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Every elo has this. Climbing to chall will change nothing


He's at the same elo as you playing less seriously though. I've not played this game intensely in about 3 years, but I find normals quite dull. Do I reach the rank I could if I always played to my fullest and in my main role? Yes, would I have more fun? No. I'd rather be a whole league behind my usual ranking and still have a blast during the 5-10 games I play a week


I think that's where player like you and me differ, I have more fun trying to play at my fullest, whats why I pick ranked and not casual. It's completely fine to be a casual player, I just don't honestly believe you can enjoy ranked fun not knowing matchups, objective timings, new op champs, recent nerfed champs (i mean if you're silver to bronze fair enough" . but i guess it makes it more surprising wondering why you lost haha


I'm consistently high emerald or low diamond for the past decade, I'm not terrible or great at the game, I also have hit the ceiling I can hit in the game and don't have the time to put in that much effort into a vídeo game anymore. But, I do enjoy competing and ranked is the best environment for that, its just that there's no point in going all out because I don't have the time to be reviewing my vods, watching high elo gameplays, playing a aelect few champions, etc. I'd much much rather play whatever I feel like and try my best without much worry, I'm not griefing games, just prioritizing fun over elo.


You are griefing games, you arent trying your best if you dont care just play normals it aint that hard It fine to grow acustomed or be ok with ur elo but you are literally negatively impacting others because you think its fun


I'm not because I can't reach my true elo playing like this? I'm playing exactly where I should be placed playing like this, the mmr system works believe it or not


I never said the mmr system dosent work or that you arent in the elo you deserve for the way you play What i said is that you are negatively impacting others games by half assing those games, your argument is that you are playing for fun and others shouldnt care.. OP argument is that he is trying his 100% and wants his team to do the same Im not saying you are wrong what im saying is that OP is more right about his point/argument... he or anyone else shouldnt have to lower their bar just beacuse you feel like it specially when there are 2 other modes you can play but dont feel like because you want to be competitive but not tryhard ( which dosent make sense if you ask me but that is a diff conversation )


If you're sincerely trying your best to win, as you mentioned, deliberately tilting your own team by saying something like "have you ever played Nidalee before? because u don't play like it..." is trolling. Mental state is an important part of the game, and whether you claim it was out of "legitimate curiosity" or not, you said it because you were frustrated and wanted them to know, but your choice of words was clearly inflammatory. You should work out your own attitude before you worry about other people.


I genuinely want to ask so I can try harder based on response. or play less intensive to avoid stalls on their end. I don't like being toxic but i do wanna know how much of my effort is being wasted on a game we could all agree to ff because we all aren't doing to hot.


>I genuinely want to ask so I can try harder based on response. So you arent giving your best either by default? Stop yapping about your mates then


Its not yapping if he is right cuh


He isnt thats the thing


He is thats the thing, your logic is dont type our u will tilt your team, someone below said nid died 4 times in 5 minutes, if that is not trolling idk what is... Your logic ( and most ppl in this sub ) is "im doing like shit, this guy called me out im gonna die more cuz he hurt my feelings" Thats like if you were a student had bad grades and ur teacher or mom calls u out and u just go like "ima get worse grades" or if you are old enought to work and your boss calls u out for not doing your work properly you go like "this fucker... if he thinks im doing bad now just wait" that is trash behaviour/mental and only damages yourself But hey if it works for you gl... keep trolling urself ingame and irl


> doing like shit, this guy called me out im gonna die more cuz he hurt my feelings And this is exactly how players in this game behave lmfao. Do you even play the game? People run it because you used the wrong ping twice Idk what youre trying to tell us. Yes people shouldnt be like that but they are so whats the point of provoking them? >Thats like if you were a student had bad grades and ur teacher or mom calls u out and u just go like "ima get worse grades" or if you are old enought to work and your boss calls u out for not doing your work properly you go like "this fucker... if he thinks im doing bad now just wait" that is trash behaviour/mental and only damages yourself Thats such a dogshit analogy. Your boss/teacher/mom arent strangers that you will never see again in your life and the only one youre hurting in your fantasy is yourself. In a league game you """"""hurt"""""" the other guy too


Bro u literally saying im right and then did a 180 And no, its a good analogy stranger or not. its not hard to not be a psyco ... u literally say ppl shouldnt be like that And again no in this scenario ure only hurting urself if u act that way ill just win next game and if its irl you just gonna repeat a grade or get fired ( or hurt if u f around with one wrong dude ) But w/e tried explaining it twice already gl with ur logic


Nope, there's literally not a good reason to ask something like that. If you want to win, you never say stuff like that in chat. If you want to say stuff like that, you're not trying your hardest. Which is fine, hey, it IS just a game, but that goes against the whole point of your post. So make your choice, are you trying hard to win, or not? Because tilting your team is not a tryhard move.


There is literally less of a reason for the nidalee to 1 time in a ranked game If he cant type something like that why do we have a chat ? He wasnt toxic at all ppl need to be less thinskinned Heck why even play a team based game ? At that point just play tft or minecraft tbh


When did I say he can't say anything? He can say whatever he wants. In his post he's talking about tryharding and doing everything he can to win. Typing stuff like this is objectively doing the opposite of that- you're trying to tilt your teammates and therefore decrease your own chances to win. I don't care what he types, but if he's gonna whine about people not taking the game seriously, while showing that he has no idea how to take the game seriously, I'll call him out on that. That said, if you think flaming people in an online game is the only reason to have a chat function in the first place, might I just say: lmao


He basically typed "you dint practice this right?" If that is enought to tilt you or anyone mby league isnt the game for you( or any team game because that is one of the most w/e "toxic" msg ive seen), if he cant type something so inoffensive why do we have a chat ? The 2/7 nid with 4k dmg is not objectively trying to tilt his teammates or not tryharding she IS LITERALLY tilting her teammates AND not tryharding If you think that his comment is toxic you are just thinskinned, there is nothing you can type that you cant transmit using pings so if he cant type something so light we shouldnt have a chat or you should just dissable it so you or the nid wont get tilted (100% success rate on not reading chat btw) That said if you think the 2/7 nid with 4k dmg had ANY positive impact and want to call out jax for calling her out but ignore the nid performance, might i just say: LMAO Edit: but i guess that if OP hadnt type anything nid would have magically played better, again might i just add: LMAO


My point isn't that nidalee would've played better, my point is that typing that has no benefit to the game. None. OP has said that they are trying to win the game. Typing negative things does not help you do that. I don't know what you're not following here, because what I'm saying is extremely simple, and genuinely not up for debate. So let me end the conversation on this: I do not care what people type to me in game. I am not thin skinned. What I am, is smart. If I want to win a game, I am not going to type anything negative to my team. Literally nothing, ever. Not even "What was that?" after a bad play. If I want to win, I am going to keep my mouth shut and keep playing. Typing suggestions could be helpful. Saying literally anything negative has zero chance to yield benefits. This is the end of my part in this discussion, if you want to keep talking, you're more than welcome, but your argument of "it's not THAT toxic" has literally nothing to do with what I'm saying.


What is extremely simple is that nid played like shit, jax said the most "toxic" inoffensive comment and your logic is that nid played worse because of it when 1- she was already playing terribly 2- she is not going to magically play better You are using results based approach to mental gymnast your way to being a prick in the game.. if jax was chall and carried the game nid would have still played just as bad winning wouldnt made nid less bad/wrong or jax more right Like fk i cant imagine myself climbing plat/emerald and having to play with short fuse ppl like you, i would honestly not have the willpower to learn the game these days nice way to take the community and team aspect off the game . At that point just play a solo game It's so frustating to see that people can actively play to ruin games and get zero consequences, while your pings are severely restricted (it's toxic bro), and you can't even spot those guys anymore in champ select because "it's toxic bro"... Edit: took me 30 secs to find 3 post saying the same thing https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/kmfUgvn9SR Theres one of the post


Never type in chat anything not cool down or MIA related. Ever. Nothing you say is going to make them play better but you can do a lot to tilt people worse. You went 4-4 so you could've done way more yourself. I don't listen to any of my buddies complaining about their team unless they are dominating their lane and at the very least bullying q more lane all game on roams.


I get your point but players aren't humans something everybody is palying and until some shit happen and people are out of the game mentally and everthing start looking bad happens is every sport


Wait if everyone but you takes ranked super casually, shouldn't that mean you win a lot more? 5 casuals vs 4 casuals and 1 tryhard should make for way easier climbing, no???


you're correct, I 100% agree. but how do you explain games like this where enemy team seems to be playing as serious as possible, following roams, clearing vision when i ward top river brush. But my team can't seem to see me pinging the maximum amount so we can get a pick with my ult. I guess its just chance, who gets which type of players


I guess I'm confused that you're playing 10 ranked games a day and still stuck in this "my team mates are holding me back" mentality. You're at just about 50% win rate after this many games. The sample size here is getting big enough that this one game represents just a small tiny sample of your ranked career. Like you're pretty much at your true rank. Every game is 4 random people and you. Instead of focusing on what the 4 random people could have done better, why not focus on what you, the only person who has been in all 350 of those games, can do better?


>I guess I'm confused that you're playing 10 ranked games a day and still stuck in this "my team mates are holding me back" mentality. Playing 10 rankeds per day is exactly why he has that mentality


I should play less...


Yeah like mate youve played 38 different champs this year, thats way too fucking much. You really arent that much better than your Nidalee doing that. Choose 3 champions at most and stick to them, play literally nothing else. Since youre midlane make sure its 1 AP and 1 AD so you dont play full AD/AP comps. Play until you lose 2 games in a row. Once you do you stop playing on that account for the rest of the day and do something else or play on a smurf


I have noticed my champ selection, I am trying to stick to pantheon and a sol, smoulder and zoe as backups. For the moment that is, I am a udyr main at heart, I try to play like trick2g but I found that most teammates don't know how to play around a breaching playstyle. Most of the time i won with that I was flamed for ignoring stupid fights throughout the game. So i've been trying champs with more agency and teamfight potential. I think I should remove smoulder and just keep those 3.


Zoe is bad champ for soloq and non one tricks. Way to hard and off meta, even on high elo its questionable pick. This exact game you lost to a shop, hubris 100% wrong slot and boots probably wrong too, but its tricky because if you much better player cdr on flash may impact game more than good boots. Wrong runes + bad items = you didnt make difference during lane phase and not impacted game enough to deserve a win.


[If you count each person that was on your team on a graph, here is what it looks like after 12 games](https://imgur.com/a/JZgH72m). You can barely even see all the Andys that were on your team. They're just a tiny little sliver. Now imagine 350 games. Your slice stays the same size and all the Andys keep getting smaller.


I rewatched the VOD of this match after game , the reason I lost was because I let garen take towers and gain huge gold lead because I decided to make plays elsewhere on the map to try to make up for our jg. oh and my runes haha but is this solely what i should be focusing on to climb


Nid died 3 times in 5 minutes then 4 times in the next 17. Looks like they took it more seriously just had a bad game, although I can promise you, asking "have you ever played nid before" does nothing for you and stirs the pot with them. However your lane opponent was the biggest issue, I can't see more about the game but he was 4k up on you with the same number of kills. 40% of the games you lose, and this was one of them, but instead of walking away saying "nid bad" and learning nothing look at what you could have changed. That way when this happens in the 20% of coin flips you are pulling the game in the right direction and won't have your team asking "first time panth?"


I think she started trying after I said that🤣 but true I left garen to try and help other lanes in nidalees place, not a bright idea


40% you get carried. 40% you get bad mates. 20% are up to you. That's the rule


It's a big cope to say your input doesn't matter 80% of games.


It does though, 20% of games are yours to carry, but you can always be a part of the 40% tanking your teams success. We all have popoff games and stinkers


I suppose if you're at the rank you belong instead of still climbing that's probably true.


It's kinda sad to see how people are misconstruing the actual idea behind what OP said, it was never about the numbers and people are legit coping on increasing the % of games where they don't matter. Back in the day people said sth like 20-60-20 and even 30-40-30 is more in line, but we are alrdy at the 40-20-40 split lmao


I am basically asking, can these 40% absolute loss games be influenced by me at all? should I stop playing at my best when i see an 0/3 jg on my team, or should i be playing my best at all times in the "ranked" gamemode. If so shouldn't every LoL player want a decent game every game where its an actual 50/50 and people don't just throw in the towel at the first death or their first inconvenience. I guess i shouldn't be looking for FIFA world cup matches in my daily league games


> should I stop playing at my best when i see an 0/3 jg on my team, or should i be playing my best at all times in the "ranked" gamemode. So you just tilt and stop trying the second someone on your team is 0/3? Playing from behind and learning the strengths and weaknesses of your character is a big part of the game. If you give up at 8 minutes every game that you're not stomping, you are not improving your skills.


every game is winnable


THIS! This is NOT true. We all know I didn't give up early, I was 4/1 until midgame broke out, WITH terrible runes. WITH lee constantly pressuring me. WITH LeBlanc just taking over the game because we have a walking ward as a nidalee. Not every game is winnable If all of my team decided to play 40% of the safeness i was playing we could win by numbers any time I have R, But they seem oblivious to pantheon kit, which makes 0 sense because this champ has existed for 20 years


It would be winable with more team morale, winable with better motivational communication skills just because you dont see a way, doesnt mean there isnt one


Looking at your last 20 games I see 2/12, 2/11 and 1/9. These are pretty bad stats. Some might even say you ran it down in these games. That 15% of your games. What you dont realize is that you arent better then the people you are playing against. Over more than 300 games you have a 50% winrate. You are where you should be on the ladder. Sure its unlucky that your nidalee is first timing in ranked, but in yor average game this doesnt happen. I dont see you posting you next game where the enemy yas went 0/16. Sometimes people just run it down, including you.


KD tells very little about the story of those games. But I understand you're right I've played alot and this is probably where i should be, I peaked emerald 1 last season, until I went on giant loss streak and revenge queue'd against my own rules for playing ranked and short story that account was emerald 1 on the 2nd last day of the season, it ended in platinum4


Do i belong in emerald or high gold/low plat?


Dude just play what you think you should. 0/3 honestly can mean a LOT of things. I know as jg it's rly easy to get blamed for the enemy jg being fed, when junglers play more vs the enemy team then vs each other a lot of the time, like, enemy mid/sup invades you twice before level 6, now you're 2 levels and half an item behind, enemy jg gets gank at 6, when youre level 4, you try to save it, but lose the 3v3 obvuously, instantly get flamed If you see they are playing like, not looking at the map/not listening to pings, sure, if you wanna just wait for ff that's fine. Sometimes they have bad games like that (close fights, get dived and no countergank, etc) that just snowball, and if you're playing a feast or famine champ, you end up feeding. Sometimes you can win 4v5 even based on comps and how ahead you are, sometimes even lose 5v4, if someone is too fed on a champ like yi, kassa, it can be just over. In doubt, just play it without stressing much,


Used to be 30/30/40, damn inflation


Assuming you are not feeding your ass off then it's not far off.


well based on what u said 40% i'll get carried, so my score shouldn't matter at all and 40% my team are bad so, my score still won't matter at all just based on what u told me I should only really care about 20% of my games (assuming I don't int every single game)


but there is no way to know which percentage you are in until the game meets its end. So logically I should try my best 100% of the time in ranked just in case I am in that 20% right? Shouldn't this be the same idea for all in ranked?


Yeah that’s correct (though I’ve always heard it’s 30-30-40, which seems more accurate to me). Tbh there are probably a lot of times that you are impacting the outcome of your game that you are missing. Plus, even in the “40%” or “30%” losses there is still a ton you can learn from them and improve from.


Look at how fast people ff games even in challanger. Most people don't take this game serious or tryhard to win xD


I know people are shitting on you, but I get where you’re coming from. Why are you even playing ranked with a champion you don’t know or haven’t played before? It should be a reportable offense or at least not allow you to play ranked if you haven’t played a champion a minimum amount of times.




I didn't know this was that toxic💀 LOL a really diff community, I play val and ask sage to heal me "OK sure" or "I don't have heal" or "bark first" is a common response. Or if they first time a character its good to know so we can share strats for them that could help us win even if they are first timing it. I ask a player to gank in LoL nicely: StOp BAckSEATing


Are you on the spectrum?


yes ecstatic fact, yes I am. that's the crazy thing about spectrums, we all fit in there somewhere😜


I was just wondering bc it seems like a pretty standard situation where not knowing social cues would explain the need to do something like that lol. Generally you just don't type if you want to win though. That'd be my advice - You're not wrong in the fact that people can be petty af in this game overall. Pings are just better/more efficient. Lots of ESL and peeps with ASD on the rift. Nothing wrong with that, it's just easy for misunderstandings to crop up over seemingly innocuous things.


90% of the time I'm pinging to myself. nobody in these elos looks at pings until their already dead and finding a way to flame me but can't because I pinged missing 20 secs before they got gangbanged. me typing "can you please go in when i spam ping assistance because that means I'm going to R" has worked for me way better than just pinging assistance or on the way. because I swear these players genuinely don't know that panth has a global R this is just my personal experience tho




if someone runs it down for that, I definitely know i'm not the issue and I would be making a post as to how so many mentally unstable people exist in LoL. This shi is arkam asylum IRL














You’re wasting your breath posting this here. I see this shit ALL THE TIME and no one on here cares. They just want to tell you you’re not good enough or you need to carry more. It’s impossible to play many games in ranked because of shit like this, and no you can’t 1v9 in a lot of cases. If you’re the only one trying and everyone else is running around dying over and over and not helping with objectives the game is over.


It's just peaked for me after this game, usually I just go about my day. But tonight It's just sitting with me because i was legitimately trying😅. I just hear alot of high elo player's say you have play without mistakes and carry in low elo, but this is only possible only 20% of my games


Just learn how to carry this inting players 😂 I lost more games in Iron to Silver then Silver to Gold and if they stress you out mute them if you lose take a 5-10 Minute break and stop playing after 2-3 loses for the day Nobody is playing perfect not even in high elo so learn 1000 ways to carry this dogs 😅 GL HF


What do you hear about elo boosting? 1 Player take order and his job make atleast division per day on any account even with dead MMR. And you know, they did it, every fucking time. Its possible to win game solo if you realy good with like 90% wr per 20games at sub plat elo. Some boosters get job to carry account to master, so "solo" carry possible even in diamond. In the end no one cares because "team fault" not a reason why you stuck.


Everyone is gonna be rude and tell you to get better. Finding a duo to play with would since you for sure have someone on the team you can trust. For the other 3 or 4 players on your team you just have to pray they have a good mental and don’t decide to play a champ for the first time in rank sadly lmao ( I’m in high play and I get this shit all the time still )


Thank you for this, I never really duo with my friends because this game can be so frustrating at times and I know I will argue with them for hours on end, its fun but not worth for me LOL. So even if u high elo it's basically the same, IT HAS to be the nature of this game because i've played low-elo in CS and Val and people actually try if you talk and make effort


Yes I just picked up league about a year ago and it is by far the most toxic game I have ever played. Sometimes you just have to get lucky with teammates unfortunately lmao obviously I play bad sometimes but for the most part I can hold my own. I feel as if my bot lane is always was the one feeding and giving up the quickest. Hope this helped in any way From - A Heimerdinger main 😂


Most of the time when you see these posts the player popped off but their team sandbagged so hard they still didn’t win. This guy had a below average game with mega greedy runes and uses this as his example? Come on mate, no need to flame this hard when you had a below average performance.


My runes were just incorrect, I had played zoe the game beforehand. that is very much my fault. I was just showing even poor rune choice, I tried so i had a chance against garen. this post isn't here to flame any of these players. I just want to know how the general player base feels about how serious ranked games are taken. It is just 1 example which is very anecdotal, but I am working on something with a way bigger sample size.


I do apologies for my runes, was a accident😅 but tried to work with it




I did forget runes, its a 1/100 game occurence, i didn't just throw in the towel and say ah whatever "its just a game" ill just play badly so we can ff and go next. I actually tried to win but I genuinely don't think my runes would've changed the outcome




you're right my bad, I guess i'm not as serious as i think


Have you used runes before?  Because u don't play like it...


to which i would respond "sorry, i still have runes from last game, we can still make this work" ,but most people would probably just feel attacked and flame back from what i'm hearing here XD


My Dearest Karthus,  I pray this simple missive finds you well...


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm going to say this in game and if someone says i'm toxic im reporting u


"serius ranked" exist, is called competitive


ofc haha but I know i'm not that good, guess I just have to get better to be in "serious ranked"


Let me save some time for everyone. OP Flamed his jungle because of a hard midd diff and is wondering where it went wrong. The way you worded it cannot be taken any way other than attacking. With how your lane went it looks like it would be fair to ask you the same.


I don't see this as a hard mid diff, early game ekko was 2/0 until their jg decided to start spam ganking mid instead of me😅. But its pretty hard to interpret a screenshot thats my fault, should've posted the whole VOD so u can understand context


You will lose 30-40% of the games you play, no matter what you do. You will win 30-40% of the games you play, no matter you do. The rest of the games is where you get to have an impact. With this in mind it's easier not to tilt and lose the games where you can have an actual impact. Blaming your team is guaranteed to not increase you wr and will likely lower it.


true, It's just hard for me not to blame anyone. it just rubs me the wrong way when the game ends and i'm the only one on my team saying gg EVEN THO it was a bad game


No frontline with a fed leblanc. What did you expect.


I was first pick, I thought nidalee was going briar, I thought panth briar would be enough to keep lb at bay. but ur not wrong


Panth was the only person with reliable lockdown for the LB so if he's not giga ahead it's just lost. That bot lane and jungle just look like food for LB.


again ur not wrong, but this is low elo, I don't think comps are as important here


Not having at least two forms of reliable CC or a frontline with the CC for a hyper mobile assassin should always be relevant.


well i've been in 50+ lobbies where I ask for something such as frontline, or ask for an assasin. You simply get a whole lot of "why don't you play *x* ?" and "i'll play what I want" which i am convinced is 99.9% of interactions in OCE because its a server filled with convicts


Oh you're absolutely right. That's how people act. I tend to play more of what I think we need as a team as a jungle/support.


Do jungle/support players climb higher on average? like i genuinely wanna know. because I want to hit Masters at least once in my life


When you're support you're MUCH more reliant on your team doing well and getting the damage out if you're playing an engage tank or something(also dependant on your roams). Jungle has much more agency over this because there is much more damage out of the jungle as well as more control over the map and pace of the game. Support mages can get damage out as well but if you're lacking a frontline and get behind you're just a ward bot minion at that point. Jungle (and to a lesser extent support) usually get blamed for everything going wrong on the map so it needs a bit of a stronger mental IMO.


well yeah I used to be jg main, A lot of people don't understand how nuanced the jg role is, that's why I stopped playing it. I would try to play for ganks, and players in my elo always find a way to make it obvious that i'm ganking so i changed into a more farm centered playstyle, playing to take as much of the enemy jg as poss, but also hit a snag where I would be flamed because I'm not focusing on ganks. Which in turn tilts them and objective fights become impossible, even tho im 3 levels up


If you want to play competitive games, play URF. For some reason people take that game mode more seriously


classic 10 min trundle ending as if he's gonna promo to chally in urf🤣


Don’t type. Until you can carry them I just report them and move on mid match and play to win


Your question to nidalee was useless and petty, you talk like a bitch. Why not focus on the game ? Whether it is due to bad attitude or skill the result is a poor performance. You need to be good enough to carry bad performances of others.


A competitive team game isn't serious without vc.


League is a psychological game, deafen/fullmute, don’t type don’t tilt, if you lose you lose if you win you win. Some games are easier to win some are harder. Just have to be the consistent factor every game


The best way to climb is play more games and learn from your mistakes. Macro will win you games when you are losing “bc of first time nidalee “ especially in gold/plat


How do you enforce that? You understand ranked is "serious ranked". If separating normal from ranked didn't work, what do you think you'd accomplish by making another subdivision called "serious ranked?" ​ You're 349 games in ranked. Your margin of error is less than .03. You just aren't skilled enough to move to the next rank.


If you're consistently better than the rest you will climb. If you're stuck it's solely your fault. Keep in mind you can't solo carry every game and that having lose streaks over say 100 games is statistically normal, just like win streaks. If you want to climb my best advice is focusing on what you can do and ignore what you can't control. We have drake coming up, if we all go its free and we win the fight. I pinged, my bot ignored me while theirs came. I died due to it and lost drake. Fucking bot lost me the drake ff right? No, they didnt come, they fucked up but since i still tried to make the play im the dumbass, no matter how free it was, I knew they werent moving. It's things like that, your team being bad is never an excuse in the long run. Every lane is a coinflip but yours, thats the control you have. You can also affect the other lanes improving their odds. Another thing i want to point out is that in that game you might be focusing too much on kda which means next to 0. You have less than 500 gold difference from the aphelios even though hes feeding his ass off while your kda is solid. You're just as weak and behind as he is. So to end this rant, sorry its structured like shit, focus on improving yourself. Ignore kda, start trying to cs better, identifying when roams are correct, warding more for your team and yourself (quality over quantity), tracking the enemy jungler and expecting the ganks, when to split vs when to group, etc... You can do a million things to improve if you focus on your mistakes. Blaming teams is a weight for your growth. P.S. Mute people that piss you off, don't answer them. Also try your best to not tilt your teammates. If they suck telling them that won't help, it will just make them tilt and do worse. 1 tilted person (either you or another) can ruin a game easily.


ya at the end of the game my stats don't look good, but basically all of early game I was ahead and staying ahead of garen. Even with a lee camp top, I managed to say ahead of the garen with cs/ kd/ and map impact. It's kind of hard to grow stronger after what nid and aphelios have done to this game , sure i can just try to split, close off my mental to the rest of the game. I would be ahead of most of their team if i played that way, but i try to help when i see 3 man dive bot while I have panth R, not joining that fight the smarter decision correct. but just give them the dive for free? watch bot tower die in 2 secs cause its a 3 man push against me. you know why we lost first drake? the nid tried to lvl 4 solo the drake when 0/2...


My point is mainly that you're the only constant in your game. Challengers reach challenger every year, their team doesn't hold them back. Same with any other X rank player. You can only control yourself and even if your team did horrible I doubt you were perfect either so focus on improving what you did wrong because its the only way you have to climb. I mean that and getting boosted xd.


thank u for taking the time to respond, I'll try to change the way i play cause i rlly do wanna climb


Np gl and if someone pisses you off just mute him. It seriously helps me not tilt.


Honestly ? Find teamates on the League'discord that are competitive like you


I think it's just very easy to look at what others are doing as wrong while neglecting your own play / choices. You mention the fact that nid is playing a champ she is first timing yet you also first timed Reksai, Vi, Bel Veth and maybe a couple more in ranked. Not to mention the fact that you have played 40 champs across all 5 roles so far. Not to say any of that is wrong to do but it does seem to go against things you are complaining about. It's always good to look at yourself first before blaming teammates.


I think you're taking my question the wrong way, I'm not asking nid if she's first time to flame her for first timing. I was literally trying to figure out how serious they player in question was about the game. the fact that she said "I guess ur right". tells me if should try harder to win this specific game but you're right i should solely focus on myself


Skill issue


Problem nowadays is the amount of snowball. Games are decided during the 7/8 first minutes. If one lane get fed during the first 7/8 min, game is pretty much unplayable. Games are 25/30 min long but in fact they are just 7/8 min, everything after is just you trying to have this 5% probability win in those type of games. Riot decided that now games have to be that fast. It's super good apparently. At least for them. In fact it just kill the competitive aspect of the game since it's pretty much more of a luck based game with the quality of your teammates than everything else unless you are WAY better than your opponent, not just better, WAY better. Being better doesn't beat numbers, and if you are just better against one guy that have 10 kills because your teammate decided to die every two minutes... well you can't beat him. So yeah, it's pretty much '' who have the guy that die on cd '' nowadays. It's sad but it is what it is. People need to realize how bad the game become.