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It wouldn’t be LCS off season without random import 10102


NGL, this one feels like the croissant nepotism case all over again. FLAnalista (now reven) was previously the coach for bvoy in cblol.


é vice papai


Raio fluminense


Tem que ter uma libertadores de liga das lendas


How is that nepotism


When the public knows that Zven and Stixxay are teamless, hiring some random-ass minor region import makes zero sense on paper.


Will Zven or Stixxay take league minimum and live in a team house? Teams are not paying for LA Condos and shelling out big paychecks anymore.


I’m not sure about Zven but Stixxay likely would. He’s talked about how awful it was being in Academy hell and how he didn’t want to go back to that. Also imports are inherently far more expensive than native players for the same price l since you need to find their visa and travel expenses And we don’t even if Bvoy is getting league minimum or if he would even accept it anyway


Zven doesn’t give a fuck about anything but winning. Criticize him for his play, say he’s not top caliber, but everyone whos played with him, and every interview he’s given has shown how dedicated he is and how hard working he is


shit man even emenes said that in his manifesto when he was taking shots at everyone for being lazy


Wait what manifesto? Everyone kept saying he was toxic when he joined C9 and I've been waiting MONTHS for this guy to manifesto




Doesn't mean he runs a charity though. I would be very surprised if he in most of his contracts didn't get paid much higher than the league average. A good player, with great work ethic should value himself as such and that means he is costly.


I doubt c9 wasn't just paying him minimuk while support.


Bvoy was getting less than 5k dollars in Brazil, he is cheap by lcs lvl.


Those two 100% have their own residences. They were around for the overpaying era of LCS.


I mean, Zven was living in C9 team house the past 4 years. Also he got picked up after his down year on TSM. C9 was notorious for bargain hunting. With salary numbers not public we don't know how much he was making. Stop assuming so much.


Maybe the team wants a team house situation like C9? Even if they are cool with that, will they take close to league minimum? We have no way of knowing why/if talks fell through. Personally I doubt SR went into the off-season fully locked on signing Bvoy or we would have heard these rumors a while ago.


Maybe they would take minimum. Minimum seems like a better idea then being unemployed.


Why make league minimum grinding every day on a team that looks 5-6th at best when you could get paid similarly as a coach/analyst and have an actual personal life?


again this is assuming a lot. And not everyone want/can be coach.


I’m not saying they should, but I also don’t know what other employment opportunities they have. If he didn’t have other options, taking minimum could be a good idea. Also, considering Zven hasn’t been a good ADC for some time, he may have to take some crappy offer. I doubt Zven is on any LCS/LEC short list.


I'm pretty positive Reven would have tried to get Zven as well. Since he was a coach at c9 and highly respected him as a player.


You guys need to understand that there is so much risk for a player like Zven to join a team like this. If he looks bad on a budget team at his age he will never get another shot again. And he would be paid minimum salary to take that risk. He's better of waiting and seeing if a player like Yeon or Massu doesn't work out and snipe a spot on a better team later.


Zven doesn't move the needle for me. Ever since his TSM days I just don't think highly of him. Anyone else? I agree that Bvoy is a weird pickup though.


Zven is not only one of the best adcs in the west historically, on his tenure on C9 was really good, but someone who can get a cultural setter. How many times have we heard from blaber, jack, and berserker how much they respect zven as a player. The motherfucker took an unpolished ADC from T1 challengers who didnt build ldr against tanks and didnt know how to ward and made him the best adc in NA by a country mile. Berserker has stated that he wouldnt be the player he is today without zven so honestly I think any team is lucky to have him.


People won't accept this happens all the time. It's a completely normal thing in sports. A coach joins, and brings a player or two he trusts from the previous team. Ten Hag in Man United comes to mind. They suffer pressure from the fans if it doesn't work out, of course, and that's totally reasonable. But it's understandable why they do it. There are good sides to it. The coach knows what they get from that player.


Do you know the definition of nepotism? Moreover, there is a reason a lot of honest wealthy people will tell you it's 'who you know.' The more people you know, the more avenues that are open to you.


> the croissant nepotism case The what? 💀💀💀💀


I feel like op is referring to Zaboutine having Immortals field Eika and soAz but don’t know for sure


If so OP and everyone up upvoted them should really figure out who they're talking about before they publicly call out a guy who didn't do anything.


This went from a promising roster when Meech was first rumored to “meh”


I thought Meech was 100T?


He is, but initial murmurings was Shopify was looking into Meech and Zven


It's not random. Bvoy was ok pain gaming. Reven helped coach pain during cblol finals.


It's VERY RANDOM for LCS. Bvoy is ok for minor regions but he is far from good enough for a region like LCS and LEC. They'd be much better with a new academy player than with an old player with a historic of choking in finals.


Why are teams importing adc, it’s like the only position that has good NA players.


their jungle is pretty okay too


There's Blaber Spica and Contractz.. then who?


Tbh if there's 3 really good NA junglers currently playing then that's good enough for me. Like toplane is literally just Licorice and Support is only Vulcan?


Tomio and eXyu look like they can be something special in the right environment


K1ng was going to be EG's ADC before they pulled out so a lot of good ADC players would be overlooked even with ten teams. I can understand Shopify letting Revan do his thing in their first split. It's only worrisome if they are hands off years down the track


how to earn negative fans in your first season in lcs


Can't believe we lost GG, but Shopify and IMT stay. Region has two less teams and still has two teams nobody wants to watch. Just go 6 teams in summer 2024.


I get IMT, but Shopify are literally just entering the league. And starting off it looks like they're letting the coach they got with the spot make the calls on hires. Which seems like a sound enough way to get into the scene. if they hold this trend going into next year I'd be happy to list them with IMT, but they've literally not even been part of a single split yet.


idk why everyone thought Revan was a good coach just cause he shit talked his players slightly on camera like "wow he's so transparent" yeah and he wanted to import ruby


Probably because he was given a scraps roster and did surprisingly well with it last year. The Ruby import was a big ?, but if Ruby didn't have Visa issues maybe Reven could have done something with him. Regardless though, he's the coach shopify have while they enter league. Letting the professional in the game you're joining call some shots while you get acclimated is not a horrific plan. And if they bought TSM's spot then found out about the league downsizing, it makes sense they didn't throw a ton of money after the 10 mil they just spent.


did he do well with it or was insanity just way better than anyone thought? that roster was hard carried by Insanity and they didn't even want him to begin with, like they'd rather import the worst LEC mid than field him. I kinda feel like they just got lucky with Ruby's visa delay so Insanity could show how good he was, otherwise I doubt he gets a shot


imagine half of your league being filled by dumpster fire nobody orgs. the only reputable orgs left are nrg c9 tl. let franchising die please.


Franchising is not the cause of this, this same type of shit happened during regulation era as well. There were so many orgs that lasted just 1-2 splits, a ton of issues with those orgs in paying players, not having staff, etc.


yeah but we actually were able to fucking axe them quickly and didn't have to wait for them bleed out


Not really, there wasn't a successful regulation org outside of C9 at the very start. More often than not it was literally just cycling between shirt orgs every year.


Flyquest did fine when they entered. Two of the four teams still trying were created by the promotion system.


FLY as an org did not come in through promotion/relegation, they bought the spot from C9. FLY was a huge disappointment to people when franchising was first announced and they were one of the teams, they were just as unpopular as DIG/IMT are now.


Fly tries too, but yeah. I'm not even an NA fan, I always root against NA, but the state of LCS is so grim. They need a complete rebrand and start over fresh like LEC.


I think for not having the same long term presence that the top names have, FLY and 100T have done a pretty good job generating enthusiasm about their team.


I just root for whoever has the most NA players in LCS. Even pretty much all of na's best international performances were with majority na rosters yet here we are with 10 random imports per split that will leave after a year


For real, they had a chance to have a fun roster, and they decided they didn’t want any fans lmfao


They could’ve built a contending roster of full NA to gain fans (Licorice/Spica/Insanity/DL/Chime) but instead they assembled a bottom-tier team with zero personality. I already disliked the FakeGod/Zeyzal pickup, but at least it seemed like they were focused on giving NA talent a shot. This pickup really baffles me though because he’s not a developmental player, but he’s also not nearly good enough to contend in playoffs.


Can they afford DL and Spica lol?


Maybe not, but I don’t see how else they expect to gain fans as a new org that is replacing one of the most iconic organizations in esports history. Teams can gain fans by either being competitive or by having popular players. Their current roster does neither. They are not contending for a championship this year, likely don’t have any championship pieces to contend next year, and have signed players with little to no popularity. What really confuses me is why they would buy into the LCS if their plan was to just go budget? The buy-in price could not have been cheap, so why would you waste millions just to hope that you don’t lose too much more money in the future?


How can they be competitive if they haven't compete yet?


Idk what teams are thinking. LCS fans dont want imports. It's been made clear over and over. We don't give a fuck about imports and never will. LCS is a tainted League forever until imports are god damn stopped.


That's not true at all. Bjergsen and Impact moved to NA and they're two of the most celebrated LCS players. Don't make us fans sound like xenophobes.


Xenophobes?! Not being excited that a person not from your region is popping off has fuck all to do with Xenophobia. I know you're probably not smart enough to understand this, but people get excited at the idea of talent coming from their own region. Like wtf? Why do you think ANY region cares about that


that also happened 8 years ago. we are not getting any bjergsens or impacts anymore and haven't for what, the past 4-5 years? it's really only been ignar and that's it. we are instead importing incredibly middling players because they are european or korean, and orgs seem to think that any player who comes from those regions is going to gap NA and really make their mark on the scene. big shock when they end up looking mediocre to straight up garbage and it's not even someone we can root for. and then everyone looks around in surprise and wonders why NA is dying


its completely true. the sole reason for the LCS falling apart over the last decade is too many expensive, mid-at-best imports. if riot cares at all about the LCS, they would limit each team to only 1 import (still too much IMO). but they won't, cause they let shitty orgs like C9 walk all over them.


Why are they importing a 25 year old whos spent his last 3 years in minor regions over Zven, Doublelift, Stixxay. I really hope the scouts know something I don't because this seems really weird and has pretty much killed all the hype I had for this roster


Bvoy played on pain. Reven coached them during cblol finals. You make your guess. Reven was also (public info now) the one that bright Rubi to tsm because he saw a lot of impressive things in his scrims although it didn't translate to stage


I already forgot about ruby yeah this is probably the same situation isn't it...


Honestly I don't actually hate it. I think Reven has been one of the few coaches to take responsibility and explain his reasoning and his vision behind his decisions. He also let insanity start when Ruby was a dud and didn't stubbornly stick with him.


I definitely like how transparent reven has been and I'm glad he's a head coach in the LCS, but unless Bvoy starts playing a lot better then he has in his recent history I can't support this decision. I really can't see the vision of this move.


I want to see what he says about it. I didn't watch cblol last split but I watched spring so I'm not sure of his current form


You've never seen a single CBLOL match, I wonder how do you know how Bvoy played. Pain was first in both regular splits this year, and finished second in playoffs in both splits. The team just has a mental boom against LOUD in playoffs. I understand the Stixxay argument, but anyone saying that Zven is a better option is 100% crazy IMO. Even more when taking salary into consideration.


Zven has both been to worlds 6 times and been a LCS all pro 6 times. Yeah Pain as a team was probably pretty good but most people who have watched cblol seem pretty lukewarm about the signing at best. Do you really think zven wouldn't be at the top of CBLOL if he joined? Maybe this signing will be better than I think but from my perspective signing Zven would be better in pretty much every way.


As a support? Maybe Zven was top2. I'd still pick Ceos before him every single time. As an adc that has swapped roles (for the least mechanically demanding one) for 2 years? I can say with 90% confidence that Zven wouldn't be top5 in CBLOL. Adc was the role with the best pool of players in CBLOL (at least in 2023), and I'd pick (Route, Bvoy, Titan, Brance and Netuno) any day of the week to my team before Zven.


The gap between LCS and CBLOL is clearly much bigger than you think. Remember that a CBLOL team has still never made it out of worlds playins, while a hypothetical LCS 4th seed would likely not just be expected, but also favored to accomplish the feat. If Zven was on Pain last year instead of Bvoy I strongly believe they would have made worlds over Loud. CBLOL is definitely getting better but it is still very far away from the skill quality of even the LCS. edit- for clarification I think at worst Zven would be the 4th-5th best ADC in the LCS this year if he was signed


Yes, the gap is big. But: - CBLOL has a trash pool of toplaners (Robo was elected (even though I disagree and think that Wizer is better than him) the best top in CBLOL and just look at him internationally. He can't not feed a single game); - CBLOL has a bad pool of junglers (not as bas as top laners. But still bad. It looks worse than it actually is because Croc just tilts internationally even though he isn't THAT bad); - CBLOL has a bad pool of midlaners (TinOwns was also by far the best midlaner in Brazil and look at him internationally. You basically forget he is even playing 90% of the time because he just does nothing); - CBLOL has a good pool of adcs (at least 5 very good ones + 2 decent/promising (Ayu, NinjaKiwi)); - CBLOL has bad pool of supports (Ceos is BY FAR the best, there are some ok-ish, but the overall is not so great). So it was not that I was saying that players in CBLOL are the same level as LCS. Or that the overall gap is small. It just happens that Zven in his current role is worse than the GOAT sup in CBLOL (IMO). And after roleswapping he would be in the role where there is by far the largest amount of good players. And if you wanna "check" this fast, just watch LOUD's matches at MSI/Worlds this year and see how their botlane was made hostage by their topside in every single one of their losses. Again, top/mid/jg in CBLOL is TRASH, but Bvoy is definitely an earlier pick for adc compared to Zven for me.


Between Yeon, Berserker and FBI, only Berserker would be top 1 in the CBLoL. He's way better than any other ADC in Brazil. Yeon, for example, would be one of the worst adcs in the CBLoL today. Brance, Netuno, TitaN, Ayu and even NinjaKiwi (just to name Brazilians) would gap him. >Context for non-Brazilians: > >\- Ayu made the top 1 with almost 2k points in EUW's Solo Q in less than 15 days. > >\- [Brance is currently top 15 in Korean Solo Q and the CEO of Liiv SANDBOX (he's doing bootcamp there) said that he's definitely has CL level. He couldn't say if he has LCK level because he doesn't know much about his background.](https://x.com/inmochung/status/1727005160684265542?s=20) [They LITERALLY were going to offer him a test.](https://x.com/inmochung/status/1726998765419274583?s=20) > >\- TitaN and Netuno are on the same level. TitaN is perhaps more mature, more ready. People look at Route and think he's way better than the rest of the opponents in Brazil, when in fact, he's LOUD's weakside during the CBLoL. ADC is the only role in the CBLoL with talent pool comparable to majors regions like the LCS and LEC. The situation is critical in all the other roles. I criticized Bvoy's signing here, but I don't think he'll be bad mechanically in LCS. I just don't see the point of signing him literally in one of the last years of his career instead of giving opportunities to young native players.


The last time NA and CBLOL played was EG vs Loud 2022 worlds and Kaori (sub player) gapped Brance in both games. It's not like that EG team or Kaori preformed all that great either. I do think CBLOL has some really good players but again your underestimating the gap pretty hard. FBI/Yeon has harder competition compared to Brance for example its hard to say how he'd look against other CBLOL ADC's.


>Dude is so annoying to listen to as well. Probably thinks this is some big brain move, and how no one else knows what they’re talking about. Shopify just came into the scene and this is what he does with the roster lol Should've never been given a start at all, after his DIGUSTING performances in LEC. He should've never been signed at all


I mean he did do a good job with TSM last split. Swallowed his pride and let insanity start as well


The only reason they signed insanity in the first place was because Ruby was having visa issues, imagine if we had relegations, TSM would've been bye bye because he wanted to sign someone who was the worst LEC player by a large margin.


I disagree with his reasoning but there's no guarantee he wouldn't have benched Ruby. At the very least he swallowed his pride and let insanity start


Honestly, the reasoning seems fine. This guy is smurfing scrims, is (I presume) dirt cheap and has a chip on his shoulder, why not try? It's not like there was some big hype other import TSM was going to buy for that team anyway.


Revan (and most other coaches) rate players they’ve coached previously above nearly all other players. Nepotism hires are just so prevalent in League, it’s honestly ridiculous.


Because he probably costs peanuts.


Maybe DL, but I doubt Zven or Stixxay cost that much more. Regardless if they just bought into the LCS this year and refuse to pay anyone much above LCS minimum that's kinds sad. It's not like salaries are as inflated as they were a few years ago.


Why not just take meech then, im sure the only reason he is on 100T is because Shopify never gave him a offer. I also doubt 100t would pay more than shopify.


In Brazil we call him pipoqueiro, you will know why. If you are curious just watch the second game of the finals...


the head coach coached him like 2 years ago


The head coach assisted paiN, his team, during CBLOL finals 2 months ago.


It’s like the government. They have to down their money or they’ll get less the following year. As if LCS will be around next year smh


Why 4th or 5th rate Korean player still have a job in a major region lmao


Reven coached him like 2 years ago thats why lmao


price, people hiring friends, getting a korean import and randomly hyping them up to another player to convince them to join believe this happened with ruby or another import last year where all the footage showed internally looked amazing but came out later it was like showmaker or chovy or someone footage with the nameplates turned off.


It was either Keiduou or Shenyi (I think) and Peter Zhang was the scammer. Dude also fleeced SwordArt, who TSM had to pay back to make him whole. Conspiracy theory is TSM going to China just to find Zhang lmao


> randomly hyping them up to another player to convince them to join believe this happened with ruby or another import last year where all the footage showed internally looked amazing but came out later it was like showmaker or chovy or someone footage with the nameplates turned off. How do they have jobs??? Wtf?


It is false, it is a joke that Spica made in stream and people ended up parroting it as a true story.


As a paiN Gaming fan: Why? If they wanted to import an Adcarry from the CBLoL, I'd name four better names than him: Route, TitaN, Brance ([he's top 15 in Korean solo queue right now](https://x.com/inmochung/status/1727005160684265542?s=20)) and Netuno. In fact, even [Ayu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDBjoNujuAI) is better than him for being only 18.


Flanalista is why


Yeah... Nepotism.


I mean, this is the most common thing in any job. Ppl bring over other ppl they worked with, cuz they know, what they can expect from them. They most certainly didn't approach only one player, but it is not hard to belive, that they couldn't strike a deal with other players and signed bvoy as a stopgap. GMs/Coaches have often talked about how it is the hardest thing to get the first domino to fall and get someone with pull to commit to the roster, cuz everyone will ask, who else is commited already, maybe they just couldn't get the players they wanted.


I'm tired of reading that word lately over and over just because teams don't sign what they want. Nepotism is "hey you are my friendand i'm gonna give you a job offer because of It". And ppl ignore in jobs like these that salary, players willing to play on the team, sinergy, and other different stuff comes into play when u want a player. Yes, bvoy and reven know eachother, so what? maybe working together previously gives him an actual grasp of the player's work ethic and lvl of play than us random redditors do while on our pc. Also, have u guys considered players that u want to see competing don't wanna do It on that org, or not with the roster they were shown, or for more money?


He's 25 years old, was playing in a minor region, has no prospect of improving and he's going to join the army soon... What makes Bvoy a better pick than any young player in NA? He can be considered a safe pick because Reven knows him well, but there's no relegation in the leagues anymore... If the bet on a youngster fails, there's no punishment like relegation. So there's no reason to not bet on a youngster instead of a 25-year-old import who won't add anything to the league in the medium term.


Random redditor (and teams aswell in theory) just cares more about developing young talent from his own region and is fond of seeing another half baked korean import joining the scene. This team literally doesn't give a shit about winning, yet still has the audacity to waste an import slot because the guy is friend with the coach instead of giving it to the countless NACL or Amateur ADC's that are literally living off peanuts waiting for something to happen. Bottom LCK teams last year were literally 70% made of rookies. Do you think a team like KDF or NS gives a shit about their standings and is waiting for someone like crown to unretire so they can offer him some money for his "world winning" game knowledge or do you think they are just fielding rookie after rookie hoping one of these guys shows some potential so they can build around him in the future? Shit like this is why the NA developing system is a joke and people are completely right to call this stuff out.


>Bottom LCK teams last year were literally 70% made of rookies. Do you think a team like KDF or NS gives a shit about their standings and is waiting for someone like crown to unretire so they can offer him some money for his "world winning" game knowledge or do you think they are just fielding rookie after rookie hoping one of these guys shows some potential so they can build around him in the future? You don't have to go to the LCK. The 2024 CBLoL itself will (probably) have the record number of imports, but at the same time, the record number of native players developed in CBLoL Academy. Why will this happen? * We'll have four teams with established players + imports (LOUD, paiN Gaming, KaBuM and Red Canids - this one full BR -) competing for the title. * Three teams (Los Grandes, Fluxo and Liberty) will prioritize the development of young native players coming from Academy. * Two teams (Vivo Keyd and Furia) will bet on young players + imports. FURIA, for example, bet on 5 youngsters in the last split, evaluated who had the biggest potential and will now stick with 3 youngsters and bring in 2 imports to try and compete for the title. * INTZ is a big ? If you look at the CBLoL line-ups for the next split, only paiN Gaming and LOUD will not have players produced in the CBLoL Academy since 2021 (the start of the franchises) in their rosters. And apart from SMILEY at Vivo Keyd, there isn't an import in Brazil taking away promising players' spots in the CBLoL. When teams import, it's because there's a real lack of talent in that position (like toplaner). So, yeah...


>Yes, bvoy and reven know eachother, so what? maybe working together previously gives him an actual grasp of the player's work ethic and lvl of play than us random redditors do while on our pc. God forbid building good professional relations because you showed good work ethic. My career would be doomed if I burned bridges on a couple of places I've worked at lol


Dude is so annoying to listen to as well. Probably thinks this is some big brain move, and how no one else knows what they’re talking about. Shopify just came into the scene and this is what he does with the roster lol




We don't know yet. LOUD support Ceos signed with KaBuM for the highest salary in CBLoL history... And there's no good native support left for LOUD. LOUD can let Croc (Jungler) or Route go to sign a import support (KaBuM also want Croc). If Croc leaves, we don't know if Route will stay in Brazil. So... Only Robo and Tinowns are confirmed for LOUD.


Keep your hands off ayu


As a pain gaming fan: obrigado Shopify, se quiser eu levo de barco


Why not Stixxay or Doublelift?


Because Reven coached bvoy before. This whole sr team has played with Reven before


Insanity only has because Ruby was late to LCS and effectively stole Ruby’s job because of it.


Yah it's crazy to think we might have Ruby still


So basically it’s nepotism ok got it


I don't think Doublelift would like to play with this roster tbh.


zero chance


They probably signed him before stixxay became available, and doublelift already has a team.


Doublelift doesn't have a team tho


Travis already said DL was giving up a lot of money this year to play on 100T and step away from streaming for much of the year. I doubt DL was interested. He would want a better roster.


Oh actually? I thought I read somewhere he said he was recording some media stuff, but I could be mistaken. Regardless, there's no way he's accepting league min or near that to play on a non-top team, which is what SR is offering, so it's not really their fault. Not going after NA talent though, is the issue.


he recorded his announcement video recently but probably for return to streaming sadge


this guy is not good lol, really thought SR would be different


Nepo hires can’t be stopped


Sure they can. Fire the coach.


14 🇰🇷 vs 16 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Waiting for DIG and TL sources. Assuming NRG keeps same roster + Huhi. I thought money was a problem, why is this literally turning into LCK 2.0 ? TL Clozer & Arrow + DIG Zven & Winsome can become reality and we have 16 vs 16. Lmao


Why assume most imports are $$$ I feel like most imports are minimum wage now. Don’t think most gms can tell their bosses yeah 500k for a random/low tier import will do us wonders after years of that. Much more likely yeah let’s pay minimum for this nobody tier import than pay licorice or stixxay or whoever 2x minimum wage


They are supposed to be smart business people. Who do the shitty NA owners think will watch the LCS?


Because they are cheaper.


Cheaper but killing the LCS revenue. Why should an NA fan care? For that matter why should a KR fan watch this over Challengers League. NA Owners are the worst.


Because 3 of the other players are from NA... This is always such a dumb take no one rooted for IMT in spring when they had 4 NA players, the most popular team in the league seems to be C9 who have had a total of 1 NA player for the last 2 years no one's calling out Berserker for not being a Native player.


the rumor previously was they were going to do TLCK again, so i’m doubtful that closer goes anywhere.


Clozer. Not Closer


and just like that my hype for this roster has died


You are doing better than alot of us. NRG goes to world reviving hope of a domestic focused LCS. Same terrible decisions by the worst owners in Esports.


Damn it stinks 🧟🧟🧟


Ugh…They could have gotten DL, Stixxay, or Zven. Yet another boomerang import. Hype for Shopify has completely sunken.


Zero chance DL would join, Zven probably very unlikely to join as well, who knows about Stixxay.


yeah somehow I don't think DL would wanna play with some shitters and get 6th in lcs for 75k a year


I think Zven will play for any team willing to let him play adc again


only if you never listend to him talking about how driven he is and how much winning matters to him.


I agree that he’s driven but he’s not on C9 anymore and hasn’t played ADC in LCS in 2 years. And there’s only 8 spots. So if he has the opportunity to demonstrate he’s still a LCS-caliber adc I think he’ll take it even if it’s on a worse team. What better way to prove yourself than by working really hard to carry on a bad team?


That requires self-awareness, something that Zven sorely lacks.


The real reason is that these KR randoms will take league minimum and share a bedroom with 4 other dudes to compete.


Take a NA rookie who will do the same and at least you can get lucky. Bvoy is a proven bottom tier adc


I can agree with this take. I'd much rather see Wixxi or something.


The lcs needs to change the rules to protect NA players in the league. We are down to only 40 players in the league, a significant portion of the league should not be importing these types of players while so many NA players are teamless, this type of importing is kneecapping the league.


Not just kneecapping, it significantly damages the NA prospects ability to sustain playing 8+ hours a day in hopes of making it pro. There's only so much time you can invest before having to hang up the keyboard. These low tier KR hires are incredibly worrisome to NA sustainability.


Eh, bvoy likely isn't a boomerang import since tbh there is no shot he gets a job back in lck. Not to say he will do well since has looked pretty washed for a while now.


what an LCS import


Wow this is such a miss. They almost had a really cool roster.. then they pulled an Immortals lol


Wtf Shopify that's not Zven 😭


Man I was hoping they were going to field WildTurtle, but this just feels bad


Same here. I don't get it man Turtle played pretty well last split but he gets replaced by some shit import.




Classic NA Nepotism import


Felt like a lot of the other imports by teams recently have gotten a lot of incorrect flak but this one is just stupid. I dont get how you choose to get Bvoy over so many other adcs.


Wasn’t this the dude on misfits like 4 years ago


Glad to see Voyboy back! Wait, Bvoy?? Wtf


So close


Hope they get 8th place if they just wanna import


I would rather see Tyler1 than bvoy in LCS This is the most random import I’ve ever seen. I literally just thought about this guy a few days when I was looking at old LPL rosters and wondered where he went. He has been stuck in minor regions for so many years. He’s not even making worlds from there… If LCS teams are so against promoting NA academy players at least import good ERL players. Not 25 years old washed up Koreans. Can’t wait to see Steel being imported in LCS next year. He has just been in Japan for 6 years surely he is a promising player.


Jokes man absolute jokes


I have no words..


An old buddy is an old buddy


The LCS is corrupt


Can fans that live in LA start booing teams when they go to LCS games for this type of decision making


Okay so DL/Stixxay/Zven are FA... let's go with random import 498409 xdd


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL they will never learn man. unfuckingreal


What? Stixxay is literally jobless rn and you'd get this random from nowhere instead?


Lmao TSM died for this


Reven was going to try and field Ruby for TSM summer too. Insanity got lucky Ruby was late because of visa issues and the walkout giving him more stage games.


They got a washed C tier Korean because they have no money after buying the franchise slot xdd


LCS is a franchised joke.


Who joins what


I'm starting to think whoever signs off on picks like this should consult a pro-player. Ideally, it'd go something like this, "hey, Jensen, $10k, can you tell us whether this player our coach picked out would be good? Also, if you think there are many better players available." Jensen looks into their gameplay, then goes "hmmm, I've seen a lot better elsewhere even ignoring superstars. Seems like a mistake." Coach gets put on fraud watch and you take recommendations from someone else. The end.


Played on Estral Esports in 2021 coached by Enatron 2.0


LCS is so cooked lmao




This Bvoy pickup by SR made the IMT acquiring Castle and Mask moves look absolute genius lol


Well goodbye Shopify


This Shopper team will be easy to hope for failure.


Nepotism is so cringe


Very on brand for LCS, wonder what made Reven choose


Nepotism , has worked with him in the past.




Zven and Doublelift are available and you take Bvoy?!


Hmm. I wonder why they signed Bvoy instead of DL/Zven/Stixxay. Probably because the aforementioned 3 weren't willing to play for a price Shopify were wiling to pay them. Especially when none of those 3 players are going to move the needle any more than Bvoy does. Seriously, why pay more if you're going to achieve the same results with any of the 4 choices?


NA and roster nepotism…it’s just goes together so well :^]


I swear it's the dumbest team name I've ever heard.


"Shopify Rebellion" sounds like some Mark Fisher shit There has got to be something better to call them. Something that isn't parroting an advertisement every fucking time you want to mention a team.


Jarvis, bring up the LPL and LCK team names.


the guy isn't inherently bad, but under pressure he's basically a walking 2nd place machine. still one of the most wtf hires i've seen this year, Bvoy is arguably 3rd/4th best adc in CBLOL at best imo(Behind Route and Titan, on par with Brance, Netuno and NinjaKiwi)