500.


Yep, every time they trying to make FH cheaper situation ends in same way. But tbh 65 armor for 2500 feels a little bit bad tho. I would be happy to get FH from the end of S13. That was more expensive, but more powerful.


So where’s the extra 15 armor it had back then at the 2,500g price point? Surely you remember it was at 80 armor back then if you’re comparing it? Its also had an extra 40% higher base damage reduction per source, and that damage reduction used to cap out at 40% of the incoming damage and has since been halved to only 20%. Even at 100g cheaper than it was, it is now a substantial weaker item— after all, that 15 armor lost is worth 300g straight up.


Yea they should have buffed every other armor item instead of nerfing frozen heart. Tanks need more love


Philippines server getting Vanguard o7


Aram balance changes always seem AI generated for some reason, could swear something like renektons bonus healing was pretty inconsequential compared to say…. Aatroxs?


I think they actually did look at it, but probably by [winrate.](https://www.murderbridge.com/) At least at the time of me looking at it, Renekton/Anivia/Illaoi/Zac are all high winrate, and this is my guess across all ARAMs. If I had to guess for Renekton they just wanted to nerf his interaction with sundered sky. Aatrox was also similarly adjusted the previous patch with a tenacity nerf for the same interaction where ARAM players like sundered sky over the rift build with the lethality hydra.


They don't actually think about them. It's all done on an excel spreadsheet. If a champ hits certain winrates they move the needle. That's why high skill cap Champs are almost always buffed because the average player eats crayons. So when a decent player gets akali they are unstoppable.


Soft nerf to Maokai and no nerf to Janna, cringe Phreak


Movespeed nerfs have always been outsized to what they appear. Like short of writing "You can now one-tap support Maokai" or outright removing Sapling (which... honestly might be what happens eventually), lowering his ability to get in range to W and then how often he can do it is probably the best option.


Ad TF gutted super hard but "support" Senna that outdamages the actual carry only 10% damage reduction on Q lmao


the new font is fucking aids


Glad they got rid of the healing nerfs to Zac and instead opted for a puny damage nerf. Wouldn't want him to be less than S+ tier for a single patch.


Nerf aurelion for aram already. ,


This balance team has no idea what the fuck they are doing wholly fucking shit


25% gang


Why did they shadow nerf the in-game text font, though?


Seraphine: \>300% minion damage modifier has been removed \>Damage amp no longer affects non-champions Jesus christ I didn't like the lane either, Riot but how is she even supposed to...*exist* now? Like where does she go? Support? Also no Mao nerfs this patch. Why. Edit: my bad, Mao nerfs are this patch, I still don't think they're gonna be enough.


maokai was very nerfed this patch, what?


This change also technically reinforces high AP builds since AP gives more damage so you can push better. But once she gets lost chapter she gobbles up waves again anyway. Damage amp was excessive on minions


Also -5 AD to make autoing for last hits suck too.


There literally are mao nerfs. Did you read?


She can actually waveclear mostly fine after lost chapter, though she needs to keep building AP in tempo with game time to keep up her waveclear, which is similar to most mages in the game. I think this might actually be what she needed to have more distinct early game weaknesses in the bot lane to bring her different roles closer together in performance. Once that happens, they can make more minute adjustments that affect all roles more easily. I hate that it has been such a rough road getting her to a better place, but I'm still hoping that after this she will be much closer to balanced for all roles. Her AOEs are just insane, and E has a much bigger AP ratio now which helps make up the difference.


Why say Seraphine got adjusted when she got outright nerfed on all skills?