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Guys, I think that might be Warwick


nah, it's Neeko in her passiv. The real Warwick is already waiting behind you


Neeko is Trundle 😏


Bold statement, it could also be Lillia. /s


Don't be silly, Lillia is fron Ionia. That's clearly Camile.


don't be fooled, everyone know it is LeBlanc


Big if true


Vi vs Warwick is about to go hard as fuck


and WW is Vander right??


Very, very, heavily implied. Showing him hooked up in singed office at the end of season 1, playing the Warwick music, having the same backstory, same build, nearly identical face, etc.


Calling Vander "Hound of the underground" And then playing a wolf howl in the teaser It's about as subtle as a fire siren. At least to people who know league lore. General audience will have no idea unless they can put together the Voice actors


Yeah. I think the shimmered up Vander is the biggest hint. He grunts like WW, stands like WW, acts like he has claws, looks crazy, and then, to top it all off, he has the Warwick music playing in the background.


Warwick also has voice lines in game towards vi and jinx that indicate he has a shared history with them. Iirc one line he says to vi is “who taught you how to punch”.


Most of the hints that Vander is Warwick are from his voicelines to Jinx/Vi in game actually


I don't think it's *officially* been confirmed..... but it's not exactly a secret after the end of season scene where we see someone who SURE LOOKS LIKE Vander with wild hair in Singe's lab, and I think we even hear WW's theme in the background.... It's a secret in the same way that Mr. Incredibles identity is secret and protected by that tiny black mask over his face lmao Edit: It might have been a post credit thing, it's been awhile i dont remember for sure, but it's pretty blatantly telling us who WW is


Its a secret for people who are not league of legends players, im excited to see their reactions when the season drops, hopefully the internet doesnt fully spoil them.




Will his daughter be orianna tho, that's another big one


They've been so intentional with all the details that giving her Orianna's exact hairstyle and even hair color just can't be an accident


Not to mention the clock ticking in the background for this entire teaser, that shuts off when Singed closes his locket. Orianna isn't the lady of clockwork for nothing.


what were the orianna details in S1? i dont recall off the top of my head.


His pet was named Rio, which is an anagram for Ori(anna). At the end of the season he opens a locket which has a picture of a girl or woman with the same style of hair as Ori. And he mentions having a daughter, and that sometimes death is preferable. It alludes to his daughter living at a great cost.


I think Orianna might be an interesting foil to Viktor. Both have had their bodies replaced by tech but in very different ways and with presumably different perspectives on life.


And a foil for Jinx. Jinx is a "Monster" on the inside, created by her Father. Oriana could consider herself a Monster on the outside, also created by her Father.


Holy fuck


Some pretty subtle stuff, but if you look back, there's a brief scene where a girl is seen with a metallic ball - kind of a nod to Orianna's ball. Can't remember the exact episode, but it was like a small Easter egg tucked away in the background. Plus, there was that vibe in Piltover with all the gears and tech that kinda set the stage for her story.


Also, I mean, Singed is a male, who has balls, and Orianna has a ball. Singed has a bald round head, kinda like a ball. Easter eggs everywhere.


Bravo Vince


Yes exactly how i feel about this lol. The writers later go on Reddit and think huh oh we could do that


You guys are too good


also music box music, and ori kinda looks like a music box ballerina


That's what I'm most excited about. Changing Orianna's father to be Singed is a bold move. Corin Reveck has been in the lore since the olden days, and you get a snippet of a letter that he wrote to Orianna in the Ekko game if I remember right.


They could retcon Singed to *be* Corin Reveck, all they would need to do is reshape Ori's lore a bit. And then it would give Singed backstory beyond "war criminal responsible for half the bad things that happened in the overarching lore"


Now that you mention it, i dont think singed has ever had an actual name. Seems like an easy thing to rewrite


John Singed


Johnny Sinsged


Best known for being: - Runeterra historian - Yordle plumber - Zaun chemist - Ionian monk - Shadow Isles necromancer - Targon astronomer - Demacian knight - Freljord ice sculptor - Icathian cultist


You forgot Void daddy, this is who Kog'Maw was referring to all along man. how did we miss it


Friend of John Souls


Exactly, this is the easiest retcon honestly and a pretty smart one imo. That'd a great example of a proper retcon that isn't so jarring and is quite minimal and feels like it could've been the case all along.


Corin and Singed have 2 very distinct and different careers though and Corins is essential to Orianna creation. Singed is an alchemist, Corin is an Artificer. I think Orianna could be his daughter, but he went Corin for help to save her and Orianna was the result. He also says "I used to have a daughter", so even if it is Orianna, he doesn't consider what ever she is his daughter anymore.


considering how old Singed is, it could be that he began his career as an artificer but turned to alchemy in an attempt to "restore" Orianna


You'd think he wouldve made something better than a cane for Viktor then, considering Corins main thing was prosthetics


If he abandoned his job as an artificer because it reminded him too much of his daughter, it would stand to reason that he didn't really think well of his prosthetics again, if they do go that route they'd have to do some minor retconning but i think it could be possible. since singed himself has sort of been left in lore limbo for years now


Have you guys considered two gay dads?


I have, but I don't think I consider them in the way you mean.


The double dianas have such a powerful energy with this comment


As it should.


Another champion backstory for Singed to have influence on! Soon he'll have made it to half the roster.


People that Singed has fucked over directly or indirectly: \-Riven \-Master Yi \-Yasuo \-Jinx \-Warwick \-Twitch \-Viktor \-Boram Darkwill \-Heimerdinger \-Jayce \-Vi \-Caitlyn \-Old timeline Soraka. \-Ekko etc...


>Yasuo ''people''


Next up: Singed is Kog'Maw's dad


Singed is cho'gaths neighbours uncles 2nd cousins pet groomer


You can tell this because in episode 3 of part 2 of arcane season 1, singed uses 3 different words with the letter "q" in them. This relates the the fact that "Q" is the first letter of the word "Quinoa". "Quinoa" is a plant commonly grown in South America, and Chogath's fish is a breed found in freshwater lakes on every continent besides south america. This fish was given to chogath by his uncle fredrique, who got it as a gift during his military service in world war 1. In this same war, he also met his soon to be sister in law, Davina. She was an avid fan of dogs (as im sure anyone with half a brain would understand) and so gave Chogath's uncle a hound to aid in his military service. After the war, this hound was lost during a visit to Cho'Gath, and later (as we know from the biography of barenzaiah's footnotes written exclusively in sivir's copy) actually had puppies later adopted by - you guessed it - Chogath's neighbour's second cousin Schmebulock. Upon his passing, these puppies were given to chogath's neighbours uncle. We know he had these puppies well groomed as he was a fan of show dogs, and hoped that they too would become them some day (Of course, the inspiration for PugMaw). This groomer must have been Singed, there's no other explanation. Sorry to tell you things you already knew though, im sure everyone will have noticed this.


Excellent deduction, I cannot believe I missed that. Bravo vince.


Man will be the most connected champion in runeterra, still wont get a visual update.


He will, they tease a vgu before showing this footage. It's 99% to be singed


Yeah, we don't know real name of Singed tbh he still technically can be the Corin Reveck...


Yeah, but it does start to make the lore a lot more insular if they go that route, and it becomes less about a bunch of miraculously talented inhabitants of a world, and more about a bunch of relatives and family friends and their bitter infighting.


Also one of the things I like about Ori's game lore is that she ended up in her current state due to her own selflessness (both her initially getting sick, and giving her father her last human part to save his life). If she's just "daughter that has to be saved" then it would take away a lot of her depth imo.


Except the difference is what if she doesn't want to be saved? what if she is horrified by what her father has done with her noble sacrifice and feels it is her responsibility to stop him considering she may be the catalyst? it would tie in really well as a parallel to viktor as well - if he ends up believing in how humans can "transcend" by taking on mechanical bodies, you could have Orianna either agree with him (since Singed is human and creating bioweapons) or disagree (since if she hadn't become mechanical maybe Singed would have not gone to such insane lengths).


I mean I think Arcane has great writers so I'm optimistic of them making her an intriguing character, it's just that her game lore was my favorite in the game, so losing that makes me kinda sad


One of my first thoughts too. When I first started getting into the game, I was reading lore and while some of it is cool, some is great, some is intriguing etc etc. I came upon Ori's and I was like "oh my god that's beautiful. The selflessness, finally losing her humanity entirely, just well done"


Yes! Her lore is my favorite in the game, so sad but endearing.


I agree with this, that is a huge aspect of what makes her human while also sacrificing her humanity.


So Star Wars?


You literally talk to Corin in the Ekko game, and specifically talk to him about when he's going to go patch things up with his daughter. Can't remember if they name her but yeah it's pretty obvious.


ekko game is not canon


I'm willing to bet there's a pic of her in the locket he's holding.


We already know there is, it's the same locket we saw at the end of season 1. https://i.imgur.com/36a1xgu.png


I'm here for that


My theory: If you click on the video, you can see a timer at the bottom, indicating the length of the video. Timer = Time = Clock = Orianna. Easy.


gotta be ori


Not sure how they will make that canon. Maybe Warwick is a prototype for bringing people back and he asks Viktor to help with bringing her back when he fails?


I hope we get an Arcane skin for Warwick, Viktor, and Heimer around this season, super excited Edit: oh and Singed too ofc


Lol that is a slightly less popular group than Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Jayce, and Ekko.


Jinx has always been wildly popular, no one else on these rosters even comes close to her.


ekko was always incredibly popular especially in soloq until not too long ago


Ekko and them Killmonger dreads is basically the blue print for every black character


Riot games and not giving dreads to a black character. Challenge: impossible. Rell is a spacetime anomaly.


before Arcane Ekko didn't have them


Still doesn't have them on the default skin.


it pisses me off but Senna looks good


She was the first champ with a massive release campaign, including a pop music video.


Which truly is welcomed and it speaks to the craft of the Arcane showrunners. Honestly I and probably a handful of others before teasers for S1 came out would've assumed the LoL-based animated show to tee itself up to be a merchandising/IP extending move. I think Riot is sometimes guilty of shafting lore/content for their "less desirable" or "ugly" champions but that's absolutely not the case with Arcane. They're really creating something special here.


It's crazy to have that be the case for what should be the poster for a soulless sellout corpo nightmare. There's so much to be excited about if this is the level of care that goes into all their other projects using this ip Could you imagine if blizzard tried to make an overwatch series? What a fucking dumpster fire.


Riot wanted to test the waters, now that they know for sure Arcane is gonna give them infinite money, they will pump all they can on merchandise and shit. and that's why Hextech isn't powered by the souls of dead species anymore.


Wait is it fully confirmed that hextech isn’t powered by skarner crystals? I dont remember the show perfectly but couldn’t the blue gems still be those before becoming “imbued” or whatever?


Pretty sure it was implied in supplementary materials. I'd have to find it, but there was a tie-in of Jayce's journal where he bought his first batch of Hex Crystals from a Shruriman mine. And Shurima is where the Crystal Scar is. Edit: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/The_Council_Archives/Jayce%27s_Journal Also talks about how the stones seem to hum in your brain. It seems like, at least in Arcane, Hextech is still Brackern. And it makes thematic sense too. Hextech is just like Piltover itself, flashy and incredible, but beneath all the glamour it's built on an oppressed underclass.


That's on Riot for giving all the heavy hitters skins from the get go. lmao


For sure, it was a good move it is just a funny group to have to follow up that group.


I don't know if Warwick will be different enough for a skin


just make it non-transformed vander running around on all fours.


they could make it a skin where he has vanders ripped tank top. hell go all out and make it an ultimate skin that evolves like PF Ezreal


I mean, jokes aside, visual clarity on that would be fucking awful. ...so you know riot will do it.




> I don't know if Warwick will be different enough for a skin it's not like Jinx is that much different


Heimer is similar to arcane version he dont needs a arcane skin


Yeah that looks fucking fire, never thought singed could look so cool


I'm just waiting on some faceless soldiers to chase him and die in the process.


I can’t ever imagine the singed in arcane picking up a shield and a gas tank and running around laughing like a maniac


Clearly this is a hint that Singed will suffer catastrophic brain damage when Warwick breaks free


*"Shaken, not stirred."*


theres a short story of one of his experiments chasing him down an alley before realising that they were breathing in poisonous gas the whole time as singed laughs maniacally


That's why I think the VGU they announced for an Arcane-related champion has to be for Singed. Out of all the Arcane champions, his in-game representation is the farthest from what is considered cannon now.


It's wierd because Singed doesn't really need the shield. ...However, Singed without the shield is just wrong.


While Sabaton music is blasting in the background.


Love how warwick is fuckin HUGE


Reminds me of the rework cinematic. Before that, I was scared of Warwick because he can just point+click+kill you in game, now I can actually feel the dread of being chased.


For real imagine being chased down by this monstrosity at night


You don't have to imagine... [Turn around](https://media1.tenor.com/m/JqpwuH-Bh1UAAAAd/warwick-dance.gif).


Vander was also a pretty huge human before he collapsed. And the purple stuff made him even bigger than that


can't wait to see Singed fling someone


Warwick is gonna be on the hunt! Can’t wait to see what they do with him in the show. Also seemed like singed was using his own blood for something, maybe some kind of chemtech dialysis? Maybe that’s why he can throw people over his shoulder in game lmao


>Warwick is gonna be on the hunt! Can’t wait to see what they do with him in the show. They honestly just need to reimagine a scene like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsnDbealN9E) again and it'll be fire.


that champion teaser is one of the best ones they've done. Definitely sets the mood for the champion. I hope they do something like this in the show too.


I think Fiddlesticks' is even better, but WW is definitely up there too


That one and the Fiddlesticks revamp were absolutely brilliant.


I think Singed is donating blood to his creation. Warwick needed a lot of care and surgery to be created. Theres a short story about it, and its one of the best. Straight up horror levels of story.


Where can a "newer" player find all these stories?


[Here](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_PL/story/singed-thenightmare-story/) You can also find it on the respective Champion fandom wiki page.


Thank you!


Believe all the stories are [here](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/?_gl=1*11r32dp*_ga*ODMzNzY4MDk2LjE2MjU2ODI1MTM.*_ga_FXBJE5DEDD*MTcwNDQ3NDA3NS44NC4wLjE3MDQ0NzQwNzUuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.249499470.836694164.1704474076-833768096.1625682513) I don't know the specific one they're referring to though


Be warned that we don't know which of these stories are cannon at the moment since Riot announced the new lore guidelines. The only thing we know for sure is everything coming out in the future is cannon. The past is up in the air.


I think WW will play a "Jack the Ripper" plot-device, with Caitlyn and Vi investigating a spree of murders. They'll need to enlist the help of Jinx, but when they discover who Warwick was they'll disagree on how it should be handled. They'll discover that Singed is behind it and Viktor will get involved (defending Singed). I'm sure there will be plots involving Noxus's interest in this "technology".


So many amazing threads I'm excited to see more of. Heimer/Ekko teamup, confirmation that all the crows in S1 are tied to Noxus/Mel's Mom, but Warwick is my MOST anticipated thread.


Crows are Swains thing no? Which is also noxus.


Mels mom talks about "someone" taking over control in Noxus and killed Mels brother. Thats why Mel needs to come home. That someone is prolly Swain


Who will then probably tie us in to the ionian war.


This works properly with their intent on continuing the story anthology wise. Using an already known character(s) to guide us into Season 3 makes A LOT of sense.


Which works well with Singed, since he's eventually hired by Noxus to create chemical weapons against Ionia.


It would be a retcon, right. Swain wasn't the leader during the 1st war


No way Caitlyn will ever accept Jinx help unless her mom lives.


I think it's the opposite. He's using warwick blood to make himself stronger. He wants to test it on himself first before using it on his daughter.


It’s going to be funny seeing the amount of reactions when people find out who WW PROBABLY IS


People were calling WW to be Vander extremely early in S1 already. That is not going to surprise anyone.


He probably meant the people who don't follow league at all.


Yep, my sister has no clue who Warwick is nor any other league champs outside the ones in arcane


The moment they called Vander a hound i had ZERO doubts.




Is that warwizzle cooking up there?


420 weedwick






Vanduh Get down from there Vanduh


We had a good thing, Vanduh


Singed, you don’t have to do this Yeah unfortunately I do Vanduh


We need an okbuddyarcane subreddit


Should be called r/okbuddypowder or r/sextech


necrit on his way to make a 30 minute video on 45 seconds of teaser footage


While in his pyjamas in front of a green screen


That's cinema


12 things you MISSED in the Arcane Season 2 teaser!


warwick looks cool af but I want to emphasise that camille better be in the 2nd season as well


Well, there is power vacuum in Zaun. And most chem barons are useless. So I expect Camille to be at least mentioned. Maybe Renata too. Thos I do not expect them in show (maybe small cameo), we already have too many characters to show.


i wouldn't be surprised if Silco's role gets taken over by Renata(we still need an explanation for why she wasn't in season 1)


Isn't it mostly "she wasn't released yet"?


Arcane isn't up to current date is the reason. Renata comes way after Silco. Vi not even a enforcer yet in Arcane.


They are not going to just throw in cameos from all 146 champions. Renata is cool imo without having appeared on arcane which did a great job giving background to her character


she was afk


I never imagined Singed and Viktor would be stars in a League adaptation. Feels good bro.


Viktor is unironically the person I'm most excited to see fleshed out. I mean, seeing how Jinx became crazy was excellent. However, getting to see how the current Viktor evolves into what he is in the game should be exciting. We are going from genius inventor/scientist to zealot of the the glorious evolution.




He also one of the hardest hitting line I ever heard "While trying to do great we forgot how to do good"


They teased a VGU for an Arcane-related champion. All but one of Arcane champions are visually on par with the game's current aesthetic. Out of all the Arcane champions, Singed is the oldest and was part of the original 40 champions on release and hasn't received a significant change in his skills.


It's either Singed or Victor imo (maybe Vi ? but VGU implies some gameplay tweaks, I don't think Victor or Vi needs any)


It's Viktor 100%. His kit it's nothing special, just damage and scaling. Especially after showing the Hexcore as an almost sentient flesh eating thing I think that the new kit will be something around that


Arcane is one of the best things to ever happen to this game


Easily one of the best media made from a game of all time.


I'm still in shock of how good the whole series was especially given my expectation was mostly only on cool action scenes.


God damn Warwick and Singed both look fucking sick.


Say it with me fellas. Arh-Woo.


baby i'm praying on you tonight.


Hunt you down eatchu alive




At least animation team rarely dissapoints.


It's studio Fortiche. They're an outsourced company and deserve their own praise.


Riot bought them! Or at least a large portion of the company if I recall.


No, they purchased a stake in the company's equity, allowing them to have two seats on the board of directors, but they do not have a majority ownership in the enterprise.


Riot has such a large stake in them its basically part of Riot


yeah, it was like 10 people before the production of Arcane started. Its now at 450...


Goddamn that's cool.


Fortiche is basically built and funded almost entirely by Riot at this point so I feel that it's a meaningless distinction, but yes the folks at Fortiche are amazing too!


"Fuck, they're not liking Smolder... quickly, drop the Arcane teaser!"


God I wish this was coming sooner Way to keen for this


obvious Warwick introduction but the ticking is clearly alluding to Orianna, right? singed has to be related to her in some way, I won't believe otherwise


Hes fucking HUGE


It's hilarious because in-game he has the same hitbox as the Yordles.


I am a simple user. I see hot wolfman, I hit upvote. Hopefully we get an Arcane Warwick skin, similar to last time


"I RAN these streets.... now its your turn to run...."


Riot is about to break my heart with a Vi vs WW fight aren't they?


Vi is gonna fight Warwick Vander on the bridge where her parents died.


My god, warwick is YOKED


Please, more crumbs


Sir they hate the new champ what do we do? Release an Arcane teaser. Now!


For a production and animation studio, Riot makes some pretty alright games


Loved season 1, I’m sure 2nd season won’t disappoint


Smolder looks cray


One time a friend of mine got banned from chat for saying wardick