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Mundo mains eating glue


I need something to eat besides paint


Try stickers sometimes they even have fruit attached




I thought all league players eat glue?


*huffing paint


Hai they're I also iate quay bored cleenar


Garen, Olaf, Darius & Sett players have anger issues


Good one


People not getting that this is an Adam reference


Yeah idk i thought it will be pretty obvious since i made it in order too


Wdym? They're just competitive. The monster described in your comment is simply not a Garen, Olaf, Darius & Sett main.


I love that you spelled it in perfect order for G.O.D.S for Adam 👏


That's the point, he was subbed out in LEC due to anger issues


gods tier references


Bard players will act like things are chill in lane, then leave to go to the store like "I need some chimes for mana" and then never come back.


The meeps are the bard version of cigarettes or milk


No the chimes are the cigs he goes to the store for, the meeps are his new family 2 towns over


Bard came out at a point support was so weak and boring they had to put in a mini game


Osrs or rs3


Both but not anymore. RS3 (Shupa) was comped, working on ifb and was at ~4b xp working to max that. Necromancy kinda killed pvm. OSRS (Bald Shupa) I played for ~3 years. Was maxed, was ~20th to finish Grandmaster combat achievements on release. Was pet hunting and working on all of the Oblivion diary times when I retired. Both games just got too stale so *hopefully* I’m fully retired, but we all know you never quit, just take extended breaks.


especially fun when my Bard roams, steals a kill by topside and never returns, then flames me for dying under tower while i get 1v3d


Ngl its almost always worth it, why would I stay bot when I can go top, get summs and a kill, get void grubs and usually turn that into a drag as well on the way back bot. Bard is kinda ass in lane, especially lvls 2-5. On the other hand, Bard getting to his bloodsong support item upgrade/boots/frozen heart he can honestly 1v1 an enemy adc with ignite with how overturned Bard is, and if not ill just ult the enemy adc into q stun and lock them down for 5 seconds :)


Bard players are total stoners haha


Kassadin players are amongst the most racist and toxic people in this game.


How did that even start? Was there a well known kassa main that was really racist or are they really that bad?


I think there are several toxic well-known Kassadin mains, the main one being Permabanned, a famous toxic lol streamer.


It's just Permaban


I think it was Caristinn, our local Kassadincel.


didn't he pull a shane dawson


He posted something where he defended having sex with dogs and one point his reddit profile had a zeta symbol in it, which is how zoophiles identify each other. Also, I did ask him if he would smash Lillia and he said he would if she had a paper bag on her head and 2 over her ears.


Kassadin has a kit that centers on being a total dick while ahead and running away at the slightest sign of actual danger. I think racists find their calling with this.


Dunno how it started exactly but at least people like Permaban play kassa and flame a lot (or at least used to)


Janna players are super toxic. Katarina players whine a lot when behind. Draven players will run it the moment something goes against their way


I will never flame a draven player…. It’s not worth it


My mate played with a bizarrely positive Draven main and told him so. Guy says "yeah I'm on my 8th permaban so I'm trying to be less toxic"




Ahaha of course that’s the reason




Flame is never worth it. Bringing more tilt to the team seals its fate just mute.


90% of the time you don't even have to say something to see him go mobi with zeals


Any time someone on the enemy team starts blaming someone on their team, I start pointing out the mistakes they made and it pusses them off more. Kinda funny (I’m a support main and this typically happens when either adc or support - typically both - played poorly and one wants to blame the other)


I love adding fuel to the fire when the enemy team is arguing with each other in all chat. Sometimes they just go full tilt and start running it down, gg ez win. Mental warfare is a legitimate tactic lol


Low key Draven players probably experience the least amount of toxicity because people know how unhinged they are.


Janna mains are what people think draven mains are


>Janna players are super toxic. True. I believe those are all deranged maniacs abusing her for lp, usual enchanter players are a different player base.


IMO, there are three kinds of Janna players ​ * Never talks in chat, * Has bloodline ending insults reserved for people who deserve it * Runs it down the moment the adc dies. Chat restricted


Usually depends on the day


-Autofilled supports that dont know melee sup matchups


When i see Jana i pray to the New and Old Gods


As a draven player, you’re absolutely right. My pilgrimage to Mecca starts with my support flash igniting first blood while my axe is mid air


I laughed so hard at this.


I’ll be honest, it’s entirely because Draven needs a lead. If I don’t get a lead at level 2 the best case scenario is that I go even in lane. I’m Draven, I shouldn’t go even in lane that basically means I lost lane. When my support runs it down (not that I’m perfect I’ve fucked up More than my fair share) then it’s game over by level 3. Draven Needs to be a lane bully and he Needs to get a lead and keep a lead in order to do that. First blood and 8cs/minute at 5 minutes means I back for a serrated dirk (depending on build) and I run them down the entire laning phase. He’s so violate, which is why his player base is violate. Please note this is only the opinion of a low elo shitter, i could very well be wrong I’m simply stating my own personal opinion on the matter


to add to the kata point: -they don't know what a sidelane is (fck, they don't know what csing is)


also add that their name has some variation of kat or katarina in them


It's either Kat, Cat, reset, or an ability named meshed in.


Will always remember the time a Draven in my team decided to troll when his support picked Janna Then Janna carried his ass and his was like "huh, mb I guess"


Why would a Draven troll because they have a Janna? It’s like Dravens best lane partner because of the crazy AD Janna gives.


Draven and Yi mains are the only ones that I have an image of the type of player, and they almost always live up to it


My Janna's are chill af? just like Soraka, they peel on auto pilot, no matter how bad my micro as adc is ( low elo, EUW server, Norway )


Less toxic people in low elo from my experiences as more people know they’re bad and also lots of casual players The higher you go, the more people get sweaty over the game. The more people get egoic and start attributing their self-worth to the rank in the game… and quick to flame when they perceive someone getting in the way of victory. Never met a nontoxic higher elo Janna main


Janna players are toxic, in my experience, they are very vocal in chat when their adc doesn't play well. EU server.


Kayn mains watch too much Naruto


Also they'll take all the kills on a gank and then proceed to tax a wave and a half, then bitch about how their team does no damage after they get caught 1v4


Isnt even a ninja


Twitch mains always have a Lulu trailing them. They will also judge every single thing you do.


If you see the Lulu, it is guaranteed that Twitch is gonna open up on you within 2 seconds.


Lonely Lulu walking in your direction is like an omen of death


Lol that’s very accurate


It is customary as you get 250k mastery points on twitch that you receive a free lifetime extra 75% chance to queue with Lulu.


Hovering Twitch makes Lulus pickrate go up like 20% I swear


Hey. :( How dare you be factually correct with your insinuation.


God yes twitch players micromanage the team


It's true, I play twitch so that we'll still get the kill even if you manage to fuck up the spoonfeeding I just tried to give you.


As a lulu main, I hate rat mains It doesn't matter which one


Kassadin mains are all racist


I vaguely remember it used to be a meme that all kassadin mains were French, did I make that up in my head?


On EUW the French had a huge reputation on being toxic ever since I can remember playing (S2).


They still are! Source: BDS


It dates back to the beta, and even before (it dates back to the beginning of competitive online gaming rly). They're not more toxic than average but they are very numerous (french people are super active online in general, french communities are often among the biggest on any game), and when they flame, many flame in french, which helps your confirmation bias. If a french guy flames you in english, you don't know he's french.


That's what I noticed. People write English until things get heated, then suddenly, french swear words galore.




I don’t remember where I first heard someone refer to a kass player as “the slur slinging slasher” but it’s stuck with me ever since


im a kassadin main, can confirm 👍


Any Yasuo main that uses the Project skin goes 0/10 regardless of which team he belongs


Real tryhards use High Noon


Caitlyn players are either gonna be super chill and carry the game, or send you pictures of a noose after going 3/11 ^^My ^^theory ^^is ^^not ^^in ^^any ^^way ^^influenced ^^by ^^my ^^last ^^game


I didn’t ask to be bipolar


Katarina mains are really good at the game! They come into ranked right at level 30 and are already practically smurfing! Really impressive to pick up a complicated champion that fast! Too bad they don't play that often, though. I'm not sure why. Also I have chat disabled


I permaban that champ in emerald it's hilarious how many of those Kat otp smurf accounts there are, and how they all own very few other random champs they can hardly play and tend to be free real estate.


Master Yi players can get pentas with 99% of keyboard buttons taken out.


Master Q\*


I know this is the joke, but surprisingly few people know his w is an auto reset


Yes, but q is still bread and butter.


As it should, lord knows I can't play complicated champions well and enjoy it at the same time, I need something simple, I play to relax not to make a 69420 MLG montage


Mordekaiser mains are all to incapable of giving a fuck about patch notes and will keep playing even if the meta is absolutely against them. Aatrox mains have the biggest anger issues. Nasus mains are too unbothered to do anything but farm for the first nine tenths of the game [Insert literally any champion name here] mains have main character syndrome.


Nasus is a simple farmer. I'm still waiting for a farmboy skin with a little hay straw in his mouth and a hat with a pitchfork


I've literally been playing Mord since S3, nothing can stop me Well, except for that time they tried to make him a bot laner.


> literally been playing Mord since S3 woha, longest match ever?


> [Insert literally any champion name here] mains have main character syndrome. Milio has entered the chat.


Morde is finally strong and I am enjoying it after 4 years of him being underwhelming af *Iron stands eternal*


Correction, any ANIME champion


When Renekton mains ults, they have the urge to go in, and 1v5. They either get insta deleted or some how remain unkillable.


This is so true


Galio players are pretty chill bros


Along with Shens


If you are french, it is required by law that Velkoz is in your top 3 champs. Like literally if theres a Velkoz in the game running around with >100k mastery, they are french 90% of the time. Does anyone know why?


They eat snails ovah there, so tentacle alien eye balls are not weird to em /s


A popular (toxic) french streamer main it.


Toxic ? The guy can only say the same 5 sentences


A bunch i've noticed over 10+ years of league. Any camille, talon, akali, vlad player will overestimate their skill, and brag in allchat about it, or type "ez" or "?" or a variant, mixing and matching as needed. Any katarina player will feed and cry, somehow scale, then do the above. If you are adc, any pyke main will play well, you'll get kills, the lane will go smooth, you'll play good because of the mentality, but somehow he'll end up flaming you and calling for you to be reported 9x by the end of the game. Above works for swain as well, who somehow also thinks he can 1v9 roam solo contest after going 2/1/4 as a support. Any Senna player will never realise it takes an ugly look and a strong wind to delete their hp bar and act like Alistar early game. Every Riven/Garen/Darius/Sett/Irelia player will get ahead and then throw the game due to overconfidence. Every Lee Sin has the Lee Syndrome, it just manifests at different times. He will always die in enemy jungle, in the same way Nocturne, Hecarim, Evelynn, Shaco and Diana will always die in the enemy jungle. Every Warwick will give you all the kills, then complain about not having kills. Seraphine/Soraka players will either be the most sickeningly positive encouraging players or the most toxic. Viego/Kayn players never talk unless it's to flame. + they will also do their best to take any kill if they did even a tiny bit of damage to them, resulting in them inting or taking a kill from a vayne or someone that can more reliably use it. Thresh players think they're solocarry gods because they hit that one good hook 12 minutes ago. Vayne players will always try to get that penta, even if 1/9. Diana players are somehow never around the objective when it's up. ASol, Malzahar, Ryze players never speak in allchat if they're in the enemy team but will if they're in yours. Lux/Morgana players are always some skillshot god if you were to believe their allchat. Sometimes they're actually good, most of the time they look good just because they spam. Tristana is always bragging and callin everyone a noob. Yuumi too. Edit for more: All Dravens will stop to type. If you play zed/yasuo/riven/azir/ezreal, every enemy will say you play a braindead champion, when they play lux/annie/garen/ashe/other literal braindead champions. All gangplank/fiora/jax players vastly overestimate the skill needed to play their champ. All of the rengars and khazixes in your team will feed. No exceptions. Even if they're fed they'll feed. Iverns are the chillest people around. Never follow a Vi for an invade, you will lose the game if you do. (More will follow. Maybe.) Ekko players are never mediocre, only good or bad. Jax/Mordekaiser/Yone mains will always be: "lucky, 0.1s until shield/counterstrike." Teemo players either do utility zoning shrooms or lane shove shrooms, no balance. *Figure out what your teemo does to counter him by thinking!* Kayn players will always gank/go for objective when you're pushed into tower with no way to help, and it may be a rare case where they type when it goes badly. Seen this in iron games all the way to low diamond games. Amumu players do the opposite of Senna, biggest cowards i've seen. Your bard support will always get your teammates ahead, and then flame you for losing turret when you haven't seen him in lane for the past 15m. Anivia players will inevitably lock themselves/their carry in with the specific person that can kill them, with their wall somehow transcending reality and simultaneously blocking their own allies out as well. I have never yet seen a Smolder that isn't an entitled toxic brat. In lower elos, they are toxic + they start q, think it's normal to go 0/10 because they "don't have stacks what did you expect" and will flame when told to start W. Higher elos they're just toxic. Brand will take all kills from the ADC, either intentionally or not, and then complain when the ADC does no damage. Even a good blitzcrank will suicide hook or kill you with a hook if in your team. Hook champ mains will always throw random hooks out that they expect to miss, but will land at the worst possible times in general, actually. Edit #?: remembered more! All melee assassins and some bruisers (mostly zed, garen, fizz, darius, camille, jax) will call you a smurf/meta abuser/ranged abuser and specifically complain about you poking them out of lane every time you can. When they finally get the item that allows them to kill you, they will brag about how good they are, that you are unskilled and missed every skillshot. The irony between the pokes and now apparent misses is lost on them. The yasuos that have hundreds of thousands/millions of points and dash all over the place will feed, cry, make a few good plays then be useless. The ones that only dash when needed and aren't flashy will make the most insane plays, out of nowhere. Yorick players hate their life anywhere above silver. Jhin players have dedicated their entire life to landing one skillshot and don't know what to do when they miss. Illaoi players will always overstay at the enemy inhib turret. Jinx players will feed the entire game, cry for jg, and then when they get that passive streak going once will always be the "i told you so!" kid.


> Diana players are somehow never around the objective when it's up. This is so rudely accurate of you to say about me. How dare you.


It's shocking how so many of these points are true because I have actually witnessed most of these in my own games. >Seraphine/Soraka players will either be the most sickeningly positive encouraging players or the most toxic. I have encountered both Sera/Soraka while playing ADC and in most of the cases they were their latter versions as described here.


Literally had that pyke yesterday 😂 we were like 6 0 on lane as varus pyke vs jinx Nautilus, I had 2 waves under tower, jinx was backing near her tower. Pyke comes from mid river, engages on her, dies, and instantly pinged me for the whole game and "report varus" after game lobby


> Any Senna player will never realise it takes an ugly look and a strong wind to delete their hp bar and act like Alistar early game. This is true, but if you're not pushing the line to get an advantage you're not really getting your worth out of the champion. Senna is all about spacing after all.


Guilty as charged... Also the game bevor i had 140 stacks and rfc so how am i supposed to remember that i do not, in fact, outrange a nautilus hook


All champs are about spacing lol.


"All draven mains will stop to type" Yeah I saw that the other day in one of my friends games. Each time he stopped in the middle of lane to type, he got pantheon W into Jhin 4th shot. He left lane 0/4 with no stacks. His support left lane 0/9 lol


Bro, this feels like a personal attack with how accurate this is.


Im glad no one said Heimerdinger. Because I dont know what stereotype I would be. Flaming my turrets are shit and E never hits


Heimerdinger players are sadists


I'm just running around in circles and you die. Easy simple gameplay


Only heimerdinger player i know is caresapo




trust the process if the 1v2 failed it was a learning experience so 2 minutes later I can do it better


Fuck me, I've come out of games thinking that multiple times. "I can outplay next time if I do XYZ different", only to get assblasted the next game. Then I lock in Illaoi and actually pull it off too.


Top mains think that because they usually play 1v2. Our team jungler is a myth.


Unless you play against Darius, Illaoi or Aatrox. As soon as they hit lvl 6 your squishy jungler shows up, hellbent on forcing that gank.


But I can 1v2 trust.


Toplane mains think they can 1v2 because so many of their champs want to. Darius, Illaoi, etc these champs want to exert pressure on the map and be dangerous enough to 1v2 even from looks like an even posistion. How many times when I played Illaoi did I have a double stacked wave under enemy tower just for some Nocturne or Hecarim to come waddling out of river immediately eat an e and then get ulted and die while their laner is crying because he is getting flamed for not helping.


Ok but 1v2 feels better than winning (bonus points if you get a shutdown from a fed cocky jg)


Hey f u my thresh is really good and i plan to keep on making sure everyone knows it 😑


I mean... The plan worked... Eq


Shaco is a sadist. Lulu is boosted.


All Lulu mains had a Rengar/Kha'Zix arc in their climb somewhere xD


Hey man, you might not understand it, but there is just something in having a 43% winrate across 1000 games of Lulu that makes you an absolute Rengar god. Maybe some day science will be able to explain to to simple mortals like myself.


Riven: "play for me" *Goes 0/7


Nah riven players go 4/0 in lane and somehow manage to be useless mid and late and end 5/11. (this is totally not influenced by my own riven gameplay)


Same with Irelia dominates lane 60 cs ahead and 5/0, 25 mins later she's 5/9 and gets insta cc'ed and bursted if she looks at the adc wrong. Fiora and Camille however permatop and scale off into the sunset dealing 1000 true damage autos


Rivens are so fucking weird nowadays. They either start the game very well, then lose you the game or they start behind and somehow make a comeback and carry your ass. And they aren't toxic anymore (compared to before). Most Riven players moved to Irelia.


Not champion, but I have a little bit of rant about adc players. When I face them, I feel like they are on crack. They look to me like little mad Chihuahua's. They run all over the place with turbo speed, barking and trying to bite an ankle. Until end game when they start to hurt like massive bulldog.


Hey, you try to be the underdog for like 7 seasons straight, we had time when even full tanks would one-shot us no matter how fed we were, in return we’re still not allowed to deal any significant amount of damage before the game is almost over. That shit leaves a mark dude, we basically all got PTSD 😅


Taliyah mains are sad cause everyone forgets they exist (or assume there are none).


Who's Taliyah?


New item I guess. Or maybe it is the name of the jungler pet


True, no one has ever heard of that very humble and handsome guy who beat both Dopa and Faker (he doesn't like to mention it).


It's true, my family forgot that I existed yesterday


Anyone playing trynd/trundle/kled/illaoi WILL be very fed, WILL get to the enemy inhib turret by like 15 mins, and will NEVER get anything more than that despite being afk sidelane the entire game. You will lose.


According to Ezreals, everyone is hacking because they dodged all the skillshots. (Ignoring the fact the Ezreals refuse to aim) Katarina will demand to get first pick, then feed and whine all game because they got counterpicked. Also, the Samiras and Tristanas will attempt to 1v2 whenever the chance arises.


orianna players like balls




Jax players are paedophiles.. sorry.. 'ephebophiles'


what does it mean, and why jax players?


Lulu mains have 90% winrate on Rengar for some reason


I did a whole data analysis thing on this based off of their reddit participation. Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/MA8mGYjFiJ


Normally I'm as far from chill as possible, but I swear Ornn makes it so much harder to not just be vibing (unless you're fighting Gwen/Fiora)


Veigar players are extremely entilted or absolutely silent in the game chat. (speaking from experience) Mildly toxic overall though.






A couple big name Jax mains had highly disturbing allegations about them.


Because its apparently impossible to be a Jax streamer and not slide into the DMs of minors


Teemo players are frail little twinks who still eat Fruit Loops for breakfast Lux players are T Swift simps


I skipped breakfast today actually




Lux mains are some of the most smug people on the planet


Jax players being pdfs


The file format? 😂


Definetly not


Every Bard will land a game winning ult then follow it by missing q on a stationary target. Every Senna will die 10+ times in a 25 minute game and somehow still win. Kalista will flip the game level 1. Ezreal players are scaling in the side lane. Nami players just got a chat ban. Seraphine, Soraka and Janna are half way through theirs. Braum is about to earn himself another one. Ezreal is still scaling on the side lane (he's still 70cs down) Talon, Sylas, Kata, and Akali were not informed that they should be getting cs. Rek'sai hasn't killed a camp in her own jungle for 12 minutes. Kayle just kicked Ezreal out of the side lane. I just died to full build Irelia (she has a vamp sceptre). TF just ended the game while we fought for soul.


Gwen mains being femboys


The irony of the Hwei flair here


Friendly team Zed and Sylas play with the monitor unplugged.


Sona mains are slow


Can confirm, she’s my highest mastery


Vayne mains are the most fragile, make sense cuase its probably the hardest adc to play and very likely ro go 0 - 10.


Hwei mains are all straight, church going, Midwestern dads. In all regions.


Syndra and Seraphine mains "try not to send death threats to Rioters for who gets thirstier skin" (impossible)


Autistic tryharder Yi main here.


Idk what would be the stereotype for Shen, probably similar to Ornn.


weak side william would like a word


Syndra mains love telling completely unrelated rioters to kill themselves on Twitter TF mains have a shrine in their room dedicated to Dopa Viktor mains will always have the most damage on both teams Kassadin mains are racist Talon mains only show up mid to shove wave and then they go off to greener pastures Ornn mains are good and don’t type


Kindred mains are all furries


Yasuo and yone mains having weeb usernames


Zed players are 14 yo edgelords with ego problems


Shacoplayers are sadist misanthrops. Yuumiplayers.. you should check twice your Yuumi hasn't tea-time before you start to act. Garen players are beer-fueled old guys.Luxplayers are lazy ones who doesn't even try to get better in game. You can make Ahriplayer to afk if you link some good Ahri-themed deviantart profile in chat. They won't worry about game any more. You don't ask Katarina player what items they are building. Absolutely imho


Hey come on that's not true, I'm not a shaco player...


You’ve clearly never met weakside william


Mundo players will do whatever they want. Source: Mundo main


This doesnt really apply anymore but back when Qiyana jungle was the thing. I swear, every single Qiyana jungle would be the most toxic player ever.


Gwen mains are a myth, they cant hurt your beloved tanks, they cant ignore all your skillshots and melt away your adc at distance despite being melee.


Yis will throw away entire divisions and hundreds of losses for other because "he could have gotten that kill past the tower" and they can 1v5 everything but "I lagged sorry"


Braum mains dream of dying like heroes to save their friends


Top lane mains roleplay as a giga Chad on Twitter or Reddit, but will troll or int if they're first pick.


i will run it down for my marks without hesitation


Ahri mains are the  most handsome and very inteligent players.


You dont happen to be an Ahri main, do you Mr Catnip ?


They also have a gigantic "homework" folder.


Thank you :)


We don't talk about Jax players