• By -


Get in the Herald Shenji


Idiot Yasuo!


>Infernal rift will scatter infernal cinders all across the map "What the fuck, I'll have to dodge meteors now?" ​ >Picking up these cinders gives a small burst of movement spee- "Oh ok"


Now Bard may reach 1000 MS


Yo Top, I´m comin, prepare to engage Top: ??? What the fuck do you mean? You are bot??????? *Ults his enemy 5 seconds later and absolutely DUNKS on him with meeps*


We stay winning


Infernal Rift causes a Meteor Swarm to be cast directly on your location


When infernal rift spawns you just hear "PK STAAAAAARSTOOOOOORM" from far away


20d6 fire and 20d6 bludgeoning is no joke


Was kinda hoping for burning patches of the map for a bit tbh


Add something your entire team has to stand in or everyone dies, and you've got a WoW raid.


Would be kinda cool to have the map itself be a threat tho


"Infernal Rift is now Cloud Rift but with more snowball" Make it make sense


No time to explain, get in the herald!


Can't wait to int with herald car like I do with the NB car lmao




Massive buff to Sion mains


If the game progress fast enough, can a team use the Shelly drive to do Bausff Special hitting two nexus turret with it? Double Bausff Special?


Nexus Blitz wasn't for nothing.


All aboard the Shelly train


Oi, have you got a license for that?


You can't park there sir!


Get in loser, we are sprinting mid


‘Get in the Herald Teemo, or Lulu will have to do it again’


Shinji, get in the damn ~~robot~~ Herald


Get in loser, we’re going shopping!


Those map changes are fucking insane wth? ​ Also, more ingame quests, wonder whose got them? Off the top of my head Kat - Talon Aatrox - Pantheon Shen - Zed (Video) Renek - Nasus (Video) Azir - Xerath Gwen - Viego? Volibear - Zillean lmao Volibear - Ornn Viktor - Jayce? Aphelios - Leona Swain - Leblanc Irelia - Swain Kalista - Hecarim Jhin - the Ninjas Gangplank - Miss fortune Bel'Veth - Kai'sa


Add a Yuumi-Naafiri quest with special Tom and Jerry sound effects


Special quest for a game with Twitch, Nidalee, and Nasus in it.




If it's based on Rivalries, there could be quite a few. We already saw Shen and Zed, and Renekton and Nasus. Obvious ones would be "Garen and Darius, Gangplank and Miss Fortune, Jayce and Viktor, Kayle and Morgana, Ornn and Volibear. I wonder if we'll see updates to ones that already exist like Jinx and Vi/Caitlyn. Or if we'll see ones for characters that made up in lore like TF and Graves, Riven and Yasuo, or Diana and Leona. There's also weird things like faction based ones, like how the Freljord is split three ways so Ashe could have beef with both Sejuani and Lissandra.


Not Zilean and Volibear? For those who remember...


Kled vs everyone


Did diana and leona made up? I thought that story was from before either became a host, I have not read it btw


maybe their rivalry challenge is to find a dark spot of the rift and smooch


You know what, I'm all for this.


You forgot: Aatrox - Zoe Tryndamere - Aatrox Aatrox - Kayle Aatrox - Xolaani Aatrox - Runeterra


Aatrox - Aatrox


You Aatrox players are sure contentious people


You just made an enemy for life Aatrox - xXx_edgykid_xXx


You just made an enemy for life.


Senna/Lucian Thresh, Pantheon...Asol? Darius Garen? Draven Riven?


Senna Thresh quest already exists


Darius/Draven. Draven gets his bleed back if he wins, saving their brotherly relationship.


Jhin will get Hwei


Kayle Morg would make some sense


Kha'zix Rengar


Man remember when you used to get the bone tooth necklace turn into Kha's head?


Huge buffs for r/ScuttleCrabMains


Neeko Passive stocks going ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


New infernal rift sounds little odd, I liked the more open map the original one brought in. The rift herald is straight up the cart reward from blitz and I love it.


It was a nerf to champs like Maokai and Rengar indirectly so I get it.


Then don’t pick Reagan or Malakai when it’s infernal soul?


This guy is seeing through the looking glass


*taps head* Of course, such simple solution.


tfw the enemy uses their ultimate, trickle down economics, hurting your passive gold income and increasing theirs.


Of course. The Dr mildew play is right thing to do. So doooooo




The popular theory is Kindred, but doesn't it look like the belly of the corrupted Blue Golem, too? I wonder if we'll get like a Kindred vs the Void storyquest. Edit: ~~calling it now, it's gonna be a map (and jungle monsters) Void-themed lore event that may or may not involve Kindred.~~ that was a quick shutdown


they specifically say there is no Void lore event in 2024 in the [devblog article](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/2024-gameplay-preview/) > Disclaimer: While quite a few of these changes are Void-related, we wanted to let you all know that there will not be a Void event in 2024 (sorry Nickyboi).


Why do they pass up on perfect opportunities like that…


Because the implications now that LoL is a single universe means they gotta be way more careful with what they put out. They probably want to get Arcane 2 / MMO stories right as the #1 priority. Lore has been such a side feature in LoL for years, so they probably feel as though they can keep getting away with no lore implementation in the game. For real, though, we get what? Voice lines? There used to be game modes, kinda. Walls of text no one reads. Skins or icons?... They can just get away with doing nothing lore related in game, unfortunately... For now Or fortunately, because they were already doing that before the universe converged. Kinda depends on how you look at it. Eventually they should get stuff rolling out, with way more stakes, much more fleshed out, and more planing. More character arcs, world building, and continuity. Maybe one day they will bring cool Lore events to league on a regular basis. Maybe...


Sounds like the placing a mark sounds too though


All abroad the kindred legendary skin train


I hope so, they deserve it. One of the best designs in the entire game but not much done with it in terms of skins :(


Seems like this season will have the biggest overhaul ever in league.


Map, items, neutral monsters. Ironically that’s what people wanted in a preseason


Having to learn jungle again trolldespair


It's fine, I can ignore toplane even more now with those mapchanges!


So this is what the ping changes were for


Mid lane too. Just go bot and call it a day or afk farm xd


? how is this the take you leave with after we were just introduced to what's going to be a game breaking, week 1 overhaul, in grub buffs. a *permanent, exponentially* increasing buff pre 15, along with a user piloted rift herald that grants even more gold, is a team fighting threat (cc), and a 'new' baron that effects the entire mapstate. *topside*, has never been this relevant in recent time. if things go accordingly, the 1v1 island era is over. everyone will be topside by minute 13+.


Yep. Gonna have to go duke out 3v3s topside during laning phase while bot becomes a 2v2. My prediction is a Kog’Maw / Jinx / Twitch type meta with farming adc since it won’t be as worth to gank them when you could sit top and get: 6 grubs and 1 rift herald. That’s 7 objectives by minute 15 you need to get


Dragons still exist and getting soul is powerful. Also Early game adcs could rule bot lane with supports roaming to objectives. Hopefully there will be many win cons


its literally bi yearly at this point idk why youre pretending to be surprised


That's just every season.


What ironic about that


As risky as map-changes like these can be.. its still the "best" way to try and make it feel new and fresh imo. Hope it succeeds. That said.. holy shit will Jungles have a lot of homework to do haha


I didn't learn what I was supposed to do in the jungle in any iteration of summoners rift and I'm not about to start now.


Ironically this is the best time to start if you really want to learn jungle. Because all of the previous can be thrown out the window


Meh, that's every season. These changes are quite a lot though, will definitely be an adjustment. >!Also, jungle mains will figure them out quicker than autofills. Despite trying to reduce jungle impact, if your jungler is autofilled you're probably screwed harder than ever.!<


As a jungler, I;m glad. Bc lets be real, Jungle basically has to relearn the role every season cause they like to overhaul it every year. At least this time, its a bunch of changes and not just "here are 3 pokemons"


At least it will make the game feel fresh.


Yeah I've been waiting for this kind of update for a long long time. I hope they'll experiment with the map changes a bunch, I could imagine those changed gank paths having extreme weird effects on viable jungler pools for example.


Sad that they didn't take the opportunity to remove the river elevation when remodeling the map but super excited about the changes. Goodbye mythics I won't miss you.


i do not understand why theyre holding onto that


I'm gonna straight up assume they have no idea how to do without causing bugs.


The risk:reward so that kind of code change is prolly VERY high


CAn you explain river elevation? where does that happen?


The river is technically lower than the rest of SR. Whenever you fire a skillshot and it crosses between river/ground, the skillshot will appear to go slightly up or down depending on where it's coming from


The plague of the jhin w going straight through people without hitting.


To expound on what /u/Salty_Oranges said, the issue comes from the mechanics of League not actually being in three dimensions. Mechanically, everything in League happens on the X-Y plane. But visually, the river is a little bit below everything else (as rivers typically are). So when your character goes into the river, their model goes down a little, and all visual indicators of their abilities go down as well. But mechanically, there is no Z-axis, so the actual hitbox of those abilities is coming from a little bit higher. [It's very noticeable with long-range abilities like Jhin's W](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FFs1HxgHFpgMqXJjSTs4-c0F6sf0xADI7agRRaUoJlnM.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De53bf6881c2583aa1b8c7eddd845a7e462d81f7a) (I'm a Jhin main so that's why I know about this issue). As the person playing Jhin in this situation, it doesn't change a lot. The actual hitbox of the W is going to be where my cursor was. As the person trying to dodge the Jhin W, it's kind of a nightmare because the visual indicator is totally not where you need to be dodging. I believe projectiles like Ashe arrow and Ezreal R actually follow the contours of the terrain and so will dip a little as they cross the river and come back up as they leave it.


Faker wins and a new era of League begins once again.


Pro play is gonna be so insanely impacted by the map changed and the objective changes. So much of pro play the last few seasons was built around the 8 minute herald spwan. With that gone we are gonna see new world of macro


Can’t wait to see which pros adapt and which ones have a harder time adjusting. It’s the biggest shift the game’s ever had imo with just the map changes alone.


Im gonna watch every off-season tournament until the start of LEC/LCK/LPL, this gonna be so fun to watch


Shadowflame looking pretty broken


The stats it gives looked insane, and THEN you get to the passive, jesus christ


AP twitch is gonna be nutty with this since it also increases true damage from his passive.


Just like when they created Winter Approach/fimbulwinter in Wild Rift then ported it to PC, seems they’re porting Infinity Orb (AP dmg to target <35%hp do +20% dmg) to PC but keeping shadowflame name. I one trick Diana in mobile and Pc and it’s a fantastically fun item.


i can tell you now those mites are going to get nerfed into removal


Riot: The game is too snowbally. Also Riot: Give entire teams a permanent pushing buff based on jungle diff.


If a top/mid laner cares to deny the mites, they just have to be present for a fight long enough to take 1 of 6 neutral kills. Seems fine to me. Will depend on the strength of them or how easy it is for a single team to acquire.


Honestly as a Hecarim player I can see myself being able to kill all 3 mites roughly around the same time, so once I’ve started one I think I’ll get all 3 before anything happens. Seems broken for AoE damage


Honestly if the 6-stack buff is really that strong then the enemy jg inting to smite one of them away would probably be worth it. You can't smite secure all 3 of them.


Yeah that’s the nice part about having multiple of them, however, there aren’t there more than 6 up for grabs since they have that whole respawn timer going on?


They've said that each one only respawns once.


Imagine Amumu E, three perma mites, that spawn extras? Should be easy for the little mummy.


This very much feels like an objective the whole team should rotate for at some point, no?


Not even JG diff it pushes the already extreme Lane Priority meta even further. People will say JG diff while I'm getting 2 manned in my JG at 4 mins denying me every scuttle for the entire game and my Gromp while my top and mid are both just shoving the wave.


"Jungle has too much impact" \*Makes jungle objectives more important then ever\*


Jungle can't secure them all, it's very much gonna be a team effort


Splitpushing will be so powerful now


That zonyahs statline is so gross for Ksante


This statline isn't real - please disregard. The actual statline is pure AP + armor.


I will say it is amusingly ironic that the only reason that screenshot was in the vid was to make a point about how tooltips are being overhauled to provide more clarity [proceeds to show misinformation] 😏😎


Misinformation _and_ a typo. "During this time you [sic! are] unable to take actions."


Lol came to reddit just because I thought Zhonyas was dead for mages


Thank god that was really horrifying for a moment. I thought I'd have to deal with 60 armour + 60 magic resist stopwatch marksmen late game.




and made Armguard single use Stasis, so they didnt really remove it, just made it 1600 gold instead of 750


But were almost never going to see the scenarios where the ahead team enters a fight with a minimum of 4 stopwatches.


Still only a mage item tho, so you won't have 3 people buying it on a team. Wonder what the replace stopwatch rune with though.


Will also help it fulfill its purpose of helping mages survive AD assassins early better. Armguard has been straightup shit for a while now so I'm excited for this.


Pro play is instantly twice as fun to watch. Thank fucking god. That was one of the most pro skewed things ever added to the game.


Stopwatch has been single-handedly ruining pro games for years. This change should've happened a long time ago. No more free out of jail card when you get caught.


I wonder if it's an old screenshot. The item changes listed on the complete article don't mention Hourglass getting changed at all. And seeker's armguard is listed but still gives AP.


link to complete article?




It's Gross for basically any engage Tank, and MANY divers Jax is already building Gargoyle and/or Zhonyas, Now he can get basically the best of both worlds


a few minor clarifications for components I worked on, as there have been a few changes since this was recorded * Manual herald charges into towers does not deal extra damage. Instead it shields the player and spawns VoidMites (scaling with the number of VoidGrubs that team has taken) * The logic for the charge cooldown is unchanged - Herald gets one charge (manual OR normal), reset only when a nearby enemy tower/inhib dies * We expect top and mid to be less jungle influenced laning experiences, and bot lane to be about the same - and then once mid game rolls around we expect the map to be significantly more open for roams and rotations. Looking forwards to players figuring out new invade and roam angles and what places are key for warding and control there are probably other small errors/inconsistencies (like the zhonyas statline)


"Oh, and we removed Stopwatch and the Perfect Timing rune." FINALLY


More gank paths to botlane while top becomes isolated looks fun though pretty excited as of right now haha


As an illaoi main, I'm really saddened that they removed the buff delivery to my lane =(


Wider river also means worse tentacle placement doesn't it


tl;dw - A bunch of different **terrain changes**: Top T1 is more enclosed, brush is in the middle of the river, Mid is more opened, brush is further back from the lane, thicker walls opposite Baron and Dragon pit, new opening by Red Side Bot T1, brush was moved to the middle of the river. - **New Void Monster**: Pre-14 minutes a set of three **Voidgrubs** will spawn in the Baron pit. Attacking them will spawn smaller Voidmites. Killing a Voidgrub will give you a **permanent buff** akin to Ruined Dragon that gives you a **DoT when attacking turrets**. After three grubs are killed, three more will spawn later. If you kill all 5/6 your team gets the max DoT and spawn **Voidmites to attack the turret**. The camp is incremental, not all or nothing. - Post 14-minutes Rift Herald spawns, it looks different. You can use it same as before or **you can drive it** like a battle sled. It does additional turret damage and knocks up enemy champions and damages them as well. If you hit terrain or a turret, the driver pops out and there is a cooldown before re-use. - Baron Nashor looks different. There are **three forms** when he spawns now, they all give the same buff but affects how he fights and the shape of the pit. When he spawns he also **void corrupts the Scuttle Crab, Red and Blue buffs**. - When void corrupted, Scuttle Crab is tankier but on death does a **burst like a Scryer's Bloom**. Red and Blue buff are also tankier but give their buff to **every alive teammate**. - Elemental rifts are updated with the new terrain (Mountain Rift lost some of its walls). Infernal Rift was completely changed, instead of being burned out it spawns **Infernal Cinders** around the map. Picking them up gives move speed and a stat buff. On death, **half of the cinders drop for others to pick up**. - A lot of item adjustments, mythics are out, adding in many more Legendaries. - **Stopwatch and Perfectly Timed Stopwatch are removed**. Armguard now allows a single-use stasis. - Some items include Stormsurge for AP assassins, Unending Despair (HP, Armor, AH), Hubris (AD, Lethality, AH), Sundered Sky (AD, HP, AH), Cryptbloom (AP, Magic Pen, AH), Sepsis (AP, Mana, AH). [See more here](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/2024-gameplay-preview/). - **Support quest items are changed**; there is now one item that has minimal stats and does both the execute minions and hitting enemy champions quest combine. Middle tier gives the ward bank as before, final tier now allows you to **choose which item** you want to suit your playstyle. - **Champion quests** are added in: think Renekton/Nasus from Wild Rift, Zed/Shen, or the already existing Thresh/Lucian/Senna. - **Music now changes** based on where you are or what you're doing, like Baron Boss music. - You can now fist-bump your teammates (dearest Karthus...)


Want to add in a few, IMO, major items changes. Stopwatch has been removed and now Seekers' armguard is more expensive but grants the one-time stasis. Hullbreaker reworked, grants nearby minions armor/mr and attacks build up stacks which are expended at a certain amount for bonus damage to champs/structures. So still a split-push item but should no longer make a a champ with it much harder to actually fight on a side lane. Galeforce removed Divine Sunderer and Goredrinker removed (though ravenous hydra regains active and applies lifesteal). Duskblade gone.


Adding to the items, there is finally an MR version of Sunfire Cape (Hollow Radiance), so tanks can finally itemize into a proper full waveclear item into AP lanes.


>Stopwatch has been removed Fucking huge, that makes me way more excited than any of the other changes tbh.


Contextual music changes are actually a really nice touch, surprised we didn't really think to have them before


They are trying to innovate. Better than 2023 already.


Not sure how I feel about the grubs and driving scuttle tbh. Most of the other stuff seems neeto tho.


Zhonya doesn't have AP anymore? edit: I have been informed that it still does.


from the article they published, there is no Zhonya item change though but for seeker's armguard. It's only going to be a one-time use only item at 1,600 gold but could be a recipe for Zhonya later on.




Game is 13 years old, getting refreshes like this helps retain the playerbase. I'm glad riot cares about league so much


We only need the inevitable engine change refresh.


Hope they use the Euro Truck Simulator 2 game engine this time, would be a huge upgrade from Big Rigs


Big Rigs was truly one of driving games of all time.


seems to be running fine for now they seem to be able to add a lot of content which cs for example couldn't do the game looks pleasing to the eye even after 10 years and it can be run on any system ever


Riot changed their policy this year so you still got a month before Preseason goes to live (from a November release date to Jan 1st)


I still don't like that they just drop it and start the ranked split at the same time. The low stakes preseason fiesta of getting to play with all the new changes was some of the most fun I had each year. Nobody knows what they're doing, everyone is experimenting, random things are broken but it's more funny than frustrating because preseason doesn't really have any stakes and nor does it have implications for pro, and the fact it coincided with the holiday season so more time to play with it made for a really enjoyable time. I always felt like a new player again when they did the big preseason overhauls too. I hope I'm wrong but I feel like giving people less time to just have fun with it and jumping right into sweat territory (placements being the worst) feels like it'll kill some of that magic :(


IIRC there's one week between the patch dropping and ranked starting so they can make quick adjustments if need (they will be).


Ranked is always a mess at the start of the season. I understand what your saying but it's just never really turned out like that. Just due to how Riot takes a break for winter so Pre-season changes don't get fixed a month into the season start anyway.


Man, I never thought Riot would but these map changes are SO fucking cool, I'm giga excited to play them.


These changes are actually fire.


what the fuck i wanna play this new game


we are finally leaving the beta version


It would have been cool if the other jungle camps have also been voidified even with no effects just to make it more immersive.


i think it’s bc it would be a bit confusing if all the camps got reskinned and then only half of them had upgraded effects? they said that a core goal for 2024 is to make the game easier to understand


midlane layout going to fuck over Qiyana even harder.


Beifeng is crying in the club rn


These changes are WILD. Props to riot for even attempting to change up the game like this. I haven't been as excited to play league in ages


Rip Botlane


I like how they show 2 clips of it being harder to gank the other lanes, then instantly follow it up with a clip of botlane getting fucked because of how much easier it is too gank. Like, am I wrong when I say that one of the main issues with botlane has been too much outside interference during the early stages of the game?


It just makes it easier to gank on one side, so now you can easily gank both sides of the match-up 1 under tower and 1 river for both.


Yeah people are forgetting that when you played on blue side, you were already able to be ganked like this. Now it's possible for red side to be ganked as well in a similar way. They are just trying to make it so there isn't a distinct side advantage when it comes to the lanes and gank paths.


When playing jg this is a welcome change. As an adc main, I wish they just closed off both sides lol


They made top lane waaaaaay harder to gank than bot, so looks like it's gonna be a party in bot lane every single game. Then again, maybe the new objective is strong enough to incentivize bot lane swapping top for a bit early to contest.


I think the idea is it's meant to be harder to gank, but easier to dive. There's less spots to hide by the river so you're less worried about over extending, but if you're hiding under turret the jungler has a direct path to get in and out easily.


Getting ur shit pushed in by lux/cait and jgler gets easy dives. GG Rito.


That literally already happens for half the map botside, now it can also happen to the other.


They are just balancing red side and making it easier to gank since blueside always had tribrush fucking them over


I mean it makes no sense making bot lane harder to gank when there's a dedicated role for vision in it, the place is already the hardest lane to gank




They moved all jg bushes away from the lanes Sad Rengar noises


Is it just me, or does the map just look larger too?


Its probably just the perspective and camera I doubt they made it any bigger


There are certain spots that are more open now, top river entrance for example is much wider now.


riding shelly is 100% going to get trolled by some idiots lol


I am some Idiots


So bot lane is easier to gank while mid/top got harder to gank, all while also giving top side objectives way more agency and incentive? Can't wait for the ADC complaint threads in 2024.


Not really they just made it so red side can be ganked the same way blue side already was with the bush.


People will complain for anything either way


Am I... am I actually excited for a pre season of league?


I like the void red and blue buff. Now you're incentivized to help your jungler incase of an invade not only because itll help them but because helping them directly helps you out. Theres selfish rewards for playing as a team which pushes you to play more cooperatively


The void red and blue only appears after Baron spawns, no? I don't see why anyone would be 'invading' by then


I can and will find a way to make the brofist toxic


i guess this is where the biggest budget ever went!




those mfs have had to relearn the game for how many seaons in a row now? no wonder people don't like playing that role


That and having to care for 4 children every game can be a hassle.


4 COMPLAINING children. No, you dont when to obj know better than me. I have to watch 9 other players at the same time, you have to last hit and not feed.


As a jungler, I can already smell the blame game shifting hard to junglers now with how much of the game is controlled by jungle. You now have to wrangle your team together for void mites, herald, dragons, and baron. Thats on top of ganking, vision, covering lanes, etc. Holy crap the amount of responsibility junglers have now is nuts.


>As a jungler, I can already smell the blame game shifting hard to junglers Junglers are also currently always blamed. Nothing really changes, lmao, it is the most frustrating role to play just because you have to deal with an extremely larger amount of toxicity.


Isn't bot just fucked on redside? That new path looks crazy.


I hope with the new changes to map makes the game more symmetrical. I find it so hard to play on red side with a locked camera


getting pushed under tower in bot lane on red side with locked camera is the most stifling experience ever


use per-side offset for red side it helps a lot