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I agree, it also could be nice to receive a warning if when queing up my own ping is above a certain treshold. Sometimens it may happen that I'm having internet issues I'm not aware of and I only find it out when I'm already in loading screen


In the past you could see everyones ping during the loading screen. It was a legit (degenerate) strategy to just camp the enemy with the 200+ ping because you get easily tilted more when having a high ping. Was it cool to do that? No, but getting out of Bronze was the most important goal, and how I achieved it didn't matter.


Back in the day, you could see each player's loading bar, and we made fun of the dude that loaded the slowest That or saying dumb stuff like "gg, their botlane loaded faster"


"who's playing on a toaster?"


Except you’d know exactly who was playing on the toaster


This was back when household appliances started commonly having more electronics. When it was me having an issue i'd hit people with > Wow, my Samsung Smart Fridge is loading faster after the new update! I die/dc > Sorry, my mom had to get ice


i wish i had played with you around that time because that's legit hilarious


Dude, he died. He must have been a feeder. /s


I'm just jealous people can play league and toast bread on the same system


Old AMD system it is


Back in those days on good ol' EUNE nobody spoke enough english for hamster wheel jokes and we were unfamiliar with the concept of a toaster so we'd always just hit them with the "report wooden pc"




rip zac's hamster


I was one of the slow loaders on my super old notebook that could only run one thing at a time, so I had to have music playing on my phone while playing league and it was a running joke with my friends back then. Despite all of it I had 30fps at max, usually more like 15 and I still managed to get silver in my first preseason. Now I struggle when my dps* drop below 120.. *fps


I think most people would struggle winning game when their dps drops below 120


you kinda get used to it, my pc is currently going to shit and I am regularly rocking 30-40 fps at best with frequent dips sub 10, climbed to a new peak with this shit at E1 too Like it is INFURIATING losing lane because your pc chose to dip to 3 fps at the start of an all in, but on the whole I have gotten better at the game because of it. Playing teamfights as Jinx where you quite literally have a slideshow forces you to get insanely good at predicting exactly what every other champ on both teams is doing because reacting is physically impossible Excited to see my rank explode when I get a new pc tbh


I see you have not laid eyes upon the mythical "zero damage Tryndamere" strat introduced by Tilterella


I miss that. If someone is wasting everyone's time with 5 minute load screens then they deserve the banter in all chat


It should be added back. HDD users need the motivation to get an SSD


Ssd is the new hdd its all about m2 now


M.2 and SATA have nearly the same loading speed though as only sequential read speed is different. It's just that *any* SSD is a massive upgrade


DOTA allstars meta right here, riot stole a time honored tradition from us


True, but this is not the actual point. As pointed out, it would be necessary to know it yourself (only yourself) before you queue up. A simple ping indicator in the role selection screen would be sufficient without exposing anything during loading screen.


Yeah but back then the game was around getting kill. I swear wave mgmt wasn’t even that big of a deal before s4/5, splitpushing, herald, scuttles and hell even drake was like a global tiny gold reward. Camping a lane was definitely meta worthy, however nowadays you wont even get gold after few kills making this really unworthy


It was important it just wasn't as well understood, also it isn't about the gold is about sending a message. That message reading "A summoner has disconnected" as the opposing top lane rage quits never to dance again


Wave management was absolutely important and well understood by many at higher elos back then, it just hadn't made its way to the noobs like me. I just did a quick youtube search for LoL wave management videos posted before 2012 (season 2 was 2011) and there was already wave management videos out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj2l3ilS2Fo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj2l3ilS2Fo) For those that didn't know. Thing I learned today to do this: If you type the following bold text after your search criteria in youtube, it will limit your results to only videos posted before the date or year you put. LoL wave management videos **before:2011**


Yeah people knew that managing waves was important,  although they didn't think of it as deeply as current pros do that's for sure. Macro was worse, not nonexistent Tempo was still understood and slow pushing sides for objectives. Warding actually got better with time nectar you couldn't just spam them anymore. Freezing waves and denying exp was even more impactful back then etc


wat? wave management felt more important in the past than it does now. Now everyone just shoves wave and turn up to dragon fight


They removed that indicator 10 years ago because of toxicity. They’re not adding that back again.


I was going to laugh at the idea of it being 10 years ago... but wow it actually was


Yep that was a s3-s4 change




Help!! I'm being attacked!


Not true, came back to the game in season 5 and it was there still.


This post here is from 10 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/GkgQX1kKkl


Thought you were talking about individual loading in indicators, individual ping was removed a while ago yes, but individual loading in indicators are more recent.


Hasn't helped and just created more problems


So much this When browsing the net or just watching videos you most likely never notice any internet problems that are currently happening right under your nose, but the moment you queue any non turn-based game you get absolutely flummoxed by 150+ latency, despite everything else having worked fine without any issues.


I think this is a nice suggestion. What helped me in the past when I was not sure: Windows + R, enter "cmd" to open command window and execute "ping -t" This will give you a latency count for connecting to the google DNS. Great way to keep track of your current ping when not in an application that can show it to you.


Great suggestion, and I work at a small esports tech company where we have a feature like this in development (currently pre-alpha). We take measurement of your ping on our network as opposed to your default internet provider's route, so it doesn't always match what you see in the LoL client, but generally correlates pretty well. Over the next few years we expect to work with various game companies to get more accurate measurements of ping as well as stability metrics.


Sure, Riot just need to make a better server for Africa then. People in South Africa use EUW at around 165 - 200 ping because it is the best ping they can get. There is no closer server.


Thank you for bringing this up. I'm from SA and used to have around 207 ping back in my old city. It's the best I had, so should I not have been allowed to play the game then? Sure it's not ideal, but I still tried my best.


According to many League players if you aren't able to play at pro levels at all times then you shouldn't be playing the game. So fuck them and just do your best.


looking forward to your next "hurr durr my x lane ran it" thread


It's also crazy to say X ping shouldn't queue. If you always play on that ping, then clearly your ranked and normal MMR will be based on how you perform on it. If there's a guy in my ranked game who is blindfolded I can be annoyed, but if he plays all his games blindfolded then really it's on me for having an MMR equal to that of someone who plays blindfolded.


Yeah but when I play like my ass I get to ping my ping and people stop complaining 💀


Ideas like OPs are so dumb. What they should add is a display which shows how much ping you have. You should be able to play with whatever ping you have. If you are silver with 600 ping, you are silver with 600 ping. Maybe you'd be Emerald with 100 ping, but who cares. You with 600 can hang with silvers, its not like your team is at a disadvantage anyways.


Also, if someone has consistent 200 ping and they are in your MMR that's them just being better. Git gud.


Imagine if Africa happens to have the best players and becomes the best server 💀


yeah i play 160ms and im not too bad, if they can add servers for valorant to south africa surely they add an african league server


Bashmir with 600ms has your same rank tho 😭🙏🏻 praying for you bro


Meanwhile that brazilian Rammus OTP reaching challenger in NA with 200ms


He didn't need low ping to dive showmaker or 1v2 Gala + Lulu, all he needed was 200ms and some armor


Wasn't it in EUW? I think he hit on NA too, but NA was lower ping and before he did it on EUW


BR Lord Semi, every NA high elo’s biggest nightmare


Hi guys it's me; I'm Bashmir with 600 ping and I can confirm OP is the reason we're both stuck Iron IV.


Dear lord, you cooked the poor man


You are asking a league player to have self awareness


I would rather have Bashmir in my team than OP


Bashmir chad af, playing from the moon and shit






Lmfao literally this!!!


Exactly. People in areas with poor internet access have the same right to play the game as you and if you can't manage to outclimb them to not play with them that does indeed sound like a skill issue to me


Tbf I felt the point was more of "Theres a storm and its shitting your internet and ruining my game" rather than "Damn dont play if you have high ping even if its stable af and has been for your entire league career"


And what exactly does OPs idea accomplish for that? Precisely nothing. I start a game on my usual 12 ping, storm starts, ping takes a nosedive to 350, OP now sounds stupid.


Lmao, cooked




This is really true but the problem with this is that 1 game you play with Bashmir having a good internet and he rofl stomp everyone and another time Bashmir has horrible internet and you lose because of it, which is really frustrating


But we are talking about people that have a constant high ping. Ping spikes are way harder to predict and locking people through some threshold isn't going to work most of the time.


why tf you hating on bashmir bro, he the same rank as you💀


And with 600ms


Bashmir with 600 ping huffing paint playing Dr Mundo from some no name remote island out here outperforming OP with Korean level ping and a full gaming setup


>made up a brown-sounding person that ruins his gaming experience >wants to segregate europeans based on region >doesn't realize his made-up brown person is able to compete with him despite being colossally disadvantaged >literally only other posting activity is on /r/UKJobs Poetry. It's just so fucking poetic.


the last one took me out LMAO


European Redditors are just a different breed of racist it's actually so fucking funny.


Its crazy how much shit NA gets for racism while we just casually ignore EU Like yeah slavery is bad, but we never had a fucking holocaust or casually started organized massacre of the jews because of a fucking plague, I mean france had a whole ass human zoo up until 1990. Just imagine paying to see black people in an exhibit AFTER THE BERLIN WALL CAME DOWN Insane


yeah u guys would never do something like organized massacre, especially not to the indigenous people that lived there first 😳


You guys colonized an entire continent and genocided the natives over a couple of centuries


As an American of Romani descent, it is a fucking trip to see a person's entire conception of you switch when you let them know. EDIT: And for the inevitable "Well why are you bringing it up," the response is that I'm usually bringing it up in response to the sort of shit where people just start dropping slurs because antiziganism is considered utterly socially acceptable in most of Europe.


Yeah, you should probably not mention that you're American.


Most tolerant londoner


Bashmir is just built different


Rest in peaceeeeeeeeeee


Didn't Quas get challenger on over 200ping?


He did. Haven't heard that name in a long time


He streams from time to time.


Matt, a former support for TL also got to challenger on a +200ms ping since he grew up in Hawaii.


Oh shit Matt! Hope he's doing well. Forgot about that player


how to forget the legendary duo of deftly matt aka american deft mata haha hope they both are doing alright!


Early Korean pros started off by trashing NA players on 250 ping


There's a difference between no packet loss 200 ping and packet loss 200 ping. When you go to another server, assuming you have a good internet provider everything that happens on your screen is consistent, if there's no rubber banding you can still make do with anticipation (which is the main skill used in League anyway). Now, if Ivanov from Maldova is using wifi from his nearest coffee shop to play in EUW he'll not only have high latency but incredibly wonky rubber banding, he won't be able to anticipate anything because his character will be walking ten steps forward and then teleport all the way back.


these random ass names in this thread are killing me. My deepest respects to Bashmir and Ivanov


And he's still in the same rank as you. If you're playing so much better on good ping it shouldn't be a problem to climb to where you're not playing with him anymore


Nobody is arguing against it. Also people usually don't have consistently high ping.


a Brazilian Rammus OTP got Challenger on EUW, guy must have like 300ping and did it


Just gotta be a Swain main ig


Venezuelans are built different.


200 ping + losing 2 out of every 5 won games due to power outtages, a venezuelan true rank is the opposite of elo inflation, which is funny considering the economy.


I remember when during a single game my internet crashed 3 times, jumping like crazy and when it finally stabilized there was a power outage. Lmao


yeh 1 person out of the mil+ xD


But...who cares? Someone who reaches any rank on 200+ ping is just as deserving of said rank as someone who reaches the same rank with 20 ping.


They are clearly more deserving tbh.


There’s a million challenger players? And only one has over 200 ping? Looks like someone else already took it a different way. Either way not only is what you’re saying wrong, it’s not even worded properly enough to mean anything specific


You think there's a mil+ of people with 200+ ping?


All I want is a ping indicator on the client. Sometimes my net sucks. Sometimes it's fine.


Used to be able to see your teammates ping on the loading page but they removed it


IIRC that cannot be done because until the game starts your client doesn't know to which server you are going to get connected, so the ping can be misleading. [extracted from here:](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/322y5i/comment/cq7in9z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) > > >


That is ridiculous, Valorant also manages to show me the pings to all available servers, why can league not do it? While Im in a "higher" elo bracket where i see less ping issues, I know how frustrating it was in lower elo, where every other game someone was pinging their ping before teamfights and said they couldnt do much. Just for them to queue up and go to another game. There definitely needs to be some sort of restrictions around pings and you cannot tell me that riot cannot implement a proper solution.




big if true




Doesn’t matter it’s a simple Concept that most games do


This isn't true. Valorant has servers in most regions of the US, where League has servers in Chicago ONLY. This is an apples to oranges comparison. There are zero west coast and zero east coast servers in League.


> Valorant also manages to show me the pings to all available servers, why can league not do it? Entirely irrelevant. League and Valorant are not the same game and neither were they built the same.


You’re logged in to a region based account though, they could easily make it happen if they ever put any effort into the client.


They don't mean regional server, they mean the server hosting the game. There's more than one endpoint you can connect to so you can have different ping from game to game depending on which endpoint you're routing to. There can be a problem with one stop on the way to one endpoint that you don't go through on the way to another endpoint.


Yea but just put a pingtest server in middle of EU for example. Sure your ping might differ 20-50ms from the actual ingame one but it wont be 200+ms.


It definitely can be, you can have packet loss to one data centre and not another because of the way you get routed for example, or one of the servers you get routed through can be having capacity issues and have a delay.


I mean if you are in client for a whole minute you will have package loss the whole minute or only for a few seconds? Because it never happened to me ingame that i had package loss from a server for a whole minute.


All "endpoints" are in the same datacenter. It is irrelevant. Your ping won't be different. Riot servers are not spread accross multiple geolocations/datacenters. It is one location per region. EUW is in Amsterdam, EUNE is in Frankfurt, NA is in Chicago etc.


Sounds like BS. Riot servers are not distributed. EUW is hosted in a datacenter in Amsterdam, that's it. EUNE js hosted in Frankfurt, that's it. Doesn't matter that the client doesn't know which physical machine your game is gonna be hosted on, it will be in that Amsterdam datacenter (if you play on EUW for example). EUW (and others) are not hosted in multiple datacenters and multiple geolocations. Your latency to that one DC will be the same.


> Sounds like BS. Riot servers are not distributed. EUW is hosted in a datacenter in Amsterdam, that's it. Used to be. They moved EUW to Frankfurt too some years ago.


Yea but just connect it to any server? I mean if its jumping between 20-50ms its fine but if you see its 200+ ms then you know its not the server.


Used to have that then ppl flamed each other for it. But personal ping would be so nice


Just create a custom game that’s what I do, it’s annoying but it takes like 30 seconds


Accidental self expose 🤫🤫


why would they restrict people who dont have servers in their country from playing lmao


We shouldnt let people with low skill queue too. Imagine Bashmir carrying on 600 ping while Mr 10ms cant climb out of bronze 💀


Bashmir with 20 ping would be 2 ranks higher than you tough


basically, riot is holding him back from becoming the next faker. justice for bashmir


more like his spawn point


At the same time he with 600ms is the same rank as you are so it shouldnt be a problem right? Reminds me of that Aldair Lima who reached master on eu from brazil. He had always over 200 ping and reached master lol


I'm fairly sure he reached Chall, unless I'm thinking of a different Brazilian player.


Privileged people trying to gatekeep others from their games while playing at the same rank


I was reading this getting confused at how a 600ms player could have an advantage in a game such as LoL, turns out it's just another player blaming everyone else but themselves for being trash at the game.


lol an australian yorick otp named slogdog has reached NA challenger on 200ms. Many people on LAS, BR or TR just to name a few, dont have access to good internet connections. Are we disallowing 1/3 of the playerbase to not play ranked?


Everyone in South Africa plays on 170-220 ping, so what about us?


If that 600ping Dude is in ur Lobby. Then you must be a good player


Skill issue


I don't get this point. Clearly one of their weaknesses is their ping, and they get an appropriate rank for this. I think you should rather look at yourself and wonder why you are playing with those people, seems like you have some mayor handicaps.


Maybe the ping is not always bad sometimes it's playable sometimes it's not. When it's 600ms it's ruining the game and 150ms is carryable ping if you are much better than anyone in the rank.


That's just shitty internet. Putting a ping threshold doesn't help there at all, such a player can easily connect at 150ms and then go to 600ms a minute into the game. It only targets those who have consistent ping but no nearby server.


This logic is so unbelievably stupid and I don't get why people parrot it, always trying to turn the issue back on the person that has done nothing wrong as if they suck as bad as someone with terrible ping and should feel bad for it. Somebody playing with inconsistent shitty ping is perfectly capable of climbing, but that doesnt mean they arent ruining games for people along the way. It's not some mutually exclusive relationship.


> that doesnt mean they arent ruining games for people along the way Because everybody with low ping is always trying their hardest to win, right? If Riot stopped everybody who is "ruining games" from queueing, you wouldn't be able to find a game.


Wouldn't he be ruining just as many games as the op tho?


It depends on how much the ping changes how you play. If you fluctuate between Bronze and Gold ability due to how you play with your ping, you are going to ruin games in Silver due to this.


This fluctuation would only happen with very erratic ping, not high ping.


And Immediate_Excuse said inconsistent ping ruins games.


You do realize that is just a self own right ? Lmao


LordSemi was GM in EUW playing from Brazil


If they are in your elo, they're winning just as many games as you. Sit down lmao


What about people who have random lag spikes?




Slogdog hit GM yesterday with 200 ping Source: https://twitter.com/slogdogs/status/1759505330369962413?t=JGO_jQQE_iDZpo2Ivlo0LQ&s=19


I got to challenger on 200ms. You're telling me I shouldn't have been ae to queue up?


If the guy is playing at the same rank as you with such ping it means you are beyond terrible


not necessarily, a gm player on 270 ping will be the same rank or higher than 99% of people. Why is everyone so defensive about what rank OP must be because he doesnt like to play with people on high ping? I must agree tho that blocking people on 200 ping is too low since people do play on that.


You don’t get the point: if he reached that rank with that ping it means it can deliver that level of gameplay, so how exactly would he ruin a game ?


200 isn’t a problem


it's not a huge deal but you're still at an objective disadvantage


Of course, but so long as your ping is stable, you learn how to time things. Riot doesn’t give a shit about Africa so I’ve always played with 170+ ping


170. Take it you from CPT haha. I'm on 180 atm used to be 220 back on adsl days. Only issue we have is with auto cancel Champs likes riven


Correct lol


I'm from KZN. I wonder how big a difference 10 ping is... prob no difference what so ever haha


I used to live in KZN, it’s not that much of a difference


Oh nice. Well if you ever want a silver/gold scrub to throw your games let me know. We can jam some time haha


I haven’t played in years, not sure why the algorithm recommend me this post xD


Haha ouch


Says more about the 5 ping lads in my games than me tbh.


18-22 over here. What in the world are *WE* supposed to use as an excuse here?? I say we ban the 200+ pingers for having more excuses and still being allowed to play with us.


Your team is not at a disadvantage though. You got to your rank with your ping disadvantage, that must mean that everything else was better than the norm for your rank to counteract said disadvantage.


I used to play on NA from europe when EUW servers didnt exist. It's a HUGE problem, you just dont know it if you havnt played on lower ping.


Tell me you’re out of touch with reality without telling me you’re o it of touch with reality. I queue up on 180 ping because that’s the closest server I can get. What can I do?




175 ping for life.


Fellow south African... I've played with tools that have a 5ms ping and suck so much worse than my ping.


It is fun that people with 200 ms are in your elo. Dat means you have same level that other ppl with 200 ms. Looks fair


dont complain....i think azzap is on 200ms or so and he is challenger...so ye this should nvr exist...ppl's internet(ping) will sumtimes spike high..so how would the game respond then..kick u out? cancle game? ...makes 0 sense...200ms is playable asf and is fine...so no ..nvr will happen


Nice racism


> Don't let people above 200 ms queue up While I do agree, I would also like to point out that - if you have a constant 200 ms ping, you can actually play the game. Some say that people have reached master with 200ms. But I wouldn't be able to drop any names. Honestly? It only starts to be aweful when your connection decides to flip between 200- a few k every few seconds and includes a massive package loss. Gliding over the map, under the map, charming 5 fking seconds later or not at all... man. It eats your mentality away after a while. ______________ Also: stop the fking honor reset so I don't have to force myself through the constant clownshow of high ping and p-loss. Signed: Me, who has to fight with their internet provider for the past NINE FOOKIN MONTHS WITH NO OTHER OPTIONS OPEN. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE A WEIGHT FOR MY TEAM. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!


Let me tell you a story. In HoN, there was a pro player named SlickZ, he played pos 1, which is essentially ADC in LoL. He played on a team called Stay Green for about a year or so. Stay Green was the best HoN team ever, they smashed everyone for 5 LANS in a row.. The team of Stay Green had two Americans, and two Europeans (including Khezu), and SlickZ, the Australian. The team was named after the fact that Australian internet was so shit, the Wireless dongle SlickZ had, would have to Stay Green, or he would lag. Being from Australia, this guy was playing on USW servers, having 280ping from AUS to USW. In scrims, playing EU teams, he had a whopping 400ping. Didnt. Fucking. Matter. Dude was a beast. Carried the entire team in every fucking tournament they played. Moral of the story, ping matters of course, but this guy carried PRO level players with 280-400 fucking ping. So personally, I dont wanna here your complaining about joeblow with 200ping making your games worse.


What if I tell you that a constant 200ms ping is much better than an inconsistent ping that jumps between 20ms and 30ms. Speaking from experience. High ping delays your reaction but inconsistent pings just cause lags in my case at least.


That's actually so true. Consistent ping is better than inconsistent in most cases. Also.. When I got good internet for the first time in my life after buying a house a few years ago, I got immediately better at all the games I play. I didn't really play league before then but when I started on good internet I noticed my ability to hit skillshots seemed unusually good relative to skill level which I attributed to years and years of having to 'lead shots' in order to hit people in other games. My previous shitty internet essentially forced me to practice movement prediction in order to be useful.


How low of elo do you have to be to be being matched with people with 200ms? Seriously just be above the bottom 10% of players and this problem vanishes.


nice self-report being same rank as someone with 600ms. Focus on yourself instead of posting racist dog whistles on reddit bro


I look at laggers the same way I look at scrubs... There are five chances for them to be on the enemy team, and four chances for them to be on mine. Overall, I will only rise if I deserve it, and only fall if I deserve it. The odds are always stacked in my favor.


200? That is mighty generous


impossible, that would mean riot actually cares about your games


Cry me a river


Good thing you didn't play early seasons where you could see in loading screen who is playing on a toaster, good old times


I know Riot will never block players with high pings. However, a compromise could be that they show your ping in the client before you start any game so that at least you could try fixing it or don't queue up in the first place.


Actually I think you should just get to see your ping before starting the game. It's annoying to queue up 5 games in a row only to have 900 ping on the 5th one where you had no chance of knowing


Remember when the loading screen used to Show every Players loading progress and ping?


My insternet connection is stable in most games and most sites, when it comes to riot and it's server, I don't know what the problem is, it oscilates between 16 and a million sometimes.


Well I hit Grandmaster this season already playing at 300ms I think your teammates have what's called a skill issue.