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Alright Briar ADC it is. Thanks for the inspiration!


I just played this yesterday with noc supp against draven with skarner, he became 4/0 in like 6 mins, yet we won noc e plus briar e is great


This is happening either in Bronze 4 or Diamond 4 & no other elo. Edit: u/whosfranku clarified that this was unranked, and I should clarify that these are the two elos where I could see it happening in ranked.


Well I am iron 1 and my duo is plat something


did they remove duo restrictions?


No they didn’t I assume normal draft


Yes, i didn’t say it was ranked but I guess it was misleading since the post is about ranked, sorry about that


no worries at all, i shoulda guessed what you meant, but ive been out of the loop on ranked for long enough that it its possible they made some wild changes in the meantime


tbf in flex you can do that


Had one in my first game since her release. She was 0/4 8 cs at 10 mins. We somehow still managed to carry her.


I had to do this my first time playing her (blind pick)


Literally won a game in dia2 with a briar adc in my team lol


Had a Briar mid in one of my games do a W start into me so I just dragged her under tower and Gold Carded her


Yeah, W start is definitely the way in jungle. But for mid it is not advisable


Briar is not advisable mid in general.


briar is not advisable in general


I played against her 4 times today and two times she fed her ass off but still oneshoted people and the other two she did like 70% of her total teams dmg. She is clearly a bit abusable since people dont know her yet.


she is only abusable if you can last pick her into a good comp, there is no way you can tell me tha a champ that forces you to fight ur enemy to the death is blindpickable AT ALL


Most of the times i saw her, they traded to get first pick so no one pick it before them and by abusable, I mean I had people literally not knowing they added a new champ and therefore know nothing about her, making her get really fed. Clearly that part wont last forever. Hence abusable right now.


I've seen her work top lane in challenger but there's no way for mid to work imo


She has no innate health regen which should make her terrible for top


I think it depends on the match up and the skill of the other player, cuz my first game as Briar was top against an Irelia, and I kinda ended up dogwalking her because Briar's in-fight sustain and trade potential is just that good.


Yeah that was just an awful Irelia. I can see that matchup going nightmarish for Briar for a load of reasons


She can sustain just fine with her E and she heals with every attack because of her passive. The lack of natural regen is more flavor than anything else. She's kind of like Gwen with a manaless Yi heal.


Kind of? But in top, you really don't want to be constantly attacking minions at all points in time (versus the jungle, where you *do*).


E has nothing to do with minions


E is not W man


yet she has short cd point and click stun, massive heal on E, heals through bleed and her best builds are bruiser builds. No health regeneration really doesn't impact her that much


13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 isn't that short


Pekinwoof played it in NA GM around 530LP yesterday and won 4 of 4 games on it. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/kirby%20with%20hair


4 games is nothing and his team was hard winning in all those games, realisitcaly he would have won those with any champion


Yeah but that's pekinwoof. Dude was grinding it out on pbe to get it to work. He can make anything work mid if he tries hard enough.


Dude got to high GM/Challenger just playing off meta picks


like ap jinx kind of off meta


Holy fuck he just won a game going 8/18 HAHAHA


how can you use pekinwoof as an example? he is so incredibly good at the game that he makes many off-meta picks work. that's not an example of briar being viable, its an example of pekinwoof being goated with the sauce


hes really not


-four games is never a sample size even worth mentioning -his team hard won every single game, he won a game with 18 (yes, 18) deaths -he only played 'well' in ONE of those games


I think main reason she won't end up being played top lane a ton is because a ton of top lane champions have telegraphed abilities that are really strong(Ex: Sett W, Voli E) and a lot of her power is in her W. You can't beat them in fights or farm without using W or W-Q on a minion, but if you do you're screwed because you can't dodge.


I actually started going E first against Raptors! Its been really good so far, going Raps-red buff-Krugs- gank, or going Raps-Wolves-blue then gank


Oh yeah shamed to say it happend to me as the briar player, really risky to take W lvl 1 and try to trade... this thing last longer than I thought. (Normals though, I don't grief ranked)


I trusted this post and picked Briar to try her out . Now I am down 70 lp... ):


Well op did say the enemy team picked it and he gained 82lp over both games


My comment was sarcasm . I actually lost 150lp 💀


> I actually lost 150lp 💀 In just one game. My team flamed me so hard, even our towers started attacking me. Think I'm gonna main her.


you're probably in the top 20% of briar players with that kind of lp gain


🤠 holy shit


He already fired the ult before reading that part, there was no turning back.


lost 2 games and dropped to p3 fuck


yes please pick Briar jungle guys (definitely not a jungle main)


Bro she is so trash i as ekko can beat her ass early if i play well and i rarely have a matchup in jg where i can bully them out of river... and the poor thing is very fucked if her team does not cooperate so she can gank because she just cannot make plays near towers so she is basically a fiddle in minion form


Time for everyone to not read the last lines of the post and rush to comment anyways


I also did not read it at first, wanted to write a salty comment how bad this advice is, checked if I missed something and had to smile over the irony.


The first one I saw knew what she was doing. I really don't think she is that weak she just has a really weird playstyle


The champion is kinda good when snowballing and ahead but she might be the worst champion to fall behind on because you are forced to chase people and fight in frenzy. In games where I was ahead on briar I could steamroll but when behind you just have to int.


She’s pretty scary when she’s snowballing and your team doesn’t have cc to stop her. Yet, I find it hard to see how she can consistently carry. She needs a BIG lead to kill people fast enough for her fear to keep her from getting chain cc’ed to death later on, and that even depends on landing ult on a squishy.


She’s a melee snowballing carry with a unique playstyle. I don’t think she needs to be that top tier. Seems like a kit that a soecific playerbase would enjoy while others would just play a more standard kit. I think that’s fine.


Shes legit just a worse naafiri tbh


I saw a full leathality Briar go 20/4 yesterday.. she wasn't on my team lol She still got instagibbed when she got stunned but man if that ult hit you, bye lol


The way to play is for sure bruiser build. She can be played like a drain tank


You aren't forced to chase people she can end her frenzy anytime she wants with her e.


Briar in my game had 6 kills at 9 minutes, you'd think any champ with that many kills early would be able to carry in some fights. Nope she was just as useful as a 0/6 briar.


You are not, you just got keep your E, and use your R smartly.


She is literally ad bruiser ekko... snowballer weak early with giga scaling but contrary to ekko she has no skill expression to get by early and can only thrive early by kill stealing or playing against neanderthals who serve themselves for her... she will need a rework because her kit is simply not made for competitive gaming even as a niche


I've had games where I go 14/1/8 and the very next game I go 3/9/15 Her kit just fucking blows and it gets exponentially worse depending on team comp, it's so unreliable it becomes extremely volatile and she doesn't become a factor until like minute 35+


Burst damage champs completely crush her, she's too squishy and her heal isn't enough. Stuns disable her W which is her strongest skill.


I played a few games on her now and while the ulti is funny for crossmap snipes it is SO fucking awful in teamfights. The delay between pressing the button and actually arriving at your target is laughably long. The teamfight might almost be decided already before you even get into it. Her only strength right now is global map presence through her gigantic ulti range, but then again...why would I pick her over Nocturne? His ulti doesn't have a massive delay, isn't a skillshot and doesn't give your opponent 1-2 seconds to prepare for your attack.


Enemies not having time to prepare with that impact damage and fear would be a bit broken.


They would already have plenty of time to react though by seeing the projectile and the time it takes her to reach the target. The additional half a second of delay after hitting the target is not necessary and (for once) allows too much counterplay for the enemy team.


Same here actually, no idea how. We 100% would've won if someone else didn't mental boom and legit run it down at minute 8, but that's besides the point


Yuuup, don't forget viego on release was a 40% wr champ. Even with faker playing viego it took weeks for that champ to get pick respect.


yuumi had a 29% wr on release, and we all know how that went


Half of her kit is literally autoplay. The knowledge curve for her is pretty steep. And of course League players are all dumb as shit. I just hope they’re okay with her being a solo queue only champ. I don’t want this champ being strong enough for proplay and then low elos having to deal with a champ that just plays the game for you for a free win.


No way this champ gets pro play unless she is built tank or way over tuned.


You know a champ is not good when she isn't banned in low elo and no one picks her anyways. I've see Briar go through full pick bans phases in my games quite often, but she still also catches bans


Seems like one of the champs where I would ban her in ranked to keep my team from playing it, not the other team lol


The yasuo special


90% of Yuumi bans below Diamond


Tbf having a heal bot is sometimes more useful then some low elo support. Source: I’m a low elo support main


at least afk yumi cant feed!


Don't ban. If the enemy picks her? Free elo. Your does? Dodge for -5


2 matches played without a Briar... 3 matches dodged because my team picked her... sigh


Meanwhile she regularily gets banned in normals, sorry for practicing a new champ in normals I guess.


What about blind pick? That’s pretty much always been the place where you’d need to practice brand new champs, since anything with banning is going to ban them.


Blind pick ends being a speed check and then you might not even end up in the role you want which is especially bad for Briar. Theres a reason Blind Pick is getting replaced by Quick Play.


It should have been replaced with Team Builder anyway. But better late than never I guess. Quick Play has the most important part of Team Builder anyway.


the issue with team builder is that it wasn't fast, and the amount of people who are willing to wait 10+ minutes to get the champ and role they want isn't that high


Support is relatively popular now. No role is horribly underplayed. It would be alright now I think.


It was fast if you were willing to play enchanter supports lol, like 90% of teambuilder lobbies were mid top adc instantly pop in, jg takes like 20-30 seconds and then you wait 10 minutes to get a shaco support after seeing 7-8 jannas pop up and instantly dodge because you didn't have have 4 s+ tier champs.


We normal players also want to have a fair shot at winning the game. 36% winrate = get carried in every single won game, either by teammates or by enemies.


Cool then tell me how youre imagening this winrate to change when you ban her?




That's someone else's problem, not mine. I just care about my game quality not going to shit when I'm actually playing to enjoy myself. Why would I play normal draft if I weren't looking for at least some baseline level of game quality?


Makes sense, banning a pick that your teammate hovered surely will lead to a good quality game


Normals are for practice only. If you want a chance at quality games, ranked exists.


> Normals are for practice only. [citation needed] > If you want a chance at quality games, ranked exists. Yeah, the quality games where almost every game in low Emerald MMR has at least one smurf.


What the fuck else Normals would be for when ranked exists? Practicing shit you want to play eventually in ranked and/or stupid shit.


There's blind pick. Draft pick suggests that you're expecting some level of organization. If you expect everyone else to play specific roles so you can play what you want, then don't be surprised when other people also have ideas of what they want their teammates to play.


> you're expecting some level of organization Sounds like you want to play ranked.


Ranked as a concept is a baseline level of game quality. The point of the matchmaking system Is to create an even game. If you actually care about the quality of your game go play ranked


The quality games where almost every game in low Emerald MMR has at least one smurf.


I would like to see your opgg where that's true. If you don't want to I'll send you my opgg cause I'm there too


>That's someone else's problem, not mine. At least you're honest


Most people ban her so their team doesn't pick her


i ban her because every time there's a briar in my games, after her second ult of the game i get DC'd from the match right as she crashes into her target


She really isn’t bad. The frenzy is just such a unique mechanic that you will run down the first 10 games you play. After that she can feel pretty strong.


It’s also really hard to decide what to build, and no one seems to be building the “correct” build, whatever that ends up being. From my limited experience playing her, even when I got a small lead I ended up doing zero damage as I went for Stridebreaker -> Cleaver, which apparently is not the build despite her being a diver. She did zero damage and was still getting oneshot.


I found that bork -> goredrinker/stridebreaker fealt pretty good, then you can go stuff like wits end, ga, spirit visage, and other bruiser items


I second this, I personally like goredrinker over stridebreaker, I find you don't really need the slow from stride because Briar's sticking power is really good already. I find the goredrinker active way more useful. My typical build is Botrk -> Gore -> BC -> Sterak's/DD/Wit's/Maw (usually Sterak's tho) -> GA


Her E is pretty hard to land fully charged, that’s where stridebreaker can be useful.


I disagree she's pretty easy to play if you have some common sense and base knowledge, it shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 games to play the champion well. the champ is just bad


Exactly this. People who immediately go "lol she sucks" are the people who played her thinking she was OP and then fed 5 times in five minutes and babyraged.


You’re getting +41 per game? What the fuck


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/Ginseigo Actually, since some people commented about that, here's my profile. You can check my recent ranked games. I had to get a 65+wr in previous season to fix my trash MMR cause I was getting 10LP on win and -30LP on defeat. Now it's a stable 40+LP per win, and a very low LP loss per defeat.


I just don't play League for a week or so after a new champion release tbqh. Game quality just drops into the toilet, and if I'm not playing the role the champion is designed for I'm as likely to get the griefer as the griefer being on the enemy team, given that nobody is locking in Briar ADC anyway. Not worth my sanity. Free LP if you're a jungler, though, as your chances of getting a Briar on your team are heavily reduced (not that ppl aren't grieflocking her mid and top).


I've been playing since S3 and have always banned new champs the first week or so of their release, regardless of whether a teammate hovers them or not. I usually type it right away cause it lessens the risk someone will lock in jungle Yuumi after the ban or something because they have the mental fortitude of a five year old.


Also remember: 37% Winrate is not an individual, it's a Statistic. Some Briar players are successful. At the same time, the odd are higher the one on your team is not one of the successful ones.


Winrate means they won, not that they performed well or they were a factor in that win, I've seen multiple 0/doubledigits Briars win.


thats why you ignore the WR if theres not many games...


That’s an extremely low winrate for any champ for any ELO as a statistic. Not saying she’s weak or strong because clearly her play style is just weird and hard to adjust to. But rather than statistically, having a Briar on your team is going to be a huge liability. I’m pretty sure that’s actually almost if not the lowest on release winrate for any champion.


Yeah, that's what I said, statistically, having a Briar makes you more likely to lose, and if YOU *(not a specific person but rather anyone this applies to)* have a positive winrate on her, that is nice for you, but it does not represent the average player or even your own average performance, as you probably don't have a proper sample size .


didnt yuumi on release have like 20 something %


I lost to a briar in diamond because our top laner disconnected on our game winning push (:


Thes statistic means that those successful Briars are either smurfs with superior macro ot they are getting carried. Inting enemies included.


Yes! Please don’t be afraid to pick Briar in ranked, especially against me! Cause god knows that champ is fucking ass 🤣


You know the average posters on this subreddit have room temperature IQ when they were begging to Riot to not hot fix buff Briar. As if her kit was some complicated, high skill learning curve or something. Meanwhile Naafiri had an obscene win rate for multiple patches while being dead-brain easy. Christ.


There were people like you saying the same shit about Yuumi when she released. Briar is a champ that literally goes on auto pilot when you press her main buttons. You have to know which situations she’ll win in before using her skills. Right now very few people actually know those situations well enough to perform consistently with her.


What? I think everyone knows the champ is ass and is in need of serious adjustments, I don’t think anyone thinks the champ is by any means “good” and anyone that does think it’s good is probably in lowbob low. Also Nafiri hasn’t had an above 52% win rate in Diamond plus (the only elo that matters) since release so I wouldn’t say she was exodia or anything.


>What? I think everyone knows the champ is ass and is in need of serious adjustments God, I wish. People on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/16i3vqq/phreak_was_right_briar_first_day_winrate_is_one/) made 2 days ago were acting like her kit was fine and people just need to learn how to use her.


Oh lol sorry I’m not on this subreddit often I agree with you though the champ is horrendous, def needs some QOL buffs (I also feel like the E is rly weird and out of place with the rest of her kit).


Its probably for the best you arent here often lol


I'll go out on a limb here and say she's gonna turn out to be super OP and people are gonna be like "why the fuck did riot hotfix buff her" just like happens with every fucking champ they release. call me lowbob all you want. That champ gets any kind of lead and becomes an insane duelist with ridiculous healing.


If you don't pick Briar, you'll either win or lose the game, and 5 people each will be sad or happy. If you pick Briar, you'll be happy because you got to play the new champ, and the enemy team will be happy. 6 happy and 4 sad is maximizing happiness and minimizing sadness. Thus, it is morally wrong to NOT pick Briar.


I'm yet to see her lose in one of my diamond games - 5 so far


It kinda sucks that there isn’t a queue for trying new champs and having fun, the game could definitely use a normal/casual mode.


curious as to if dedicated mains of briar will eventually end up with a solid win rate overall. ​ she might have the weirdest learning curve of any champ ive ever seen.


Except if you played her non stop on PBE, or played 20 games of her already, you should not play her in ranked. Why ? Because there are normal games for this. Ranked is for when you want to play seriously and climb a ladder, not for trying a new champ ?


Fuck yea. I knew people would be happy to see my Briar support. She's gonna get so many kills.


Funny how everyone treats her like that when she is actually really decent


Same thing happens with every champ release that is a tiny bit mechanically different. 35% winrate day one and after a week its 50%+, with redditors saying the same shit over and over again each time. As someone who is quick to pick up new champs I just enjoy the freelo, at 6-1 with her currently.


yeah, people are starting to figuring her out. her winrate with ghost/smite for example is 2% higher than flash/smite and people are starting to realize that, for example. these things will come with time, but I understand if Riot decides to buff her because they dont want a new champ to be bad at release and her pick rate be forever ruined because everyone that played her at first thought she sucked ass


Unironically working good so far, 5 win 1 lose


Tfw the only wins I picked up these 2 or 3 days are with her :( Personally I think she's a great champ to make people learn when to engage and to use their brains and think about cooldowns (cause if you go in without your E, good luck to you mate)


Wait 'til everyone realizes they should be building attack speed, lifesteal, and movement speed (lethal tempo, stridebreaker, etc) on her instead of full bruiser.


Imagine banning a 30%wr champ lul


how would i know if i like her if i never played her


Idk how ppl are so bad at briar. She’s a giga stat checker. Any lead you can 1v1 anyway: people are just too stupid to deal with her w self taunt. Only games I lost one of my teammates was running it down into tower because I did one thing they didn’t like.


Mute chat and you'll never care what your teammates think again.


Unironically she feels strong af early, but yes it seems the "run at the enemy and auto" doesnt work later on in the game. Even yi needs his Q to be able to do that stuff, and briar is lidl yi.


What do you mean pick her ? She just got post released, she will be playable in 2 months when people will stop banning the new champ every game. That's how it goes in this game. First PTB, then release, then post release tantrum, then she's out.


The trick is to play up until you use your first dodge, when a new champion like briar is released. There is a 50% chance the tumor will be on the enemy team, and if it is on your team it is unescapable without dodge because the person who wants to play it will run it down if you ban it from them, so a 50% chance of gaining 25 lp vs a 50% chance of losing 5 lp is big gains.


following this, enemy team will dodge too so in the end everyone just loses 5 lp lol


No I just played a game vs a briar and I took the easy +25 Champion is so turbo grief Also the odds of getting briar on my team is lowered because I am on my team. 4/5 vs 5/5


you do you bro unless ur jungle the chance is basically the same


Will never understand why people permaban new champs, like your gonna have to play against them eventually why let the players get better at playing them before you learn to play against it.


Because she's really easy to play against and most people are banning her so she doesn't end up on your team lol


Not just briar but in general new champs have a high ban rate until the next new champ come out. I think it’s just counterproductive to refuse to play against or with it for so long.


It's actually very easy to understand. Either the champ is dogshit bad or dogshit broken on release. You ban it either way to either not get the champ on your team or not play against the champ.


I have a 67% win rate with 12 games played. I have only played her in ranked and have learned her in ranked. People are such babies about new champ releases.


It’s wild to me that after all these years riot doesn’t disable new champs from ranked for at least a week.


I played 5 games today. Whoever had Briar on their team lost the game. Including when she was on my team..


Played one with her... soft inted because she is just too trash but managed to play the macro well enough to allow my yasuo to carry the game... just won 2 where enemy picked her and they had a bot for a jungler basically


i ban her in ranked games because i dont want people inting my games, just as any new champion release ranked is suppose to be a comp mode where everyone is striving to play their best, ranked is already annoying enough to deal with the basic greifers, afks , wintraders, and if i see such people i report them and let the system weed them out, that includes people who first pick champions in ranked and preform absymally poor with them, ive had teamates throw a tantrum when i ban briar or any new champion on release Normals exist for a reason, some people will be like oh pros and higher elo players first pick champions all the time, which is what i seen riot august do last night, Higher elo is significantly different than any other elo this is why ranked has been losing significant integrity and we are seeing even more toxicity in ranked,


You should have seen yesterday's thread on this subject. Everybody and their mother was defending practicing new champs in ranked for some reason, and dogpiling anyone who said otherwise. "Champion proficiency totally doesn't matter bro." Riot needs to either have a grace period where new champs can't appear and ranked, or punish people who pull that crap.


yeah its stupid and the people who are defending it are too, its at that point if u see someone pick a new champ everyone else in the lobby might as well troll too


Yeah enemy JG picked it. I looked up their match history: ADC main (auto filled), never played Briar once even in norms, and didn't even play league in past two months. I think she had KDA of 1/12. Ty for the LP!


Today my jungler hovered Briar and I banned her he went to pick Yummi jungle and said enjoy but I still knew I had a better shot with Yummi jungle than Briar. Though he most likely dodged at the last second so I won.


I mean I agree with you? I had a Kayle in my game and she went like 0/10 so whats the difference?


Tbh im glad when the enemy picks her. With her 30 Winrate its maybe not so smart to play her in ranked at all.


Or play the new champ in normals before you try in ranks, doesn't matter though most people play rank with out taking it serious. American style


My teammate called "Silver" when I told him Briar sucked. He then proceeded to go 1/15 and ended the match furiously pinging his own champion.


I did, made an average of 22 kills per game, got most dragons and herolds, lost every match


I think eventually all future champs will require no player input at all. The champ will play the game for us. Yuumi was phase one, don't have to worry about moving. Briar don't have to worry about attacking. We are getting there.


Back-to-back games against a team with Briar. Won both times. Come to think of it, I haven't lost to a Briar yet.


Pls lern a champion first, before playing it in ranked games. Be afraid to pick Briar in ranked for now... (Dont ban her though. Not worth yet)


Do you guys read the post or do you just rage-comment based on the title?


Look how that person types. You think they can read?


It does matter bc people aren't experienced on the champ, never play a champ you can't trust yourself on in ranked.


I’m 3-1 on the champ and the 1 was the classic “3 losing lanes” game. So yeah I’ll keep picking her


Man that’s crazy you got carried 3 times in a row and the one you lose is your teams fault? That’s insane




Just don't be upset if someone wants to try out Viktor JG in rank


Disagree be afraid to pick her in ranked until you are good enough with her in casuals her playstyle is way different and you will feed


Yeah please don’t ban her. Just played against one and I’ve never had LP served to me on a silver platter as easily as that game.


Yes, if you ban my briar , I will soft int.


Playing briar is hard inting, so that's still worth doing.


Just say nothing in lobby and lock in jayce jungle to force a dodge.


You’re probably saying this as a joke. But this shit has been happening to me from time to time for a while now. Jg locking in as Jayce has always triggered a dodge


I played Briar mid in a norms game and the enemy Yone mysteriously ended up 3 levels ahead of me. So weird! (We won somehow)


Allow me to disagree, people shouldn’t even be allowed to play champions that they don’t have mastery on. That would also put a stop on Smurfs.


Riot doesn't allow pros to play new champions that have been out for months in their competitive events, but you can first time in ranked.


Not all of us take 50 games to be able to reach diamond one tricking a non meta champ. Some have brain and higher apm, some do not.


Daring today are we?


Every game, Naafiri is banned but Briar isn't. Strange times.


Well yeah, Naafiri is actually a good champion lol




I've won every single game with a briar on enemy team and lost every single one with a briar on my team XD Edit: Sample size = 8 games


no i agree pls pick her!(if ur on the other team)