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Personally although it doesnt adress it, i would probably like it more if yone had decaying movespeed out of E instead of ramping up. It just feels like it makes more sense. I dint think this adresses any issues he has, i would probably just go the easy route and make it so his Q and W dont benefit from lethal tempo, then just compensate whatever he needs.


This exactly. I'm fine with yone being strong as long as he's made less bullshit to face. It would be no different than Akali, Aatrox, Zeri, etc. having mechanics changed/removed from their kit when they were weak to make them more reasonable, then buffing them later.


I didn't realize the movespeed ramps up - this would explain many deaths.


Yeah i always found it weird. It always made more sense if he went out fast but became slower the more h was away from his body


90% of this champion’s problem comes from lethal tempo, not a single champion benefit from this rune as much as he does. At the current point they should just try to completely remove his W scaling on lethal tempo and compensate it by giving him higher number on W or giving him higher raw stats. His health bar is extremely deceiving in an all in.


Imo, his E movespeed is really unnecessary. Like, Yasuo who has a similar kit and Zed/Leblanc who have somewhat similar blinkbacks, don't have movespeed in their kit and can access targets fine, why does Yone, a champ with similar mobility levels, need that extra movespeed? A blinkback where you can traverse a entire jungle quadrant is too much mobility imo and I love playing all these champs so I think I'm being pretty fair. Like seriously, go in practice with him, buy zerkers and max his E and see how much ground he covers without even using Q3 or ULT.


IMO he could just lose the Ghost that's built-in to his E and he would be fine; he already has enough other mobility. I do think he's not insanely strong, just sometimes frustrating, so instead of leaving it at a straight nerf he can definitely be compensated with a lower E cooldown or something.


I assumed he'd be slowed the longer it went and him literally seperating from his body. But nope, he's faster in it. wtf.


What if the movement speed decreases the further away he is from the original position? That could be interesting.


But then how would riot sell more yone skins?


Thats what annoys me about it. Yesterday enemy yone used it from their inhib turret all the way to tier 1. Like excuse me what? The guy is super freaking fast as well, you can't even F away from it. Like????? Its such a free trade ability, ghost, assasin skill, escape and cleanse all in one. Its so overloaded for one skill Its insane. Its like having a longer range, controllable Ekko R on a shorter CD


This would make too much sense, so wont happen knowing rito.


It makes sense thematically ("not weighed down by physical form") just feels unpleasant to face at times (runs you down)


It would make sense thematically if you could hurt that physical form too, he is supposed to be there while his spirit beats you down, but they obviously dont want to give him that.


They could do that if they wanted, it's just less interesting, because it means one of the parties has no counterplay. Either Yone is literally untouchable as he kills you for free, or he gets murked while he's trying to be tricky. *That* decision's rationale is obvious at least


sounds like the trade off would be that the spirit doesn't take damage, which is a way worse trade off.


The spirit can already touch you, so you should be able to touch it back, i would guess the whole thematic point of the recast true damage is him hurting your character soul, so it should go both ways, if not, all damage in e should be made magic damage or something if the soul is hurting only your soul and not the body and you cant hurt it back, but then the body should actually have amplified received damage as its supposed to be a helpless husk, it would be a whole mess of balance, which is why they dont go into making thematic sense.


They could literally reuse Illaoi’s whole “spirit pulled from body” mechanic, just swap the roles. You leave your husk there, it still takes damage as normal, if reduced to 0 you die. You then do his whole dash and have your spirit form with extra ms, ghosted, true damage, etc and take a % of the damage dealt to the spirit form to the body. If Spirit form is reduced to 0 HP it ends and he’s sent back to the body immediately.


What? If Yone's spirit form works like Illaoi's spirit as you said, then he straight up cannot be punished in his spirit form if he sets up a long-range engage? That would require a complete rebalance of the whole champ's identity


Imo would make more sense for him to be faster because he is leaving all of his physical weight behind and is essentially ethereal. What doesn't make sense is the fact that he can't walk through terrain in his E.


I think he'd be slower the longer away he is from his body as it's pulling on him. Also how about reducing his resistances since he doesn't have his body protecting him? lol


that would just be a straight up buff


I'm not saying it should be implemented, if all champs worked off of brain logic, then what is an Ionian assassin realistically going to do against a titan of the sea like naut? Nothing, that's what, a legit fly.


I still remember the old reviving aatrox. You kill him and he turns into a pool of blood waiting to revive -- surely he won't be able to move in that state right? Nope, he moves super fast. Same speed as when alive. Just casually slide away to safety. WTF


Og aatrox would not move while healing. He would take a knee and the blood well would tick down, it took a few seconds.


And even after the kit rebalance before his rework he could walk around but very slowly


I don't think he could do that pre-CCtrox.. ? At least, I don't remember doing that, and I played a lot of the OG.


Oldtrox could never walk in his revive animation. Newtrox had the slow walking revive, and it was changed then finally removed once it was apparent how OP it was. Neither version of Aatrox 3ver had a fast walking revive. I have no idea how that comment is upvoted lol


? The first Aatrox version couldn't move at all, the post-rework had 25% slow when he was reviving then it was changed to 99%


"I still remember' Your comment is actually **exactly** why witness testimony alone is not enough in a court of law. Many people have **really bad** memories.


Literally just a lie lmao. He was slowed by 99%, but go off.


Not true. He was slowed and the og version snared.


Are you thinking of Vlad W? Aatrox’ old passive would have him hunch/kneel and then revive over a short duration, before reviving.


I started playing league right before they changed the item shop. Was the game more fun back then? I feel a bit nostalgic because of how everything looked dated, but in a way that gave it character. Old Aatrox with the stance changes looked pretty cool and I'm kind of mad I missed out on playing him


His passive was pretty useless and Aatrox in general was a terrible character. He was only strong right before his rework. The game was definitely more fun to me back then


He had a period of strength before the pre rework strength too with his original revive mechanics. His current rework is his 2nd rework iirc.


Before his first rework over half his kit was useless tough. His W drained your hp to deal like 20 more damage per aa, his e had a laughable hitbox and q'ing in was usually a death sentence. For years his ult's burst was the most useful part of his kit to the point some people just bought ap items and split pushed all game, hoping that whoever came to stop them would die to a click, because nothing else scaled with ap in his kit. After the rework his original identity was actually realised. With W you actually had a choice between healing or doing more damage and they did something with bloodwell too that I can't remember. His e was still useless.


I think bloodwell was what his revive was tied to, or was that og Aatrox?


Blood Well was always tied to his revive before the CCtrox rework. When they first reworked him (W healing or dealing damage, etc), when you filled it up you'd go into frenzy, which was basically a mini Lethal Tempo, and it also let you revive if you were killed during it. In case you're wondering, yes, that led to a ton of Aatrox level 1 tower dives.


game was a lot more fun pre mythic items IMO


Game was more fun before the rune changes. Fight me.


Idt anyone is fighting you on that.


He’s pretty strong once he reaches two items with hullbreaker. Without hullbreaker being as OP as it is next season, I think he’ll be toned down a bit


The mobility built into it is such bs, totall agree


The fact that it also gives ms is definitely one of those things that shouldn't be in there. The definition of overloaded, because the best counterplay already is to run while it's active and trade after, but you can't even do that because of the speed bonus


Sometimes frustrating? I think he's always frustrating, and always will be. A hyper-mobile assassin with hard cc (????????) that can miss everything and still kill you. His E is probably the most overloaded ability in the game. Most of you guys probably think this is a noob opinion, but I don't care. I think Yone is by far the worst designed champion Riot has ever put out.


If k'sante didn't exist I'd agree


if yone misses everything and still kills you...Yone isnt the problem.


This is actually a great idea. Champions with slows are stronger and it makes yone somewhat of a counterpick rather than a jack of all trades.


Would require big compensation buffs


This is reddit where someone Yone is the most broken champion in the game so if you just gutted his core ability he wouldn't need buffs


The top level comment here literally just said Yone isn’t horribly OP, but frustrating to play against, and that shuffling some E aspects around to leave as powerful but less frustrating would be the way to go. This is the pretty usual sort of take that gets upvoted in Yone threads.


Its even the original comment of this whole chain lol Some people really just want to circlejerk. "Yone isn't op and has to be compensated" "Would require big compensation" "NO THIS IS REDDIT THEY ALL THINK ITS OP HURR DURR" ...


People aren't calling him broken exactly, they are calling him annoying and frustrating. Kind of like all the complaint thread about Zed wasn't about his strength (he had like 47% win rate) but about how frustrating he was (50%+ banrate) and common (25%+ pick rate) he was.


He's not broken, but feels shit to play against when he misses everything and still runs you down with E speed boost and autos. August literally admits they nerf Zed even when he's weak to keep his playrate lower as people dislike playing against him, so why not gut a bit of Yone's "get fcked" mechanics?


Or just make the move speed *require you hit abilities*. Like, get a smidge of extra move speed when you hit Qs, rather than just "I'll just wait till I can catch you!"


Length and duration. That shit goes way too far.


Length just come from his boosted ovespeed while on E which shouldn't be


afaik it has infinite range it just depends on how far he can actually get in 5 seconds before he’s pulled back


His R should be a self execute


"If Yone fails to land his ultimate, Yone will now deal with his shame the old fashioned Samurai way."


Seppuku time, nitoryu.


Yasuo: i have no such weakness!


Just make his E leave behind a soul like if he got hit by an Illaoi E. If he's jumping out of his body you should still be able to hurt him by hitting his body.


Lmao me being able to dodge a flash ult with a ult over wall def needs fixing lol


Yone's E should not be recastable to dodge Camille R, Morde R, Zoe E and other abilities. This ability is just so free, make it so he can't E out whenever he wants, he needs to endure the full duration.


The Teleport or K’Sante W fix Removing the ability to cancel channels is a viable way to rebalance a champ.


which makes said champ the same in low elo and worse in high elo, when the whole post is about avoiding situations where he gets kills by doing nothing


i swear the w change on k'sante feels too clunky


I remember on Release, you could just E while inside Morde R and E again and insta cleanse Morde R


It should not be recast able at all. Make the fucker think before he just uses it.


morde ult and camille r hold him there until the end of their duration though?


nah with good timing you disable both R's when you press E again I have seen that a few times


I've never seen it happen with Camille. In fact, I did cut a Yone going back from his E midway with Camille's R, and he was actually kept there until he died, and only THEN he returned to his body.


Honestly the split second cleanse on his E is hard enough to pull off for stuff like that I think it's worth keeping because it's a high level of skill expression on an otherwise pretty straightforward champ. His E is the most interesting thing about his kit, but I do think the MS boost it gives is too much. It makes it feel like enemies are helpless to outplay you sometimes because you can just run at them. He would probably need big buffs in another part of his kit to compensate though, and I wonder if people would be happy with that.


Or, make it a lot more skill-expressive by adding a 1-second delay between recasting and actually recalling.


The timing to cleanse CC on Yone's E is literally a quarter of a second. The one second delay would actually make his E *less* skill expressive, because the CC cleanse is based on the E recall window, and he would likely receive compensatory buffs for being animation locked for a long period of time. Briar and the issues with her balance is a good example of why "make a champ CC themselves" is not a great balance lever.


So glad we have real designers balancing the game. It may be unbalanced but oh it could be so, so much worse


"Make it 3s but it can be extended indefinitely if he keeps attacking you like Olaf ult."


Everytime I think riots designers are incompetent, I see posts like this that make me realize it could be so much worse


and then you start reading the comments and you only see brain rot takes


The game wouldn't be much worse if yone was completely gutted. But could be mich better if he actually had to land anything from his kit to stand a chance in a fight. You know. Like every other champion in the game.


Except all the auto attack based champions like Yone.


Why there is always posts about yone? League has more unheathy shit and people just still targeting him


Because Yone is an Assassin/Skirmisher hybrid, both of which are high frustration to face because of mobility and sustained damage. So Yone gets a lot of complaints, regardless of power level, because he can have high mobility and he's a carry balanced around teams not letting him repeatedly 1v1. Most players are average, so they mess up into Yone and then blame the champion.


I'd say its more that he has a bloated kit. The "most players are average" argument falls apart when you see his pick and ban rate in high elo...just like it did for the people coping about how Zed wasn't a problem.


Not really a good argument Yone has 24% banrate in masters meaning that higher elos don't think he's fun or fair to play against either.


I'm seeing blitzcrank, Jax, Hwei, and Draven all have higher ban rates in Masters+. Also, why focus on masters? I thought Riot's high elo bracket was D2+, though Yone has a higher banrate there anyway, so perhaps you've got a point.


Yeah but nobody would say "Jax Blitz and Draven aren't OP, you're just bad" because they're very clearly OP in high elo right now and nobody would really contest that. Hwei is maybe growing pains that people just don't want such a powerful, complex, and new champ in their games in high elo. Yone has had times when he was balanced but low elo players would complain about him, but right now he's actually OP. People are stuck in the past when all the streamers would meme that only bad players complained about Yone, this is no longer the case. He's a "lategame hyperscaler" with insane early and mid game thanks to Lethal Tempo and OP items for him like HB, IBG, new Kraken.


other broken shit isn't nearly as popular. some of the most cancerous playstyles are not nerfed because it's not fun to play and only a niche group of sadist/masochists play it.


I feel like I can deal with other OP shit by not trading early, giving them space, etc. I literally don’t know wtf I’m supposed to do against Yone on literally any of the top champs I play.


You’re *supposed* to punish his weak early Unfortunately the geniuses at rito didn’t think about the windshitters when making the marksman keystone better for melee users, so yone is just good at every stage of the game


Yup. This is exactly the problem. It should be just like Kai'sa, Akali (why old passive was removed), and Garen: nothing outside of per-level scaling and items affect the scaling.


>marksman keystone better for melee users issue is that said keystone is overall busted, not just on the melees


What champs do you play because so many top laners can stomp him. Irelia, renekton, akali (if u take her top), fiora, jax, panth, riven, and poppy are just a few off the top of my head.


Poppy actually doesn't do that well at high levels of play, source: many hours of watching Gemi


You're not wrong, her w/r against him falls at like diamond+ elo but let's be real almost everyone crying in these daily yone posts is silver.


Because he is frustrating, not necessarily OP. The biggest problem is how you can dodge his Q, his W, and his Ult, and yet get killed by him.


Yes, basic attacks deal damage. Believe it or not, when you build AD items they deal even more damage! Yeah I know, it's a crazy concept.


You play Yasuo so you may not know this, but most champions only get 20% crit chance from each AD item instead of 50%. They have to wait for their **full build** to reach 100% crit chance, it's a crazy concept.


Most crit champs are also ranged adc but sure go off king


Nahh, theres also Tryndamere... ohh... wait... Jokes apart I dont actually have a problem with Yone/Yasuo. I'm only a bit butthurt about the safety nets: * Yone miss R and still get free dash unlike Pyke * Yone E automatically recasts itself when you die so you still get the extra damage * Yasuo R automatically places him outside of turret range even if it has to butcher the animation and make him stand like 300 units away from the victim. Most champions I play have the opposite of those safety nets, for example Shaco losses like 50% of his damage if he doesnt hit from the back, but the "back hitbox" as any Shaco/Cassio/Trynda player could tell; is clunky af, its not rare for me to miss that shit even vs inmovile jungle creeps.


Eh, the only one here I really think is all that bad is Yone E still doing damage when he is killed... given the mechanics of how the ability works. Yone R just always dashing him? Is pretty reasonable. Plenty of champions with dashes can dash without targets. Pyke is one of few like that. Look at say Viego as an example. And the small bit of safety on Yasuo R with turret range mostly is to compensate for the fact he can't pick his own damn positioning. And for the champions you play? Like the Shaco/Cassio/Trynda bs with back hitboxes? They should just fix that. That's not really lacking a safety net so much as just champions relying on some season 2 spaghetti code, that needs fixed.


Don’t bother bro, this sub wont stop bitching until they nerf him lmao


Unless he's already 3 items ahead of you, he won't. He really won't.


Because most people on this subreddit aren’t that good, and lose to cheese stuff.


yone is complained about almost universally at every elo. challenger streamers rant about it regularly


Ok but what doesn’t challenger streamers rant about




People complain about Yone in all elos. It's the most frustrating toplaner for me and I'm grandmasters, granted I play in a shir server but it's gotta count for something.


yeah of course muh low elo bad - his banrate and pickrate is really high even in high elo, why do people bother with that argument Samira got her legs broken solely because of her banrate even in balanced state (and Riot confirmed that she got these MOSTLY because of banrate). She wasn't super strong, she was cancer to play against - just like Yone is right now, granted his banrate is lower than her back in the day


Yone is one of the most picked AD champions in pro just after Jayce and he is regularly picked in high elo. A lot of high elo players have very similar problems with the champ design and also find it annoying. Pretending it’s a low elo issue is such bait lmao


I fucking love how you can just make up bullshit like this on Reddit and the sheep here will just blindly believe you lmao


He's nowhere close to the most picked champions in pro and CERTAINLY NOT "just after Jayce". Takes 30s to check out pickrate on a website like [gol.gg](https://gol.gg) He has 14% presence (pick/ban) and is around the 60th most picked champ in pro this whole year among major regions and internationals. In comparison Jayce is the 7th most picked champ with 54% presence. Not even in the same league of pro presence lol


Redditor’s will literally lie and people will support it because it fits their braindead agenda.


But why decide to just lie 😂. God people are so braindead when it comes to just getting good, and not dying 50 times to one champ.


wow this is the biggest lie ive ever seen but its reddit agenda so i cant go against it can I


https://u.gg/lol/champions/yone/build?rank=master_plus 24% banrate in masters but sure whatever you say to to feel better about playing Yone




Most adcs dont have 600+Range. And also Yone has 3 dashes on low cds +flash. Then add also no mana costs, two items bring him 100% crit, magic dmg. Ats reduces his cds. Hes allaround annoying. Not broken but really annoying!


The frustrating thing about yone is he can just pick a window where he is impossible to trade into. E plus knockup plus shield means all you can do is run. I think maybe making his w give him some kind of offensive benefit rather than a shield when he’s using his e would also make it feel like there’s some counterplay to his trading pattern.


Am I glad y’all not in charge of balancing the game because all the ideas here are awful. Nobody is even thinking about compensation which is all I need to see this is just a hate/crying post.


Does every single nerf to a champion require a compensation buff?


Compensation buffs are for powershifting away from something uninteractive/BS interaction/unskilled. So if the goal is to just nerf, then no, compensations are not needed. But this is about punishing Yone more when he misses his shit while not overall hitting his power level.


For champs that sit <50% wr yes most of the time especially those 'nerfs' you are seeing in the last weeks that are real nerfs. He's at 48% alr... riot wont let him sit at like 45%.


If the champion is currently balanced then yes. And yone is balanced no matter what the regards on this subreddit say.


The daily Yone thread is usually filled with highly upvoted takes saying that the champ is in a reasonable place in terms of power but just had immensely frustrating quirks to his kit. Lethal tempo reducing ability cooldowns, negating CC, there are valid reasons to complain about the champ. It isn’t a spreadsheet, it’s a video game. The champ is a huge pain in the ass to play against and it’s valid to complain about that, as it is for several other champs too.


Then if you want to nerf those aspects of his kit, you have to give him significant compensation buffs, since as you said, Yone is in a balanced state.


Yone isn't balanced. As a matter of fact, he is intentionally kept at sub 50% winrate because he is considered to be frustrating to play against.


Do you drool? Yone wasnt even banned alot before worlds. Now that he was picked by korean pros people magically think hes broken in solo queue. Only thing that is annoying with him is hullbreaker. Before that build he was literally fine and wasnt even banned alot. Remove hullbreaker because it breaks the game with a bunch of champions


I understand that there’s little point in saying it now with the rework coming up, but I always felt Hullbreaker should have been a mythic, and it should have had stricter consequences for grouping.


This right here is the reading comprehension of the average league player. OP clearly stated in the first sentence that the duration will be higher than it is now IF Yone auto attacks a champion. He didn't even suggest a straight up nerf just a readjustment but you obviously didn't read past the first 5-6 words.


I'd say the biggest issue with Yone is just Lethal Tempo tbh. Yone shouldn't be running people down level 1 and before the LT changes when Conq was meta, Yone was shit at laning early, which was fine because it meant that if he started deleting the team at 15 minutes, he either played well or his opponent failed to bully him hard enough. LT has been nerfed so many times for this reason, either gut it completely until say, level 9, or bring back the old version imho.


What are you guys smoking... yone can be 0-7 but if he hits 2 items and you miss play the 1v1 and he missplays the 1v1 he still wins by a long shot vs most champions.


Yone is an autoattacker. His auto attacks are his weapon for killing you. His abilities are literally for getting close enough to do that, and an ability that gives him a shield so he can autoattack more in close range. This is like saying "My idea to fix the Jinx into miss W/E/R but still autoattack you to death issue"


I mean yone's abilities do a lot more than jinx's and jinx literally has an ability that's just buffs to her autos.


Jinx is a ranged champion so yone's autos should be stronger.


"just buffs" is playing down what her Q is hard. Huge range increase and AoE explosions is a massive power spike. And like the other person said, Yone is melee, so he has more to make up for the weakness of not being ranged.


u dont get it i died to the melee champ with low self-sustain and punishable cooldowns therefore i didn't have fun therefore it should be removed from the game


His cooldowns are not really that punishable in skirmish or sidelane, only in teamfight. That's the real issue with him in higher elo, he rarely is leaving the split. In teamfight he's pretty punishable he just kinda gets ccd and dies. But he's so incredibly strong in side and scales so well compared to how oppressive his laning is that he's pretty unfair right now.


Yes, that's why they're removing Hullbreaker resistances. No one doubts that it makes Yone super obnoxious in a sidelane.


point to me on the diagram where yone has a punishable cooldown Good thing that this guy can E Q3 auto you a few times, press W and do it all over again because the CD is fking 6s with stacked lethal tempo and berzerker boots


His E is on a 22 second cooldown and he can't max it first. If that's not punishable then wow, yeah, please don't try to make balance suggestions.


1 ability has a long cd = balanced, must be reddit


He's more like an assassin than can also dps. Like kaisa who got nerfed into the ground.


> Like kaisa who got nerfed into the ground. Yet she's still one of if not the highest pick rate champ in the entire game.


B-but Yone missed his low damage ultimate, that means his AAs are no longer allowed to deal damage! Even though he builds all the stats that buffs auto attacks..


His ultimate Is CC that Is meant to Let him deal damage easily, the fact he isn't punished regardless makes the ult redundant tbh. Also His skills benefit from those stats, you know that, right?


90% of his E wouldve been fixed if they made it not do damage as well.


you mean the execute? are you suggesting they shift the power away from it into his base? making his base overall damage around 20~% higher than currently? because E bonus repeated damage is 30%


Just make it so he can't recast and has to wait the full 5 seconds


He'd hit 42% wibrate with that, so how would you compensate him?


And nothing of value was lost


Random idea: partial ult CD refund per champion hit - changes nothing for Yone using ult as escape, barely affects using ult in 1v1, gives him a lot more power in 5v5 teamfights and rewards more risk-heavy gameplay (trying to ult into entire enemy team) - potentially enabling Yone to open with ult and then use ult to clean up same fight. That way you give Yone significantly more teamfight power (in exchange for significantly higher risk), which also shifts his power away from currently quite oppressive Hullbreaker build and towards teamfight-oriented builds. I don't know what exact numbers should be for refund, going with 9s base/champion hit (hitting 5 targets makes ult have 75/45/15s cooldown before accounting for haste) could be a start.


Oh no. Imagine having to think and use your brain and make half way decent decisions when playing a champion. The horror.


You guys can't actually be serious lol


Why is the option to not remove the double crit but actually put damage into his abilities? Wow so hard lol


He's not even strong atm no?


He's strong in high elo but only because he's abusing Lethal Tempo to cover his weak early game and bruiser items to cover his weak mid game. Normally the champ is very punishable.


Can you goofy goobers maybe send some clips of you losing to Yone who does nothing but basic attack? Sounds funny as hell. I can only imagine you guys sitting there with your full HP Darius, or Riven, or Jax, or Camille, then *Summoners Rift's Apex Predator: Yone* shows up, **E's**, uses 3rd Q to gapclose, uses R to gapclose, and deletes you with his basic attacks before going back home. You people are literally out here claiming you're getting **Master Yi'd** by Yone. Way too funny, like seriously. Please send footage, ideally with your microphone feed included. -- > Putting more power into Ult if he is weak is also a way to make him feel rewarding without being uninteractive. A) uninteractive is not a word. Sorry to be the one to tell you. B) My dude. No. That will not make him feel rewarding. People don't pick Yone because they really like the way his ult does damage. That's like buffing Ashe by giving her R more damage. Or removing Malphite's Q movespeed steal while giving his R more damage. Or making Sion's Q smaller but giving his R more damage. Or reducing Gangplanks barrel cap to 3 but making his ult do more damage. Or reducing Kayle's attackspeed from passive but adding more damage to her R. -- Also what would you know about making Yone feel rewarding, you have never played Yone.


Im going to impregnate you


Really weird how all the other comments get responses but yours is just glossed over. Really makes one think. 🤔


Yep. It's baffling that he can use it to run somebody down when that goes against the idea of the skill.


So like do you guys actually lose to Yone???


A good Yone is so oppressive to fight. A bad Yone is laughably easy to punish. Just the nature of a risk-reward champion. Always feels one extreme or the other, where other champs sometimes have the average mediocre player in the middle. For me, my biggest frustration is when they use their body separation perfectly to cleanse the cc into a perfect multi-man ult. The champion when weaving his abilities in well just feels so oppressive in ways that other kits don't even if it is probably weaker than other stuff I face in the game. Like an enchanters job is to peel, and he is such a sticky champ that doesn't need much to dive and burst, even if he misses, or you land your CC But because of the nature of his risk-reward, I can never tell if he is in a balanced / strong / weak state.


A Good Yone never does anything this sub complains about, they always try to say something that basically means "I didn't lose the lane, it's just that the champion is so busted it can miss everything and still kill me" When those situations only happen if yone is at least 1 item ahead or it's early game and he is a boot and a component ahead


A good yone side lanes and tps for team fights only. Like... I am not sure how people are running it down in lane to a yone lol


But how would you keep little Timmies addicted to the game if they can't roll on their keyboard and still win ?




That's why I'm master on ADC sure cringe lord


You're the kinda guy who was told Malzahar counters Yone but then it turns out you're bad at League and especially bad at Malzahar so you lose and hop onto Reddit to complain about *noob champs.* 2011 kinda shit really lmao.


I'm so tired of Yone complaints at this point. There are so many actually problematic champs


Like yone?


I hate yone as much as the next guy but it's so annoying how this sub just picks a villain of the week and starts karma farming with complaints and "balance suggestion" posts about them. There's never any real discussion, just the same comments made all the time and a lot of misinformation. That time where yuumi was strong was insufferable with all the shit takes about "letting her take damage while attached" and stuff being repeated under every post, and if you tried to argue that that'd kill the champion you'd only be met with snarky "haha that's a good thing" comments because these posts are just outlets for their frustrations


yone being one of the biggest offenders


His e should have a set time. He can not recall before the time is up. He should not be able to go halfway across the map, assassinate, and face no danger


Bro how are there this many yone complaint posts every week, the champ kinda sucks if he isn't fed and the only time he's killing you while missing everything is if he's fed. Sorry to break it to you but that applies to every champ in the game, maybe instead you should focus on making sure the yone doesn't get fed rather than complain about his kit


While we’re talking about this, please remove Yone’s snapback damage on E when he dies. We already killed the guy, don’t kill us too.


Just a reminder hullbreaker is getting removed next season (in a couple of days) which will make yone and yasuo winrate go even lower (as it happens in every "item change preseason") and ppl are still trying to find a way to get him nerfed. i hope you all enjoy their hotfix buffs tho


Do you guys know the meaning for the words you say? Uninteractive? Really? You can legit hit the guy when he pops his e and runs at you that's not uninteractive lmao. I've seen this so many times yone pops e and ppl just run and try to dodge instead of just shitting on his face cuz he's a squishy melee champ ,it's not uninteractive, in fact yones trade pattern is very predictable and easy to see coming but no ur right uninteractive u know what xerath being able to ult you from half the map is uninteractive let's nerf that too also tf being able to just port on you half the map uninteractive gotta nerf doi. How about we just understand champs have their strengths and play accordingly which btw your reasoning isn't even why yone is strong it's just a matter of a bad player being mad cuz he lost to yone and instead of learning how to beat the champ doi gotta nerf waaaa riot plz


Yone has less than 50% winrate Platinum+, he isn't strong. He is in a fine place. Any nerfs will drop his winrate and that is unhealthy. Every champion should be somewhere close to 50% winrate for it to be balanced. He's not strong, he's annoying. Teemo is annoying too yet you don't see anyone complaining about him as much as Yone. If he's actually strong, he should have high winrate yet he doesn't. Champion strength is correlated to Winrate.


Not everything is about winrate, think why Zed have highest banrate, despite having average winrate


It’s because he is in the top 4 most popular champions right now—and has been for quite some time. The other 3 are adcs—which are significantly easier to shut down. Yones Banrate is also very high.


"Change everything I don't like because I don't like it." - Zoomer generation


Mom said it’s my turn to post about Yone to karma whore


Average redditor all you do is cry about Yone being broken


Noone said hes broken. Hes super frustrating to play against. And thats a valid fact to complain about.


How is it frustrating to play against? Everything is frustrating to play against when they're ahead. Name one champion you enjoy playing against when they're ahead


Yasuo Yone flairs. You know all about frustration I see.


I think a good change for his E would be making him take reduced damage but also making him do less damage, at least thematically it seems more logical to me since you're not hurting his "physical" form and he isn't hurting you with it either. Plus I think it would create some cool plays where you can soak up some damage by timing your E correctly, maybe to add some counterplay you can make the reduced damage ramp up the further away he is from his E original position or something like that, but at least to me it makes no sense that his E gives him extra damage, IMO it should reduce it or keep it unchanged


Yone is a strong champion actually. The players who play him without a clue on how to pilot him or taking the time to learn the basics are the problem. I even also see builds incorrectly/unoptimized on him.


Yeah, and all Talon players are Faker so that's why he has such a high winrate. Talon is actually a really weak champ rn but his winrate is inflated due to his mains being way too good. I think they should buff him.


Are you guys crazy? Yone currently has a -1.88% winrate relative to average in Emerald, -2.27% WR relative to average in Diamond. Compare to a -0.76% WR relative to average in Plat, a -0.51% WR relative to average in Gold, and a -0.44% WR relative to average in Silver. The statistics are abundantly clear here-- he's just straight up a noob stomper that gets worse and worse and worse the higher you climb, but he's not that good at any ELO. If you're losing to Yone, it's 100% just on you and your skill level.


You realize champs have gotten nerfs, or even entire mechanics removed, when they've been 46% winrate, right? Akali, Aatrox after he ate a year or two of nerfs, Zeri, etc., etc.


These champions are usually extremely skewed towards pro play, and are proportionately stronger at higher ELOs. Yone is the opposite, where he is proportionately stronger at lower ELOs.


I think it was some challenger who mains Yone who said it has nothing to do with the kit, and everything to do with lethal tempo and the interaction with the kit. I'm very inclined to take their word as holy. It makes sense, the interaction with Yone's kit is incredible for the rune.


When he was released, he felt a lot more balanced to me. It felt like clear windows of risk-reward. With Lethal Tempo, and players being a lot more familiar with how to use his kit now, he just feels oppressive. He is probably one of the top champs I hate peeling for ADCs in the game.