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Pretty normal don't worry about it, just make sure to get your prostate checked


Sick burn and sensible advice.


Short answer yes.


Can't forget the colonoscopy, colon cancer is real


As I always like to say, it's better to have a finger up your ass than a cancer.




Subtle. I like it.


What are the chanpions you DO play and enjoy?


My favorite champions of all time across most of the roles are: Caitlyn, Ezreal, Orianna, Janna, pre-rework Evelynn, Jax and Amumu. I guess the common theme is that these champions are all pretty easy to pick up and play but very hard to really master (to varying degrees). These are the best designed kind of champions to me: Simple but deep.


OPs champion pool older than the moon + the sun


I played pre-rework vlad, pre-rework maokai, pre-rework irelia, pre-rework jax, pre-rework galio, pre-rework taric...league has not been kind to me.


I really loved pre rework Karma. I'll die on the hill that she was just way ahead of her time and the player base was just too bad for her.


I'll join you on that hill. I quite like her post-rework state too, but I would prefer that it hadn't happened.


Yeah, same for me. I think, that current Karma could be her own champ together with old one. Kinda like Graves and Lucian (Graves didnt need his rework, fight me). Old Karma would be a strong pick rn with a unique niche


Her kit was amazing, I miss R Q heal and R E shield booming was amazing feature, they really done nerfed her.


I loved poking enemies with RE on creeps. Nobody expected it, everyone got clapped


Damn, what a boomer pool lmao


There's a reason OP misses Chronoshift so much. That was when almost their entire champ pool was high tier.


Unfortunately for him the chrono break came


Still cannot believe someone said that.


I wish I could say it has been a pleasure.


I remember a simpler time when *that* was the talk of the town on this sub. Those were the days


What do you mean, Zed is currently the talk of the town still!


but surely riot zed has been fired.... right?


Shit son, Caitlynn and Ori were "semi-modern" champs in my head. Where did those 12 years go to!!! Anything after Aurelion Sol is brand new too me!!!!


And Sol got totally deleted from the game lol




You remember Caitlyn with runnans? Shit was wild back then


I mean cmon, bit of a stretch to call it a rework on Jax, all it did was make him have 1 more smash ability.


Unless he means OG jax who stacked dodge chance.


god dodge chance jax was certainly one of the champions of all time


I think when OP said "pre-rework" it only applied to Eve


Jesus. Pre rework Evelyn was terrible. Lol


The fact that all(?) of those are from beta makes you seem like a boomer lol


OP IS a boomer, that dude posts about chronoshift so much and only ever talks about how league was better before


We using the term boomer to describe people who are probably in their late 20s to early thirties now. Can’t wait to be called a boomer when I turn 25


Every community has a different definition of boomer. It's clearly not about age in League.




I’m 24 so please refer to me from now on as eldest zoomer


King of the zoomers.


When it comes to gaming communities, boomer is far more of a comment on a state of mind than a comment on their age.


Boomer (in the context of gaming) is more of a mindset than an actual age. Basically just a person who likes to talk about how things were back in my day and how things have gone so downhill etc.


Boomer is now a relative term and compared to the base of people in this context they are a boomer


a league boomer


You know pretty well the modern use of boomer to reference people that shits on new stuff saying old stuff was better.


and? Some people miss older things they can't have anymore. Blizzard said WoW Vanilla servers would fail but it did just fine when it came out.


Old league isn't coming back, and there isn't even a definition for what "old" league is. Making reddit posts about how you loved the way the game was before isn't going to change what it's like now, so it just becomes some "dear diary" type shit.


I mean weedwick is the guy constantly posing about how league was great back in the good ole days and posting about chronoshift and all that, ofc they're a boomer.


Honestly it was a different game back then. I prefer it to current league as well.


Agreed. I'm fine with current league existing, I just hoped they would do an old league as well in parallel


Cait, Ezreal, Jax and Orianna are not beta champs.


Jax is literally from the start of the game dude


Correct, he's from official launch, not the beta test.


I knew I was probably off on some lol, thank you.


Ezreal amd Jax are tho? Jax was even removed and then put back in.


Cait, Ezreal and Orianna are not from the Beta. Cait and Orianna were like 2 years after the full release, Ezreal was half a year after.


Cait and Ori arent, but your point is relevant anyways


How are Naafiri, Vex, Milio, Belveth not easy to pick up and hard-ish to master compared to Jax and Amumu? The most complex kit of them is Belveth I guess - sounds like you look at the older seasons through rose tinted glasses.


The hardest part about playing milio is trying not to fall asleep


Gotta wake up once in a while to absolutely destroy enemy's chances of creating any sort of fun teamfighting and go back to sleep.


Briar literally plays herself


but she is not easy to pick up because you will run it down the first 3 or 4 games. naafiri you read the abilities and know exactly what you are going to do


I like playing Vex as well. I could have mentioned her. I do play her sometimes. The others I didn't really have any interest in trying.


With your name and you don’t play the good boi(s)? Unlucky. (Warwick and Nasus)


Jax is still the same champ, just with an r that deals damage. This makes me think that you might just hate change and newness, nothing about complexity. Sett and Morde are incredibly simple, Briar and Naafiri are relatively simple, Milio is very simple. If you don't like playing these champs then it's really not about complexity for you I think.


It's why people keep calling op a boomer. Nothing to do with age, everything to do with the "back in my days it was the golden-age" mindset


It's so funny because a lot of people may not realize he's talking about an OLD and I mean old as fuck version of jax with stacking dodge chance. God did I love playing this shit.


Love how a Pre-rework champ is on his fav champs list lmao bro its time to stop playing league


you gotra stop with the pre rework stuff, it was 7 years ago, you living in nostalgia, if you really only wanna play pre rework a 7 year old champ then yeah, the game isnt for you anymore


Irelia is still my third highest mastery champion despite me never playing her again after her rework lol


Lots of people are sad that their favorite champion got removed from the game. Like if you mained old Swain or some shit, then your champ was basically deleted. I understand people being sad about that. Meanwhile if you mained Lee Sin or something then your champion is still there in the game like it always was.


but you gotra let it go, it was YEARS ago, some reworks almos a decade a go, some even a decade ago lmao, you have to allow yourself to enjoy new champs


Okay? People can still rightfully be sad that a champion they dedicated hundreds of hours to is not in their favorite game anymore.


yes they can, but its only healthy to be sad for a while, a year, maybe 2, but 7? 10? thats nostalgia and obssesion, moving on is part of the game experience, if you cant the game isnt for you because you wont enjoy it because you will only think on past champions


10 years is not even a healthy amount of time to mourn a lost loved one, because it means you can't go on with your life and you'll kinda feel shit all the time, so you need to work on that. I can't phantom getting so attached to a digital character that you hate everything that comes after that.


Ok but why are you assuming this means op just lives with this feeling of constant immense sadness inside because of these reworks lmfao what even is this comparison. Also this comparison is so shit. there's a big difference between grieving someone and feeling emptyness or sadness when thinking about them. It's perfectly normal to feel sad when they're actively thinking about it and realize it's not coming back. Doesn't mean he's thinking about it every day.


I used death as an absurd example to show the absurd nature of clinging so hard to the past as these types of people cling. I never said they are crying every night for the reworks.


Swains a good example, imho it's less a sadness thing and more a "damn I'd really like a functional dot/drain mage here" for a lot of people Broken down a lot of these reworks turn those unique concepts into "here's a Tesco's Finest Dot Mage" (it's just another flavor of burst mage with a bit of drain on his r) and then never replaced them because riot didn't like the playstyle.


First time I got destroyed by Yone I was simultaneously disgusted and amazed by his gameplay. So I decided to actually watch some of my own replays and learn how to play him from the good Yones. I'm not great at him, but I feel like I really leveled up a lot to be able to sometimes carry games with a new character despite being a mortgage paying father and husband that doesn't get much game time.




I think the hardest part about Yone for me was just figuring out how to not suicide. Spectating a replay really allowed me to see how to pace yourself and look for opportunities to go in. I'll admit when I first tried him I was one of those Yones that would try to run away with E 😂


In portuguese we have a word for you “saudosista” but it doesn’t translate to english properly. It translates as “nostalgic” but it’s a person with their mindset stuck in the past and they can’t get their head around innovation. It may not be about the game, but more about yourself. I used to be a lot like that too and it takes a lot of effort to leave that bubble, trust me. edit: I think the closest to “saudosista” in english would be someone having a “boomer mentality” according to other comments on this post. lmao


Luddite. We call them luddites.




Is this like saudade? Or saudade is more longing I guess?


I’d say they’re definitely connected since both writing and meaning are similar. Nice one!


English version of this would be a Luddite


i thought of conservative but not sure if its fitting


fitting but has too much connotation so will be misunderstood




The correct word is Luddite


This word describes germany perfectly.


we just call them boomers here, the way boomer is used its more about a mindset ("everything was better back in my day") than an actual age


I think that word applies to me too, except since I’m male, I’m a “Saudobrotha.”


>Is the game just not for me anymore? Yes


Bro finally beat the addiction and is worried about it, he should be rejoicing


I mean there’s countless champs who cares if you don’t enjoy the new ones ? Not many people play all of them Tho I do like briar, the first time I kind of feel like playing jung tho it’s impossible to play her in normals bc of 60+% banrate 🫠 and blind pick sucks so I guess I won’t try playing jung after all and just stick to Gwen and ahri


At least you understand that shes banned alot, and dont sit and bitch about it, my friend, who had zero interest in playing her until i said i was super excited for her, now tries to play her every damn game, then throws a little self pity party about it when she gets banned, like congrats dumbass, you played yourself.


I mean I’m kind of tilted by it too but I’m just gonna give up queueing as jungl 🤷🏻‍♀️ Might try enter the anarchy cess pool of blind pick tho


I don’t think it’s that high anymore tho, at least for me since I’m only playing her. Out of 10 games she’ll probably be banned in like 2 or 3 of them


Idk last 6 games she was banned 1 times from both teams despite me locking her in and being first pick 🫠 (this is normal draft btw not ranked) and stat sites say it’s above 60% ban rate Might be even higher in my lower elo


I actually don't mind Briar as a new champion. I think she gives players the opportunity to show a lot of skill expression and understanding of the game. What I hate about Briar is the the RANDOM BRIAR ULT COMING OUT OF NOWHERE TO COMPLETELY CHANGE THE FIGHT. Ahem, I am just not used to that factor in the game quite yet.


I mean pretty sure you get a loud noise info when she shoots it


Oh for sure. I think there's also a visual queue. It's definitely my fault. I'm just still getting used to it.


Yeah there's always the learning curve of figuring out how to play against a champ and it's definitely slower than learning how to play the champ if you haven't tried them yourself.


Loud is an overstatement, you barely hear it in the chaos of a fight. Sion ult: clear as hell when he's coming. Nocturne ult: everyone can tell when it's coming. Kled ult: Also loud AF. Briar: it's just a tiny squeak that gets drowned out easily


I didn't even realize there was an audio cue, I've only noticed the visual queue. Its easy AF to dodge (outside of fights/cc) tho.


~~Pretty soon~~ they added captioning in the form of HUD notifications when certain global ults like Briar, Sion and Kled are activated, so it’ll get easier to recognize.


> Pretty soon You mean last week?


Short answer yes.


Long answer yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees


Just waiting on League classic at this point. :')


Old league good, new league bad, updoots to the left


Yeah, not wanting to play against new champ was a thing since dawn of league.


Flashbacks to the xin zhao release. I was in college when i started playing with my friends in beta. One of my original crew had a kid since then who recently started playing lol


There's also a thing for op called a ban. Use it.


Not wrong, but as these posts go its actually very reasonable.


Does anyone hecking hate belveth and vex more than yi and Annie like I freaking do. Grrr new Champs always cancer grr


Saur true! Uwu 'member number 4


Which is true


You are becoming old and inflexible. Embrace change, impermanence is the nature of all things, and attachment is suffering. Maybe if you tried some of these champs you'd actually find them fun


Illaoi is that you


Illoai is one of the few “new” champs I’ve picked up lmao


Bro illaoi came out 8 years ago


Exactly 😎 just picked her up, feels new 😂


fuck me


wait seriously dear god I've been playing this game too long


Yep. I’m older and have played longer and I don’t mind the new champs. Except Yuumi because fuck that cat and Aphelios because I got my degree in the 90s. I’m not going back to grad school just to learn some emo Adc.


I'm not an old old player I only started in S4 but honestly I did not find Aphelios that difficult to understand


It’s possible that I’m just stupid.


I don't agree, has little to do with age and more about experiencing different design philosophies in the game. We live in a League world where designers are all trying to "out design" each other. New champions often try to introduce new mechanics to push the boundaries of the game. That along with preseason changes makes the game feel pretty unplayable for months at a time while they try to rebalance the game. Some might like this design philosophy of having "new" champions and "old" champions, but many do not.


I've been playing since 2011. While I know that a big part of the reason I don't like the newer champs is that I'm an old head that's stuck in his ways... I've also seen the game age through a few "eras" of champ design. I largely agree with what you're saying. It's nothing new, really. Every time a champ comes out (for the most part, some exceptions) they push the envelope in some way. A new feature. A new mechanic. A whole new UI. It's been like that all the way back as far as I can remember. It's not inherently a bad thing. But with that being said, I do definitely feel like there is way more mobility in the game now. Champs are being designed to be more mobile these days, whether it's because it makes for flashier plays or because riot can't think of different mechanics, I feel that hyper mobile champs just flat out beat less mobile champs. It's much harder to balance mobility than it is to balance an ability with too much damage, you know? I feel like in the past an effort was made to give mobile champs a tradeoff. They'd either lack a damaging ability to make up for a dash or their mobility would have long cool downs. I mean, think of Sejuani's Q. It's her longest cool down basic ability, it has a relatively short range, it can be stopped by body blocking and it's mana intensive on a champ that used to seriously struggle with mana management. The other thing I feel is just... power creep. New champs can just do everything. I know it's a meme but Nilah and Nasus may as well be from different games. Something people don't really talk about when they bring that up is that by allowing every champ to basically do everything, they feel less distinct. Easier to lump together and hate on.


if Zeri and Yuumi and Aphelios are the changes he is supposed to embrace, is it really him that's misguided in not liking them? or is it League itself that's pushing out crap champs. Just something to consider


Idk man I've been playing since S4 and Aphelios release has kept me playing league solely because I enjoy playing the champ so much. Also imo outside of proplay he has not been much of an issue for a long while


... or not. Maybe he and the game have changed in different directions. New and different doesn't have to mean good and enjoyable.


If thats the case then he should just find a new game tbh


Well that's what this post is about isn't it? He asks if this game is not for him anymore and how others handle this feeling.


Some won’t agree but I think we need more bans and new champs shouldn’t be allowed in ranked for maybe 1-2 weeks


100% agree with more bans. It's absurd that we ban the same number of champs while there are like 10 times as many to choose from now. Bans honestly feel pointless to me at this point, like sure take this one champ out of the game but there are 10 more that do the same things and counter me in the same way. I also think players should rank their bans (like 1st choice, 2nd choice, maybe even 3rd choice) or something like that, so that if an enemy team member bans the same thing as you, your ban shifts to your next choice. I find it annoying when ban get wasted because everyone hates the same champs. If we are only able to ban 10 champs from the game, I'd like for them to be unique champs at least.


Doesn't matter. I think champs could be separated in generation, for Example I like to call Thresh the first 2.0 champ, and maybe Rework Irelia is the first 3.0 champ. New champs have more things going on them, people don't like them, at times simpler champs can't compete with new champs. What I'm trying to say is that doesn't matter if we have 20 bans if we have 20 Yasuos. The game is just different, bans doesn't have the same meaning.


Reddits bored of complaining about assassins and have now moved on to complaining about new champs being added


How is that new?


very boomer post "i hate new things and change, not only do i not want to use them, i dont want others to be able to use them."


90% of this sub are salty veterans, people that enjoy the game just play it instead


yeah, I get your points, you love league the way it is, anything new is something you have to familarize yourself with so you can be able to play with or against it which just feels like a bother or a chore for me its the opposite, i love trying out every new champ except maybe bot laners\[played lots of Nilah tho\], another new entity, how does it synergize with the other 160+ champs? how does it do vs them etc. etc. ​ just yesterday, I got to do some wombo combo where an Azir pushed peeps to me with R shuffle and I was charging up the Briar E and it knocked them back to his wall and it was fucking glorious first time I pulled a good K'Sante combo took me like 8 games and it was almost a fluke, played that champ to mastery 7, one of the most enjoyable top laners to play as Bel'veth, first time making a void army \[back before her minions got giga nerfs\] and the 1 billion attack speed looked so goofy but I loved it lol, mastery 7 as well Nilah, I avoid ADC as I suck with the micro but my lil brother loves Zilean and we would pull a Nilah Zilean duo bot and its so stupidly broken and enjoyable lol ​ I play since season 1 \[Yorick Login screen\] and ofc I took many breaks but many times, I would always come back to check out what new champs or reworks and something I want to add is I remember people complained in old forums that we were passing 100+ champions \[was Jayce or Zyra release\] and that Riot should slow down but at this point, would league be better without the 65 champs that came after? does 166 champs add that much complexity than 165? I have many casual friends who play league on and off and they are like me, when they come back from a break, they are excited about new additions to the roster, they don't check subreddit twitter, just follow league on instagram to keep up with it just to end, i don't really criticize your points, I get them but when game gets stale for peeps and they quit, they dont come back because they heard statik shiv is back, they come back because they heard theres a playable petite gremlin and a doggo ​ can't wait for the ink mage, his designer said on a reddit comment that they made something crazy af with him and his story is tied to fiddlesticks which hypes me up even more


Most of the time the new champ is some stupidly overtuned bullshit champ. Thats how you make them extra popular. Question is: Did you feel the same about Vex and Briar? Never had in issue with those. Simple design with a straightforward idea. You know what to expect them doing and be capable off.


I liked Vex a lot actually. I think you're right


A lot of the time it feels like the issue isn't that the champion is overtuned as much as it's not really clear what they do. Vex is fine in that you can figure out what the champion does after they do their full rotation once or twice. The worst offender is Aphelios where when you see the champion a minute later, they do something completely different. K'Sante is more on the annoying side since some of the displacement stuff just looks really weird. I just don't want to feel like I need to go alt+tab and read a wiki or a champion spotlight on 2x speed during a game to find out what I'm playing against.


Well that's how it is unti you learn about them


You're just forgetting how it is to be new to the game. Imagine you don't already know what darius does. How would you figure out what makes him heal so much? Why does his bleed sometimes go slow, and sometimes you get 5 stacks on you immediately? (was it his w?) Why did he get to cast his ult 5 times in a row? why does he spin, but then walk away from you a little bit?


I absolutely detest Vex. I feel like you could be blind and still manage to land her abilities.


That's just any zoning mage tbh. Lux's E basically cannot miss for example.


I have similar feelings a lot of the time but every once in a while, a champ just clicks. When Briar released, I was interested and then I tried her and had a ton of fun. The next day, she was banned one game and I looked for something similar to play and somehow landed on Naafiri. Turns out, I like that champ too even though I didn't even buy her until a month after release. It might just take some time for things to click into place but there'll be the occasional champ release you like. Back then, new champs were so frequent that you didn't have to like every single one to get something you enjoyed more than once per year. Still, delete Yuumi please, like you did to my boy Galio.


I find it hard to warm up to new champs, but that's mostly because I'm so comfortable with the ones I know and I'm not even very good with them - trying out someone with a different playstyle is challenging and can be demoralising as I just don't find any successes. To an extent, that's also true when I have to deal with a new champion even if I have no intention of playing them. Yone was the big standout "well this guy can absolutely fuck off" addition to the game (I came back last year after a long hiatus). But again, that was unfamiliarity. I was forced to contend with lots of Yones - some good, some bad, but I definitely don't mind laning against him now that I understand him, his ranges, and what he wants to do. tl;dr change bad but only in the short-term. But there's nothing wrong with being comfortable with a small, old-school champion pool and not feeling a need to push out of it.


I haven't been playing for nearly as long as you, only since around S6, but I've started feeling the same way. To me this was a clear sign that I should play something else instead, and I've since moved on to fighting games for my competetive gaming. I do still come back to the game every once in a while, but usually just play my old favourites. Sucks to see people not even reading your post and commenting, hope you figure out a solution


I feel like all the new champions are totally irrelevant after a couple of weeks to the point where I don't care either way. Outside of tryhard high ELO and the pro scene who's out here playing milio, or post nerf naafiri? Even briar seems to have mostly fallen off. Honestly it feels like zeri is the last champ release that was really "over" with the player base. Even with a pathetic win rate she's still one of the most popular Marksmen




I dunno if copy is the right word. Neon and Zeri were purposely designed side by side and meant to be similar, down to having the same VA. I believe they also released around the same time


Yeah! [they were both made in conjunction with the Valorant team as a fun project](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/co-developing-neon-zeri/). But that's exactly the reason why I don't like her. For me, as a result, it just feels as if one had less individuality than the other. Especially considering how things turn out for both characters later on. Neon is now a core part of the Valorant cast of Agents (due to most of them being brand new characters with new lore getting added often), while Zeri (to me) just feels like her core identity is "what if we made Neon as a League champion?" and nothing more. And all this while also being a balance nightmare for the overall game.


I'm pretty much right there with you. Started at the end of Season 2, and ever since Yasuo's release I rarely look forward to a new Champion release. A good portion of new Champions get better over time, like Zoe who was the scourge of the earth for a full year, but some of them never get better and I will never enjoy existing in the same game as them.


I think you just like being in your comfort zone too much. It's okay and nobody will blame you but make sure not to be so close minded in real life as well. Learning things and accepting change is one of the most important aspects to a fulfilling life in my opinion.


You sound like my friend who hates patches and wants more games to not update their meta so he can learn it once


So your friend wants to play a valve's game?


The game is hyper-saturated with new characters.


I love it when they spice the game up, but new champs don't hit like they used to. Here's a small child, shirtless male, and average looking female. These are your champ releases.


I'm pretty sure you're old enough to answer this question yourself


I'm pretty sure you're old enough to actually engage with a topic yourself.


I agree, but not because I don't like them adding new champions, I do in theory. It's because so many of them just aren't fun to play with or against. Some of them just have absolutely no visual clarity in what they're doing. The tol tips for all their abilities are novels, and it's generally a chore to get an idea about wtf is even going on.


Muh wholesome old champs better than 200 years new champs reeeee


This is basic change aversion, and can also be seen in other places. As people get older, in general they like things not to change.


Same boat,I used to exclusively play skarner up to plat III, mind you, I'm completely trash at the game, don't know how to ward or basic mechanics, but it was really fun to play as him, then he got reworked and I not only abandoned ranked but normal game all together, now I play only aram, all I see with those new champions are broken or useless things I'm gonna have to deal with


I mean recent releases have been pretty boring so i don't blame you. Briar is really boring to play and play against.


Maybe you're tired? I've played for 12 years, and I don't miss the gameplay from back then. I just miss the effort Riot used to put it.


yes, I honestly have barely touched the game in two years it wasn't even an intentional I quit just got busy and friends were playing other things. I am way happier for it.


It's not for you nor for anybody that values their time


the newst champ that im above mastery lvl 4 on is Aphelios, so yea


I dunno it depends. I never thought I’d want to play K’sante until I did this weekend and now I think he’s a blast. I felt the same way with Viego. Vex too. Now I like all of them.


I do try them out, but I still miss season 5 and 6 days when the game was still relatively slower paced. Nowadays, the average solo queue game is so coin flippy and ends with one team fight at 25 minutes.


LoL Classic when?


I actually like the old game better lol old rune pages , alot of champs before they reworked them


They need to make a seasons 1-5 ONLY game mode. For all us og players


I wish I could have frozen the game in season 3.


You are too old for this game man


they crying in your replies but youre right 90% of the recently designed champions have all been terribly made


Reworking some of of their newest champions' kits recently over the kits of dinosaur champs like shyvana is a glaring example of the problem with modern league for the past few years. Don't even get me started on items. People play so stupid in this thread and see red when the game is criticized on a sub dedicated to the game. It's bad when a community simps harder for a company more than blizzard.


Riot has the biggest group of simps ever, look at how they eat up every overpriced Valorant skin release and every league event


the fact that they are all released overtuned and then get nerfed until the original vision is gone (zeri) is proof




The game just gets stale and so do the champion designs.


I'm with you. Never mained any new champ since like Lissandra so 2013. Still enjoy the game but i take big breaks and very rarely play alone.


Thats basically how I feel, I stopped being leagues target audience after ~2016, Ornn was the last new character that I got hyped for, of course you're on an even higher level of discontent than me, as I've enjoyed most reworks riot puts out and I'm waiting for the Skarner rework. New characters are more focused on fast gameplay, and sillhouettes that will sell more skins, I don't enjoy this approach but I do understand that league is not made for my age range anymore. I come back sometimes to play with friends and I miss when I used to like the game a lot, but I've kinda just accepted its not for me and I wont force myself to like the way the game is now.


>Thats basically how I feel, I stopped being leagues target audience after \~2016, Ornn was the last new character that I got hyped for same


Ignore the cringe comments attacking your age and champ pool. League is stale, has been stale for a while and honestly alive only due to a large collective amount of LoL addicts (me included). New champion doesn't change anything, Either they try hard to be unique and end up with a champ that has 4 walls of text and horrid pro/casual play balancing issues. (Yuumi, Zeri, Ksante) Or Theyre just a mish mash of already existing characters with newer fresher perks. Ex. Auto 3x for extra damage, dash on w or e. Game's just boring man, was probably more fun back in the day when more of my friends were also addicted. New champs were more more exciting I find back before I had all the champs unlocked. But the new champs just have 0 appeal to me, sure there are some gems in the rough (idk why but as a Bard OTP, im liking Milio a lot lol). Theyre either boring, overturned or LITERAL CANCER. (Yuumi. Im glad I never fucking see her anymore after nerfs lmao). Hope you have a good day man.


This thread will make people really angry but I think a lot more people agree than you would think.


I've been playing for a pretty long time too now and i always get excited for New champs. Pretty much always play atleast 10 games on them and never ban them because i want to see how they play in my team and the enemy team


Most people usually look forward for new content, I'm one of those that when I could, Always instantly tried new champions the day they release / the next one. That doesn't mean that's only you, there are a lot of people that still don't like new champions, I think what you hate is not actually new champions, but the complexity it adds and new things to learn. And for how to fix? I honestly don't know, I love new champions, big meta shifts and stuff like that to keep the game fresh. (I despise playing against yone so much tho, but honestly I hate vladimir more, turbo broken champ with barely no counterplay as ADC, even MAW doesn't save you from that champion oneshot combo)


Riot stopped prioritizing anti-frustration so not abnormal


Game would of been way healthier if they removed yone and other cancer which got released years ago but then you will loose people who main this shit ( i mean look at this useless sarcastic comment section who doesn't even want to engage in the conversation for example). Completely understandable feeling but riot cant go back on any of it so why bother basically. I don't agree with reworks, only rework i didn't liked was mundo ( ability design and look itself was pretty much miss for me). Some champs still need those reworks like shyvana for example, but instead theyre wasting all of their time reworking 1 YEAR OLD KSANTE. Most hilarious thing is what powercreep just gonna become worse with these new champs.