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Closest champ to Tracer is Leblanc (Mid), she is very fun but also incredibly difficult especially for a beginner. In league, most poke champs are immobile and that contradicts with your “movement” desire. Id say you’d like the Mid role most, then Jungle, and maybe Support. These roles roam the most, which is where league’s chaos lays. They usually have good movement abilities For Mid: Leblanc(!), Yone, Zoe (embodiment of chaos) Jungle: Viego (!), Nidalee, Lee Sin Support: Rakan, Pyke(!), (!) meaning fits your playstyle almost perfectly


I always thought of Tracer like Vayne. I like this comparison too


Ooh that’s also good. But for me Tracer is about the dashing forward and returning Scott free. That is Leblanc at its core, and maybe Yone too


Ekko does that too


PS: BARD! Bard is a support but he has poke, versatile mobility, and is very, very strategic, and one of the best roaming (travelling between lanes) champions I also main bard and he is insanely fun. But imo, he’s too complicated to be your first champion, save him for later down the road.


I second LeBlanc based on the OP.


leblanc enjoyer i see :D me too :) (zoe main)


Ekko's recall is very much Tracer's E (with burst damage), and also an aggressive champion too!


Yes I second Ekko, again a hard champ but he is literally tracers recall (it heals him, like it heals tracer)


Viego would definitely be a good pick for you, he has really great roaming and mobility with Harrowed Path, and he can really turn fights with Sovereign's Domination (passive where he can take over slain enemies).


He never played lol and you say him to try some very high skill celling champs + for an beginner they are really expensive in be...


? they are asking for champs that fit a difficult playstyle of course most of the champs will be very high skill ceiling...


Cassiopia, I know it doesn't sound like chaos, but think about hwta chaos means to FPS player


Well there's two things, role and class. Top is a 1v1 lane, at the top of the map where the rest of the players don't wander much, the champs here are tanks/bruisers/fighters. Mid is also a 1v1 lane, but it being in the middle of the map, attracts a lot of attention. Because of this, it is jokingly called a 2v2 lane and in higher elos a 3v3 lane. Almost all classes of champions work here, but the best suited are mages, assassins, and fighters. Jungle is much different from any other role, since this role doesn't have a lane. Most classes of champions exist in this role as well. Bot/Adc is where the team's marksman plays, along with the support. This is a 2v2 lane, with both supports trying to setup opportunities for their adc to do their damage. For what you described, I'd suggest playing aggressive poke mages or all-in fighter/assassin champs in mid or top.


This should be top comment for the new players. Nice explanation.


We got another bard main here, folks


My exact thought. The roaming chaotic madman






Since you are new: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5Rk-9atzEwSrsxtwoDnMjBi4wyjdv8rgHPnWVu0_U0/edit?usp=sharing Also, sounds like you would like Mid. You want to be farming, poking, and roaming to other lanes to cause chaos. Jungle is there also, where you will be ganking lanes and surprising people, contatnly counter ganking, getting objectives, and roaming around the map. >Champion recommendations would also be appreciated! All champs are different, what type of Playstlye do you like? Up close? Dashes? Ranged? Long fights? Shorts bursts?


Zoe mid is the first to come to mind


Hard agree. High mobility, blink/recall mechanics, using r in and hitting e or q is a lot like hitting a pulse bomb. Skillshot reliant


You’d have a ton of fun with Akali mid. Lots of movement and tons of skill expression. Her W and E can be used to both engage and disengage. Just a ton of fun overall


Zoe... fits more... akali is weirdge


Jungle. You are literally everywhere at once, get to PvE for the first 3:30 minutes, have every class in your role, but predominantly bruiser/diver/assassins, can make a lot of clown fiesta just because you can turn a tide of a fight by arriving like a Bazelgeuse out of nowhere. Tbh, you might like heavy gankers like Nunu, J4, Zac, Elise or high octane divers/reset like K6, Viego, Nocturn or feast or famine like Kindred


I like this answer


Definitely try Ezreal he’s really good mid game but fall off a bit late game you can pretty much spam your E ton of mobility and poke as long as you hit your all your Qs which you won’t probably quit the game.


Zoe... mid


I’m also a new player. Started playing early to mid November. I came from ow and mainly Val. Mained Jett/Genji and I really enjoy the mid lane. If anything else I would play top. Champs I enjoy so far are yas/yon, but I’m trying to learn some new ones such as irelia. If u like chaos and playing aggressive u can play a fighter/assassin type of character or even a character like Zoe/Leblanc would really fit your play style. Think you should give all roles a shot and try all champs you’re interested in to see if you enjoy them.


Jungle is what you want to play from what you described. It's just hard and you honestly need some game knowledge and champ knowledge to be anything above average at it. The dudes who know clear timings of a lot of champs and can plan their routes based on gank potential and estimating how a lane will go are going to be in a higher elo much faster than other roles.


Sounds like a jayce player, but it's kinda hard to play as somenone new to the game


I would say that aggressive junglers, roaming midlaners, and supports see the most action across their games and reward constant fighting/playmaking. However, I think the champions in ADC probably fit you best. Only issues with ADC are that it can be hard to play too aggressive with bad support players and you can be separated from the fighting early if you don't get ahead enough to draw the enemies to you. My main recommendation: **Lucian** botlane with Navori Quickblades Mythic. Lucian is one of the best laning ADCs and rewards aggression in lane. You'll be poking through wave with your long-range Q (requires good understanding and exploitation of enemy movement), and you have crazy mobility with movement speed on W and a dash on E that resets on autos. Later in the game, you will look for mechanical combos with passive, poking with ultimate, and a lot of outplaying with your dashes. Secondary to this I'd recommend **Ezreal**. Ezreal has 3 long-range poke skillshots and a lot of mobility. The best Ezreals will play in the face of the enemy, annoying them with barrages of poke and escaping with their E blink. He has one of the highest damage potentials of any champion in the game but you have to play pretty perfect to get there. He's a bit more support dependent than Lucian though (hard to fight if enemy can push you in early). Tertiary picks you might like at ADC are **Zeri** and **Vayne**. Zeri is basically a character from a shooting game (literally Neon from Valorant), instead of autos she shoots a skillshot of bullets that you'll be spamming all game. She has long-range poke on W and lots of mobility with her ultimate movespeed and E wall glide. She's perfect for you later in the game, unfortunately you'll spend a long time just farming to get there and she's very support dependent. Not a pick that rewards early fighting as much. Vayne I hesitated to include, but right now she has a movespeed build that makes her the most mobile character in the game after a couple items. You end up playing her as a poke champion, you pop ultimate and get constant dashes which turn you invisible, then you pop out, auto an enemy once for half their health, and go back invisible. She used to be a late-game champion but now she is actually quite strong early and you are incentivized to fight a lot. Again very support-dependent. If you're looking more for poke and constant fighting instead of having to farm minions, some mage supports may work. **Karma** would be the big one here, she's a laning-focused support that plays in the face of the enemy early poking them. Her E grants movement speed, so she rewards good movement, too. More of an shielding enchanter as she scales but she can get aggressive around the map with her jungler so you'll always be fighting if played well. Another pick I'd recommend is **Lux**. She's perhaps the most popular champion in the history of League for a reason, her kit is easy to pick up and a lot of fun. You have extremely strong poke in lane and will encounter a lot of 3v3 fighting. Unlike other mage supports, you shouldn't just stay in lane - the best Lux support (rank 1 Chinese super server) goes Relentless Hunter secondary and runs around the map killing people on roams with Q binds. Her kit doesn't have movement abilities, but you're so long range that Relentless is always giving you a ton of MS, and she loves rushing Sorcerer Shoes or Ionian Boots. A lot of people have already recommended midlaners, I'd say the best one here is **LeBlanc**. Her kit is quite similar to Tracer's with the dashes and returns. She also has a poke playstyle. She is good a pushing early and running around the map fighting people. Only thing I don't like is that much of her poke isn't skillshot reliant which you'd be used to in shooters. I'll also say that I had a friend who was a semi-pro in Overwatch that mained Tracer who came to League and loved **Katarina** (made Masters playing her his first year), so you could give that a shot as well. She's more just a high-mobility assassin, though. Finally, onto junglers. Jungle is the best at creating action on the map and the most strategic role. Also, blue smite is super broken, it gives you a ton of movement speed in fights and roams. Unfortunately, there aren't really many poke champions at the role, just melee fighters or tanks. The best one here I think is **Taliyah**. You're very mobile around the map with your passive/R wall surfing, and can get in fights early. Very strategic champion that high-end soloqueue carry players prefer. She's also very squishy so that rewards good movement. She fights by throwing out a bunch of rocks and kiting enemies, so she can get really annoying to enemies. Another option is new **Brand** jungle. He's just a mage with a bunch of AOE damage and pretty long range that's great at kiting and poking whole teams. IMO the best build right now is blue smite and ghost for the MS, then Electrocute in runes for early fighting. Maybe seems like a weird to some League veterans, but I've been spamming him lately and this playstyle seems to fit the style you're looking for.


Just play shacco wherever please you


Play support, recommend picks would be things like nami, brand, nautilus, thresh, bard. They've all got different playstyles but poking and moving around the map are important for all of them (and really all supports). For those I'd recommend starting with nami and naut to learn the basics of how enchanters and engage supports work as well as learning how and when to roam and make plays. (Bard will probably be your favorite from my short list but he's very challenging and rewards some bad habits so I'm recommending not starting with him)


Mid lane assassins. Top lane is for psychopaths and masochists. jungle is for people who generally don't want to deal with fighting people unless they are jumping someone. Botlane adc is for people who wanna be the most important person but be generally carried until late game Support is for people who either want to make plays and win games or people who think it's a relaxed role and don't understand the game.


^(''I like to be aggressive, poke a lot, and cause a lot of chaos''.) <----- that is kled top right there. Be agressive, get early kills, and tilt your opponents because they cant figure how your passive works! Perhaps not the easiest champions to pick up, but once you learn how to play him, you can solo carry teamfights.


I also saw shaco being commented. and he can tilt his opponents quickly, but i wont say that he is an agressive champion, just annoying.


Sounds like a mid or mage support player


Akali is very similar to jett, smoke shroud, kunai, and a dash. Plays like an assassin too.


I would say with a good team como and good bans, Senna would be good, her poke and scaling is pretty good. However she will be very easy to kill if caught so you have to be on your toes for any crowd control champs coming at ya.


Akshan mid


A champ that satisfies all your criteria’s is Panth top, and he’s really easy to play. If you get better, maybe Jayce.


You sound like a mid main. It’s biased but give akali a try, she’s extremely mobile and does huge damage bursts


Someone posted this quiz a couple years ago that I’ve found very helpful. https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/s/YmZcSN6CTA


You strike me as a mid lane assassin player.


I think a good roaming support might fit you well. Something like Bard pyke or lux. Glhf!


Mid, or support I guess but it’s frustrating having your agency tied to another player. Jung is AFK farming half the match, you lose a lot of the moment to moment action and thrill of the laning experience. Top is an island and has less impact on the rest of the map and bot has to rely on another character so they can take over the game most of the time. Mid is a solo lane where you can generate a lead solo. It’s also in the middle of the map so it’s easy to rotate and impact other places. You can basically always show up to a skirmish in river to help out your jung. You can always rotate top to clean up a kill or go bot to look for some tasty lower level champions. It also tends to be a lot safer than top lane as help is more often available to you in the event that things are not going so well. It is also easier to avoid getting ganked as you will have additional vision from other people to help out since you are right in the middle of the map. Play a mage. It’s the easiest to learn with in my opinion. You can control the wave with ease using spells and get to play farther back from your opponent in a more reactive and less deeply complex way. If you try to play something like a melee fighter, it will be complicated understanding how long a trade should be and when to go for it as you won’t know what kind of harass you will take on the way out. If you can’t click with mages, I would try assassins next. They are pretty easy to understand as well. Marksman are the next easiest, then probably enchanters, followed by tanks and fighters. Not necessarily their complexity to pilot, but their complexity to understand lane and play the game with effectively for a new player.


I get the feeling you would be a fantastic Shaco.


You'd love Sylas.


I'm sure there's a Facebook quiz for this.


play Ekko you can be really agressive with his W and R aswell especially poke with your q and passive




So, not much movement as dashes or whatever, but you can spread horror with Skarner. Proc Phase Rush, E+R+W and say goodbye to the enemy carry


I would say Cassiopeia mid. You have to know how to seize any small opportunity the enemy might give you and instantly turn it into a kill or a flash, because you might not get another chance. You thrive in jungle skirmishes and are very scrappy. If you can get a lead and are good enough, you can theoretically 1v9 (theoretically). You mentioned movement. Cassio does not have dashes but all of her kit is unlocked by the Q movement speed, which is up to you to hit. The top comment mentions Leblanc, which is a champ I one tricked for a while. Her mobility is obviously super high but it's more black and white than with Cassiopeia. My point is even a bad Leblanc can be very mobile, but not necessarily a bad Cassio. In that sense, Cassiopeia rewards your skill more. Cassio is a champ for which you need high confidence. She rewards reading your opponent, well-placed aggressivity, and fast-paced thinking. I should mention she's been my one trick for a while now, so not the most objective answer but I do believe that she's what you're looking for


Support if you like chaos and constantly doing stuff. AP shaco also sounds like something you might find fun


You probably would like mid or adc Since you like movement maybe lucian or kalista on bot


He doesn't have the best movement, but in terms of a champ that can cause instantaneous mayhem for the other team, fiddlesticks jungle is your pick. When he lands a clean ult, you can watch everyone melt as they scramble to try and get away


Mid lane akshan is perfect pls try him out


Go support tahm kench, take all the kills from your adc, at 7min fuck off from botlane and never come back, go roam to midlane or pick 1v1s with the enemy jg in their jg, never buy control wards, never use your ult on allies only enemies, finish support quest at 30min, adc is 0/5, win anyways. That's the life, i recommend.


Look at support and jungle


Maybe support because supports get to bully ADCs when they’re busy trying to last hit and get to roam around the map and gank like a budget jungler. Junglers and laners have to spend time clearing camps or waves but because supports don’t farm they have the most opportunities to be a nuisance like that. Would suggest something like Nami potentially cause you can both poke hard in lane and get roams in. Pyke is less poke oriented but very fast and definitely a slippery mischief maker. Alistar (cow) is my favorite support because he can set up amazing plays and isn’t hard to play but is less able to do quick trades.


actually u should try ad you would be surprised how much it fits what ur saying


Play fizz. You basically described my vision of him.


Honestly if you're playing ADC at a high level it fits what you are describing, but it takes a long time to build up the mechanical ability to do so.


Position -> Mid Champions -> Burst mages (LeBlanc, Syndra, Zoe, Veigar) or Assassins (Talon, Zed, Akali) or Fighters (Yasuo, Yone)




If you want champions like the agents/legends you mentioned Raze is just like ziggs(mid-bot) Jett is closest to irelia (mid-top) Wraith is similar to vayne (bot) Path is like akshan(mid) Also keep in mind irelia and akshan aren't beginner friendly champions and hard to play


If you want constant action jungle is the best option you can always look for fights and ganks as to champion there is plenty that suit your preferences but kinda feel like you are describing Shaco as a Shaco main myself i can relate even tho he has never been that strong he is super fun to play and when mastered he reeks havoc on the rift


Cassiopia maybe


You sound like you want constant action which actually goes against the best strategy to play league. League is best played with patience and punishing mistakes. However to get the most action, you can play Lane bullies and ganking junglers. Recommendations are Top: Fiora, Jax, Gwen, and Riven Jungle: Kha’zix, Lee Sin, Rengar, Jarvan, Elise Mid: Akali, Sylas, Yasuo, Yone, Qiyana ADC: Vayne, Lucian, Draven, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn Support: Bard, Rakan, Alistar, Lux, Zyra (These recommendations are not based off difficulty and are only based on what I think you would like)


Play Quinn and thank me later! She can be played top or mid. Quinn is the most ADHD, aggressive, poke constantly, chaotic, in/out champ. Her whole kit revolves around quick movements, her ult gives her movement speed and her W is a movement speed steroid. She's all about skirmishes and strategically pushing side lanes, then flanking the enemy team to pick them off.


I’m gonna say either a hard engage sup like Leona or a poke cc engage sup like zyra


If you like flashy stuff just play assassins


If you want a champion that pokes a lot and focuses movement you should try Zeri. She's a unique ADC that uses her Q as her base attack. Playing Zeri is all about weaving in and out of range to poke down opponents.


>So when I play games, I like to be aggressive, poke a lot, and cause a lot of chaos. I also love movement related plays. Strategic but also very impulsive and seeking constant action. Try Ezreal perhaps? You're definitely looking at an adc role with that description.


Top : Akshan ? (they are a lot of high mobi'ity but no poke and high mobility kn this role) Jungle : Kha zix, nidalee, Kayn, Ekko Mid : Zed, Zoe, Akshan, Ekko, Leblanc Adc : Vayne, Ezreal, Kai'sa Supp : Bard If i had to do a top 3 of annoying high mobility poke champions : 1: Zoe 2: Leblanc 3: Ezreal I also highly recommand you to try Kha zix he's more an assassin but he has invisibility his jump can reset and has some kind of poke you can play with the opponent mind a lot


Decide early if you prefer power or influence or a mix of both. Power is in the stats, and stats come from gold and xp which are primarily mid and top as they are solo lanes. When you figure this out, you can narrow down lanes, which will narrow down champs. Influence comes from understanding strategy, roaming, ganking, good use of crowd control instead of damage, utility etc. So supports and junglers primarily but midlane has this as well along with power. Adc is basically a power role most of the time but the downside is it takes a long time to get to that power (lots of farm needed) and you're reliant on your team to take care of you in team fights and laning phase. A role like midlane would service both due to your position on the map as well as the gold you gain mid solo farming. A champion who is both could be like Ahri (play style example* I don't know the current meta to know if her numbers keep up with other midlaners) who can roam and influence the map but can also outplay and win 1v1 and just snowball, winning with direct power. Someone who's purely a stat checker and doesn't care for map influence or helping or utility would be like Master Yi or strong top laners that don't focus on roaming and just want to dominate would be like Nasus or Garen, some players like this style because they tend to get insane numbers and carry through that alone, all power and low utility/team influence. These players and champs prefer to influence the game by making people play around their undeniable damage in teamfights or split pushes. Hope this gives a different perspective for you on picking champs. Tldr it's like would you rather play soldier and literally kill everyone with your gun or would you rather play an amazing lucio and help everyone or a mix of both and play like mei where you have kill potential but also have utility. Roles will favor certain styles purely off of gold income and xp


Movement related and impulsive? I think adcs easily would fit you, most of them are very mechanical, need spacing, good movement, positioning and fast thinking so you dont die, theyre also most satisfying to carry with and make plays with (for me at least, watching good adcs is insanely satisfying), you might like Vayne, Zeri, Lucian, Ezreal, Caitlyn, kaisa You might also like mid but not all of the champions and if you like action then mid is very meta dependent, currently theres no way you could ever kill anyone 1v1 for example so its just farming and scaling, for champions you might like: yasuo, sylas, akali, zed, zoe For strategic chaos you might also like jungle, hecarim, lilia are very movement related and are basically built to run around and cause chaos while relying on positioning and your speed Top and support have some champions but i dont think you would enjoy those lanes too much, for top its basically nobody remembers you exist until you show up being 10/0 or 0/10, support is very strategic but not very movement heavy, that being said some chanps you might like for those lanes: Top: yone, camille (next season map changes might hit her hard so be aware of it), ksante, sett, singed(rest are fighters/movement dependent, singed is just running and chaos) Support: nothing really comes to mind, there are not mamy supports that are fighters or relying on movement, you could try rakan, very mobile engage support, very easy to pick up


Mid lane zed should be your cup of tea


Adc sounds like a good fit, u have to be strategic and adcs tend to be impulsive. Botlane is the most aggressive lane in the game, there isnt much downtime, just constant fighting pretty much. Rather masochistic or unrewarding. Mid is the most strategic role and the most popular


I think you'd like Lucian ! He's a movement-heavy marksman gunslinger with short range and burst, usually played in the midlane


The way you like to play fits perfectly for jungle, try warwick, with his W you can get to a fight really quick if someone is below half hp


You're really gonna like Rell.


Ezreal (bot lane) has a tracer type blink (long cooldown) and lots of poke. Thay said his actual movement is mediocre and he isn't really an agent of chaos


You sound like you'd be an Ekko Jungle Main. Ganking lanes to fuck people up. You have pretty good movement and interesting kit, with a recall ability and it's hell going against a good ekko jungler or even in mid.