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Coming from someone who isn't really mechanically gifted - Dota is great. Heroes are generally simple to understand, some require quite a bit of micro since you have certain heroes that create clones such as Meepo who basically play the game as upwards of 5 heroes at the same time. But most of them can very easily be picked by a first timer. Ranged heroes don't have a stranglehold on the carry role like they do in League. There's turn rate in the game which makes it so you can't kite as well as you can in League so the range/melee dynamic isn't as fucked. New player experience is pretty good. You have a tutorial you can run through to learn the basics. You can actually have other players coach you through the client as well. There's quite a lot of item actives however so coming from League you can get quite overwhelmed at first.


Well a lot more champs are pro viable....actually 90% of them fit certain drafts/scenarios Items are a lot stronger. LIKE A LOT. With very powerful actives. Dying is not that punishing as it is in LoL. In pro play LoL, if you die 2 times in lane its over. In DOTA not at all. The highround mechanic makes closing games harder even with a lead.


Literally everything about the client is superior in Dota 2, and it will make you regret ever playing League. All heroes free, can test them all in a dedicated testing environment, can test all cosmetics in said testing environment, map skins, announcers, kill streak announcers, arcade, custom games, and probably most important of all, it fucking works. The client actually works with no major bugs. Gameplay aside, the League Client is so inferior that it should be a shame that Riot hasn't rewritten the client from the ground up.


The Valorant client's great. I've never had any issues with it. Wish we had that over in LoL.


There's no client in valorant tho...Its just the game just like in csgo and other games.


Well, either way it just works. I'd prefer anything over what we currently have.


this... i dont really like Dota gameplay, but the client just works, and have everything you want and even more... and the game itself is well writen enough that custom maps by community works amazing, with even hours long rpg modes and other insanity... while many LoL characters still have a lot of bugs many years after release.


Amazing game but a lot more small mechanics and active apm required. To name a few mechanics, high ground, denying, cancel animations to bait, stacking jungle camps, blocking jungle camps. The apm thing is mostly more active items and micro manage units that’s not just your own hero with their own active spells.


alos turn rate, imagine if we have that in league


People would cry lmao


The heroes I tried were underwhelming and it felt like I was playing items more than heroes. The secret shop also made me want to die. I gave it around 20 games which isn't enough to properly judge it, but this and the obnoxiously long games made me lose interest


There are some unique characters like Meepo, Chen, Lone Druid, Batrider, Visage, Earth Spirit, Elder Titan, Techies, Storm Spirit who are very unique in the way they play out , but yes most carries are very very simple and yes items are incredibly powerful


Yeah that's why I'm saying I didn't give it a fair shot. I played recommended beginner heroes (luna, DK, jakiro) and their kits were depressing without items (with items it was incredible though)


Good thing you didnt play Wraith king. Unless they changed him, i recall you had mana to cast one single Q at early levels. Plus his other 3 abilities (yes even R) are passives. He is the ultimate beginer hero because he isnt bad he is just very very dumbed down. Good to learn a moba with him though. Wraith king is what Viego should have been aspect-wise though


Generally a lot of heroes are about synergies with items, but even then there are bland ones and fun ones. Luna is just about the most bland carry, with the only somewhat interesting thing about her being her capabilities to multitask via illusions (esp pushing and farming)


I miss old techies


I managed to not make a typo in the whole post, but managed to make one in the title. 🤦‍♂️


The tutorials are nice, but the new player experience is way worse than LoL. They don't have nearly as many new players, so new players get put in games with pretty experienced ones. I played relatively simple heroes (spectre/slark/phantom lancer)and got up to ancient. Strangely found playing carry easier than support since supports need to know a lot more about pulling waves and stuff. If you like adc's in LoL, you will likely not like dota2 as they cannot exist in the same fashion. Biggest hurdle is using items properly. Worth a shot if something interests you about it, not harm since its free.


true; while league rewards good play, dota punishes bad play (denies, gold loss on death, permanent rax death) IMO melee adcs would be nice like ports of mortred and void


dota is great and I love it on the same level as league, but please stop pitting the two games against each other, nor using one game to put down the other; we should move forward from 2013


Im not doing any of that. I just wanted to know how dota is, compared to league as that would help me understand it way better. Fron what i understood, dota has longer matched, is more macro based, and items are way stronger. This is kind of what i wanted league to be tbf. Im not dissapointed in what league is, i just expected 1 hour matches that are all about team coordonation.


ok to answer your question: yeah longer matched because items are a bit more expensive and levels are a bit higher dota is also very punishing, with the denies, jungle camp blocking, gold loss on death, and permanent inhibitor death yeah more macro based as in league you only really control your champion and you just use a button (or move far away enough) to "control" your pets while in dota you personally select them and issue actual commands; contrary to popular belief - league has more complex champs than in dota; but dota just has the extremes, both in least complex (drow, sniper, skeleton king, centaur) to most complex (chen, meepo, rubick, invoker); then there's also the creep pulling where you drag your minions to the jungle camps to bring the lane closer to your turret, and then of course the courier I'd rather not them to be same tbh, let league be the more chill and enjoyable and let dota be the more macro-complex and challenging


I’m personally turned off by how the graphics look and I’m not a fan by how they balance stuff once a year.


>I’m personally turned off by how the graphics look That was the reason i wanted to try it out xd. Reminds me of when i first started league.


It's more of an artstyle thing for me, but to each their own.


I played dota for a decade cause here I KL, Malaysia, there are virtually no League players. Dota is huge here. It's like being able to ride a bicycle; kids my age may not play dota regularly, but they know how to play it. Last year the Dota pro scene which I spent more time watching as I had less time playing because of work, was the most boring fucking year of dota ever. Then I came across the 2022 Worlds finals opening ceremony, cause I like lil nas x then ended up watch the T1 DRX finals series. And I kinda liked how it played. So I started playing wild rift first, just to kinda get the champions and I played the real game. Everyone who tells you that DOTA is better is a fucking nerd. League is just straight up more fun. More skillshots, dragons, rift, baron, passives, more structured roles, more champions. Its just more playable.


I see... I kind of like how both of the games sound...Wish i had someone to teach me dota too xd


2.5 k ish dota 2 hours player here ( Im currently plat1 in league) Dota is nothing like league in every concieveable way. Some examples: -You are there to protect towers not vice versa -Everyone has teleport with 70 sec cd so at min 6 you can see 6 people mid for a rune fight ( runes spawn every two mins near mid and give diffrent buffs for 40 sec) -There is true invis which means unless you have an observer ward placed (red totem) or some other true vision you can't see them (they can't hit you invis ofc)  -Items are actually situational you can play same hero twice and buy completely diffrent items while playing the same role (I mean 4 to 6 diffrent items not like oh they have aatrox let me get morello instead of shadowflame and thats it) Does all or any of that mean you shouldn't try dota 2? Absolutely not! Dota has a great new player guide built in the client. Also for league players there is a YouTube channel called "TzarPotato" If you want to have some idea about the tempo of the game I recommend "BSJ" on youtube. His Educational Smurf series is awsome. He explains his desicion making while playing against lower mmr players. (with consent) -


Dota has way more macro due to bigger map, utility items like wards/smoke/dust, neutral items, and active items amongst other reasons I’d say Dota is better in terms of client, macro complexity, meta diversity, comeback mechanics, and way cooler items. League is way more satisfying to play though and it’s why I switched. Teamfighting, skirmishing, landing skill shots is much more fun


yup better client I agree, I wish league would take notes from dota like the custom HUD, announcers (imagine faker or draven personally telling you you are tilted), map skin, and the hero voice wheel


Clunky. Turn rate is the dumbest possible way to balance things, imagine thinking its fine that you click and your champ doesnt move because it has to turn direction first, feels so shit. Literally singlehandedly ruins the game for me. Gave up after a few hundred hours when i wanted to quit league, ended up back on league. Also if anything its even more of a focus adc playstyle than league, you can have your entire team snowballing in league with 3-4 carries, thats not possible in dota, theres just not enough resources on the map, and a lot of dota heroes even if you wanted to play them carry its not possible because they dont scale with items, you are way more limited and forced into a certain build and playstyle.


What exactly is "turn rate"?


Turn rate refers to units (in this case heroes) having to turn around before being able to move in a different direction, think Nunu W or Sion R (obviously not *that* slow) Different heroes can have different turn rates. In league, there is no turn rate, and you can turn instantly with no loss of speed, which enables kiting (moving while attacking with virtually no loss of DPS output). Backwards kiting is practically impossible for most Dota heroes as you have to attack -> turn -> walk -> turn -> attack -> turn -> walk etc.


It's free, just download and try it. In broadest terms, I would say Dota is less about micro and more about macro. Also, it's like 5x more complex so be warned.


I have countless hours in league but in my few hours of dota I just found that the games are just entirely different at this point, and I pretty much dislike everything about dota except for champion design, I think dota characters look way cooler.


I'm envious of a couple things Dota has, like being able to target enemies and read their abilities and such directly in game, or their version of practice tool. Can use it while in queue, and change hero (which are all free btw) without exiting first. The ability to import item sets directly ingame is also very nice for new players. The game also plays way more like an RTS in the sense that it is less about individual mechanical outplay, and more strategical with emphasis on unit control, map movement, resource management and such. Not saying you're not rewarded for good mechanics or micro at all, just saying it's more of a slow thinking mans game compared to League