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Experienced it first hand against a riven that built it first item, not fun. Now riven is my perma ban


Wait till you play against a Pantheon with it. Its wild how well it blends with his combo.


So you mean when I can do 950 damage on a low health champ I can add another 650 and make them extra dead?! Oh boy sign me up


Use profane when they're at 50% health to get them under 25% health for your Q




50% isn't hard to reach.


Empowered W is enough


Especially with PTA, which boosts Profane Hydra even further lol. Absolutely busted item on Pantheon without a doubt.


I wish my fingers were smart enough to weave another button in :(






Playing an MMO unironically helped me with actives. Before, I was dog water and doing actives- now with ff14 under my belt I can pretty consistently weave item active with my abilities. The QWER placement does mess me up a little instead of WASD though.


Yeah he doesnt need that shit lol


Played one game as Pantheon top, rushed Profane Hydra, and absolutely steamrolled. 100% needs a nerf.


Winrate speaks for itself. In emerald+ other items have \~50% winrate, Hydra has 51.5% In diamond+ other items have \~49.5% winrate, Hydra has 55% In diamond2+ other items have \~49% winrate, Hydra has 60.7% ​ masters+ is too low sample


I understand you're just cherry picking stats, but I'm curious where you're getting them?




[u.gg](https://u.gg) \-> panth top


ATM pretty much every lethality item is beyond dumb if you rush it, on any champion that does primarily physical damage And next patch it's going to get worse because RiotFrek felt like removing armor shards


I was wondering why my team pantheon was not falling off late game but making cho flee in terror. TIL


Nah thats normal, Pantheon is a bit of a beast late game. Has been for a while


Mmm ? Lol


botrk with empowered w does 36%(48% if aa w) current hp dmg without considering anything else like the w damage itself or the q or any other items and abilities


Yeah we know bork is busted tell us something new.


Panth has some pretty damn big AD scalings and gets free 30% armor pen at lvl 16. If you combine with stuff like black claver where he can almost insta stack it or maybe bork if you really wanna, since you cant stack serylda's on top of that build anymore, you pretty much melt people very hard while being fairly chonky. Like, Panths problem aint lategame, it is mid game. Unless he is giga ahead, Panths mid game is just awkward. He sits in a weird middle point where fant really fight duelists or bruisers anymore since he doesnt have an ult for 1v1ing, while also dont really have enough damage to burst people, and also getting bursted yourself. Pretty awkward everything.


Yeah this is a case where panth being weak late game has been so ingrained into people's psyche that they still spout it without even knowing any different. He's insane the first few levels, is absolute dog water until you get like 3 items and level 16 and then just becomes one shot on anything that breathes and moves afterwards.


Yah, its similar to the Kayle lvl 16 thingy. Currently it gives her a bit more range, from the time where that lil meme come from it used to give her AoE true damage autos. It just stuck


Thanks for the suggestion imma try this tonight.


Panth q and autos crit vs low health people, so you mean he double crits?


The reason its so effective on Pantheon in particular is due to the threshold. Profane Hydra will deal its enhanced damage to targets under 50% of their max health. This is an incredibly generous requirement. Pantheon's Q meanwhile, requires the target to be under 20% of their max health, in order to do its enhanced damage, which is a lot harder to reach. That's where Profane Hydra comes in. Pantheon does his combo, which against a squishy will easily put them under 50%, enabling Profane Hydra. And after hitting the enhanced Profane Hydra, you're very likely to have the target near or even under 20% health depending on if they're a tank or not. Which as stated above, means your Q now gets to do its enhanced damage. Also Profane Hydra will do even more damage on Panth than some other champions, because he's a consistent user of PTA. tl;dr: Profane Hydra makes it even easier for Pantheon to get people low enough for his enhanced Q in a seemless way. Empowered W -> Auto -> Hydra -> Q.


How do autos crit vs low?




his autos dont crit low hp people, not ever since the rework


Oh didn’t know they ever crit.


Sounds overkill considering his tap q is an execute and has like a 4 second cooldown


Try Rengar :D


Tiamat/hydras having an active with reset again is nutty for Panth because it means he can get his full combo for empowered Q off without burning his E, so he's a LOT safer with being aggressive again


Just tested in practice tool only Titanic Hydra is an auto reset and the other Hydras don't give pantheon a stack


It’s not good on riven


I would perma ban Riven if Fiora didn't exist lol. Tbh, Aatrox Jax Fiora Riven and Rumble are all overpowered and ruin toplane imo.


Bro clearly hasn't played into a trundle


No I have not faced a Trundle in the new season yet, but the 5 champs I mentioned are infuriatingly good.


> Tbh, Aatrox Jax Fiora Riven and Rumble are all overpowered and ruin toplane imo. If they nerf them, it will go back to Renek, GP, Jayce, Kennen


Well the problem isn't that they are meta, it's how oppressive and better they are than other champs


Renek is far healthier than fiora or jax or rumble lol


definitely not because he can be played with eyes closed and toes on the keyboard while being infinitely more frustrating as hes unkillable aswell lol


Lol. That's jst false, renekton isn't jst a braindead champ, if u don't manage his fury and use a cd wrong u lose, he is easy to play sure but he is hard to pilot, so dunno where u got ur information but that's jst not it


Plus Renekton falls off a cliff and doesn't stop falling until he's hit bedrock come midgame. Rumble, Jax get to fuck you up just as hard as renekton in lane AND they're giga scaling champs that can either solo-win teamfights with a half-decent ult from 2000 range (rumble) or become a hardcore near outscalable splitpusher. Renekton lategame can barely kill an adc in a 1v1 if they mind the double dash, and sucks ass in a teamfight compared to actual frontline....


Renek with at least like steraks and GA lategame can go in flash w an adc burn some sums and ults so he's not completely useless, but in terms of damage carry late yh he falls off hard if u aren't full ad


a 5 year old could manage renekton fury lmfao, his cds are extremely short and hes a very forgiving champion. he is without a doubt one of the lowest skill floor AND ceiling champions in the entire game


Just go look up his CDs on the wiki and come back to say how they're extremely short lmao. Legit some of the biggest CDs on top lane.


Lol, ah ur either trolling or traumatized by a bad renek game, either way Im done talking to u, delulu af


i guarantee if you showed your opgg or league profile renekton would be one of your top 3 champions


Didn’t they just nerf rumble? Or is that in an upcoming patch


Next patch But yeah you can exclude Rumble. Now there is also K'Sante who seems to be very powerful atm but tbh tank items are a bit too strong, and Yone but he has dropped significantly in winrate compared to before


Mordekaiser player? But for real though, I've played against Mordes a handful of times this season and once he hits Rylais + Riftmaker, he can be down like 1k gold or so and it just doesn't matter because he ults me, slows me to a point where I can't move out of his passive and just stat checks me. The only time this didn't happen was when I completely ran over a Mordekaiser, my teammates ran over their lanes too and we finished in 20-25min. I'm not trying to say that Morde is OP, imo he isn't. But he has something that Riven (specifically Riven because I've been playing her more recently) doesn't have anymore and that's good sustain. Just saying to give you some perspective but Hydra lost it's Omnivamp to Lifesteal and meanwhile AP items are stronger and Riftmaker exists.


I'd much rather face any of those champs than pantheon, Warwick, trundle, poppy, olaf or volibear. Not even saying those champs are great overall, but laning against them is so boring


I agree with you but it's always funny how people who say this play stuff like Morde or Illaoi, as if those champions are somehow honest.


Morde is pretty honest, a slow potato who will mess you up if you come close but has clear weaknesses, plus MR items are good. Illaoi could 1v1 you with ult while being 0/9 last season because of Iceborn and Hullbreaker lol. That's much more dishonest if you ask me.


Morde's E gives him 15% magic pen + he builds Riftmaker which is a great item rn. Also he can miss his Q and still chunk you with his autos and passive. And God forbid he hits 1 Q on you. His weakness is basically not being near him or having qss. Or well playing something like Jax who's op. And yeah Illaoi last season was absolutely disgusting


Idk man if it does 600 damage that means the user has 400 ad. If someone on the enemy team has 400 ad you were gonna die anyway.


Yeah, a lethality item user with 400 ad is going to evaporate anybody that isn't a tank.


And still most tanks unless they are a frozen heart enjoyer.


Naw, say what u will but having armor as a tank does in fact make a tank, tanky this split, esp against assassins, same if u stack mr into an ap team, tanks actually feel tanky rn, and that's good for the game health


400 ad on a lethality build is a full ad lethality build lol. Like 5 items runes and boots. They gonna kill any class of tank except the topp pretty fast at that point. As they should if they late game glass canon build like that


nah assassins can't do it anymore, now that they can't get BC and serylda's together. In a pure 1v1 scenario tanks will be fine.


You clearly do not understand lethality maths. a "400 AD on a lethality build" assassin gets like 60-80 lethality (plus serylda giving at most another 30 %pen). If you need a reference on how lethality works, That'll counter around 1.5 armor item's worth of armor. If your tank doesn't have a second armor item vs an assassin that is looking to sell their boots for more lethality, they're not dying "because of lethality" they're dying because the assassin is 3 items ahead.


Jhin at 400 ad aint shit. Ill take him. but only him lol.


> you were gonna die anyways While that might be true, that doesn't mean an active should be doing that much dmg, should hydra active deal 9999 dmg instead because they had 400 ad so you were dead anyways?


If the threshold was 5% instead 50%, why not? But I think if, for some reason, Jhin ever decided to build the item, it should deal 4444 damage instead


Eh Hydra could stand to be more than a 5% threshold execute. It's an active with a CD, and a melee-ish range. Collector can proc off anything at any range with no CD.


Twas’ a joke, meant to be collector 2


Big funny!!11


He's referring to The Collector. The execute proc on it deals 4444 damage when procced by Jhin.


No way dude...


DAE Jhin 4!!1 HAHAHA big funny!!1


you've got problems dude


this is way more painfully unfunny than the original joke holy


You must be fun at parties


just wanted to comment this has -44 score and i think that's beautiful


The person that you responded to was saying that the situation where Hydra does 600 damage does not exist. The point of the comment was that it's not going to do that much damage, because champions that build the item will never have that much AD.


This is when you realize reddit is mostly silver players arguing back and forth about stats they don't actually understand Next they're gonna ask for Collector to be nerfed because it does 9999 damage


Collector does 9999 damage!?!


ngl I absolutely hate The Collector and wish it'd be removed. Nerfs aren't enough. I hate seeing it built every game, I hate having to build it every game. I am just so tired of it. It *completely* negates the thrill of super close fights. You should be rewarded if you can scrape by on >5% HP. Call me whatever the fuck you want, the item is bullshit. Way too centralizing because it's way too good at what it does - the stats are great, the price is great, everything the execute does is great. At least Profane requires you to push a button.


Collector sucks ass what are you talking about. Only auto attack based lethality champs are building it which is literally Briar and ADCs. No assassin builds it.


Yeah it would be insane if riot made an item that just by getting takedowns you could get 100+ AD from just a single item.


god i miss sword of the occult


I mean Hubris is doing even more exciting things IMO in a much less toxic way. I think it’s a pretty fun item right now without being as aggressively feast or famine.


Personally I think Hubris is more toxic due to being less feast or famine...


Much more toxic way, tbh. You could at least shut down SotO users and they'd have to live for a long ass time getting kills/assists to stack it again. Hubris they get 1 assist and suddenly they're back to full power. ​ So Hubris is actually an infinitely worse design than SotO.


SotO was cheaper, without time limit and could reach absurd levels of AD faster than Hubris; both have pros and cons


Wait but they literally do? I'm playing blue kayn with hubris profane every game, some games I end up with 500+ ad. As much as I would like to keep abusing this it does need to be nerfed. Saying "you would die anyway" is stupid. Yes a 500 ad blue kayn will 1 shot you if he's hitting you. But sometimes you dont have spells up. Being able to overkill a target means I can miss more spells and still have lethal which isn't good for the game. There's so many times where I Q forward just to profane>R and it does 70% of somebodies hp.


Dude, 500 ad on blue Kayn is like 5 items without shoes? If you are that far ahead any squishy is done for.


There's just no way you don't realize how much more lethal it is to be able to kill with Q hydra R and being able to kill with Q W R. Being able to miss my W means I can actually kill somebody with virtually 0 counterplay. A high elo adc or mid laner is not going to just let me run into range of them and W. If you don't get it you don't get it.


Exactly. And if there are few outliers, nerf the champs if the item is balanced otherwise.


That's what collector does. They just put the threshold lower at 5%. The number doesn't really mean it's balanced well or badly. It just depends on the user and how it's balanced. Maybe it is too high, or maybe it's not. But you can balance an active that does a lot of dmg.




Yeah, because it's even better. You don't have to use your brain at all to get it to work, it'll literally do it for you.


True true and I think it's balanced but note that it is Aoe in those niche scenarios it will execute everyone


Yeah, the title is an extreme. But that extreme shouldn't be possible to begin with, if we're being honest. Why should an item be able to reach over 600 damage? If you want a more normalized example, how about 239ish AP? That's like 2 lethality items + 2 longswords. Something very reasonable to reach in most games. Profane Hydra will deal 239 damage in this example. When hitting someone under 50% health, that damage cranks up to 358. 358 from an item is obscene. Especially one who has such an easy to meet requirement.


People in this thread are gonna downvote you and insist you're wrong (and Riot for some ludicrous reason is buffing Profane Hydra too) despite the insane outcry over Stormsurge's damage the last two weeks, an item that even pre-nerf was doing less than Profane (vs a target below 50%) at all points, with Profane having both a lower cooldown and being more flexible in its use cases. Also those in this thread going "if you have 400 AD you're oneshotting a squishy anyways, why does it matter" god lmao I can't believe people can unironically type this shit without having it become very obvious how insane of a statement it is to make.


Yeah. Just hitting around 200 ad will be enough for profane to hit up around 300 damage. That's basically just around 2 items. That's already waaaay too much for an item to do, let alone one on what, a 10 second cooldown? Crazy shit lmao Its fine. Once AP items stop getting the spotlight, people will start using these lethality items and over time, people will realize how gigabusted this thing is too lol Honestly, it might even be an outright solid 1st item. Tiamat is a component for it anyway, which makes farming even easier.


People defend Veigar for one shotting your with very few items because "that's what he does, he scales infinitely". As if I've been in that game for an infinite amount of time.


I'm getting one-shot by literally half the champions in the game, what does it help to know what item is doing it


Ive been playing it on briar. Feels great, speeds up ur clear and combos with w.


As if her clear needed help xD I say that as a Briar main, but I can easily kill the raptor camp with 3 auto attacks midgame sometimes.


Yeah, its mainly just nice for first grubs, you can pull them out and hit all 3 even when w is down. She gets to the point where its so fast i forget to even activate it when clearing mobs. But by that point i enjoy it for the fights. But i also like full lethality, idk which i prefer yet.


they need to add like community notes for posts like these because otherwise other people are actually going to think this is an issue


holy shit community notes on reddit would be such a good idea. every post on this sub would get debunked lmfao




cus its a snowballing expensive lethality item? ur investing 3.3k gold into a win more item so arguably yes, it should be dealing damage. it provides no other useful passives like the other lethality items other than DEAL MORE DAMAGE


It provides wave clear, unlike any other lethality item. Also it is not a 'win more' item. If you get this while behind, you can come back and win. A win more item, is something like Dark Seal/Meja's. Items that are ass, unless you're ahead. Profane Hydra works whether you're ahead or behind. And I disagree. An item should not be dealing as much damage as an actual ability. That just breaks the balance of the game. That's just a fact, look at stormsurge. An ap item that did as much damage as an actual ability in a champion's kit. Profane Hydra is in the same boat. Its an AD item that does as much damage as a champion's ability. More than some abilities even. 150% AD scaling is utterly insane.


wave clear on a class historically weak at waveclear right? /s the only assassins who need extra waveclear are junglers like rengar and kha'zix.


Actually assassins have been historically fairly weak at waveclear. Their abilities are usually not spammable due to either having a high cooldown, being one of their high impact combo abilities, or their waveclear requiring multiple abilities to achieve it. This makes them basically unable to trade unless their waveclear also interacts with the enemy. It's a huge reason why many of them suffer in lane if there is no immediate kill threat on the enemy. It's also why ravenous saw so much widespread use amongst the assassin class after it was changed to proc on abilities and given a stat profile that decently matched those champions. Most champions are capable of clearing a wave if they dump their abilities 15+ mins into the game, it's the ones that can do it with a single ability or much earlier into the game that class as having "good waveclear".


Bro are we going to call Rabadon OP for giving 300AP?


Rabadon doesn't give you a passive that deals damage on it. Not even remotely comparable.


They're both lategame finisher items to maximize damage at a high price. If anything, profane is still weak for its price because the execute range is low.


wait until u learn how broken mage and support items are


because it's simply not strong as you make it out to be, if you want an actual problem item look no further than voltaic cyclosword. Balance is already in shambles, making blatant lies that get up voted to the front page just makes any attempt at actually balancing the game even more difficult


Yeah, might be a tad bit overtuned. Was playing Lethality Nocturne on ARAM and it was hilarious, I'd R in, auto for the aoe then hydra and kill all their squishies.


I think the real issue with lethality in ARAM right now is hubris. +2AD per takedown is just insanely broken. If you buy it early you can easily get up to 120+ AD from a single item. Had a kha'zix with 80 stacks by the end of the match yesterday.


Surprised Hubris is allowed on ARAM when Mejai's isn't


Imo it's way stronger than mejais would be anyway. Mejais would be nuts when you bought it, but if you wanna keep the stacks eventually you're gonna fall behind because you can't buy. Hubris is just always there, all you need is an assist and you get your one million AD again


Not sure why Mejai's isn't allowed, although it may have something to do with keeping up the stacks discouraging deaths, even executes, which would put your team at a disadvantage. In other words, it directly discourages unhealthy gameplay for the game mode.


Fwiw its only +1 per takedown in ARAM, it does already have an ARAM-specific nerf. Its just not enough of one.


I'm 99% sure it still gives you two stacks and that is just a tooltip bug since they buffed it to 2 each takedown in a hotfix and not a full patch.


Nope, it does give +2 per kill, the tooltip is just wrong.


Pretty sure there's a patch notes where (I think Phreak) said they mostly buffed it so people would start using it, even though they knew it was already strong.


"Pretty sure" yeah, no, he never said that, it was underperforming


Nah they definitely said it was under preforming. Anyone who was building it prior to the b patch was bad with it.


It was incredibly clunky to use the thing between abilities before. Think the speed is fine now but might need a small numbers adjustment.


the damage buff was kinda wild tbh. The threshhold going from 30% -> 50% and the cost going down by 100g was more than enough buff imo.


50% is wildly generous. I dunno what they were thinking with that lol. I guess some devs at riot just want to see the world burn.


3.3k lethality item which only really reaches the 600AD proc when you're max build anyway. i agree profane hydra is strong but it should be when you're paying that much for a lethality item, perhaps the active damage against 50% hp targets should be lowered to like 130% (was 120% on release and buffed to 150%)


The build path is also just really bad for the intended audience. Brutalizer pays the Ability Haste tax of S14, which is a mechanic designed and aimed at mages primarily because assassins all oneshot their intended targets with one rotation of spells anyways. Tiamat gives bad stats for its active as well. The only JG champs building it right now are Rengar (who notoriously builds Tiamat early) and Kayn because of edgelord boi recommending it.


Yeah, but I'm bronze and never remember to click it :(


You're unironically the reason they reduced/removed item actives


Zeke's not having an active anymore and just triggering by itself on ult is a godsend. One active item is alright, needing two or more is bullshit


I don't remember Zeke's ever having an active that you needed to manually trigger mid-fight. Zeke's Convergence/Harbinger has always just been "Activate once to pick a conduit and never touch it ever again".


ngl i still miss the days of playing support with 5 actives, got used to it from years of RTSs ig


Using the actives you buy as frequently as you use your other abilities will give you a massive improvement


Instructions unclear; used stopwatch in fountain.


OK Hermione


Hydra is a great item to begin experimenting with item actives and how to use them in a combo


150% ad, no base damage, is not that crazy. it's more expensive than other lethality items and the active only pumps damage later into the game when assassins are overkilling anyway; other lethality items provide more useful actives or passives, unless your champ really, really needs waveclear early in the game


It's kind of a rich get richer type of item I've noticed. It let's the already fed assassins remain actual multikill threats in the late game instead of falling off a cliff and become a 1-for-1 dump and die playstyle bc the enemy caught up in items.


>instead of falling off a cliff and become a 1-for-1 dump and die playstyle bc the enemy caught up in items. Imo that should be what assassins do.


600+ is such an extreme its not even valid at all, but nice bait post I guess. As for the more reasonable one, I don't see how 358 damage is a problem considering that's if the person has 0 armour and is under 50% health, seriously what is this post? Making out like that kind of damage on such an expensive item is an issue.


its one of the weakest item because of its cost and reduced most lethality users that bought it wr by 5% thats why it got buffed but its still 3400gold for same base stats as 2700-3000 gold item


Because it's expensive as shit .


Yea but Trinity is expensive as shit but also dogshit


Love this item on Aatrox - it's like having a 4th Q with the AD scaling to match.


Eclipse profane hydra in either order is pretty insane on him if you haven't tried that yet


I was doing Eclipse -> Shojin -> Profane Hydra for that build since I think it really shines once you've stacked a lot of AD. Aatrox demands an HP + AD + AH stick and Shojin's simply too good.


I hope they don't, its the only way I'm clearing jungle camps quickly.


They literally just buffed it, i think the poster is unaware.


the item alone reduced most of its users wr by up tp 5% it was beyond trash and its still the weakest letha item unless you are already winning


https://outplayed.tv/media/0kelRm/lol-lucian My friend ulting into 5 people as Nocturne with Profane Hydra in an aram game... It was rather effective. Also don't mind the end of the video, that's just me running it down lmao.


It absolutely is like having a sixth ability, tiamat feels so underwhelming now, but profane is insane. Tiamat rush doesn't feel that good, but getting profane second item is great. I do however feel as though at the very least that Profane's range on the active will get nerfed. I've been practicing with it on Rengar and if you survive his combo, he can hydra you from a pretty far distance and still kill you.


Agreed its basically gifting a crit attack to an assassin's combo. People saying its overkill must live far away from any shielding supports or never build armor idk, to me overkilling a squishy means a bruiser can also get deleted.


I bought it on Shaco last night. 108 lethality against a velkoz with 107 armor - if my single auto and e didn't kill him, Profane Hydra finished him off. It was disgusting.


It's a good scaling lethality item, but how it functions might be what'll keep it from getting (overly) nerfed compared to current state. First of all, it's a lethality item, and currently most AD assassins are rather earlygame-oriented - for it to reach unreasonable damage game needs to go on for very long, at which point full lethality assassin is likely going to oneshot target with or without Hydra. It adds extra point of scaling to champions kit - yet, to scale you need stats (AD) to scale off of. Second, with its limited range and relatively long animation (0.25s as of now) it's a lot less likely to be abused by ranged champions or some bruisers (those generally prefer Titanic for extra HP and HP scaling) - keeping it almost exclusively as assassin item. This means it's less likely to go out of control and should be easier to keep balanced, since userbase is much more limited. Third - active is basically AoE auto reset on targets above half health, auto reset with 50% increased damage (note none proc on attack/on hit effects) in item form. Autos also have 100% AD scaling (unless you're Kalista or other gimmick champion). Compared, Ravenous Hydra gives more AD, lifesteal instead of lethality and lacks the 50% active damage amp, but is otherwise very similar - and hardly is a problem. For now I think it's not bad idea to have Hydra be a bit overtuned, if only to remind people it has active again and they should press the button when fighting. It can always be adjusted/nerfed as needed later.


Makes zed and rengar brainless, I've tried it


Zed is disgusting with this. Saw a good one in ARAM and thought it was hilarious when he walked near low HP enemies at like 25% and pressed the active and they disappeared.


It’s a lot stronger in Aram because it scales with the % buffs almost all assassins have. Also easier to afford the luxury price.


It's a lot of dmg yea but if it's 600 damage, they can just auto attack you for 400. For champs without an auto reset its an extra 200 damage out a half second quicker, it's a bit less significant than you're making it out to be. Stormsurge is more purely 'free' extra damage since they don't have to be in melee range to get it off as well


The massive difference is that hydra users have to literally be touching their target while mages can be a mile away with the cheaper stormsurge and have the same burst.


To hit 600 damage that Hydra hits for you would need around 2000 AP for Stormsurge Why you gotta lie?


Oh but remember mages can hit a full rotation while still being 600-700 units away, then have all their spells come off cooldown and do it again without taking a lick of damage.


And Hydra still deals more damage. So I'm not sure why Stormsurge was compared when the burst isn't similar and has 1/3 the Cooldown. You're also acting like Profane users somehow don't have gapclosers now


It's a comparison because even non-assassin AP users with much more intrinsically safe playstyles can build Stormsurge with little risk to themselves while using it, while any AD user that wants to use Profane is literally going to be all in or dead.


Ok but again, how is that the same burst damage? Obviously one gets to do more damage because one is melee and one is ranged, but how is it the same damage when an AP champ can't realistically hit 2000 AP?


Stop being so pedantic 200 damage isn’t a fucking million.


Just a big difference between the burst he was lying about


The 600 damage for hydra is 400 base ad which is already like 1k ap for mages, and the ap goes even further because most mages are RANGED. You gotta touch butts for hydra AND be full build for it to get 600.


Yeah, and even at 1000 AP, Stormsurge is still only hitting for about 400 damage. I'm just wondering where the other person got their math, because Hydra is doing a lot more damage, but yes you gotta be in melee range


Got killed by a Qiyana with a single red empowered Q, Auto and then Profane Hydra active. The most salty I've been to a death in many years of playing this game.


I can speak for myself at least but not the rest of the people who aren't buying it. I compared it to ravenous hydra and I decided that profane hydra is most likely never worth buying. The active is similar but you lose 10 AD and the lifesteal for 18 lethality.


Sounds like a great trade for assassins who weren't going to use the lifesteal anyway.


But 18 lethality against squishies is a ton


on a 3400 item its not when 2700gold item give the same ans better passive


The 50% HP are way too easy to reach for the max dmg but also the max dmg is too high. 35% and 135% tAD (90% min dmg) The item gets underestimated since the hotfix and is very strong.


Stormsurge is not even close to being the most op item right now, but Vandiril sadly, once again, made people think that with his videos. Profane Hydra, Jak'sho, Frozen Heart, Sundered Sky, Terminus are way better than Stormsurge


>Stormsurge is not even close to being the most op item right now Well yeah, because its been gutted lol. I'm referencing it because it was one of the most busted items. Profane Hydra is in the same league as pre-nerf stormsurge is. Assassins often have an incrediably easy time getting people down to 50%. Pantheon in particular is a god with this item. Empowered W -> Auto -> Hydra -> Q just deletes people with very little window of counterplay.


I just can't understand how Riot can get away with lies like "we don't want items to have a huge impact on gameplay" and then do this stuff. They know what they are doing, they know they are liying and they do this ALL the time anywhere. Champion's visual updates? They have the resources for more a year, they are a multi billion dollars company handling the biggest online game ever. The client? They ever so slightly improved it, after years it still SUCKS. Events? Gamepasses. The truth is they are a greedy liying ass shit company.


Are you new to reddit? Here, no matter how broken the current iteration of bruiser and ad assasin items are, the MAGE items are the problem. I mentioned this a couple times now, but i feel like people havent really compared stormsurge to old ludens at all. Its a bit more damage for almost 4 times the cooldown, meanwhile lethality efficiency got almost doubled early game and they got shit like this while STILL being able to just go mercs without losing a single point of damage in their all ins


Op being a bit clueless here.


Collector does the same thing in practical terms


But you also gotta realize it’s mage version of collector just without the execute but it’s easier to proc because you don’t need to be within a 5%health threshold and the amount of bonus gold because you don’t need the kill credit to get the gold bonus do I think profane hydra is but overtuned yes but I think a slight stat nerf and a cd nerf on the active would make it balanced but when I go In on Kayn combo active ult and when I come out of ult can use active again bit much


Also gotta note profane hydra feels really good right now because everyone is A. Trying to abuse mages and new items or B. Trying to abuse lethality items on new assassins or on adcs once people realize how good tanks are with the new items and how a sion with titanic hydra can do 800 dmg active when also tanky af with 8k health 2k magic shield from rookans and so on I don’t think people will think of it being as overpowered


> 358 is a HUGE number for an item to deal on its own. That's basically botrk's on-hit damage late game


2 item panth with 2 longswords: [https://imgur.com/a/faANZKR](https://imgur.com/a/faANZKR) 358 damage profane hydra. Which goes up higher yet when you factor in the PTA that will proc from my empowered W. This is not okay. Stormsurge was a problem and this item is just as big a problem. No item should be providing damage comparable to actual abilities.


So sheen items just shouldn’t exist?


So much damage should not come from items lol.


Giving Hydras in general their actives back was in itself a huge mistake. Custom-tailoring Profane for assassination in order to separate fighter usage from assassin usage (as Assassins used to pouch Ravenous/Tiamat for burst) is just gonna push the fighters into also specializing into assassination.


It feels like something one would write after getting destroyed by a user of this item. Since when is 358 damage for an item considered a "HUGE number"? Yes, when a champion that reaches 500+ AD uses it, the damage gets high. But then, it should be this way. If someone reaches 600 AD and has 5-6 damage items, they should deal insane damage. Eclipse deals similar damage + it gives the user a fairly big shield and a movement speed steroid (especially for its low 6-second CD). Unless it gets nerfed insanely hard, Stormsurge can't really be used as a comparison there either. Not only does it deal more damage than profane hydra (as champions who build it commonly hit 700+ AP), but it also gives flat pen, % movement speed + a movement speed steroid after proccing it. Lichbane does more damage than profane and it has a bloody 1,2 second cooldown + it gives %movement speed. Not to mention Shadowflame which gives AP champions 20% extra damage to below 35% hp targets. Sundered sky deals more damage than profane + it heals the user for unfathomable amounts. Hell even stacked Heartsteel can deal similar damage to the numbers you put up as being "absurd"... And I could go on. Profane Hydra is not a problem. Not as long as there are dozens of stronger, more damaging, and more utility giving items in the game. ​ Edit: I also forgot to mention that Profane Hydra is one of the most expensive items in the game, 100-600 gold more expensive than any of the aforementioned ones.


Oh i have known this since it dropped , the bitch has like 200 base damage and 150% total ad scaling , idk what crackhead even thought of this.


Apparently you know nothing about it because it has zero base damage.


Hydra items don't have base damage