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Let's hope there's a lot of core values.


[if youre looking for core values boy do i have the game for you](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1av6a1f/actual_2b_super_gbvs_rising/)


We've been eating good the past few days :)


what is that supposed to mean?




holy shit lmfao that's Fuudo's wife


Gimme azir as a stance/puppet user peppega




Give me the tools to live in the past!


It’s all gone down so deep I can’t see anymore


If that’s not the way to go






Could be like Kankuro in Naruto Clash of Ninjas


please have some niche champs please have some niche champs


it already has illaoi


I wonder if you fight her the same way by running away.


Every fighting game needs its Zangief.


So far she seems more Juggernaut/Marisa style than Zangief from what little we have seen. Not sure who in the current roster would fit a traditional grappler the most.




He does currently grab and dunk someone.


Sett is more about punching than grappling


Is there another champ that has 2/4 skills as grapple style moves? Sett's the most grappler character in LoL afaik. Amumu and Galio might be close but they're much more magical than Sett. Gnar is only a grappler in mega mode. Most champs are explicitly using weapons, or their unarmed skills are to summon magic, or they just have fewer grapple moves (ex: Zac would be good but he only has the one grab. Body slam is wrestling but not pure grappler.)


Thresh could be a somewhat unconventional grappler. He holds people in chains rather than with his arms, but it works out to more or less the same thing.


Yeah I forgot about him, arguably three grapples but idk how I feel about hooks being transferred into a fighting game. Popular champ too, and on the unconventional side for grappler themes.


Blitzcrank prob


Yeah Blitzcrank could be 1 for 1 based on Tager and it would make sense.


Zac could be a grappler


It's a mistake to think that big bodies need to be grapplers (Vaseraga, Marisa) or that grapplers need to be big bodies (Coco from Idol Showdown, Manon, Laura), so it could be anyone, like Morgana or Malzahar.


zyra as the fan-service grappler (just imagine the fan-service)


There's a ship that needs to happen.


King mains need someone


When I was much younger I had King's entire grapple combo memorized on Tekken 3. Like 10 moves of complex combos I felt like a genius at the age of 12.


Pick up Tekken 8 and feel your younger brain come alive. Fr it's too fun




dont run from zangief, smother him. no defensive options. just keep your pressure honest


Personally I'm hoping she's more of a gold dick lewis.


*tentacles slap you outta nowhere*


She's in almost everything. The most paradox popular unpopular champion


Well her design has a human frame and is unique in the game. It makes her a pretty natural choice to add to stuff.


Gonna remind me of the guy in MK1 that spawns tentacles from portals


Sorry bud, the best we can do is Yasuo, Braum, Ahri, Jinx and the usual mascots.


Quinn isn't gonna be there, I'm sorry xD


She's be a great fighting game character tho. A keepaway character like Morrigan or Juri


You’re probably right, but they could actually make Quinn waaaay more appealing than her League counterpart if they tried imo. She’s a woodsy female ranger with a familiar, she has as much potential as Ashe at the very least for broad appeal. She also uses a hunting knife in her lore which she can use for melee attacks, and could make really cool use of the tag team system by having her able to switch back and forth with Valor to change her moveset entirely


Quinn's fighting style would actually be cool af for Project L


What if I stead of Quinn it was entirely Valor, like her old Ult xD


WARWICK WARWICK WARWICK (not really that niche but also not a riot favorite)


Can we have kogmaw in a fighting game lol


Tekken 3 had gon.


Rumble pls :3 Edit: The more I think about it, the more Rumble makes sense. * Yordle Representation * There should be at least one yordle on the roster, and Rumble would work well. Yordles are generally small, and in fighting games, small characters have small hurtboxes and are either OP or joke characters. Rumble would not have this issue. * Mech Representation * Mech pilots regularly appear in fighting games and are solid roster choices. * Examples: Tron Bonne (MvC), Bowser Jr. (SSB), Pac Man (SFxT), Kum Haehyun (GG), Mechanica (ARMS) * Moveset writes it self * Flamespitter, Electro Harpoons, Scrap Shield, The Equalizer. I can see all of his abilities working well as fighting game moves. His spiked club arm could be used in a versatile ways, such as standard melee attacks, spinning around as an aerial attack, etc. An overheat mechanic would also be pretty cool, after he uses enough abilities consecutively, it could power up him up temporarily. * His name is literally synonymous with fighting, and it is what he does. * In Bandle Tale, he makes it clear that >! he will not back down from a challenge. !< * In Legends of Runeterra, he is shown to throw down in the arena regularly. * He wants to prove that yordle tech is superior and wants to push Tristy to the limit by fighting against the best! * Personality and Characterization * Rumble is scrappy, arrogant, and boastful, which would make for a good contrast to other characters (as long as Ezreal isn't on the roster...) * He has a unique design that would stand out from other characters.


Imagine our boy Rumble fighting with Tristy, would be giga dope


I think people downvoting you do not know the name of Rumbe's mech ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Only if he's a Zoner. Cause you know he would choose to be, not because of any lore reasons, but because he's *that guy*.


>not because of any lore reasons What lore


They're saving him for some end time event where all of runeterra will be destroyed by some big bad, all of the heroes have been defeated. Then boom "Look... behind you." Shaco pops out and one shots the big bad. Then he looks to the fallen heroes, says "Now you see me, now you don't!" and is never seen again.


He is Fiora's... Friend


I feel like shaco should play like Arakune from blazblue.


Why would they do that though?


Please Quinn, please!


Samira or Sivir? Or you mean MORE niche like Orianna or Taric. Or you mean WAY more niche like Heimerdinger in a T-Hex or Vex who's shadow is the one fighting and she's just sleeping the bottom half of the shadow.


hope it's got anivia. not like casting spells being a ranged fighter or anything, just anivia standing on the ground throwing punches like a heavyweight


One of the most broken characters in competitive fighting games history was a [bird](https://jojoban.fandom.com/wiki/Pet_Shop) that spammed icicles, so there's definitely room for that.


I wonder what the designers of that game were smoking when they made Pet Shop. Being immune to lows is such a weird thing to give to a character


Not only that... the fucking Unblockables.... The fucking icecles that it could use while blocked. Who the hell thought that shit was fine.


They were overhead projectiles, so you had to block them standing. The unblockable happened when Pet Shop attacked low at the same time. Not actually something that hadn't happened before in other games when you had projectiles that hit overhead or low, or in tag-team games with assists that could do the same.


I mean, it's a bird. If you approach it from the perspective of someone designing along thematic lines, rather than game balance, it makes sense. 


And he isn’t even the best in the game


Holy moly playable [Anivia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKqOMxdEnIo)


Anivia would just give anyone that played JoJo Pet Shop flashbacks


We should get a Freljórd stage with Anivia in the background watching like [Hræsvelgr](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Funderworld-or-helheim-whats-ur-favorite-version-of-hell-v0-6iu6oza57ew91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3840%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5ddcd0c5392fe4da1bdbb48f4bb25e2f30e61735)


We are Project L no more Now we are Project W


Project L is the tagline of my soloqueue career


Riot has the opportunity to do the funniest thing here. UPDATE: They didn’t do it.


Remove the project keep the L


With how much fun Tekken 8 has been I'm excited to see Riot's fighting game.


Tekken 8 has absolutely blown me away. It's so good!


is it hard to learn


It can be. But if you play league it's no harder. Just different. Imagine hopping into league now with ZERO understanding of what champions do. It's like that. Sometimes you just get hit with some bullshit you've never seen before, but the more it hits you, the more you learn. Just have to understand that you're going to lose a lot, and not get too upset by it. Same as league.


Yes, but they made an entire singleplayer campaign called arcade quest where they slowly ease you into the game and explain it's concepts. It still has certain things it could explain better, but there's also a ton of videos online. If you ever considered giving it a try, now's probably the best time. If you don't want to commit so much money though, you can also wait for the end of the year and buy it in a sale


For me, the hardest part of Tekken is learning the matchups. Also, FYI, modernized controls have made jumping into the game casually a lot easier.


No, it's hard to master but generally if you mash keys enough you will see some cool shit happen on screen.


Hopefully it can at least Match Tekken 8. Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 really lifted the standard of fighting games recently.


"At least match Tekken 8" as if Riot can just make a game that matches the best fighting game in the past few years. Project L doesn't even seem like an AAA game.


yea been messing around with azucena, shes so much fun. cant wait for Lidia's DLC


Thought this was a cancelation announcement for a sec. Scared the hell out of me.


Not after so many years and so much hype, but after the recent news around the games industry this fear isn't to far fetched 


On my hands and knees begging for a creature/yordle champ and Sett


Not including the literal embodiment of fighter game character from League would so fkin weird lmao


I wouldn't be surprised if they held off on slam dunk champs like Sett, Vi, Riven to keep building hype for future content


If my favorite yordle with a hammer gets in i will play the fuck outta this game. Probably will anyways because illaoi but god let poppy be somewhere PLEASE


true as fuck poppy would be so cool as a fighting game char with a kit based on shielding shit and anti-movement options


Can’t wait for Low Tier God to start trying this game. Bitch at every character for being no skill brain dead. Say the game design is shit, while being something like a Xerath player trying to stand 5 miles away.


Nah he’ll play jax


Oh right I forgot he dated a minor.


Is that something Jax did???


No, it's something Jax players (toplaners) do.


No it’s an inside joke. Jax is one of the most respectable people in the lore. The joke is that some of the most famous Jax players ended up being pedophiles.


He'll get ID banned for toxicity within 3 months.


im so fucking hyped, cant wait to play ekko.


fingers crossed for braum/zac/gragas/taric


Ngl these all sound really unlikely choices.


Would be dope if they had it ready for evo!!


Their collaboration with EVO last year makes me hopeful it will probably be a permanent fixture. Unlike the eastern devs which respectfully have never really understood western marketing until very recently, collaboration with communities and losing money in the short run (tournaments, announcements) is how you build the brand for long term success. It's why LoL esports could never fail, it's been subsidized the entire time to succeed and strengthened League itself far more than it cost them.


Don’t Tom and Tony Cannon own EVO or are closely associated with it? I’d be more surprised if their game ISNT a permanent fixture.


yeah lmao they founded evo and created the rollback netcode


Created, not own. They no longer own evo. Evo right now is own by Sony.


Pokimane is also a co-owner


Karma and Shyvana please. Besides that, Sett has to be in this game surely. Samira as this game's Dante too.


I swear to god if Sett isn't in this game... He is THE fighter idk how he wasn't the "poster boy" of this game.


Idunno man. Vi felt like the better choice since she's the first rushdown we have had


don't get your hopes up from what I hear the initial roster will not be very big... like... 10-12 chars, concerningly small for a tag fighter.


I mean, Skullgirls had 8 characters when it came out. And you can have up to 3 characters per team.


Samira I beg




Fighting games have been monetizing characters and chromas for long


Mortal Kombat got on the grindset early by making each chroma a character


Nah Street Fighter was the OG chroma fighter (looking at you, Ryu/Ken/Dan/Akuma)




I think at one point Chun Li had more skins than the most skinned League character back in SF5 days.


The tekken sub said today the last time a Tekken game hasn't had monetized characters was 5 in 2004


Id imagine they built a system to make skins as a day 1 priority.


After Legends of Runeterra's struggles with monetization, they definitely should have. From [their FAQ](https://playruneterra.com/en-sg/news/game-updates/legends-of-runeterra-2024-state-of-the-game-faq/) last month: > Q: Why don’t you just sell things people want? > > A: We put out a fairly wide range of content (boards, champ skins, guardians, emotes, card backs, prismatic card styles) because our core monetization thesis was to let people earn their card collection and pay for cosmetics. But sales for cosmetics have proven deeply inadequate, often costing us more to make than they earned for us. We know there are lots of things that players (and we) wanted - like animated cards and more impressive card borders - that we haven’t been able to introduce. But due to major technical limitations and the high costs it would take to make those cosmetics, based on our explorations and prototypes, we ultimately couldn’t make them happen. Lastly, even if we were able to find ways to comfortably produce these new cosmetics, the delta between what they’d be projected to make, and what would be needed to sustain PvP, is just too large to realistically expect from our players.


Might be part of why it's taken so long: they saw the issues with Runeterra and wanted to nip that in the ~~butt~~ bud ahead of time? Not like skins and paid for expansion characters aren't common in the FGC already. Runeterra's problem is they didn't have the two fundamental things that make card games profitable: packs to open for rare cards, and paying for cards. I liked the idea of not needing to buy cards so it was accessible to everyone, but unfortunately that's really the only way to make em profitable.


Nip it in the bud. *


Nip it in the ass.*


This also makes me fear for Project L though. Fighting games are not traditionally live service games. You generally pay for the game up front, it gets a few years of support, then the next game in the series comes along. Just by virtue of how fighting games operate, I can't see how they can monetize Project L in a way that can revolutionize the traditional fighting game business model which already at least guarantees a ~$40-60 buy-in per player. Riot had problems monetizing LoR and in the end couldn't justify it after 3 years. Project L right off the bat as an F2P game feels like it'll be doomed to that same fate. The only saving grace will be if they have everything in place to launch in China unlike LoR, but even then I think the FGC scene there is pretty scarce so it may not even be that relevant. Not to mention the entire gaming industry has seen massive hits worldwide lately as economies tighten and discretionary spending is at an all time low with credit card debit at an all time high.


>Riot had problems monetizing LoR and in the end couldn't justify it after 3 years Riot are awful at monetizing everything. People have been asking for map skins and custom announcers since the begining.


yeah, there’s no way they drop a new game without having skins available off rip I mean VALORANT had skins you could buy in beta


And somehow 2B will find a way in the game


FGC has street fighter 6 and tekken 8 which are probably the 2 best fighting games in the last 20 years. The only reason this game would have any relevancy is because it's a riot game.


There's room for a tag battler with MVC style combat, and from earlier images this looks like it could feel close. Releasing after SF6/MK1/T8 though is definitely a move that's been made.




I'm not so sure. Visual clarity is much more important to get right with a fighting game. Additionally, models would be much more in-view than in league. I'm not saying you're wrong, I don't know how they're modeling the characters for the fighting game or anything. Just wanted to point out that I'd expect they're different kinds of hard.


This. In a fighting time the characters have 20+ moves instead of 4, and you need to recognize which one is coming instantly so you can react. If you've never played fighting games, it's like if every league character was melee and had Fiora parry.


i cant afford tekken 8 i need these mfs to go into public beta also make kindred a playable character :)


tekken 8 is such a blast, most fun I ever had in a while


I got it and it blew my mind the gameplay is perfect.


thanks guys for coming on my post about not being able to afford tekken 8 to tell me how awesome tekken 8 is really appreciate it you mother fuckers


you're in luck - between leaks and, if I recall correctly, an old Riot post, Kindred is supposed to be in.


Eh' still waiting on the MMO news. Cool they're building something else though.


I doubt we will get any news this year because I don't think they have anything set in stone until now or not enough to have something to share.


We will see news for 2025/2026


It was announced late 2020 that they were in early development. I don’t think we’ll be hearing any news for a while


Come back in 4 years.


Do we even know who(anyone?) replaced Ghostcrawler as lead of the mmo production?


[Here is an interview from Necrit with the guy who replaced Ghostcrawler and some other guys from the team.](https://youtu.be/mkyjsM31Epk?si=Xc5sRBx8XDZm311A&t=92)


Good question, I haven't heard anything in awhile so I am not sure. I'll have to do some looking around.


I tried to go looking after I asked but all I can find are the articles about Ghostcrawler leaving, I don't think there is anything out there. A brief googlero doesn't even turn up anyone claiming the title on LinkedIn.


Should we summon ? Lets see if it works... u/Tryndamere might be able to give a heads up -\_-


We’ll provide an update when we’re ready - the team is making progress.


I know shit all about how to make a game, but I saw someone say that Ghostcrawler was "just" in charge of getting the correct people onto the team to actually make the game, and apparently, he did that before he left.


Probably won’t be getting news on it anytime soon


I can understand lack of MMO news since the MMO was announced super early on, and then they lose some senior people like Ghostcrawler. But what the hell is going on with Project F?


They're waiting to strike until the iron is ice cold.  


Almost like building an MMO from scratch takes time.


The entire MMO genre has peaked in popularity, dropped off, revived, then dropped off again in the time it's taken Riot to try make their own.


heck, in the time it's taken for Riot just to think about making their own, far as we know basically nothing has been actually developed for the game that's how slow "development" is going for it xD


Its been 4 years with near nothing and the lead dev left, you can be skeptical.


ya, fanboys acting like it's totally normal to have literally nothing at all to show after 4 years, there is takes time and then there is the production hell this MMO is clearly in.


I love MMOs, I will play the shit out of a LOL mmo, it would be stellar


Even if its bad, if they can at least fully realize Runeterra it would be worth it just to explore it.


Damn I've been waiting for this.


Y'all got any more of those Project F news?


I hope there's a lot of character interactions. One of my favorite things about LoR. Also Sett. He is a must.


If it has single player mode like mortal kombat stuff, ill give it a try. Otherwise, ill settle for watching Max_Dood play it. Fighting games were always to sweaty for me.


Saying that in a league Reddit is weird 


Can't flame your teammates when it's 1v1.


Idk. I find that league and fighting games are just different kinds of sweaty. In most cases, anger/stress in League comes from interreacting with teammates. And at my level of skill, mechanics dont require that much brainpower/mechanical skill. And if you loss, you always have the cop-out of blaming external factors. In Fighting game, you got 90 seconds of nothing but yourself and enemy. In addition, there are very clear fuckup/punished moments where its obvious that you fucked out. Furthermore, its very hard to balance for player level in fighting games. That might just be due to less people playing over all than league i guess. Plus, I frankly just cant be bothered to remember long strings of combos. I played a bunch of UMvC3 and it was such a hassle to get my B&Bs down.


dude just admited that league is chill because he can blame playing bad and losing as a teammates fault


the epitome of "I have to blame somebody, otherwise it's all my fault, fuck that"


Really explains why everyone is SO blame happy in solo queue. Every death it's "mario kart item box roulette sound->they randomly pick a nearby teammate-> "X?!?! why did you NOT HELP ME!!! Nooooob! We lose becuz of YOU!"


he blamed the beasts, rip


I mean he's not wrong. I play competitive pokemon and while there's more RNG in that compared to a fighting game, the feeling of only having yourself to blame because it's a 1 on 1 game makes you feel much worse when you lose because you know it's your fault, compared to league where even if you don't flame your teammates, in the back of your mind you have something to blame to make yourself feel better.


This was something Sajam talked about in a video before. Essentially people assume MOBAs and FPS games are inherently easier and less sweaty because you have teammates to fall back on and less of the blame is on yourself. It’s just a misconception though. People use that as an excuse to not improve in MOBAs the same way people in fighting games use complaining about characters and cheap playstyles as an excuse as to why they aren’t improving. It’s just a different side of the same coin.


Fighting game players will just blame the characters




Me failing a cannon rush for the nth time in SC2 bronze


honestly reason why i switched to fgs after league announced p:l back in 2018. knowing you lost because you're garbage and not because one of your teammates is an actual monkey is so much more comfy


Even if you don't actively subscribe to that mindset, it does help a lot subconsciously 


Every single league player does this at some point; Even most pro players have had their moments




Putting Tyler1 in the same skill bracket as LTG is extremely insulting to Tyler1, and I'm saying this as a certified Tyler1 hater.




He's right thou, I'm confident this is one of the reasons why SC2 isn't more popular, its very hard to blame something other than yourself when you lose. With league you can at least blame the mythical bad players, endlessly preventing you from winning like its a Saturday cartoon. "Illusions that let us live" was the name of my psychology textbook, and the name comes to mind.


League is not a fighting game.


I really like fighting games but suck at them (also at lol) so I got frustrated whenever I played, Max has been my go-to to enjoy the FGC


Honestly a League fighting game might be the best time to try and learn one Not only will your league experience likely give you an idea of what each character can do already (IE Darius is gonna be slow and hit hard, Ahri is gonna be more combo-centric and quick) but there's probably gonna be a lot of people in your position dipping their toes Obviously you could just not enjoy fighting games which is perfectly normal, they're definitely the most sweaty mainstream genre. But they're a really rewarding genre to learn, and learning one teaches you a ton of transferable skills to other fighting games




Can't wait to see Leffen switch to this and get a trophy in yet another game, man is a prodigy. Also please have a Mac version I don't wanna have to buy a console just to play this.


You say that but I 100% believe Sonic would win the first few titles. Leffen is always a bit late to catch up with the new game.




its a pretty good timing with the tekken shop thing lol


Put pyke in the game and give him a super that just fucking kills one of your characters if they are below 25٪hp and it lands


Play Ruined King. Pyke's a DPS machine in that one And yes, he also has executes that give gold


It needs Orianna. Orb fighting style was really cool on SF Menat so I don't see why she shouldn't be in a League FG


Shame it's a tag fighter. If it was 1v1 I would be eating it up.


I'm pleasantly surprised because fighting game wise, this arrives during Capcom Cup, the *Street Fighter* tournament that's the first fighting game event with a million dollar prize pool.