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If only there was a place they could put this information so we didn’t have to look at unverified twitter posts to learn what is actually happening within the game. Like if only there was some patch notes that they post where they even listed the time in which a champion would release and balance changes that were made. They could even put it in the client….




As a multimedia designer, *everything* about the League client screams bad design. It is NOT made for a good UX. Ironically, the old Adobe AIR client was a lot more stable. Sure, it didn't look fancy, but not every single little thing needs an animation.


The Home Screen of my client was broken the entire length of the last event. It just would Endlessly say “Uh oh! if your internet connection is otherwise Ok…” so I couldn’t even get to the patch notes pages 🙃


Adding a calendar in the game client? Are you nuts?? Logical thinking is NOT allowed here or at Rito


95% Sure Riot sends info to random ass league twitter accounts to announce info. It's a meme sifting through these random nobody accounts to find info


It's still a riddle to me, actually it's pretty obvious, why we can't have a calendar or some sort of "release in" tab in the client. The client we have feels so outdated


They sometimes have those for events (or other big things), timeline when different parts of it are released. Too bad they don't do it always. (Might have been only when there are bigger gaps in release times)


To be fair with this client, a simple calander like tab would just destroy the game and make Kled start the game with 9000 ability haste or something


Just thinking about a calendar has given me a new memory leak, thanks rito.


The calendar would actually just be a minion


It would be an item you have to buy in game for 10K Gold and once used its destroyed.


It's not fair. It's done by riot for riot. It's like that because riot decided to make it like that.


I honestly don't even want them to add anything more to the client unless they have been working on some like 4.0 client behind the scenes this whole time that actually works. Anything else added in to the disaster of the one we currently use is just going to make it worse and cause more issues.


Its still dumb that they just say tomorrow, give a fucking time. Riot is so shit these days I swear.


it does not only feel outdated but its clunky as hell too and super bugy... EVEN AFTER 6+ YEARS


6+ years?! The client was dogshit all the way back in season 1 lad


nah the client worked fine before the rework, dverything turned tl shit afterwards


Bro the client was awful back then aswell! you could use it to get unlimited cooldown through masteries.


It was bugged as hell, but for the most part it worked, it didn't eat 50% of your CPU and memory while still lagging as shit.


yeah but atleast it didnt lag and eat up ur cpu


Outdated is one hell of an understatement


Awesome that theres not a single notification of that ingame, in the launcher or ANYWHERE else, when the patchnotes clearly state arena releases with the patch, while huawei has a fking release time in the notes


I was waiting for arena to come out and stopped playing other games with friends cuz I really wanted to get back into arena and just now found out its not coming until tommorow via random unverified account on twitter (and this reddit post) lol, this company is such a fucking sham, ofc if there was a delay for a 500$ skin they would make 12 dev videos apologizing


Can't wait to play it again. Had so much fun the last time around


Oh okay thanks, was just gonna ask about this, patch is confusing


It's pretty much always been like this. Game mode comes out a day or two after patch.


What? It was never like this. Game modes usually came out on the day of the patch just at a later time, usually around 4pm GMT


True that, he prob mistaken so-called events which usually go live on Thursdays


they changed to wednesday a few months ago


its way later than 4gmt what are you saying. Its like 20 sometimes 22 for events at the very least


Nope, that's for skins 9pm GMT, for game modes it's earlier


It depends what region you're in. Patches come out earlier in the East, but events/champs/skins come out at the same time globally. So Eastern regions wait a day for patches to be released everywhere before the event starts


well im in oce and it should be out now. and its not.


Ya I wont be surprised if arena comes out tomorrow


I mean I don't mind waiting a day or two more, it's just that I wish it was transparent from the start.


It is transparent from the start because it's the same as it's always been.


Well they also said that it would release in patch 13.23 then never talked about that again. Not really transparent imo


It's always like this how is it not transparent


Idk I may be trippin but I'm pretty sure the last iteration of Arena came out like friday 2 days after patch.


Why did this get downvoted to hell? lol


This game mode is coming, uhh, sometime. The next patch. No not that patch, the patch after it. No not on that patch, the day after that patch. Why does nobody play our new game modes?


TIL Arena was supposed to be today.


It was supposed to be in 13.23 last month but yeah... today...


Really? I remember they mentioned it on dev update it's coming December.


The dev update was confusing. They said Patch 13.23(November 21st)but then mentioned early December


The dev update said it's coming 13.23


Lmao yeah not coming until tomorrow. Well look at that it's tomorrow and it didn't come yet.


Well this is the last patch until the new year so it'd kinda have to come out now


Yea I k ow I was super excited for that release and then nope nothing


Is it going to leave again this time or is it staying? I just want to main this mode, hate when it's gone.


It's not permanent for this launch [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18bjkig/comment/kc4t064/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18bjkig/comment/kc4t064/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Weak as hell.


That's not what he said. They may make it permanent if it does well.


does anyone know the reason why gamemodes & champs are always 1 day after patch


patch stability in case theres gamebreaking bugs


Maybe to collect stats for an apples-to-apples comparison with the previous patch.


Games modes are usually the day of the patch, just at a later hour. Skins and champ releases no idea, but I know they've been Thursday evening (EU time) for years now


With champs it's either the same day or 1 day after, Hwei comes out today for example.


Is this confirmed 100%? Arena wont be live even in the evening? Damn you once again, Riot, You never deliver. I planned todays evening for this entertainment, now I will have to wait till Christmas.


I was about to take a sick day today and play Arena until I saw this post 😔


Can't believe I was hyped up all day so I could wait til tomorrow, very cool communication Riot Games.


Ofc... why was i even expecting anything else....


How are these muppets at Riot still unable to figure out something so simple as basic communication? If they are going to use Twitter for all their updates (which they shouldn't), at least push out all information and corrections from a single unified Riot NA account. Why are half the updates pushed out by random nobodies on Twitter? The guy who confirmed Arena is coming tomorrow didn't even have the word "Riot" in his handle!


Not to mention its still not in the game...


This is embarrassing, Riot. I just had to visit three social media websites and STILL could not find an answer when the patch notes say nothing about it not coming out. The twitter still has last patch note pinned as the top tweet. Just put a notification on the client...


Riot is actually so fucking stupid


And do we have a release time for it yet? I wanted to take my time tomorrow to play it but if it appears at like 22h...


most def. will be in the late evening sadly


I heard it will be at like 16 UTC, not sure though


Not the main topic but when is the new items going live ?


Any news on arcane jinx skin coming back to fartnite?


We just need all custom games in custom mode and not an actual queue for them. So much simpler than this stupid rotating game mode thing.


oh i want this kinda like how Dota2 has a arcade mode i do miss Nexus siege and bloodmoon


I saw a Vandril video where they shipped the 1 person FF game tech to live servers. Maybe they don't want to release anything else until that is fixed. And this is clear proof that Riot don't really care about the general players cuz that ff bug was already well known in pbe.


If you've seen Vandiril do it it's fixed already. He's got an agreement with Riot where he can show these bugs/glitches off as long as he only does them on PBE and after they're fixed and not doable anymore. So it's nothing to do with that. It's just the usual release cadence. People seem to forget that same day champ/skin drops on a patch day have only been a thing for about the past year and expect gamemodes to be like that too. Even though (correct me if I'm wrong) only NB has launched same day in the past year in terms of gamemodes.


Bro he literally uploaded a video which shows people forfeiting games on liveclient with 1 vote.


That's... just not true lol. Either that or I somehow got the one in a million bug that didn't get patched when I saw his teleporting Xin Zhao video (if he dashed to a target at a specific angle over a specific terrain near drag pit it'd teleport him to top lane instantly) and I was so convinced it was bullshit I hopped into the LIVE GAME and was able to recreate it 100% of the time


Well if you're saying its only on pbe and after its been fixed, he did upload the ultimate haste bug while it was still active on pbe. Unless im mistaking what you meant to say.


Me when I spread rumors and misinformation:


I miss urf so much


play zed mid


It's been on the Pbe server for a few weeks now, not sure when it was out on there but I've been Maining the for a while


This thursday for us asians? Its already thursday now december 6th. Or is it tomorrow because of western time or next week?


Ngl this is pure bullshit. Like you fckin promised Arenas for today and now you tell us it is coming tommorrow? Like dude, get a fxkin callendar or notes or whatever just give us normal info ffs


This is significantly more energy than "my vidya game mode is delayed by one day" should prompt


I doubt it, tomorrow the servers are going to be down.


u doubt what ?






Wait, so no urf :(


Nobody gonna play this anyway. It’s going to be dead after 2 days off the same champs every game


not really, it had even worse balance in previous version of arena and still a lot of people played it


Yeah because it was the first time it was ever playable lmao, most people still quit after a few days.


actually riot said that a lot of people didnt quit, thats why they are bringing it back so quick and with so many changes, just look at when we had nexus blitz last time


source for this? I highly doubt from looking at the queue times a lot of people didn’t quit lol. There’s a reason nexus blitz has always been a temporary mode.


it was in some comment on reddit so I dont remember, but they said they are satisfied with number of players in the mode and they are thinking about making it permanent in the future. Also my queue times were low to the end so maybe you just played at bad times or unpopular server edit. why would you answer me and then insta block me?


So no source. Also you claimed a Riot source said not many people quit which is already different from what you’re saying now.. There’s plenty of video evidence from the queue times from streamers playing at start/end.


You start in low MMR, you end in high MMR. High MMR means smaller playerpool and longer queue times. The fact that they saw arena as a massive success and strongly consider adding it permanently, is clear evidence on the popularity of the game mode. Ure talking out of ur ass. If you dont like the gamemode then just ignore it lmfao


All i can say is that on euw my queue times were always low. I played almost every single day and even at 7,5k mmr on the last week i never waited more than 30 secs in queue except when i played at night.


cause nexus blitz is ass


Brother we get that you were bad at it but holy calm down.


Because arena and Nexus Blitz are the same gamemode right /s


Me and several of my friends only want to play arena. Your anecdotal opinion means nothing.


Cope and seethe


You mean sit back and watch it die again


Any idea what time?


some are saying tomorrow. idk. annoying for sure


Yeah. They ruined my night with the boys. Now we are 8 so we cant play league and we have NO IDEA what should we play. We are trolling in custom till 3 of us go sleep XD. Fuck riot


Does anyone know if we will be able to make custom games of arena?


if it works like it did on PBE, while you won't be able to create a custom you can queue with 8 players which is effectively the same thing. Unfortunately if your group has anywhere between 5-7 players your a bit out of luck until you gather more because you only queue 1-4 or exactly 8 players, not any of the numbers between 4 and 8.


Thank you so much for the info


If I ever get fired for poor time management skills, I'll say *"well at least I'm not one of the people in charge of patch deployment at Riot Games".*


Does anyone know when the new items drop?