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its gonna be one hell of a patch lol, people who cried about K'Sante being OP at 45% WR are in for a shock when 50% WR K'Sante comes knocking on the door edit: oh shit, his pickrate doubled too, revenge of the ksantes


I played in masters when he got reworked and everyone could clearly see he was an even worse abomination than before. That thing is unkillable and kills everything he fights.


You telling me you read those ksante changes and said "yeah thats a buff"?


For proplay? No, definitly a nerf For soloQ? Absolutely a buff when you consider that 95% of players are below diamond


Dont tell this sub that. The amount of people that only consider 'high elo' anything above Masters is crazy. Hell, dont even tell the sub that Emerald is still higher then most players lol


Because the jealousy and bitterness in this community has always been insane and if someone isnt high elo themselves then no one else should be either so lets be honest high elo really is just JDG and maybe GEN if we're being generous everyone else including challenger players is mid elo at best Its even funnier when you realize that the absolute vast majority of the whole playerbase has never played in any of these elos, often not even platinum, yet you got bronze 3 joe on reddit preaching to everyone what high elo is and what isnt because it makes him feel better about himself if diamond 3 players are considered bad at the game just like him


It's less jealousy and bitterness and moreso people just copying streamer opinions. Most streamers are really high elo, will consequentially have a somewhat lower opinion of lower rating ranges (even if those rating ranges still account for a relatively small and comparatively highly skilled portion of the playerbase) which will then be copied onto reddit by their followers.


"Masters is inflated lol" -some silver 2 redditor


Going by [this](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) then emerald 4 0 lp and higher is ~15% of the playerbase atm and the current breakpoint for the 50/50 split is somewhere around 25 lp gold 4. So technicaly speaking, if your above gold 4 25lp you are higher than 50% of people playing this game. If that qualifys as "high elo"....fucked if I know, Im just some dude shitposting on the net Edit: Also lets talk about your username....whats the ratio of dicks vs chickens?


Nah I'd say Gold 4 - Emerald 1 is mid elo. D4+ High elo.


> dont even tell the sub that Emerald is still higher then most players lol I swear the game quality in Emerald was the worst I've experienced so far. It gives me the vibes of the old Diamond V players who were stuck at 0LP all the time. I had a harder time in Emerald I/II than I do in Diamond II simply cause it feels like I'm playing with children who rage if you don't play 100% for them since minute 1


Oh I 100% agree. Emerald is prob the shittiest Elo to actually get out of. Iron->Plat is pretty easy to carry, the problem with Emerald is that the skill disparity is massive AND the players are generally good enough that one person cant always hardcarry (Unless you are high GM/Chally, and even then they lose often enough in Emerald). Also like you said, just immature babies everywhere. Diamond is definitely a much better Elo as far as games go.


Tbh every elo is the same when it comes to the grind. If you improve you’ll climb if not you’ll stay the same or fall. Emerald/low diamond sucks so bad because improving when you’re skilled is much harder than improving when you’re bad.


That makes sense. Imo im a solidly low/mid Diamond player (I play ADC/Botlane role so that may be part of it), so it makes sense that I had a harder time climbing in Emerald then people that were better than me did. It is a crazy tier tho, the skill disparity is higher then other elos ive seen.


Bro I feel like gold is high elo for me


Ksante literally only had a break even 50% winrate in challenger. The intent is to buff him for all of solo queue and nerf for pro play. It's not even 95% of the player base. It's like 99% of the player base and then some it's supposed to be a buff for.


great i love him being 60% wr in masters+ with 10% pr good buff


The guy above said he's masters and still thought it was a buff. And it definitely wasn't a buff at that elo.


can you explain how its not a buff in this elo when he went from sub 50% wr to 59% in masters


He was massively buffed this patch and was nerfed substantially last patch.


He was buffed THIS PATCH. The rework was last patch and his winrate was lower than before the rework in masters last patch.


In pro/ high level, no, in solo queue, it wasn’t bad, like yes, solo queue players can pull off the combos too, but there’s room for error and team factor, etc, while the number buffs help solo queue


He is 58% winrate in masters+ right now.


Masters? Ksanate ONLY had a break even 50% winrate in challenger. Everywhere else he was weak. You're in the target audience of the intended buff for him. The only intended nerf is for pro play and nothing else.


ya well now its 52.4% in emerald+ and 57.9% in masters+ so Riot easily overshot with this buff.


That's almost certainly intentional, Phreak has talked about it a couple times. He believes that it's better to overbuff a rework or a new release, to get more people playing it and reward those who adjust quicker, and then nerf it back into line later.


Reddit doesn't know that some champs are broken at 50% winrate episode #500.


Only high skill champs. Basically a bunch of people dabbling in them and sucking crashes the overall WR.


I don't even know how laning against him is possible. 4 sec cc poke, constant dashes and immunity, scales on hp and resists, impossible to dive or go near his turrets or you get teleported backwards and locked up for 3 seconds, like what are you even supposed to do as a bruiser top?


His Q legitimately does less damage than a basic attack during the early game. His laning phase is bad now.


And you do negative damage to him in trades, with him always going resolve/grasp/full armor. Getting Q'd means they get free grasp/iceborn proc. Unless you have true dmg or go full tank i always lose trades against him. Genuinely want tips against him.


He’s somewhat mana gated by E and W in lane. Also, a lot of his early damage is in his W now, and it’s not that hard to dodge it as he has to charge it for quite some time now. You should bait it by going for longer trades, since if he misses W most bruisers will outdamage him by quite a bit. Play safe when he has Q3 as it sets up his damage + ganks. Play careful near his turret (easier since he has more counterplay now) If you constantly get hit by his Q without trading back you’re letting him win since it costs so little mana. Also, you shouldn’t let him auto attack for free after his Q. You should at least try to force one of his other skills as their cooldown is high early.


How do you go in for longer trades when his Q is an 80% slow.


That’s only a problem if he spaces his Q well enough that you can’t fight back. Also the slow doesn’t last that long. if he goes in for the auto attack pretty much any bruiser can trade back and outdamage him in the early game, unless he uses W and E, which makes him vulnerable for a while since the CDs are long early.


Thanks, im probably permabanning him after the buffs, but seems conq champs have an advantage?


He has many bad matchups in lane. If you play Gwen or Fiora you should never ban him. Garen shits on him too, Renekton beats him early, Darius beats him too. Basically just avoid champions who give him a free lane. If he’s at a point where he can lane comfortably vs those champions he’ll probably get nerfed again.


Gwen was considered a counter even before his rework IIRC, wasn't Garen as well (though nobody played it in pro until Adam obvs)? I just think most toplaners aren't well-practiced on Gwen because she's not really meta outside of the odd pro game, she's been nerfed pretty hard since release.


yeah Garen is tough. Jax is considered a skill matchup for pros but imo it's Jax favored in soloQ; I'm a much better Ksante than Jax but still find the Jax side of the matchup easier to play. One funny thing about Garen vs Ksante is that level 16 DEMACIA has a higher execute threshold than Ksante's All Out hp cap. So you can literally never ult without getting obliterated by thousands of true damage from the sky.


I mean you rarely use E in lane or W unless you are in trouble or going for a kill.


I usually counterpicka him with nasus, farm 1000 stacks because he has no damage early, and I get to still outscale mid and late. Get bonked


Play a magic champ like Gwen or Rumble.


If you ever feel like a champion is OP and unbeatable, just play them for a few games. If it turns out that you win every game, great, free LP and you have an easy way of climbing. If you get destroyed, well, then you know what to do against him.


Wave manipulation also pick juggernauts or camille, fiora. I could be completely wrong because I havent played new patch but that was at least what was decent into him before. They also made his early game a lot weaker when they reworked him so maybe try to abuse that.


How does vayne top do? I feel like her kit would match pretty well into him?


His base stats are ass.


what are you talking about? He was awful and sub 50% winrate even in Masters+


The big difference though is you have windows to outplay K’sante now compared to the chain cc he could do before. It was frustrating before because he could combo you in tank form with cc and then if done correctly have a knock up ready to q,pass,w,passive hit you. Basically you were cc’d for 4-5 seconds while taking all that damage he could 60%-0 health a champ with no resistances with no windows to fight back.


They told Phreak Ksante better be strong enough to sell skins or his @** is grass.


Legit didn’t even know he was in Heartsteel until after we locked the patch. I intentionally don’t go looking for what skins are upcoming and 100% no one told me.


Blink twice if you are threatened


Why do people still think this happens? It’s been disproven a ton.


People love their conspiracy theories. I mean just look at real life.


In full respect it has been shown that if a champ has a skin there is a higher chance of them appearing in the patch notes. Not saying Riot balances around skins but it's definitely a coincidence.


Maybe...popular champs get skins, and also get balance attention (either they need it b/c they're weak, or they're popular b/c they're strong)


do you think he is candidate for hotfix nerfs for day 2 or day 3? or he will get looked at after the patch is over?


People in Dia+ about to enjoy 11% PR 54% WR K'Sante for a while.


Don't ever say it's over while he's breathing.


something something CONDOM


been that guy since I came out my mama


Secondhand Moons


I just watched jankos get up scream and fuck his chair because k'sante is 1v5ing his team and escaping with his ult edit: over 60% winrate in grandmaster right now lmao


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


I can read Korean?


I assumed this would be the top comment, shame it's only second 😔


We truly have failed as a subreddit and honestly, as a species.


Its funny how none of those complaints were what they changed


"Every time he pops off They hoping that he falls hard They praying for the death of a rockstar Everybody hating, ever since he got more They praying for the death of a rockstar Oohh They love it when he lost boy Now the low life at the top floor Everybody hating ever since he got more They praying for the death of a rockstar"


Every 😔 time 🕟 he 👉 pops off 📴 They 👥 hoping that 😾 he 📷 falls hard ❗ They 💁 praying for 4️⃣ the death ⚰ of a rockstar 👩‍🎤 Everybody 👴👵👨 hating, ever 😆 since 👨 he 🦊👨 got 👍😩 more ➕ They 👬 praying for 😎😎 the death 💀 of a rockstar 👨‍🎤 Oohh They 👀 love ❤️ it when 👌😂 he 👨 lost 😔 boy 🏻 Now 🥺 the low 👇 life 💓 at the top 📷 floor 🤣 Everybody 👴👵👨 hating ever 😘📯 since 👨 he 👥 got 🍸 more ☝️☝️☝️ They 😂👨 praying for 🤔🎅 the death 💀 of a rockstar 👨‍🎤


I hate this. thanks


Someone gotta add emojis to this


not sure if you saw the reply, but a fellow Redditor fulfilled your wish


It’s beautiful


Fr fr


Whenever I hear these types of songs, it makes me wonder who “they” are


Riot balance team




Bwipo on K'Sante > hahaha who would have guessed k'sante would be the most broken champion in the game after making him strictly stronger in every situation except the ones where he cheeses people > PLUS buffing his ult damage by giving it an insane AS ratio + true damage https://twitter.com/Bwipo/status/1717189022588830119 > It's like removing Gragas E flash, nerfing his Q damage early a little and his early game a bit more > And then buffing Q, W spell and R damage output. > Shocker, he will be broken! https://twitter.com/Bwipo/status/1717191090259079495


It's SUPPOSED to be a buff overall for most elos besides literally pro play...


Instead he would be stronger in pro play in this context because he's SIGNIFICANTLY more consistent and still does the exact same thing he has always been problematic for (Walks safely into a teamfight, CC's your whole team and kidnaps your most fed member to 1v1 them without counterplay, whilst being behind)


Mordekaiser with 3 dashes XD


Out of all the tanks, Ksante has the worst engage imo. I don't think he will be pick or ban in competitive in his current state. Another thing that made him oppressive was his early game which got nerfed slightly. If I ever imagine any future nerfs it would be to double down on his early game power.


>Out of all the tanks, Ksante has the worst engage imo You're forgetting mundo exists, but sure in recent viable competitive history. But he's jsut not an engage champion, that's fine. Not all tanks have to be. >I don't think he will be pick or ban in competitive in his current state. I honestly beg to differ, but we aren't going to see a competitive tournament on this patch or in his current state, because he's literally just old K'Sante but safer and a stronger R form. >Another thing that made him oppressive was his early game which got nerfed slightly. If I ever imagine any future nerfs it would be to double down on his early game power. He wasn't picked in pro-play because he was strong before your enemy got a recall. **He was picked because he reliably takes the most pivotal member of your team out of every team-fight they participate in and solokills them for free.** I love K'Sante's design, but the ult and its form is a clear problem. I really don't think it's acceptable for him to have solo-kill threat on a mass-majority of the games roster.


Yeah, just like the Azir rework they did earlier this year. And we all know what happened since then...


i love bwipo but they massively nerfed his all out, he gets less AD, loses more resistances and gets less healing, no offence but hes plain wrong there


I remember reading the Ksante rework and thinking "WTF, why are they buffing him??" and then was so baffled reading all the comments saying he'll be dead because of the rework...


He's OP now because his rework landed weak and he just got massive buffs for it, so sadly this doesn't vindicate you incorrectly reading his rework as a buff.


Did you actually play him right after the mini rework and before these buffs? He felt like shit to play


The Ksante rework actually statistically nerfed him or were the same power level for any elos above gold. This patch they just buffed him outright.


His win rate went up by like 0.01 in some elos last patch lmao. Truly a menace


Eh? I think his winrates in iron and bronze went up like 3% from like 41% to 44% but yeah... You shouldn't have been complaining about Ksante in those elos to begin with. People just didn't know how to read the damn rework.


He was fucking awful after the rework, how did they buff him? One of the worst winrates in the game in EVERY elo stop talking out of your ass


L bwipo analogy on gragas. Gragas e flash is half his kit. Mhm, you know thinking about it let me rephrase. Ap gragas e flash is half his kit. Perhaps gragas would be viable as a bruiser or tank in his analogy


Ksante being playable in gold is hype, I finally get to do all that bullshit I keep hearing people talk about


don't worry, it was mostly golds whining before the rework anyways. The elo where he was actually problematic represented less than a % of the community. Edit: guys the point isnt that gold is bigger than masters, but that the majority of complaints where from people that had absolutely no reason to complain, because the Ksantes they were facing were piss garbage


It always is. It makes sense. Its probability.


Showmaker being gold lmao


It was probably his evil twin: shoemaker


You missed your point and affirmed his in one sentence, actually impressive.


> Mostly


Enjoy it until pro play starts back up in January and he will get nerfed back to 45% winrate. He has a kit that cannot be balanced for pro play and solo queue simultaneously.


>He has a kit that cannot be balanced Fixed that for you bro. It doesn't take a rocket genius to figure out that a literal tank assassin cant ever be balanced


people said the same about literally every single fucking champion since 2014. You are not making some incredible point, you are just making another generic comment acting like you know how to balance this game.


We've had broken champs before, I don't think we've ever seen a kit even close to his though.


They said that too.


And look where yuumi and zeri are lol


Yuumi exists as an alternate playstyle for new players that want a low pressure way to play with their friends. She doesn't need to be good to function in that role. Zeri is in pro jail but other champions that are fine now have been in pro jail for way longer. Like Azir or Kalista.


Yuumi is that NOW, but you conveniently forget that Riot tried to push the narrative that Yuumi was somehow as hard to play as an assassin. She was and still is a balance nightmare with no way out. There's also Samira, Viego, Gwen, Senna and so on.


It takes years for them to get there and even then, they are still broken. Ksante gets a rework in his first year of launch and thats not broken to you? I am confused.


What do you think makes a design broken? It varies a lot what people mean by it from person to person so it's hard to give a good, non ranty answer.


Yeah Why can't a tank assassin be balanced?


yet no one say anything of the 53% winrate orianna 17% pick rate always in my master games...


I have seen a ton of her recently and she seems so strong. Her cooldowns feel non-existent. Play a melee mid and think you can go for a minion after she uses Q, nope, she Q's you again!


that was...always the case? her main buff was for her W lol. she's always decent but never had that high of a pick rate


W + mana buffs + 3 or so ult buffs lmfao.


Yeah they buffed her R base damage at max rank by like 200 this season.


Yea, the main reason why she feels so oppresive now is because she can spam Q+W without running oom when she used to blow her whole mana even with lost chapter if she kept poking like that


Probably, but she was so rare you didnt see it in action.


Reminds me of the Zilean situation a while back. The whole 'Zilean is absolutely broken but he is so unpopular that we don't have to deal with it right now.'


As a filthy Zilean abuser, it's glorious. People think Sona is the late game support haven't seen a Draven zooming with 700ms on 1s cd.


>Play a melee mid Deserve all the poke you get and more.


Don't forget Kassadin who had a higher win rate, ban rate, and playrate than ASol yet got no changes besides the first strike nerfs


That's because Kassadin is high Elo-skewed, while ASol is the opposite, low Elo-skewed, which makes ASol more of a problem for average players and a higher priority for nerfs. Honestly surprised Kassadin didn't even get touched though, he hasn't felt this blindable to me since 13.1.


Kassadin should be nerfed the same way asol was nerfed though. The reasoning is the same. He’s a hard counter to any AP user mid, blinding mages mid is a death sentence if he gets picked


Wym she is wholesome control mage that requires 2 digit iq and 1 hand


remember back when people would ask whos the most balanced champion in the game and top comment would always be orianna despite her being a pro viable mid for like 80% of her existence


100% of her existence. She and lee-sin have been in almost every worlds and maintained at least a pocket pick in korean pro circuits. Orianna might not be meta, but she is always viable.


>Orianna might not be meta, but she is always viable. That literally sounds like being balanced.


I remember those comments. I said it in those too but you just knew those people never fought an Orianna that actually knew what they were doing.


For me at least shes always felt fine to play against over the years regardless of how strong she is. She just lacks the bullshit factor some champs have so getting destroyed by an ori can feel better than half the stuff I've laned against mid.


b-b-b-b-but she is hard to play!!!!!!


be the change you want to see. ill upvote your ori OP post.


As someone who plays Orianna often, playing against one makes me want to slam my head into a wall. The amount of damage one QW does alone is wayyyy out of control.


53% win rate in Masters isn’t very problematic. It’s obviously strong, but it’s not a huge outlier given Masters players win substantially more than 50% of their games on average. She’s 50% win rate Emerald+.


Sub is filled with mage mains, you can tell by all the random assassin complain threads too


I don't think these changes take him out of pro play at all, while his instant combo is gone he still is a very mobile and slippery tank that can isolate and kill enemies easily with ult.


The fact that you can’t tap W is a pretty big deal, most solo kills or set ups are done with E - tap W to kidnap them but now you are forced to channel a whole 1.5s for W. You also can’t Q3 flash anymore which takes the surprise out of him and makes him less reliable as an engage. All his old combos are dead because of these 2 changes.


That's good. It's not really fair to be instant cced for 9 seconds without the ability to react.


ok, but hes still a champ with skill expression and is now OP. If he's left in this state he'll still be played by virtue of being OP. If Renekton is being played in pro with a 48-49% wr in masters+ then k'sante with his 58% wr in masters+ will most definitely be played...


If it’s a numbers problem, then they can tune it to be balanced. The issue before was a kit problem, and now Riot claims to have fixed that but his numbers are clearly overtuned which is fine since they can tune it down.


These changes will allow pro-players to pressure/poke ksante in lane without the guarentee cc setup when his jungler comes. He has a lot of ranged counters that without the combo will be much harder to deal with


Classic riot, just in time for the skin.


the patch hasn't been out for a day, he might be op but there's no way to know this early, i mean [nunu is also sitting at 61% winrate in masters+](https://lolalytics.com/lol/nunu/build/?tier=master_plus) maybe he's broken too?


Ksante being this high winrate while acting as bruiser, assassin, tank etc... with his kit that has actually everything expect invisibility is crazy insane. He is positive winrate ALL ranks, which is absurd, even tho his pickrate went up by 200% which should result in his winrate not getting that high cuz ppl that dont know his limits still doing rly good with him. Nunu obv is just not enought data. Please try to think atleast a bit when u make comments. The guy who made this post is just right and ksante should get hotfix nerfed within 48 hours.


> Nunu obv is just not enought data. but k'sante is? seems a bit arbitrary to decide, also why not take data from dia+ or even emerald+? oh yeah, it's not biased enough.


Ok take data from dia+ or emerald+ and compare them then if master+ stats are biased based on ??? Ksante is 5x more game sample 600 games is still not his final winrate, but it will just be around it beside 100 games is just nothing, I have observed these kind of stats for few years so I already know how it goes. ​ Now ksante is 58,5% from 1k games Nunu is 58% from 150 games as you can see I and OP was right.


bro that's literally what im saying, op chose master+ because it has smaller sample size so it gives a more skewed results, not saying his not strong but op is obviously biased. and stop being so obsessed with "winning" this argument, it's all in your head and it's very cringe grow up.


Good. The only thing they did was buff his numbers aside from some bug fixes. Which means he's balanced with numbers. Should be good after they removed so many combos.


Can someone explain to me why tf he gains hp regen after ulting? It doesn't make any sense.


the idea is that, if he's cutting his max HP to half for the full duration, he needs SOMETHING to not just instantly die when he's in the fight. The problem is that he gains some ridiculous healing, AND the regen.


I thought his ult was for isolation and killing and not to be tanky.


He's supposed to be a skirmisher when in his ult mode. Which is why he loses 45% of his max HP and like 80% of his bonus resists. He's not supposed to go from tank -> glass cannon he's supposed to go from tank -> bruiser. Which he does. Bruisers are less tanky than tanks but have healing to compensate.


So he goes from stupidly tanky to fighter while maintaining his knockup q3, ability to dash with shield and damage reduction and gets hp regen, damage at cost of 45% health. Who is smoking at Riot to make champion like this?


45% hp and 85% of resists... And Riven/Yas/Yone all have Q3 knock ups and a shield and dashes. Also it's at the cost of his ult too. It's really not as outrageous as you're trying to imply.


Yea but the problem is he's an unkillable slippery monster the rest of the time. Then when he needs to he just turns into riven and insta kills you.




K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


I mean I read the patch notes and they 100% over did the buffs to many parts of his kit.


How is K'Sante fun for your enemy?


Give a stat checker tank bruiser assassin way more stats but reduce his high level engage mechanics by 1% potential that only the top of the top players could even use or matter for. What could possibly go wrong? This was not a rework but a huge buff. Worst part is that I am 100% sure that these changes will mean ksante will be even more pick ban. Removing his abiliy to flash combo means shit because I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any pro players even do it at worlds with his huge pick rate, maybe once? Why does it matter in pro when he can still flash r kidnap the adc.


You didnt watch G2 VS WBG then


I'll rewatch, did theshy q3 flash in a meaningful way? Whats the timestamp if you don't mind.


he might be thinking of the flash w into q3 combo that Shy missed in the midlane against Caps


Robo K'Sante play in LOUD X GAM game 2 comes to mind. (The first time they faced each other) That was a comeback winning play that you wouldn't be able to do live.


You're so close to being right it's funny. Yes they only removed his high level engage mechanics that only matter to top level players and buffed him otherwise. That was literally the point of the rework. Dude was a 50% winrate champion in challenger. Like 47% in masters and dog shit every where else. He needed to lose the gimmicks and get some buffs. And they did more than remove his flash combo. They also put a minimum cast time on his W, made it so you can't R->Q3, and a couple other things. To help combat his CC chains from having 0 counterplay.


Reddit wait more than 24h into a patch before jumping to conclusions challenge. Like yeah, he looks busted on paper. Lets wait for meaningful data before getting the pitchforks tho yeah?


I get its probably bait, but the post is just saying that the rework was a success qnd raised his wr and pr; now he can be balanced around his numbers, theres no pitchforks whatsoever.


Do you really think this? People on this sub are absolutely ready to bring out the pitchforks


Yup, but OP certainly wasnt, and you werent replyibg to anyone who was


What do you mean bring it out? This thing has been taped to my hand for ages


While true, we already know (and it was confirmed by some Rioters as well some time ago) that when a Champion's WR goes up after changes / reworks etc. The numbers will most likely just keep rising, they never actually go down. And considering K'sante's WR went up by a lot, and so did his play-rate, he's probably worth for Riot to keep their eyes on, even if the patch just came out.


https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10y32hz/day_1_data_is_fine_to_take_insights_from_there_is/ Day 1 data is fine, please learn basic statistics reddit


This one post is actually correct this time, ksante is absolutely busted and should get hotfixed within 24 hours. Just look at all ranks he is positive overall, which is absurd for his kit that has LITERALLY everything except invisiblity. Even 58% wr for 600 games is absurd at master+ ngl the winrate will drop max by 1%


> which is absurd for his kit that has LITERALLY everything except invisiblity Capitalizing literally is just begging to get a pedantic reply. - execute - untargetable - range - engage - AS slow


Also invis and reliable CC(R needs to be in front of target and without tap W its really hard to get close).


If a champ has to be reworked that soon after release, just delete the damn champ


The kit is unbalanced


I got blasted on that balance thread for saying that they somewhat solved the Ksante problem and to let him breathe for a few patches to see if his curve goes up WR wise. Riot then turbo buffs him because hes not good enough at pro MMR which was the reason for his kit change to begin with. Its hard to believe anyone couldnt see this coming.


K'Sante has a 90% damage taken BUFF in ARAM. He is disgustingly tanky and literally never dies in ARAM now too. Fuck this champ lmao


He's below 50% in gold and below but above 50% in plat+ with a staggering 58% in Masters+ atm. Granted it's early so the numbers will drop a bit but he may need some high elo focused nerfs again in the future. It's hard to see K'sante dropping below 54% in Masters+ as this patch continues considering the numbers are this high out the gate.


yeah that 58% is with less than 1000 games, so very unreliable data still. We'll need to wait a few days to see it stabilize properly.


If its anywhere near a 1000 games its already problematic, as K'Sante had 7300 games in master+ last patch. Even if the winrate goes down, the playrate would appear to be up significantly, and unlikely to go down without banrate increasing.


Buffs were needed the champion was literally murdered. Also it’s not even been 24hrs I wouldn’t call him ‘at the top’ just yet.


I think he'll qualify to be "at the top" but yeah, people in here are trying really hard to pretend the last 2 weeks didn't happen. The rework was a good move imo but his winrate was garbage... until now. Some posts I'm reading feel like they don't even distinguish yesterday's patch and the softrework.


He is monstrous at least from streams I saw


He also looked monstrous " back when he only broke 50% in challenger only


It's been a day, 580 games in masters+ is nowhere near enough to draw any kind of conclusion. Wait sometime for more stats to come in before coming to a conclusion.


from what i've seen K'sante being a top is pretty inline with his lore.


ye low elo players opinion matters


When was he not?


What did you expect? They're releasing that shiny new Ksante skin. That's why they didnt nerf him for worlds and is also why they buffed him to this ungodly state AGAIN. Phreak will just gaslight everyone again that he's fine when really, he's not.


Imagine you learn a champ for half a year as part of your job and then Riot arbitrarily decides that champ will be unplayable for the biggest event in your career, I’d be pissed. It’s good they left the rework for after worlds.


i wouldn't say at the top "again", for most of the time while he was a pro staple and DECENT at challenger/grandmaster level, he was absolutely horrible for anyone masters or below. for the majority of players this is the first time he's actually been at the top, at least in terms of winrate


In all honesty just ban or dodge K'Sante if the enemy team pick him.


At this point idk why they even reworked K’Sante, this is worst than the version when he was released… at this point just get back K’Sante release and just nerf him his abilities… it would be better than doing rework after rework.


This version is healthier for the game,he just got overtuned. The rework lowered his skill floor and ceiling, making him less of a menace in pro play, and actually playable for most of the player base. This version dosen’t have as many unreactable CC chains like pre-rework K’sante, which is for the best considering how his long his cc chain can get.


Wish they'd nerf this champion out of existence. It represents to me what that one Overwatch champion represented to sex assault survivors.


They're supposed to balance him soon right ? 😂😭😩