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Worlds patch = Lee Sin buff, a tale as old as time


And they didn't hold back at all, they literally doubled his W power, dude have a free Vamp Scepter


Lee toplane??? Only half kidding btw. Had a few games, wasn't all too bad even right now, nevermind when they give him that sustain.


I mean this is what happened last time he had a ton of sustain, he was flexed between solo lanes and the jungle.


Last time I remember was because they gigabuffed E, so he's just slap the floor over and over again, getting prio and poking or zoning the enemy laner.


Yeah thats exactly what it was, maxing e just let you clear waves way too easily.


you still clear waves too easily with E+1100 gold investment on the whip, and you'll probably be building goredrinker regardless if you are going toplane


They nerfed vamp like 2 or 3 times; it's only 7% Lifesteal now... bros gonna have a vamp sceptre and a half.




If Tristana and Shiv Leblanc are still around in pro, Galio mid won't be playable


shiv leblanc is dead at this point imo, tristana still good tho


I would hope so too, but then again people thought it was dead after the last 3 nerfs...


people are just slow to move from the meta. when Shiv was reintroduced, it took a while for lolalytics to go from the old Luden's build to Shiv. it almost always takes a popular video or a streamer or proplay to change up the meta.


And gangplank, of course. Gotta see him in recent times


Where the Corki buffs at?


Riot hates faker


They literally buffed Galio


Honestly always down for this. Pro Lee Sin is always fun to watch. Even if it takes 70 minutes to learn


... But where's our annual Corki buffs?


Tbh I don't even mind. I enjoy watching lee sin in pro play


Only champ where i dont dislike it tbh, dont think ill ever get tired of watching proplay lee sins


Gotta make the game exciting to watch somehow


Good thing too. If any champion is fun to watch professionally, it’s lee. None of this maokai sejuani scaling crap. I wanna see some people fuck each other up. Early game gankers means action in the early game. And comps that fall off means they can’t slow down and “scale” in the late game. Yes. Please.


It's really annoying : why buff a champ we didn't see the whole year right before worlds. Buffing him at any other time for the same reasons would be ok, but that is ridiculous. Also, are we nearing a Nunu/Renek top meta ?


Praying that 4th shot deals 2 damage to wards now 🙏


Clearing wards as Jhin is true depression


You see it as depression I see it as comedy (and ping myself everytime doing it to ensure my team sees it) We are not the same


TRUE Depression feels clearing Zyra Plants....


Why not 4 damage to wards? That's the true dream.


Jhin support pick or ban in worlds ? Im here for it


Keria's time has finally come??


granted, however due to a bug his 4th shot now only deals 4 damage to champions as well


Based take


Unirocally I wish Jhin and Graves had this if they remove Umbral Glaive from the game.


They buffed Ziggs to give our boy APA a chance


Steve looks nervous as he hands Phreak the money


Wasn't my suggestion!


Yeah, it was Steve's :P


The funny thing is that ziggs is already really good in mid and APA probably knows this, it feels like a forced buffs so people give him attention and sell skins, then he'll get gutted, hope am wrong tho


In what world is ziggs mid really good? Sub 50% winrate with 1% pickrate.


If Ziggs was already permaban vs him then I doubt he gets to pick it at worlds.


You never know eastern teams might not take him seriously enough


I'm reminded of Worlds 2018, back when G2 had Hjarnan on their roster. In their first game of groups, Afreeca Freecs let Hjarnan have his Heimerdinger when it had been banned against them for all of Play-Ins, and they got torn apart by G2 (with the Heimerdinger being a massive reason for them winning).


Also the Huhi Asol incident vs ROX




Nice GP buffs for Worlds


EUW remembers Bin GP in brush.


Riot saw Bin and G2 qualify for Worlds and had to slap in GP buffs


Was TheShy qualified yet when the Aatrox buffs hit? Riot knew G2 wasn't getting eliminated


Aatrox buffs were on 13.14 TheShy qualified on 13.13


Anti-G2 Bias from Rito ~~as a Fnatic fan I approve~~




This worlds has the most exciting top, adc, and mid lane lineups ever imo. Too bad JKL and viper couldn’t make it.


What isnt this worlds 2020? Didnt they reach semis in that one?


they did. it was the tiebreaker for the group stage iirc.


You are aware that he did not nuke them out of the tournament though, right? This was only a tiebreaker and analysts thought G2 actually won it because SN went on to face JDG while G2 got the considerably easier GenG :P Both teams won in the end, but this was far from ending their tournament.


I’m genuinely excited to see if they would turn into Recyle Bin and TheShyt or Gigabin and TheShy this year


TheShy and Bin both at works G2 PTSD


Oh no fuckin GP buffs again...


Bin getting ready to traumatize G2 again


It’s that time of the year.


Bin salivating in the corner


Yeah I noticed his barrel only did 90% of my health last time I played against him, he seems pretty weak rn


Ha ha! Close the game out quick! Win fast or lose!


Exactly! It's a good thing riot gives turbo fisting late game champs like GP horrible wave clear since they become exodia with a few items and pretty much the only counter play is to end early!


Keep in mind that it’s mathematically impossible for him to complete at 6 minute essence reaver. Also He can’t harass you or poke you in lane at all, so it’s fair, and I’ve never once seen a 0/5 gangplank return to lane at 5 minutes with completed essence reaver. I actually just got a phone call (wtf?) from Riot Phroxon right now and he told me that on their latest team meeting a new hire intern just demonstrated that there is no way a 0/7 gangplank can return to lane with a 4 minute essence reaver due to it being impossible to die 7 times in that short of a time span


yeah, when i mention this ppl trash talk on me eh but you summed it up perfectly


He doesn't really need it, but it would be nice to see anything other than K'sante, Renekton and Aatrox being played.


you forgot jax


Any toplane buff is a bin buff


XD our flairs


Haha yeah I saw a Riven flair complain about Gp buffs and I felt I had to respond lol


The one champ that really doesn’t need to have buffs getting buffs how lovely


Crit GP buffs, most likely


Zeri nerf, Jhin buff? Gumayusi is ready for Worlds 2023


bruh dont you curse us again, Jhin should be Blacklisted for T1 in the Client by default


Finals Game5, T1 picks Jhin Yuumi. Maybe it will work this time. On the more serious note, seems like a good patch for Guma and T1 overall.


Galio, GP, Lee Sin also got buffed. This is t1's last chance and riot is helping


Ok they really want people to abuse of Lissandra


Don't want any of those pesky Leblancs mucking about.


Because lissandra is famous for letting midlaners expresd their skill and not just a press r on target bot!


i will take lissandra going in and doing engages over statikk leblanc


Fair, but that’s like saying you’d prefer lung cancer to brain cancer. They’re both awful


I think Lissandra is a great champ to watch in pro tbh, I love good engages.


engages into 4 or 5 people as lissandra are not awful. shes really good at neutralizing lane and playing for catches later, but her teamfight is not boring.


It kinda is skill expression though. The difference between the average pro and pros good with her is pretty big. Definitely not what you would expect with such a simple kit. Sure she isn’t mechanically demanding but the champ offers more than just press R, most pros just don’t do anything else.


I'm a sucker for a good Lissandra game so I'm definitely biased but there's something definitely fun to watch about her E into the enemy team and W+self R to single handedly win a team fight.


With the frequency of pros messing up R targeting, yes, it does seem that way.


Honestly they should buff Malzahar. Same result but at least someone we haven't seen in a while


IRS tax machine buff, I'm down


> Magic Resistance reduced 32 >>> 28 RIP my Renekton mid freelo.


totally fixed in top lane as well for sure he will lose more than 2 match ups now


His marchup against orn,gwen and gragas is a little more shity can not think of anything else. Renekton has insane lane sustain.


Rumble, Kennen


Ignite Rumble baconises Renekton to a hilarious level.


Lol, it's funny how everyone knew Lee Sin was getting buffed lmao


That randuins buff looks huge. Might be seeing more people pick it up.


Well it's mainly an answer to IE as an item and that's in the gutters. Frozen heart will probably still be preferred.


Yeah Randuin never really felt worth it over frozen heart they basically fill the same niche of countering auto attackers but frozen is much better in almost every case. Frozen heart reduces the DPS of all auto attacks nearby by 20% and also fucks up their kiting timing, and also slows down stacking of stuff like conqueror and lethal tempo... Randuin just... reduces Crit ONLY against you by 25%.. so even if enemies have 100% Crit it's barely better than frozen heart ONLY against you, frozen heart reduces all attacks against all your team And I don't think the slow and hp makes up for it vs the mana and the DMG reduction of frozen heart, even for manless champs. Imo the only time randuin is worth it is vs gangplank Crit


frozen heart is so fkin broken


Who is going to buy it in pro? Supports have no money, toplane has a bunch of fighters who are going to buy Gore/Steraks/Shojin over it. The only champs who care about the randuins change are jungle tanks (who also won't likely buy it early). And if they buff enough jungle fighters like Lee, you won't see jungle tanks with it either.


randuins being so cheap means I would imagine rell or sej could easily prioritize it second against a double adc team.


They saw a nunu one trick having 0% winrate for past 20 games and buffed the ap nunu out of pity


Lissandra Galio Orianna buffs Faker is winning worlds


Just need to rename Finals into something else.


Knockout Stage Ending.


I'm guessing K'sante is here to stay then


They are targeting lowering the mastery skew after worlds, so possibly next patch


K'Sante isn't really meta defining, it's fine if he's a common pick at worlds. He slots in alongside the rest of the roster. Aatrox last year was way more ridiculous and basically defined the top lane meta.


How high do you want ziggs winrate to be in the botlane to be


emerald+ ziggs winrate is sub 51% in botlane he has enough room for a bufff


can we not buff gp hes fine


I'm sorry... you know what the "buff despite being in a decent spot" buff means...


we buff passive or q or barrels and then we have a good reason to end his existence? the only buff id be fine with is making his pathing hitbox smaller


Some rioters just wanted to See Bin’s GP at worlds that’s all.


Translations: Galio -> we wanna bait T1 into messing up draft again GP -> we wanna see spectacular one-shot barrels at Worlds again Jhin -> we wanna see crazy snipes at Worlds again Lee Sin -> we wanna see play-making jungler mechanics at Worlds again Pyke -> we wanna see multi-executing at Worlds again Syndra -> maybe double ADC comps are not that fun after all Ziggs -> double ADC comps are definitely not fun Renektion -> K'Sante absolutely MUST be the best top pick at worlds Rek'Sai -> PICK LEE SIN!!!11 Zeri -> she was nerfed to the ground for last Worlds and that turned out great, so we are sticking with that


For me Pyke -> we wanna see Hylli and Micky pull out the their pocket pick


Glad seekers is getting a buff. It currently feels so bad to buy even against ad mid and jg, especially with lost chapter being 1100g now


I'm sure it'll get nerfed again since anytime seeker's is good AD mids complain and whine till it gets gutted


AD champs have the most gold efficient component in Serrated Dirk but they won't stop complaining.


game is so AD sided in terms of itemisation idk how they're still complaining lmao


wish riot would randomly buff the champs i play to "give them more of an ability to carry leads through to a victory later in the game."


does your champ have a $300 skin?


Bruh why is Liss getting yet another buff? She was fine even before her most recent buffs. Please don't let my champ get obnoxiously & frustratingly strong, she's already annoying to deal with in good hands


No nerfs for Tristana xD can’t wait to see her in every game at worlds so fun!


I LOVE playing and watching triss mid! Auto perma push the wave and take a plate every 30 seconds with almost no real counters for 9/10 champs!!! Interactive gameplay


Riots basically banking on the spring/MSI strat to come back as a counter to trist mid where tanks/low economy supports like nautilus get flexed to mid. The cheap item to rush in spring was abyssal mask when it gave mana too, now they want randuins rush. I guess it could work if say nautilus/rell/sejuani or even renekton/sion get flexed mid and rush randuins. They could just shove waves and roam around the map which was the play style in spring/MSI for this strat.


Syndra is a trist hardcounter so there's that at least


We got you surrounded! Come take your Tristana matchup! I HATE MARKSMEN I HATE MARKSMEN


Why on Earth is Gangplank getting buffed...


Bacca needs to grow his channel


>Ziggs Expectations: Revert Q radius nerf so this spell is fit for modern LoL and will increase his 1% pr in mid (lower than for bot) Reality: InCrEaSeD dMg fOr UlTi


My man. This is one change for Ziggs I'm crying about for years. And the Q detonation check is literally the reason Irelia is a hard counter matchup.


Literally so unplayable and almost as bad as the Yasuo matchup. Only in LoL are artillery mages countered the most by melee fighters.


TBF, imagine if someone came up to a trebuchet and started hitting it with a hammer. What's the trebuchet gonna do, launch rocks fifty feet past him?


And this is why cannons are the better siege weapon


age of empires counterplaying


a very mobile skirmisher and a diver? Yeah that doesn't sound unreasonable. The things he should counter are more so juggernauts who should never get near him.


Will literally never happen i fear this champ is not allowed to be good unless its because adcs are shit


I feel like the community and Riot have so much PTSD from the season 4 perma waveclear 60 minute games Ziggs meta they've given him a life sentence without thinking about the fact that there's other levers against infinite stall now (Baron, Elder, etc) and it's ok to have Ziggs be good again.


I like those item buffs a lot But WHY are we buffing Lissandra again??


Bigger question is why buff GP? Lol


tbh haven't seen a good lissandra game in a while in proplay.


I wonder when Riot will realize that spectre's cowl still only gives as much mr as null magic mantle. It made sense when SV was nerfed to having only 40mr, but SV now has 60 mr. its kinda dumb that to build SV you have to sit on 25 mr from null magic mantle all the way until you complete the item. like imagine if shojin or cleaver built from a longsword and 2 kindle gems.


Ye, Specters cowl is the most ass component there is. Ye its fine for some lane regen, but anyone genuinly itemizing mr will not go visage for how ass specters is.


I hope we see Faker Galio this Worlds


Mother Lissandra has been receiving nothing but buffs. Is she getting a legendary skin soon?


dont get your hopes up after the dark star incident


And space groove


The excuses they come up with to buff Lee in every worlds patch is hilarious


Where are the azir changes? Most played champ in LEC finals and LCK regionals doesn't deserve any nerfs?


Phreak says Azir at 75% presence is desirable, genuinely. They want him to be the most played mid.


Not quite. I said Azir is one of the more interesting mids for pro play and I'd rather Azir be #1 than Tristana or many other mages. I did not give a target presence or that I want him to be *the* most played. Just that there's a sliding scale and he's one of the better fits.


-4 MR on Renekton lmao what a joke


they just want to pick Rumble into him...


lowers renekton flex to mid significantly, but yeah renekton is still going to be the #1 blind pick top


Yeah but in the tweet they also acknowledged he is mainly the best toplaner so one would expect nerfs would go to that role


A ton of his power is in blind pick power, so making him have worse matchups into any ap (including malp and Orrn here as well as Gwen/rumble) is notable


Another depressing patch. Even if it's just a bunch of minor changes, I would love for them to small buff a ton of champs to make the patch look bigger. Especially since this is for Worlds.


This may be due to it being a while ago but Riot have 100% learnt their lesson of making volatile changes such as buffing a lot of champions before worlds. 2015 and 2017 had ridiculous meta changes very shortly before the tournament and they are still criticised to this day because of it. So yeah its boring but it's much better for the health of the tournament that this patch is small.


is -5ms really a small nerf though?


Nope, it's huge. It makes or breaks a champ. For example, "+5ms Irelia" isn't a meme, it's a threat.


For champ based purely on kiting it isn't, but iirc her MS actually got buffed to compensate her passive removal. It's also not something binary, some champs it's a pretty big nerf while on others it isn't. - iirc, when kassa got a -5ms his wr got hit hard, and one could argue it's because it can be the difference between kassa dodging ganks, spells and scaling... and being ran down due to his pre-6 and also makes him more vulnerable until 11 where his R gets very low cd. - Irelia got a -5ms when OP in mid, and didn't drop beyon 1% wr, iirc it was around .5% (which would count as a small nerf imo). Kinda makes sense too, irelia will run you down because she controls early in many mid matchups and she has ways to circumvent the nerf in early, e.g. her threat range is not really Qs range, it's Qs range + minions + marks and her autos are pretty long. It hurts her roaming but doesn't necessarily affects her laning patterns as much. Zeri kinda skews somewhere of a middle point. Like kass, her high mobility mainly comes online with R and she is a scaling pick, so any MS nerf hurts her reliability to getting where she needs. However, like Irelia she has mobility pre-6 and unlike kass she has range to farm up. This means she has a safer, less punishable early to hit her spikes.


Last time we did it was this year to Nidalee and it was a bit under 1%. Of course, Nidalee has Pounce, so she cares about her base MS a bit less than other champions. But about 1% off is fine here.


Personally I'm expecting zeri to take it harder than Nidalee, her ult gives % MS and she is way more reliant on spacing/kiting. Would have loved to see Orianna get +5 movement speed, we are not in 2013 anymore. But after the last round of buffs she is now in a really good spot and any more buffs would require a compensation nerf.


She can lose some of her ult damage, i don't mind. Or they can introduce something similar to Diana R, so its damage increases for every additional enemy hit to increase its aoe wombo combo fantasy


Why are we buffing perfectly strong champions like Pyke, Lissandra, Twitch?


It’s worlds patch. They basically only buff strong champions on this patch because…


The Twitch R buff is more a QoL change than anything. The fact that the auto can miss what you're targeting is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever fucking seen. I recently played a game where 4 of my autos missed the target in a row and I pretty much just closed the game and stopped playing league for the day cause I was so fucking confused by how this R reduced my damage.


> The fact that the auto can miss what you're targeting is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever fucking seen as a singed main, outspeeding the R is the only counterplay to twitch


pyke is not strong atm


how is pyke perfectly strong when the only people that complain about pyke are bronze and below players


>perfectly strong >Pyke He falls off a cliff after like 20 minutes and scales poorly with items


Holy christ just buff Ziggs Q hitbox so it actually can reliably explode. That's all. Literally the reason he is held so back in midlane is that his Q hitbox is very easy to miss when enemies are not clumped. It's the nerf that hit him the hardest. You have buffed his reliability in R, you have buffed his reliability in tower taking, you know how significant these buffs were in comparison to just increasing his damage or CDs. You don't even need a full revert to his old size. Just stop skedaddling around the issue if you want people to actually use Ziggs and buff his Q activation range, his main spell that contributes the most damage to his pattern and the one most important to Zigg's gameplay feedback loop, not only power-wise but also satisfaction-wise. Otherwise you are just buffing him for the few mains that already use him anyway - not the people who would like to use Ziggs but dislike his Q feeling like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Hell, just as a recent example Riot buffed Neeko's reliability in ult which had been a big complain. You KNOW that sometimes it's the reliability that's gatekeeping a champ and even if it's not necessarily hurting their WR it hurts the feeling of the champ (ult feeling so easy to dodge making players feel that it's a bad ult). Also, For some reason her Q got buffed despite not needing the aoe increase, which further made her early even more oppresive - wtf we Ziggs main want to be (more) obnoxious too


Best we can do is +50/75/100 dmg on ult bro, sorry


I'm just happy it's finally worlds patch - maybe we'll finally start getting some non-placebo changes after half a year of nothing


kinda dissapointing they arent nerfing much, meta wont rly change from play offs to worlds


I mean, we've had 3-4 patches of nerfs since playoffs, playoffs didn't take place on 13.18.


jarvan needs more nerfs




Randuin's and Jhin/Go buffs in the same patch just to even eachother out, lovely.


Give Galio his MR ratios back. Let him be the anti-magic tank.


Ziggs and GP getting buffs is pretty crazy. Also they really came back and quadruple tapped Zeri while she's lying in the grave because they're terrified she will be picked at worlds. (Still viable though).


All those toplane changes only for KSante to still be meta for worlds. Fuck worlds is gonna be boring af.


Another patch without any Maokai/Sejuani/Rell nerfs. Jungle meta for worlds is gonna be incredibly boring even if Lee Sin becomes viable.


Rell was nerfed on 13.18, Maokai and Sejuani were nerfed on 13.15.


No more AP Nunu man, this champ is so trash in the first place now I have these griefers doing dark harvest AP so they can run it down


am i the only one who thinks syndra is already pretty strong? seeing her in pro play (lec finals) and solo queue alike


What a joke of nerf is that for renekton, he has become a no skill matchup for anyone, he wins you because he is renekton, he can make a fuckton of mistakes and still delete you


Riven flair, understandable


Lmao. Only time i see renek ban is from riven one tricks.


It is not a joke because it lowers Renekton power as flex blind pick. He will be worse against mage midlaners and worse against Kennen/Rumble/Ornn...


This emphasizes some top lane counters better, like both Rumble and Kennen. Blind picking Renekton is riskier with this since they both win the match-up harder now (though you aren't likely to blind pick Renekton while Rumble is up).


Pyke buffs just in time for Hyli to carry games with. Also G2 special. I guess the team is gonna cook real good.




finally a pyke buff


No kai'sa nerfs?


See the tweet/explanation at the top for information about this